HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-04, Page 5/314tsdaYi
4 ,14
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"nete 'ewe -aloe
tintn (liggiffoir No. 6117.
,..11)(0e0" ,tog woo, esseeoe
2081 tuoliroV"P nal
BIAJaftit SEROPS SOLID a/01%Uawl, mbe
• mote° DYE; LONDON Smnix iota itAsg e,01,0#1,
noo, wood. mark. -$Lusw, .00'R!wolytto Gt.r.ott Aso solsr .' •
ao-akeo later9curry ..11{14tnum 13.
bomient: vehtct tin aqt falai) Oda iourorit..;
& (1.10. Etd.
s'ass 44.0'
S °ME day will come the °PPortilnitY
• of your life -time. You rna.y n4ed
money to take full advantage of it,
• Start now to save a regular portion of
your earnings.
The Dominion t ank protects its depositors
by faithful ih-abtice.of prudent rnanag,,errient::
To; the. •Ectitu; av the AdVance-Tohnes,
•Deer .
:Has it ivir shtruck ye that as a
an gits- bulder he is aisier ' to git
along wd? He.is loike the Northern
: Spoynapples that ye pick 'an put 'away
In :thefall whip, 'they. are harrnd an
enough to„make a pig scpiele, but
'To:Ethel-1W° ate tree months they he-
•-, •-cemeesnoteerin mellow an wid a flay -
or.. 5o thativirybody loikee thin); Av
edierse all min an all- apples are not
. •alMice,•. some .only droy up an git hor-
• rud. an bi tther as they git oul der, .'Tis
_the Way' iter She WaCrald. •
used to tink that whin a fellah
seideaimYting he shud shtick to it fer
the Yeehtas Isis loife but 1 belave
,tiow a ,man ,slid change- .11s moincl.
whin iieir he eces he is wrong-. It ma-
kes leife aisiet, ispishially fer marred
mins e.Ati even "in pollyticks it is far
abetther. to Shtick to Yee parthy .than
.,to. erer 'opinytins, so it is. It is some-
,39imes ,nicisatTyfer a parthy to talt.
easigettnt -Slita;nd %in 'ordher te plaze
.tlte,payple.-:an thin is the toime
shoW yosr loyalty beshtayin yid the
, • gathes. in this way we git the
shtart .aV, the Grits, ,fens whin .thim
.91114 hat -end heads pink theer •14ydere
d� be, turnip. too Manny- summersits
O'reftise .to folly thim, an • the
"Stiltaithat the Tories git into •awfice
'Tis.bdtther so. ••• •
Mobby 1 sliud' explain what Ili:tatted
jilt' on thjs aine ay tinkin, 'Wan day
lasht walee.Tevint down to the, garrage
•apal holred a car to take the gitruls an
tee ehilder'fer a bit av a droiye out
emiiitivy, the :misstts tiukin it
atie. to, go.Well;
• gOt",Shrterl•all•roight eh deny out
stile-Bin:el/ale' road, notishie the foine
.,•.:.•eraPs'aiciatSitt theiields, an the:-
, ruls'AOyingthey'nivir seW bettlier;
et ite Alberta,: •Theer are soMe Leine
lahrifins..end gOod farruniers Out tSat
',..Way.esBilly, Field, an Pate Fowler an
• 'then' Istinders ons ' -and d Jenkins,
•MIliee:••pipetor,' arts the new Min
an'Harry Dithond's
;mild .,:faneuteest, fart -111/1e t'sv ivitY
104 Watt. ve. thhn, an gdnd, 'Mitt bar-
pellytielts ay the ritoeht 'at'
;„thirni„,•, Wid a good, tar an 4 gOod droi-
.. ver wtta soon •Mitav Tarnberry as
sint,ost1ie.go6d•.010a1,6ey. township av
bOWlin, along' at twinty-foive
„ 01eVaifliont., WhiChfasht enough
'ter,annY sinsible man, is,
all at on"
ce tbe 'Oar:began .to stably' up, an 'sh,
Tatterl; '0 leSitate lpike apollytiekle
ch,ndydatO Makin .lits.fursht, Spaehe.,
"What's 'the "i)jattherr.SeZ tit*
h gasoline. has:,rista 'oat' sez the deoi-
1 tr to fill 'tip befe.6i Nre'
Oh! The boys we know ' -who will not
Oh! The faces of ,friends we miss!
Since the war has ended, we all must
'That sorrow was ne'er like this.
There are boys who went, whom we
• knew so wall -
Whose faces we loved to see -
But now -where are they? Why norm
' can tell, •
They've heeded Grim Death's decree,
In shell -torn " Flanders and 'ruined
Prance, • °
Are graves where the grass grows
green, , •
Wheremen lie buried, who took theft.
. chance'
The Heroes whom we have seen
A wooden cross and a mound of earth.
.The Tombstone that marks the spot,
The sky o'er -head -there they lie, our
The -victims of shell and shot.
shta,rted". We found out this -yetis the
Ihrubble an we -wus §fittanded on the
soide av the riiad fer two hours -,whoile
the drofver ransacked the counthry
soide lookin fer a farrumer who owned
a ear, so he cud harry, beg, buy or
shtak some gas., an the childer croyin,
an theer mothers gittin out av patience
an mesilf as droy as the gasoline tank,'
an no wather near, an nothin betther
than choke cherries to squinch me
-thirst wid, Roight thin I reminibeeed
that I had sed more than wence that
I tought the farrumers was buyety too
manny autos, but now I belave iviry
wan av thma shud own wan, fer the
cotwayidence av Paypie who run out
avegasoline on the road. • Theer is a
lot av wurruk yit fer Tam Binnitt an
But, though they lie there so far away,
Will Canada soon forget, '
That ;there's a something we must re-
Pay- .
A grand and noble :debt?
Nol We will honour the .men Who fell,
Anti He 'math the poppibs' recV--
And we enlist honour their sinenfr.y
, •
• •eveli, . - • .
They re Canada's noble dee
Unable To Get All The Cuts
• We regret very much that we have
been unable to get cuts for pablicatiori
of all who gave their lives in the
Great War and whose names are on
the Wingham Monument, but it has
been hnpossible to get all of the thir-
Barney Beiungee to do, -an fer a share; ty-eight.
av theer eommishun 1, wuddent inoind •
lettin, thim into the secret av a Part av OUR 14ALL YAIR:
the connthry wheer the payple know -
a. lot more about bainders an trashin
inasheens than they know about otty-
mobeel,s, an be rayion av this lenow-
lidge isrify wan av thim, is out av debt,
an vo•tiri shtraight Tory at nary elick-
shun, As sed at Iiitsht it is,roight
to change yer wente 'in 4
whoile•• • • .
Anothee tpime 1 changed. Me maind
wus wid. regard to' the site ay the Soli':
diers' fursht, an fete a
good whoile .aftherwards, tought
borne Other place. Wud, hey been bet-
ther but. .'afther sOeing . the'
groutide to noloely tereaced ati"Sodded
I know-, now that it is, in the proper
I shuelnlaike to sey: soindtingeehout
the utn'sellinge.:eerdelonisee, kilt; ?shire
it is too Skileani, an sktrious aSubijet,
,fer mct. e:AS:,tlie tinSSus ssud tllatc,1161-,;
ght afthas ve et horne );tast'
n2ie: *Iv;
•totis„41st.tr';owitipre'jAK nVr.4..ed.tr',•e
'Tis lttle.we1iev'
., . . .„;
' " Outs': till niit wake',
Timothy' 1:-/aY;'
ion of 'entrenie.'ree(114the, naisfe
MargareteMatstard was. Onlitted.
Mustard afitipit.
Was eueeessfial•at. theeree0t
•Voltonl Patttison'.ef• IDetroit, is
visiting hili'inOther on John. Sto '
• The fanlilies of Mr, 3. Walton 1Y1c-
1<ibbdiii and Mr. A, 8, liikeGed are
lime fetetti thele ,cottagee at .Kinear-
• The Year .is. slipping•around and ori-
,ceMere we find ourselves •epproach-
ing the: atinual Pei r • Seas On„ With 'WI ng-:
hem Fair to be ;held on. Thursday,
September 29th annoth These fairs
. •
aro'atways looked forward„to beran.osta
ly'ieVelarohe in:the imeitediate vieirtity
o the.town;:as well as..by a lerge num-
laer'; these -I -Who live it other towns
'onarsliStisicts,e,These ,fairer.ace, 'x boon
t�:',•.010', in:WhieliethesKare . held
na,penfar aesthey- ate •helped.elong and
boasted, hY.:' the :residents 'of.. theIown
and, 'coneintinity.- lairs the
thOnCY ,Shotild-notsapPeaT to the
extufatorgos it is not„ and 'cannot be:
lierSelteltosiS, of „the .opitti Ott that:
ho has , at .154St;
txt�itlsy 1,74 'the. prize thatnahcs.;.snioll,
to*.tflolt's..a.,$ncee'S's.ty0yone sho,ul.d
:sec,!tro,qt,:that there;ss m.large
sttnls, '15'tompCtitson is the, tu
thingli,bitt;:the,'to,NY4: at.14.4iIttker,bctie
it th4e. fl
f.Aiafierie do; all .they•een• telward-that
entt'„',Eireryotie,'can;:'OeMtibtite to:, this
.StieeSSefiesebentainIsigeniembee.scr the.
{:00thfeelrer)t.,'Sr•ear:`....W,e heat coes.
NXI•tiPit9•P's '-'00,141)fing
WithLtheseli105',..,"„This••;iSledare '•€Sp•eerals,
.1.4the6146 it:•tit&:.ladies.'.,:work: at 'the
g'Ax'ieuittira1 fatr, ,am it is"aid' tlijit
often. ^flie. e;thilift:ie net the Of
the eyhibit�r:- If.these ..conditiond tars',
taiii;I is..,vrottg' and.sholild tolerated.'
EP.fOt 'the i•ttleS :the
eegarcjlesa offeHriga. Aaie'may'
Wing.iitiAv .cint t thesexhihitor but
it IS . net; hoiiorableand doei the etL
hibition gre'k'' deal 'of'. ,Jfkithi
cess''1.8 ineetttredbyt lore t1iart.11611art
As ,very powerful lond, spealcer has
been installed in; the tower of 'Toronto
City "1-1a11; It le ewe:elected elp with a
special aa tube machine en4 the results
are said to be very greifying, Cop-
e Is are picked lip from American cit-
ies•and they can be •heard for several
bloCks. Experiments are being QOQ,
Cbldt&i. to determine whether the stets
ibad at such a height also recep-
tion of English stations will be attem-
pted. Concerts arc given every even -
On one of the future public holidays
in the 1.Jnited, States, one of the leads
ing men willaddress the whole coun-
try by means of radio. Over teventSr,
broadcasting station's will•be linkedup
by private wire •arid the speech is ex:
pected to reach eveey part of the coun-
try at the same tinie. This will be ,the
firt experiment -avith such a large
number of statione linked up together,
Jaelsie Coogan, the star juvenile ac -
toy, provided a pleasant surprise one
evening recently when he partitipated
in the program from elation KYW' at
Chicago, and told a portion of -the bed
' A new invention has just aPpeared
which will prove.. very interesting to
radio fans. It is a sniall compact in-
strunient which when connected to the
ordinary lighting circuit; suppliesaa
steady fleakr of direct current at volt-
age ran:ging from zero to: ;go erralte.
This instrument ZePlaede the oreliner
"B" battery and lasts indefihitely. Thi$
will prove a boon to those who use
the latest multi -tube eets. • The cost
for electricity is very -low
• Germany is the only country in the
world where extra premiums are char-
.ged_in: the case of a building equipped
with radio. The Draper jn$1.allation of
.a radio antenna is generally regarded
as a protection to buildings rather
than a menace:
• Station WJAX of Chicago which has
disappeared from the air for some
time will again resume broadcasting
in the near future. At present.a suit-
able location is being looked for and
a temporary;transmitter is being car-
ried are -lend Chicago and vicinity in a
motor truck to determine an efficient
situation for the location of the new
Station KDKA-326 Meters
pittsburgh,„ Pa.
Thursday, September 4th.
• 5.30 p. pi. --Concert by the KDKA
Little Symphony Orchestra, under the
'direction of Victor Sandek.
6.4.5 p: in. -"A Week -End Trip via
Antomobile", A. G. Seiler, manager of
tourists bureau, Automobile Club of
7 p, ms -Baseball scores. "Shade and
Ornamental Trees for Street and
Lawn", prepared by the Fruit Grow-
ers Nurseries, Newark, N. J.
• 7.15 p. tn.-Program arranged by
the '"Natipnal„ Stockman and Farmer."
•rle) p. nn -Stockman reports of the
primary livestock and produce mark -
8 p. in -Concert by the KDKA Lit-
tle Symphony Orchestra, Victor Sand-
ek, conductor; Rose Leader Chislett,
contralto, and,Earl Mitchell, accornp-
amst. ,
9.55 p. m.-Arlingto-n time signals.
to p. m. -Weather forecast. Base-
ball scores.
10.05 p. in.--Poptilar concert, feat-
uring Fred Hughes, exclusive Carneo
Friday, September 5th.
5.30 p. m.--eOrgan recital by Paul E.
Fleeger, frolil the Cameo Motion Pic-
ture Theatre, Pittsburgh. ,
6 p. in. -Baseball scores: Dilmer
concert continued.
6.30 p. m. --"Listen to the Advent-
-tires of "TOM Thumb, Radio Children."
•,6•45 p. ns. -News bulletins, ••
p. in. Baseball 'scores, "
7.40 p. m. -Stockman reports of the
primarsr livesj:ock and wholesale •pro-
duce markets." , --
8 p.m. -Concert, "All Sorts Pro-
gram," presented by the Kazoo Sym-
phony; the V. and X. Saxophone Band
the Jews Harp Quintet, The Musical
Saw," the World's Premier Svveet-po-
tatoist" and the Edgars Thompson Xy-
lophonist, Evan Lloyd, Chit Swinger.
9•55 peme-FArlia,gton, time signals,
YO 111. ---Weather forecast. tase-
ball scores, *
Saturday, September 6th.
5.30 p. .m. -Dinner cencert by the
Westinghouse Band, T. j. Vastine,
6 p. m. -Baseball scores. • Diener
concert continued. '
6.30 p. in. -Two English stories for
boys -the ehildren's period.
8 la m. -,Concert by the Westing-
house ,Band and Edward Repper, bari-
' ••• . , • . '• • {. : . •
.•.Wh,B, Tiro
Touring t625 22.,$ •do 30x3r
• Coupe 'q30 "
Salmi .•
'ClievrOlet• '••••
i• Touring 4795:
9yerleald i• .•
too 3ox3i.
Coupe', .x025
-Sedan: 2°05. •
Special Sale of Boys' School
Boye' Fine Tvveecl Suite in Greys and Browns, made in a
good style with belt, splendid weave,s, sizes 25 to e8, Regular
price to $9.75, Special
BOYS' ;SUI'I'S $7,0
Boys' fine tailored suits in Blue, Grey and Tweed mixtueee,
belt styles, just the suit for boy's school wear, sizes eS to 3a. Reg-
ular prices to Sznoo, Special $7.5o.
BOYS' SI.TIT$ AT $9.75
Boys' Worsted and Tweed Suits in assorted patterns and ma-
zte8ritaol '31136.Regularade
intbariPerNilicee7 tostyles,
,.' hSep6eeciiVilSi7c75e. extra wear, Si:4eS
Fancy Hdme,spuri. and Tweed Suits in first long styles. sizes
34. to 88. Regular. valuee to $22.55o, Exceptional values, Special
Sale at $13.50.
These are suits from our regular stock in broken, lines of
s'Ip'weeceiadissaafedaWt sozr5s.toeod.,s, sizes 36 to 42, „Regular values to $?7,50,
Men's fine botany all wool.' serge and Herringbone Suitein
NAVY, eine 36 to 42. Regular valtie $35.00, .Special $24.75.
•• •(contintted from page I) .
Mr's.' Win 'Elliott and son, Clarke
spent a few days at Kincardine Beach
.Master Nelson Naylor and sister
Velma, of Blyth, are spending a fe'w
days with their aant, Mrs. M. 3, 13ut
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Anderscrn and sot
Donald of Lindsay, were guests o
Mr. and Mrs. John Gelbt'aith. thi
week •
Miss Edna Gibson and Miss Mar
jory Wells spent' the holiday at th
latter's sister, Mrs. J. IVIontgomery
Miss Mina Currie left for Nipigon
Ont., where she has accepted a posi
tion as primary teacher in the public
school there. • .
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carson have
returned to their home after spending
a few weeks with friends in VVinnipeg
and Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carson, Shuter
St. have returned home after a three
week visit with friends in Vsrinnipeg
and Brandon, Man.
Mr. and AIrs. D. 0. Colclough and
afternoon was almost everything that the Oid. Boys' and the "Home Bey?'
coitld have been-, desired. Added to The 'Home Boys won the game and
this was the advantage of the beeut-; also a • prize kindly donated' • by H.
, ifttl ;farm house of Mrs. 3.-W, Bohe, ," Shane of .Wingliam, a former pupil.
: strikingly decorated, making .an ideal i' Whernthe-ausPictons time arthved a
settieg for anideal afternoon's andi'splendid.disPlay of. fireworks was put
' esreninsfs! entertainment and enjoy -10n from the low latid north east of
.. mem for thealarge crowds who came the residence which will not soap be
e the afternoon, lt,fr. Elliott Richmond- platform erected ore the - back ' lawn,
from far and near: .• , forgotten by those who witnessed it.,
, About '2 o'clock the chairman for; 'Then the dancing began On a spacioas.
s of St. Jacobs, a former teacher opened The music was .supplied by the Leek- .
proceedings by calling on the -schocil now orchestra and the fun was ktpt
children for a "Song of Welcome" up until everyone had satiefactiota
. . .
e- which was Stang With a right goodwill. Tile tag Girls and Boys had a merrY
t Mr. Robert Henry one of the oldest
living pupils, gave an address of wel, afternoon and evening tagging ,eve,ry
_ or her preeence there Was a real plea -
union. Mr. Richmond's address as would take uP
sure to these who had planned the re- deTneos lieleenetk)pli.ligliliasinseesa001weee present
one, those who were wilahlril gpit: .rbets-is::
and also those who werenot,
too much sps.ee, fax
, come and made everyone feel that,hie
chairman won' for him and the other
. entertainers the respect and attention they were there from Idiana, Mielii-
of the croWd during the entire pro- gan, South Carolina, Edmonton, Mon-.
gram, and a great deal of appreeiat_ tana, New York, Philadelphia, Tor-
onto Waterloo, Preston, Woodstock,
ion has been expressed throughout ' . .
Ingersoll, Kincardine, BrusSels, Cen-
tralia, Blyth, Goderich, Clinton, Leck-
now and Wingliant
Refreshments of a good quality -
varied nature was presented and was served by Mr. Bennett of Sea -
1 enjoyed to the full•by the crowd oc- forth, who had charge of the booth,
to the house. Very acceptable vocal nu -
cupying seats arranged on the large afternoon` and, evening; and whose wai-
dose tees wereboth courteous and obliging..
1 lawn facing a platform erected
And so- came to an end •the long• rnbers were rendered by Mrs. Wesley talked of and well planned re -union, of
joynt of Lucknow and by Mrs. R. Se S. No, 8 of which. there will remain,
13rooks of Toronto, a former pupil, with those who: attended a pleasant
while Mr. McGee of Auburn, appear- memory, to go with them through the
generously with his Harry years, a memory not only of the af•-•
ing in kilts entertained royally and
selections and did also Messrs. Henry school wherein was to be •seen the
and evening but also of the
whom the community is justly proud.
neeee.e ternoon •
portanee to us for whom those brave.
and Sidthorpe, two loe'al singers of Honor Roll, rightly of so much im-
The school children put on a "Hard ones fought and fell. •
Time Drill" which couldn't be beat A great deal of the success of' tlier
and the children and Miss M. Bone a day is due to the kindness and hos- '
former teacher who traaned them de- pitality of Mrs. Bone and her farrifly,,
serve a great deal of credit for their who so open hearteelly lent their home-
performan.ce. • for the occasion, and the ratepayers -
A very enjoyable feature was the wish thus publicly to express to them
appearance upon the platform of so their sincere appreciation. •
many old residents and former pupils Remarks heard among the. crowd:
amongst whom were Messrs Finlay "When No. 8 does anything it's done
Anderson, jno. McCallum, Wm. John- right." "In my estimation this is the
ston, Van VartNorman, Duncan Mc- most successful event of its kind in
Donald, Herb Campbell and Ben Nay- this part of the country." "Why isn't
lor. In their short addresses pleasing this made an annual affair?" 'Do it
tributes were paid to the memories again next year, and we'll come again".
of those who have gone before and to "We have to leave early and I hate tce;
whose efforts and courage we owe the go." It's years since I saw you but
beginnings made along every line of you haven't changed a bit." With.
education and industry and as a con- hearty handshake "Glad to have ;rot&
sequence to whom we owe 'many of here", and "Glad to be here", Good'.
our present advantages and comforts, by, old friend, here's hoping that we
Other addresses which were eloquent, meet again." s.
clever, enthusiastic and reminiscent
were given by S. B. Stothers, Agri-
cultd.ral Representative, Clinton. Rev.
Austin Budge, Hamilton; frt.°. King,
M. P. 13luevale; Rev. W. Hawkins, of
Blyth; Rev-, Moores, Belgrave and Rev,
'Wm. Finglancl, Mimic°, •
One incident which was unique and
touching took place in conneetion
with the address given by Rev. Aust-
in Budge, whea he placed a laurel of
Richmond an old time pttpil of S,S. \
maple leaves upon the brow Q1 Mrs.
iNvo. 8, in token of appreciation: of her "a•ei-n-'-'*-'
help and influerme while she was his ••=eae.s.."________
teacher in S.S. No, 13.
Mr. Alex Porterfield xis Secretary
of the Re -union read letters from for -
MC r pupils who were unable' to be Pre-
sent and who sent greetings, As • the
reading of all the letters would have
been Wearisome, one from each gen-
eration was chosen and read as fol-
lows, from Mr. John Owens, tTe Mai-
ne, Sask; from Mr. Wm. Porterfield,
Calgary, Alta, and from Miss Mamie
Livingstone, Victoria, B.C. also tele-
grams from Hardy Geddes, Wilmnig-
ton and from Dr, Thoe, Agnew, Van-
couver, I3.C.
At the conclusion of the first part
of the program lunch was served in
true country style, which in other
words mean, that it was generous; va-
ried and tasty, The Blyth band furn-
ished splendichmusic &trim; this inter-
val and added a great deal to the soc-
iability of the hour,
, After the knell the program was
coetinued, arid later, Mrs, 3, Geddes
of Weterldo, •a fotmer pupil led in
commtinity singing. Mrs. Ferguson,
another former. pupil acting capably
as accompanist. The community sing -
i -ng was wonderful and was one of the
inspirations of the day. What could
have been more fitting than that the
Old T3oys and, Gids, who had inet a -
gala in Many eases aftor years of sep-
aration should join in singing the old,
old songs which in the old days had
been the jay of their hearts. )'ilite en-
thusiasm with which all Joined in tlds
part of the entertainment was suites
ient evidence of the way it appealed
to all, Thanks is due to Many who
helped in the singing, amongst whom
were, Mr, I-1: McGee, Mr, Jas. Taylor,
Prof. A. Cook and Mr, Geo. Phippen
,Sports 62 Vane:Lis kinds were put on
ri the evening, amongst others'eof inj•
crest being a baseball game between
little son of Burgesealle; visited over
the holiday wIth, the • latter's' mother,
Mrs.. NI, J. Butcher: "
Mr. and Mee, T. R. Bennett; Miss
Myrtle Bennett 62•Wingham and Mr.
and Mrs, Oliver Stokes metered to
Lions' Head an Sunday.
Mr, au:d, Mrs. Weir Elliott 61 Well-
and, and Mi. and -.6,tr;g. Robt., Brooks
of Toronto, are Vfsiting at their -ree-
pectiie hoines ixt Weineham
Mr. and "ars, W. A. McDougall of
Detroit, motored over and , spent the
week -end with his father, Mr. Robt
Mc Dougall of Lower Winghana
Dr. G. H. and Mi. Roes, accomp-
aided by Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Van -
Norman motored to La Peer, Mich.,
where they spent a couple of days.
Mr, and Mr. Geo. Mason accomp-
anied by their daughter Mrs. Gregory
and Miss Norah Beattie attended. the
Baptist -convention at Kincardine on
Monday. - •
Mrs. A. Robertsot accompanied. by
her daughter, Mrs. D. Ray, returned
to their horne in Wroxeter, after spen-
ding a few days with their friend; Mrs.
Butcher. -
Mr. and Mrs, John Murr and • Mr.
and Mrs, Hervey Niergatth and child-
ren lof Waterloo, motored to Wing -
ham and spent the holiday with. rela-
tives here.
Mrs. E. Hart has returned home
from North Bay, where she visited
with friends for the past couple of
months. Mrs. Hart will resume her
duties as Marse.: ' •
'Mr. and Mrs, Frank .Galbraith and
little daughter; Lilliait, also Mise Alba
Galbraith, spent a few days at the
home of. their parents, Mr. Rad Mrs:
John Galbraith.
• Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Schaefer and
little daughter of Goderich, spent the
holiday in town, Mts. John McCool
accompanied, them back, where she
will epend a 'few days.
Mr. Carl Casemore, Cant. and. Mrs:
Ale-. Casemore and niece, Miss Iris
Morrison of Blenheim, motored up
and spent, Sunday at the home of the
former's parents,. Ma and , Mrs. Jerry
Casemore, 13. Line,
IvIe.,and Mrs: T. Field, Mrs, T. Fells;
Mrs. Hugh Tucker and, daughter,.
Grace, Mr- and Mrs. W. A. Currie,
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith and sons,
and Mt, A. C. Adams :were among the
Wmghamites at Toronto Fain
mr and Mrs: F. Clarence and son
Ross and. Mrs Dietitian -1. of Toronto;
Mrs. Schafer of Rochester V. Y. Mot -
erect and spent the weeksend'with Mr.
and Mrs. Reba, ,Shaepin, They were
accompanied back with Miss Alice
Sha,rpin, • :
Mit. and, Mrs. Alex. Imlay and Mr,
Frank Steak Motored front Detroit in
the former's -„Cadillac cat" and spent
the 'week end with Mrs, John Imlay
and family. They returned Monday
aecoMpanied bv Mrs, flank'Stark and
babe tyliohave, speht the past
weeks at her home here, •
Miss MariOn Mitehell 'who has 1Jecn
the '6fdcietitorganist, Of St. Andrews
church, left on Monday' for the .Tor-
onto • Cotaservatory of • Musie',. where
she will continue her studies' in music
under the direction Of Paul Wells and
Or. Tricker. Mrs, Mitchell and 1-Ier-
Conpe 245
3 .
ronnug '234 r1S 31x4
•• Tenting 267o'
old a.ecompanied her to 'Toronto,
Pleasent Afternoon. and Evening at
S.& No. 8, tast Wawatiosh
On the afternoon of Wednesday,
August 27th., even the weather man
3214 took a deep interest in the "Old Boye
nd Gir1& Reunion Of S.S. No. 8, East
lArawatiosh, and although during the
otenoon he threatened to disprove
2sc."4 the staternent made in advertising th•e
-event that, "It ain't gain' to rain. rto 1
note Ne changed hit mind and the t
•8edith 6oso '
814Td°cibu4rkii.ei; Lal6asloit, 6 23.4
SCe451:nd 316°
•the section for the very capable and
efficient manner in which he fulfilled
his duties, which at any time are dif-
ficult. A program of an unusually
Your re,p1d1
The number of telephones
you can reach to do busi-
ness with iu Ontario and
Quebec has more than
doubled in the past 0 years,.
Each year for 9 years Bell
telephones in service have
increased over 11%.
'The value of telephone set-.
vice may therefore be 11%
more path year to those who
diligently profit by the op-
portunities it offers for
• saving time and expense.
It takes 11 -it years for capital
to double itself at 6% in-
tprest compounded annually -
How 'much can you, make th
telepho,ne wonli to you tOr41,1
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of YOtra l'eltgatijt