HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-07, Page 8Y14I!IR"' pwaw, rvr rm, ;a'F';mi,w
W :C 4V a.H`M ADVA#11 CE'y. ^T11VI S.
011 ads o Doll
W. r° h Goods Going at Sale. Prices, Ev ryth n$
20 to 33 1-3 Per Ce ; t. Off
75lid n's and Yo, ;nag Men's Sr its to be clear-
ed al half their regular price. This means:
20.00 Sults, sale halt price 10.00
0Suits, sale
halt price.. ,., 12.519
30.00 Suits, stele half price
35.00 Sults sale hall price . < . n 17.50
$40.00 Seats, sale half price... '_20.00
$45400 Suits, sale h:.Ii price _22.50
Me 's allhrhi Jan Shirts and >>'rawers,
hall: price . 50c armenats .
ens Straw I: , is9 Sailor and Pana a
styles on sale at Half Price
$2.00 H ts,'half price ....1.00
0.00 Hats, hall price M. 1.50
,.; oys' louses, half price 50c
Men's R bber Belts 19c
1.,oys' C:t,UUo Jerseys 35c
.;:..oys' Suit Sale hall price -
9.00 & 10.00 Spats half price . .5.00
Men's irk IH: luted: Neckwear, regular I
g rtin salat 29c
Wagstaffes Jarnlarge bottles..__..__.98c
Tea, black and green, per lb, 50c,
2 for 98c
Salmon per can
Comfort Soap 15 for z.00
Raisins, small seedless Raisins 2
pkgs. for _ , ...�...._z�c
Corn Flakes,' per pkg. roc
Shredded Wheatz for z5c
Clean All Hand Cleaner, reg. a5c
for 7C a can.
The-' crowd which gathered in the
Parish Hall of St. Augustine, on;
Wednesday 'evening, was otic .o.F the,;
largest ever assembled- there, : Tile'
iitirPose Of tate gathering 'was to hon-'.
or the pastor, .Cather Moran, who;
leaves in a few: days to take eharge
' of his new parish in the town of Sin
Ml� toe•
'late impromptu programme which!
IN was ari•an>aed for the occasion proved
1§9 very entertaining. It opened wijlr vio- I
MI lin selections by, Mr, J, Walsh which;
MI' were enjoyed by everyone, vocal solos
lei by Mrs. J, Gibbons .and Miss E. Cunt- I
es 6� mins, were splendidly rendered. Miss'
um Mary J3e11 delighted the audience'
MI with a fine interpretation of the High-1
®'i;rico Fling, Appropriate addresses''
i+sere given by Father Dean of Icings- I:
1VIcHuGh of
j Se
�i rtlh„ Silk l! Y ti,iM b ,rdk' iP,1 4.
��.+rn Iti',11.1;11')�if1N ltr,.?s ens;N:'1!
Me"" is fine Shirts .
Men's 0.17. 100% woJI Sie:.•lers_ s±.'1e....2.89
Men's ��. cid Tr users reg. up 1° 4.50 sale 2.95
Merino Underwear , . ..... .. .69c
Men's Silk Hwse reg. 75c s ,. e . .38e
Peabody I veralts and'5: ,, ocks ....2.25
les 'Coats
We are tiering exceptional vaines in all
ladies' coats.: 11. r if price gale
30.00 C.r ars , ... , 14.50
r+resses Summer Modes .9.75
Ail early to Wear° alan Sale
Ladies' Silk Gl;i,'v'es, 'i l
Remnants -Manny new ends trout the sale
Silks, Dry Goods, Cottons half price.
Children's Wash Suints, .:oys' and Girls'
Summer Suits hall price.
Children's Straw HatsI alt Price
Middies -White rill Middies, sizes 16, 18,
hall price 75e
Lases' Silk Hose SA�:le - New shade Silk
iHose, reg. 1.25, s:.' le half price . 61c
e, tack and
Cheese, per lb. ....
Palmolive Soap ..-._ .__ . ..7c a cake
Brooms, reg. i.00 and 1.25 for ...M..,...99c
Robin Hood Oatmeal large pkg 29c
Fancy Bis. reg. 400 for..._
Good Toilet Soap. large cakes -..._......Sc
Jars, large and small, Imperial
qts. _ __..x.39 a doz.
Wine qts...... doz.
Small I gallon _._...___.... .._ I.49 doz.
Rubber Rings reg. a5c_._. ,_..__ 8cdoz
iimproving nicely now.
• ', t e Furnishings Sale
Lin ®lea ah, 4 yd. wide 89c sq. yd. ri
�1tSp per sq. '.. du . .44e II
na.. .
,''ot�e : =nit Linoleum,l llcloth T:,y e
esfry', Wilton, ':: russets Rugs less 20%
psi 'Y g
an harp
▪ aitd Mr Dalton of"Ashfield, : -Mr. Pe-
• ®'ter O'Malley proved 'a very capable:~
▪ l chairnnan and 'ltfiss Mae Redmond, as
/11 pianist, played in faultless style,
At the close of the program, Father
m Moran was presented with a sttbstan-
h•Y • tial purse, acooi:npanied • by the fol
ear end Father: r.
"The news 'of, ;your impending de-
�i parture has been received with nu
1M Me regret throughout the parish Dur-
ing the years that you have been with
111,a sinanner so �-you have lcaplable capable at t
thatUr duties will; -leave a record of 'achieve-
trent which is' seldom equalled. •
' There are few vocations : in life
01 which require the same degree of tal
la ent as that which is demanded from
1 the pastor of ascountry parish. One
5 i needs the insight of a statesman, the.
'tact of a diplomat, and .the business:
acumen of a financier. The susseecfull
culrnination of the tasks toward, which' •
you directed your energy' • shows that
you possess these qualities to a 're.'`
markably high degree. All the more
noteworthy is your success when we
remember that you often worked un-
der unusual difficulties but you were •
never ^ daunted by the magnitude of an i
almost super -human. task.
Especially gratifying to your parish-
ioners is the knowledge that srou nev-•
er subordinated to other interests the
sacred demands of your holy office.
Your apparent' concern,•exenplary pie-
and eloquent oratory have ever been
a source of inspiration to those„ovcr
whom you had; charge.
As is often the case however, it is
only when :youare leaving that we
fully appreciate'your worth. In testi-
2 tsony
esti-irony of this we beg you to accept
BM this purse as a token of our love and
E esteem:
NI In saying . goodbye, the sorrow,
in that we feel is tempered by the know-
ledge that the loss °sustained by St.
Augustine will be experienced as a
tis by the town to which you are
r ver
a e
We• also -also repair Taps, Sides
Curtains and Cushions on
short notice.
.as ru
it Prices are Reasonable and we
give Prompt sService.
The Leading Shoe Store of Huron County
Phone 129. Winghalln, Ont.
"�e i."i,„ �.,� � i..�?,`V"�.t', P",'Uk ��at�rfiuN t , a? st�°�t,' -' i;.,•r y✓�ti .:�..
inimitable manner, ; thanked the- con-
gregation for their co-operation of
the past five years, He also paid a
-tribute to the neighboring priests and
r in humorous vein, recalled his college
going, and we hope and pray that days, when Father Dean and Father
your Labours there will continue to McHugh were his fellow students. fn
enjoy the choicest blessings of God." closing, he solicited the players of itis
F; tater Moran replying in liis ows ri friends for his success in a .new field.
You need a companion. Why' not
take me for a husband?
Thank you, I prefer gold -fish. They
!only have to be fed once in three days.
I'll bet twenty-five bucks that Doug-
las the shoe pians sole lasts until
Smith Brother's cougar drops.
Small Tapestry R;' cis 2.49 its #J0®1116®111111®illt®11®®®®
WI;�dow Shades . , ..69c ®® '
® ▪ ®El NI,
Mr. and Mrs, John Purdon and Ver-: Mr. Price Scott and his father, Mr.
;iia and Mr, and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt ' Scott, motored to Paris on Sunday'
-of Marnoch.., spentthe week -enol with I and visited with the latter's daughter ;
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore, of Mrs. Will Reid. ;
Ro&wood. I Miss Helen,Paterson, who has been
• Mr. and Mrs. John, McCreight and al 'Leamington for the past year, has
S0 -chimed to her home here. I
'family of Atwood visited on Sunday,Mrs. as. Moore and children, Rus-
-with hisbrothers here. • ` J
�' ' gel and John of Toronto are visiting
Mr.;11.,- and Mrs. 'Be 11lcClenaghan and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Colclouch teacher, is to be con -
.children spent Sunday with 1\'Ip and'
will conduct the services here next
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson of,
Paramount, spent Sunday ,with, her,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinnon.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Penrose of
Hamilton'and Mr. Ernest Penrose of.'
Windsor, spent the week -end at the -
hone of their aunts, Mrs. Kerr: and
Mrs. Holmes. •
ly spent Sunday with friends at Kin-
Mr: and Miss Murray of St. Helens
are the guests of Mrs. John Mulvey.-
ulvey.•Mrs. Wm. Curland family visited
at Mr. John. Mundell's Bluevale last
Mrs. George Herd sr., will spend a
couple of weeks, with her daughter
Mrs. FJidliday, before going West.
:Mrs. Daniel' Martin
k I 1 f Mr'. Mrs. David Currie and son Kenneth in,r their entrance examination.
Children from 'Lindsay visited last
week with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Holmes.I
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClenaghan I
and Clarence visited with relatives in
]:.lora on Wednesday last.
Mr, and Mrs. Waterivorih of Toron-
to are spending their honeymoon with
her sister Mrs. Robt. McClenaghan.
Mrs. Dave f_*i11ie -spent the week-
end with relatives in Chesley.
„Don't forget the Community picnic
to be helrl at the loth bridge this Fri -
da Aug. :8 Everybody conte and
bring yotir basket,
Mr. john Chapman visited S
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sugget aiid two I
Johnston. • • EAST WAWANOSH
Miss Nettte Sharpe of Toronto ie.
visiting this wee ec the torte o
and Mrs. Andrew Fox. returned home after spending the past Ivan James Fitch was by the Lake
Mr. •. and . Mrs. Ben Naylor, visited
couple of weeks in Toronto: Shore, Kincardine, for a f'eww clays •re -
Ii y Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Fox (nee Jen- tl
vvi'11 his brother, illi Alex.Naylor of
gratulated on three of her pupils• out
of four four were:successful in pass-
wrr:al'eK' 011 t111-
'ray with Mr. and Mrs. Her son Irwin.
Mr, and' Mrs, Robert., Pardon. and
ohildren spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Irvin Henry, of Belfast.
Mr. and Mrs, Joh,n Caslick' of Cul-
ross spent Sunday with Mfr. and Mrs,
Jo17?i Fat coiler
Mr. and `Mrs, Dan Falconer of Gor-
r`ze and:Mr. and Mrs. Witt. Falconer.
and Ernest of :Bluevale visited with
:their father, Mr. Geo. Falconer of;
,Culross on Sunday,
Mrs. • ohn Steele and, May of �To-
ronto and her daughters Mrs. Higgins
and. Mrs, Bolton and children Jean and
Mac of Woodstock, visited for a few
awes last week with. the former's Ors
• ter -hi -law' Mrs. Jas. Cornelius,
Mrs..Pcnnell and Alice of t inlouf h
stro' visiting with her brother Mr. Herb
Mrs. •Viral. Prince and' Gladys of
`3 'incardine, are visiting this week with
:tt r. and Mte. Jas':Cdrnelus.
lidiss Etta .McQitoid of' Ashfield is
rrasiting with Miss Ida: `fcC,hioid.
Mrs, "MtinJell.'-and children of De
droit and Miss f tPnid: Paterson of
T° onto tire visiting with their broth-.
w}, Me. IC:er, Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and family
' .
wand Mr, George:Jscques of Preston.
.visited with lafr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques
+ni ntlay.
Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, btr. aiid Mrs,
>e e �'etmed -
S,tsii Jd.tt%clliscrx and Mn Pete . I , y
irritore,d to London oti 'Sunday and
t'isitetl With Mr. Chas. R;intottl who is
Pal erston over the week -end. nie Bolt) Russell Mali., are . visitieg
K en y.
Mr. and Mrs. Peppier of Tavistock with her parents' Mr. and Mrs. Na •
are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ales, thanlel Bolt. • GLENANNAN
• Mt. and Mrs. John Mitchell visited
with friends in Howick on Sunday..
Miss' Margaret Haines of Guelph is
spending a few days with Me: and
Mrs. ?lector 'McLean.
Messrs. kRobinCariii7belI', ,and Jaitti.,. t
Campbell are working' on the good
road:system at Blyth:
Mr, and Mrs. McMurray.: and - fa-
Rev, Mr, Cousins of Luc%now . is intaily of Mortis visited on Sunday
with their nephew itlr,• Hersori Irwin,
having a month's holidays ri�wv. Mr, Lewis hone of London, spent
(J.ew.) albs. Stewart and Children
f Roelc wood `s int last week at the the week -end with' his mother here.
° p, Miss Irene and Roy Cunning -torn
]tome of `.Mr. and 'iV'La,s ,Mac Ross and
• who have been visiting with liar, ;arid
other friends s, this d o i Mrs. Joe Chamneyreturned to Tor-
Mr. and Mrs, David Scobic and sin. Ditto on Saturda, Miss Margaret
of Lucknow are visiting at the manse.
Miss VvinnifredJohnston oI:'Luck-'' Cutinungton accoinpaniect them and
will spend' a week in 'T oronto.
now is visiting with Miss IvliIclr.d; n r rs.' 'John Mason and cliil-
Mr: and . J
dren spent Monday at the . Sea -forth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggait- and Reunion
children of Illuevale visited with her
Mr. Mitten McT3urrtey of 'Windsor
parents here on Sunday. • peat: the week -olid at his home hc,:e.
Miss Greta Fox of Wiiigham is Mr• Wilfred Reid has purchased' al
spending her holidays at her 'horse new Vord Sedan.
• Miss 'Nina Currie of Fort 'William
Miss Lavi to Carrick. of VVinghartr. and Miss Rhea Currie. of Detroit;` are
spent Sunday her parents'. here. visiting with their parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Slawson, Mr. Maynard and Mrs. John T. C'u'rie,
Miss Addie .Ross spent -Sunday at the Miss Georgina Lockhart of Auburn,
latter"s home here. Miss Kathleen is visa -ting with her atint, Mrs. Her-
Terriff and Miss Flora Ross returned son Irwin,
with thein on Monday to Toronto.
Missr can Moore of Palmerston is
r' 't' itt tale homes of her uncles;
'Miss Edna Lincoln ,was 'a wveck-cud
visitor -with Miss Jean Wilton.
Mr, •a td Mrs, Win:`Mines "were vis-
itors on Sunday at the home of Mt,
and Mrs. David •preen,'
Iver. and. Mrs'. John' Metcalfe, Miss
Annie, Herman, aud''Arno,'also Dave
Eadie motored to Pt.: Stanley qn Satur
, day where they spent the week;cnd
lwith friends there.
Mrs. Ross of J3rucefield' was a . Vis
itor with, Mrs.
. Wm. Haugh on the
'9th line,
Mrs. Aitken, and daughter rn
Mai^y, are visiting with ' friends in
IMrs,, Oliver Stokes, entertained` a
,. nn n'- girls til'-
fLwv of the Glcna o gi s at a cat t
Messrs. Arthur and T. H. Moore, : About 34 members of the Tceswva-
ter ilreaclt. of the Womens.Institute.
�7iss, lJorolhy J•Tutcltisori of` Wing-
liana is visiting with Miss l.atira Corin. and their friends wire entertained by
The eight daughters of :Mt. .and the, Belmore ladies in the Community
Mrs r • . wi their families . 1 tall Saturday eftaruben �'t,'sp1enclid
,.iia l�'Iar.(:xret,oi, with t 1 3
were all at hereto here over :Sunday,; program Was given by: the Teeswater
: is. T. H. 'Moor{.,: people which was Much enjoyed. rk
Mrs: �•iac Ross, :�I l 1
Mrs, 'Moffatt, Mrs. Hlenderson, or dainty luncheon was '. served which
1;ucknou Miss jean MacGregor and brought a pleasant afternoon to a
Mrs, Shawtiof Toronto, Mrs,' •ltuys�yL l '.loci•.
of Waul'rausltcne and Miss Millie 14c Mr. and Mrs, Rev, McKenzie, the:..
Gregor Of Toronto. 'Misses Acnes and -Helen Rrithcrforrl,
Mies Tana McPhail of'Toronto vi:, - motored to Listowel Sattircla.y to 'vis -
i d itlt: Miss Jean 'MacGregor otitis friends over Sunday. •
nig bee one afternoon last week,
Little Jack Miller from thesouth of
Turoberry, spent his holidays witln,his
punt Mrs. Wm. Breckenridge...
Little Mildred Stewart of Howick
is visiting with her • cousin Master
Stewart Jeffrey.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Osborne . of
Pt. Huron and Mr. and Mi.•s, Roben-
son of Detroit were visitorsat their
Stmdtty, f " Mies Agnes Darling, James' and Mr. cousins, Mr. David Jewett, for a few
Miss I'hronia Grc.nache of Tecswat- and Mrs. John Darling visited with x days during last week,
T i Bras Aitken and family of i Miss: Mary Jewett of Shelbrebk,
er visited at the home of Mr, and iVtrs;,�,irs. 10 A y , , ,
Andrew, Fox on Sunday. • , Walkerto.. Sunday. ' Sask., is visiting her coush i. Miss Cora
,George and faun Jewett.
Rev j. Ure Stewart Bruce teach, Mr, and Mrs. Herd
a � �
V �..ust
1.iOmIDoIOOOanmesas= nOP®U!
,YlinOo.cono sO o.carow1?somO®Oi
Regularly priced 75c, 85c, x.00.
August Clearance; 506 yd.
Pink Blue and Mauve Borders: .Full ;size
August Clearance 48c
Sky., Flesh, an ideal clothfor
undergarments. Regular price $x.75.
t Clearance' 1.':33
e air le' ends of two yards each,suit-
w s pY
able for the average familyx
:Per l®xxh.5
t 2 8 and 3.25
,Fide quality Nainsook Bloomers, good full
size and excellent quality, flesh shade only.
August Clearance 69c
The season's best values $1,.s5, .x.56,' 1.75.
August .c „Clearance 98c
st ,
5o inch Casement Cloth of fine even texture
colored border that will give excellent service reg
lar price 75c.
Y August Clearance 39c
A very desirable 'fabric for curtain 'drapes,
side curtains; etc., in good tan and blue shades, 36 l
inch tiwide. :'Regular price 5oe.
'August. :Clearance 25c is
S and
ascus .Sleeveless models in wool , silk and
wool and silk qualities Irian less than half price
q Y
. 69
August Clearanceh
Herringbones, Dongali aid Imported Tweed
excellent quality. and faultlessly tailored, full ran-
ge of s, q y
izes, r
ce 19.80
ave '.goo
'1 001
1, - $1 LIST ,'�
.�a 7
Men's 1 tl�i� �� '�.cle n
'�' el o �
' `35.�Q s
bra ever, 'SL�t of oixr �I��h �� _. .�
lens 0i' Silk al :d'hair. the s't i es; ;ailorecl ir'l:the most approved styles, we will
� 11
class . .
S '!r
t p
�0 CarJ:T10
et eI` Cl
e� 11� ��'7,�0 11.
add make 9m.oriey easier.
Wool sox at c,.
,a Off
e1" : �
WOol Sox t 39c.
wool. Sox a1 48c
NNN 111111110111111
a� �r
moo no