The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-04, Page 6•
, ,
.31,;1,!.,,y, Cepttql'IbOr 4, 1.914.,
1 (Klii ii. .iti)V11(14 " 11
Pueleehed ii.t
Willg114111, orttaridt
• Every Therseee Mornme
A, G. SMITH, lialiter and Proprietor.
II, 11. Elliott, Aesooiatc YAlitoe
Sabecrletica rases. -- One
0.00; six mouths, 0,00 la advailoo• ',
Advertielog rates tea applIcatten
Advertisementa Without epecifie db
teactions will be ineeti.ed anteorbid
and charged acconeengler
nlienges for coutract govertisee
meets he in tit* oitc• uy Z0011, 1•012.
Wellington Mutual Fir*
Insurance Co.
Establiebed 1S40
, flead Office, Guelph
Melte taken on ail classes a insur-
1111CQ at reasonalele rates.
• Weigh:ant
Office in Chisholm Bloek
AND Hlatel...TH
Box 366 Phone 19s
DUDLEY '110111IS
and Other Ronde Boutaht anti
Office—Mayor Block, wingfism
Money to Lean at Lowest Rate.
Wingliam - enteric:
aratleate Royas ccalege of Dental
Surer -see
Graduate University of Toronter
Facelty of Dentistry
... ..
,. K. tiAMBLY
...... M.D. OM.
Special attention pa.ito diseasee of
Teeraen and Children, having taken
pc' 31.graduate work III Saeger?, Rao.
teriologe and Seim/tine Medicine.
Office En the Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hetet end. *he Baptist
AD bus -Mess given earefEli ettentlos.
Phone '64. • P.O. Box 113
Dr.. Robt. L Redmond
" "-• •
t I
..„ . , . . . .
1 tv,11 lir ":1
. the prestige of' CanedaM. great perte. in.
' F TE 14 t .
, pligNION ti,„•,..,,,,,A„,, ,,,,,, ,. -.....„-..-„,.....„4.- _.......,.,,..„.„,,,„.,, , •
P...0.1.,,,,,, ' A Littl Green Lane.
. .'
EACK HAS ITS PECULIAR A. ) lame o$,., illy ......—...__.....-....„.......-
,, , • • .. .1 • -.. .
Montreal Ranks $e(7ond on
American Continent.; Van,-
couver Leads as Grain
• Exporter.
A. M: :
ile that my heart. Inelis. hack, tg
and ,
A Ialle, here tbe air le eool a$ dew,
Aud the ferns are high and the Melts
are few,
And every braneh of the tallest tree
wawa wb.hiper 3 fairY tale to me,
Anti every bird bad a golden note
In the soug that eitine from his eriln•
son throat,
And life had a. hundred gifts to give,
The post -War era in Clanada, ilea And I had a, hundred yeare to live.
been featured by a very gratifyIng eeel
pension hi the trade carried on by theA, little green lape goes through my1
Dominica: with foreign otelentrieS, the silted,
value of the total volume of trade ell, lane that iny heart goea back to
treeesaeted having inereased in the de -1 end_
Cade between 11114 and 1924 by4822,-I'My heart—tor never my feet will go
176,439, or more. than seventy Der cent. me walk that lane that I used to know,
With thie develomnent, and the great-'1For maybe ellY eyes would fail to see
er built of trede coming to and lenra-; The vision that memory holds for me,
froni Canadian- s•ealKirts, has come And I'd miss the fairy tales I heard
a. correspondIng rtse 111. the Preetige And the song of the crimson -throated
Of those oceanic outlete of the Dos •
etre, '
minion, and most a the ports of Can- So Int keep the dear unbroken spell
ada have emdergone somewhat of a Of the little green lane I love so well.
revolution and occupy to -day a mileh• —Nan Terrell Reed.
more important plaee •ili world con- •
sideration, '
A ou Three Cheers
Canada has five principal seaports, • • - •
b t
Chem are demonstra,tions of en -
Montreal, Quebec, se Jahn, Hamea,
nuslasna. Otter: they are .safety
and Vancouver. Each of these has
Its peeuliar place in. Canadian econo-
valvee of abounding spirits. College
mics. mentreal and Quebec, being- • roerkthaeeird igioomaseo:arir we hthenemotooegivote tvileoniri
situated on the Gulf of the St. Law-
rence, and reducing the rail. haul tr011a football heroes makes a good gain.
• They use them also to give enthusiasm
the great producing interior, are the
great slimmer Atlantic ports
and enouragement to their tea th when
the greater part of Canadian export it is 'working against odds. '
trade leaves between May and
The population uses cheers to en-
vember and most of the important courage the going Soldier and to show
trade is received. St. John and Hall- appreciation to the returned war hero.
tax are the winter ports whose great_ Cheers are also used in politics.
• est activity commences when. frost has • Cheers are crowd demonstrations.
gripped the St Lawrence river, Iran_ Sometimes they come spontaneously
from the crowd, but somettines they
conver is_ the great Pacific outlet and
inlet for the increasing• trade which is
being carried on win the countries of
the Antipodes and Orient.
Great Increase he Traffic.
The total 'volume of Canadian trade
tea:Reacted by these. five porta in the
past fiscal year amounted to $690,648,-
168, or aporoxintately 35 per cent. of
Canada's total trade for that year.
1Montreal is easily Canada's first port
with a total trade in the past year
amounting to $380,984,13-6, of which
imports accounted for $191,867,086 and
exports $1.89,116,050. Vancouver is
• the second port in importance, hav-
ing had a total trade of e152,107,531,
of which $53,308,630 was import' value
and $98,598,904 that of export. St.
Sohn ranks third with a total trade
value of 677,562,805, 620,622,689 being
Import and 6et,940,116 export tad -e.
Total value of trade at Halifax was
$47,521,132, being made up of $17,051,-
M.R.C.S. (Eng). 617 representing imports and $30,169,-
• L.R.C.F. (Lortirl). 515 exports, The total trade handled
PHYSICIAN AND SURGE.01‘ at Quebec had a value of 432,172561,
(Dr. Chishoines old stand) : of a-hieh 316,210,993 was import and
"•;$15,931,568 xport.
DR. R viART Tne great increase in the traffic car
4 ij tried on by Canadian ports may be
Gradleatt tet oniltatiFitY et Toronto. treahied in a comPerlson with the
Penulty or lieti'Llner Lleentiate ° the figures of the year 1914. In this ten-
Outhrici COneare ot Physicians and 3Year period the total trade of these
Surgeons. •Ave ports has increased by some 86
(Mica Entrance: per cent.. It is gratifying to note that
OFFICE IN CHISI1OLle4 BLOCK Itats inerernent has been to the great-
est stem h ilt 1113 by increasing ex-
ert trade, the increment in this case
Ln the period amounting to 116 per
sm.. This is -very clearly illustrated
Ln the ease -of Quebec. and Vancouver.
uebec, whic.h formerly was doing a
astly greater import than export
rade. has now- drastically reversed
Dr. Margaret C. Calder J
General Pra'ctitIoner i
Graduate University of Toronto. 1
Faculty of 'Medicine.
011ticis—Joseplaine St. twc: doors acautat '
of Branswick Hotel.
Telephones—Office 281. Residence 151 1
Osteophatic Physician
Office adjoining
Anglican Church
Open every
•Diseases Treated.
residence next
on Centre Street.
day except Monday and
Phone 272
Fully Qualified Graduate.
Drugless Practice being in absolute
accord With the Laws of Nature gives
the very best results that may be °b-
rained in any case.
Hotits-10 - 12 a.m., 2 - 5 and 7 - 8 p.zn.
s 'Phone 191.
, cluill'Oeci,"Geaduate
• .Adjaistnientil given
ill'Itinde, iiisecialite Di
ebildren. LtleY attendant.
responded to
Office en Seott St.,
(in house Of the late
iPtione 150.
fer zliseasee of.
dealieg with
Night calLe
Winghain, Ont.
Jas Walker).
Phonee, Office: 06. '
itesidence: 224,
Meter Ltiull)rucnt
he situation. In 1914 the exports
rom the Pore of Va,nconver 'wereless
ban half the value of inaportenoin the
aet year Vancouver's export trade
ad nearly doable the value of the im-
Take Places as World Ports,
That the trade of these ports is in-
reasing at the present time at a re
arkable rate, whilst naturally sug-
ested in trade flgares, is borne out by
he value of businees handled at these
carts in the pest few yeare. Taking
he years 1922, 1923 and 1924, Mont
are the intense personal enthusiasm
of a few who have the ability to get
a crowd to cheer. If the eheee's come
from the crowd it is well; if they come
from the few to the crowd it is not so
well.- it is cheerful to cheer, but it Is
sane to sometimes look behind the
cheers, for we have known some.
things which were chiefly made up of
three cheers.
Which Run Longer Without Oil.
"If you. w -ant machines to run you've
got to oil 'ens." •
"That's true of all except national
political machines."
Monsters of the Wild.
Ththe unknown Arctic region be-
P 0 -1A -41 -ERs
-TP-P)) reP
totttotittl t
Trade With Germany. the fiour trade with Germany Is con-
tures of Canadia,n trade in the past
fea_ fidently expected to further increase
the, volume of exports from Canada.
One of the most outstanding
fiscal year as undoubtedly the remark -
How Stonehenge Was Built.
How the builders of Stonehenge, on
Salialeury with the appliances
over sixty per cent. ov-er the fiscal of, sey, 3,500 years ago, managed to
year 1923, and by over 209 per •cent, get the vast stones upright and place
as compared with the figures of the others on their tops has always been
year previous to that.- Not only has one of the marvels of primitive en -
the 1ro3unte of total tradeCtransactecl gineering, ,says a writer in the' London
-with Germany- now reached a "point Daily mail. ,
where it surpasses anything reached' In his book "Stonehenge," just pub -
the pre-war years, but the division lished, Mr. E. Herbert Stone. has a
of trade has drastically altered. most interestipg series of Pho
Whereas prior to 1914 Canada was a graphs taken from large working
heavy importer from Gernmy and ex-' models ,by means of which tb:e vari-
ported in relatively small quantity,' ous operations connecteil with the
Canada is now importing on a corn- raising-ot the stones oe Stonehenge as
able growth in the -export trade Can-
ada conducted with Germany-, this hav-
ing increased in the twelve :florins by
Stories About Virell.Kitown People
The X -Ray Duel-a:es. ; "
X-ray vvorli is not a hobby many doubt whether any zioVellst Jule
week( etmose; but tee puehese hatehed a :nitre ainusine proemial and ,
a cost ef many thousands 'of pounds, ; • Made Meneel Leeseh, " •
iffsoo iti:ilitilciiezlitsipraspsetataoctftei alai et i tal,eirvi:401.rtetiutI:;,tesai ,ca Qes,.2.ciezx Piantozig raQ ;weou.otoolerIxty,:loictioo, r4,p8,a,r):18a nrc.301., x;e11.7
otwleitollytittuyleaerts Wagooburn sbhuefit etfreduoutlY aiphterytegva,,eil,aendetahteereie.etrohge,eetil,eereeatet.,,all
helps at operations. • ultre-fasaionable public eee.ort
• Iacidentally, the duchess is one of ly sipping their champagne ais1 vvatch- • ,' •
the most ental)le see/learn/den., She trig tise c ancers, -wIien a ar elan .sat
can hatulle a horse, a rd, gun, 2,S, down on the only extra ehair at their •
well as meet moil. Another of her ac- talks,
c;oinplishmente is that she has an ex -
The newcomer made himself agree-
traordinary fag -none° over wild anis able, ae'd the conversation soon be-
came general.
When, the time came for departure
A delightfully true—and truly de- thae Parisian asked with 'whom he had ,
lightfule—inoidetit was told 1)y 1VIrS.—the honor of .speaking,
Belloc Lowndes, the) Well-keo'wn writer, "I," said the former King of Portu-
in a reeent lecture in which she was gal, "am the King of Portugal." •
trying to iletiStrate the fact that truth "I," said the termer Shah, "ant the
is stranger than fiction. Shah of Persia."'
"No novelist," she Said, "vvolild dare The Frenchman betrayed no sur- '
nee this true incident, fo'r iastance. A, prise whatsoever. "Good -night, gentle •
gentleman in India, suddenly decided men," he said politely; and then as he •:
Ottick Results.
to offer marriage to a. girl in England,
, so he cabled:
" 'Will you?'
"The answer came promptly:
turned to go he added, "The Great
Mogul bids' you adieu." •
Manuel is reported to have laughed,
but the Shah was not so pleased.
A City Garden.
God of the flowers! Painter of crirason
Spinner of mist, and Weaver of Wind
and rain!
Send Thine angel of peace, when the
long day closes,
Down to Thy garden again.
This was Thy garden e'er the higli
walls were lifted;
Here the wild apple grew, and the
• thorn -set pear;
0, in the springtime how the scent of
• them drifted
Out on the -evening air!"
Still an apple -tree lingers—just as a
' token;
Still there's a sumach wearing one
feathery plume;
Yonder a dog -wood lives --grey with
the years, anti broken—
Dreaming of silver bloom.'
Mignouette lines the walk, and many a
pansy --
Though. never a bee comes near to
taste their sweet—
Down by the gate gro-ws tangled and
paratively small scale, while the von here described have been rehearsed bitter tansy,
ume of her exports are annually `in- step by step in full detail.", ,
Longing to reach the street.
creasing at a very substantial rate. I A figure representing a -,Neolithic .
In the three fiscal years 1922, 1923 man, who has a.n elk -like smallness be- Here at the heart of tumult, and toil
and. 1924, Canada's imports have been side the huge monoliths; is introdUced and maiiee , .
from Germany $2,041,016, $2,568,409 in the different view,s to. give an idea,
and $5,379,935 respectively. The prin- of scale.
Meal items of import in the past -year For the purpose of this experiment
come under the headings of chemicafs in this "reconstruction," Mr. Stone has
and allied products, non-metallic rain- taken theaveeage tieiglat of the stones
era's - and non-ferrous metals, the cf the outer circle at Stonehenge as,
former amounting to a million dollars for uprights, 26 tons each, and for the
and the -two latter to approximately lintels placed across their tops, 6%
half a million each. The remargable tons. The appliSncee ifsed, he pointe
manlier in which import trade, with out, would be meinly ropes, rollers,
Germany has been. cnt is seen In a and shear legs, plus man -power work-
cemparisou with the impart figures of ing in carefully rehearsed unison. -a
which were 314,686,069, or 1910;; Mr. Stone suggests that the man
tween the Colville and. Porcupine' 193-4,
Rivers, where Dr. Philip B. Smith has I when they were $7,958,264. 1-whe designed Stonehenge "Was preb-
led a party of the United Etates Geo-
logical Survey on a perilous mission
of exploration, it is rumored that there
are weir5. animals of immense size.
Canadian export trade to Gerniany ably a foreigner." • -
in the past three fiscal Years has been t After the oilirielt stones had been
$4,509,547, $9,950,877 and $16,153,65e firmly herld.ed in the ground, "an earth
respectively. The exporr trade of the bank is thrown up around the pair of
These strange tales havemup
been past -year was ade of ai
agricultural upright stones on which a lintel s to
spread amongst the fur traders and and vegetable products $12,722,430; be placed," The outer part of this
gold hunters by the native Eskimos animals- and products $1,561,087; fibres bank is "brought to a smooth surface
and India -ns regarding the territory, textiles and products $16,042; w-ood, and rammed hard, to mage e track up
Products and paper $7,693; iron which the Intel is, to be hauled."
which appears on the maps largely as wood
Then when everything is in. 'place
the well -drilled man -power takes the
strain and drags the great mass 'up the
slope till finally it rests on the tops of
the two enibedded stones. The bank
can then he removed, leaving the Irage
'trilithon toWerieg clear aboVe the
a blank space.
The Smith party has gone to investi-
gate and chart this region.
and products $225,913; non-ferrous
metals $947,297; nolarnetallIc minerals
$633,699! chemicals and products;
Reports have come from the Polar 83„948s and reesceaneous products
basin that great lakes of oil were tb $35,641. • ,
„ • •
be found in thia wilderness, but. the The great bulk of 'trade with Ger-
tales of the Eskimos and Indians' are' many at the present time consists of -
ever stranger than these. • agricultural products, naere especially
They say that the land is haunted by "wheat and flour, the latter dommoclity
weird beasts, some of such great size
that they' leave tracker as large ELS din-
ner plates. It is stated that no In-
beimg in rapidly increasing deinancl. -
• In the .11. U04 past year Germany took Anything to Oblige a FoI.
than can e per p valued at eteeeeme; The demand for ing out telt called on to correct his
1,351,512 bushels et Canadian wheat An affected young man who was din-
• ably, and is -not abating. in 1922 Ger- oicIere he Servant to remove the
stess when by a slip of 'the tongue
this region even though tempted hY. Canadian flour has increased remark h9
the promise of abundant fur, g e — - ' she' d t
Some of the more credulous of the mny took 51,343 barrela of Canadian "fool," rfleanill-g the fowl. "I pre -
white men, linking "tales with flour worth. $318,232;"' in 1923 615.599 5m0," 151 the young man, "you mean
their scientific reading, contend that barrels valued at $3,9$5,409; a.nd int the fowi, madam."
there may still Inek in. the fer nerth 1924, 986,S26 barrels valued at $10,313,-1 'NerY Well," responded the hostess,
remnants of the .maStodon ,herds that who' was rath-er annoyed, takeaway"
e 280. The recent readJustment of finales
real's imports have been $167,812,273,
have left their bones and ivory in, al -
173,938,211, and $191,367,036, and ex- .•
ports $1584518,544, $17 895 537, and most every stream bordering the low-
, r Yukon River.
$189,116,050 respectively. Substate es •
tial increases in import and export e r„, ,
trade are recorded in the cases of. a wonderful. Insect t...ot-
Quebec, Halifax, and St. John, The lection.
annual increntents in the case of Van"; The British Museum possesses by
couver are outstanding. imports in thelfar the most comprehensive insect col -
three years being $48,285,815, $46,965,-- laction in :the world. It has not until
214, and $53,808,630, and export e $42,- quite recently been possible to make
1 an exact catalogue of all 'teats, but at -
367,051, $61,718,505( and $98,598,994.
In the strides they have taken since ter three years' work one has 'new
the conclusion of the war with the de- facet completed and published.
Velopraent of Cenadlan trade, the According to this, the collection
Stetus of. the ports 'of the Dominion contains 1,118,000 ineeetee There are
has b,een,in tIte corithmou$ d'eeendant,,, 225,167 butterflies of .49,210 different
and Inane having almost Durefy local kinds, 393,000 beetlee tif -67,30b differ
standings scene of theni have ceme to ent Meas. Of bees, waslas, and winged„
take their places -with the oldest and aptg theve are 19,60$ kinds, Othuge,
longest established 'seaports of the ilieSt; gnete, end mosquitoes there are
World, Added to this prestige are 7,267 specie's represented; of grass-.
varioue dettelopm. onts -under Way /it types 31900, and ot plant lice
the present Lthle Or Ilre8agerl WhiC11 1.),1 SreCiCS in 140 items'. '
augur for them yet greater interim- Privets donora liaise done Most te
impertance. stven the collection. One alone gave
cial difficulties which Were hamperin 1 the' fowl and
let the fool remain."
Mentreel, to -day, for Inetance, has 280,000 insects, abother 80,000, while
beconie the filth ameng the great ace. end entire 6onection of butterflies
Porta of the woeld, ranking after New which- ,Wa.1 Presented consisted •01 31,
York,. Landon, Liverpool, and Hain- 130 sPecilllena,
burg, or taking a plitee after 0Aly. one
ort on the Atneridan Continent. Van. Hatehing Teeth.
cdueeer has raPicily ogertaken ether "IlaW ts your baby Mater, 1311Iy?"
;ports oh the Paeific avast, until in loe.- asked a neighbor, Who was nialcing a
The lover finds his love—the dream
• emhis dream,
And here, like a cup of Heaven, a
lily's chalice
Lifts to the white moonbeam!
—Virna Sheard.
Results of the OutdooroLife,
Farmer—"Yes, my trees are a hun-
dred years old ana still bearing the
best of -fruit."
Fresh Air Enthusiast---' 01 course
they are—just another example of the
results of the outdoor life!
'•'The Magic Vitamine.
At a recent meeting of the Arama-
ean Chemical ,Society, Professor Wal-
ter Eda);, 'took from his packet
Mal and passed it rOund 7-aniong' the
assembled chemists.
All' they could see was a ,small
tity of white powder at the bottom of
a bottle. Yet it created a sensation,
since it was the first ' vitamine . that
anyone had ever seen or handled.
'An amount no more than three -hun-
dredths of a milligram, which Is about
ss MUCh of the powder as could. be
caught on the point of a pin, given
every day to a young rat stunted by
'living on deficient diet, would cause grow again at a normal rate. '
Only of 'them, and leads the entire "011, s/he's' olity' fairly tvell, tlearilts,"' s--,-.---sesta'''..----a-e.---. areasee, , .
imaet ag an exporter of .erain. A/ licaili replied 1,11Ily;''''elie'e jest 'lleteliing la 91 . noy Seonts troai 'altnoiatt. 'cleety part.of the Itnivere.6,t,eolkp' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
1 , .
, . , 0 , , ,
n I P
,I I
. . . ,
..• ...• . •
'Isiceivevol:rClultaks It'sAre
Handy Things.
She—"Yes such a brutal place!
Somebody's always beating a woman
up there,"
The Impulse and the Voice.
Not many months ago a lady asked
to see a. fanious London preacher after '
one of the services in his church. He
at once received her and wag astonish-
ed when she said, "Doctor, I have
come all the way from Paris to have
this interview! My husband has been
out of eniployment for more' than ,two
years, although he is an exCeptionally
uelifiehdt findteaa
last, France
we went to P.aris. Our isarch Was. anas
still unavailing. But the other day I g
was seized with a strange finpulse 10
return to England 'e.nd to come' to yourchurch. It was as if a voice had leePt •
saying to nie by day and by night, 'Go e'r
to Dr. • anti tell him.' 1 may say,
doctor, that all nlY life I have been ;•
trained to pray, and through all our
misfortune I have consistently put our
troubles before the Lord. Consequent- r.
ly I felt I did not. dare to disobey the
impulse and the voice. So liere 'I am."
"Well, madarna; said the doctor,
ply interested, "f do riot quite see
what I can do to help. Perhaps the: emee,
best thing I can do is to ,give your • th
"husband a letter of introdlietion ,th the ,
high commissioner mmissioner of one of the
He did so, and -then the incident . ' t;
Passed" from his mind. - •
"Some weeks later he received a let-
ter from the high commissioner on an-
other matter, but there was a poets
script that read '13y the way,the
man you ,sent to me the other clay ar-
rived just as I Was showing out of niv
officti in
our imetei,fos e w
ucation; ho
Is r ere seeking a staffeof special. n
ly qualified teachers. Voter man r;roved
perfectly suited for the work required
and is leaving England immediately.",
Scarcely had the minister finished
reading when the lady and her hus-
band were shown -into his ves'tey. They
had 'come to May their farewell re.
;spects ahd to thanlc 1' .
I "I was right, you see!" cried the
-lady gayly. ' "I was right to obey the
impulse and the voice!"
t,hiEnogws ltvririoeogithti.s btylia,ptratI3isorre tahraenint?e)ris
' Mr. Ostrich':1-le'ps -
Not the least Iiitea•esting,,Of the. at- '
tractions in the South African Section ' S'
of the British E,mpire ExItibiti•en is • L.. " ,
flock Of , 6-Striaies. . For the ;benefit of,
visiters, demonstrations are ,given iti ' ; • . ' ;
plucking the feathers in the mender ' '
adopted in this great Industry in Smith •
e4itee. , _ ,, •
• The nest of the ostricali is always
bullt,by the 'matte, theagh thie eertein- , •
ly is pa ar,duous, task : and lt 'cOnsiets-'
'of, little more ,than. a: round, •Iiol.e, ilug '
a thesand ots earth.. , ., r; e . , • e, , , s„ •,,,,„' ; •
' The :hen.. ' then . laye. en egg. ' CI-ege
. caller dat•4,7' ahotit fit teen .nielcirtg- as full' ' ••''
1 :nest, • The ,Ileii site• -on, tlidririsag e egge '
, , . .. , „ . . , . . ., •
'the schlY - Andatlie. niale ' e•lra; talseg • !ler '..;
PlaCe 'tlarcitigh'Ithe- night, An arrange- ..r..
tnent• willeli wetlid- appear to have -
. •
tui', t';o4rtlixevill-TtalltYliei)Il6DYnilcleeblirfdori?.' 11-)lyCl'OTI-111-- ,
ed With jet ebleclz f en th ers, nal/ i.s
theretore inclietiettisliable et night, la
the ;daytime the drab- coital., of the • hes
bird's: feathers -covers .. hest and eggs
and is equally -unii.otc'ea.bte. ' i I
Tire 1-leigiit of Cruelty.
,. 'Toll. ate not doinin
g nali lausitaees,"
Suggested the dentist across, the bail,
1, ' "Not netieb," adelii.teid the other, den-. 1 :
tiet; tolicileil by this; mierit of apparent
' 11 1 ';'' g e -4/- "g v " c 1 ""Tliete would. Yoe ialna if seine et. •
' ' , . Inty pe.tiolats /teed your vv:aiting-rocall?".
'Vee '"