HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-21, Page 7fp 7 glg I' see • HAM ADVANCEtTMES, DON'T FEED CORN ALONE: (of corn grain as well as two pounds et is elirPrising howemary folks per- of salt, a total of e,086 pounds a feed/ else in feeding corn, or corn end oats, but even this doee not tell the who 'to young pigs throughout the year, store' hecatise these fifty -seven -pound' ofteotimes without salt or other min. I Piga would need to be fed much longer orals. A good many of thee earn& with good ration being allowed in folks eeed corn, or corn and oats, I order to bring there up to a markets Sometimes with salt, to the brood sows. able finieh and acceptable weight, . at the wintertime. I We- took thee efty-eevee-pound pigs Now young growing pigs which and added tankage to their ration, and have access to the high class forages', finally after 249 days of feeding they such as alealfa, clover, alsike clover I made the regeired weight; instead, of and rape can do fairly well on just taking five monthto get the required corn, Or COrll and oats, yet experienees teach us that they do not do nearly so well as they ehould, Let as examine the proof. One year we carried scene brood weight it fool( better than eight menthe. Inetead of taking 409 pounds of feed for the 100 pounds of gein it took 459 pounds of feed; here was a loss of forty-eight pounds of feed on sowe. on cern_ These sews gained ap., the -hundred pounds of gain as well proximately a third of a pound a day as three months' loss in time. and they farrowed litters Which aver- aged 13.2 pounds. Where meat -meal tankage was fed in addition at the rate of two-fifths of a pound a sow daily the sows gained better than three -fifties of a pound daily and gave birth to litters that averaged close to 20 pounds. The eorn-alone sows produced pigs turkeys the scours, or at best results in the deposit of a thin layer a' fat averaging 1.7 pounds in weight, whereas sows that received corn and around the intestine. meat -meal tankage Produced ptge that The process of fattening turkeys weia1iedte.2 pound,. -must,Ise more gradual than for -ether The addition of meat -meal tankage poultry. For Than sgrving marketing to the corn ration was instruniental the fattening should begin about the' iu causing stronger pigs, . middle of September. A light feeding of grain in the Where meat -mol •taaltage was ueed , a greater percentage of pigs were en - morning and evening should be gradu- abled to get into the strong class. The corn -alone sows hail only 68 pigs out of 100 farrowed -in the strong It pays to balance the corn properly. The Fall Fattening. Too often the process of fatteaing conststs, of feeding the flock heavily on torn for about ten days or a week before marketing. This sudden dose of an unaccustomed feed usually gives ally Increasee toward the 'end of the fattening period the birds are fed, three times a day, all the grain that class, whereas meat -meal tankege and they will clean up in four or five cern feeding resulted in putting 93 minutes. At the beginning of the petit:id:equal out of the .100 in the strong class. We tried adding oats to the corn parts of wheat, oats and corn make a to see what it would do in helping to balance the ration. The addition of just oats to just corn, though helping some, is not the best, way by a long ways. Some oats added to a corn -and - milk ration or a corn -and -tankage ra- tion is much more beneficial than where they are just added to corn. Where just corn and oats are fed o brood sows carrying pigs in the wintertime the litters aren't any stronger or larger at bieth than where Just. corn is -used. The remedy is obvious. very good ration. The proportion of corn should be gradually increased until it makes up the main part of the diet during the last two weeks before marketing. New corn should never be given, as it almost invariably results In scours. Kafir or milo are good substitutes for corn, ten pounds of either of these grains being equivalent in feeding value to nine pounds of corn. Pen Fattening Turkeys. Pen fattening has not proved very . Inboth surnmer and winter add popular en this country, though sever - a green pasture, milk products, packing- al experiment stations have found that turkeys can be successfully fattened house by-products, alfalfa hay or a . , eomeination of these feeds with a good in pens. nunheal, enhetnreh „ --,. , . e„ ,,,, , In . England , turkeys . are regularly • up for fattening, apparently 4. good mineral -mixture carries penned „ •, with success a' in Normandy the. 'salt; , a:_ phosphorus-carryrng, bone - birds are actually, crammed, Once a building products such as lxine need; a d -with 'dough composed of barley caleiton carrier, such as lime; an and boiled potatoes. The secret of iodine, carrier, such as potassium iodide. / pen fattening seexns to lig in giving I the flock plenty of room and in main - One year we fed some young grow- ing pigs for five months in dry lot, taining a balanced 'ration. In Normandy the turkeys are driven one groitp receiving shelled corn,' 60 out to range after the morning feed, per cent. protein meat -meal tankage and though they do not wander far made of the unbleached cotton, trim - and block salt in separate self -feeders, med or buttoned down the entire enough to work off the effects of the with another group receiving shelled eorn, 60 per cent. protein meat -meal Queen's :University, Belfast, Ireland, recently conferred honorary de- grees of Doctor of Laws on the Duke and Duchess of York. They are shown in their gowns and hoods after the geremony. VAIINSIRIMeterratlIVAfgaaatelitlaili PLEASANT COUNTRY KITCHENS ..=•••••...1.1dial••••:111111•1010.•••,• T3 -Y SYBILLE MAYER. The Sunda top esso AUGUST 24 Jesus Talks With Nieodernus, John 3: 147. Golden Text -- For God;30 lovoi the vrOri he gave Ins only be. gotten Son, that whosoever helieveth on hirn sholudd not perish, but have eternal 3: 16, +.0.! amenvens. be "laity regular, feultily feulteess, Tete 14.8w. meet GIVING ENTamica carnedatseplgeeeeddindleyss,puelel.; theeuletduoreeatciaor of TO, THE #INGDODly 1-0. rascality, spume 7-11. Becomtng tian,, Desire to And III. THE Lova ONe COO ToKEN; 13-1-7•0 the beet kind of life and live it will be INgeoeuerio --The great theme f awakened when we have learned that Sous" preaching, both in the earlier even the good is not the best. Paint - and in the later stages of his ministry, Ing the pump will not purify the Loth in patine discourse.s to the multi- water. To become Chrletian is to live tude and in the private-instr tettle cif a new life in a new way. Consciously his diseiples, was the cornieg of the or unconsciou.sly this new life must Kingdom of God, the revelation of have a definite beginning. There is Ge£1's almighty will .to save and re- world of difference between a tiny seed deem Israel. Seo Mark 1:14, 15) 4: and a grain of sand. The sprouting of 11; 4:25,34, etc. Occasionally an indi- the seed is the beginning of the platit's victual inquirer would come to him and life. The child, like a little seed, Jesus would speak to him of the in- Holds a thousand green leaves folded ward personal mystery of the King- tight, dom. Snell an inquirer was Nicodernus, Ilolds a thousand flowers, pink and wlehesnonCfmHees ibset Prhae urisseien, athReabplelie,nasintdt Hold awtririe?'with its branches all con - legislature. He is in earliest about the And fruit 'that is juicy, golden and a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin, or spwleet:: But before all this can be, there comes a day when soil and sun and shower have all dorm their part of preparation, and the new tree begins to be. This is its birth, the starting /gent Of a new life. Growth follow -s, in body through exercise, in the mind through education, in the soul through aspiration, "unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the ful- ness of Christ." But, jot as the seed must have the den, before the dormant life, as It becomes the life it Was meant to be, so the soul must be quick- ened "from above" by the power out- side ourselves that rnake.s for 'right- eoueness. This is the plain words and unforgettable phrase of Jesus, spoken to a good man 'whose life was; not the highest possible, as the "new birth." IT, THE REGENERATING POWEE TIIE a•h°41 men will' enlY adci cleverness to his but he thinks of it externah. No matter how efficient a workshop ironed, so it is practical and durable. ICIngdom, ly and materialistically, not inwardlY her kitchen may be,- how well stocked This pattern comes in steips of two and spirituallr. retie the Jews of the with adequate 'Aeneas with fine and a half yards. labor-saving devices and the like, every woman who wants her home to be ateractiveknoWS that -the effort. at decoration should not stop at the kit- chen door. The old, grim, dark green or brown, dull place wherein the cooking used to be .done has now givee way to a colorful, cheerful room in which it is a real pleasure to spend even a whole day, canning ot• baking or preparing 711 ea1 s. Furniture is painted, closets are de- corated, aprons towels curtains are all planned to harmonize with the chosen color scheme -and the effect is so pretty, though so simply gained, that the kitchen becomes one of the meet admired rooms in the house. •The color scehmais delft blue with orange or yellow, though the • same rose with a lighter blue, Chinese red toned his own qualifications to belong in the Kingdom o et, plan of decoration may be followed in broidery done in the same colors. Crochet is worked as follows: and gray, or any desired comnbination it He thinks that as a Jew and Make chain about one inch I t. ' long, as a correct Pharisee, he will certainly of shades, , . , . turn, make double crocnet into eeventh. see the salvation of God. But Jesus The window curtains are mere pan- chain, make ten double crochets into at once declares that there is no en - els of unbleached muslin, gayly em- chains, chain two, double crochet one, trance to the Kingdom along the line broidered in rather bold effect. There tern, chain five, ten double crochet, of such expectations. The kingdom of is a one-and-aehalf-inch border of blue chain two, one double crochet. h, God does not com.e to men by outward denim stiched about the edges of the happenings, but by an inward change Third row repo+, same as sacond; curtainshand also acroes the valance. of the soul. Men inherit it not by fourth chain five. One double crochet, The large bird-and-floever motif Used chain two one double crochet, 011 the Jewish birth or ley' descent feom'Arai for decorating the curtains le quickly ' e . ham, but by a new pereonal birth.6 . wa across. tehange cotton when made the Spirit. - A man toilet lay.- down pride and self-will; - and- enter • the Kingdom of God like a little child. He must begin life over again by person'el surrender to God. Just as we enter on the physical life by physical birth, so we must enter on spiritual life by a spiritual birth. Solemnly I say to I time, he thinks the Kingdom will come, , If additionalshelving is required suddenly from the skies by an outward miracle a God. JeS1187 op the other the design ts, sirnply laid on -the ma -1 terial over a piece of caebon paphhe hand, teaches that the Kingdom comes and thus traced on the muslin. With inwardly by a miracle �f the soul. Thie. this design a number of others are to etigthe subject of the present talk with . oncodemes. Jesus speaks of the new be had, so that one has a wide choice. birth from Tack the finished edge to flie shelves into epiritual life. above, by which men enter with small tacks that maybe readily T ..-.. removed. THE KINGDOM 1-6 e. Tra NEW BIRTH GIVING ENTRANCE TO r TEA TOWELS TO MATCH,' VS. 1, 2, Nicodemus.camee to Jesus Tea towels to match the pretty kit- by night, under cover of darkness, be- Hwieshisesaftroaiedsctoapeshothwe onpeotnlicye achnedndlnalunsttYbdeesmig4ndse eigreextUsaendd. rh4naeraet ofmen.nh•e each made of a yard of white toweling. hie interest in Jesus or to come with- Ohe towel is offset by a neat inch- out reserves. On the other hand, he an -a- al blue -denim border a one is sufficiently in earnest to come, and end. Above there are two bits of ere- to come without further delay. Ile his been impressed by Jesus' "signs." He broiclery done In orange and blue. believes that Jesus ,is a divinely -sent The second towel has a novel alter- teacher, and he is willing to accord nate orange -and -blue crochet edge be- isirn recognition. , Low a basketeand-flower wreath of ern - V" 8.1.11(iemu;'Gothr flies 11n/1:fres:need- worked in threads of yellow -wool laid in two colors: Plcot-one double cro- flat, arid couched down with bine mer- chete`chain five, double croehet back- rif blue and ward into f rst'chain between holes on i reezed Cotton; two shades o henna wool are used n the ordinary one edge of lace. pimple stitches to complete the design. Of course one must have a become The two motifs are arranged along the ing house dress to wear in this pretty centre of the two side panels about five inches apart. Any other design may be selected for the curtain decoration, or one may prefer to use merely the bands of blue for a finish. This effect will be very pretty. Ifitchen. A 'short -sleeved model seems most suitable. This dress might be h you, unless a man is born from above, e cannot see the Kingdom of God." heavy feeding, they secure enough ex- ercise to keep them in a healthy con - :tankage and block salt in. separate length of the front with large darks blue bone buttons and bound with blue dation arid at the same time pick up bias band. self -feeders, Vtdth another group re- • ' . DRESSED -UP PLOWER POTS. tankage- omitted. ance the unaccustomed diet. yourself out an apron of unbleached admits the Mystery, but calls attention These pigs wei hed 42 pounds t IL THE REGENERATING POWER OE' THE SPIRIT, 7-11. ' ' Vs. 7-9. This astonishes Nicodemus, and he covers his disappointment my asking 'how a man in adult life can delving the same feeds buthwith the enough. insect and green food to bal- Then some rainy afternoon cut poselbly experience a new birth. Jesus If turkeys ,are penned up for fat- room aieto plants, each in its at- cotton. Bind the edges in old -blue bo the power of the Spirit a God, g p a end of the five months the corn -a. d be kept constantly. before. them, and strip of buckram the height of the pot, shoulder poitit and the three corners men is mysterious as the night wind salt -fed pigs weighed only fifty-seven animal food in the form of meat scrap aliowing a bit for lapping over, glue it of the apron work a small lattice -and- rustling among- the trees. It is real pounds. . should be given. together, and cover with a length of flower design . . and present everywhere, yet none can During the whole period they aver-. . with. the tgeoells'.:whence it comes, arid whither it- - The period of pen fattening should yellow oilcloth, turning it in at the The lattice work is done aged in consumption only 1.56 pounds not exceed two or three weeks. edges all around. blue, and a --11 ------ Isinding folded the unseen power of that s irit when Nicodemus should not forget of corn a head daily, which is a low consumption. Although they had all On the 'ndow sill in this attractive the start of the experiment. At the tening, a su_pply of green food should tractively dressed flower pot Cut a cotton bias -seam binding. At each which in its operation on the souls of Ln d- Line with a piece of heavy wrap- in half through the centre and thread- he speaks of what is possible or not ping paper. A piece of wire of the ed into a very heavy needle. Follow' possible for men. same circumference £tS the cover, snap the lattice design, alternating the blue Vs. 10-12. As a teacher in Israel, the corn they wanted they wouldn't eat any more than that, and on this , consumption they gained only a tenth ped into place at the top and bottom and yellow, interlacing them, and Nicodernus should have known that re- makes an excellent re -enforcement. sticking the needle through the n•a_ generation is an actual fact of expert- ' Was it a e -ase of too much corn that a drain is ma.de on the reserve supply and most simple for these flower pots, it down on the wrong side. traditioe, and therefore lacks, direct these pigs did not gain better? • • in the bones and soft tissues of pout- , Any small' simple design may be used The three small flowers are done in . , personal experience of the power of fi with ,ce tGode yet all around are men who can try, winch Interferes materially ,with , egg spiritual darkness into the light of ..eltee'-' of LI, pound a dee'. Stencil cloorations are,the prettiest terial at the end of each Tow, and sew ence• ihoug e een eying y When lime is lacking the the feed These pigs didn't receive too much for the stencies.--flowers, butter les or blue,:rose and pink wool, gt l'i esfify to having been brought out 0 torn, because if the corn:was properlyproduction in mature hens and in whatever one's fancy may dictate. Or for the leaves. balanced the pigs would have eaten the development of growing chicks. we may cut the design a islue oilcloth -----o--- . - life, Among these are the disciples Another important fact is that lime and paste a bit of black oilcloth to When and How to Pick and converts of Jesus, and if Nico- demus will openly give himself to Apples. Christ, he, too, will e,xperience the new more corn than ever and would have done much better. As it was, is more easily taken from the bones of show through the open work, making tlese the' livin 'bird than from dead ground a very ood-looking decoration. pigs took 1,446 pounds of corn plus g two nouads of salt or a total of 1,448 bone fed to the chicken. A paper punch from the five -and- For obvious reasons, as the Domin- birth from above. Not fill he has pounds of feed for the hundred pounds' 1 Many rations fed to poultry under, ten -cent store will make small round ion Horticulturist says in his bulletin taken this step, and realized that re - of gain. -- I present conditions contain much less, holes in a narrow strip Of blue oilcloth on elle Apple in Canada," it is dim. generation, the emergence of a new Contrast this poor showing with ' ell is required b the body ' a t th lime t an3' • 1 for border a e tops of the flower cult to give exactinformation at to (v. 12), will he understand the still . e . life in the soul, is a fact of expeaience that of litter mates fed alongside but It is suggested that poultrymen pots. the best time to pick apples. Some higher heavenly mystery of the love getting tankage in addition to corn the ration in the form of oyster shelll merely slipped over the flowex pot, and Early apples which are intended for III. THE Lon Og eoe DT neeemerroet, These pigs ate almost three times or some o er inorganic forms for ma -I may be removed when the plant is near markets should be picked when 13-17. meet this demand by adding lime toI When finishecle. these covers are general suggestions can be given. of God in the redemption of men. and salt. I th ture birds, and in the form of vege- watered. I almost mellow and disposed of as soon Vs. 13-1& On this subject, Jesus as.much corn, or 4.4 pounds deity. The thete feeds rich in lime for growingl Tin cans from the grocer's can be as possible. The best way a putting alone has a right to speak. He, as the that is the heavenly reason why they ate three fimes as covered in like mariner and -used as up early apples is in 6 or 11 -quart Son of en", much corn was becauee their'. digestive ' • ' chicks Young clover, alfalfa and lime containers for dry groceries. Placed baskets with leno covers or in bones.Messiah, has come dewn from heaven ed due to tankage feeding. They aver- feeds are excellent sources. of lime for on shelves io. the kitchen cupboard, Winter apples may be left on the trees danger of injurious , must be ' ' to show to men the love of God. In and essimilative capacity was enlarg- ageci three-fifthe of a pound of tank- the Ytnnig chick or duckling. I they are not only most convenient, but until there is order that men may see that love, he "lifted" on the cross, Face age daily a head., e I Ground bone is not a very satisfac-I add a cheerful note of decoration as frost. In large orchards it 18 necessary to fade with the cross men will see tory" source oe time, however, either for, well. I to begin pieking in good season, tak-I at last how Unutterably great is God'e By feeding three-flfths of a pound of the seemingly high-priced tankage . young birds or . While g mg theedi _ tvarieties-17 succes- • for mature fowls - ' one is covering the cans and ' 'fferen '1. . lt was made possible for these pigs to practically triple their consumption of enough of. the bulky feeds to meet the matte a feoocl strong waste -paper bas- sorts and varieties •that drop easily. the very cheap corn and do so econ- lime recluiremnet of the laying period, ket to catch odds and ends of string An apple beeore being picked should , much that he gave up his only Son Neither hen or duck Can consume flower -pot holders, it will be well to sion, beginning with the early evinter yearning to bring mete to eternal life. Vs. 16, 17. For that cross shows the love of God. God loved the world so I have its Seeds almost ma.ture and have ethat every one who believes in him. . omically. The tankage was at men_ end most grain feeds are deficient in and waapping paper, may have eternal life (the life of the omical investment. , this element, I The foundatimi cif the basket is taken on most of its c'ler• Always Kingdom) The Jews believed that Tea IA/Ike-a_ • • I I3ut the mature fowl can make use made of very heavy cardboard, cut remember that apples are e fed pigs weighed 226 . . - • f • • • ' easily the Meesirite when he eame, would be of lune in an inorganic ono, such as, 16% inches by 10 Inches, with a ten-, bruised and that bruises lead to early an executor of justice. They did not peueels at the end of the five months of feeding as compoesed to fifty-seven oyster shell, -without much difficilltY. inch hese. Each side is joined to the rotting. Apples should not be picked dream that he would be a sacrifice of peen& where no tankage was allowed,' youngdbirds cannot se freelysuePlynext with a narrow piece of strong and piled in the orchard, as they are holy love. But Jesus says that his ',mi such sources 80 it is paper glued down securely. The base liable to heat in theeleiles and ripen arose will be a throne from 'ceilidh he The differeade in weight of the pigs at the end of five mohths washighly desirable to provide a regular is likewise glued to the sides. I rapidly, and thus have their keeping 169 pounds a head on the average, and 8,11131)4.11,Y.„,of Vegetable feeds rich in lime Yellow oilcloth cut 41 Melee long by quality impaired. Don't adept the exactly the feed reimirement Stir 100 exitiede en' s'"eee 191/2 wide is used as the outside cover- Practiee in picking of shaking,' the ing for the basket, It is glued on with fruit from the trees. The etem should oe gain was, very ntueh ieweroetees Though it is unlikely that the flock I on the flower -pot holder, but Great bushel baskete lined with soft material ti a the body such as main - ale the edges teened in neatly. A band terraria on the apple, as if broken eff 1 'ti • than ti third. . would ever lack the smal cmanti es We have noted that ' for the normal .1 wider • • , . of blue or cloth than that used deeay 14 mei likely to sot in. Half - the corn -fed caleium required pigs took 1,448 pounds 'molted vvith cut wor , a, owe, are convernerit receptaeles for the p - k is glued b • a hundred pounds of gain. Thee teak-' feed for 41 taining the heart attion elle impart -e iTIV the necessary properties to the, the basket near the top and adds much pies as picked. They can have a hook in his mind to give Inin some good ad- agesfed pige reeeivinte corn and salt ill' --to allow the reser-to the attractivenessI fastened on the handle, so at to be vice, ne will offer to Jeses the jeldg- a sieeiler manner took only 409 poutds blood, it is unWise I . voir of the important mineral elements, 'For the shelves Of the kitchen cicieet suspended while the picker is at work. motet of his ttained intelleet. 1 -le is gain, Ties 409 poehes tvas distributed to become xn P i P ohleac led, Ildxs ue ,,et artietaar.y g dresser a edgingun 1 .........te, r n of stunned to be candidly tad that "roan of feed for the hundred ti d f , , pone() ea led ' 1 1 IIS foilowe: shelled cote, 862; tankae.ee during groseth or egg production, 1.1)11181in bottoeholed in heavy old-bluei Throngs gather annually at our ag- lives firei and thinks afterwards," d a seventh 0 4, Hundreds o t ousan s o a eteeie-rei --(7 f f rttora ' mercetited cotton in e Greek -key des , , ,,,,, ,...,", t:rpt„,6 ,,,„„___, .„1.„,_ .,,,i it_ , , , „ , dannot be taught, and goodness is e grictiltural fairs in seitieipatioo of see- teat he la no ye begun to live. Lite 1 1 1' (I t t b an 47; and salt, less then h f . ' potshot . 1 . • ale • ' ittni practicelly every , , _ , g ,,i ne 7 ,,,r1 n d wi experiment eta- eli is I"""' " uPIR'L 41141.' W eye/ mg the best teat men tote ateout- I shelvin 1. atl he 1 le . len lithe • n the VtitlaIS laSe' - ' d. 1' 1 life that niust be grown, not si lesson °.'z' . eleven Inelede ei" teekegei tion in the larld have peoven the effist , , . . .. . o pp of fern) that cart Soiled it may be easily wasted anti' le 't• be leateled. Intent t i c s a Ilee f ty will reign. APPLICATION. The Highest raeulty. Nicodenius is a very up-to-date type. He has wealth, position, leisure, scholarship aid mor- ality. If any mail could do without the new birth, Nicodemus was the mate I -le' was moral, religietis and sincere. His adutired Jeetie and lute It high :faculty, bet at its highest it may 'tea. less than. a trestle), eaved 1,934 poutgle eiency of the allot, Right Weight for Marketing Hogs. 'Mr. A. A. McMillan, Chief of the Sheep and Swine Division of the Do- minion Live Stock Branclt, has this to say regarding the right weight for marketing hogs: Farmers who aim to market a high percentage of hogs of the selecthacon grade, after first hav- ing made jure that their breeding stock is of the right type and con- formation, should feed in accordance with recognized and approved meth- ods, and aim to market each litter at an average weight of two hundred pounds. There might; of course, be dines when a falling market would warrant selling at slightly lighter weights, whereas a rising market might be an inducement to feed some- what longer. Any great deviation from the two hundred pound reerage will undoubtedly result in the sale of under -finished hogs if early marketing is practiced; whereas, if it is exceeded to any gteat extent a percentage of heavy hogs will result. e In another part of hid "Handbook on Hog Grading," from which the foregoing extract is taken, Mr. Mac- Millan, dealing with heavy and extra heavy grades, remarks that when closer attention is paid to finishing at the 200 -pound average, very few hogs wilt be marketed at over weight, and the extra heavy grade, with few era ceptions, will include only those held for • breeding purposes which have proved sterile. Comparison of Red, Alsike and Sweet Clovers as Pasture Crops. In each of two years the experiment was conducted at the College compar- ing the amount of pasture crap pro- duced by sweet clover, by alsike clover and by common red clover. The yields per acre were determined at ,each of six cuttings -in each of the two years. Three weeks were alloeeed between each two cuttings. The results are very interesting in furnishing definite information regarding these three crops in the production of green clover which would correspond pretty closely to the relative amounts of pasture pro- duced. The following table gives the average of the two years' experiments in tons per acre of pasture crape: Periods Variety of Clover, of Tons of pasture crop per acre Cutting -Com. Red Alsike Sweet lst 13.5 11.0 11.0 .2 1.5 4.0 2.5 1.7 3.0 8.4 1.9 1,1 .9 2nd 1.4 8rd 2.9 4th 4.6 5th 2.0 6th 1.6 Feed Sour Mina, While the turkeys are ranging and thee is a plentiful supply of insects and of weed eeeds, the birds will re- quire very little extra feeding. If any special feed is to be recommended, it isAsouirreormgik lli*af sour rnilk, kept what the birds will have accese to it, Will do mu& toward keeping them in a - Mon, Care root be taken that the sour-millsupply is kept fresh. Milk that is allowed to stand for days at a tints M. unsanitary troughs will do More harm than good‘ If the natural food supply Is eut down on account ef drought, a iighti -feeding De grain both morning and The annual fair eeasou again Tothr around. The eair to a fixed institution. It has come to etay. The dao at ti a fair is the gala clay of the year in tt lives of hundreds and thoesende of rural folk. The only time it has rival is when the circus comes town The ;festive side of the fair, the en- tertainment feature, runs str9ng in most fairs and me doubt will ahveye remain an important part of the fair. People like to be entertained and per- haps it is well. There surely is no class of people that needs the oeca- siorial days set aside for pure pleasure and entertainmeot, for joyeue abene don of the accustomed cares and woreies, as the farmer needs it. It is this feature of the county fs that creates the holiday epirit, that draws the crowds, that swells the gate receipts and pays the premiums, so tbe fair company surely need e it, and as long as human nature resnains hu- man, the midway, the free attraction, and the races will undoubtedly prevail in some form. We, of thafeams and the rural dis- tricts, do not rninim,ize this side of the big ehow. We are coneerned, however, that It be kept clean and decent a fit • place for eur boys and girls to con- gregate and enjoy themselves.. The constructive thing that we are chiefly Interested in naturally, is the agri- cultural displa,y. We want to see the farmers department show up to better ane better advantage year after year. The farm can furnish entertainment and pleasure as well as interest and education to the public if it shows itself at its best. The things you ha,ve at home that are of interest to your friends and that you like to show -take those things to the fair. The people can not all come to you but they will all meet you at the fair. Put on some original farm stunts and watch the crowds de- sert the side shows. The way to make, the fair a real agricultural fair is for farmers to take a hand and make it all they can. No one but the, farmers can make a farmers' fair. - Don't think you have done your part when you have bought a ticket, and then go out and criticize the officials if you do not find everything to your liking. Goodness knows they have troubles enough. They do not make the fair, they only direct it, and must work with such materials and assis- tance as they can secure. Let us turn out with Our exhibits, our disPlays and our performances and show the world that the farms of our country are still on earth. The Apple Maggot. The apple maggot, according to Mr. C. E. Petch, of the Dominion Entom- ological Laboratory at Hemmingford, Que., does not spread rapidly, but yet it has made its appearance at many places sinee its discovery at Adolphus - town, Ont., by the late Dr. Seines Fletcher on August 31, 1896. Its rav- ages are not impartial, seeing certain varieties of apples and some orchards suffer severely while others in proxim- ity may escape almost entirely. In Quebec, Mr. Petch stetes, it is not altogether unusual to find the entire crops of Wealthy, Alexander and Fameuse apples completely ruined by the pest. A circular issued by the Donainion Entomological Branch, in dealing with methods of control, says the destruc- tion of fallen fruit, if done very care- fully and frequently over a period of 'twenty years, should eliminate the apple maggot, unless infected orchards remain nearby. The "drops" should be destroyed once a week, commencing at once or about July 25. In cases of severe infestation hogs are useful in keeping the ground free of fallen ap- ples. As soon as the flies, a descrip- tion of which is given in the circular, are noticed, the trees should be spray- ed thoroughly with lead arsenate, three pounds, in 40 gallons of water. A second application should be made with the same materials two weeks later. Next Year's Breeding Stock. In every flock there are always a few backward birds which are too small and undeveloped to market with the others, and too often these are allowed to make up part of the next season's breeding flock. The time to pick the breeding stock Is before the fattening procese begins, and if passible they should be exempt- ed from the heavy feeding. H this cannot be conveniently done, then the bieds which make the most rapid gains and end up the period in a healthy .condition, are the most logical candi- dates for the breeding flock. The un- developed bit& should be kept over and marketed at Christmas. A large share of the trouble in rats- ing turkeys, imendiog even the )(SOO fewer blackhead, may he blaneed directs ly ott the use of infeelor 'breeding stock. Honae.made Ice.Crearn. A useful eight -leaved pamphlet con - tabling recipes for 'making ice crewel; of which A. H. White, Serrior Dairy Promoter' and Miss Ilelon G. Coinp- evening may be neeeteary. Or if the, bell, Dernonstratot Mid Lecturer, are flock ratigee too far, a tegiftet feed at the SPORSOTS, has just been issued bY night will get the birds into the habit' the Dotetinion Delmetmeet of Agriati' of returning to the bottle valet eery : tare, and May be obtained by eptelyieg night, and is a very eiteetivo earls to to the Pnblieations 13raiteh oe that de - the 'thriatYei tattittel weeder/mete I xiattrnent, Ottawa,