HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-08-07, Page 5;
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; „ „ • ‘11/ (S,3,atrigtst 'Steal;i1ig Behmiller, '
.:pne 'Mats
, • , ,
to but 2.30 on e5undaY 1110221111g,
so Jease Gledhill, of Beiintiller, who owns
'gs, . , ,
gel a wooletx mill, stirprised two tnen wile'
iim were trying to steal woolen goOds
si strith the aid of a trecle, ,
INI .sid'" '1„'-',•• ,
. ssecstree a . este, cete • s . , 4:N, ;4 44,14 ' :i-:, ' t. 40; 44,14 Rd to g'et away, but otie of tlieni, Bevitt
ki When discOvered they- made a braids
PSI, ' . -.,eletic ccitc,:..wqmi,
al shonlder, which halted isix,
ii The lath-
ile Lielte, `received. a bullet in, the nig,ht
(C)N FOR ANOTHER WEEK 11; sw er man got away,
•••''''fii:: II From information given by Lisice
IN- c
••••• cm • .cc • • •••,'• c. • c ,c
• at Atiiie•cre4nestofmany cnstoniers clo eittend cour7Summer.' Sale, we ofi
—mcc. •••• •••• • . • c 'c • • 61
. -have deCided to continue to Self .goOds 'Ira alit. , el)carliments • c.
ccc::•• Nu' c- cc• •••c•c; , • c• • `-c• • •• • • c'c • • • ' • • 111
• at Cut PricOs until .
lie was ,apprebended in. Mitchell on
Monday iniperning, hia name being
witheld. Lishe was brought Gode-
richt jail, where he received medical at-
tention. He appeared before the nos,
lice magrattate on IVIonclay and was
rema-nclecl 1.111 next. Saturday.
Mr, Gledhill had on different occa-
, 1,04 , • 11 sions, missed matdrial from Ins fa.
tory and had been on the watch for
atur Ay, ugus
further, attempts.
The town of Mitchell has just paas-
ed a bylaw granting •Sx5000 guaran:
ver se will be c rried out to the letter and
m many Imes of Summer Goods still further reduced FORDYCE
'tee bonds to this gentleman, Ite to
start a woollen naill in the town
a'All lines qfVoilesCrepes Ratines now on sale
• e -at, a, savtng of from 25 to:35 per cent,
, ,
••• Groceryepf.
fcrc •
• c :Of bargaiti—x 'cake -Sunlight Soap, I box.
'Rinso, x cake LifebuaY Soap, x box Lux
• '11/1 all for -• g ' • • •25C
•, ' Monarch Blend Black or Mixed Tea . ..... . . .• ...
Choice Coco; per lb. .. . .. ...se__ ...... . ... . . .. . . . .......... roc
' Yeast Cakes - '•6c
• '2 lbs. Seedless Raisins. for •
Chipso"per bo
,-Laundry Starch .. • '
•-r•i'ds, ms, Io Bars Laundry 'Soap 6°5:
,„, im • ' ,Borden's Condensed IVIilk• •
• 2 Shredded Wheat 29c
„ ' cCorn Starch for • Dec
er• Corn Flakesper package toe
ss•Boots :4noLl' Shoes
,Men's Boots of good quality broken lines to clear
• 1111 io per cent. off all lines of Men's, Boys', Women's
a• and Children's Shoes.
wit 'Fleet Foot Canva,s Shoes at a Big Saving.
. or,•
N House 'Furnishings
•m ▪ Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton, Axminster and Con -
c goleunt Rugs on sale at ...... -.-20 per cent. off
Miss Winnifred Haines is at pre-
sent visiting at Zion and,Laschnow for
a few days. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Beggar also Mise Pate
terson and' others cif Hamilton sPent
,the week -end visiting at 11Ir. E. and E,
1,, dies" Wer
A few ends of Gingliams to clear .• . • .. •-• . ... • .. • .
Io pieces Fancy Dress Voiles now , 39c
rats yards pure Linen ToWelling only .. ...
2 pieces Table Line (2, yards wide) 1.29
5 ends English Ginghams now , „...25c ,
50 pairs Chamoisette Gloves to clear 25c
_Ladies' Night Gowns (Longcloth) 8 IIIII
Ladies' Hose, on gale at ..... _25c, 30e, 39c, 49c, 69c
Corsets to clear at 98c, x.19, 1.69, 1.95 Ng
Radio Silk Crepe $2.00, sale 1.50 Mil
Sport Flannel, 54 in. wide, sale • I.50
20 per cent. discount off Dress Goods, Silk •
• and Velvets •
$r2.95) 24.75, 28.95, 19.75 IN
Boys' Suits reduced to $5.75, 6.95, 7.75, 8.go
Men's Work Shirts reduced to 98c •El
Men's Fancy Pattern Dress Shirts 98c •151
Men's Silk Ties now _ 39c gg
Men 'S Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 5oc
Men's Blue Striped Ovei-alts 1.39
. Boys' Wash Waists now
Boys' Navy or.Brown Jerseys
Boys' Strong Bloornera, vie
Men's Braces on sale at •
Raincoats at Bargain Prices'
• Men's Wear
Clearance of Men's and Boys' Suits at greatly re-
duced prices. Men's Suits now on sale at
soc BE
1.35 taide
35c 'ad
6-95, 8.75, 9.75
To the Editur av the Advance-Toimes,
• Deer Sur —
This isMonday afthe•noon an ay
caorse I can't tell yit how the vote
on the by-law will go, but I fink I hey
it d.efated, . as •I said I wud, .wid the
Ilte ay frind Jatge Shpotton, I
, wus at the maytnnon Fronlay noight
- but rnebby betther not, minshun it.
Shure tis a great toime intoirely we
• do, be havin at our house, an the miss-
• us is so ixceitect she can't shlape
• norghts, an the wurrule that wumman
goes throo in a day wud. bate a girrul
• av twinty foive, arr a shtrong man:
,such, washin, an shcrubbin, an clayn-
in, an paperin paintin as ye nivir
• saw, an all because we ixpict them
da-Aers av ours to he home from 'Al-
. berta this wake, wid theer childer. It
is: no use trosda to slitop the missus
whin she gits dehtartect "D'ye tink,"
she sez, "that I am gain to hey thin]
:girrels come home an foind us up to
&sr eyes in dirt. belave I thud hey
new curtains fer the bid rooma,".
'she, man if ye hey cash' to shpare I
• sink I Will go .down to Jawn Hanna'e
• sale an buy thins," she sez, Av
coorse I handed out • the money, an
that is wheer she is at the prisint min-
• nit. 'Tis eslazed I shall be etiesilf to
• see the girrids an me grandchilder,
a, but I do be kapin me feelins undher
•:conthrol, so to shpake, but 'tis dif-
,• frant 'add the misses. 'Tis the shwate
tongue ahe has in her head these days
ye.w, ud tink- wus the kieg av Eng-
• land, arr Mishter Meighen arr Mish-
ter Fergitson the way she talks to ir,c.
me man;" she sez, 'I tink ye
bad betther go .down to Torn Mc-
Donald's csanitorytim an git yer hair
;. ,an _Whiskers thrhrimed, an ye betther
shtep „into, the shtore an buy yersilf
a new nicktoy and a rabbet collar arr
• two, • an ye slitid clane yer nails, an
• Pare yer earns an give yer nick a good
wash,fer I don't want the girrals to
• tit* I am allowin ye to git careles• s
, yer ould age" she sez. `Reinimber
, the Chautatiqua mieytins • will shtart
4thia wake,"' sez slide "an ye will hey
to be. takin Ise tie tidal,. an I want ye
to Ink as Well as ye can, which is
• nothin to: brag' about at allay tonne,
• btit whin ye cgit •yersilf ahlicked up ye
,are•not so had att betther than havin
to nian to go, out wid, at all, at ail,"
about the naytist complimint •the
iyh paid me in het loife; at
• laist ,since we wtis married. If she
' tought she had the. foinest man in the
• '•wntruld `She wuddent be afther sayin
sti fee. fear av shpoilin him,
• Shpakin ,av tlie Chautatigaa tink
• iVirYbody shud buy a saygon titkit
• an attind all the Maytins, At furaht
'• I purtinded 'did.t't want to go, 308t
to et the 111148$1,1.$ shtarted, ter leneW
• site WuS shttedig 'ter iviryting ass a
„cc .11t hers., ry naldiPe
k`ls at ;Watt to bny 'tiekets, fer the
''clIkiitatiattal",•She sezy koltiet av
icn4nc • rt annyway?' • 'D'ye isca.
,tat giinalPyet'ieddicatiati raP
' ,tliric,AYtort's.:,,eateirog itt:1•6.0kitt at the
.•'101etencS .
'••• ,• e • , , ,, • ,
• • ' • •
MM M .1:1MM
^ T15.4,77.1.730CMLLIGAIMMICi=ariMUMMOMM=CZEMIMMathAl=41,21,,CM:P.1
1 Jeff ?" ••
1 "All roighte missus," sez, "ye bet -
lacer buy foor tichits frum the fursht
kiddie that comes along senile' thitri."
"I moight as well tell ye fursht as
lasht I suppose" sez she, "that poor
Katie will not be afthef 'attindin the
'thaytins only ia the avinins, an thins
wan ay, us will hey to shtay at home
to look afther the el -alder, so it is on-
ly tree tickits we will be naYdin.
Wan rayson Katie is comin home at
toime is so she kin have,
proper attinshun in the Wingham
• Av coorse this was all' news to me,
fer the missusnivir tells me iyityting
she knows, fer fear shud be worryin.
Posht Sheripta-jarge Shpotton an
mesilf defayted the by-law, jist as
tould ye we wud. We make a slitrong
tame whin we git goin.
?OM'S till nixt wake
Timcithy Hay.
Miss Grace Coultess of Listowel is
spending a couple of weeks. With relaa
tives here. •
Mr. Harvey Messer of Toronto
spent the week -end with his 'patents.
Mr. F. Timmins of Toronto spent a
few days with friends around here.
Mr. Cameron McDonald of Elk
Lake is home for a few weeks
Messrs. Hammond & MacEwen re-
ceived a tar of screening this week,
they are feeding a large number OS
hogs this summer. • ,
Mr, and Mrs. y, Donglaas of Tor-
onto are visiting with the tatters mo-
ther, Mts. 'R. N. Duff, .
Mi•a• and' Mrs. Chas. H. Garniss
spent the week -end at West Lome.
Mr. and Mrs, John Quinn, Mr. and
Mrs, Geo. Quinn and Mr, Fred Quinn;
of Ingersoll, spent Sunday with Mi.
and Mrs, Wm. Thornton. •
Mrs, T. McKinney of Toronto, is
visiting, old friends here Otis Week.
. Mid P. F. Sirielair and Mr:- E.Isester
of Toronto spent the weeksead at the
home Of Mra. M, Sanderson.
Mr. Glen Garniss is Spending' it
few Weeks with sister 'Weat
Lorne, ,
,Mie and Mrs, Geo. Harris, son and
daughter, Mrs. Hooper and Mt. •Geo.
Russell,:411 of Ingersoll, spent a few
days here this week and attended, the
funeral ' of the late S. Thornton at
Witigharn on Sunday.
Mies Mary yewi:tt Shellbrook,
Sasha Is Spending ,few weeks With
relativeS here,
:Mr.' Shaw,. Bernice
Shaw's' Mr. and. Mrs. Erskine of Tor-
onto spent Sundayat Formosa, '
.R.ev, and Mrs.' West, of DU -ovine are
visiting old friends here; he taking the
aeriticeS ,here for Sunday alSo Will take
services; next Sunday. • •
•Urs. 'Frank .Tate of Stayner ts
spending Vacation' with her paretits
at the, Manse.
•Mr. • and Mrs., Wesley cledggatCateent
Satiday at Whiteeliurch,,
siottvlit vatm-M, ,p -Te .
spent the week end with relatives
Mr. Henry Mailers is laid up with
several broken ribs, while loading hay
he had the misfortune to fall off a
load, we hope he will soon be o. k.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Gray of Dun-
ville speut a few days here this week.
Miss Pearl 1VIathers is visting rela-
tives Whitechurch this week, •
Farmers are busy cutting fall wheat
this week. It is an excellent crop,
oats and roots also are looking well.
The motor weeder was up the C, N.
R. line this week It is in charge of
Mr. Alex. Elliott of Durham.
Mr, John Underwood returned to
Saskatoon this week. after spending
the past few weeks with • relatives
around here.
Dr. and Mrs. Coultess of Philadel-
phia, are home for a couple of weeks
The many friends of Mrs. Patterson
will bitpleasedto learn she is now
tnaldrig scethy gain, and Wope she will
soon be well again. ''eeel ••d
Revs Mr, 'West a fofiner pastor, bit
eupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. '
The Bluevale' Branch of the Wo -
mens Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Hetherington, ist. line
of Morris, on Thursday afternoon.
August x4th. Miss Hetherington will
speak on "The New Canadian" and
Miss Mary Stewart will take up
school sports.
Mr. and Mrs. F, Garniss • and
Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Scott, and Miss
Olive Scott spent Sunday with friends
iri Seaforth.
• Mr. and Mrs. Douglas of Toronto,
are visiting with Mrs, Duff.
Mrs. H. Diment spent a few days in
the village.
Mra. Jas. P. Scott returned to her'
home in West Lorne, accompanied by
her brother Glenn Garniss.
We are glad to. say Louie Patton is
able to be around again after her vegy
serious Moose,
Saved from Drowning '
J, Ashby of Detroit and Hovvard.
Green of Southampton, two young
Men, had a narrody escape from
drowning 011 Friday evening when
their canoe upset on the lake about
two hundred yards from shore, Their
calls for help was heard and they were
rescued -11 cottagers who tushed with
boats ''to their assistance, „
Dreiwned .in Water Trough
Helen Marion. two-year-old daugh-
ter of Mr, and 'Mrs. Richard Hodge
of the eight emicession, Bruce Town-
ship, was drowned in a water trough
at her hone, on Thursday. 'The lit-
tle girl had left the house only it few
minutes before, and when, her fath-
er went to look for, he found the
ehild lying face downward, in the wat-
er trough. at ,oe pumpbouse, 'about
ba,ifway between tlie house • and the
• '1
J. Haines: •
' Mr..James Martin and Mr. • -John
Champion motored to London and
spent the week -ed there. •
Glad to hear that William Webster
who has not been well of late is im-
proving nicely.
• Some have finished haying, others
cutting wheat, all report good croin,
around here.
Mr. Peter Leaver pulled a stalk of
sweet clover on high land that meas-
ured 8 ft., to inches, a fair height.
Mr. lifiles McMillan has finished
Mr. E. Haines hay, he drew in te ac-
res with his gang of mea in 2 days.
Mr, James S. Marie done the cutting,
it takes the gang to do work quick,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Havins and family
also Mr. Harry Champion of Zion vis-
ited at Fordyce on Sunday last.
• We think by the agnount of tourists
that are enjoying themselves at-athe
river in Mr. Peter Leaver's grove,
that the people should errect some
cottages and also a pavillion for their
accomodation, look it over people.
We presume Mr. Beckler has fin-
ished drawing logs from Mr, Elliotts
near Whitechurch, as the two trucks
have ceased coming.
Promotion repent of S. S, No. tr,
Turnberry (names in Order of merit.)
Sr. IV—Margaret Pullen.
Jr, IV—Jean Orvis, Hazel Wilson,
Henry Finley, Harry MeWell, Mary
Pullen, Ivy Cruikshank, Alvin Pct -
Sr. Phippen, Velma Or-
vis,'Bernice Wright, Georgina Pullen,
Jim Cruikshank, Gladys Welsh.
Jr. III --Doris Holloway, Carl Hart,
Orville Welsh, Eva Dickson, Arno1d
Dennis, Garfield Finley.
Sr, II—Maclyn Groves, Gladys
Newell, Viola Phippen, Thelma Phip-
jr, 1I-3.gary Orvis, Mildted Phip-
pen, Howard Baker.
Arline Baker, Beth Holloway, Lillian
Groves, Reg. Wilson, Fred Finley:.
Sr. tan—Marion-RobertsonnaMaud
Kerr, Bell Thompson, Fred Horite,
Alvin Hart; Annie Dennis, Agnes Ne
well, Arthur McEwen, Austin Thomp-
son. ,
• Jr. Ise—Gertrude Kicks, Lillian Ba-
ker, Pearl Finley, Ted Holloway, Ev-
ans Wilson
. Sr, Pr. --Jim Netterfield, Harry Bai-
ley, Nora Newell, Marguerite .Phippen.
R. C. MacLean, teacher.
The Late Mrs. Jaines S. Holmes
Another of the early pioneers of
Perth County passed away at .an ear-
ly hotirlaat Saturday morning iii •the
person of Margaret MeGillawee, wife
of James S. Holmes, . of 89 Daly,
avenue, Stratford.' She was in her'
77th year and although in pbor health
foe a considerable period had been
confined to bed oely •a few days. Mrs.
Holmes was born in Beplawrea, perild
alto?. Seatland and wlie brought, to
thj nntry whdTj.i f�ui yiiiWs'tiJ ag-e:
'by her late patents Jahn and Cathar-
ine McGillaevee,, Who located in Elrea,
township, near Donegal. F'ollowing.
datee marriage to James S. Holines, site
teak up her residence in Morning -
ton township, In 1922„ she with tier
husband mid daughter Catherine rak-
ed to Daly Avenue. FrOM her kindly
and sympathetic ' interest in others
and the patience with which she bore
tier affliction, • (as she was almost
blind), she was a general favorite
among those who knew her. The late
'Mrs. Holmes was a member of the
Anglican church. Besides lier aged
husband, six sons and four daughters
are left to •mourn the loss of a kind
and loving mother, William, Downie,
John, James arid Alfred, Stratford:
Archibald and Alexander of Morning -
toe, the latter of which resides on. the
old homestead; Catherine. at home;
Mrs, Edith Spencer, Milverton; Mns.
Itargaret Sippel, Hammond, Ca1.4 and
Mrs. Eldred Nichol, Bluevalee also 24
grand -children and three great grand-
children. Archie McGillawee of Mil-
verton is a brother ,and Mrs. Allison,
of Listowel, a sister.—Stratford Bea -
cot Herald,
• The funeral left her late residence
Daly Ave., Monday jaly 28th., at 3
o'clock. Services at the house were
conducted a half hour eat -her by Rev,
MacDonnell of St, Paul's Anglican
Church and Rev. T. B. Howard of
Listowel a former of Trinity Church,
Elma of which church she was a
meinber before 'coming to Stratford.
During the service two grand-cbildren
'Miss Adessa arid Mr, Wendell. Hol-
mes, sang "Oh Mottling Land,”. She
was borne to her last rating place ty
her six saes, ••
The funeral' was largely ' attended
by her friends, many from her former
home, as well as relatives from it die,
twice.• •
ThOManY beautiful floral tributes
testified the esteem lit which•she was
* ,* •
• VOILES Site YD.--Martsr deslgns and 'patterns, of
, Voiles in light and darldgrOnnidS, 38 and 40
'regular $1,,OO,' sPodal . . 60.0 YO*1
WAIST ••Ei\,9':')&'slo-.2croi.i Waist, End's P'.226:22;ed
• • ready to make, reg. $x.50, Special. yard
• LINEN TOWELLING gee—Pure all Iii•ten hand
In• towelling, good weight, Red and Blue and gtriPed
IN border, regular, 25e, special yard
MI DRESSES $9AND $145 — Ladies' Gingham
ra Dresses at greatly redticed prices, IViauve; Blue,
11 • Pink, Green and Black reg $3,50 at 2.45
J. A. MILLS' - Ph
=ER meal; Ramo
PA1,4,01.1.091 , IR,0;61.r<r,IPOP4.11.4.5,!,1015.4.6.04r1Vrr.44.000,:
LADIES'''VESTS 390—Fine Volccton vePts., si
and no'51aev6s and G orrify Cit styles, big ,Nralvto.,
500 and doc, Special
SATINETTE 13LOO1VIERS Sx.25—Ida4ies' )31,30.
rners in T'inle, Mauve, open, 171/bito, Rase, regu-
lar value $2,00, Special . . .. . pain '
DIMITY BLOOMERS 59c--Latliee' fine eqttos
• diniftY bloomers in Pith, White, Mauve and. gaud
regnlar sac,' Special . .. pair
8 t
iLic 7k0, sE, 95c __, Nfonarcb 1,(22/.: trand' 1.a004022a
1-,ady Sil1-Icsse in a
plain nd fancy ',siped ll he
ialat . ..s,es... .... . . . . . ... . . .e...„.,...,....9sc pair
le. -test shades, regular values $I.25 and s.5o, Spec,
ne89.- I
' •,,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher and
daughter'Iva, spent a few days last
week with friends at Ingersoll and
Woodstock, •
Mrs. John. Gowdy spent a few days
recently with friends at London.
Mrs. Alex. Bryans of Toronto visit-
ed at the home of her brother Mr. A.
E. Gallaher last week.
Mr..and Mrs. Richard Palmer visit-
ed friends at Brussels last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, David Ferrier from
near St. Helens called on Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Palmer last Sunday.
Miss Gladys Weir spent a few days
last week with lier grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs, John Bush of V\Troxeter,
Mi. McKay and family of Detfoit
are visitors at thee home Of Mr. Ro-
bert McKay.
Mrs. Boyd and daughters of Chi-
cago are visiting Mr. and:Mrs. Rich-
ard Adam's.
Mrs. fames Huckstop, is with her
brother, Mr, • Charles Campbell of
Morris 'who was injured in the auto
acc c n as weed
Mr. • and Mrs, Thomas Poulton: ef
Cleveland,' are renewing old acquaint-
ances this week.
Rey. Walter McLean and family of
Thamesville, are spetding part of their
vacation with Mrs. Elder. •
• The case against, Mr. Jaines Mc -
Murchie for dr•iving a car while in-toci-
cated came un for hearing on Monday
and was dismissed. ,
Mr, Editor,
Dear Sir
In last week's issue of the "Ad-
vance Times' I notice in Mr.! A. j.
Snell's "Bath to Scenes of Boyhood'
he mentioned the fact of my father
forgetting the day of the week and
going to town on Sunday. Now
while Mr. 'Snell has a good memory
he had forgotten, that the instance he
referred to was not my father but
Mr. Jas. Little, or more familiarly
known as Jimmie Little from whom
my sfather bought the farm.
,Mr. Little was a local preacher and
was supposed to preach that day, but
onnot appearing Was called on and
found him going to town with a grist
of wheat, while his wife was baking)
bread at home.
Yours truly,
Amos Tipling.
Miss Annie McKinnon and her, mo-
ther, Visited friends in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Kehoe of Wing -
ham called on Lucknow friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Irving spent a
day at Seaforth Old Boys Reunion
Rer',. D. L. McKerroll and Mrs.
MdKat,011 :were y,rel‘c2pie yisitors, to
town, . REV.- '2cl:terror .cOrtatictea
§ervices ilt the Ptesbyterian Church
both morning and evening on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Murdie are at-
tending Seaforth Old Boys this week.
• Miss Nina Currie of Pt. Arthur,
:who attended the summer school at
.London is 'home visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Currie before tak-
ing her position as teacher at Nipe-
Miss - Rea : Currie of Detroit, is
spending three weeks vacation .at the
'home of Mr, and •Mrk J. T. Currie,
Mt. j. Elgin Currie -has retained 13
Toroato to attend British CoaventiOn
for the advancement of Science.
. . • ' BORN
Casemores--111 Wingliam General Hos
Pital, on Tuesday, August 5th, to
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Casemore, of
, Turnberry, a son, . •
Hughes—In Wingharn Getietal Hos-
pital, .on Tuesday, August 5th, to
Mr. and 1\./lit. Geo. :Hughes, Wing4
ham, a 'Son, •
Bluevale on Monday,
• July 215t., to Rev. T. C. and Mrs.
Wilkinson, a daughter. •
Mrs..' McWilliams attd daughter
Ruby, of Detroit spoilt last week with,
her cousin, Mrs. john Meter,
. „
Sales on the lEtteteaSe •
In the past two years our trade in
• Superior and Five Liliits flours for
• family use has doubled. Thi s goes to
show that these flours are equal to
any flour and better than most flotirs.
Superior is fast becoming famous; for
the large white loaf and surmises all
On the large .amount of bread turned
out ftom the amOunt of flour used.
Five Lthea has the same rcputatiOn.
iTliedlatest milling machinery, g,00d
lleis and the exclusive use Of No,
'Manitoba wheat in making these
flours are the reasons for keeping
these flours at the top for,quality,
• Wholesale price to tbe public on
both flour and feeds is our systeni.
• It will pay you to buy from us.
Howson & Howson, phone 20W.
Unique Baptismial Service
An event of unusual interest took
place on Friday evening last at the
home of Mr. aad Mrs. Stewart Proc-
tor, Morris Township, when the in -
fait sons of the three daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. John Imlay, viz: Chas.
Gordon, son of Mrs, Stewart Prod: -
tor (Alice), John Milton, son of Mrs,
Chas. Hopper (Florence), Alexander
Franklin Stark, son of Mrs. Frank
Stark (Myrtle) were baptized. Thc:
ceremony was performed by tlee Rev.
C. E. Cragg of Wingham, 'assisted by
the Rey.' W. 1-1. Morres of Belgrave,
in the presence of five of the grand-
parents, together with several othai
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Imlay are to
be congratelated In having three sash
daughters and grandsons.
Veterans Picnic
As announced in a previous issue
the Veterans Picnic at Bayfield
nesday August x3th., promises to be it
great success judging from the num-
ber of enquiries from all parts at the
The Clinton Kittle Band will be in
attendance and all, the Sports and
Baseball Matches have been arranged.
for by the Sports Committee. The
Secretary ;will be pleased to hear from
all intending- to come so that suitable
arangements may be made for their
convenience and each party will please
register on arrival at the park
Don't forget the date, Wednesday
August, 13t11.
Major R. R. Slao, R R. No, 2, Bay-
field, Chairman. Lt. -Col. 3. W. Shaw,
Clinton, Secretary.
'Humphrey -Wilson Re -Union s
In 1832 .the good ship Coluintaus
made its initial voyage across the At-
lantic from England. One of the fa -
rallies on board was Wm. Humphrey
and his wife Sarah Middleton; from
ElinSley, Yorkshire, With their two
little children, Wine aged 4 and Sarah
aged 2 years,. In r861 Wm. married
Elizabeth McGuire and settled on the
present littniphrey homestead just
east of St, Helens, Huron County.
This union was blessed with a falai,
ly of 9 children girls and 2 boys.
Someyears :earlier Sarah became the
wife of Mr. Robert Wilson. They
resided for a time near St. Helens,'
but for many years Pear Eden 'Mills.
'Halton County; • to them were born
11 children, 6 sons and 5 daughters,
Robert Wilson is still living With his
den nee2 EddetthWI
*i-7 1. • , , ,
iTiily now
on hit° the fifth generation numbers ,
over 200 persons. •
On July 25th about 70 members of
this large connection met at the
borne of 'Mr. Middleton Humphrey,
St. Helens, a most enjoyable time
was spent in games and reminisences.
Representation were present from To-
ronto, Guelph, Galt, Eden Mills,
Moorefield, Wingham, 13elgrave and
oilier points.
Died in Brussels
Last Saturday at ix a. al, the spirit
of John Watson took; its flight. He
had been in failing health for some
time and two mouths ago underwent
an operation for removal of a toe.
Despite all that could be done he con-
tinued to failathe end coining as stat-
ed. Mr, Watson was born in Port
Hope, Ontd in the year 2842, being the
eldest son of the late James and El-
izabeth Watson, When 12 years of
age he came with his father's family to
Morris Township, where they resided
Inc years on the fifth line. Mr. Wat-
son was marted twice, his first wife
being Miss Margaret Steveneon, by
whom be had one son, Milton, of Gor-
SOITle tittle after her decease and
42 years ago Miss Sasanta Young be-
came his life partner and survives al-
ong with 3 sons {Reg., Chatham;
Robt. A. Mortis township; and Stan-
ley, ))etroit,) and 4 daughters, (Mrs,
Wm, Mitchell, Grey' township; Mrs.
R, M Williams, St. Thornas; Mrs. D.
Lillian of Toronto) ..Lottie, another
daughter, passed away, 18 years age,
DeceaSed was Assessor of Morris for
37 years and was an enthusiastic
member of the Masonic, Ostler for 47
years and of the Orange Order for 67
years. 5,/years ago last May Mr. and
Mrs. Watson took up residence in
Brussels, disposing of the homestead,
on the 41h line, to Alex. R'ing. His
surviving brothers are W 11, R 1 ,
cliffe, Alberta, and Robert, Battle. •
ground, Wash. James died at ' • '
cardine. Mrs. Nelson Thornton ?Ad ,
Wm, Garniss, bdth of Bluevaielir '
are sisters of Mr. Watson. Funeral ,
took place Monday afternoon," an. av- ••''
propriate service being conducted 'is11:' •
St. John's church by Rev, Lewitt. ,
John's Masonic Lodge, took 'charge of
the burial, niembers attending in large^ •
nuiribers. Burial wals made In the fa- c '
mily plot at Sunshine cemetery, T.'
M., Dr. White delivering the charge ale ,e
the graveside. All the inembers of ' ,
family were here excepting Stanley, •
Mr. Watson was in hie 83rd years -a-- :s1
Brussels Post,
When jealousy gets busy hove take$'
a vacation.
With iheat long skirts thelappeasH •
lrae something to flap. , ' • ce
A truthful woman is as rare as: a :
crease in it fat inan's trousers, , • ;
If you hold. her hand, she may thin fo : ••
you foolish!
If you don't she Will wonder why' • c:
If you kiss her, she tna.y think you Lr.c,
If you don't she may think you sItes,v,.:
If you offer her a cigarette, she May, '
If youbit adtetnel'itt,lestili;e may think you cola •
sider her purntanical. •
If you tell her of the girls you have.
met., she may think you a' rounder
If you don't, she may think You'Lvas
had no experience. •
If you tell her she is the first'you've
laved, she may think you lie„
If you tell her she is the first yOu'vet
kissed, she will know you he
N'oicy what is a —rello—w to do?
o, •
Dressing for dinner is. one of the,
penalties of being rich enotigh:1 to call
supper, dinner.
Dine with flitet—and die With tlienn.
The woman whOsaya she' is going
bobbed10 have hcr hait , it; the
husband who says be is going to raise,:
whiskersas a result, doesn't.
Early to bed and early to rise, "wad
you'll always look awkward in evens- .
ing elofhes, '
—0— •
Some folks like garlic •
Every day.
We like those people
Miles away!
Arany a man. makes a strenuous ef-
fort to recognize his duty so that he.
will be in a position to dodge it,
It seems *a long time since every •
thing has been arrested for stealing as
The wild soii may go to the
but the nice one may remain at homts •
and learn to pla3r the saxophone.
Political platform are not wholtr •
neglected. Proof readers road therm, •'
Rumor has it that Adam originated.
the famous soug: "How Can 1 Leasree "
Vour old bit hat died Iaat
proclaims a clothier's ad, Poi. thcet ,
past two weeks tile winter to place '
formerly belonging to a Wingharrit •,•
nian has reposed on theba ek porch
where:it serves as a sleeping Place for , ,
the. cat, . •'
• —0---
ty the time we get most al tho,,
things wc have always wanted, sotrriccc-
0110 Sit3S, 10, POVO,„
, , . • , „: , , , ,• „