HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-04, Page 1!, •,a 13. •,, ,lj J1 „, 4 • , Single C0piee, Five Cents. „ . A Huge Sucej EverY 6e1se o''• • SOFT BALL TOURNAMENT Labor Day Sporte at.I/Vingliarn • Foundry Winning Out ' : *The local $ ft P-11 th `t 'Id o • ..at, en usias s tonrnament M the town park on Lae< • bor Day, six teams pa.rthipating in ' the play-off as follows, Lions, laloYds- *Qtover, Western 'Foundry, Fry-Gumi- , ()las, Clerks aad.Savages. •'',Two games were played ,in the mor-, no - in' when the Lions were defeatedby theDFOundf.y, 'and tlre •Fry-Ginn-Olas raphy the Lloyd-Gloye„ At tysro o'cloak !the Savages defeated •the"'Clerks, fol- lowed by, the semi-finals between .the '.'Lloyds -Glove and •the. Western Fowl - 1117; in which the•LloydseGlove were ;defeated. „ ".. , • .',13y ,far the best ganie-Orthe day in • ery respect, was that 'for the 'tourn- •ament chanmionship between the Sa7 'Vages and the Foundr3r, although the ...a.FOtinatry hadalready played to gam -- es the3r'sh6Wed 'splendid form through- . • •ot-lt• The 'Savages w4.1.;11 less practice but sho ing d -oVement ••, w ei . . , .since' their debut six: weeks 'ago were • hent •on. carrying off "the !honors of the Ia. the last of the ninth ,inninga <a a With the Savages to batand the scorC ' '-4 for the .F.ouridt'y t loOked aS if.the •'Savagess.naight: WA but the Fotanday ,..played air tight boll and put out the firSt three Men hp • , • • Spectators and players" alike gave the:'Foundry •three cheers for their ,-vicfery which was well'and fairly ear- •' Collections were taken rimming and ' .afternobn, the total of which amount- s• ,,ed, to $to.25. The winning team 9n .behalf of the Soft Ball League donat- • ed the'proceeds to the Whigharn • Tos- Civic HoliJday At 1ke request of a number of cit- , • izens the 14ayor.has proPlahned Wed- nesday, September thexothe as Wing- hartis All places of -business will be closed all day. Notable Visitors in Wingharn , Last week Mr. and 1\frs. J. W. Scott wingham 'of Listowel, accompanied by Mr. Wel- " 15 Robinson Blyth " •7 - 'ter I3 Scott and Ins wife of. Dallas wok ana Lticknow Texas; were in town. Mr. Walter B. Haan, . Houston ee _14 Scott is a 5071 of the late C. Tait Scott, ,awinghana Ma Forest 'forinerly a banker in Winglia,tri and Ring• 1_5 spear is- ' is a prdminent Criminal LawYek• Wingham . Atwood • aaras three days engaged with the State' • 'Attorney on the Loeb murder case ""..`wi'i.`,t`glitlato•7 L°Ecriluilsesaccils • 19 •"were millions of dollars was pitted McLean 6 Ross 15 • 2gairiSt j V-stice. Mr' Scott -brought • Seaforth Listawel greetings from • his aged -another to avfcMillan la Howard . 6 'Mrs. T, L. jobb and other friends, Lucknow ' •Goderich ' Be left at once for Montreal 'to en- ,Axcher 'Hunt •16 gage oara case in, that . Wingham ' Chesley •Currie • ' -,72 Truemner •Cargill , EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Dreake t3 Mason Wingham . . 8 • Listowel Winghani . • CHEA. OR QUICK SAT E -E' h' Kibler • 16 Young •3 • room brick veneer hause,' lt g well sit- Goderich • Winghain • nated, all convenieces''ba.1alga- PoWell Holmes• It • rage -owner leavinatown.APpyto Lucknow Wingham Abner Cosen •• McCoy • to Crawford- • -6 SALE—Dawson's Golden Chaff• Galbraith, somers 6, . 'Mt, Forest Wingham Seed Wheat, free from cockle aad, Blyth •Winghain • other noitions weeds, ,suitable for Telfer 14. Stewart . competition. Price $L40 per ' Ripley • Kincardine , bus. A. 8.t: W. MORague, Teeswater. Aitken it Chapman 7 FOR sAaera Two'''"Aa young cows Seaforth Ripley dile to freshen any 'day, Fi Apply at ."ss -9RMunn 13 rst ound'• the Wingham Advance -Tunes,• „. „ , • Hirst ra Houston • 19 Fox' Sale—Three geod cows, two Der- • Spear 1,',1 Loehhead •3 hams and one, Part. HolsteM, due to Ross 6 McMillan 7 fes hen about Sept ioth Apply to Hunt 10 Truemner ... . .... Ei'd . Walsh, w Phone 24621. Drealae „ • 6 Kibler . 15 Holmes .. . . .. . a-8 -McCoy FOR SALE—Five acres witb six room Galbraith •ao Stewart . . • 4 •dwelling and other bitildings, oppos- Aitken ao Munn , 17 1 • it Agricultural grounds. Apply Second Round • Mrs. McGregor. • Huston 6 SpeaxS • EJNCHAIUONSPEIL, . . . „ WN-4M,ONT. THUR,SDAY, 41ch 192,4 , .VV]qq.GIAAM'.5 NEVV.,.WAR MEMORIAL- uNvEILF,D LAST ,wEEK Th.a. 'VV.ing,hani Lawn Bowling, Club , held a 'inoet succesSful bb'nsplel on, • , Wednesday, Angilst nth. Rinka were h6re from Lucknow, Kincardine, G�d- erj1i . •Ripley, ,Harriston, Matint For- •• est, Seaforth, Chesley and other plac-• 4 ea. Bowling started ,Very shartly af- - ter. 9,0'olock an4 continued until after tivo'o'clock in the morning Mr. Dud.- • ' , • ley 'Holmes acted as secretary, for the.: . • tournament', and was on the job. all, the t 'nine, 'He •waS assisted by Mr. J. ' 'Morton and Mr, Hirst, and the bon- ' spiel cbanmitteewish us to juet say that their: serariees were greatly ap- preciated, Few •people itnow,... the . a • - , mount of work involved in ptitting on an event -like this, Credit should also be given to ,the , energetic.; President, '/vfr. NIT„•Hanna, wile was tes'Penisi- ' hie for the.';bonspfel, • • .•, Galbraith of Mount 'Forest wonthe • trophy, Spears of -Mpunt Forest., take, • „Ipg second prize.. •The silver tatiphy • " was beauty., and„was,donated by the• ' Aexo Rairlabet. Co,' and, • . "nanst be put 'UP 'tor'cf.:An:petition' each arear. Thefirst, individual prizes that . •accompanied the trophy wee 4. Win- dsor- Walnut Chairs and •the second_ prizes weiee Ma o6any Seas/lag The Coneolatibn prizes were won tiy - A. M,' Crawford and his rink' con-ipos- ed-of W, Greer, j• Gaatiam' and : Dr. Ross, they were Walnut-Criester- field 'Tables, white the second prize a was won. bys'sDr. Ross of Seaforth, his ' rink Was Dr, Beachley, I ally jel ra3 and John Stewart, the prizes being smoker stands., The Association Prizes were. thelait • to be play,ed off and the McMillan' rink- • of Seaforth and. Truerner of• 'Chesley, decided to jtist play two ends, ,the end of the Second was a tie,\ • which": necessitated three :ends. -Mc- Millan won,' 'by 3 to 2 therefore inna lite the golf sweaters while' Chesley rink tookhome the Electric -toasters. • The plays'were as follows: . Tro h • Ross r T• rl • m er 0 . „FOR SALE—Good kitchenrange, par- „kibier . ... ...Holmes .. . ticulars apply, at the Advance office' -Galbraith • 15 lqunn $ Fina • -LOST—Crank for Awning,• please• • advise King Bros. • • SPears Semi-Truellsltner 5 • • - Holmes • , 12 Galbraith r5 • SEED _WHEAT -FOR SALE—Good ••Finals - • clean seed, Apply to Herb. Shiell: Spears < 6 Gall.)raith 7 • • Phone ring 7, Wi-oxeter, Aasaciation • Valuable Propert3r ;for. Sale—Seven. ,•• • Hanna 12 R0b11110011.17 ..... Kin t(i' Hamil roomed house and suilime kitchen, mca.g.,eare • • 'Howard'- . zo artesian well with galvanizetl piping., Currie 4 Archer,4 good. cistern,, stabling'for thireC' healy -g Mason . onig henhouse garage atir drive shed; or r Poen ,„ -.Crawford chard, raspberries, twO acres 01 •Somers Telfer splendid land in !good state °f dul Chaptnan ....11 Ross . . . .. ... .. , tivation. • Also .pasture for two heat!. < • First Round ' of catt.le•with sP.-ring c.reeh'.• As the :'Hantra 20 King' ...... , . ,L 'otkiner is leaving aantario any reason- . . . Howard • 9 Archer 15 , able ,offer will be considered, Rob- mason, ,J7 8 .ert ol,oves, Town Plot, - ,Somers ,,,.,..,..„„ . .Chapnvtii Hirst L BONEY•FOR SALE—Clover Honey 8 ochhead in lithographed pails at rac., at 3 A MeMillan t4 Hunt Mills'. Feed Store for your tonven- •a '.,ience, 'The sante honey, in plain, tewatt a 8 Aiken-• "I •pArils •at illy residence, a-sta hue of: Second Round orris at 13c., not delivered, Sat- a J-Chig• • . '••• -9 At9her . • . -gat° Ma isfaCti6U guaranteed or Your inoney.;:z,-, sP.n'.8,, 11 ChapMan, back. yas. Casem,ore.'„ • a.„;.4.-6,cheau _cMthan. .. • . .. -:-• PERSONALS Mr Robt, Johnston is visiting with friends in 'Toronto. Miss Evelyn Reid is visiting friends in Toronto, for a -week. Miss Nora Beattie spent Labor Dal - with friends Kincardine. Mr. Allan Reid of Detroit, is visit: Mg at the home of his parents. Mr. Inward, Gray of Niagara -Falls, is home for a week's vacation. Misses jean and itarg,aret Vansone motored to Toronto on Tuesday: Miss Phronie McDonald of Tees - water, is visiting Miss Bella Elliott. Nliss •Hodgins of Kinloss, spent the week -end at Mr. H. Carson's, Mr, Alex. Kelly returned rehis home in Swift Current on Wednes- Mrs. j. S. Sinelt.zer of Clinton, re- newed acquaintances in Wingham thia at. and Mrs. Wm. Hopper of Sea - forth, , are visiting with relatives in • Master Earl Grayhas returnedirom' spending a week with, his .aunt in LTo- gs. Me .R..Beckwith 'visited for a couple of • days with her daughters in Toronto. , ,- ' ' • , , ' lqa...:Store Maguire of Cannibellford,' ttom anything more serious than brui- f.•3°c1 chance to The are vigor - root mOde a call at the Advance -Times one ses, and a buggy and big mous.growers and Soon come_ in flower,otor, car ' ' day last week. 1 . -: , - were badly wrecked when tA. W. Webster, the tailor, Upstairs ov- he two ye.: ' Mr.: and. Mrs. A. j. NortiOp: and" hicles came together ina rear -end col- er the Advance -Times office. 6 children spent th,p holiday with,. rela- lision on Monday night ,on the t5th To introducFlavilli—The new don- tives .in ..Arkell. • _ '. . • . •. sideroad about a mile outside of Rip- ble strength Vanilla 'flavoring extract Mr. Alex. Carson left on the West.' Icy: A. Borgman, a Iiollaader, just we are giving free a heavy glass meas - tin Excursion to, spend three months arrived in this country, and Alex. Mae- tiring cup for Cooking, etc. with a 050 at Nutatia, Saalta . • Gregor of the 6th concession of .TaTuron bottle of Flavilla„ only one to 'a cus- b . -Mr: Marshall of .the Aersa• Cushion Township, are in Kincardine' Hospital, tomer. Mitchell's Drug Store.: ' , Inner Tire and Rubber Co,, was in the .formen having a badly cut head .. . . , Toronto this week. - ' • and injuries to his leg and the lane -I- _ , Mrs. George Garton Sr., Dead Mrs, M. E. 'Copeland ln eft oWed-, entlering. from _ broken, ribs and other , nesday morning to visit with her ,dati,-. lajdripa..., • ,, .. -, e • ,:', ' , Mrs. 'Geerge. •Garton Sr. passed a- ghter in Wianipeg.: . , .." .", . ' .' ' ' way at the home of her daughter, , Miss Mabelle Stokes of Glenannan,,' - , . : . • --- . ' 1.1•s, 'Rutledge of Brussels, an., •dSatur- spent a few clays last . week • with a „,,, aaaree: Operated ,On •' - day. She leaves to mourn, her, four ' friends in Wingham. ' . •-. . .Mayor 'W. 14,. Willis. nladerwent an sons and four daughters; George, of ' •Mr. 3, Elgin Currie has- accepted, a operation for aPPendicitis in the Wine-- Lucknow; Edward, of Brussels; and position as. a Mathematical teacher at ham General Hospital, on' Tuesday. Jack, of Port Huron and Will of Ridge - 'North Bay .Collegiate. • ' . We are pleased to learnathat hclow, Alta., the, daughters are Maggie,e is 'Mr. Oscar Caeemore has returned getting along as welt as Call: be expect- -MTs. Rutlege, • Mabel and Mrs, home from. Leamington, ,where he has ed, , . . . Sinclair, of Brussels. One 'son; Sinn spent the past month, '! ..." :' . ' . 11.0a-...d.ecweaaseeld.cullicear ..jan freiaiser yjraetast ago, r and Mrs. Alex.•'`Davidson and two: child. elgiave. beemaiion.' Services ' ten of ,Hamilton," renewed acquaintan- 'Belgrave L. 0..L. 'No. 4.62 held dee- ' The 'funeral took place 'rorit. 'her ces in town this week,. , : . ' oration services on:Sunda/last, when Whitechrirch„ to Wingham Mr, a,nd Mrs. 3'. Fairservice zmd chill- cemetsty on Tuesday, Rev. Jas. Scobie home in they Placed flowers. on the graves of . • ' ttren of Blyth, visited' at the hoftue °I. .dedeased brethren w i• to are inBrandon taking theservices. Mrs. Garton had, Mrs, A. Scott recently. . . : ' and McCrea: eeinetries. 'At' Brandon been ain bed since .last fall. She ,was , captain Hall of , Haliburton, has 17e- demeterythe decoration took' place at a member of the 'Presbyterian Church - turned to his 'dtities after viSiting' Mr. ' • d t'"\i C'• '-' • - ' 6 heee and the .cominunity extend syin- , , • 4,39 an o .I, .c lea eemeteiy at .30. • • - - . . panty to the bereaved family in the Wheeler, of Catherine St. ., . • . • Revall'ao: Moares;:paStor of the Meth - :Mr. and Mrs. W. R 'Jobb of, Wind; odist' church. Bro. .T3ert. Watson and , lose of a.loving mother. . . sot,. are visiting with his Another, Mrs. Bros. Chas. King took Dart in thecera The' Late Miss McKersie T1 L.... Jobb, , Diagonal Road. •' . . . , . . enionies, while ••Bro,, John McCalitrli ' . ' , ' • , Mr. WiltPr I-laines..of Timmins, .1e. ,es. , The • Alter a lingeaing illness . Miss Eu- atied''ne direttor,Of 't ereinoni spending a few days „,with Ills, parents,Iat phemia McKersie passed away at. her folloWine byethren's' IgraV6's were dec- home onShuter 'St. on Thursday last. Mt. and :Mrs. 'Arthur Haines. a ' .. 'o.ratati:7elarandeu..-cemetery--lhos. ' Mayor .and Mrs. C. A, Wengie and ' 131 'd aahraaa trydges, Tho's, Black She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , .gfIREAM' CANS—VVIII, parties having' '':,flouSton, ' ' ''', 10-12.,o'gs ' , ' . ' • 12 family of 'London, Spent the hofida3r. Wm. 11/IcKersie 'and was highly es- ,.."'• ' Yelloiv topped eitamadarisl owned bY.', ',,Kiblei- ...,..„ .... ,... .. .. .. .16 Mtinn.'"--•• ' ' '<- ..-7: with Mr...and Mrs. W, R.. Dyer, ,• Froth:Bell, 'John Bella joint Brooks, I:alit' Via ibec Andreay•.1Vf.e.Kibbon, Jas. teemed by .all who knew her.. The fa- Teesivater'Creameri.kindlY 'see to it , '''''''''',' :Thit!&.Rotind , . :' Mr: and Mrs. Charles .peans :of De -:rally resided in ,Garrie 'for •ithout twen- Ferguson; 'Sinion VanNotinim; Johns- ' ,. • tbat,Same ateleft.eWhYteFacking a, Archer!' -.: a ,. .. :t2 Mason' ,. ' ' 14, troit,"i ate spending their holiday, with ,Ly years and later lived ,on the sixth tot 'PlViitaawell,, 'David Joints ton, Garret '.".• Cdis :warehouse ',M.* with, the tinitekr,`,1vIeMillail 13 .`,A,„ if,lidn' • ''''• • ' / ,6 Mrs. Peter Deans, john.Street, . ..,' ' line of:Turnberry. Since tetiring theY, ,- Farmers • CO- OPerative ' CO., at Wing.' : .,._Ro4s : i..-, . -;%,:. ...... ,.,.,,,.. 13 , Kibler • . ---Jo Mr, • aaid :.Mra, Cha,rips: Aitken and Maxwell, Robt., Williamson, jas, Bran-' don,. Win, Abram,, Matthew Brafidon, have been in California and moved to Or it the Teeetvatef creatilery,,"'..t:rttennier...,„,,,,,„,,,15 ,Hohaes ;, . , . ,„,..a,.......10 children. of Listowel, spen Sunday with Wingham abouttlfree months ago 135 ' , el .: '.. •:- . ' . . : , . ,.. : :• Serni,Fitials jas. H. Brandon, Joseph Wilkinson, sides her ,parents, the :deeeased lady • ,,,`"..!:' ''.•.;•••:,• 'VENDERS ' ! , ,la,son : 9, VIC Milian , 74 friends at Glenannan a.iid Wingham, William Little, kobta Yuill, Iii Me- .• ' , Philaj, Dyer of ' flank, of Commerce, Crea's :centetery—john McCrea, Char- is, stirviVed by four. brothers, james, " Tenders will be; received_ on the, tile, : ,ROss - -;' , . • 12 Vttemner.. ' 13' 'Orangeville, spent the holiday WithArthur and Russell in the West and les, McCrea,. Wm. :Henry , McCrea "\POrtian of 'Elliott-Undetwood 'Drain• ,,, . ''' .,',..' . H.Rinals '''' ' hie parents, Mt, and krs, W, R Dyer, Charles Binne3r, john ()wens; Richard' Roy on the honlOstead, 'also two aisa iand ',Oranclies.., Tenders will be geed-•'''MeMillan,, . :....„,,,,,....,',3,Truemner ? „Mr. and Mrs, 'Prank. Meson of Wind- t I tors, IS'Im fas,,, Halliday' of Turnberry, ,,..eisamari,",,john Leishman, Christopht ".•• on.• WhOle 'iystem„ or Lenders will, ,' '" . : ' - ,I:,, ...' 'Consolation '..',': . , . ser, spent the holidaY with the latterer. Corbett, J'oSeph Coabett, Wins 'Dry- and Mrs. Robert Deka 'of Ilestviela, '. be, received On the Branches. separate- •;' ', a ''.1tirst 'ROtiaid. : , ' ' ' • - parents, Mr, and Mrs, Roble Sharpin. ane, David' McC-aitticya John Corbett,. The funeral. to Wingham cemetery a , 'Iya,' 10 -Per. Cent," Of the Contract prioe ," RobInson. ' ,a5 LYotag . .. . ,. . . ... ....,,6, • Mr, and Mrs, fames Elliott, .jr., of Laucelot Nothery, James Nethery,,E1- on Saturday afternoon was largely' at- tbt: aetopipartY tender.' ' 1.5,,, „per' cent', .",ROSS- •••,a••••,0•0 • 4...5• MOLOan . . .. .. . .0. . -0.8 Sault Ste. 'Marie„ spent a/ 'few ' days at tended.' Rev. Mr,' eNlcKelvey of Tees- ,dow • Nethery, . Wina, 'Hannah, john. : Will 1)5 91d "contractor :OS', wlatk pro-, 'Teller ,,,'„.•,..„1. ... .. ...... „16 Hamilton' ...„ .. . . . . .„,4 the:home, 'of Mi a and Mrs, W1`,i.••. i1, t i wttter Methodist church,' and a former ablet*;121.1 Seii.r.o. /94.,,Plans'arid,spe-..-.• • •''.:';:• .'S'enti-Pinalo, - . ', , . , Mr T .A1.• Graham and. Miss, Heleti , . ....,aw,.er; ' : • ' •:. „ , . ' , . , .. Gorrie, conducted the services, The . ,. gressee, . 'Tenders to 'be in 'hands' of e:Ctirrip... . ,..,,, .. ...„....... . ...9 Crawford' - is, Kat:- • ,. . . - ' ' beloved bastor of the :family While in .:', ' LOificatiOns inay'be'seen, in .Cterles of- ,' kobirtiolt-..1;;;„...to- ROssa...,...,„;.....„..,t.3 Graham spent ,Suridaywith their sus- The regillar jimior: Farmeas. Wo-, nallb-carers were Messrs, PM eter c- , '.'•fke: '1;,:toWe8f", O't aqrtOnCldr,Iii',A,'115O,S, : •TC elfer ,„%.,;,„,.,'„' '. •,,,7 rafard.M „ ..• ' ' at5, ter, r.a• . Elmer ,IVfahOott .0f, IOlc•t,t, ineUs,l'etitate will nutei. On the even- Dottgalli Alex. MCIThersen,',,Tames Wy. s'IritY,..acc,ebteit,, W.:, ,,k, ,Criti4Slitt,tik -,,,,• ,' . ', , '• ,,.. '.'., , rind's ,""':,,,•.,,; ',:'' , ' • . dirte. • - , . • ',. . .,: ,,,,• : „ . ' nig of ,,apot:„ totiv.,,/to.,. the town HO, ,110,,,Cliester Higgins, fatties R, Wray ‘,,,400P,`',,,....',:'',.,' '. • ',-,-. ' ", . ' '• • '' ,';:''''',:, ,- .,', !!:43io.,A,,4,,,04;,;,,,,,,..4„4,,Z„.:aiwf.o.r.,4,,,,,,..t....,,,,,t5, ''',•,, • ,.',' (conrinudd ' Ott 'oage..5). ', ' .., atatheAstial hour, ''• . ' ', ' :' - •, ' laud tdor Higgins. • . , , ... . . . - , .,. , - , , , ,, . RECENT AUTO ACCIDENTS •LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS Chas, Bondi's swell new Hudson coach came to grief on the highway Mr. M. Dolan went to Toronto on about thirty miles; this side of Torott. Saturday. • • to on Monday might. Mr. Bondi ac- A move is on foot among the basi- companied by Geo. Boyd, Stan. Hain- /less men of Ripley td have the village day, Gordon MacLean and Fred Stur- incorporated. dy were returning. from the Toronto The regular monthly coum ncil eet- Ex. when the -big car swerved, and roll- ing of Wingham • is, being held this ed over a steep embankment. For- tunately the boys all escaped with it few slight bruises and returned by the first train. The car was badly smash - Three young Goderich boys motor- ing from Goderich to Si. Marys Monday met with:,a fatal accident near Taylor's corners When the big touring eat Swerved in new gravel and went over instantly killing Alfred Moyes' of St. Marys,' wh.ci Was clerking in a God- erich store. ,The.Other boys Murney and Filiinger were taken to Goderich. hospital.: ' : , Two American • automobiles went erash together on the Lucknow-White- church gravel on Sunday' near Mr. Eck's home.I`The-Occupante were -bad- ly Put, shaken tip and bruised and the autos were badly smashed. Two Men sulfered eight others had, remarkable escapes Wednesday 'evening. . Mrs. R. G. Mitchell underwent an operation in Winghani General Hos- pital last week. Friends will be pleas - .ed, to learn that she is getting along very nicely. The regular monthly meeting of tb.e Women's Auxiliary to Winghani Gen- eral. Hospital will be- held, bi the coun- cil chamber 011. Monday . afternoon, Sept, gth, itt 3.45: Eggs preserved with Lymans Water Glass keep fresh 'a year or more. Put them down now before the'price goes hig,her. Buy Lyman's, the best and absolutely reliable khitli at Mitchell's Drug Store. Those" rare and beautifula:flowering shrubs that ars so much admired, in my garden can now he procured for fifty cents each or three for one.dol- lar. Get them now and give thein 441 ..• Aii4eittii1( i „ , , • , fret, ri 10111011011116/trrl' 4 41'4'4' ' SubscriVIOnfl ONO MV 010044000. sciiitIol., ,.,iikis ' . , , EX,.ER:CiiiirSEAvoeviOIN,B00. s r., ,..., . • • RITIlkliG IJOOR CRAYONS , P AIN , , , . N. Pens, Pencils and a full line of Public School Text BoOks. ra , Special—Lead Penclf "Fre•-e1, ,. , . . A Big 10c Scribbler'and a 5c Lead Pencil for, llil)e. ' , Ris.-- -Our Factorart.to-You-Sale enda Saturday Aluo.ust 31st. • . . 13e5ure and Steck Up. : . '•, • ' Lff, " Ea; , . , , • „ • •, , • cKik **xi' s .Dru4 St. 227AS, 72 eir 4,m,.9,.L..:6114 &Or e 17111"E;IT:11:11a:1; ii,giu1lma1l1i1411113'111011111111110111 11 11 , ir• PlAeausaeinSiv‘grne iYnouustr ul\lrass.eneall who Write SPDecoinal,t Mmo:sngtheP:petiteliriedid$ moowving, ; leerttteorsoreven neirniitems name ettot otheirhaispp riicale: ttzuniec.ie,prliton heaubsypicFeoardMof.Tolltnoiro"Cr19,,marpntnaerya.„ , • , We have a letter ibis week without pc{st°1.3bsilelPilalathniiirliel'gdwabielylecInn0:avci:':1111:tiste' tri.11:.i°s11 ef5roccnjesle'tliat0csi• Bowling Tournarrient • a signature ancl an engagetnent notice Association, in CobunsceilptCilioatmhbaetr,8,3oon 11)V2uebdlilcasccolatYdiaevileyniinny-ited to attend. IF parties mentioned are not to be anaaried'or if they did not wish their On Labor Day the Bowlers held a •' engagement made public, one can local tournament of "Singles" with readily see how easily the editor entries. The following were the prize " would be in very bad unless the item winners. R. Vanstone, Wm. Holmes, was signeis wrong we do not use your 'name, McDonald, W. H. sent in. d. Unlesthe item s -Robt. Allen, j. lalasowilnli,s,j..T.H.Ha.ficnaiir,i'altp:• !.! but we must insist on this protection. ie. 00 Thursday of this • week the' •' Club will hold a Jitney tournament , Women's Institute Meeting land the first 24 members on the lawn The regular monthly nieeting of the. will be eligible. Games to continence W. I. was held in the Council Charab- ! at ,,7.30, . er on, Thursday, August 28.th., with! 58 members present. At the close of Seven Cobs In One ••• ' the business meeting a short program' Nil-, Levi Harding brought to our • was given. ,44,11 instrumental 'by the office a freak cob of corn. It •was Misses Snell and Johnston, Reading',growing at the top of a tall stalk and by Mrs. R. Clegg, solo by Miss Bertha 'after cleaning away the leaves • and • McKay. Each number was perfectly 'tow, no less th-an seven fully de-srelop- ' rendered and judging by the applause led, but small, cobs were attached to •, was much appreciated by' all present. /the one stem. We always knew Levi •, ,• , The judges Mrs. W. Currie and Mrs.i was a hustler but we never thought ' 1VEcKa.y then gave their decision as to , that lie could grow seven cobs of corn , the best potato salad. There were thirt- in the one wrapper. „ een entries, Mrs. J. Elliott, won first I priZe and Mrs, W. Adair, second. Card Of Thanks ' • Lunch was then served and a Pleas- I" aare and Airs.•wish to ant half hour spent. !thank the friends and relatiVee. from Bluevale School Fair .• Turnberry, Hayrick, Grey; Gbrrie,Wi.,- Bluevale • School Fair will be held oxeter, Waterloo, Brantford,: London and Wingham for the sympathy shown an Wednesday afternoon, Sept. toth. The schools taking partS. during their bereavement- in'tne,death :are of their: daughter, "Etiphentia. Also to 8 and to of Morris and S. S. NO. and S 9 of Turnberry. The afternoon pro- eN"Press their thankto Rev. A. gram will include public . sneaking McKelvey for his coming .from 'Tees- a singing, parades and sports, as w 1 water to conduct the, service, as the usual splendid eithibits. Booth on ,the grounds. Admission 15 cents and all <children free. The ladies of the Women's Institute .Will'.serve sup- per from ••6 to 8 in the basement of the Methodist church and are charg- ing 25 cents and 15 cente. In the ev- ening a concert will, be held in the Foresters' Hall, those taking Part are Mr. Gordon. Buchanan, _soloist,' Mrs. R. Mowbray, reader; Miss M. Garnies, soprano; Wingham Quartette and the Vans tone orchestra, Guarantors Assessed $.1.50 Wingliain Chautauqua guarantors will each be assessed $1.5q to make tip the deficit for 1924, We would re- ,4• spectfull3r urge all guarantors tocall on Mr. Cosens and remit during Sep- , tember, Those not paid by the end of tbe month will necessitate the trea- surer avritiag to them, and later draw- ' • ing through the bank 'with the cus- tomary bank charges. Let's make the treasurer's work lighter and pay. coracsimeatimmoroamsamit” School Shoes School Opened,ori Tues. Sept'. 2,nd What About School Shoes? Free! Free! A Rubber Bair or a Balloon given Free with every • paiir of School Shoes. An Army of Boys and Girls come here for School "Shoes and the Y' get the best School - Shoes made. It costs muchless in the end, for the Children's School Shoes, when they are bought here. al 1{.V pRoNt, 23. 17A 'A • Tiit GOOD 8140E STOP,11„ 4--/T rq,