HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-21, Page 4IS) 714 nomaislmil Epkitard rendering assistance if regti recd: The broadcastin of sporting events in the various fields is a comu1On ':oc cureuce as every radio fan knows, 'Phis service will be extended to take in the horse races. On September 4th and 27th the famous French horse, will race, the best horses raised in Ameriea, The detailed so - 1 c:5 b1 ,eoonts of the various races will be I o Gihs[st the t aired States 3er (broadcasted direct from the track, pan the :linea lata of their long journeyarThe mos powerful bt-oadcastiang world redia transmiters 1 y ems! receivers tate Hbeing rushed station 'ir tree would is b i ta, sheer were installeel on theis : c - p ems! England. It ex - land. • rn rlcaio r n to o , Y �+ l>l d. while they t o` keep in resting. sn... ,: l that.no difficulty will be e�:per- laaid: They hoped to kceya ire constant t'ectec rner- ienced in reaching the farthest points coribittiicdlipn with some of: the x3, •s r ers which were covering1 of the earth as t000 Kilowatts of pow- ic.1 N er wil be used. The stee:i work for theorth .11tlarttic wit'J, a vicar; to alt , Economy, Service, Satisfaction I N .ORES guarantee. These are the' four things- DOMINO owl' &� 12 Quality, because we buy only the best and sell it quickly A goods "are fresh, Economy, because you benefit by our tremen- dousbuying power. The Savings are passed on to you. Service and Satisfactions are guaranteed you in every one of our 325 stores, We Satisfy a million and mere Customers every week. Picnic ms Mild cure per lb. 24c Machine li�� ' d Breakfast Bacon per lb. 29c AYSI:S�E LOMBARD LARGE BOTTLE • or GREENGAGE SWEET MIXED - PLUMS (Heavy' PICKLES -- Syrup), 2 for - -LOC LARGE BOTTLE, SWANSDOWN see PICKLED ICONL D WHITE .- - QC CAKE FLOUR- _3C CROSSE & BLACK- WELL'S,IVIEAT and FISH PASTES -°C (Six kinds) - - CHOICE SOCKEYE SALMON (Horse- shoe, Cloverleaf, Maple Leaf and KETCHUP` (Bottle) C Sovereign Brands) • LARGE BOTTLE 1-1b. ... �a-1b. SOUR PICKLES. -C tin 39tin 20 KING'S PLATE SARDINES (iia olive oil 2 e for - -�^ KING'S PLATE KIPPER °SNACKS q - - C dr for - CLARK'S TOMATO PRESERVING EQUISIITE$ CROWN JARS RUBBER JAR C� Pictsv doz.wageRINGS, 3 doz,_ _ CROWN JARS ZINC JAR _ 90C _ ,a3 RINGS, doz. Quarts, doz. nlipLE -MIXED CROWN JARS PICKLING Half -Gallons;' doz. e D SPICE, m.�C PAROWAX 'm° CERTO. . LC - -3 C. (For sealing), 2 for (Fruit Pectin) OA V LLE BRAND JAM (Excellent Quality, obtainable orsiy at the Dominion Stores) 4-1b. Tin RASPBERRY, 1-1b. Jar RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY or STRAWBERRYr clic SLACK CURRANT C BLACK CURR clic 4 -lb. Jar STRAWBERRY e 's. - - -1C (New Season's) SH'fRRriFF'S EXTRA FINE QUAL- °` ORANGE 1VIARMA- ITY LEMONS, doz. C LADE; 4-1b. tin'- , - CHIPSO - ORANGE MARMA- fres", SOAP CHIPS °� C LADE, 1 -Ib. jar s C 2 lbs. _a ALL LAUNDRY SHOE POLISHES rSOAPS :(Except (Nugget or 2 -in -1) _tdc,PC Fes Naptha), 2 for - C 2 for - - . D. S. HIGH QUALITY TEA and COFFEE SHIRRI•FF'S C 'i C RICHMELLO TEARICHMELLO q lair - C COFFEE, Ys -lb. tin . „.0C 84 W.INGHAM ADVANCT-TIMES. the towers is so large and heavy that the girders are being transported on Stndays and through the night on the. English railways so as not to block traffic, One of the recent plays sent.out 0 station : VGY Schenectady, was heard: with good voleme in Sottth Africa, .a distance of over 8o0o miles, Letters have ben received at the of- fices of American govei-nmerit officials asking that radio be prohibited for a time nntil farnners have their crops safely stored in the barns,'' Many st ep - > 5 atio - pe rle nowfancy that radio has something to do with the abund- ant rainfall which has been generally experienced over the country this sum- mer. This idea has been readily dis- proven by scientific investigation. During ethe past week, radio fans have beet:i enabled to hear speeches, by Mr, Davis and :Mr. Coolidge, can- didates for the Presidency of the United States. While the addresses have not bden particul"arly directed to Canadian listeners, yet it is interesting to be in a.position to hear outstanding men lay their views before. the public ,Station) KDKA--326 'Meters, Westinghouse Electric, Pittsburgh, . Pa. Wednesday, August loth 5;30 p. me-.Diiurer concertby the Pittsburgh Athletic Association: or- hestra,. Gregorio Sealzo, director - 6.0o p. xn.-Baseball scores; dinner concert continued. 6.30 P. in. -The children's period -a The Kiddie's Buddy. 6.45 p, m. -News Bulletins, 7,00 p, m. -Baseball scores: 745 P. m. --Safety at the crossing by F. .H. Babcock, safety agent of the Pittsburgh ;& Lake Erie Railroad. 74o p. m. -Stockman report •of the primary livestock markets; grain, feed, sugar, cotton, wool and produce. 8.00 p. m Concert by the Pitts burgh Male SeXtette,•under the direct- ion of Frank T. Adams, and Otto Kalties, pianist. 00 p. m. -Walker -Leonard boxing boat fr world's chainpioriship; Yanc- ee stadium, Ne'& York, 9.55. p: ere -Arlington time signals; weather forecast; baseball scores.. Thursday, August zist. 111 5.30 p. na-Dinner concert by the KDKA • Little Symplioily orchestra, Victor Suadek, conductor, dinner 6 p. m. -Baseball scores; concert continued. period 6.30 p. m -The children's Little Miss Mary Heart. 6.45 p. in, -News Bulletins. 7 p. m. -Baseball scores; "Shade and Ornamental trees for street and. lawn, prepared by the Yruit Growers Nurs- eries, Newark, N. Y. i.t5 p. m, -Program arrainged by the "National Stockman and Tarnier. f.4o p. m. -"Stockman" reports of the primary livestock markets; grain, feed, sugar, cotton, wool and produce, 8 p. m, - Concert by the KDICA Little Symphony orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor, assisted byH..R. Snyder, baritone. ts' 9:55 p, n1, -Arlington time signals ; weather forecast; baseball scores. Io p. in. -Concert. Friday; August 22nd. 6 d VO veiland Berkerley and Gold 'SELL TO SATISFY It is worth while to deliver cream direct to Creamery. If 3oc to 5oc per can interests you as a produc- er- Get our prices fire re market ing elsewhere. We are now having hot weather, At this time of year eggs deteri- ate very Ou1ckiy. We are paying ° highest pnce for quality eggs, it pays to look after eggs and sell on graded basis. Bring your eggs we grade them. The United Farmers Co -Op. Co,, Ltd. V k>xlighar it AI T E HYDRO S OP le fi , I' r i N Say Y! r, a 55 ica and t TI MINDS OF 1VIEN To the Editur av the Advance-Toinnes, Deer Sur,- 1 reari}nber goin to a circus whin 1 'antis a young fellah an hearin the cl- own sing a song that wi:nt sometitrg loike this, fer a'slitart.-- "What a quare set av payple we are I declare,, What wan person bikes, another can't bear,' .Phis wus fixity years arr more ago but the siutiiniret i 'x ri= • issed in that ould 1. Song is. as- thrue.to-day as it rue thin fer airy man has a way av ltis.own yit baet• rnwa ayw, nihin the i.ssus wants to have h Fes inshtance. an be way av" illush- trashun, an to. prove tie pint, no two. min do be tinkin about the same ting whin they walk up an down the eta:rates ay Wingham av a Satlntrday not ht. I ani not shpakin av the young fellahs fer av course they heti. an oye on the purty girruls as ye wud i.:pect thiin to hev; but I emane the min on whose shoulders fall the btr- MS an hate av the clay, so to shpake. Fir inshtance white Tarn MacLean mixes wid the crowd ;kre kapes his oyes open fer fellahs whose:assissinint shud be raised,arr fee husky young byes who wed be good afro on a contliract jawb. Wid Jarge Shpotton arr Jawn nerwatt: i6 iviry , isan iviry wunm an E I I I1211I I1gI Mylar l IMI l IE1l121111 Saturday, August 23rd. 93o p. m. -Dance music by Joseph A. Chickene and.. his. Clover Club or- chestra of Hotel Ten Eyck, Albany, N. Y. Popular songs by Frank Davis. Station WEBI-370 Meters. Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Ill. Thursday, August sxst. 8,30 p. -m. -Frank Papila, .accordian. solos.Announcernents. Joseph Wich- art, violinist. Concert selections, Or- iole Orchestra, 10.30 p. in.-Hermas Zimmerman,. tenor • Dance selections, Edgewater Beach, Oriole Orchestra. 12.3o p. en. -Pontine Willis, soprano solos. Popular songs, Dan and Nick and Ted. Dance selections, Edgewat- er Beach Oriole Orchestra. Friday, August erst 8.30 p. m. -Grace Wilson, contralto, solos. Songs, with guitar, Nick Luc- as. Concert selections, Edgewater Beach Oriole Orchestra. tenor solos 10,30 p. m. - Fred Agard,� Dance selections, Edgewater Beach Oriole. Orchestra. . tenor 12.3o p. m„ -Sandy Meek,o sol- os. Vernon Hayes, saxophone Y Dance selections,. Edgewater Beach Oriole Orchestra. 5.30 9. ` m„ -Organ recital by Paul Fleeger, from the ` Cameo Motion Pit- turd Theater, Pittsburgh. 6 p. m. --Baseball scores; dinner con- cert continued. 6.30 p. m. -The children's period - "The squire's bride. 6.45 p. m. -News Bulletins: 7 p. in -Baseball scores, ,40 p. ni,-"Stockman" reports of the primary Iivestock markets; grain, feed, sugar, cotton wool and produce. 8 p. m. -Concert by Arden H. Thomas and Sebastian Sapienza, sax- ophonists; axophonists; Gomer Tones, baritone; George Walken, tenor. 9.55 "peen -Arlington time signals;" weather forecast, baseball scores. any old lorry when you can 'l10 r abso- hirer" g*im a ; , tee* Hy i + o Lamps ,.i'.' the following prices t Nitro, clear . m , . , t25 Watt Nitro, halt frosted a Watt Nitro, clear , . , ..75e ,U0 alt Nitro, hail frosted .,. 75c " _' It Nitro, clear .........6(e tilt ';a,: , lel li frosted ....70e x 121 Phone : art BLIJEVALE too, is a`:prospective vote fer the nixt elicksliun. Barney . Beninger Links iviry magi he sees shud awn a Shtar out car, an Jack Currie is on the: look fer goodrrtin fer his fire brigade, The milliners an barbers loot: at Me heads av the girruls, an the shoe miry at theer fate. I suppose, Mishter Editur, ye see lots av min who shud be raydin the Wingham paper; an mebby some who rade it an don't pay fer it. Levy Lott. an Charley Sutton don't look at the ram arr not even at the wine min at all, at all, but lin tell ye age an color av iviry horse on the shtrate fruen Charley Lepard's resht room to the north ind groshery. So ye see "iviry mortal human man 1sapes up his little game," as 'the poet sez, an, faith 'tis betther so, Billy Booth looks at iviry man as a prosphict fer insurance in the Mutual Loife av Canada; Jawn Hanna watches fer payple who will nade new fur coatsfer the corrin win- thir; an Jarge Phippen fer fellahs who shud be in jail, an shure, mebby he foinds more proshpicts than annyone Ilse. 'Tis the way av the wurruld, arr at laist it shud be, iviry man to attend to his own affairs. ome woise man said that the rayson mar who moind theer own business are a success, in loife is ecause they foind so little opposition. Shpakin av opposition moinds me that Mishter Meighen-is hottldin pit nits ani makin spaiches troo the count ry, shlammin, the Grits an the Pro- gressive turn about. Tis a slimart bye he is •intoirly, an I aux tould that. whin he shtarts to shpake in Parley - mint ivirybody sits up an takes notice. I don't tink there will be anny elick- shun this year but mebby it is woise fer lliishter Meighan to kape the byes shtirred up a bit. A baseball tame ,that won't practice betwane games can't impict to<win annyting, an, shure 'tis the sante in pollyticks; ye musht hev the lads in thrainin all the toim:e said yer organizashuii roight up to the marruk if ye ixpict to bate the other fellahs. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. Thursday, ' August 21st,, THE TWENTY-THIRD SLAM The Ford is my auto; I shoal ,not,,, '. �-a rnaketh muddy: roads; it leadeth ane into trouble. It drawetli out my purse;; I go into paths of debt for its. sake,' Yea, trio I understand racy Ford per- fectly, I fear'nauch evil lest the radius rods. or the, axle might break. It has nti blow out in the presence of mine en - patch, I annointed the 'tire, ,with a patch, the radiator boiled ever, Sure- ly this thing will not follow me all the in the daysdwellofmylife,orlshallt house of poverty forever. Moral; Equip your Ford with one of the new cuckoo clocks.:When the car reaches a speed of twenty-five miles an hour the bird will come out and sing, "Nearer, My God To Thee" an at forty miles an hour,- "Lord f Ani Coming home. 1'tme lay down ht i. uxa-n nava$ t Want. at�x�aiierss BELMORE Airs,. :3, Smith and clait:ghter Edith, of Hanover, were Sunday visitors at her sisters Mrs. N. McNeil, Belmore. Mr. J. Mighton of. Elora, and Mai A. 'Taylor of • Neustaclt, also were Sunday visitors at N. ,McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Hays of Pittsburg, Pa.' are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duff. s Dr. and Mrs, J. Coulters of Pin la delphia,,are here for a couple of weeks vacations. - A. large iuuinber from here attended the Anniversary services at Johnston church last Sunday. Rev. D. D. Tho mpsbn of Woodham, gave two very fine sermons. Mrs. C. Brinker of Sandusky, Mick., was a visitor here this week. Mrs. S. Young and children returned to Toronto 'on Saturday after spend- ing the past few weeks at their sum- mer home 1•tere, Saturday, August 23rd::,; 5.30 p. m. -Dinner concert by the 'Westinghouse band, T. J. Vastine, dir- ector. irector. Program, "St. Julian,,, Rugines; Bolero, "D'Amors," Falvo; "Voice of Spring," Kornzar; selection, "Amor- ita," Czibulka; cornet duet, "Call of the Sea,' Smith; Spanish Patrol, "Es- pagole," Deshayes; Idle '„Evening Chimes," Rollinson; "AColored Poem, Bagley: cornet solo, "The Gates of Pearl," H. W. Smith; Oriental Dance, "Echoes from the Harem," Hughes. 6 p. in. -Baseball scores; dinner con- cert continued. 6.3o p. rn.-T.lic children's period-- Taper Tom. • 6.45 p. m. -Last minute helps so teachers of adult and secondary class, by C. C. Johnson, author of "How to Teach Adults." 7 p. m. -Baseball scores; sport re- view by James J. Long, sport editor of The Pittsburgh Sen. 8 p nn, -Concert by the Westing- house band, under the direction of T. J. Vastine, assisted- by John C. Mc- Millan, baritone. Program: Excerpt from the, Overture, "Semiramine," Rossine; fantasia, "A summer Even- ing inethe Alp,," Kling; a Negro Sket- ch, "Swahee River," Middleton; inter- mezzo, "Cav alleria Rusticana," Mas- cagni; serenade, "'Night in June," King, K fantasia, ,r biy Old I.entucky Horne, Dalby (solo for all instruments); se- lection, "Simon Boccanegra," Verdi, rather forecast;baseball aseballton nscore e Hata, Station WGY-38o Meters General Electric Co, Schenectady, N. Y. Thursday, August zxst. 3.30 Jr. m. -Organ recital by. Stephen . I3oisclair, organist, from. Proctor's arnanus, Bleeclter hall. .15 p.m. -Baseball scores. • of N, -.•I�r �raz1 13'ne in. o to s 7.3 p• FORDYCE Mrs: A, Havin and daughter Terra and Jean; visited for a week at Mr.. W. M. Champion's. Mr. C. F. Martin was on a business trip to Toronto, for a couple of days last week. The Boyle brothers has purchased a "threshing outfit, as. they are old. hands at the business and , looks as there will be plenty to do we wish them success. • : • Mr. and Mrs. John McGee also Air, Charles Leaver, visited relatives at London, on Sunday last. { WELL-KNOWN Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coultess of Lis- towel, visited relatives on Sunday. ' Mr. and Airs. Rev. T. C. Wilkinson are holidaying .at Ripley, and Mr. F. Shaw will take charge of Bluevale cir- cuit next Sunday. Ain R. Garniss is getting his, thresh- ing outfit in order to commence thre- shing. Crops are fine Mrs. Jos. Underwood spent a few days last week in Toronto. • Miss Mary Jewitt has returned to Sask. after spending past few weeks withrelatives around here. a TURNBERRY Mrs. Wm. Crane of Burlington, is spending a few weeks with, her sisters, Mrs. R. J. Breen and Messrs. John and. Jas. Wray. t Miss M, T. Breen, R.N., is visiting with trends in Palmerston. GOLF BALLS If a golf ball onlj' had a voice, 'Twould save a lot of fussing; It would •call from clown among the weeds, Here T am! Now stop your cussing. This is about the timeofyear when the games of love and baseball share honors. Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings and Marriage Li- cence Information et' 'a R. ,Futon's, Jeweler FIGURE PASSES Mr, T. H. Race one of the most highly esteemed residents pf Mitchell passed away at hishome T sday morning after a brief illness. Mr, Race established the Mitchell Record forty-nine years , ago. He sold that in 1905. In 1904 he was•ap- pointed Canadian Exhibition Comm- issioner and had charge • of Canada's exhibits at several World's Fairs. For the last few years he has acted as the travelling secretary for the Muskoka Sanitarium. He has made a name for himself as a writer for several magazines, and papers. Two sons and two daughters survive him. MAJOR GEO. WALKER Major George Walker, now a farmlia'' figure in Chatham, Ontario, is one of ' the men :.rho went through the terrible. Indian Mutiny. As he says: "1 e.rn a veteran of the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny, serving under Lord Roberts, Fierce hand-to-hand, fighting and continual exposure left me a g'eat sufferer from Rheumatism, so much so that my legs swelled up, making it im- possible for me to walk. My bowels were so constipated that I was in terri- ble shape until I began' to e 'Fruit -a tines.' They relieved me both of the Rheumatism and the Constipation. Today, I enjoy perfect health no mora:`. Rheumatism or Constipation." And in another letter, written De- cember lst, 1923 (eleven years after), Major Walker says:" li r+nit-a-fives are :• keeping me in the best of health and shall never be without them." "Fruit-a-tives" are the famous Fruit Treatment -intensified fruit juices' combined with tonics -that make you wellaid keep you well. 25e and 50c= atall dealers or from Fruit-a-tives, Liniited, Ottawa, Ont. THIS IS LIFE uer w "keep it out Ofthe paper" is the ,1 cry which the local newspaper pub-,.'• fisher . frequently hears. To gblige• often costs considerable, 'trough the party who "nralces the request thinks the granting scarcely worth a "thank you." A newspaper is, a peculiar thing in the public -eye. The news - gatherer is stormed because he gets an item and is abused becaused he does not get another. Young men. and young women, as well as older persons, perform acts which become legitimate items for publications and their; rush to the newspaper office and. beg the editor not to notice their es- capades. The very next week they condemn the same paper for not hav- ing written up another party dying the sante thing, forgetting apparently their late visit to the printing office. The discretion ` of a country editor is a wonderful thing and, many are the stories upon which he turns his back, because of a good wife or mother, who would be ,grievously • hurt to see the thing in print. . Don't blame the edit_ BELGRAVE . Miss Vivian Munro, of London, . is visiting with the Misses Jean and A1.a- nie Geddes. 111 11115135111 II.. 111E111 II 11111$111 111 .'III111il1 pet 55 Cheaper Fire Philharmonic n"'''' ltitharrrnonic orchestra, broad cast t conjunction with \ JZ, 'direct from Letvisohri stadium, College of the City - eas Friday, August asnd. 545 p. m. -Children's story, int rencli, by Fredric Duclert. 6 p, ata,. --International Sunday Sch- of Lesson. 7.05 p m. --Baseball results. ja ,r3 p, in.-•-Goidiren band concert *in Franko Goldman, conductor, ppg be 'broadcasted in •conjunction 11*vith direet from the Mali, Central New York City. 1 New York, New York city. 55 55 NOTED CANADIAN DEAD - Hon. B. Carvell, chairman of the board of railway commissioners of Canada, was suddenly stricken at his home in Woodstock on Saturday. He was an outstanding figure in public life. He has been in the House of Commons for fifteen years, first as a supporter of the Laurier., Govern- ment, then as a member of .the op- position under Laurier and later as minister of publiseworks in the Union Government. Since 5959 he has held or for keeping something out of tai, the .position as chief of the railway paper but be thankful that he has a board. heart and is not indifferent to your :The funeral took place from his late feelings as the cold and calculating home in Woodstock, N. B., on Tues- chap who sits at the deskon the big day -city papers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, 'Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that. all persons having claims against the Estate of Isabella Mary Campbell, deceased, who died on or about the twelfth day of June A. D. 1924 at the Township of East Wawanosh in the Province of Ontario, are required t•o send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, So- licitor for the Executors,on or .before the eighteenth day of August, A. D. 1924, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims in writ- ing, and the nature of the securities (if any) held. by them duly verified by a statutory "declaration. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said eighteenth day of August, 5924, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Ex- ecutors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only toe the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not be li- able for any claims not filed at the time of the said distribution, DATED at Wingham this sixteenth day of July, A, D. 5924. R. Vanstone, Wingham, P. 0., Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE:I, Pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of. ilOntario, that le Revised" Statutes of O a , all persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret. Henderson, de- ceased, who died on or about the four- th day of, April, A. D, 1924,.at the Township of Morris in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to R. Van - stone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitorfor. the Executor, on or before the eigh- teenth day of August A. D. 5924, their names and addresses, with full parti- culars of their claims in writing, an1 the: nature of the. securities (ifa sta 1an y) �. Y Insurane held by thein duly verified by tutor declaration. dwellings in W gam, onss P. ' in h at le 9t< than 'Township Mutual rate AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said eighteenth day: of August, 1924, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Ex- ecutor among the parties • entitled thereto, leaving regard only to the claims of which he shall then hair;. -notice, and the estate will not be li- able for any claims not fired at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Witghatn this twenty second day,' of July, A. D. 5924. R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the; Executor, Frye Insurance furnished s•� 55 with no premium note to sign Tal Why take the risk of having to ,nay extra � assesssnents4 1,1b Insurance &: Real Estate, li 111 Iltl itl islli 111 alt ill ll'1} 11lBltl 1111 11 L SUPPL E� We are ready for School Opening sorted stock of Public School Readers Pub. School Text Book Scribblers Exercise Books Loose Leaf Note Books Note Books Fountain Pens Drawing Books Writing Books Examination Pads Examination Paper Lead Pencils Pen Points Pen Handles Pencil Boxes • Crayons, Paints School Bags Our stock is o with a large andwell as - 1 he best quality and prices are right. QUALITY AND SERVICE . Opposite Queens Hotel. Ticket Agency Canadian national lbs.. NEW BUILDINGS OPEN TIM YEAR " All intending students of the University must secure application blanks for entrance sufficient - 13r early to enable them .to return their fortes and qualifying certificates to the Registrar NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER' 13, 19 24. Registration lay..... Monday, Sept. 22nd next. Degrees and Diplomas: 8., A.; LL. 8., 1VM.A:, 14.Sc., 1VI,I5., Dr, I'.I+I., B.S. in Nursing, ID.P.l., siru rtion. individuali ir i ecialiaes in The University rs% v tY s p Loan funds and scholarships are provided to assist ambitious and deserving students For information write - P, R Neville, Ph.D.; Registrar. UNIVERSITY WESTERNOF LONDON, CANADA 1'