HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-11, Page 4uru.aus.,.....,,,,i.r.arto,rallawaftwoult.wc000rta.ocaumwsOnal!munt.
off he Cowgeit with ggdi-
last -week's is,sue we published an
artiele about Ettropeen eonditions as
eeeii by the cari410,0.. Weekly News -
'paper Editoes on their recent tone.
i'hafollowing le a resame sketch held
over from the week before:
We Sundayed at Harrogate, that
wonderfully beautiful island Spa in
Yorkshire. Higb-livers go there from
all parts of the kingdom to get "boil-
ed, out" We had no sooner got sea-
led at the Prospect Hotel than we had
a call from a distinguished old Walk-
ereou, boy Mr, Arther Mcg:onuell, eld-
est on. of Mr. and Mrs: Oliver Mee
Votmell, Mr. lelcConnell, it will be
remembered., resigned his position as
Professor of Architecture at the Uni-
versity of Toronto this spring to re-
el.& in England, Where Ms wife's peo-
ple live, Mr. McConnell has a lovely
home hi Harrogate and likes it great
ly here, We understand he enjoys
'even a higher reptitation in. his line
here than he did in Canada. We were
Sorry not to be able to visit his home
as our ptogremme did not permit it
We visited Fonutain's Abbey, one Of
the ancient monasteriee of the north,
in the afteruoon, and steapped at Ripon
a fameas old ^town -which dates back
to Alfred the Great. We greatly en-
joyed the drive through rural York-
shire. It is an immense country,, the
greatest in. England.• in. size and first
in industrial importance. The coun-
try, except for the hedges reminded as
very much oirtiral Ontario. Perhaps
that is eyby so many Yorle.shirernen
lied their way to our province. At
Fountain's Abbey, Dr. Moody, 0.B.E.,
explained to us the interesting his-
torical points regarding this ancient
ruin which dates bacle to the 5th cen-
tury, It is one of the scores of won-
derful edifices which Henry VIII de-
stroyed by one. fell stroke of his pen.
Later in the afternoon in the small
city of Ripon, the Lord Mayor show-
ed us the horn presented to the city
by Alfred the Great -when he present-
ed Ripon with its charter. For cen-
turies the free city was governed by
wakemen, and even today the watch- is the spacious hall where a Lew.
Irian sohnds the great horn daily at 9 months ago Mr. and Mrs. Jamie
p.m. The present watchman is a little Brown received the fine Lords and
slim chap less than five feet tall, and Ladies of Scotland, Queen Victoria
he inust have lunge of iron. He gave we were told, never liked Holyrood
us a demonstration of blowing the and wanted. the citizens of Edin.burgh
horn, a single blast lasting half a. mM- to turn over to her a home for the
Me. An ordinary layman couldn't blind to be Used as her Edinburgh
melee a sound with it. He told me his home. The Edinburgh folks refused to
record was 58 seconds, Thoughout do. Kiag George V. is exceptionally
the war there. was a military training popular in Edinburgh, as is the Prince
camp at Ripon with a 'Capacity of 35,- of Wales. The day we were there was
000 troaps. I-Ialf a million troops, in- one of the days that the children. of the
eluding many Canadians, were sta- city were permitted to play in the
tioaed at Ripon. one time or another. beautiful grounds of the palace, which
Our visit to the ancient city of 1 is the ptoperty of the Crown.
-York, third. in imporlatace in. England,
seemed all too brief. After being for -
ally slopes down the hill to Holyrood
Castle on the plain. In the morning
we took a tor of the city by Chars-
a-bance, visitiog many of the points of
interest, We 'visited the law courts
and ia the -basement Saw some of the
original manuscripts of Sir Walter
Scott and Bobbie Burns. We saw Sta
Giles Cathedral, where Tenny Geddes
threw her stool at the head of the
offending clergyman who had the
temerity to read the King's message,
stood at John Knox's burial place in
the courtyard, and. passed or. to the
grave yard which was the historic
prison of the Scotch covenanters. We
had a fine Sebt, Mr. John Tennant,
as our guide and his explanation of
the historic points of interest left
nothing to be d.esired. We saw the
house of Raeburn, the famous Scot-
ish painter, whose pictures we had
seen at the home of 1VIadame Stera in
Paris, in the London Art Galleries,
and later in the Glasgow Museum.
We entered neatly of the narrow closes
or alleyways leading into inner comts
and hed pointed out to as what were
at one time the homes of the literary
elite htet are to -day the slums of Edin-
At noon we were lunched by Sir
John Findley, the Edinburgh news-
paper publisher, two hundred of the
American advertisers being our fel-
low guests. Besides the Chairman
and Lord Mayor there were only two
speakers, Mr. Scherraerhorn of De-
troit, whom we know a old. as a real
spell binder, and our own Mr. 'Wil-
liam McDonald of Chesley, who rose
magnificently to the occasion and we
were very proud of hien as he out-
lined what Canada owed to Scotlaad
and what the visit to old Scotland
meant to us . H certainly made the
welkin ring and created a fine im-
In the afternoon Mr. Tennant took
a party of us to see Holyrood Palace,
where Mary Queen of Scots proved
such, a cut up in. the old days. We saw
the room where her Italian Secretary
David Rizzi°'was murdered and the
room where her husband, Darnley,
was taken. Of more recent interest
Hello Friends, the trouble with the
modern girl is that she ap longer re-
alizes that the corset is the mainstay
of the nation,
many teceived by the Lord Mayor in
the State room of the Mansion House, Fordwich, Aug. moth, 104
Council met in Beswitherick Rooms
we visited the Museum Gardens under
pursuant to adjournment. All memb-
the guidance of the Curator, Dr. Gal-
ers present the Reeve in the chair.
lenge,. and saw many of the old relics
from the Roman occupation. Minutes of the last meeting were read
-nearly two thousand years ago, when
and on motion of Hubbarand Tay -
York was are. important Roman city. Ior were adopted.
We also viewed the remains of the Moved by Gamble and Taylor that
Roman walls, whieh are built over
the accounts be paid as follows:—
Alf. Meahan, gravelling lot 1, Con.
with modern masonry. From the
x4 and 15; $9osoo. Thos. Grant gravel
avails we crossed to the York Minster
and gravelling lot 33, Con. C; $41.65.
the largest cathedral in England, and
one of the most impressive. In the Ben. Hyslop, gravelling How. and.
crypt we were taken to the site of the Turn. Baty., also Con. C; $19x,75. Sam-
Snell, oil for Crusher; $17.9o. Mc -
first charch, which was built long be-
Cutchen. Bros., gravel; $28.9o. B. S.
Mc -
fore the Christian era, The cathedral
Stewart, gravelling lot 9, Con. ao;$54.
is well over soo feet long; with a great
dome, rivalling St. Penis in height. 05- Mathew Anger, spreading gravel;
The ancient windows at one side are $7.00. Thos. Nash, printing Voters
List, part III; $37.80. Chester Cook,
the exact size of the ragular tennis
coart. Three of the big windows, gravelling and work on hill; $58.95.
known as the "Three Sisters" were leldlerY Lush, spreading gravel;$6.00.
recently taken out to be replaced. One Wm. 'Montgomery, spreading gravel,
of the remarkable things is the way $8.°°', Gordon Vittie, operating road
the ancient edifices in England are machine; $9.80. Wne. Elliptt & Son,
$93.80. Alf. Meahan, gravelling
being kept up and preserved. It re- tile;
a lot 5, Con. B; $68.25. Russel Harris,
quires expenditures" of vast sums,
portion of which is raised through the spreading gravel; $12,00. Alf. Meah-
small adirtission fee that is usually an, gravelling lot 10, Con. A;
charged. tourists. Charles Finley, spreading gravel; $16.
oo Anson Galbraith, gravel;
While inspecting the "Minster we
Mrs. Nickle, gravel; .$2.40. Mrs. Mul-
were delighted to find. our good friend, vey, gravel; $22..15. Garnet King, dig-
a.ndrevr.Mitehell fath -i- of Mrs.
ging, gravel and drawing eile; $ao.oce
Bert Cartwright, who had come up John. Hyndman, tile and drawing tile;
from Holinfirth, a distance of sixty $112.35. Robt. Baker, gravel; $1.5o.
miles, to spend an hour or so with us. James 'Walkom, operating road mach -
Mr. Mitchell is looking fine and in- Me; $3.5o. Wm. Dodds, rep. roael, lots
quired after his people and friends in 3 aside, Con. 14. and x5; $1o.00, Mel -
Walkerton. He was greatly intereet-
ect in Walkerton folks . and affairs,
since his trip to Canada last year. Mr,
'Mitchell was preparing to leave for
North Wales in a few dive, where he
intended spending some holidays and
;Attending a musicales convention'. One
of his boys was away on holidays in
hely. Mr. Mitchell came to the lun-
cheon with us and then we had to
rash ler our special train for. Scotland
5ter saying good-bye to ,some of our
English friends, who had accompanied
us on our trip the previous ten days.
These includ.ed Mr. Wm. Astle, Pre-
sident of the English Newspaper So-
ciety; Me. Fred Armstrong, the Sec-
retary; Mr, Valentine Knapp, Past-
Preeldent and. wee of the fittest gentle-
men it has been. nty privilege to know,
Woodhead of Huddersfield, who
proved to be a relative of Mr. Andrew
.Alitchell through Sir Thos. Waoclhead,
aod others. The kindness ehown'tts
by these gentlemen we shall renteie-
ber long afeer much of the trip has
been forgotten,
Otto feels so teuch at 'home in Edin-
burgh that one is impressed with the
fact that the Scotch had a large part
the making of Canada, so much is,
the .atmoe.phere of the place like that
f a Canadian city, After staying at
inettse hotele eorne thirty of as en-
joyed very much being qttartered.at a
nrietete. hotel Whete there was plain,
home cooking, and a. homey air about
the Place. that Wat. very itviting. A
good night's sleep put us in ,shatte
again for eight -seeing. •
The situation of Edinburgh has been
likened to that of Athens, and truly
at is beautifal. Princes Street through
the heart of the city., One side tower,.
Mg h hatttlsome and impreesive
shops and the other side overlooking
the lovely Waverly' Gardens • with
SeOtt's monument and a few impress-
I'Ve Walk buildiiiga, ia worthy of all
the fine ,:otnplintents that have. been
paid' tide noble thoraughfare. Beyond
the goal, riA, the apposing hill pea -
1:(t kistOrie, Edintrit'01
it located the old 1 ai o ric set.-
tiOn tlic` 61,Y With lliON OW
Jinks, the politician is very ill,
„Frone what?
Smoked a cigar from the wrong
Spring-These and Dodge the Chairs
If a' dog's back is a llttle buggy,
why is his tail always aawaggin?
Guess who's gone into the movies?
The Cream-O-Wlieat Darkey in cer-
eal pictures. tt
Ahho I'm no fighter I lay out about
twenty guys a week, said the under-
Well, they all take their hats off to
me was the barber's comeback,
got a "meaty" line myself, said
the butcher.
Where was Moses when the light
went out?
• —0 --
Customer—"Where can I find the
stockingsale counter?"
Floorwalker ---"Halfback on store
team—Third scrimmage on your left,
Ole Ez Peebles has a cast irun gall,
He ain't hardlie got no sence at all
He hauled back his right hind hoof
An' kicked. his wyfe clean thrup the
• An after-dinner speaker, in Wing -
ham recently remarked that there us-
ed to be three classes of people. The
upper class, the middle class and the
lower class. "Today," he said, "there
are but two, those who have a little
still and those who have still a little.
vin Hubbard, raking stone;.$x.00.
after Which they enjoyed a weinei
Thos.. Inglis express to Toronto,
(Cather M. Drain. Debentures) $1,,.00; roast at the Manse, •
- Mr and Mrs. Hugh Lane and Mr.
Since Tan% The Fruit Treatment
N "Fruit -a -fives"
a Read this letter from Mrs. 3, M.
Pennington of New Rockland, P. Q.
"In 1949, I was taken with Bron-
chial Asthma and no one knows what
I suffered during the winter, I began
having choking spells and would just
gasp for breath and could pot speak.
'rkte 0.2cilhapaid he could. do nothing
for me. -
In the spring of 1920, I started
taking "Fruit-a-tives' and soon the
choking pells became easier and I
have not had one since May 7th, 1920.
It is alai a relief t be able to go to
bed and have no t lought of having
to get up in the nigIt for an hour or
More fi.e I did all And winter, but
ne,vcer VIA ll to now, abecause I take
a Frint-a-ttves" tablet every night.
25e. and 50c. a ox --at all dealers
or sent postpal by Fruit-a-tives
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
111611101111E111011 11E111
Jim, lend me a five-spot for a moment
Quite sure you only want it for a mo-
Quite sute, only for a moment,"
All right wait a moment, and then you
won't want it.
Speaking of Dr. Nicholas Murray
Butler, The Advance -Times rememb-
ers -once when his name appeared in
a big New York Newspaper as "Nich-
olas Murray, butter."
If Henry Ford 'dosen't get Muscle
Shoals, maybe he'd like to take the
government ships and make them
,earn a profit for Uncle Sam or Edsel
Ford. or somebody.
-0 --
Exchange note: Sunday is egg day
at one of the local churches, and all
members are requested. to lay their
eggs in the box in the vestibale as
they enter the church.
—o ---
The service trunk from the garage
pulled along the ditched. machine.
Well, brother, do you want a tow?
asked. the mechanic.
No: I got ten of 'em now, was the
* Members of the C. G. L T. had
their first hike on Saturday afternoon,
Wm. J. Robert, part pay prniting caon-
tract $5o.00; Jacob ,Willitts, digging
ditch, Council share of the Wright a-
ward; Joseph. Beswitherickz rent of
room $1.5o.- 5. H. Rogers, exise stamps
G. M. Elliott, Clinton, grant to
Children's Aid,$2o.00; Fred A. Edgar,
Engineer, fees D. W. Dane Award $3o.
John Hynclanan, part pay on Sander:
son Mun, Drain $25o.00. Moved by
Taylor and Hubbard that the council
adjourn to meet in the Township Hall,
Gorrie, on the third Wednesday in
Sept, when the collectors will be aP-
C. E, Walker, Clerk.
and Mrs. Mac. Lane of' Kinlodgh, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Ruther-
ford and Mr. and Mrs. Will Ruther-
ford daring the week.
Mr. Alvin; Woods is attending High
School at Wirigham.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and
family of Westfield, spent Monday
with Mr, and Mrs. Clark..
Messrs. Mike McGuire and Barclay
Lee of Ireland, who have spent the
past months with Mr, 'Will Ruther-
ford, have gone to Toronto.
Miss Gertie Aitchison is a student
at the Luclmow High School,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Deans of Detroit,
Mrs. P. Deans and Mrs. Carr and son
and daughter of Wingharn, were visi-
tors with Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Don-
ald McDonald last week.
Mrs. Thos. Todd of Wingliam, bas
been a visitor with members of her
family here.
pursuant to Section 56 Chap. 727 of
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
all persons havirtg claims against the
Estate of Clara M. E, McKague, de-
ceased, who died. on or about the twen-
ty-fourth day of July, A. D. /924, at
the Town of Wingham in the Prov-
ince of Ontario, are required to send
by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R.
VaristOne, Winghani, Ontario'Sol-
ititor for tbe Executor', on or before
the sixth day of October, As.. D. 1024,
111 111E1110111 111E111
and I
Id Band
Thursday, anat.:abet' t
EAST WAWANOSTI COUNCIL loyers the couethry bas projtmed isn't ;wan, 'Tis ;;Iways besbt to. play safe
, ,
Council met en Aug, 29th., all Mem- the biggest av :ill, I nivtr grew more as me bye that yetis oversaya wad say.,
hers ?reseed. Minutes ef last regue. than forty-foive bushels av whate to Yours till n.ixt wake,
ar and special meeting were road and the acre in me loife, but av coorse, Timothy• Hay.
confirmed on motion of Couecillor we citii,,auti'ltinulsedaythse, bagifiiisahdaltoferotellpoiniza , Tim, E TO QUIT,
Stalker and Gillespie, ,
on summer fallowin, an. barrian yard I -wish you'd quit reggin' us wimni
The following communications were
plowin down clover to 'Bout everything ander the sue. 11
received, from the County Clerk stat- manUre, an
kap e our farrians in. good, sleepe. Anel The clothes we don't wear,
ing that the amount required this Year
for County and Good Roads pttrposes nYwaY 'tis a wonderbil crap the far -1 Ail,' our fuzzy bobbed hair,
'Was $7542,56 also a special leVY of ruiners ' do be g'atherin in, an thee,r !Ain't non of yore biz ness—je st n o ue l'
$1604,8o for Good Roads, in all $9147., sbud be PlintY av money fer gasoline ' s ,
36 to be levied ie the Municipality whin. the trashan is done, You don't never hear us beratin'
I didn't go to the Toronto Exhibi 'Yore waistline an' morals an' socks a
this year. A pro. 1.,est was ordered. for- shun this year, fel, allure, it is growin The'reahornely Lord Knows,
warded to the Highways Depattment Bat don't you suppose
ship should not be asked to bare this ttloioe big
ginfer au calad fellah 1°ike inesilf.
over the levying of this extra mill for
a special highway 'rate, the Council 1 tinit 1 will enjoy mesilf betther at That we let '0111 give us any shock.
gharn Fall Fair, an mebby
being of the opinion that the town- .
mate more av me ould frinds an nay- Yoa're allus so het up arid pevish,
extra expenditure. From the town aa bors to hev a yarn wid. I under:4h- An' scortchinl the atmosphere blue;
tand the proize lisht is betther than We don't get all rilled
Wiughain asking the corporation of
wus asked to be wan av the When you act leinda wild,
E. Wawienosh in the placing of lights ivir• 1
on harses, but be rayson av An.' sling all]; that laagavidge at youl
on the prairie road, south of that judges
show someting in
town and from Thos, Taylor regard- me bYe intindin to
mosht av the classes, 1 tought mebby Can't' nothin' we do ne,ver please you
ing cutting of wild. carrot adjacent to
it wud be betther fer some wan 'Use., 1 shorely believe
, to do the judgin. Besoides that -Cheer Since old Aclam ragged Eve
1.-iis property. Both of these commun-
icaTtnsiwolaloswoilUdgererdatefisiedior taxation may be an. elickshun befOor long an Why blame all- the mischief on us?
want to glare offince to any- That men.ain't did nothin' but fuss.
were struck for the, current year. Co. I don't
rate 6 mills, Tp, rate 2 naills and Gen.
School rate 3 5110 mills on the dollar. aaaanannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanna„„aaaaaaa....aawaaaaaaa„.aaaaaana,nc..,,,r‘r..
Thus tenders were received for the
construction] of a cement bridge north
of Marnock. The tender of Wm. Love
at $425..00 was accepted. Wingham
and Blyth Fall Fair will benefit tp
the extent of $4o.00 each on the sarne
conditions as formerly while $io,00
was voted the N. Huron plowing
match to be 'held shortly near Brus-
sels. •
The following accounts were paid;
R. Chamaey, rep. to culvert Con. 8
$5,75; The corrugated pipe, Co. cul-
vert, $192o; A. Coulter, rep, culvert
con. 14 $7.00; The Blyth "Standard,"
printing and advertising $134.50; S.
Hutchison, rep. grader bblades $6.00;
R Stapleton, gravel $7.5o; Annie
— Scott, gravel $20.7o; W. Fothergill,
tt gravel $4.2o; D. Cook, gravel $3.75 -
Council adjourned to meet again on
Monday, Sept. 22nd.
- A. Porterfield, Clerk,
now emesetnese
11 11E111
• Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Siddal, return-
ed home after spending a few days at
Miss W. D. Rutherford, left on Sat-
urday for 'Timmins where she has ac-
cepted a position on. the staff of the
High School... •
Mr. Evan Allin, spent the week -end
at his home here. "
leliss Mildred Spence, left Tuesday
for Cleveland.
After a pleasant vacation Rev. T.
Cousins occupied his pulpit in the
Methodist Church, morning and even-
Mr. and .Mrs. John Joynt and Mr.
and Mrs. j. W. Joynt, spent a few
days in Toronto, last week.
e Horticultural Society Floer
Exhibit held in the Town Hall on
Frida.y evening last was a 'splendid
success and should prove an inspir-
ation.to all lovers of the beautiful.
A number of Lucknow , ladies at-
tended a meeting in Kincardine, Fri-
day last, in the interest of the coming
prohibition campaign.
Mrs. Andrew Stewart, Master Jim
Stewart, attended Torontol exhibition.
'Monday night the Guild. entertained
the teachers and the pupils of the
High Sehool. After the 'opening ex-
ercises a most interesting program
was given. consisting of the folldwang:
Scripture lesson by Miss Katherine
McKenzie; Readings by Doris Nixon,
Bobbie Thompson and Miss Mary
Connell; Duets by Miss Fowler and
Miss Mildred. Treleaven, Mrs, Douglas
and Ms. Murdock; Solos by 1/liss
Mary Aitchison and Mr. Carrick
Douglas; Addresses by Rev. W. E.
Treleaven and Rev. R. McCallum.
The President Mt Kenneth Murdie
was the chairnaan of the evening. On
conclusion of the program lunch was
The weather has been quite unfav-
orable this last week for the harvest.
While doing chores on Saturday
last, Mr. Deitz lantern. exploded burn-
ing his barn to the ground.
Mrs. Earnest Wylie had. the pain-
ful misfortune of breaking her arm,
the horses having stepped. up quickly,
Mrs. 'Wylie lost hqr balance and fell
of the load:
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Taylor and
Miss Edna, spent Staida3r with Mr,
and Mrs. David Dane.
Miss Hart wick of Kincardine, has
commenced her duties as teacher at
No. x School we wish her success.
Struck by Automobile
While returning home from work
on his bicycle Wednesday noon Mr.
Walter Paterson.' was struck by an
automobile driven by Mrs. Jeff Mus-
grove and daughter, of Wroxeter.
Mr, Paterson was badly „shaken up
cut and bruised but we are pleased to
report that ri-o bones were broken and
he is getting along well. The accid-
ent was purely accidental but might
have proven serious had the auto been
travelling at all.. fast. The accident
occurecl at the intersection of Shuter
St. and Diagonal Road.
The municipal council of the tote -a -
ship of Morris are asking for tendere
for the constraction of the Mustaid
Drain and the McArthur Drain. Plans
profiles and specifications and esti-
their names and addresses, with lull mates may be seen at the clerk's rest -
particulars of their claims in writing, dence. The tenders will be opened
and the nature of nhe securities (if at the Township Hall on Monday,
any) held by them dilly verified 'by it September 29th, at 2 o'eloak.
statutory declaration. Enclose a fifty dollars marked good
AND FURT1-IER TAKE NOTICE faith cheque with the tender.
that after the said sixth day of Octob- A. larcEwen, Clerk,
en x924, the assets of the said estate
will be distributed by the Executors
among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to tile claims Of
which they shall then have. notice, and
the estate will not be liable for any -
claims not filed at the time of the said
DATED at Wirighant this ninth
day of Septemben'A. D. 1924.
Wing:ham P. O.,
There will be a Temperance Rally
held la Westfield ..church on Monday
evening, Sept, i5t1i, at 8 o'clock, for
the purpose of organizing the town-
ship for the coining plebiscite vote.
In addition to tile above a program
of music and an address by the Rev.
W. R. Alp of Auburn, will be furnish-
ed, • It is hoped that there will be e
good attendance with all the polling
- for the laxcentora, atib-divieions represented.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Towle and
children have returned to their hthne
in Stratford after spending the past
month 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R, j. Day, Edward Street.
Wedding Rings, Diamond
Rings and .214arriage Li-
cence Information
W. R. Hamilton's, fetal.21.11
1111$111111111101111101111121111 1 1111111111 1111111121
Anyhow, the fellows who write the
jokes know what the point is; that's
To the Editur av-the Advance-Toimes
Deer Sur,—
"Tis 'dazed 1 wus intoirely that ye
wus afther givin me a wake's holiday,
so to shpake, an said so to the missus
wan noight
"A wake's holiday!" sez she, "I
wondher if ye don't hey fi'fty two
wakes holiday, iviry year av yer loife
since ye caine to town, an, share, it
was little enough wurrtak ye did the
lasht few years on the fa.rrum", she
sez. "Ye shpint yer toirne goin ar-
round taikin pollyticks an thradin
harses, an lavin the wurrak to the
hoired man, an me an the girruls,
whin our bye wus oyef'Says. 'Tis a
holiday ye entisht be badly in nade av,
wid the pertatties ready to dig, an
winther cornin on an the roof av the
woodshid not minded yit."
'Tis the way wid the wimlnin, ye
can't kape- thine to army subjict ye
may sheart. The fursht ting ye know
they take the bit in theer teeth, loilee
a harse ramin away, arr loike an auto
whin the shteerin gear goes wrong,
an the fursht tiny ye know they land
ye in the ditch.
Share, it iso't the bit ay wurruk in
the garden or on the lewn that inakes
me shpake av a rist, fer. if 1 don't fale
loike doin it mesilf, whin me lumbago.
is wurse than usual, I kin git IvIishter
Buttery arr Mishter Harding to do it,
an it always plazes the missets to hev
a diffrunt man to boss fer a day. 'Tis
the litherary wurruk that toires a fel.
lab, an gives him the brain, fag, an
that is the rayson I veils grateful to
ye fer a wake's rist.
Ye will notish that all the school
taychers an bank clerks, an praychers,
and doctors, an girruls poundin relipe-
Vrroitin masheens, arr selling ribbons
behind a counther, i-viry wen av thira
nades a holiday, arr they can't shtand
the sletrain. Ay coarse farrumers, an
blacksmiths, an min wurrukin in fack-
toriee, an winunin kapin house an rai-
sin childer kineslitay on the jawb all
the year tamed widout anny Yaeashun,
be rayson av the fact that inosixtapay-
ple's backs are slitronger than timer
heads and will shtand more widout a
Afther all the gremblin in the
Shpritag tings turned out jist as I
tould ye they Wad, wid foine craps all
over Ontario. Pinrywheer ye hear the
same slitory — pastures houldin out
well, pertatties foirie crap an clone
air scab, garden thruck an field roots
nivir betther, hay so plintiful that the
farrumers don't know what to do wid
it, 'oats ait whate so berivy that the
farrutners can't afford to buy the
twoitte the boinders dO be usin. Thr
papers are full av ereres about the
heavy craps an the big *Ws ay fall
whate, till I woodher if the etap av
Che per Fire o
Vire Iristtrance furnished on °I—
= dwellings in Winghairi, at less iv
than Township Mutual rates --
with no premium note to thgn.
Mrhy take the ritht of having
1111 to pay ottra assessnients?
Real 1.13t0,11(1.'
We are ready for School Opening with a large and well as-
sorted stock of
Public School Readers
Pub. School Text Book
Exercise Books
Loose Leaf Note Books
Note Books
Fountain Pens
Writing Books
Examination Pads
Examination. Paper
Lead Pencils
Pen Points
Pen Hancllea
Pencil Boxes
,Crayons, Paints
School Bags
Out stock is of the best quality a nd prices are right
Opposite Queens Hotel. Ticket Agency Canadian National Rys
Undergraduate Courses—B. A. general coarse; 13. A.
Library and Secretarial Science; B. A. with Theological Options;
13.5. in Nursing; B. A. Honour Courses in Biology; Chemistry;
Classics; Commercial Economics; English and History; English
and French; English and German or Spanish; English and
Latin; French and Latin; Geology; Mathematics and Physics;
Philosophy; Political Economy; Romance 'Languages; General
. Science; Combination B. A. and M. D. course.
M. D. course of six years.
Post -graduate courses: M. A.; M. Sc.; Dr. P. H.; D. P. H.;
and C. P. H. N. (Diplomas in Public Health.)• _
Requireinents for Admission—junior or Honour Matricu-
Fall terin begins 22nd September, 1924.
For information write— °
DR. K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar.
lllI2ilIttlllsrIlllllIlItllIll MMM 11 0 MOMOMOH
Experienced leS ier, tors
ad iegitters to
Lear r achine erating
on 0 eralls, P nts and Kid-
(' les' 1 Iay Garments
— Apply to —
ttingMills LI
ou t Forest, Ontario
Note—There are good train connection be-
tween Witigharn and Mount Forest.
11111111111111111111111 11 111 111 II 11
111 1 111C4111111111 111 11N11111111111M1111111111101111111111111111
110.0116440616.elii..111133R1431111!b+91119.0A70.043Uli, 64111114,11M00111in4i1004.119DOMM402114102014141S1114411t411iitille410111411t4341,011106
.It is 'worth while to dellivet cream
direct to Creamery. If goo' to soc
per earl hiterests ,yoit 43 a produc-
tenentmnitnneautinaTtnadWinamattavoltortarnats*.ltiMe. era, -
Get out' prices before marketing elsewhere.
We are now having hot weather,
At this time 6f year egg a deteri-
ate very.tudeldy, We are payinig
highest price lot qnality eggs, it
pays to look after eggs and sell on graded bads, ,13rIng yoie egt9
'We grade *ern. • '
United Farmers Co.Opo.00.1,
lAttimittlimmal tikoo
n tiiifott