HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-14, Page 2LNG : I' ANANCE TINES
Pabbahed tat
Wynghd rn, Ontario
Every Thursday Mor[alflL
A. Q. SMI L' I, D.ditor and ;Proprietor.
H. B. Elliott, AssociateEditor
Subscription rates: — One :teen
2,00: six month's, 41.00 its advance.
Adgertiaiug rates on application:
Advertisements without !paellas di.,
sections will be 'inserted until forbid
and charged accordiregl;T,
all iu8es fon' Contractedvertise
drier ts be in the office by noon, non -
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
Established 1840
Plead Lattice. Snell:at
Risk's taken on all classes of mans
sinee at reasonable rates.
ABN1 R COeENS, Agent,
W ingbain
Orace In. Chisholm Block
' TE
AND REAL EST Phone 198
P.O. Boa., 306
ylctory and Other Bonds Bought and
Ogdce -Mayor Block, WIngham
`skfnney to Loan at Lowest Rates.
Wingham - Ontario
Praci ate Roya' college of Dante/
sur,, r,,,a
Graduate University or Toe'oette
Faculty of Dentistry
REEN TES i•&4,E3a
It iS moth m" r d licrou than
the finest Japan?ungElysc,,n
or Gunpo-wder. — Sold everywhere.
.714 TEA MN !AIRIEST. '"SA1.A®A," ToRair'D
Babies cannot tack, but they have
a sign :language which the observant
mother may learn to understand.. By
proper understanding of his crying
and movements a great many of
baby's wants may be discovered and
wisely cared for. stick -
P tongue
r holder, orShe real a moment and finally admitted that
cleanin the wick o d and ossessed 1 brother than a lover
A normal,: healthy child gains regi- g b h z Y ties P That was wh t it h d al elder
has a warm' moist ing to the edge of the latter if we himself the comfortable chair, after h P h his little lour g he did not rexnember. But in order
larl in weight,. high down j now how he had been turning
3' that the g f to things over in hismind; how he must that his own record be not to serious-
'n breathes `quietly, eats heartily, h
have suffered for her sake; how'diffi- ly compromised he hastened to add,
sleeps: peacefully, as, regularly one
B.Sc., M.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases ell
IOW emen and Children. having taken
to work i
teriology and Scientific Medicine.
Office 1n :the Kerr Reside'nce, between
the' Queen's Hotel n :d;+he Baptist
, Church.
,11 business given ca.r eful attention.
Phone 54. P.O. Box
brush all sides and edges of the
wick holder. Turn the wick up again
and clean as before. This latter
brushing removes any: bits of carbon
or threads that may have been stick-
Here at the window, oubtedlrove when Philip's manner
and it is these O.h, yes, yes! Hecalled Broadmoor, Und Y` the -olive gdate the h s3 Lan asked: "What did
ing .to the wick holder, less p:. y e
falling of Mr.ucomfortable."
This chair looks to be.
tinycharred. material gBroadmoor was That sore-, had' subtly changed It was noour rand•Pather die of?"
bitsh, of rf rt blew" ' Place, lined , ' but•there had 'been" a Y g
process quite coin o a quently on Uncle Johns p .. affectionate,
onto the wick during the Ch sto her- crossed the.room with.
difference He had been more like an The applicant looked nonplused for
sem re ea a meant; a lu
c a
rinse ofis neer s eec es,
to brush it, txa cause pointedly 'waiting or Alice sit..lea is generosity
yellow: points in 'our blue flame— sari Gaunt
turn up the wick to the necessary
height for cooking. The whole opera- « ked. I1 P
ion is uickl one, does notmake
the fingers smutty or oily, and always
"Mr. "Mr. S
me at on
Her q
.He had
"She i
had an a
"I have
"Oh, ye
give me.
your car
that some
sey and h t had to bell mo daughter Merl
You-- you are sure'? Noihing, has cf adman Uncle John was t a And Philip a askedhery
haplfened to her" and he was not Uncle John him before he knew her
CHAPTER XXIX. I mother's duty to tell you. In view of either you or Doctor Ar eyrie wishes
merle, II'd rather you toldw
ce. Is mumsey dead?"said —your husband might also prefer, to not so: grand as you are here ---but.
uestion startled Christopher, have been told, Particularly a man comfortale• Lucerne is•a very. beau-
no clue at all, as to what had like Dr. Ardeyne, who, I believe, holds tiful spot, isn't it? Well, good after
rather strong. views on the' subject. noon."
it. of," That is to say, on heredity: Person- "Good afternoon," Alice repeated.
hat I know , he replied. ably, I don't agree with all these xnedi Sha sat stunned for a little while
s ill then? Perhaps she `has cal theories. But that. has nothing to after'. the door' had closed on: him.
ccident?" do with the facts. My 'own personal Then, bit by bit, all the puzzling
nit heard ofit,"said Chris-
hris- opinion. cannot be supposed' to alter things which had happened since
May I sit down. Dr.Ardeyne's.'' lingo's arrival at Bordighera began
s—please do, You must for -
Alice never moved. She sat there, to fit' themselves together. She was
I didn't understand. When leaning forward, her hands clasped the daughter of a lunatic who had
d came up I could only think tightly,. listening with a sense ief hor- shot and killed a man, and had been
ething had happened to mum- ror. It seemed as though the thing shut up in Broadmoor for fifteen
t a you comed oat be real She the a g years,
o ma that had
li erauw�,r TIpWiW0 i1tuilif
M as deceived. so much the better, But
that's no credit to your mother, It
was just en accident. Were you en-
gaged to him before' your tether ar-
"I'm afraid .I can't talk about it
any more," Alice said faintly. "Would.
you be so kind as to excuse 'fine, Mr.
Smarle? I -I'm not feeling very
Christopher took the hint.' He rose,
majestically solemn, and, noting that
she did not offer her hand, made no
attempt at cordial leave-taking.
"Now that I am here," he said, "I
mray as , well stay a few days to get
°V>rP* n hea'rk. asgm l4' d1, depart,"
,l�'rein ,niat& glia suc•I)'ss$ Ccineerall4iags
some benefit from the Tourney. If
your marriage, you understand, You to see me you'll find .me at theHotel
Id have wished to know. Your--•er. du' Rhein. It's a modest little place—
to mars
dreadful his -
Christie -
Thee OW, Aug+det 14, i934•
, er° ev
i®m�, lettable
tweet' a adl� t
- a► a a- eel -Senn
beeaeAB*; s
rweilS: "
'teeth, bleeatis
and di!'geitiLOUo
lelita era the
!ae'et stoat.
taste better.
ray meat'
ro s En
h However.
3e 1
madman, I A lleants tor positioius� on tii6
"Nothing that nip
her firmly :assured his victim. Ex }old' had died so bravely defending�,nearly a weekbeforehe even lard, eye-- police tree of a certain 'Middle West.
at I know of,"
but her father, whom she had been tory. Why, they had been engaged
cept that she appears to have: lost all un Her father was not a on Uncle John—that is to say,
sense of conscience. Thank you, I will, gallant' Ma'or Carney. Her father father.
sit down if I may." I g ad been in a place) She• remembered that afternoon in
Y was alive • ' he h
ern town are of course required to um
dergo a careful physical examinatio•n.,
During the examination of'yOne condi.
M.Ft.C.S. (Eng).
L.R,C.P: (Lond).
, (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) .
R. L. S;t
Graduate of University of Toronto.
of Medicine; :Licentiate o'_ the
Ontario College of Phys,d is and
Office; Entrance:
e ea
to herr. And Mr.
$ i He :was in the secret,
points which smoke if we attempt .to
e wan there been Gemoa=-now knowing them all ser as,
bl 'll or indulging temper.dont •
understand you speakingdoubt But there wean t any room. between the roes
mother at an =side o ex y- a
or two bowel 'movements daily, and
cries only when he is hungry, uncom-
fortable, g
She: leaned forward, her hands tai too cult it must have been for him. i „Anynothing
written! way; I know that it was
iously clasped her white face drawn Sh would have ` challenged Chris And those letters he had wi
with perplexity.,„ to x had from r
he Smarle story
the least bit of room in her mind or pretty well by heart, she could read
g in a flt of q y d k What do you mean. she as
r about
a eii,
r r „ 1 and gather the per- Mlnard s Liniment Heals Cuts.
baby willlike tat. cket andhad tortured: his heart.
Breathing The Healthy Y my„ He tugged d p pl it that had
results in a clean blue flame. "I will explain,” said Christopher. a bulky envelope. In- betters' like white flames, which . Flying Round the World
easilyand quietly thr h the P brought out kY
breathe quie y oug d d
b 11th d ss of
es a norm
nose. Sometimes perfectly
baby -will breathe irregularly during
the first weeks of 'life. This should
excite no alarm unless associated with
other signs of illness such as hot skin'
and flushed face.
Babyshould breathe through the
ai ht from Lon on pus- recognize
d the handwrdt- seem
str g, stantl she ed to
writ -
quite apt to leave'threads. "You' came—to see—me? From Lon- to read it,” h d h letters as a man might write to
q P•
little t n her high and lonely is due to rho a
Naves. try, to cut a roue wick, as Cr came y urn away a e ro
impossible aso gel to see ou—before it was tooThe .circumference of the world is
it well be found absolutely pow y s Y in life leaving only` that which was 24040 miles but the new air route all
an eheight and is also late.".' th 's letter. I would Bice noble, and self sacrificial, I i T
to obtaineven� Y 1 h
e ni and ct that the aviator does
• „ a i e Bain o :
eturnin Oh ;ot.: not lay quite' as the crow fries and the
WHENHEELS RUB. Her fears were r, g + i No think you, pedestal
a i man. �r een too to -day= -she
i le lie coin letes is slightly largos
Mouth a piece of velvet in the back of the-topher went an. "I only got her let "No thank you." feared yet wished to tell her. And it yeller on the world's. actual surface.
nose with the mouth closed.
shoe or slipper. This is equally as ter yesterday morning, and I left by "Vex 'well." Christopher pursed was this terrible thing: The route being develapod.by Iinpeiial
breathing or habitually holding the P?? lock tram.. I've been travel- y
ti e as the purchased the two o'clock his lis frowned, and returned the Mumsey had thought to trick and s is calculated to- take, seven
mouth open indicates enlarged tonsils effec v p I lied Lucerne lips, t Th lit Airway
Th it the
or adenoids or some of er obstruction
our mo er .. beautiful, the wayround 27 000 m , es. is
don? Then it is about mumsey " You
Alice shook her head.
this I'd rather n
strange, cruel look ng In case you imagine I've b Time and again—evencircle P
When the children's heels rub. paste «Your mother..wrote;to' me," C
harsh.'' had felt that Philip had something he than the circle completed by 5 tea -
h for this purpose e pile on
t rubbing and blistered
to the breathing which needs the at -I velvet Prevents
cheat him, but when he found out he
ling ever since. rest envelope_ to his pocket. e poor
an hour a o. stubborn manner set his art like the fine, chival teen days -and Jules Verne's hero
less than ? :.Perlia s'you=you'd like tie, brides coldly stubbo played P went round the world zn eightyl . "•...
P rous soul he was.
ru e y him agai• nst her
tention o£' a physician. heels. Do not keep on wearing she a something to eat:" Alice made a move- ,� didn't wantyou to know," he merciful!
P Y g SheOh, God, be pitiful, be Truth beats #lction every time.
raw_ l,., l done o ,+ deliberately; - 1
at the heels. It is extremely k with a • decisive
Healthy pink color and should feel through ed her bac
Skin—Tho baby's skin should be a in which the (lining has rubbed ment as though to get up, but he wav-
gesture.. said. „-._,......_,, --_ ---
Apparently opt. red when questioned about Uncle' Hewhom God steers steers safely:
warm,smooth and slightly moist to I hard on stockings. • Paste a piece of "I want .nothing, thank you. Your "And she got your father to agree- John; taken an oath, or ofrrered to
he muslin or velvet over the worn part mother wrote to me concerning your to the deception: It was because she take one.
the touch. The muscles under t letter
skin should
usually indi
the feeding. •
well babydoes
not cry Rosa
leen s
defended h
Cr 'n AY .
Yi g
very much, and'since he has no other for what she had dope by saying that
means of calling attention to his wants the child was too careless. Yet un -
during the early months of . his' life, comfortably three Rosaleens haunted
his cry should be heeded. But when her, three Rosaleens changing from,
he cries simply because he has learn- one to another like pictures on a
h' brings! Thradiant, d c
i 1 starting forhert
feel firm. Flabby muscles of the shoe lining. marriage. x It was quite a long a cls wanted you= to make this advantag The girl's heart contracted
y for her. It was a letter which show„
tate something wrong with and startled me verymuch. I hope eons marriage. pain. She wanted to die;` but death•
STAINS. ed I Alice winced. doesn't' come' merely by wishing it.
-for sayingoh- thisthin .
forgive. me ,"Your mot dozvz
you will I Christopher continued.M(ziziesey l ,d
your mother appears to be totally d era audacity went further than that Dare one ;irate one's mother?
void of .conscience and a proper senseeven. She allowed herself .to believe She got' up slowly and. went into her
of duty." that 1-1 might be persuaded to'be- bedroom,. feeling stiff, bruised, utterly
"Mr. Smarle, I cannot listen if you broken. There wasplenty
things as that! come a party to her wicked plan. She lent of. money,
are going to; say such rather misunderstands me. She al- in her p.gxse—thanks to her father's
I don't know what mousey can have
written, but certainly—” lways did."h n. slightly chair ed generosity—and her trunk was still
wr , Alice shivered a d g unpacked: It would take. only a few
qui liar ` ositi•on, w'
Dr. Margaret
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto.
Ii'aculty of Medicine.
hence --Josephine St.,two doors eonth
of Brunswick Hotel:
,°1'elephones—Office 231, Residence 161
Osteophatic Physician
ed from experience that this rings screen. ere was a ra ran , an „I to understand Your feelings Sheshed Mr. Smarle moments to repack the contents of her
art n no
r'n ei
him whatever he wants, he has ac- mg Rosaleen s a g P Y, are but natural, and you ar would go. The full extent of her
geared one of the worst habits he can then a frightened, stammering Rosa- wi a to blame. Your mother has tragedy was onlywbeginning to dawn
dressing -bag. But was there time to
have,and one which it takes all the leen coming slowly back with. the shirked her, Christian duty, but that g g get away..before Philip returned?
on gher; she 'felt the• horror of it Certainly not time enough to ring'for'
strength and patience of the mother stained gown,—"But, mother, I doesn't absolve me from mine. You drawing closer• and closer. Soon she orters''and have `the' trunk taken
to break, Crying should cease when' couldn't help ,it; truly .I couldn't. I were not informed, . believe, that. would be drowned in it, and she didn't down, In life it is always, the little
the-causertain as been removed, was just standing under the arbor; Hugo Smarle is your fattier. want Christopher Smarle to witness things which make the greatest diffi-
A certain amount of cryingdevelops.I and the grapes fell on me. They fell "Hugo << Smarle?" Alice oupmean. her agony. ,� culties.
�, .faintly. I dont know w y !her
one thingwhich puzzles me
for film. too • nobodycould helpit d his She would have to write a nate for
the baby's lungs and is good on Pegby My father was your cousin, an quasi- Phil No she` could postpone that
he continued, in his smooth
When children cry for everything —and finally the frightened Rosaleen name was Hugo Carney." " 1 P; '
-, judicial voice is Dr. Aide nes atti- pp she.took
room for pun -his head sada ?' and Leave the .trunk: Su ase she toed
they want, it is the result of faulty who went slowly to her ooChristopher shook F Y I tude in this matter. I met Dr. Ar- ;just. her .dressing -bag and slipped
training. If baby is cross or fretful ishment• and their sobbed herself.mis "No, my child. Your father's name de neshortl after your father's re , awayto he station? There would be'
g Y
and cries a great deal of the time, it erably to sleep. was Smarle. Your mother called her- lease had been decided upon. He was, a rain going somewhere. She could
mean necessarilythat he is Though 'the thinghad . happened self Mrs. Carnay—for a reason. She as it seems incredible your nether chd telegraph 'Philip from the station,
does not . pP
ill but there is somethingwren with' weeks a. o, the three Rosaleens still posed as a,widow—also fora reason— not know, on theible your mother
and then write to him when she reach-
' g g but that was wholly unnecessary.
him.- Learn what he is trying to tell crept back. Now Rosaleen and her tion too far. Physicians. The only: thins :I` can think and
her destination, .wherever that
P That was carrying decep
you by .crying. mother were visiting Jennie Davol The man whom you've been told'is °f is that 'your mother has in some might be.
father. I way managed to keep poor. Hugo hid-! Sho •put on her hat and did not no
Hunger Cry -A levy, whimpering and her little Molly. There was some -1
uncle is really your an from Dr. Ardeyne. :Otherwise— e that. she hadgot it back to front.
cry sometimes accompanied by suck- thing about Molly and her mother that yourelieve you've been told that his named "My husband has seen my iny�Frantically she hrew' brushes;- and
in the fingers or the lips. If the meal Rosaleen's `mother could- 'not quite is Baliss-John. Bahss.-Alice maria ed: to toilet articles- into the bag, and then
g!father frequently," g
forthcoming,it maychange to' a understand; she kept, watching and Alice sat tense and still.was in an absolute` stru * led, white her 'coat. If only shed
is not g, P e say. Her head
as likelytoAnd then , one afternoons She .had thought that Uncle John h on half comprehended couldg et:awayl It would `be sa:much
Lusty scream. Babies are.watching. whirl. She _only P
es ion caused b over- sawlead Mollyand Rosaleen' really -her . father, .but mumsey , the meaning of these after -thoughts easier for both of them if her shame'
cry from indig. t a y v she c y it wasn't so. b+- g
from hunger.gone to a partyat a neighbor's,'had sworn to her that
feeding as o g had d tel en her mother's word, be- of Christopher's. « and humiliation were confessed`. to'
She had "II'm sniffed Christopher. Then I Philip by letter. • I
Fretful Cry -The baby is sleepy or: and Molly had come back with' athee- keyed implicitlythat her mother would , lied upthe bagand her
uncomfortable. He may be too"warm olate stain on her pretty gown. After- not lie ther. l Dr: Ardeyne, himself, is in the de- She snatched
being laid in one osition. Rosaleen's mother remembered « d— "—Christopher cleared his ception. gloves and turned towards the door.'
or tired of b g p wards An i the most , shock- his "Miimsey didn't know. I'm sure she There stood Philip, staring at her in
A tepid sponge bath and gentle rub Rosaleens swift glance at her. threat—"I'm afraid or a change of clothingd Lakin .t erl fearless she ing part is yet to come. Hugo=your didn't!" blank surprise. Perhaps he had been
g Molly was, utte - , "Didn't know what? There's pre- watching her for as much as a minute
hint out will prove very restful and'`gent straight to her mother:as to orale oor father was convicted as a cairn -
little, Iimagine—
magne — or more.
comforting. If the crying continues, who is sure to help: "Mother, oh, nal lunatic`. He fifteen years. In.a fit das been confined in
Philip wag on that -board. "My darling child; what on earth
consult the doctor the child may be Broadmoor for fi Y
;mother, see what happenedi We can of. madness he. shot a man, his .part- I'm sure she didn't" does this mean? he demanded;
ill. I clean it, can't we?" nes in fact. Shot. and killed a. marl• Christopher looked sourly • indiffer- "'(To be continued.) '
Cry of Colic or Pain -A lusty cry That quick nestling against her Of course, he is sane now—but, never- crit. - --
with ! all this .. is ' somethin you "It doesn't matter. I had ..my duty
sometimes rising to a shriek,w mothers The eagerness in her eyes. theless, it was our to perform. If iter. I e hasn't been NEEDLESS .ELECTRIC REPAIRS.
tears a the eyes. In colic the knees l And then Jennie: kissed the eager face should have been told, and y , • - E pushp
are drawn upand the fists are clench- nt e intol electric toaster, lib vie-
and asked:
�. .. le yon or
ed. A tight fist is usually ari indica- "Tell me, how did it happen, dear?" 11 . ' ti, $ �' `,.tai }ter° '� screw the electric bulbs
T P .{.i:k.;vJ.,^.,} ;S.: v:J,'.: ;7 `•:J` •a �;S i�:'; ,: ercelator,, or sc V'
r a •;;: r .. +I.: �. •,:; r{.: •:air: v.; ,....air.. ;' ;i fu9,... *pvF <p
' sin, If the..cr in increases «second 4 0 , ,.�....�,•:.;:.r.::;t»•..,:�.f;•.:.::,::>.:r.<...,:��.••:::>;::.::..< �'4::>,,. .. �..:
tion of p crying Miria,Aclsers was having a >y .; c,�„'; �,,<..,: cr>..? a t:Ma;,.x.. ,.,.,n' tight ••
.r a w, ?•h:.. ,..F•:".s,::•»>....:> :.:�.,:.,•, < ..�.•a..�. too
e of it on me. Of course she did-n't
,�.: ilii '•.p:., -'4 ,•Y�/
helping of ice cream' and she spilled e`� 5 £ ` > i s`
Y " ` ; Notice how the tahster will begin to
i' All Diseases Treated.
,, Office adjoining residence next
la.nglican Church on Centre.Street.
Open every. day except Monday. and
,Wednesday afternoons.
' Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272
Fully Qualified Graduate.
iDru;gless Practice being in absolute
accord with the Laws of Nature gives
the very beet results that niay be ob-
i,tained in any case. -
Illonis-10.12 am„ 2 - 5 and 7 - 8 ; pan.
'Phone 191.
DR. D. H. l Com..
Qualified Graduate
•Adjustments given,. for diseases of
all kinds, specialize 'in dealing with
ebildren. Lady attendant. Night calls
Plaponded to.
Office on Scott St:, Wingbam, One
r'(1n house of the late Jas 'Walker),
Phene 1fi0.
with moving of an arm or leg or when
singslightest contact, a}d if
r „ at the S.i ht
Mean to mother."
current is on how the light will
, a.• ;:. : y •'*� :+r , .., •Fu.,;.;:. ..;..:. .5: ..?..u. e:r„ �4a y ktCi ,, the _
., ..i.:c••:,+X•`.'y: .... c,, ,r g.
�s .rid k.. : ; :�:<>,r.,.. .�
idn t. A .<,�:
she .s..
, m sure 1. r .... .;:.
ear I ' t «:�,• aF a<:...x....>screwed in
No d , r .�. '�s.;. •,:x.,..,,...,..:..�,, ..a:..•.,:... �,..c.'.:. sh when the bulb is not sc w
Composed of Pure Para Rub-
ber, Highly Porous.
Phones, Ofiice 100.
Residence 224.
IrtaNtertae , tiltl:C`I'OR
Motor P;ouipment
"vUil~IGHA'lex O 'I'AIIO
he may have' a broken bone or othe-_-
the attention of
damage calling for
I think we can clean it. Run upstairs
Sick Cry—The very sick baby does' And put on an old dress, and I'll show
?y ..„ F ?i ik+ . t .r5:.,�•`:i; {:':'`!. x 3•,}c k r ,,cN �F•i��')^ Y$ -----
�•'�^� ,• friendly elec'
this from a Erie W
� . I learned i
a low moaning; , , ? ,<.:<: ,;• ::• �. � � :�
not cry hard, There is ow. Then if you ever, have a ; t; F ? its I had taken
, you h . ..:. ;' tric repair man to whom
ail with .sometimes a.. gmother isn't here,you'll „ �
ox wail, stain. when Y � . ^ �:;: .
'`m. our percolator when it refused to
side to side.do."
the head from.know. what to •��,.s.f>.. :..:?�:.:: ,�..�x .... ..;,_.
Molly danced upstairs as lightly as
CLEANING THE OILSTONE Wlcit she had danced down on her way to
During the oilstove season it is well, the .party. A strange look came into
en's eyes, a look that pierced
fR'sale y
. .cleaning
gives the maximum of heat. Use; ani In a moment Molly danced down
old toothbrush, turn the wick up to again, with the white. dress over her
the level' of the wick holder, and arm, Then they all went out into the
brush across from inside of the cyl- , kitchen, where Molly learned how to
finder toward the outside, keeping the fasten the dress tight over a bowl with
brush always at right angles to the clothespins and to pour boiling water
wick. When it .seems smooth and' through the cloth.
level turn the wick down out of sight' As the stain faded out Rosaleen
- i said, "Mother didn't show me how to
get mine out."
Over the heads of their daughters
I•. •r
the glances of the two mothers met. .
The eyes.of Rosaleen's were dark with
Pain' Molly's tnother said to Rosa
&ill the lest results with high r leen, "I suppose she, loved to da it for
f you. You salt her next time to let '
est price for number one quality.,17". yea hell)." Daily x' ttlrrl ,cans supplied, and., P,osaleen turned her clear eyes on
express charges paid. Write for i her mother. Suddenly she ran to her
s riiiw: and clung c:osc. "1 will oh, I Will!"
Bf$"�MUS CO., Ltd. - TORONTO she cried
BLO `� ,
Rides : Easy' as Air. Doubles
Mileage :of Casings.
Aero Cushion Miner Tire
Rubber Co., Ltd.
work. He diagnosed the trouble to be
due to jamming the plug into the
socket when the percolator• was con -1
netted.—M. J. M.
to know an efficient o O ,
way e r ?F •�
r eF re y
the wicks as a clean steady blue flame' her mother's heart • ,„ �,£ � x �• Rte, �, F xis � aa,�,Yr , ry 1<� ria r< �Y� � �', LI AP
I ,, s�. - ...��.�,��vaa�., . •. i + ,,_..,...... <v..w...,•�•<� THE WA P
!SS U^I Na, 3'a—'24, For Sore ' 4litard''s Linimer 4.
Members of
land for the big
. licleup.
To avoid marks on your walls, place
rubber -headed tacks on the backs of
the picture frames close to the bottom.
Canada produces 88 per 'cent. of
the world's 'asbestos supply all from
the mines of southern. Quebec:
lie 1st Bombay Troop of Boy Scouts, who arrived in Eng-
Jamboree, are .shown enjoying a ,joke at their camp at
Have 5u'I.xi er Heat
This ii er
AWarm house: andacool
terday and night -the
ter throu h:And,a saving in
your eoalleil lsoff from ea/toe: a
WAl'Ili4 ii#nl GENZRATOE1
' ensure
in yowls cellar
will . s
,; the Kelsey isthe most efficient
• and econohical system of
home heating ever devised
• and will heat the smallest'.
to o
properly and licailhfUlly.