The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-21, Page 2k§1
h ntla tocoa,
los4uht: t
MAPTIO, XXX, 'Imary "with sorrow.' lark 'misty pt.":tas,,
a a .
, tuitly Philip Attleyne 0,71.14, a ,sominv sadness, but that trapped
p:ttbr,t, what had Itappente, a- unbind look bad gone, "Thilio, i re--•!!'
I11:4Allth utile Ito could nor. guess member utmost eterp word you've over
h0\e' tt'e). hed (Vele eboelt, Alice said to me, That day on the, hillside
bad distrovt. ed the atoret that had, -1011 Were aittereet, 4014.1 I NY,e4miemi
euttied hint so kale& auguinh in 41-ea,a*V., little Whet Vae the mutter. You,
aif being tho one tO leant her, 1 \rem turning litinv .4%,-4,.w in your,
She lOoked 'stuck a poor little thing, triad. weren't )Tore? About us--eur fu -1
Nal Der the moment Wu:0st tart. You were wonderhur what wasi
oNitioatok toto-N110 th her tultht`tio bcst, tor is to do. At-uki Del-1141$ PAI'‘''0,
light, wi mir dasarrait,god and Irecitheught about fixteg 11111
IktUn drririg-hn':thitit, :trouitu'r bo,vo given You ull-''
Wed bor in bis anon l'Ion't you understand, Thew aro,
tto ,,,,,,,,,hi,averottai setae thim a mill •,,..,:axatot do,,,.,0
seo,ty etl, zw.11?"ttatAn b1^444". 1.4 '''011s, ItteW 17tIgi 700 ','•'174"*--1'40,Nv lk4
1 VW ikvtlet tee lihe'et. ,It'e efe olelviitt of you, Philip dor; „..
t 1 hoptil 'Prom 'your 'I vash t tout&
1":"otherr" on must bellow,
Lokchere, my ' kurtuiroratark rra uot gu'ulg" tu 't,q‘,'"a- ,
'S,'.4.":.., "atv, vow; $494.taillt orator his pot-, wo :ulna ,14,4 wry nto.* on this. crou up, l weer let You grk You ba-isute er 'v.,r-'3,,toef_hur hands. y briraeu 10u -ell -heti ham.' en. here.,
-1 (To be continned.) frown deQ-aerts such as ice creams imd
,,,,,,,,,,,t1 .0,niul A.,1), mut whib, ozut tittt,,, 1.1,,..A.A lows ruel, at eeuet.t„:„-teu,a. vtat....vag to 1,.e.., tgati I hope Pm atontursut, You us,ee, Pz,-
haw so Wal and hel itg,.. be fatal • Ill be Rol-feet:1y frank" enough le tWall'ate. Wa. that D.3.1$ tOtei 4:44 '.3/ •frIgatenee0 she Whispered. i
oAta.o liselt4m Arbrae ttaid hushi
dearleneittimed, tNever ono elid I dream ,c4.i such
m my
t $
Arde.yae turned 4Ild Welted
te hands were itching, and. he con'
Qt have "borne another word Prom:
4A- cold,. -malignant 14147Yer- It Nite$
, true enough, he did net doubt, that
I Christopher Smarie would not hesil
tate to- demand legal balm for any
',wounds which might be iniliOteci.ulvni
• bizoL. Yet .A.rderne would have reit eel
much more comfortable s.nd happy.
,,could he hove landed one
punch the middie of t smug'
ck to the hotel N TEA B491
th4 t414-11...s.ket he ;hoped, te44 asiee but hdi: "be:el:Ica' zau:ereththea,delnic:rioc:aths ern ablIstraa;la
•1Wee 4 lit,tie auxtous about
o The.
4103% Itit:or leading to her bedreein Stood;
1344.1.0t, 434; and he listened a rao-
t 'meat There was no sound. of rega:ar 1
He put.'slied the door open and leek- 4.
ahe .1r.v..1 i1.4 but mt Tb: uakri:tirLent9gole_ose..v.s? ite.,:tr:•,!;tasdoeons. 1 HOZpeTOIresCAhNDInYintIVIIieaNTvesrAeVinEovSe•
shaded light en the tedside tab,e' was': Tehlan 41=4;beg2hatilite.' haTu). feu
switthed ea saki She l'or Pruned 'high !might happear, that directly aim knew a
red from steins and, with a tiny camel's-
. brush coat both sides with egg'
on pillows, hzr Ince half in ,sbadow. -about Huge steuale the u mu 4 , witite. To one-third cup of granulated
4 tthttzroak tir,'.-7$41-1•74atket, ea:Vze.,leredity would Ilftitt to paalttre he;', sugar add five drops of of spear-
4*.a,.%e 4rte"rin..3*,,77:31:d‘thlve‘za.r dark altere alOthTikedg tialltaed sht-Tfedelltennthel'eep*, runt 'tiatet:theDIPsuegsaerh. PMIdaec:eltohsee tomignettht
.tvag on
thia„ palits wa the even tlisa he did net leave her, He sat a cake raek covered with 4 sheet a
!!coverlet.. -
MO% 4
. never varies. - Try it,
wry quietly "holdin,r one of the cold -
dileed„ d let stand in a warm
eyen atactled hint. They werk liw -t te, life. medi_ wu4-ea paper
44:IY 4.Firl4rItIr" celd u.r .k7C211147-111 6-wzetadss'.4 ---epPlaSeerve VilwitdhrYiced drinks. and to top
fruit cocktails.
f ,
e'er 414kOt , tat eitk\ tif.* 00,0.* tetheVe Nett; V'For eeMe tk=e 1 theittiet
tgi.a Iwo so. wrong Of her ttof , I'd be obliged to tell you *cwt.!' What.'
;-..,,,ukt, sack a Itli.'tusy„ mean tiring on 7C;lit!' 'Pat W:hat ett'-,-eet'?"'
.....„: . ,
..--.„ • .
may ezoxottk*Is, intari,ne to be.
bora anid 4 vii.)rki, 04, V.1•4110,, *ittit 'Wm: boxotl,,,yi toViir:. of $r:‹Ktvis 1.13,z4 ..•.*:: :-
Oh: I to: 4,16'„? :1:kvv, rratitle4: zrour:Iirt,. 1 Idutikr undertakon, , I thought it wauld f
want to go *malt X i,tunt to die' ,be neekary',1' that Ours could not 'be',
110.,01-Iteroi her elasent, Ljust an erate,.4re marclat, that wet, '0
"Vero rot geirol; to listen to any, wpuld. haw to: &aro to Iros only• forlr
tug Of that sort.! Ire said. ""Were'-:Nroalz other and nut away ato
trg re,. be Mot- WouderfulV sensibk Ak.uot a ,ehttarerxt. Do, ,)„-kva. urriatr-L!
ut it. ki•)4.6.10,., 'it; 04 OW Illee mrd let stand Alteer :•11,
o It...0:41:'N.It.'4-41,1k.,: The Itte -,e'4V•4 tett '""...t,e'-'44• 1 e'rt4e:,reilltt"
over ittet: f#.4 Wet lett *here we;' Xint it Vta no non I love you to,i1
on deare'st, dear mueb, .- MU:7 all, I'M hatnitot,
.Neit‘. ▪ '.1N.,4,..:igoit..zokt,, and rhatle man before rte. 4 etieritiet, Ira boect,
aro u'btxtt.:4 :a terrible loswa to me, You're" "me: Meat '.1 q -...,...,11.
'It,* ' Stat, ttiV kitt,4 to ruitI how right-ieurtt:IINNburdered uthut 1
v:milgt, to butt me.- rople$11.'m 'f4t,:.p.ctreANi iltts,-: ... -..1 • --- 0- m, 4, • ..z 4 lila 1 - -4
o- ore -Feet-ifinergs Liniment. • luard's Linitrient 'Hears Cuts,
My dear, Ill be Tour tushand,„ Tour. Passed By.
timala Solar lever to the end of tun' e.
04 Z.tX4X,ge teett'S--ae. the ter irt% that ray A. very Young doctor, opening a
wit void Sober ziudegment. tells ine are brandusw surgery, waited sit day
vill never let yea leave me,"
he only poseibte 'Orate for us.. But I dwirtillzat a visitor until at last a
breathless man corns running up the
So fair?..tly be head the, g,t•lorions lletat
reolairaing victory over sellf, hut it) -Sit down," said the young doctor,
was Alice No.%,-) .--stt them. a-riingil
soothingly, "What can I do for you?"
to do what he kr..eW t4-'4 I* tight. ;
With her likelp---yea, he could be strong i
'IC AT HOUR. •Mtchan on whi& there are mureheri on"Icerg:spt :detthoenvithsiteort.ele"PMhy°nWle--fea'st
She '$tooki Zooking at hint, her lita.,-; .. .„ tonic An- the bw,,,,-' a fr'4,3',,,g'S 't,0 Whirla it iS a perfect joyi „at ..e,..„d / e..aut to Aug up my doctor
ra-VeritV..,r; Z.1 attilA, hot. ,erw &then% rer i...,:.. .tha ottt...of.aoor lorLatasc,, iki, to tarn when someone comes unexpecti
..e.m-e.„ ,,,,,. 4. ,
4 :...,Ule t,g....S.T.-"Z go tot ar,t1. =ora bother :::., eab- Ir. to
terity; tier doubt. net.' 'so much as to,
re -tvers.... boxes Am tigh, r.y seal -
1•74t1110 13-14' "":"I'tV't I 4ka''t vallt te hoaltds =13 wives", Partxd lovers--' whether he ("mild endure the sort oril,Pr'-3.)34`a.,,g tate -erzch khan she, toccrlu nt ,.,__
• a 'Fa like to thragt who- rather .%Nitrairlir there. when ther kick.-qitte leader diectiSeives, as fearfaI .-if hol' 24::Z1*"` It, 'WM be found a iiiii. rest end' ei S'Weet trar.i,..'arSt wit c.radke....,u, ladyj
aitt. Xett tela Ine-thow did ;Nitn. ed or.. de:gin:ed. outothit to et;y me; we're net bsirkir =welt -Liza in ezde-X tre tar-X241"z te,Pa.---''''k a Si-at,Ple lumili AVI's 2M-.."'' .11--.7403717-'..a. blaCEICI
the.r,st. 57 .filziot.k ba -.tat,. atr.t..,.atuu,,T4.awe are it,s,....s cel,x-lea chirtren, tuna
, 1
. 'Ong° I& t el them. poor senla 4.igreed sAVaLe htt Pala-
ne teoLA.."' OtIthAe tibaarki 'bat 4ma lift- trotr.).7 enough t4 ex, tozketv Itot.N. u., °Taw, -....-oza twaih. elical" Re laza and *with tM faniii7 strea ant. to a, , pur.i.,,exta.,.- ternsu &iead tiry
hp Ion. io, ),,,,frs ura, uz, *„.,1„,il...,114 .,..4,1444,$,ZZIka tbera 'UN PiX,Vilt. /..1, saN,V,,e. mods en her shoulders ,und shook her. ...,-?e,1 ttgluer,„,4 ee .4„,,,11 erszterio o., --a. smecial '....r.t..S..4 °ie. b. 1 Wit away
luta 'Ste*, A ellalla oncrita 'her to tIbi.'' Nk:.strYlIk" trktAtal a tlizitir ttio,.44.-4t:s.,. And ,i:P-Tatkr, .. Tbf.'re r a tm, at7x.r..^:fle .11-cre.10.t. Ba at..,,,t,a. thotigh„ ex.% 3.-,.o., In g'‘,.. ----a gars. Alsz s..15ned bacon in
O" 0' Atc,.11 'baa, her "Sel. hte ter*. 11.0 tl...,04V I Maro,the't '41,i-mt 1 trtilki te WA ,131:','Ekm* Vo. 4.7'0,:att tu'llm I u.,..ave the 0.....1- ,fie het kitc:bet, e„,,A, tgl,,•"taw :laza" Zen:re:MI 1±.."11.& ef '4e4.0.1wd
itia eks'Irdeet hie ,-,ztele .44tots ,a.%N 1$ to,u door to fat- l'Z'N," YLN4:2*"
",•,,,,o„.••=.. --:le,-,-,--,--"' know. It ses forcible to; tie 14-0--e- et tist 1"zorso t-sEirai you tlziae ..-'3• ''''4:7-, $-l's. .'a• -e. ,-,"'i(lek uzil Ftuv-
has bon a. terrible sitork, ray "N. o, I'lli.l.'tp---you wor,,r-74,tht, -,,actothr---aftor thin.' cand ,,erjoy te ,-17'erra hon... -s ''tn,,ext to anti-,steiiaio?„, ,-ed
ourok't ono"; brat you root try to nteet She lwo'ra& I‘Nc'''''''''''' ',eV -N. -"''d *NWelt, I l'es-'i '1'1'*'' s4 '4v-Ir4r044- Te":1; f1:4' -e""
',', ctn. Aliz,.......---.-Nr4a‘Ki ....k Iitt'14: tl.r.,:slitta.iikz tz,. ,,nk of, af4s I =, :be, ,.m,a- 5:a ez,zt rwpentr, Many of on are not aware of 41,-2,e,* list= s -re is a.,-,7-7"4.7s,
',P,Z*k• t'Zre•••e4t,•te;',6. ZkIt..=,-,y ball -- "- :of 44-....:,ke,
z.,:ta...,e:„ „11,,z,:$,,,,,t,,,,, tx.,„-r,z,„ r„ „7,04t. ,z...,,, . tl,..0. tuttlator,t.44,1,...,,r4t,....x.,%. krtAV let.11.1•r=t; tie. cut on otre orrthi-N,', have .e...-a,t „o- ttt. (.,,,a-zz ra.,- •,-.,,,. 11,a, engar„ e4,,,-,1,,-,-4- ,,,,,,z,ze--,-e,,,-,,.-x-1"-coaca-
'''It was k'tert,e4'h 104r-Zele:A.e.'"e* the tdr.'1&t• \VT:',.zIre Site z*.te.Nii -ktr*S,' l'.1/4""yza'-g*Itelrkg.' I.4-.. '1"4111 II zille=z4ta V-!.%-tt's '0't7 Pirniz".k7r-g" **-"""r-,,' w,e- '-'-th. '47. -S.,„7: 7„. ,,,,.m.7. s,'cl
I prott'y new frock for anzier. WeLa...„.„,, '''=1.,,,,,. - *,•,.. .- , ...: =.3,,,,,,t ,th-t,,,- ,..e.4..3., i',..„.;:;„,s a_...4 mums.)
to re, $'4-,-•,,,,ziatt'N ''4*^4te‘ 'Ite te le.,":AV- '"tlki" •e:Yeeee 1 'Mee .1-1&z...- Arzcz,,Ame 't %wet env= 0,117,,e=kt-4-. '-_,-,'...rm-2':r 'R'z' te-at ' ' ---.''''',4-` - ''''-it' t.'"--°'1717 -4---. -- 1 .." - -': - ''''''' -- --- -
41N4;.‘,11.1VIZf' If4V4V.te •-•ZtAil 4,. N.,Vr4..'"A:i :Mr, Se:14 "Tcat---'2"' .ginl* Xf ..wa,' ,Nre not too tired we ezAtttli ms -4,!-` „ 4)-1'4 1.--"itl. irss= was .a srasZl „'t.'-ivs•I'm-- be", - -, '--1:, '1 ,,,,,,,•4 uh. tr'„'l rgl.., ,,,,•s*:',,t, ztizim„..,... ,.\-4,-,..t, ,mr-,,,,,,,,t, iv =s„N,7,-.:111-.14zre r.tiv„-,.. etrza .-re....c.-: to the Kor.....d. after -Ain-11 e....t.z7f- ,„_, masn.„_,,,,,,,,,lealtf,,_tray....,,,-e,;,,,,. ,...,"-:--7.1f,..71„ .z.t_,,....;---a,aza, a .4su amen'
.•;1;",,T,tt .*,40a"..7' ring*. W,-. &r.* r..,t- ltliii.,-,z, ,evizza. t.1-1. Ivo- 'tz:t• wail zwz. sb4211,..1-,c1:104.1or Itr=11/4.- ell T'L-1-.:A-- P-----"T:e --q-,-z- ‘-v-4 ,'-'--1-'=,-,,b,.. 0- .,--,,: '-', - ---..-- -"-m''-- ---.. ''.--'-'-e- - 4
vi,',,, -,:o4,-:''' tztr. ,..k:ia.. sca...r,:ii-„zr Q.,,,t hstv4,:ztie:-.,a6,1'a.zez,......-0,',zz,,, 4,...4a 't. -little honees.'" itt-n only a, step, XotrSo,..',a,A a Isalr mize,yzzaa,,a, -,u..t.t„,„tz,„ -=,,u, Thane ,Larziede .7. -Lt„,;„ vde...72 platti: oti
'4",13'414\,41,1,,;.4321-..,,,t.244zn,,,7, p....,a ,,,..,..t... Ar,a tariatt$ s' -N-- tyvtr,..Q,,-„,„, / vont..ia tor the trunk- Where are the l'..::::.-1;71: a Act'Urno of 4'..,reeei, Ihe ....,-7-c.,...,, - ,:--2.1'-,/ t5 g...$tlthrakrs v*Zat';'.
.'. `ng,'• ts,1/4-7''Z' 4-1!...4.,'" it. t.Z.N tr.* $ilv.r4loa.. l'r'tith,1%,1:t*, .1 .4:S74,,,,;'t .:,,-,1*boa-;,ana s.v,.- trIK,4.- k..-,$-.,:: z,t.-74 =74,-1 Nt.ritt.,,eA, 7•N•Isz,..i, „utal u 4,-,„: .f.„, -,„*-7,7- to,_,__ z7.1,...-, ed e ms, ,,.±.,,, ,-_„,....„---.
c-----', Xee,'41t4 1..-,41•Ve rtet,..e .0. te ItZ405- e*,''''' r.r4:oll s,zimat.:Itra•i). things. id ut iit'a .til;:b.s"- - „„4,-,,,r,t cr.,orcro ....,,,t ktocmtcrx --a-tp-a nen- •-.-."-- -':". ----t'"w'------v- =le a -'s-s1
..... .AC... Irat 1.l. tio). .14,Xo....'*1.--kstv wetild he sh:cok,,d "tri-7' drat a. la,,,:e 'wife, ,'.--,..L.,- - -, 4t„,„, -..„- , ... ,..t.„ -,,,L , ,, ..-7.1.- - --:•' -- '
*,. ‘, .z....1. V, .t.rdityrieho if she gueL-."-sea br =melt it knew. Bat S''os" kt h'ltn. I.,‘''t her, theat urenekty'`"1.'''-•-•-.„."7.'.2SI".?'•zt:'4 .r'''-'1* a 1.*4•• 7.4"e'at's- "-""•‘;'--- 1417'cL Ir
vn.Ntti.,d 4,t'Z'AV "..*,..tla.i .z..v.t..., zmz,,,t•zomt.::-,:i.--,..v,ta there. ate t,„,t.* she threw her artre ...%liettnit .% neeX'', „.'-'4 „,' ''Ezt."'-'1" *-'111's $4'.114: 4. a"r".4zg.521-- '0'4 arz,r;:ber s.'h‘&,' tbere .,,,re
,,,,,ma crz,,,,m ,..,,.....,, ze,,,,s.„,„:„„,..07.,..,,m N...e„...,Itt4e, r.,,,,..z, zet t,„,..1, ,,Et„,4. atelor ti,%.,.. ,.tztAttt atta m,s., him zrzk,.......k.„. 7'1/4%7' x."."r^f....." "pite4.......M., S.' .4 -sit M.A.V.kt-....Z›....,Z7....7.2. a f.e171; If...4'..-.17..Ville t07,-.: far ftb-,,,..00,.."--• -
44z,VV4e,,. VZ:i.'71 "Z'll'.':',:z $.0r.:,t i,17.1k4Z;Att.N.,.. t11"kki, ,'" aria po...s+a ', :lc .-'esta".•:: t!-"a-"tr It't azz azze-•'*`,'-'t '7"4"-"Ze---''''''z'g'Ct'e --'r'''''"7. ,v 1'1' sr.':.*41' 47=1'5147 17•.--..d"z1;.,1:-t r--„Jmns11.el'Ir:=1 if Ite .4177--k=z 1.•
'i '4.
ii.M4.t.i`,1 '4 . m 7/kt tilit' IMili 'Y'ii.l.P i.i.e$ ''''..VS.1 4.i.i. Win. IY:'rik iti'41.1 Wit'id'i vitt-, :i.... .,-am...-.5 .....,...,-..e.-
13‘,1:44 lk,z,,,,,Q•-•,,,,, , ":4:','DkViek,,,.. 1:41.1.Z' ' "'tk_l'I' PlitZin, trz,e ,-.:z.m.1%-z.t I'..1. -vv. zt-,zscj; In strArar,sing a pl'-notc, be entre fita, TI.o -,..."re.".f.. co . sleep ater., a ia:
'tt,75AN.i.i4.' aINVI.i46 . 11"'t14.01' $t 4ifZit',. ACt.t.L...kqZ':$:, ez..?",\-t.t....7d, re the 174,17.-^akeZr e.e.,:i z,7:V1,-?:22701, Ix; 1&t* ---4 '•!=s•L'''e4 b.Z.14.171."1,"4.*: r.:•*)t eatz'mze.... r'ILV‘i 1:57 iLiz:..2''':4 terl 1:-"e.Z•rta There ane s"iems •
,n+loikar ..., , ....I% -.4 . 41.. r.1, w.r. . r r r tlik,re. '' Zi:t. 1"."4.1.'tia ticiire. in ithe veer: afr that 'he' ero-m•7-, for r,.,..e.he'..4,'--tr'4.,__-_,1%-v.- b.1-4-- -!
- . _ . -
*,.---ktt, ,tk,z,vte,t- ii*,: -..r., -v.a.. t'N-', ..4.r -t=4,,,..- -tra n -;."-tnt oasrA, tor", -,,- ,b---
- . '-i...„.g. :4",`, -ta . v.- V...., '' "*,,t. .. 1 .......,-..
rikiv., ,s. 4-41,..-Zat.t Z m1,7 T-sr..g.-t.4*.--,* rnat s...,, ...4,.. .ct ,zol... s4; ,....,=. --'^" **„. "",,,'4, `,„1„.". ' .., -.1"--4"*Fk..ees?'4..„-a"..,1: f-,,,..s.A.- 'ike.• As -aa tcza s7z-zezas -TRith m.„*.v. bast
'boNoro,tic ' Ti own newt- 'tat, nay Ca'n-of is,i,"-"." 4 ...W.4,`:..a e‘.1...t4 Ne44 41zint sk 11.14,4t, 1T., =6.2:4" :......,e '‘'.4:4--1..g1 17.^-4,1,.. - e.t-c, 4„.L. , _ ,,, ___. ,_
,z.:,,,t•-are'..4 sarracues. el ...........,.,-...e.. ' eas.--,., bt-.‘inan. tstrre..1:7S, 7,Z7"te.,::-.,; •.,..,,qa a.
canna Nr, Ifk litrZe ,act! ,hot.r. 4'- '-O by 1-'n, ba,....i4---nk-n, r....tet",e.t"-fr
,,..-2. ,,,,t, •,....t. _ „,4,._ „.............. ,,,,,.=&., „....,4„, ..„,,,, r.r.:,,..->, ,...- ,-,-,-- t.,...41.. tte-,,,,,- 4,,,-IiI.a.---.----, Vr-.. z,-...., ....,
..%.».`,:vtg be-.),nt$ -Ii. ..r'''''*:4 f'S..;tr.'M 44-1. :ttlizo ..s., tia-,,,-;„".4,-,=-:%::-:t.:"7::4; 1,,z,411-e.*7 :41;744at....:,' ,,,z...,z„----$ al.....;;,77-,:.,.w.,: .32?):7;;;,,,;-=„„T7.17.;'sz.r.”--z-' It .----1.,-s "..1.:„.4---;,4"-rlize, 1.n.---7;-'70;''-f4B-IZ-4.-::::-:;
..7.0%*,044' atTZ .S:trAkatZ,....,. .0. •V:., it:Zta.r.'..
;').‘$'...Zt s'..'-',•"ett‘tl.$,,,, v.;•"'te'...'•.:.4 '''''':,.71•Ite-teZ1.44',4.'Me f:..`V,--,t Ittn ,tel^.."•.:,-,, ..s%0- .47 -•*Z` la -az *41‘rtz tir4 Vo4'--7 e12Z'-,4,, . 73.4'12to,0 ze":::a.` ...m-.4 cial":-..-:11,-. lo.,,t- ..,,i4e ni "Fate,, Ne=, 4 :7„.„4- et, .1;m ,
Not of' k.'r-4-a ''s.z. wens -,‘",'--sfrtt to ran'tar ;INV. V.,--,g'...c.,,z'et,4...e•ZA4Zzlz,t,r
tt2„ts.,4i,i... z`:Z'-..1--'*,;z.•.=1A.,e1..'4.:......p..,; o,z.t"'-.'-e is--zntir,-..Y-?-„-.x-;.'.:.ce1*am4...., ew:l1L1-:2,2.
*t%1,11V;41--"---'-t-'7- e1 - I
7, A.1Z.1..40.t;—4.‘.1.•=,.. r."4e",zzt.Z,ZL'' tx,*,7zzZ.y„,..'.'.,1‘'2,.L.4
ttt1t,,i4Zt'lS..-.'1-SS''Z 2b.S.5
4 ',tT3=4:Z'11":*„treeM*75-5-'--4'- ,''--
47.1.."'.:1 trZ....: ...-?...e:c."..' Vrt4a...7=ri :17 erp-77^....;;- zzr, .....?„ = r44..4 4,,,,..,-474,,,,,- "I-447,-gs. ‘7,144,
ent a.:cell WitZt rb..ort ..„en'etnncL1 'Gartse.P=_!Sr......zlr..a'i.lo'.4''•Z.,..i1
j,—..,., ratzhoa or
....5; t,'....'17'.., iL,' tt=...., i,t1.,...-t- 71.irs'Zk,.. VI..7,,,t.„....-
'`t▪ s"4 Si....47et"t1.1:41:te'.e2t1.6:21 V•te .be...".til f..„!1; :15,....125 X'.....,......"M —
... ..... ........
Ship your Cream to us and ob-
tain the best results with high-
est. price for number one quality.
DAPY returns,. cans supplied, and
express charges paid. Write for
cans now.
BO Db. ca, Ltd. - TORONTO
--oratero nn- attnemrsr
*274 serza-
17,5e• Te e'
11155 '"51Wrztes
-4,,rbate Vr...Z ,,.`p4
latracaaad A"---4.=-Nracno
▪ ",,,,-szt," and "•-s.
porno toe soarcon. lartels:
Ettinnt,4,n-lopo worn
••Z% 4Z2Z.
• t...„ 4m7tetts. "01 mz•m,••,
12 an:lava oron sr't-z-r'z 12420- 2J5t512, 21-5. 2222Z5
• sr.ra
avacyranteare 'atone
• tatc„.,-Xed tont orn to ore 'cc.
%Ifs Iettcr orvezza 442'E Astrwatzr-::•
•the 117e.r.n10'is12 e 4.4,2tt
▪ oat twaraplo.,,
;his. ett4t4a,g-itts. anr.
-14,4tOrat?:e ranto '2"
tIgaZ 'vow. fo.=.0 'racy ,,1r412",:tutt tar -.4"-2-
ocott-try • worrai
• •
.r.treiertl...snAt •
..„ .nturat W7a&A,-"' at, re..
• . .;:-Atttr: • .u..41,z1V.INferrlr;
' • !.',4,,,+',414
'1 .
121122, (24
'Iran ttrtztforIng71.
"P14.!Lis 1..kt77Z7rtt :•74AEL.E:WS am -B. 12 1222
-*az :to,E menet beer; 521212
to, sattEnt, r.-ra,mana.,1",annurap.„22 212
ezid. Irlst
init"B •t22 St...77Z
n:fas mime. rAo
2 1212219241"Zuy• tan= 12 una„,
zEt„ 72biess 'be:
▪ Zt7
-r472..1.71 rt;a
• 212Li
'era hs
.-17..itt7 it 4
is iiieafin
slah, *Kelsey warrn air gen-
orator will heat every
room in your- house. itis,
easy -to operate and coats
less for fuel than any
other heating method.
Reels botthsinall and large.
hot.Ls with equal satisfaction
si..,41Ma51,thliT PLANT
Aluoio I :in
Life of (1'h- 'Sdri.
gero io ft synopcio 4 Le grii40.P4
1)1'00'014os i,f the zreat :Trench -Cann,
(lion race, AO tow by one who, spent
seroral Yearo ottulyin!,‘ the custepui
down In Quebec ;mil tlie Maritime Pro,.
'daces: • • .
"In FrOncli-Oanadian homes," this
authority atates, "children are rooked
with a eong from their ,hirth; 70913
they are old enough to attend school,
they receive singing or instruarental
atypic from either thoir eohool teachi
Ienruswe'orilap;livt:tt;latce;ocliteiriosimr;iikat-nliaerja :.
lag the day piano, violin, mandolin. or
accardeon is, not let idle.; but above
all, elngirig fa tho favorite pastime oi
the Frencli-Canadlan, and above all
$013gfy, the -ones he 'prefers are the old-
time rneledies which last; old French
songs from the XTV„ . XV. and , XVI'. '
oenturies, whla .he inherited ,from hili
forefathers', are also Ms favorites. And
oft you will hear the fa.rmert while
plowing hie field' or the shepherd boy
guarding his ilocit, sing one. of those
old songs which thoY love. During
the evening, after their meal, and
while taking a well earned rest In the
garden, on the -verandah or within
their homes, the Freach-Carradlan
family, where children, are many and
happiness abides, sing together Some
Of those old songs or UndYilig nenti-
mentality and tenderness with Oslo,
lute sincerity. ' I f you are a passer-by
you wilt stop and listen. :Tint -era' he
stirred in your heart. by the unusual
effects of tbos melody you. hear.:: yen
will remember home and Mother, and
you wilt thank Heaven for giving
music to the word.'
Cecil Rhodes slid the Bill' '
In the course of Sir Harry John-
ston's work hi extending the dOminion
and. power of Great Briieir4. in Africa,
he more than once in et Cecil Rhodes oi'
Beath African fame.. On one occatioa
fn London. a long oseerence between
them ended in an agreement by which
Sir Hairy was to engage In an enter-
prise that Cecil RhOdes bad at heart.
As the negotialions were concluded,
says Sir Harry in his Story of MY Lite,
I becanie aware of oc^-,:aslonal tappings
at the {Ivor, but Rhodes gave them ne
attention; he opened a disliatc/2 box,
got out a cheque hook elird wrote me a
cheque on the Bank of, England for
datwoLorsdetlikurutosociemaahnnidds lip:hasoectroousnueatdesorite::,Third.oztahhtfealshafgt
I went to the deer and opened it.
I There I saw etu angry-ictit4rig man who
* int.,eTrjttesscteed :T.equiri3larg'IZ,1.1."11,res...sRhorodsour::
Have you an appentmentr•
""No, and not liltsly to have!
come to see him to get my hill --iet- ;--
"Your bill?,"
"Yes. °win° this three ymtrs-his
chothes-fortytseven ponds-"
I went in sad Inaocked at the cinable
doors. Rhodes, who was puteng ,on a
collar and. tie, elArAine for:ward- ‘'Here's
banviesryettiaediagry_rtor-rtaL, Taezimirza,,alan„ ts a
Rhodes looked at the bill, which I
had breeght with me. -Why, les
obi tailor! Come in, =mu, If Yell
will be such a fool as to mandireti
3"Quhutrtonleetdtetr:-th"e d-lt--;:patch han„.„ get etat
He broke eV, went with a collar art
the ;check hook aud wwote a check.
"There" he :mid, handing it ea' the
tailor, who, t.... -wing. te smooth hilt, face
i into an amiable aspect., suddz...n•-iy re.
marked with an. aaered Teate:
if toyour"Ble,.4.1trty.wriy:::tezz:n7avtad...stkz:dmils.u7ze.T.: ,s2,,,, ,...r,
, . s 4
1 'Ira ail :right. ' Pro adifed lirr,..r
Pounds tor keePing. yet.
i l'OFat. 134: atoither::418,7Z7t..^-4117 ZD 7.1area
I when-, your oustortere are, cot,
x roes, in 'Africa, don't midreas ,1"r -:-s
: tors to Oxford or to Loodor--
One Less foi 'We,z4b,I
Wentleitry nowadays, tvat ereasienaNy
i one Ileum of disappeinte-sl.pecpile wIlitt
iwould like, toAge„ bit',
Most venetable of all sue:.
n• - that of 5o.:14.Po. the 4sr of :rhe anl,..
141204-Illetkei e11 -e1.• .0,7*.i.e: :1=z17:''ZZ'',1 -4•Iti
' thtetr Tears14e •had .,.t.: lii$
•httatt en seeing . the i'4',M•':-'7'*^". '''''
l' grftt '`,;111)4141te3atMbI1i0Zi..'2'-71,• the i•'§ii4r4{.::1
Atrtterk eelheetie4 hare efeet::,..4, i,o
4. ratow him t- 120, '''.:1%,--.). i.::=.`!.x..„z,* ,-'-':Ct -,-.,,, -
titer:loot the's' eZt*.s.',':Z•'Zee. 1..r, ^...,
klett„neeeet tor him
When SzoakIle 3: ono of :litre , .
• fetresting rakes; to tho vrcrll.
..' haVe beeSn'itt.,veiraz-L. r,.0.1:, kit :ik....*.k‘'72 'CZ„
our own .qoe with t,',,ts, vor.'..f ,,..t ro.nri,
, thousand 'Ye12212•, )14h'.4,..,1Z Rilte.2i,: ,44i4 '
,,$thr4btte4.1 bylzst it:oll: :Ittfike rf-er'',1? 'II"
flab itnahurint, us ,te ':'1' .'2-,9. to-
^ rave pietoren ar....l, '11.13t.:.5 -'r.'. 12...4::'..4
.ttyov tet hAMni
, .
Vett4ie 1o0714-
1-• 1t,,,,1, 4r-4' Z,Wkty
L','Inta' sent flity.
tkI0J cr.v.
Vete NV45±44',••:h';:4,a• 40e ,V•k•:.'•'•••;41' (22. t.' tigtz".:11
; •