The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-21, Page 1Single Copies, Fiy Cents.
On Wingham Bowling Green, Wed-
nesday, August 27th.
Bowling has been eeerived at Wing-
hain this year, probably due to the
.efforts of the energetic -president, Mr.
J. W Hanna. A monster biewlitin
tournament will be held here next
Wednesday, _August thg Playing
will beginstat 9 a. M. and will likely
continue'. long , into the night, Mit:
itgaJas. •Gilmotin,. Who. ,attends to the
greens has them .in excellent shape.
A-laigge ci-oWd will be here.
The Acro s Cushion Tire CoMptiny.
S have donated e large silver !eup to be
used as an annual challenge trophy.
It is a ,betitity and doubtless will he
the meant of attracting rinks 'f ram
slistafit towna. In addition to this
the following prizes will be compet-
ed for.
! Trophy Prizes-sensf, 4 Windsor Wel-
' nut, Cheits, and, 4 Mahogany Serving
Trays- it
.Association -Prizes • 1st, 4 Golf
. 'Sweaters, and. 4, Electric -Toastere.
Consolation Prizes---'-ast,, 3 Walnut
Chesterfield Chairs, end, 4 Walnut
Smokers. :
Mig.Josh: Hiteti will be the Touree-
inent. Secretary and the Tournament.
Committee are Messrs. W. R. Ham-
ilton A, M. 'Crawford L C. Young
,D, Somers and. R. A. Currie. :
Already several rinks have sent
word they.ate coming. ,
Better Than Teaching
There is np longer any comparison.
A lady stenographic graduate of Luck -
now, a year ago started in Detroit at
'Shirty dollars per week; now she is
:drawing sixty dollars per week. If hi
doubt, ask fer phone number or ad-
dress of parents. This may be only
exceptional, but thousands of our lady
graduates with one or more years ex-
perience'n have reached thirty dollars
per week, and, no- good graduate of
today need start at less than twenty-
five per week. Over one thousand
testimonials from Harms and Bruce.
Enter any day. A position for every
graduate. Horne study for those- avho
cannot attend. Largest trainers in
Canada. Write for particulars today
to Wingham Business College or Can-
ada Business College, Toronto.
The regular monthly Meeting of the
Wingham branch of the Women's In-
stitute will meet in the council chain-
,ber on Thursday, August 28th at 3 p,
an, Mrs. Geo. Casernore and Mrs. T.
Forbes will be the ladies in charge.
A prize will be given for potato salad.
FOR QUICK SALE -es -1916 Ford tour-
ing; newly painted, electric, lights,
iiew tires, Hasler shocks, licenge,
robe reil,,Hot Sh9t)top nearly new,
running well. Price less than $rso.
.Crawfords , Garage,
WANTED—Three boarders of three
aoamers,. modern! conveniences •and
central elocation. Apply to P-. 0.
Box 26t Or Advance Office:
ROOMERS Will take high school
studentsto rood; preferred.
Apply to Advance, •
WANTED -Girl to assist with general
. housework. Apply to Mrs. John
Helen Patrick St.
preferred. Apply to Advanae.
FOR SALE—A few second hand auto-
mobiles ie good condition, also good
driver and top buggy. It will pay
you to gee them. 13. j. Bellinger.
-Valuable Property for Sale—Seven
roomed house and summer kitchen,
artesian well with galvanized. piping,
good cistern, etabliag for three head-
. henhouse garage or drive shed, or-
chard, raspberries, two acres of
splendid land in good state of dul-
tivation. Also pasture for two head
, of cattle with spring creek. As the
owner is leaving Ontario any reason-
able. offer Will be considered, Rob-
ert 'Groves, Town Plot.
For Sale—Jewel Steel Range, With
warming closet, reservoir and pol-
ished top, only used short time, a
bargain, to make room, , Thompson
& Buchanan Hardware.
For Sale—Tvro 'Cows and .five head. of
feeding cattle. Apply to Chas.,Pot-
ter, Lower Wingham.
in lithographed pails at x4c., at J. A,
Mills' Feed Store for your conven-
ience, The- seine honey in plain
pails at my residence,. tee, 'hie of
Morris at 13c., not delivered. Sat-
isfactiem g,tiaranteed ,or your money
hack. Jas. H. Casemate.
business education pays dividends all
throtigh life„A Lucknow girl grad-
nateda year ago, started on Thirty
Dollars per week in Detroit and
now drawing Sixty Dollars per week
It paid her, what about your daugh-
ter's fatere, Write /or particulars
to Wiegham Business College or
Canada Business College, Toronto,
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned up till two o'clock on Tates -
day, Augl:' 26111 for the coestrudtion of
a cement concrete culvert on sideroad
,t Mart -well. Plans and specifications
for same cat be scen at my office,
The lowest or any teader net necess-
arily accepted.
A. Porterfield, Clerk,
East Wawanosh,
Subscriptions, $2,00 per year '
Young Man 'Diee of Injuries When,
VVagors Wheel Passes Over Body
A sad accident occurred at the home
of Mr. Peter 'McDougall, a eouple ef
nines east of Bluevale, on the Listow-
el road, about noon on Jirida.y last
when his fifteen year old son fell from
a load of hay and was run over by the
wheels of the loaded wagon. Dr.
Hanebly was called and rushed the
young man to the.Winghans Hospital,
but he died before an operation was
performed. .
Deceased was a bright young inan
and well liked by everyone. To the
bereaved family is extended the sym-
pathy of the entire community.
General Sir Arthur Currie
G. C. M. G., K. C. B.
Commaeder of the Canadian Forces
in France, who will unveil Wingham's
War Memorial on Tuesday' afternoon,
Aug. 261h, at 1.30 eclockee •
Ladies 'Play: Ball '
lady baseball teanl in.otor:
ed to Winghans on Friday evening and
defeated the Wirighent girls by a score
of — oh, wathat doesn't matter lunch
the Brussels girls on the game and
some really snappy ball was played et
times on both steles. •
Card of Thanks
Mr., Geo. A. Campbell, Turnberry,
wishes to express his thanks to the
nurses of Wingham General Hospital
and to. Den Hambly for the splendid..
attentien given:to his daughter 'Miss_
Ethel' Cainpbell,nwho receatiy under-
went an operation. ,
A Dangerous Corner
What Might have been a very bad
gnomobile accident, occurred at the
corner of Josephine and Victoria. St.
on Sunday morning about 'eleven If
clock, A Dodge car goino. from Lis-
towel to Lucknow, was ;truck by a
Ford Sedan driven by Mr, Ted Ag-
new of Lairdoti. The two ears were
both badly damaged but fortunately
no Person was injured,
:On the .following day another col-
lisionnvirould have occare.d et the same
corner with a Kitchener auto mid. De.
Hanably only for the doctor's presence:
'sofmind in pulling sharply to the left
and running a few yards up Victoria
Street: -•-
Cop's 'Lots' Trip On Pool's Errand
Many People Holidaying in Their
Home Town and Many Away
Warrants signed by County Mag-
istrate Alex'. MeNab are as good as
gold around this district but because
a Tort:Mt:a d?roviecial Officer who
took a 'Welke:lion warrant last. week
:cotild not swear that the . sigaatuse.
thereon was that of oar well known
Magistrate, his whole trip to the West
Was turned into a fool's errand and
High Constable Archie Ferguson 'had
to leave Meinday .0a. a special trin to
the West witin dOcutnerits: that Without
fait will do the trick and !arida Brace
Comity mat wanted here in -the toils.
Some weeks ego Rev. R. Perdue in the
course of his rounds as..ChildreWs Aid
Supt.! found !a women hear Lucknow
Who had been deserted by her hus-
band., Mr. Perdue got information
which led bins to believe that the hes;
band,' Reginald Barrett, was livieg on
a feign near Portage la Prairie, Man.,
with an WOMell. 14e communi-
cated with the Provincial' 'Chid of
Police at Toronto and General' Will-
iams , despatched a provincial 'police-
man to the West armed With a war-
rant signed: by Magistrate MeNah,' of
Walkerton. Arriving' et MS destinat-
ion the P, P, presented the warrant to
a local j, 1?, who after giving the doe-
iratent the . once -oyer, asked him tO
take his affadevit that the ;Signature
was actually that of the 11.1agistrate,.
The policeinan was Unable, to do this
and the. was firm, refusing to en-
datee the warrant So that the than
wanted could betaken. iti charge. Am
S. 0. S. Message waswired to Torott-
to... Crown attorney' Dixon: was notill,
ed Tolt' to despatch a local eft.
icor and as a restalt High Constable,
.Archid Fergasoe left for the 'West on
Monday, armed with: two 'warrants fret
Barrett, both docutnetite in this case
beieg personelly-'wilmesaed by Archie,
so that on his arrival the wheels Of
jinetice will begin to teveige again..
Walkerton TeleStape,'
Miss Edith Rush is visiting- in Tor- I
oato. i
Miss -lean G. Christie is visiting 'with
friends in Guelph.
Miss Nellie Caseniore is spending.
a. week at the lalce. '
Miss Mary McDougall visited with,
friends in Lucknow, on Sunday,
Mrs. Lovatt of, Toronto, is visiting
with her aunt, Mrs. Gee. Mason,
Mr. Phil Dyer of Orangeville, spent
the week -end at his home town,
Robert A/Id-earl, ex -Mayor of God-
erich, died at his home on Monday.
1V.Er. Frank Angus had the Hydro in-
stalled in his house and -barn last week.
Smith and Fells shipped hogs on
Saturday. The price they paid was rot
Mr. H. C. Leech of Detroit, is spen-
ding a couple of weeks with Dr, Stew-
Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Burford are
'spending a few days at lautis and Ni-
Miss Mabel Angus was a *guest of
her friend, Miss Madeline Bell, of
Mr. James Cloakey is back from
California, making a short visit to his
Dr. Geo. Joynt of North Toronto,
visited at the home of his mother, Mrs.
T. Joynt.
Mrs. George Greer of Gorrie, was
the guestof Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Taylor
last week.
Miss Kathleen Smith, returned home
after spending a week with friends in
Stratford. ,
Mr. Charles Isar(' of Brampton, is
visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. SIsard, •
Dr. Stewart's office will be closed
from Tuesday, Aug. teth, until Mon-
day,. Sept. 3th. _
Mrs. W. Grahm of Tara, is spend-
ing a week with hen sister, Mts. Em-
ma Bloomfield.
Miss Kathleen Morrison has return-
ed home after v'tsiting friends in Luck -
now and Seaforth.
Mrs, John Weir, Bob, Elizabeth and
Edith have returned from visiting with
friends in Harahan. '
Kathleen Williams has returned
home after spending her holidays in
Toronto and London.
Mrs. Gilbert Fraser of Niagara Falls
spent a week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Lockeridge.
Mrs. Bird and children of Toronto,
are visiting with her sisternMrs.J, A.
Haugh, Diagonal Road.
Miss Margaret Pettigrew and Miss
Beatrice Dobie, are visiting friends
and relatives in Lions Head.
Mr, Harold Drummond motored up
from Moncton, N. 13., and renewed ac-
quaintances in Wingham.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elliott of Detroit,‘
are visiting at the home of Mtg. El-
liott's mother, Mrs. Carson.
Mrs. Hunt and Miss Laurie Hunt,
of Toronto, are visiting at the horee
of Mr. and Mrs: Gibbs, Patrick St.
Miss Hilda Hawkins returned to
Preston, after visiting her grand par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Davidson.
Mrs. Richardson and children, of
Elmira, spent last .eyeek .at the home
of her brother, Mr. W. F. Burgraan.
Mrs. Jas. Maxwell, who has been
visiting with relatives in Learrtiegton
for some time, has returned to town.
Mrs: W. J. Boyce' and little daught-
er; jean, left on. Monday for a.months
'visit with relatives, in Western Ca.t.t•
ada. : •
Miss Rose Williams, of London, is
spending two weeks at the chome of
her parents, Mit. and'Mrs. Harry Wil-
Mrs. Robt.' Hicks returned to her
.home in Parisafter visiting at the
home of MJ
rs, ohe Davidson. :fen two
weeks: '
I. re. Wm, Taylor and Mildar, are
making their annual visit at Toronto,
at IVIrs. Taylor's brother and other re-
Mrs: Jack Radford' and children of
Belmore, spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. VanAl-
stytie. '
'Vries Ruby Forsyth returned on Sat-
urday, having spent the past six weeks
With friends in Buffalo and Niagara
Valls, N. Y. '
Mr. and Nil., D. E. Scott, of .Col-
unabia, Ohio and. Mrs, .5. McDonald,
of Petrolies visited With Mie -and Mrs.
W. R. Dyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Win.Rackett and son
Gordon, visited for .a few: days at the
berme of Min and Mrs. D. E. Macdons
Frances St. •
Mr. and' Mrs, W. S. IVItNeil and
little :daughter, :Madeline of Sarnia,
spent: a few days With Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Burgman.
Miss *Rea Currie expects tareturn
to. Detroit on Saturday atter spending,
a pleasant .vacation at her home in'
East Wawanash. .:
IVEr. James Allen of the Western Un-
versity, London, :s spending his va-
cation at the home of his parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Geo. Allen
Professor Marshall CoursensSuPer-
intendent of Schools, Youngstown,
Ohio, leas been visiting at the home of
his cousin Dr. J. A. Fox,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDonald and
Mr, Ernest Morrison are motoising to
Watford and Sarnia where they will
spend a couple of weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, of St.
Helens, Oregon, spent a few days at
the home of Mr. 'Mitchell's sister, Mrs.
jos Guest, Pleasant Valley.
Misses Loretto Fitzpatrick of 'De-
troit, and Delphine of Chatham, Gra-
duate Nurses, are spending their va-
cation underthe parental roof.
Miss Della Mitchell, of Stratford
and Miss Mildred Mitchell of $t. Hel-
ens, Oregon, are spending a few days
with their aunt, Nies. Joe Guest.
Mr. James Cummins, a former resi-
dent of Wingham, is renewing scenes
of his childhood.- He ismanager of
the Bank of Hamilton a1. Ayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Doughty and
children, of Calgary, spent a few days
last week at the home of Mrs. Dough-
ty's brothel -et -Sir. W. F. Burgman,
Master Harry Groves of Listowel,
is visitingewith his aunt Mrs. Aiding -
ton in Witigham.
Mr, R. Reid of Southampton, Mr.
M. McAllister, also Mrs. Park and
Mrs. Begley, visited. with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Deyell, over the week -end:
lair. and Mrs. Cecil Angus and fami-
ly, returned. to London, after spend-
ing the past weck with the formers
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Angus.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jermyn (nee Flora)
and her sister Edna are now enjoying
a holiday at the home of their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gannett, John St.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Powell, an old
resident of Wingham, who was in the
Commission business here, renewed
acquaintances with friends in Wing -
ham this week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Murray and daugh-
ters Thelma and. Virginia, of Toledo,
Ohio, motored over and spent a few
days visiting Mr, and Mrs Chas. Cam-
pbell, Patrick St.
Mrs. W. H. Haney underwent an
operation in the Wingham General
Hospital last week. Her friends will
be pleased to learn that she is doing
asnerell as can be expected.
Mr. Wm, Taylor, of John St and
his sister Mrs. George Green, of Gors
rie, went to Rondeau to Visit their
sister who is iil
Mr. and Mrs, S. 13catty, returned to,
their home in Toronto after visiting
with Mrs. Beattys parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Jas. Stapleton,
Mr, R. N. Garry, wire, three sons
and one daughter, motored from.Fort
William and are visiting at the home'
of the former's sieter, Miss W, 14,
Willis, I
Mr. j. T, Currie of East Wawanoeh,
has been confined tothe house for
some time but his many friends
will be pleased to kpow -the latest re-
port is that he is improvieg.
The maty friends of Mr. Jack Cases
More, now living in Stratford,' will be
pleased to know that he is improving
after. being operetedon in the Strait-,
ford General Hospital for appendicitis.
Friends of Rev. Mr. Harris, former-
ly pastor of the Wingham Baptist
Church, will regret to learn that he
has been stricken with a paralytic
Mrs. Mary Weeds aud. daughter An-
na, Mrs, Edward Robitison and two
sons, Bud and Billy motored over from
Detroit and spent the past: week at
the home of Mr. aeds Mrs: 'Patrick
Mr: and Mrs. Milton Howell and
family of Toronto, have just returned
to the -city after spending a pleasant
time at the home' of Mrs.. Howell's
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Gannett. '
Mr. J.., Elgin Currie, M. A., has re-
turned from Toronto, where he at-
tended the British Convocation for
the Advancement of Science. Mr. Cur-
rie is a son of Mr. and Mrs: J. T.
1.-terie, East Wawanosh.
Mt. and Mrs. Abe Brandon and fa-
mily of Bayfield, and Mrs. W, J.
Grahra of Tara, spent' Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bloomfield. Mrs.
Bloomfield returned hem with them
after spending a few days at •Bayfield.
Mr. C. 13, Robieson, who has been
manager ,of the Bell Telephoae Co, at
Wingham for the past coltple Of years
has been promoted to the Stratford
o:ffice. We regret the, removal from
Winginem of Mr, and Mrs, Robinson.
Mr. Richard Wilton of Turnberry,
was in Tara'e)Wen Sound and Kilsyth,
judging Field Crop Competitions for
the Governmeat. He says that iu Kil-
syth he saw the finest, oats he has ever
seen; and we believe Dlek has been
the proud osvner ot some pretty sme
oat fields ht ids day,
Miss Mary Blaine, Mtg., H. F. Davis
.and children motored up frorti Hatn-
ilton, and are spending two weeks
with relatives -iv and' around Wing.'
They were accompaeied by
their cousin, Miss Merlotti° Haines,
ssho has spent the last couple.. Of mons
tits in and mound Hamilton,
The' annual tournament of the Bel -
grave Golf and Country Club, was
held atthe club premises on August
r5th. Club members aad players from.
Wingliam ansi Toronto participated,
In the evening a chicken dimier was
served in the Club ItIonee, after Which,
appropriate pr'iZes were presented by
the president.
Men who want to dress well Sit
moderate Priee are mire, bf better sat-
iefactioa by having their
Made to order itild Writ. Instead of
trying to get' it readaemade suit to fit
,by a number of alterations. A setts.
fied enstomen .aed darable material
and worker-lain:4lb itt our .'motto. A.
W; 'Webeter, tailor, upstairs over the
AdVaneesTilnes Oificc.• '
Ceremony Will Take Place on
Tuesd.ay Afternoon
Wingham's fine $a000 War Wexler-
isd will beetuiveiled. on Tuesday after-
noon, August 26111, 'Ile date first ad-
vertised for the unveiling was Sept,
3rd., General' Sir ArthUr Currie found
it impossible to be -here on that date,
but will be here next Tuesday. The
Mayor and town Councillors will have
Itinch with Sir Arthur at the Bruns-
wick Hotel and the impressive cere-
mony of unveiling will commence at
5,30. Printed programmes are avail-
able to any who ask fot same at the
town clerk's office. These program-
mes are artistically- printed and will
make very nice souvenirs.
' Councillor C. R. Wilkinson, who has
seen service in Flanders will call the
roll after which a hymn, "0 God Our
Help he Ages Past," will be sung, af-
ter which Sir Arthur will give the ad-
dress and unveil the mommient. This
will be followed by a dedication pray-
er, one minute of sileace and the last
post will be sounded. The band will
then play the dead march and the hy-
fun "Rock of Ages" will be sung. The
benediction will then close the cere-
mony. A guard of honor and a firing
Party of returned soldiers will assist
in the ,programme.
The ground's are just completed and
the terraces have been well sodded,.
Just here we want to say that Coun-
cillor Bennett deserves a. great deal of
Praise for the poet he has played in
fixing up the grounds. He has spent
day in, day out, with the men. The
chairman of the committee, Councillor.
C. R. Wilkinson is also worthy of a
good amount of credit for the time he
has spent on this work. Several peo-
ple thought the proper place for this
monument was in front of the town
hall, but the writer is now more than
ever convineed that he has been just-
ified in holding out for the present site
at the intersection of five paved roads.
To Have Plant At Brussels .
A. E. Silverwood, London, was in
Brussels, on Friday, negotiating for
the purchase of the Brussels Cream-
cryor for the opening up of a new
plant in town, providing the purchase
deal does notsmaterialize, V. D. Zeve
and S. Rose, who accompanied: Me
Silverwood, are remaining for a few
days and will canvass the locality for
the disposal of stock in. the new corn-)
pany. The farmers in this district are
falling more and more every year into
the dairying line of business.
Grohofski—In Wingham, on Monday,
August r8t.b, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Grohofski, mi daughter_
Wingham, on Sunday, Aug-.
17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Small, a
Dale—In Wingham General Hospital,
on Friday, August seth., to Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Dale, a daughten—Mar-
garet Caroline'.
"Is yo' ctamin' to .Pror meetin' to-
night, Brudder Jackson?" inquired
good old parson, Smith. 'Well, no,
sah, I reckon) not," was the reply.
"To tell de troof, pahsonnrs earths'
to go to be boxin' match—done got a
comperment'ry ticket," "Brudder
Jackson, dar won't be no boxin'
matches in heaven:" "Den, if dat's
de case, sah I'm 'silo' gwine to -night,
whilst mah ticket's good." se •
Almost every great business execu-
tive or other success is a country pro-
duct. Tin Lizzie by the country boy
Ford. Electric lightsand other mar-
vels by the country boy Edison
Cash registers by the country boy Pat-
terson. Sewing machines by the coun-
try boy Howe, Steamboats by the
country boy Fulton. *Country carpen-
ters and other artisans have loomed
up big in the world's history. Lloyd
George got his in a cobbler shop, and
and it was not in London, Secretary
Hughes of the United States hit his in
a country parsonage, The country
fellow somehow,by his outlook and
his contact, seems to gather that poise
and wisdiam which for Want of better
name, we call "Good Common Sense."
To the Editor:
The readers of your paper do not
often have cause to complain that they
are disgusted with the
ports of what the choir of the Pres-
byterian Church are doingin their
share o/ the service.
The Modesty of our able leader no
doubt its. the reason why the getieral
public and the ,slow thinking Scotch
of whom the writer is one are not a-
ware that a great deal of self sacrifice
is endured by the members of the
choir to prepare their share of the
service, we ought more to apPreciate
the service of our choir afid the good
judgment of the leader who is ever oii
the alert to give the congregation a
real treat when talent neat would com-
mand a good yearly salary is available,
as an example only three weeks ego
we were entranced by the solo sing-
ing of Miss Garniss and a week ago
Sunday night when our forther friend
Mrs. Sainsbury truly brought theac
who heard ler singing near to the
Holy of Holies.
No less fortunate has Dr. Perrie been
in the selection of able talent to fill
the palpit during his holidays. We
have heard earnest eloquent discours-
es without a single reference to the
unfortrmate question that .stients to be
uppermost in the minds of many and
if we do not prerfit for eternity, oure
Will be the great loss.
A. Rearm
a ,
Saves You Money —
-§- Faetiry Prio,r,,,,es During Month of Aamcgust
V,. • 3 ` 4.141
.t Every artiCle. ors this Sale made in Canada or Great Britain—
Li Toilets, Perfumes, Drugs, Chocolates, Stationery and. Rem -
tit edies--
I/ Extra Speciall—S turd.4y, Augnst 23rd
$25.20 Given A,tv, y
. , 72 (6. dozen) 25c boxes Of Natures Remedy will be given "Free" '
to the first 72 customers purchasing sac worth or over.
72 (6 dozen) -roc cakes of Toilet Soap will be given "Free''''td,
the next 72 cu,storners purchasing sae worth or over.
' — Our Every Day. Cut,Prices'Save You Money
= cAkibb n'srug Store
wingham. Ont. 72m. • 4'4116 5.66'm
Phone 53
LONDONERS AT \VINGI-fAM .Teeswater Cider Mill
The Chamber of Commerce Will
Visit Wingham
London Chamber of, Commerce will
visit in Wingham on Thursday after-
noon, August else They are out on a
motor hike and will have dinner in Lis-
towel, and expect to arrive in Winn -
ham about 1,30. There will be close
to one hundred automobiles in the
group and Wingham Council and the
Chamber of Commerce will welcome
them in the town park, where short
addresses will be given by the Mayor
and the president of the Chamber of
Commerce, which will be responded
to by a few of the visitors. A brass
band will accompany the party.
Because of the bowling tournameet
itt Lucknow that afternoon, several of
the Wingham men will be away, and
we would like to urge al/ who are in
Wingham to turn out anti welcome
our visitors. It is likely that several
Wingham autos will meet the hikers
at Blueeede
Two License Inspectors For Bruce
Opens on Sept, ist. Pressing every
1 day, coolcing apple butter Tuesdays
ittiourtidiawyse. d akBe ring
bnert bagt.ter
1 of clean apples for filling for every
'five bags of cider apples. Apple bait -
ter and cider barrel§ for sale.
Town. League Soft Ball
I Soft ball games played since our
ilast issue were as follows: Lions de-
feated the Clerks on Wednesday af-
ternoon 7 to 2, Lloyds-Garneys de-
,feated the Fry Gunolas on Thursday
evening 8 to 4. On Monday evening.
the Clerks defeated the Lloyd -Gurneys
to 476aftiod4o.n. Tuesday evening the
!Chinooks defeated the Lioas by a The standing of the teams:
Won Lost
!Lions . , 3
Lloyds & Gurneys ....... 2
Chinooks ...
Homesteaders ..... . .. .....
If reports are true bootleggers in The Reunion- You Have Been
Bruce' County are to have et closer
vigil placed on their moVements in-
stead of having almost a free hand
in Peddling their illicit booze as has
been the case for the past few months
for it is now reported that two licen-
se inspectors will cover this territory.
The appointment of Mr, E. F. Wid-
ineyer of Mileimay as license inspect-
or for Bruce, waS announced several
days ago and now Mr. R. j. Beatty,
of Tara has been named as second in.
spector, Ever since the retirement .of 'other former teachers and pupils of
Inspecter Joseph White, of Walker- the school. A splendid program has
ton, a few months ago, representations also been arranged by formers pupils,
Waiting For
Let's go! Grand Retinion,
Garde.n Party and Dance to be held at
Mrs. J. W. Bone's on Con. 8, S. S.
No. 8, East Wawanosh, on Wednee-
day, August 27111. Program at 1.30,
addresses are expected from j. W:
King, M.P.'John Joynt, M.P.P., S. 13.
Stothers, District Representative, J. R.
Bone, Editor Toronto Daily Star, j.
E. Tom, Public School Inspector and
have beep made to the Attorney -Gen-
eral that Bruce County covered such
a range of territory that it was next to
imposible topermit one man covering
it properly, and firmly the decision was
also Mrs. j. W. Joynt, soloist; Har-
vey McGee, Auburn; Margaret Adam-
son, elocutionist, Kingsville; John
Perdue and others. Lueknow five
piece orchestra in attendance. Com -
reached to appoint two men and it is munity singing a.nd fireworks at night.
understood that they *ill enter duties Take a clay off for "It aint goin' to
at once. It is to be hoped that with rain no more" and enjoy this reunion.
two inspectors on the job that a clean- Booth on the grounds. Come and
up be made of that rot -gut hootch that bring your baskets. Don't go home
has for so long been peddled.—Port till daylight. Geo. Cunningham, chair -
Elgin Times. man; Alex. Porterfield, Secretary.
We have a number of broken lines and odds and,
• ends to be closed out in the short time be-
tween now and Fall business. We
have decided to push matters
at once and begin a
e. 3
Priee August Sie Salo
Come and secure your share of the Bargains.
Tilt °root) sHos sTORg•
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