HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-21, Page 87411.
Ak"; gust Fur Sale
We are .offering our entire Fur Stock
at sale Prices. Goats and Chokers.
F,leetrio Seal Coats, trimmed with
Sable $,(4.9.00
Persian Lamb Coats, trimmed with
Grey Squirrel $295 00
Electric Seal Coats, trirnmed with
Squirrel --$149.5o
Gr 1,'eeli'ies
Small gallon 1,49 doz.
Tea, black and green, per ib, see,
a for
Salrrtoxx per can • es,
Comfort Soap x5 for . x.00
Raisins, small seedless Raisins 2
pkgs, for _ .2,,c
Corn ;Flakes,per pkg >oc
Shredded • Wheat 2 for
Clean. All Hand Cleaner, reg. 15c
for _._._ 7c a can
est :
Cheese, per lb 22a
,Palmolive Soap _.:,•: 7e a eake
Brooiras, reg. x.00 and 1.25 for •79c
Robin Hood Oatmeal large pkg 29e
Fancy Bis. reg, 40c for.... 2gc
Good Toilet Soap large cakes Se
Wine, qts _ :.: _ __sr./9 doz.
Wagstaffes Jam` large ,bottles ..:..98c.
'Rubber Rings reg. �5e . .:.. 8cdoz
Granulated Sugar, while it lasts $8.35
MtuSerat Coats, Misses' and Ladies', new-
est styles,' best quality .., .$ .00, 124.5o
Ladies' Suits :'; xad U res. se's
Ladies' Fall Suits 33 113 per cent. off every
suit --Our entire stock of Spring and Fall
Suits, •Fur trimmed and plain $15,00 to 39.75
Our entire stock' of Ladies' Spring Coats,
special. priced coats at .-..-..._.:.. ,..$15.00
Summer Dress, Voiles, Ratifies, 33,:113 per
cent. off, Clearing all Summer Dresses.
Ladies' all Silk Sweater Coats, Navys,
Blacks, Blues,' reg. $ o.00 to i5.od, at. .....$5.00
Children's` Spring and' FallCoats, newest
styles, sizes 5 to 14, less 33 113 per cent,
.Silk Hose Special, all new shades 61e, 89c
House Furnishings, Rugs, .Linoleums less.
' ,zo to 33 x13 per cent.
Wool Blankets, and Flannelette
Blankets less 20 per. cent.
Silks and Fall Dress Goods 20
per cent. off.
Raw Silk Special .... 69e per yd.
Linen Hand Towelling at
x5c and rgc yd.
Buys,a $xo.00 and $zz.00 Boys' Suit at ous
Sale this week.
Juvenile Suits, ages 3 to 6
$xo.00 Sale of Men's Suits.
$x5.00 Sale of Men's Suits.
$zg.75 Sale of Men's Suits.
Men's and Young Men's Navy Serge !Suits,
sizes 36, 37, 38, sale __....._...,....._..........._..._..._:,. $16:5o
Boys' Fine Dress Shirts, reg. 1.25, sale _.69c
The Club unloaded a number•
bagsfnf flour at Glenantron last Friday.
9r, Thos. Weir has •erected a new
verandah on his laotlse, which adds
greatly to the "appearance.
Mr. and Mrs, George: Muir of Tor-
te onto, were visiting with the former's
ni Parents Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Muir and
the other :friends .in these parts.
Mr. and Mrs, David Breen tied soil
Gordon, were Sttdday visitors at Mr,
Robt, l3reen's, 6th line, ',Lurnberry,
lI. Misses Anes Rutherford and: Irene
Mundell, spent a. day lest 'week friends
on the loth. ?
Miss :Irene McKinney of I,luevale,
is visitirtg this vieek" with. her friend
31 Miss Addie'Ifr4ek niridge.
Mrs. 'Haugh 'andsson West, also Mr,
aalcl Mrs. James. Gilmore, spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. andMrs. Wm,.
H, Mundell,
�•F Miss McEwen of Toronto andMiss
N McLean of Buffalo, also Misses Nel-
lie an.d)idith Ballagh, have been visit-
,ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
and Jeffray,
Mrs. Wright of Jamestown, spent
si Sunday with—her , daughter, Mrs. Wm.
rat' H. Marshall,
I :
Mrs. Wm. J. Ballagh, ' from near
Teeswater, was a week -end, visitor
with friends on the loth.
'1 1111
�l'htarsclay,;' Attr test
, I ,•='i�t,fi
Every garment on the : table at _ -_
half original price for early
98c, $x•49, 1.98
Of Dresses, Sweaters and many
other articles. •
we stocked from last "season less 20
to 33 113 per cent. off.
Men's Woollen Socks .... •• . .._...25c,
Men's Dressing Gowns and Smoking Jack-
ets, at . _.... _ ..._ $6.95
51M fal
Norah and Beatrice Johns-
ton are visiting in 1`oroato and Buffalo
this week.
Miss Marion Casenaore of Turnber-
5s visiting with old friends in these
Miss Agnes Kennedy of Goder.ich.
Marine Hospital, spent Sunday .at her
Nonce here,
Miss, Olive Terriff spent the week-
end. with Mr. and,. Mrs, Allan Turner.
,of Lucknow.
Mr, and. Mrs lien. M,cCleuag'han and
family visited with Mr and Mrs. Rich-
ard Martin in Huron Tp, on Sunday.
Mr and; Mrs. George McClenaghan
and family and. Miss Gertie Gaunt and
Mrs. John Kennedy spent last Wed-
esday in Go
.Mr. Jim Johnston, who has spent
the ,Iast week with his aunt, Mrs T.
MCCreight returned to Calgary on
Mrs. Edwin Tusky of Hamilton, is
spending a. few days with Mrs. Eliza-
beth Grain of Zetland.
Miss Jean MacGregor of Toronto,
sprint the week -end at her home here.
Miss Greta Fox is visiting with her
sister,,Miss. Isabel Fox` in Galt.
Mis Ida, iMtcQuoid spent the weck-
+end with Lucknow friends. •
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Henderson and
amil of Paramount, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stratighan and
family of Auburn, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Metcalfe of Lon-
don, Miss. Jean Campbell of Bruce -
field, and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson
Woods of St. Helens, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Daniel
Mr„ Frank Henry spent a few days
t oft, - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and
rs. Foster zea Dickson
grandmother moreaforth •visited with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. ohn McGee and Mr.
� 7
Chas. Leaver motored to London on 1Tr. • and Mt s.••Thos. A. Reid and
Sundayand spent the day with rela- Eric of Hamilton, s,i ent the week-
Lives there.
ss 20 rna eery e' on a
last week wit sister, is
Gordon Mulvey,his mother and children and Mr,• and Mrs. Clayton
of Bayfield,ed to St.
Helens on Martin of S
a and Mrs. Thos. Robinson, on Sunday.
iVli. 1 b' H I ft S tui
GROVE end with Mr. and. Mrs, Breen. Miss
ss Dot Ritchie of Guelph, is spen- Constance . Reid returned home with
day for Toronto where she has se-
on Gardner,
er, of Maplee Grove.'Misses
ieai1 and 'Sadie Cha
Cosiness College,
ding leisitttcr vacation with Mat- .them.
cured the position of teacher in Shaw's
Mr, John Champion of Kincardine . of Carlton Place, near Ottawa, also
M Ov. end ` of Kincardine
conducted the services in the Presby -
Mr I\tr. t Sunday Jas. win of Lucknow, is as-; Mr. and Mrs. Alex
rich Church here on Sunday, He g. are visititl�• with
to sisting C. W. Ritchie's with their l'orterfielcl.
Was accompanied by Mr. Chester Stein
Mrs. : ....a
who visited with his uncle and aunt,
ill Zion friends. 1'Iis T:aidlawv and soil Robert of Blyth
Mr and. l'Irs. Ernest Gardner and family of Hensall, spent Sunday with.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 1'urclon' family, of Maple Grove, spent Sunday her sister, IVLrs. John Mason:
Mr. and Mrs, A McGill ansa lair. iWith firs. Jas: E. Ritchie,: at Moil.
and Mrs. Reubenn Appleby and b 1e
of Turnberry, spent Sunday with rela-
tives in t
hese parts. ar
Mr. and Mrs. Angus
and d
Fran: of Culross, vi rted on Sunday
• The 'reunion of the Irish clad of
Websters was celebrated on Thursday
last in Caledonian Park, Lucknow, by
day was
the spent
a monster picnic, i
+ Harry Mc
Il kinds. lar. Ida 1
ins orfs of a Y
Miss Maud,Leaver of -:Perth, is spen-
ding the week ' with ,lien Aunt Mrs,
Jno, Norman,
Mrs. -Jno, Norman• is leaving next
week to visit her daughter, Mrs.Tis-
dale, iii Saskatchewan,
ATr. and Mrs. John Bloor of'Mount
rare visiting
friends in this v
with Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer. Oce of. Toronto, foreman of the To- • Miss Coxwell of Shakespeare, is the
Mr. and 4irs, sister,
Barbour, spent last ronto T. Eaton' store donated $25 for. guest of Miss Martha Wilson this
Wednesday with her sister, Mrs.• Nor- refresimtrnts. Mr. McGee is a relit- week
riser, of Walkerton ive of the Websters. Councillor and Mrs. 1 runsdon, were
Mr, and firs. lobe Ross and family .There are •alarge number on our in Ingersoll last week attending the
and Mrs, Mac Ross, visited on Sates --
'Bile sick at t>resent with summer Fin reunion.
day with Mrs. Foster, of Bayfield. and l'Ieasies we hope to see all ar'- Mr. Win. Scott of Rosetowu;•Saslc.,
Mr. Jas. Cornelius, Mr, Thos, Row p
ound soon. is visiting friends in town.
t llffc and Mr. and. Mrs. Amos Cor- • Reid spent Mr' and Mrs. Herd of St. Thomas,
cMr. iylcl.vin of Lucknow, r. i! .
riches, visited on Si tiday with Mr,: Thursday last with Iver. Henry .Gard- Motored up -and spent their vacation
Chas. Riatoul, of, Luckitow• • ner. of Zion ' ''with friends iii this vicinity.
Mrs Arthur Simpson; of Culross; Mr. D C
Hello friends, A chicken that lays off
laying until to -morrow, gets, the axe.`
The many friends:of Miss Annie
Pickering were shocked to hear she
had, been drowned in Detroit, while
she wae in bathing, and up to_ time of
writing' no trace of the' body has been
found: Much sympathy is felt for the
bereaved mother and sisters who cer-
tainly have had their share oftrouble,
the body is to be forwarded when they
get it, .
Dr, A. Huebscherwerben of Buffalo,
is visiting his aunt, Mrs. F. Cain.
Mr, C. Aitcheson, Miss K, McDon-
ald, Mrs..B. Mallough and Mrs. Cullis
spent Sunday:in Dungannon.
'The many friends of Margaret But-
daughter of Mr. and'Mr's. Bob
Button 4Jtill be pleased to 'learn she'
is improving.:
Mr. R. Thoulpsop and L. Horne and'
son, David,, motored' to Detroit nn
lblr. and Mrs. Harry Pratt and son,
Harry,.,rethrned to their home in De-
troit, after spending a week here with
her mother, Mrs. Clarkson.
Mr. and -Mrs.- Marks and little son
of Stratford, were week -end visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Day of Teeswatcr,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. L.
Aitcheson. t
Miss F. McGregor, R.N., of Chica-
go,':is spending her holidays here.
Mr. 5. McCall of the west is renew-
ing'oldfriends here and the country.
Miss F. Cain is in London attend-
ing the Millinery Openings.
Miss Edna' Rivers is visiting'at her
r� C. Taylor of Lucknow, will Brennan Paving Co, have nearly half:
visited It Mrs. Drank, Henry for a
few days last week, also Mr. Wur. take charge of the' services in Zion of their contracting completed, in a
church next Sunday -morning at 10;3o few days if fine weatltei• prevails the
Simpson and daughter, of Chicago. on account of the absence of • Rev. remainder will be nearing completion
Miss Florence and Jack McKinnon, Cota�etis in a couple of weeks. •
a in town recently
Falconer; of Culross. spe+at, Sunday - plicants for Blyth Post Office.:
Miss Eclna and Wilfred McKenzie,
Postmaster Murray of London, was:
Velma Brooks and l Ir. Lester t interviewing the ap`
with her. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mn. and Mrs. Will cLean of Strat • /
Du and Mrs. Wilson, of Kingston, ford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. BELGRAVE
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Elmer. and Doris Roy ,' Alton 'Belfast
and Donald, of.Hastings, spent a few
sister, Mrs: a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jim of Wroxeter; visited Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mrs. George Lane, .ioth. con spent Mr- Wm, Abraham and daughters
days last week with their si.
cGlena hon 1. ueburn 'ner Arthur. A. nacre one day last week..
Miss Lorna 1\feC:lenaglaatl, spcut as Cunningham, Froin Pt Mr. Armstrong of
ig spent a ay ca mg
1lyth and nurse
leer grandparents, lac
Miss Wtuttte C 6
tVee1C with g p , 5 spending Ii1�Nllll�l119AI{]VIII®IIIl�Illl�lll�lllhAlbert t 1 g
Il li1tt11willl1l II
and her .vacation with Gretta Armstro g, i d i Y
Mrs . ,l a,
s. M. . as ce is seen reg a w
in Mount Forest.
urday to thresh wheat, it will be a Mrs. I. Wightman and -daughter,
. couple of weeks before the oats are Mrs, Palmer and two children of Mon-
BELMOi2E i eady tang, are calling on old friends in the
= s. 'Barhour Ford Loi. }ter sisters, Mrs. Roy .Afton and Mrs, on olcl friends in the village.
;kit' 1'Irs. Du Mont of St. Louis, is visit._
iSIL George 10111.,eon. Mr. 1 l d cele
a1 Mr Robert Nelson started
out Sat 4vrt1L fi rends r 1
Now I
S pedal Prices
z; Guaranteed Electric Light Bulbs
n att.
�,o;, Litt •� a .
Large Fatty Lamp
Globes, E etra'�Special
ing with. her mother, Mrs. Eggleston.
a it return- Dr. Will and Mrs. Hackett add Mrs. village this week.
® : Mrs.oit Carle and family Mrs. Wes, Jackson. and
= ed to their Rotate in Toronto on Si..aJoe Hackett, of l7elrbit, spent the Mt. and7 D
ts. a.. r•. a .. ,
91.101 Blast"' Electric Heater
ors, just the thing far
Ii ht'
7 nay
m anied byMisses Eunice:week-end with their mother, M Ja M an Mrs 13 Branston of nylon
tuday,,aeco p
and H
azel ,
ett Sr near Belfast
spent Sunday, with Mr. Joe Brandon,
'Toronto, motored up Saturday, return tug a few days with her Uncle's to De -
II Mrs, WmMcGrogan and fan -lily of MissMellicent Hackett is spend
tn Sunday . troit.'
.Totortto, is Mr; and I+IrS, Robt, 1VTulliu, 1�Taster
Miss Hanel Dickson,.
her holidays s with her par- Jack Jinlby and Robt. Nines, of Kitt-
spending Y
withir and
Sunday Mr, � ilt- Sn It
't s
cardiae Y
1 9-
gand Miss Mrs. John Mullin.
tip Nurse Ballagh of Whitby,
tai ren of
Editharc among'
relatives and: friends Mrs,' Allen Alton an c d ,,
w here at present, Toronto, are -:.spending a few weeks
Q1 91
Miss Minnie Doubledee of Salem, with l•. and Vrs. John Mullins,
Sunday everting with the Misses fast,
and Agnes Iarug.
iMr. and MrsW.ill Lane from
i -_ The Misses Vary and Hannah 'Stot-tyspent Sunday with relatives an.
• es arehaving their house renovated the xoth•, eon.
with :Ilse purpose of moving in some;
1111 Vine
� Mr, I.:c:slie Ballaglr, Mr. and B,Ir,s y, ,
— i:.'1 't 1,0 s Reunion
., • • rater were Sunday visit ltc,rnetnbci the OldY
Brows 'Tees'ty° , y
>rs at Robt. "hallagir's. , of S. S. No, 8; to be field at the home
Mr. aud Mrs, Carter McKee Galt, ' of 'Mrs, Jas. Bone, oth., con. on Wed.
Fri are visiting with Mr, and 'Mrs. Roland August 27th. Everybody come and
• Ballagh. bring your baskets,
Fleming Ballagh has been laid off Mrs. J L. Geddes of Waterloo, is
work tvitlt a dislocated ankle, the re- visiting with her hrotber Mr. Alex
a suit of jumping out of the hay' mow.' •i Porterfield.
Nurse Aitken is ,at iter borne here • Miss Ltrla Cbamney of l oronto, is
��� for a few days, visiting at her home h
Mrs, John I'eternaan aid sort, Tilden) Mr. a.rtd Mrs, Blisha Walker are.
of Wingbany see ort ;x' motor tfip"1.0) Harold and Mn''and Mrs, George
!l -"call and tither points. Walker spent Stinday with ;alts farrir'
�IKY'�'dr<k s p
Iiss'.i,leaniri' cffrisY vtsrted:the first r•r's brother, Mr. Wesley:Walker',of
� 7
11{lil ill got the week wvith het fi'ientl; :Miss lda»' Gryrierfelt,
Ptl'IpIIru S11pIMi111 1t1N till lei' Ii
�u °„ - :,.a ,
Mr. and Mrs, T. D. Parry+and son,
Raymond of Chicago, Ill., are visit-
ing relatives hi this locality.
The Bruce family held a rettnioti at
the bonne of Mr, and Mrs.: Enaanual
Stapleton on Wednesday. afternoon of
last week, when about fifty` relatives
and friendsenjoyed themselves at old
tints, games and football for the after-
noon up till six o'clock, when all stat
down on the lawn where an enjoyable
ltuich WAS served. All report an en•
joyablc afternoon and eveiung,
Mr; and Mrs. John McCallum and
daughter Eileen, spent the week -end
with the foriner's sister, Mrs. Ed. Vin-
cent of Springbask.
Mrs. T, Jamieson and baby, Ross, is
Speeding a few clays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Bolt and family
spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs,
Milton Bruce,, of Lucknow,
toit sit
wear 111
Fitting h„i
Shoes that are 10
snort or 1•i o
almost .,, ally wee, ; de f v 1, k'to tit feet th I
h ave been marred by wearing a slllorl.
I h 1'e lane'! is In tact the w'17rst '14
all rr.Uau1! teeltu?es fl l "lip' IlIUU
shoes' the inv, • rft,�r bI^r7�cs1.4
sequence -6G 'vai U1� INS”
Narrow.shoes <,re aR .1 1 si as bad ! that
they '1 >�'®;1;all..ee corns.
sinal , et t1 B�¢T W..,3r is O have ,stil
rerly .fitted" and 17_ this we ll
to i1 e experts:
e guarantee you abs lute satistael1,1 n:
it ion per . It -s to lit: 1 n1l m. fee.tt.
The` Leading Sea
h 1; 9
e Store of Her
C 1,• In;ty�
�r4lai.r',G;cv,,, ,w;yryyti doll S, TSS
home here. •
Mx. and Mrs. W. Little, Mrs. r
Stevens and Miss Grace Stevens mot-
ored to'Guelph on: Tuesday. Mrs:
Stevens and Grace having spent a few
weeks with Lucknow friends,
Rev.- W. E Treleaven preached in
the' Methodist church Sunday morn-
ing in the absence of the pastor.
rl'Irs. Will Barbour` and family left,
for Gu'lph� •this week after spending
some �i=eelcs vitli her mother, Mrs. N.
L. Campbell.
Miss E. Watson of Toronto, is visit-
ing her friend, Miss Mary Rathwell.
Mr. Cuthbert Gollan is home on' his
The Webster Reunion was held,this,:;
week. Friends we're here froth fa
and near, about three hundred being,
Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon is visiting in De -
A happy gathering at Mr. and 3frs
S. the boys and gists•=--
D. McDonald's, y
all being borne.
Miss Agnes McQtiaig, after spend-
ing some ithe at her holne"here, le
this' week for Chicago.
The Anderson Flax Mill resumes: op-
erations again on Wednesday of_ this
Miss Winnifred Elliott is visiting iii
Mitchell—Bolt »A.t life ,parsotrafc,
Set.farth, by Rev, R. T+"ttltiitr Ttiswin,
on A'tigust 6th, Alfred Mitchell, of
to Mary Stilt, of Wawa-;
ttosla township.
r Fal
®i ins®',. ®ii®aEumy1..i
TOp Coats
Styles and materialsfor early Fall 'wear are just received
from N_
wa 's: Individual style and perfect tailoring characterize these garments.e
Silks, Satins, Georgette Crepes, PoirettTwills, Santoy, Wool,
S ,
etc. at'e some of the materials -from which the new dresses are made:
We suggest a visit to our Dress :Department.
e and
slee a .
• �'•`. insleeve Plain Knit and combination effectsj,
Brushed Wool, ��.
Autumn shades in all sizes:
less models. A.0
isaround again. Our am stock can supply,.
The season.for knitting � yam
your requirements., , Monarch Yarns in the waned calors.
New Flannels, Delai1
eS Salt0 Sr P
et Twills, Serges,
g -
ahs, etc. havejust been received. Theywith meet your dress eafin
ierqJ �•r
I' eavySilk, Silk and W001,and Cashmere LIose
are desirable fc
i the .<.,
cooler �re�,tL�zel. We show corripirices of'' vQeete lines at1�75c,
1,50 and 2,50 per pair. "
New Laces P,tl1ll s Collar, Tabs, Vel� eRibbons Scarfs,
,. ,'.
Gloves, Corsets; ete. „
Innoininut– mama