The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-14, Page 4Radio has acted: as 4 great agency to stimulate the public interest in the imusuel, Station WIP owned 133r e•,'..-firnbel Brothers in Philadelphia, has 'been earrYing -On 4 Series of experi- ntents secretly and with the eetan)la- eion of their plans, tisey announced teat on evoy 018i, 4 acertair1 hour T they would offer to the public a des- - i 1 ti e bottom >1 the sea to- .aataseeesteette een° 'vvirNoTLIAlyr ADvAisToTTIVIEs gcther with minute descriptions Of the plant. and animal. life. This feat eves accomplished by hav- ing a speeial microphone Made' which could be inserted within the diver's helmet. An expert deep sea diver was engaged and he was lowered to the bottom of the oceau-•from a boat off Atlantic City. His microphone was connected to the ehore station by a si?ecial lean cable. Through the hea- vy glass windows in the front of his helmet, he was •able to describe the various sensations experienced while on his way down. His descriptions of the Yarioue eights proyed very inter- \ estirig to the radio listeners. A Chinese newspaper has commenc- ed the publication of radio informa- T^i • .1 91 7,1,114ea ea ate ette ,ret 1 tea L.01 es a est at prig When yon place your entire Grocery Order at a DOMINION STORE, you are assured the best that skilled buyers can pur- chase at a savirgs 'art is passed right along to you. 9 Yon b99. Quality, leresimees, and it costs less at DOMINI -ON , ST 0 RIlsts„ LAUNDRY SOAP -Somme, Pearl; Cornfor t Sunlight, Surprise, Gold'& P G. 10 Bars '1.4 C Sovereign Brand Sockeye Salmon 1 lb tin 36c 20c Dominion aking Powaer (No Alum) A FOR PRESERVING CROWN GEM It ZINC RINGS JARS, Pints, doz. -11049,140 Doz. -9 - WHOLE IMXED picgLmo, SPICE, Ib. - - - &Ole JARS, Quarts, doz. - le CROWN GEM CROWN GEM -I- aM JARS, 1/2 Galls. doz. .S00 -s, Pkge. - - - 14c SEED, lb. - - 35c PAROWAX MUSTARD 3 doz. - - - Lig.0%,. lb. - - - re - 40c RUBBER RINGS eat a TURMERIC, in its Colitmns, tanv:diagrams 1111$1111041101111111110111$111illa of wiring have appeared which, might be Interpreted by a Chinaman but for the fereign it would be difficult to distinguish betweeu the letters mid the drawings. Radiophone transmitters have been successfully applied to a Er° P 10-11 d S . While a plane equipped in this meaner was flying recently 4 steady couversa. tion was carried on between the pi- lot and the, airdome. It was possible to notice a considerable effect of fad- jng while .the plane flew through a heavy bank of cloud. Experiments are being constantly earried on wale, a yiew to be elimination of fading and static distnrbancem, At one of the Popular seaside re- sorts a microphone is dropped into a watertight rubber bag which is lower- ed so that it hangs just above the wa- ves. The sounds made by the waves are transmitted for the benefit of the people inland, It may sound good, 1 arrangements should be made to send some of the breezes as well to make it more realistic. Station KDKA-326 Meters Westinghotrte Electric Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. , _ 20c Clark's Pork and hans02 G. G. or Lombard Plums (Bayside Brand in Heavy Syrup) 2 fpr 25c Krfia2,83 los - _29c BON AMI (Good for White Shoes), 2 for - BROOMS, - - - WASHBOARDS FIG JAM BISCUITS, lb. - - TODEUN'TER'S CHOCOLATE NIBS HANSEN'S ORANGE- ADE and LEMON- ADE 2 pkts. - - CLARK'S POTTED 1VIEATS, 3 tins - D. 5, L. CORN FLAKES, 3 for SHREDDED ' WHEAT 2 for POST'S BRAN, CARNATION or aaC ST. CHARLES EVAPORATED 57c MILK,large tins 2 for - - -25c 23EAGLE CONDENSED 91, c- MILK - - - 19ge DOMINION or '`e• MAPLE LEAF 25c MATCHES, 3 for , ?rsrs. RICHMELLO TEA (A delicious blend 25cof Ceylon aled - Assam Tea), lb, 25c RIglaileA high. r 25c izfcraridivemblLenLcto), 1 lb. -09X 15c gcrOjeFiTa, -33c ..79c 'a*.a..99oecoo•eatwo InutuaerwmentarmemmirrInaree......ox.....cos=matacam... Get our prices before market ing elsewhere. 33 TO SATISFY it Wednesday, Angust 13 5.30 p. in. -Dinner concert by the Pittsburgh Athletic Association or- chestra, Gregorio Scalzo, conductor. 6 p. In.- Baseball scores, dinner concert continued. 6.30 p. in. -The children's period - Richard the Ridden 6.45 p. rn.-News bulletins. 7 p, m. -Baseball scores, 7.40 p. me -Stockman report on the primary live stock markets, including grain, feed, cotton, sugar, wood and. produce. 8 p. ma -Concert by the Nevin trio of violin, flute and piano and Eleanor Conley, soprano; Katherine Morris, reader. 9,55 la na-Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Baseball scores. Thursday, August e4th 5.30 p. m. --Dinner concert by the KDKA Little Symphony otchestra, Victor Sandek, conductor. 6 p. ne-13aseball scores, dinner concert continued. 6.3o p. m. -The children's period, "Come Sing With Little Miss Merry Heart," 6.45 p. na-News bulletins. 7 p. na-Baseball scores. "Shrabs and Perennials for Difficult Situa- tions," prepared by the Fruit Grow- ers' Nursiers, Newark, N. Y. 7.z5 p. m.-Farna program arranged by the "National Stockman and Far- mer," 7-40 P. ma -Stockman report on prt- mary live stock markets, grain, feed, sugar, cotton, wool and produce. 8 p. m,-Cencert by the KDKA Lit- tle Symphony orchestra, Victor San- clek, conductor; Virginia Kendrick, contralto; Leonard. W. Siegel, basso cantante; Margaret McCartney, ac- companist. 9.55 p. m, -Arlington time signals Weather forecast. Baseball scores. ro p. ma -Concert. Friday, August e5th 5.30 9, m. -Organ recital by Paul FIeegen from the Cameo Motion Pic- ture Theatre. 6 p. In. -Baseball scores; diner concert continued, 6.30 p. m, -The children's period, Uncle Wiggley, 6.45 p. ne-News bulletins. 7 p. In. -Baseball scores, 7.40 p. in.-"Stockmart" report of the printery livestock markets; grain, feed, sugar, cotton, wool and produce, 8 p. m. --Concert by the KDKA Jan puartet, Thursday Attgust 4th, leal. 1111111,11001110111111111115 ANOTHER SCOOOL REUNION Contimsed from Page t) the order of business. It was decided at this meeting however that a new school would be built in the near fut- ure. Several subsequent meetings Virere held, and of much the sarne enature - as the first. The points under dishus- ' 1 f - elan. were, .tst, the. site or the new fi school; ned, the material of which it 114 si ......i.!.......14...aiaaarstragusuaaabuaTxr.suosaan.apwwtasgeyku4eunn •Three 14T mks to be built and 3rd, how the mon- s••• ey was to be raised to pay for it, The o IMackeral pe, tvn,..,30c inspector mr, ,Dewar, was ca led 01)011 FA • • . = to help decide matters and after scv• • * "-Kippered Herring, .7,- eral meetings it was decided that the per .it,r1 , ,25c F. building be erected on the old site, = • that it be of frame and that the money Fresh Herring in TO-- ke raised from the rateable property .4 of the section that year and the' other 5-• . mato trn 2c tif ii in be' berrowed. Payable in One F21 • a'a year. Tenders for the contract Of These are three - of the finest Ili . ". . ' , . . - ,building the new, school were received --.: - lines ever marketed: They are il fram Messrs, Thos. McCourt $825.0o; - tin contains only 'fish that liag --€, Cernelies Bell $765age The tender of = ,R. Donald Robertibb was' accePted on ae- ill been closely inspected 111 most carefully selected, and each Donald Robertson $770.00, and from ta- count of his being a ratepayer in the Ar section. 'The extra piece of ground gs.7mk. YuAe Ins red 13 required by law to make out a, half "=•'• for the sum of $15. The work of buil,' Against u acre was purchased front F. Walton, Di Unpalatable fish and also ee ding the school was comp ete in 4, = against tins containing parts of. Lin and the bell was added later. Men fish that are uneatable --a• whase names are recorded in 'conhee. aea_. 1 tion with the business of the section 12 at thie time are Peter Porterfield, Geo. 5 C me to Christies ..., , , is - TRE TEA AND COFFEE - . STORE FIG = la 1118IIIIMIIIE11112111128111a11111alll lin11/8111 fill 11511 I Morning, ready for the fray. Act II, Noon in the thick of it. Act'SR, Night, After the battle. (Late Program) 10.30 p. ne-Dance program Provid- ed by Casmer's entertainers. "Nine O'Cloek Sal," "Blue Evening Blues," "Spain" "Tune in on Love,' "Never Again" "After the Storm," "My Sweetheart," "Sweeties in the Even- ing," "Red Hot Mamma," "Heart Broken Rose," "Adoration Waltz." Saturday, August r6th 9.30 p. m. -Dance 1131.1SiC by Joseph Chickene and his Clover Club or- chestra of Hotel Ten Eyck Albany, N. Y., popular songs by Frank, Da- vis. Dalgarm, Thomas Aguew, John Bone, James Edmond, Tames Stewart, Janies Grigg, Robert R-eiley, Wm. Bengough and Finlay Anderson, as well as those already mentioned. Miss McGill was the first teacher in the new school, She being engaged at a salary of $800. Numerons change.s of teachers have taken place since and with many var- iations in salary, the present teacher being paid $t000 annually. 'rhe teach- ers in the present school after Miss McGill are Miss McVittie, W. R. "Whit e, Miss Brown, Wm. Ferguson, Miss Wightman, Alex. Galbraith, A. H. Plummer, Elliott Richmond, Cicero Jones, Dune McCallum, Miss McKen- zie, N. 3. scat, Miss Johnston, Joe Coombes, Miss Bean, Miss Cunning- ham, Miss 'Ferguson, Miss McBurney, Miss Robertson, Mr: Morritt,. MisS. Smith, Miss Smith, Miss 'Currie, Miss McBurney, Miss Bone, Miss McKen- zie. - • There have been many graduates from this school 'who have made good and who are holding resPonsible posi- tions and following noble -Professions, as well many others -who have crossed the Great Divide amongst who we mast especially mention the names of those who gave their lives in the Great War, and are as follows, jimes Mc: Callum, Chester McLean, James Coull• tes and Austin Campbell. Station WEBH-370 Meters Edgewater Beach Hotel Chicago,111. Thursday, August 14th 8.30 to 9.30 p. m.--Loais Perlman, violinist, Concert selections, Edgewa- ter Beach Oriole Orchestra. ' I -0.3o to 31.3o p. rite -Avery McIl- vane, tenor, Dance selections, Edge- water Beach Oriole Orchestra.- 1.30 to 1.30 a. m. -Pauline Willis, soprano; Dan and Nick and Ted, po- pular songs. Dance selections, Ed- gewater Beach Oriole Orchestra. Friday, August e5th 8.30 to 9.30 m. -Grace Wilson, contralto Dan and. Nick and Teds po- pular song hits; concert selections, Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra. 10.30 to 11.30 p. n -i, -Fred Agard, tenor; dance selections, Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra. It is worth while to deliver cream direct to Creamery. If 300 to soc per can interests you as a produc- er- We are now having hot weather, At this time of year eggs deteri- iate very quickly. We are paying arnsammattlarnsalcallsrvintaTee.i.rneraelWar, highest price for quality eggs, it pays to look after eggs and sell on graded.basis. Bring your eggs we grade thein. The United F rmers Co -Op. C Ltd Wingham 1.ttOostro.,,sHacuaMen ri - orangutan 3 MIME • THE HYDR SHOP f, or fl r ny old lamp vibe you can buy bs t uaranteed ydro Lamps at the following prices 200 ViVatt Nitro, clear.. $L25 200 Waft Nitro, half frosted ..„1.40 100 Watt Nitro, cle r ........ -75c 0 Wi tt Nitro, h'41 frosted 75e W.. It Nitro, clear att Nitr half frOSfed 1 T-terto Ingham I les lOcirth Ili 01 NI Re 166( 9,5 s p. in., -- -Arlington time signals, Weather forcast Baseball scores. Saturday, Augnst 16th 5.30 p. m. -Dinner concert by the Westinghouse band, T j. Vastine, conductor, 6 pen. ---Baseball scores; dinner con- cert continued. 6.30 p, m. -The children's period, the Menagerie Man. 6.45 p, m. -Last minute helps to teachers of adult and secondary class- es, C. C. Johnson, author of "How to Teach Adults." 7 p. na-Baseball scores. Baseball Review, by Janis 3, Long, Sporting Editor The Pittsburgh Sun, 8 p. m. -Concert by the Westing- house band, T. j. Vastine, conductor, and P. A. Collins, tenor. Selections by the bandnAverture, "The Beauti- ful Galatea", Supper, intermezza, "Wooing," Rosey; musical scenes from Switzerland, Langly; American sketch, "Down South," Middleton; excerpts from "La Favorite," Donizet- ti; caprice, "In a Woodland Glade," Holmes (by request); serenade, "Da Autrefors Silvestri"; "Dance of the Hours" 9.55 p. m. --Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Baseball scores. 12.30 to 1,30 a. m. -Virginia Mous- er, violinist; dance selections, Edgewa- ter Beach Oriole Orchestra. Saturday, August e6th 8.30 to 9.30 p. m. -George Iohnson, pianist. Concert selectiens. Edge- water Beach Oriole Orchestra. 10.30 to 13.30 p. H. Hunt, man with a thousand, stories. Rosemary Hughes, soprano. Dance selections, Edgewater Beach Oriole Orchestra. 12.30 to 1.30 a, tn.-Paul Locker, tenor. Langdon Brothers, steel gui- tars. Dance selections, Edgewater Beach Oriole Orchestra. 04104.01 festern .--Loytdon, Canada • oasido•ti ....44,00.6.11iT9411111, lath; .1924. • 0 in Cash rizes The 1954 Prize List i$ extensive and the classification will prove at. tractive to Exhibitors in all Departments Dog Show Automobile Show, Pure Food Show New IVIanufacturers Building Featuring Canada's Industrial Achievements MI WAY ATT ACTMONS i JOHNNY JONES SHOWS iJnexcelled Vaudeville Attractions in front of the Grand Stand I' "Where City and Country Meet" Write for Prize List - Entiies close August pail, 1 J..-14. - Saunders, President, W. D. Jackson, Secretary, .4.octiao,..mHzema•cm”...o.oammrdinoce9.09= aataatesaereaseeemeirmitmemnasearamea, • -assazavaaamaximaraereserremereseessees,, Station WOY-380 Meters General Electric Company Schenectady, N. Y. Wednesday, August xsth 6.3o to 8 p. tn.-Musical program by Filipino orchestra of United States liner Leviathan, and radio address by Captain Herbert Hartley, commander of the Leviathan, from State Theatre, Schenectady, N. Y. 'Thursday, August 14th 5.30 `p. io.-Organ recital by Ste- phen E. Boisclair, organist, from Proctor's Harmantis Gleecker Hall, 7.15 p. m. -Baseball scores. 7.30 p, me -Program of New Yore Philharmonic orchestra, broadcast in conjunction with WIZ direct from Lewisohn Stadium, College of the Ci- ty of New York, New York City. Jacques Gdutmanovitch; selection, Ballet music erten "Fanst"-"Entry of the Trojan athanson Napolitaittea "Carnival Russe." Friday, August x5th 6 p. In. --Intemational Sunday school lessoe. 7.05 p. ma -Baseball results, 'tlry. m„-Goldrnan band concert, Edwin Ffank0 Goldman, conductor, To be broadcast in connettion with' WJZ direet from the Mall, Central Park, New York City, 9 p, in. -Radio drama, •-kils tst Chance„" by Centrum, WGY Student Players, Titne-The present, (The action of the play takes place irt one = day ) Place-Stbarban hope of the Potters, near New "S ork City. At 1 WROXETER. SALEM ' Mr, Edwin Bennett made a business trip to Wiarton last week. Mr. and Mrs John Hartley and dau- ghter, Pauline of Vanleek Hint are spending their holidays with friends around here. Mr. and Mrs. John MdTavish, Mr. Fraser McTavish and his Mother, Mr" Hugh McTavish,. from near Atwood, spent Sunday with friends around here. Mr, and Mrs. Robert McMichael of Wroxeter, called on. Mr. end Mrs. Thos. McMichael last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Lackla.nd, a former pastor here and his son, Reginald, of Detroit, visited friends around here lately. Rev Mr. Lackland occupied the pulpit here last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malt and Mr. and Mrs. Wallaee from near Glenan- nan,espent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gemmil. WHERE THE, REUNION WILL BE HELD IN EAST WAWANOSH ' Rev, Mr. Thomson of Thamesville, Preached in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. 1VI and Mt -s Hilborn returned to BLYTH. Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Rintottl, are vis- iting their daughter Mrs. M. W. Telfer. Mrs. Hewitt of I3ervie, is a visitor at the home of her brother Mr. George Chambers. ' mrs. John Carter, of Midland, is renewing all acquaintances in this vic- inity, their home at -Paris, after spending a A large number Of Our citizens al - few days at the home of Mrs. Fisher. ...remsame....wauwo A TIM HAY'S WANDERINGS 1 GLENANNA.N • • 1 Mr. Mrs. John Gamble and den - To the Editor of the'Advance-Toimes ghter, Elia, of Howick, visited on Sun - Deer Sur,- ' . day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Tis little enough tointe .1. (10' De ail ' .• • v I , r Richard Wilton. ' ' • Mr. and Mrs, Omar Stokes ,and fent- ther hevin this wake to wroite :.anny- • . v Motored to Fergus, on Friday, and. .sitig fer the -paper, fir what thellsi'Pent a couple of days with friends girrills and. thee': mother talkin 'fit to I there, 'take the leg aff a hatse iyiry mienit av MessrS. Dave Eadie, Herman the day day, an the Chautauqua mayties to: calfe and Alex,. Baird yisited on .Stin-' cav with',111r. and 'MO. Wen„ Eadie, at attend, not to minshan the toime I hey 1 I - Iliol • - d Mr, and Mrs.. Walker of Niagara,. tended the Old Boys Reunion at Sea- MiSs Lillian Carr, is visiting het are visiting at the horn of the latter's forth. mother, Mrs. John. Gibson. Mr. Geo. Gallaher of Tuxford, Sask„ called on friends town on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Robinson: and family spent Sunday out of town. After visiting friends for a few weeks Mrs, Alex. Bryans returned to her home in Toronto on Wednesday. Mrs. Neil White returned home on Monday from Toronto, where she has been visiting friends. Mrs, Frank Sanderson, and daughter of Toronto,i ere visiting. friends in 1 own - Me. Kenneth Gibson of Winnipeg, is.speading a few days With friends M t own. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryans of Ford- wich, visiteclavaith Mr. and Mrs, F. Kitehen on.'Ttteeday. Mrs. caVanatig.,11 of Toronto, is vi- siting hetfather, Mr. Wm. Ruther- ford, ' fld RWeddingingsaRings,ndMarriage ni a mf cence Information ----- of - W. R. Harrailiores, Jeweler 11110111 111, Ill 11101111 11111111101111 Cheaper lire I sura •Wiwiinrion to shpind givin advoice to the Min NV110 .1.,1$..8,, ora i -Stinson who is training At" C G*1 ' '" ' ' Ido be fixin the. grounds arround the' for a, nurse in -Toronto, is holidaying with her parents here. Miss 'Stella Bennett of Wingbant, spent aiew days last week with Miss- es Annie and Myrtle Stokes. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Haugh and fam- ily spent Sunday with Miss Phoebe. ConsTram, near lIolyrood. Master Alex. Marshall spent a coup- le of days laSt week with his aunt, Mrs. Wesley Jermyn of Morris. Miss Addle Breckenridge is visiting with her friend Miss Irene McKinney and other friends around Bluevale., Rey. Mr. West of Danville, has oc- cupied the -Pulpit in Eadies' ('1-,htu-ch monurnint, tis as busy as the fall ay the year on the farrums, an that's goin some, as Inc bye who whit oversays WIld say. Shpakin av the monumint, it isn't aisy to git ivirything to ink roight, be ra3rson av the Town not titkin that in front av the town hall wus the proper place fir it, Shure, 'tis the quare no - shuns . some .min git in thecr head's, -whin inshtid ay usin property the town already owns they wud shpind a lot av the payple's money buying a lot, an diggin a hole on the soide ay. a hill -o brother Frank at Inger-Sol and attend- ing the Reunion of Old. Boys arid Girls which. started on Surtda3, Atigust Toth, and will continue for three days. The Misses . Black have.' gone, to Wingham, where Miss Jean Black has secured a position as teacher on the. Public School Staff. Miss Babb, of Teeswater has been engaged to take Miss Black's room: after the holidays, Mrs. .Black and daughter, of Ilesti- ler, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. L. H, Fare Inettranee farnished on dwellings in Wingharn, at lest ill than il'ownship Mutual rates- ET": with tio premitim note to sign, Er: mm Why take the tisk of having = to pay extra assettinents?Abner , Insurance & TiWUMM1IMUMMINthiMOM Estat VON 111011A 111 BELMORE There was no service in the Presby- , . terian church on Sabbath afternoon, a nuifiler visited neighboring churches and others among friends. Rev, Mr. Perrin of Wroxeter, will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyteriatt church for the next two Sabbaths. The ,Rev. Mr. and Mts. McKenzie and Allan, are holidaying at the Beach at Owen Sound. Miss Mary Darling spent' Sunday with her sister, Mrs. RObt, Jeffrey at Ole Brick yard, "Roaming in the gloaming"' was at one time a favorite past time with our young people, but one young man thinks roaming in the daylight is much nicer. Mr. J. I. Scott and R. j, Dangles spent and afternoon recently at Bruce Beach. . • A mistake was made last week in out school teachers name, we hope she will remain among, us as Miss Collins for some tithe yet, (not Colclotteh.) The Misses Agries and Helot Ruth., erford, George, Eleanor and Minnie Jeffrey anent Sanday with IVIrs. New - ens. Mr, arid Mrs. Robe Hunter from the West, were in the village last week the guests of Misses Mary and Agnes Darlieg. • Miss Mae Johann le on. the way to recovery, bding confibed to her rootn with rhettinatism for some time, Miss Margaret Austin, Maey Mc- Neil, Cecil McNeil and Mory Austin were at nicardita Suedey, Mr, and Mrs. George Herd and fa- nily were at Itiv&'sdaie Sueday. shtick the montiniint m. Coinnion the past two Sundays. Mr. West since isn't as common these days as 11 for slind be, art as it -wanee wus, pis a former pastor and the congrega- The Chautauqua intirtainmints dol tion were Pleased to have Mr. West be loike the Frinchman's plan av curine with. them again. . disaisis, "Iviry day an in iviry way i Mr. and Mrs..Wm. Weir of Bowick, ____. they kape gittin betther an betther.:',visited on Sunday at the home of: Mr, hunday noight was able to make hinel Ma and Mrs. Charlie Mitchell of The gintleman who slipoke on Set -1 and Mrs: John. Metcalfe, ' . silf look an talk loike a lot es (stheis, the West, who have been renewing atquaintances in these parts have re-. fellabs. SOME av the byes we hey turned to their home. &Mil ili Parley mint at prisint do be throyin to do the same ting, purtincltn " they are John A's, arr 'nippers, art SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 1924 Tilleys, art Makes, int McKenzies' arr Jarge Browns, arr Lauricrs, art - Whitney's arr Merediths, ars .Mowats, Following- are the dates of the school fairs to be held 'in Huron an makin a poor tisht av it, It isn't that our prisint mimbers can't talk en- ough, but the throubble is that a lot av thim don't know whin to shtop Mebby shmall blame to thirn if they are married Inin be reason av the the fact that don't hey much chance to git in a wurrud at home, wheel. the rules arc cliffrunt than in Parleytnent, the mimbers ay the opposishim hi 1 allowed to shpake as long an as often as they loike, wid the head av the Gov- ornnhitit iyir bein ,permittecl tp ixpriss, an opinion, wiclout bein tould lie is wrong. Another quare ting is that the Gorernmint has to fureish the money, an the opposishun does mosht alr the slipirtdin. Ay cool -se Gey- ernmint could withhoulcl. the supploies but h. wucldint be a vity safe game to troy. it wild be wttrse than. the Sin - nit killin the bill fir the branch loines in the West, which svus,`about the gest fool thrick a lot asi ould super- anuatecl Torties ivir got ,put over on thim. Cudden't they 8CE it wi'is a Grit skame to make thimsilves solid wid the Progrissives. Mtsliter McKenzie There were Tryt ITICti in, the part3r du, - King tipped. the wink to a few Grit • • . ing the tout and 'were received by Cottnty this year: Ashfield Sept, 8 St, I-Ielens 13lueyale Wrox.ete;•• , ori -ie .... 'Clinton , Sept is Znri eh Sept. 16 Varna • , . Sept. 17 Dashwood , ..Sept, 18 Grand Bend Sept. t9 ,.. Porter's Hill Sept go Is Colborne - _Sept. sg,..* 13elgrave Sept, 23 Ethel . ... ... ... -.....Sept, 24 *Blyth Sept. 55, 26 Wing -ham Sept. 29, 30 Hensall . Oct, s Crediton Winchelsea Sept, 9 Sept. so Sept. rt Sept. 12 ..... . 2 Oct. 3 Weekly Publishers Horne The Ctinadian Weekly' publishers who, have been touring Etteepe for the past' two months have returned hionie. Sinators to vote wad the Tomes to shtop the bill fer branch loines halm goiii troo the Upper House as it W118 Sint the Commons, an, yo see the results. It mebby losht us etglit art tin sates its the West that we moight beer bad at the rtivt elicksbun, "Tis the thtittat I do be tellin ye, fir me own clawtets live in. a part av the couttlary that nodes one tty the lollies, all here they are both bound to vote Grit wid theer linsbands nixt toinie, afther the careful bringing up they had, tight in teart ' the TTis enough to make us Oupettily, so to ld NOTHING ON MOTHER he hav ory thy is bein ruined be a lot av antat- swer),' "My fa,ther ean lick yo (hats, ur fath- an, the Grits, laughia at us, er, (The ettpreme insult) Yours till YTkii:Cn110'itVialyketuy `Aw, that's nothin'. SOcan Maw." the King of England, the King of c gium, Cardinal Mercier arid others, durieg the progress of the trip, They wet e also banqueted by` Marshal Foch and the Piesident of the French Re- public, The party artived at Quebec City on Saturday on the C. P, R. steamer, "Mount Laurier", and front there they returned to then homes in the nine provintes of the Doininion btoadened by their experience, slipake. Torries silt to see the way the pat- Tomity: I ton lick " (No an.- you,