HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-14, Page 1SIP
Se I
Single, Copies, Five eats.,
8. 8, No. 8, East WawanOsli Will Be
Held on August a7th.
.As the date August 2;1:13is drawing
'near when S. S, No 8 East'Waviranosh
hopes to welcome and entertain many
of the former teachers and students of
the school, eve think it well to go back
in history to the beginning of the sec-
tion and follow its ggowth and pro
g,ress tip to the present time. ,
In r857—sixty-seven years ago, the
pioneers in this district were anxious
to have a School started and a move-
ment wee begun to organize a section.
There was considerable dispute and
discussion regarding the division ot
the district as some of the settler's
-were in favor of having only one sch-
ool fogresidents of both the ninth and
sixth concessions and having it built
in a central location. Apparently how-
ever the majority of the ninth line
pioneers realized that it was to the ad-
vantage of themselves as ratepayers as
well ass to that of their children to
have two schools.
The section was organized in 1858
.and the ,site which was part of the pee -
sent school site nras purchased from
Patrick Redmond, who at that time
owned the present Was Johnston farm
The work of felling the trees, chopp-
ing the logs and hauling then to the
site was done by the men_ of the eee-
lion at "bees" and the most particular
work in the construction of thed
ing—that of dove tailing the corners
was done by four men who have pass-
ed .on to their reward, James
'Henry, James McCallum, James And-
erson and 'Donald McGibbon, The
school was .completed in the inside by
hinking the walls and applying a coat
of plaster. Little do we of today re-
alize what it meant to those pioneers
in courage, endeavour and persever-
ance, to make tigstart in education out
.1of practically nothing but natural ee-
•sources• and their own ingenuity, and
too much emphasis cannot be placed
•on the debt of gratitude which. those
aerho have derived benefit from their
efforts, Still owe to them or their me-
The first teacher engaged in the set"-
tionwas a Mr. Irwin. .He taught for
one year and was followed by'iMiss
Irwin, who also taught for one year.
The third teachee in the school was -
is Miss Oak who later Became Mrs.
John Agnew arid who. is still living
with her daughter in Edmonton. The
average salary paid at that time was
about $6o per year. The Inspector,
Dr. Sloan of Blyth, was very popular
with the scholars aS he invariably
brought a treat of candies andannanted
,a half holiday. The caretaker was
'paid the magnificent sum of 75c for
3 Months .and, the children did the
cleaning and sweeping. The .parents
-who had children attending the school
supplied the wood for fuel, the arts-
. mint of wood -varying according- to the
number of children of school age in
the home. The attendtince was largia
and while accommodation was what
we would consider very poor, the amt. -
ids of both teachers and. pupils were
"dauntless and not to be overcome.
The interior of the school was not
inviting as the furnishings consisted
only of a number of 12 foot benches
and one large desk along the will
used for writing. There were four
-small windows for lighting purposes
;and one door for entry and egress.
Religious,services were held in the
school regularly during the years it
was in use,. '
The teachers who followed Mrs. Ag-
new were Miss Smith, Miss Kerr, Geo.
Fluker, Miss Thomson, Geo. Wighs
errata Miss Chtirchill and. C. Campbell.
This bungs us to the year 1873, and
'On Jam 25111 of that year El special
meeting- of the ratepayers of the sec-
tion was called for the purpose of tak-
ing into consideration some steps to-
' wards the -building of a- new school
house, According to 'the minutes re-
, torded of this meeting- the discussions
'were not lacking in either animation
or heat. Motions, amendments and
.amenchnents to the amendments being
(Continued on Page 4)
ITOR SALE—That splendid purebred
York I3oar "Oak Lodge Prince"
(489)-89286. For particulars apply
to j. j, Moffat, Route 1, Wingham.
FOR SALE—Sb yoang canaries. Ap-
ply to Mr, A. Patteraon, thr-ee doors
south of Public School, call after 6
MONEY FOR SA.LE—Clovet Honey
in lithographed pails at 14c., at J, A.
'Mills' Feed Store for your cotivem
ience. The same 'honey in plain
Tails at my residence, isle, line of
'Morris at 130., not delivered, Sat-'
isfaction guaranteed ,ornyour money
hack. Jas. N. Casemore.
bitsiriese education pays dividends all
through life. A Lticknow girl grad-
uated a year ago, started on Thirty
Dollars jadr week in Detroit and h.
now drawing Sixty Dollars per week
It Paid leer, what about your daugh-
ter's future. Write for particulars
to Witigham Business College or
Canada Business College, Toronto.
Tenders will be received by the un-
"deeeigned up till two o'clock on Tries -
slay, Aug. 26th for the construction of
a cement concrete culvert on sidbroad
at IVIaritoeli. Plans and specificatioes
for same can be seen at my, ;office.
The lowest or any tender not necess-
arily accepted.
Porterfield, Clerk,
East Wawanosis
Bread has gone ine to fo cents pee
loaf in the local bakeries.
Mr. Thos, Taylor-, Ptitrick St, hae
put a new top on; his 1.-Tord.
Dr. Redmond will be on his boll-
dttys from August rath to 301h.
The Wingham Bowling Club is hol-
ding a tournament on then greens on.
Wednesday, August 27th, commeac-
ieg at 9 a.111
Mr, and 1VII s H. 'Westman of Chat,
hare, spent a few days with thci form.-
er's sisters, IVErs. W, 'A. johns 'ti -id
Mrs. F, /3 u c h antra
of hogs by Smith and Fells for whieh
they paid $9.5o. Andrew McKague
shipped a load of cattle to Toronto,
as did also Wm. Mitchell.
Thompson & Buchanan's hardware
store was closed for a few hours on
Tuesday afternoon, Mr, Thompson',
father passed away on Sunday at hit
:home in Duegannon in. his 82nd yeat.
The funeral was held to Dungannon
cemetery on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. 'Harold Buchanan caught a nice
black, bass, which- -Weighed 3 pounds
inthe river down behind his house
on Wednesday morning. .
.13y an error the 'names of Agee,
Masom Jack Noble, Sttmley Sydthorrh-
a.nd ,Will Scott were oneitted in the
list of Pupils 'of No. 13 East WaWitg
nosh, last week.
The brethern of L, O. L. No. 794,
ill hold their .annual decoration. sere
Nice to Wing -heti cemetery on. Sunday,
August. 31st, at. 3 O'clock: Cut BO -ve-
ers will he placed ou, the graveS of the
deceased brethern.
Liv e stock shipmente from 'Wing
ham during the past week Were, a car
Drowned at Detroit
Many People Holidaying in Their
Home Town and Many Away
Pinery week we omit many visitors
to 'Winglearn, simply because *e do
not know of their being in town, Our
readers would be conferring a favor
on us if they would send in the names
of their guests. It is only by coop-
eration that anything can be a success.
We need your co-operation to assist
in keeping Huron's Popular Paper to
the front.
Miss Dorothy Piper spent last week
Miss Lillian Groves of Listowel, is
visiting in town.
Mr. Arthur Aldingion spent a few
days M Listowel,
Mr. Norman Butcher was a Simcoe
visitor, last Week. .•
Miss Edna Robertson visited ier To
ronto and Hamilton. n
Miss Stalker of Blyth, visited -with
her friend, IVIiss Agnes Scotf.
'ivit. Frank McDonald of Detroit, is
visiting -'i t his home in town.
Rev. C, E. Cragg and family are
visiting friends in Peterborough.
Miss Fairy Fells has returned front
visiting a week with Blyth friends. •
Miss Florence Aldington of Lon-
don, spent a vveele at her home here.
Mr. Wm. Hutton spent Sunday in
Toronto with his son and datig;liter.
Mr, feronfe rnotored home frora
Detroit to visit his mother and hro-
theM%-. Harold Groves -motored up from
Toronto, and is visiting with relatives
Mr. Frank McDonald, of Detroit,
Ann Pickering, daughter of Mrs. is speeding a few clays with his pal._
John Pickering of Lucknow
was ents. '
drowned in Walled Lake, Detroit, on Miss IVIargaret Piper of Toronto, is
Sunday afternoon, 'rhe body of this spenclitig her vacation at her home
young lady had not been recovered on
Teesday noon
A Fast Horse
Jean Gratton 2.41 by Gratton Royal
dam Darkey Hal 2.02a, paced- a mil.:
over Simcoe .track in 2.121 arid won
the race. It is predicted by men who
oughi to know that this fast racer
will step a mile in 2,50 before the end
of the season. The mare was bred
of Wingham.
and raised by Mr. V. R. VanNornian
Save Money for Travellers
A man,walked up to Mr McEwen,
dairyman, about two o'clock the oth-
er day, telling him how hard it ,was
to find him and how he had lookedjor
him ell morning in vain. He ex -plait -l-
ea that he had something- to show him
that he knew he would be interested
in, because it would mean a saving of
money. He pulled frOnl among a
easeful of samples, a milk ticket per-
foeated to tear off at pints and tOld
how he maid sell him these for the
very low price of Via per thousand.
After listening for a minute or so to
a fairly rapid line of heft air, Mr. Mc-
Ewen' •pulled a ticket from his poc-
ket almost identical, thanked the tra-
veller for saving him such a large
amount of money and told him he had
phi -chased Woo of these at the Ad-
vance prieting office for $14.50. Yes,
yoa can save money by buying from
the city traveller who has to got his
commission as well as help to Jaw
the higher rents of the city job office.
The accompanying cut of Mr, Anc -
erson shows the only present vesident
of the section who was here I,11 the
till1C of its organization. 3Itr, Ander-
son with his parents, brothers and sis-
ters, settled on the Anderson farm in
1854 and lie has resided here C011art-
tiotirly since.
On Saturday August gth. he cele-
brated his 85111 birthday and is still
hale and hearty, considering himself
as one of the gomg chaps of Belgrave.
He still is able to fulfil his duties as
,Treastmer of the Township, an office
which he hoe had for about twenty:
eight years, as well as being, an active
agent for Pesurance and holdiee,
the position of Justice of the Peace
'ATT. Anderson is lookieg forward to
the Reunion of S. Si Noh8, East Wa-
wanosh, on Vved„ Aug. 27th, and to
the meeting of many old acquaint-
Capt. Arne Beckwith, of Toronto, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Beck-
Miss Agnes McKague returned
home after spending a week in Strat-
Mr. Aaron, Brown, of Toronto, is
spending his holidays ht 'his. home in
Miss Addie Tanc4n, of Blyth, ie
visiting Miss Annie McElroy, of town
this week. • '
- Mr. Wafter Lockeidge and Mr. Will
Currie spent a fewndays last week in
Niagara Falls, - .
Mts. David Clow and Miss Olive
Clow have returned after a visit with
friends in Cobalt.
Miss Nettie Y. Christie is holidaying
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Pent-
land at Strathroy.
Mr. add Mrs„: A. Welch of Toronto,.
spent the week -end at the home of Mr.
and. Mrs. W J. Greer.
Mrs. Finch and her daughters Eth-
el and Lima, are visiting friends at
Toronto and St. Marys.
Dr, and Mrs. John Grieve of Sea -
forth, visited. with their sister, Mrs,
John Homuth this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Burgman of Coiling -
wood, visited at the home of his bro-
ther, Mr. W, F. Btirgthan.
Mr. and Mrs. A. j. Plourde' and
family of OweireSound visited with re-
latives over the week -end.
Mrs, J. C. Lackie and two daughtet-s
of Milton, is visiting- with. her mother,
Mrs. Jobb; Diagonal Road.
- Mr. Stan1y» Hare and sister Miss
Leah of Forest, spent the week -end
with his family in IA/Ingham.
Mr. and Mrs R. A.'Greer oF Toroe-
to, spent over Sunday at the home of
his brother, 'qr. W. j.. Greer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carlisle and
children, of Toronto, are visiting with
her Mother, Mrs. Jas. Walker,
Miss Margaret McGregor, Blenheim
visited over the week -end with her
friend Miss Christene Robertson.
Misses Norma Isa.rd and Alba Gal-
braith left- 'last week for Toronto,
where they have. secured positions.
Mr. and Mrs, Jonathan Pattison,
were in St. Marys last week attending
the funeral of the late. W. H,Tovell
Mrs. 13ert Kennedy and children of
Toronto, visited wall her mother, 1VIrs.
j, Currie and other relatives in town.
Mr, and Mrs. D. 0. MaKinnon and
family of Toronto, are visiting- with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs . -W. j. How-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norman and
sort, Fred, Of Buffalo, visited for a few
days with Mn and Mrs. C. S. Black-
Mr. George Fixter, of Walltmeburg
spent a few days this week at the
home of his parents, Mr, and Mi -s. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker and
family, of Goderich'spent the week-
end at the home of Mrs, Jas. Walker,
John St,
.iNtr. and Mrs. G. L Brackeubury
and family were home for a few days
this week. They are aoiv gone to
"Arf uekoka. '
' Mr. Wm, Grieve, brother of Mrs,
John Hormith, Patrick St. of Mane -
lino, B. C,, is visiting at the home of
his sister.
Mt. and Mrs, R. A, Walker and
daughter Zelma, of Toronto, a .0
guests of Mr. Walker's nepbeey, Mt. A.
J. Walke r.
, Mr. George Allan who is it student
in an Art School in Chicago, is spend-
ing his vacatioa at the home of ht'
parentS in WWII.
Mr, and Mrs, John A, Allan, of Kin
moant, Ont., are spending their holi-
days at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Robt. Allan.
Mrs. Dr, Louridesberry and (laugh-
ter, Miss Betty, of Philadelphia, ars
visiting at ,the home of Mr. Thos,
Scott, Diagonal Road.
Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong of
London, 1VIrs. Janet Craik of Wood-
stock, motored up and spent last week
with Mr. tied Mrs. Alex, MacGregor,
Mr. sand IVIrs, W. J. Moles and Miss
Vhinib of Toronto, called. on their un-
cle, A. W. Webster: this week, evhile
passing through Wingham on a plea-
sant trip. "
Miss Cora Beckwith, of NeW.York,
accompanied. by her friend. Miss Hus-
ton, spent a few days last week at the
home of hes mother, Mrs. Beckwith.
Edward St.
Miss Helen Wilson, who has '00011nursing in New York since the first of
the year, is home to spend her Holi-
days with her father; Mr. Gavin Wil -
Sen, Evergreen Place,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McElroy, of De-
troit, returned home on Monday acc-
ompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Bert Mc-
Elroy and baby Who will visit there
for a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Cairen's, Mn Brown
and Mr. McKenzie from Tivertoa,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A.
McGregor, Miss Mary E, MacGregor
returned home with them.
Mr. and IVIrs. Chas. Bennett, and son
of Paris, motored up and spent ther
week -end at the home of M. and Mrs,
Wm. Austin, Turnberry. Mr. Bennett
is a brother of Mrs. Austin.
Mr. Frank Bow -den, of Windsor, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Bowden, formerly of
Wingharn, is visiting ' with friends in
town. Mn Bowden 'was- an employee
of the Wingham Power plant.
Messrs. IfurraY and Geo, Ross, re-
turned home on 'Sunday after spending
a week by the lake at West Lorne,'
While away they -called on friends in
Leamington' and Detroit Sad spent a
very pleasant tithe. "
'Mr. and Mrs. E. Hart of Uxbridge,
Mr. Alvin Hart of Saskatoon, Mr. S.
Leggatt, Collitigwood, Mr. and Mrs
P. 'Jenkins and two sops, Arthur and
George of Strati:iron were guests at
the horn e 61•-kl,r, and Mrs. W, A. Cure
Miss Wightmann Mrs. Canters, Mrs,
Palmer and children of Montana, Mra,
Sackrider of New. Liekeard, Mt. and
Nies: W. Bennett of Waisenosh, and
Mr. and. Mrs. Win; Scott of Blyth,
Sundayed at 5.. E. Felts, Diagonal Rd,'
Mrs; F. G Sparling and her. daugh-
ter, Miss Delia Sperling of 'Toronto,
were guests'at the Queens this week.
Many old friends were very pleased to
renew their acquaintances. They had
come tip with the Heron Old Boys to
the Seaforth reunion. The late Mr.
F. G Spading s father owned the land
which was afterwards divided, into
town tots before Seaforth's iacorpOig
atiort. Mrs. Spading and Miss Sper-
ling had to make their visit a short
one on account of the latter going to
New York to attend,' a:reunion of
ptipils .being' arranged. by a former
-Wingharri Cadets Among Winners
Eldon. Purdon, one of the crack
shots of Wingham High School Cadet
Corp was among the winners of cadet
competition, of the 50111 annual meet-
ing of tHe Ontario Rifle Association
at the Long Branch Ranges on Mon-
H. C. Mitchell of Wing -ham, was
in the next series winning' $4.o0 and.
Mr. Percy Johnston was among the
$3.00 winners.
Soft Ball Games
Soft ball games continue to ,be the
centre of attraction at the park. Ors
Friday evening the Lions Clubde-
feated the Lloyds and Gurneys by a
score of 8 dO 5. On Monday evening
the Lions met their Waterloo when
Coutts' Savages defeated_ them. 6 to 5.
There were several interesting and
snappy plays made at both games.
The Lions and the Clerks are playing
at 10.3.o o'clock on Wednesday after-
00Wedded at inicknow
South Kinloss Presbyterian Church.
was the scene of an interesting eved-
ding on Saturday, Aug. and, when
Donaida Ntcthtnsi dau.ghter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Peter _Macintosh
of Kinloss, became the bride of Hush
Alexander MaciVlillan eldest son ot
John MacMillan of Kinloss. The cer-
emony was conducted by Rev, R. A.
Gollan, pastor of the .church. The,
bride who was given away by her un-
cle, Mr. Rod. MacDougall, wore a be-
comieg gown of white georgette with
hat to match and tarried it spray of
Ophelia roses. After the ceremony a
teception was held at South. Kit -doss
manse, when Rev, and Mrs. Gallen re-
ceived with the bride and geOom. La-
ter the happy couple left on a motor
trip, On their return they will spend
the remainder of the summer at the
Bruce. Beach, Early in Octobor
and Mrs. McMillan will sail for For-
gosa, where :Mr. McIVIillan has been
iippointed to Lisa Principalship of Ta
instil Middle School,
Balls made from newspapers and
soaked in- kerosene, are said to be it
Substitute' for -coal. Now is the, tithe
tO. stibscribe,
Guarantors Will Be About $15o
in the Hole
Chatitaugna has come to Wingliart
and will be gone again for another
year before many of our readers get
their paper, 'While the guarttntore
will be behind to the extent of pro-
bable ifitso we believe that there has
been censiderahly more than that left
in the town, probably not in money
but ia good sound morals, told in such
a manner as to be remembered by
many of oue young people.
The lectures of Dr. Fox on Friday
night, the impersonations and lectures
of Prof. Sidriey Lander!. on Sliturday
nig-ht and his talk at the union service
on Sunday night, the sound advice gi-
ven by Mr. Smith Datnron in his lec-
ture and. worle "The Potter and the
Clay" on Monday afternoon. And
last but not least was the boys' big
brother and bus address on. Tuesday
night, Capt. Dinny Upton. will be
welcomed back at any time. All were
Well worth while.
Capt. Upton unconsciously made se-
veral. references to the High School,
coming as they did just after the ton n
voting down the extension bylaw
those present clapped heartily to the
amazement of the speaker who thought
for a time that he had got in wroag.
The niusical talent was just splen-
did, we dare not say that they sur-
passed other years, but we can Say
they were just as good. The play
"Six Cylinder Love" was full of laugh
provoking mirth, arid had its good mo-
ral also.
Ai this tinie we -believe it is safe to
say that Chetutauqua will be back next
year. A guarantee list is already pret-
ty wall signed.
The union sergite. in the tent on
Sunda)", evening was probably the be.st
Sunday night servite we have had in
the five -years which Chautauqua has
given their tent. for them.' Owing to
the fact that the local clergy are moo-
ly all away on vacation, Rev. Mr. Bit' -
hard of FOrdevicho was called to the
platform and he offered the opening
and closing prayer. lirr. J. H. Chris-
tie led the large audience in the sing-
ing of "Onward Christian Soldiers"
and "Abide with. -hie". Mrs. Sabra -
bury of Toronto, who 'is visiting at
the home of her parente, Mr. and kris
V. R. VanNormane sang it solo in her
usual splendid:voice.- Mayor W. H.
and: Mr.a. yvitug sang a duet very
sweetly and 'two neale quartetteS, one
composed of Mr. F. J. Hill, Mr. W.
H, Halley, Mr. Roy Mundy and May-
or Willis and the other, Mr. Jas, Mit-
chell, Mr, Stanley Hutchinson, Mr. H.
Helmer and Mr. R. H. Lloyd render-
ed' numbers which were appreciated.
Miss Nettie Christie and Miss Marion
Mitchell presided at the piano. The
'addhess of Mr. Landen was it neastee-
piece.. He is a Canadian by birth, and
a college professor in Cleveland, A.
Ge Smith acted as chairman.
Tory Picnic at Stratford
The Western Division of the Liber-
1 al -Conservative Association of Oritai-
io will hold its annual picnic this year
on WedtiesdaY, August 20111, at 5.30
p. 111., in Stratford. Park, Rt. Hon,
Arthur Meighe•n, M. P. 'and Hon, j.
S. Martin, M. P. P., will be the prim-
cipal speakers, Bring along a basket
Of ittach and a load of friends.
Andy Anent Superannated
Andrew Allen started railevay work
fifty years ago, shortly aftet ,coming
out from Ireland. He was four years
in Winghtun and he came to Khmer -
dine ao years ago next October. He
has been car inspector here all the
time. When Mr. Allen started rail-
roading first it was with the old. Great
Western, In those days a freight ca'
would carry sa tons. Now it carries
six limes that .weight.
Di those days the engines were wood
burners. 'Mr. Allen retires on pension
joining the company of Wm, Halfpcny
James Corbett, Alfred Ireland and C.
L. King. His place is taken by Harry
Haight of Palmerston, Mn Haight
hag, leased the Saunders property on
Petictangote Row and will shortly
bring his family here frarn Palmer-
st on,—Kincardine Review. -
The above refers to it brother 01
Messrs. George and Robert Allen, of
Wirt gham.
Connell—In 'WhIghain General Hos-
pital on Friday, Allg, 8111, 10 Dr, and
Mee. Connell, Luelenovv, it destgliter,
--Margaret Sommerville,
sualutiaiki lionew The
&thee iption
$soo per
Factory Prices Duringonth
Mof Aug sf
Every article on this Sale made in Canada or Great Britain-
Pe includes Toilemts, Perfu,es, Drugss Chocolates, Stationery and Rem-
Saves You Money
Extra Special—Saturday, Jts if6th
$25.20 Given Away
72 (6 dozen) 250 boxes of Natures Rernedy will be
to the first 72 customers purchasing 500 avorth or over.
g "Free"
72 (6 dozen). sac cakes of Toilet Soap will be given " 'ree" to
ff the next 72 customers purchasing 5oc worth or over
--- Our Every Day Cut Prices Save You Money ----
McKilabon's Dr
"" 172E9
Wineflsaria, Ont. one 53' a
ontil tetra= 11 UI 11 II II ilisl111511 I MEM 1IMP
Normal School Certificates
The following students from this
county at Stratford Nornial I
School The Methodists of Wingham, oid
awterness:uncessful in- the retent examin- and Y°ung' will a picnic in th
1Lower Wingham flats on Wednesdan
afternoon, August 2oth, 13ring your
Lorna Aikenhead,.Brucefield; Mar-
garet E. Alexander, No. 4, Walton;, basket' A good time 1°r all- Ant('
Lillian D. Anderson Auburn; Myrtle will leave the church at 1.30
Armstrong-, Clinton; Marjorie Ashton,' See the Date on Label
Gerrie; Dorothy Balkwell, Exeter;
Thelda. J. Bennett,ti Look at the Wingham; Kath -
rya the label on this panel
Connolly, Seafortlas Margaret Con- please If it does read August 24 or
nolly, Seaforth; Vera Crozier, Waltonsome;Ifoi
.yout paper. August 2,4, would previous date you are in arrears
Jean Farquhar, Clinton; Elizabeth;
Fear, Ethel; Hazel a Foster, Gorrie; ,flAatt that your paper was paid-up
Llla 11 wFariatsosetir,; 3313esrisiseseGlsi;.,antN, t‘ysionttl1.1. Astuibgstcrsrtip
tiiosite 19h2a4s ajul t theseerpeifr71
now; Margaret Grieve, Seaforth; The subscription Price of this paper -
Muriel Halis Ethel; Reis. Hamilton, is $2.00 per year when paid in advance,
Janet T. Hogg, Seaforth; Lilian Jack- ' and $2.50 when not so paid. Ifsev,;r-
al hundred people owed you $2 and $4
Auburn; Katheleeu Hill, Lucknow;
son, Blyth; Miriam. Johnston, Godo- ; each and you needed the money, what
rich; Bessie L. Lindsay, Clinton; Mar- would you do? Thank you.
ie A, Livingstone, Wingham; Evelyn
Lockhart, Lucknow; Lillian mcAraea, A Profithble investment
Brussels; Mary a McBrien, Seaforth; What about getting a New Florn
Violet 1IcI3urney, Wingham ; Margar- or Ideal or Sewing Machine for your
et MacCallum, -Lucknow; Clara Mc daughter, so that siie may enjoy the
Gowan, Blyth; Jane McLennan, Blue- pleasure of its use when making- pre -
vale; Mary McMichael, Wroxeter; parations for the beginning of her new
Sa.die E. McNair, Brussels; Bessie life in her very own new home? Bet -
Murphy, GoderiCh; Annie Mustard, ter get one now, it will last it life time
Brucefield; Margaret Nolan, Brussels; and then look well. The New Home
Elva Oliver. Brussels; Mildred Pass- does not make a noise and disturb,
more, Brussels; Edna Pfaff, Exeter; People when doing its -work. For sale
Irene Rathwell, Liicknow; Agaes Rey- by A. W. Webster, the Tailor upstaire
nolds, Clinton; Laura Ross,,I3rucefienl over the Advances'Isimes Office
Flo re n ce Stewart, Brasses Mary
The World is Small
;Methodist Picnic
Tierney, Blyth; Dorothy R. Webster,
Lucknow; Johnston Armstrong, Ethel; Dr. Daniel Fo'
x pastor of the first
Kenneth L Ashton, Gorrie; Harold Congregational Church, Pasadena, Cal
13, Burns, Lucknow; George L Doug- 'Seim so ably lectured in the Chauttru-
las, Lucknow; Cecil L. Hall, :BruSsels; qua tent on Friday. evening, spent Et
Leslie 3. Hetherington, Winghars; half hour M the Advance Office. His
James Little,• Lucknow; Lloyd Mc interest in our office was because of
Guire, Lucknow; Malcolm McLennan, the fact that he is a neighbor of Mr.
Lucknow; Chas. Malone, Seaforth; Walter Hall in Pasadena and he had
George 13., Pocock-, Wingham; Cliff- heard Mr. Hall speak of the Advance
ord Roberthon, Wing -ham; William F. office which was at one time owned
Thompson, Lucknow; John D. Ross, by his father and where he himself
Lacknow; Dolores Laithwaite, Gode- had so long worked.
rich. Prof Sidney Landen, the gentleman
Provisional certificates are granted who proved himself such a capable
to 3Itary Ross. Lucknow, and Freda literary student and who pleased hi
L Talbot, Bayfieldhearers with his discourse on Sunday
evening, is a native born Canadians
"A miseaable old world" is oflen He was born near Kingston and has
changed to "a pretty good place a:fter spent a holiday fishing near Owen
all" by a bath and a cup of coffee. Sound it few years ago,
Au us
We have, a number of broken lines and odds and
ends to be closed out in the short time be-
tween now and Pall business. We
have decided to push matters
at once ancl begin a
Cit Price August
Conie and secure your share of the Bargains.