HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-24, Page 5'�"ht1�•�da���: �'
+T^rtlnw.,"+,Y•yrywM,�rI,iFWa"`YH,�rtnY'„'r�, T�'T ._„_
11l silfirdieei:flieenewillemmmuel 1I ecum1ImlIIewm, gm. e111101111 I1 1111
111101111111111 111
oven" crowded lin soitop lades and••oi' 'er lneam ate
Specist1 ReellIcsd Pricesto dean
Screen Doors and
Windows at Spe-
cial prices
$3.00 .doors $2.45
$3,75 .doore $3"d5
$4.25 dbors $3.75
Reg. soc for 44c
Reg: "6oc 'for 48c
REG, $1i75 for $x.25
quantity of ".Paint, Colors •Blue,
Brown, Slate,: Green,.•
i Red, ,per •q4. ' ...,.......__. . C ®i
Betty's regular 75c �9, NALL SPECIAL -Handy Pack .E
age assorted Nails 25t
6 lb
High Grade Floor Wax_
guaranteed per tin..........C _ -
stops Linoleuixis, Varn-
'isle per qt•
iglu School Entrance, West is
Total nomber of roai•ks obtainable
75o• :Marks nece's'sary to Pass 45o
with at Icast,40 per cent in, each sub-
ject; .first-class honors require 562
marks and; are marked (A.), Secorrcl.-
class honors require 52$ marks and
axe marked (B) For Exeter centres
(E), for iGoderrcla , centres (G), The
highest marks obtained in each 'sub-
'Sect follow:
Reading—Jean Ston 7Grace
Jowett 4t (G).
Snelling—A large nuntberof pupils
had no mistakes.
Writing -.:Blanche Rau 45 (T;),
Verna Sallows, Margaret Hussey .42
Literature ---=David: 'Wenger 92 (G),
H. Jennings, V, • Mooney 91 (L),
Composition--=Alea;. Addison 90 (G)
Lillian Baker18x (E).
Geogra ey-1Vard`Hern 93 (E), C.
Crawford, Colin Hunter 93 (G).
Arithmetic—Rosa Dearing,Minnie
Yehleiv (E) ''and Billy Webster (E),
History Verna Sallows 0 (G),
Walter I-tern.88 (E).
_ Grariiniar—Bessie Tobin (G), Elsie
'Thompson (E) 97.
Total --Alex. Addison (G) 645,
Muriel Howalct. 63o.
The marks of those, that failed are
being mailed to thein. 'Unsuccessful
.candidates . shall notify the Public
School -Inspector before the middle -of
August in appealing for reeonside:a-
tion of answer papers. •'
The certificates c res of successful cal-
'dilates will be sent' to the teacher or
secretary of the school••boarc1 about
At gust` loth
High• -school
entrance subjects of
Group I. will. be accepted as specified
:;Exam. Ptorni 14" fully filled in and
certified by' the teacher.' for 5925 as
in. 1924.
. Hensall
ea Reis* B t o
Bell, Milton
Boyle, -Irma .Higgins .(B), Avis Lin-
denfield Mildred lefeDonell (A); Mils
dred 'Sci•uton' (13), Thomas Simpson,
Jean, Stone (A).
St Helens
Eddie Grant, Stewart Levis ' A
Clia'rles., McQuillih. ( )
Cyril -Cornish '(B),"' $'quire` Herd
roan, Ward Hern (I3), Alma Hern
(13):tGilbert John (3), Kenneth Johns
Harry Murch:""
xlaz'el Bedard, Victoria ;Deichert,
Agnes Dietrich, Norman .Elaschaner,
Marcella- Farwell, Martha Heideman,
'V:eta I albfleisch (B),. Gladys.Metich.
William English, Edith Sweitzer
(B). "
Ruth Cole, Goldie Wheeler (B):
• Ashfield -
No, 1—Bert Crawford,. Melvin Dick-
son, Vesta Murray,• Clara Willis, Ver-
' Willis.
.:,•,,,No. 2 --Marie Courtney, . Rita Court-
ney •(B), Agdes Drennan, Gertrude
Foley- (A); Loretta' Myers (A), Get'--
trude O'Connor, Dorothy O'Neill (]3).
No: 3—Alice MacDonald. •
No. .4—Alan Finlayson, (B), Eliza-
beth MacDonald (A), Mabel'Macdon-
Clover 'Lea'f Cups and Saucers while- they' last...,.,.. .
" Be Earl as'S'onie Line* are i,inii,ted'
Ill 1 +!II)
ll 111E11 �111�1111N11111111 11I� II
1 i l
1011 III 11i�hlhlll�lll,Jll
@Hal IILwIkil{ Ev
IIl�llll111�111)3�111�1111�111 III Illrrg I
!H 1IIl
WNW 11411114111111111111118111K110 11111111
I IIE111I%i; IIIilIImlIIi1111 111: mm
WOW I,i„ 111E11 I ar1WNW
1111111¢d11mIIIGI7IIIHIIIIIErm U1u11ImulraIIIm11Ilrnla11s111 IIImagli
• Jahn Wright's: express office glad a
narrow escape from being destroyed
by.fire'on I?rl4ay.morning about 8.3o
n o'clock, while iYir,:Wright was absent
for a .short time.The flames were
getting" a good start when -it evas• no-
ticed and the door smashed in, and a
NI :trtucket brigade soon had the fire ex
tiaagteished ,
Cecil Somers, youngest . son of Ad-
am and Mrs. Somers well-known resi
denls',of the fifth line of Morris town
ship, died on Friday afternoon at; the
age o% 24 years. A couple of months
ago Mr, Somers was a big', strong,
fine -type of manhood.' 1 -le contract-
ed et severe cold which he :was unable.
' to 'fight off and which rapidly carried
him down. Tlie eSomersfamily were
residen831:of Brussels before moving
to Morris` -Township. Besides his par-
ents •he is survived by two brothers,
Mr. James Parr died at his home on
Alexander street on Friday afternoon.
He underwent an operation recently
from which lie never recovered, Be-
fore retiring and :moving to town he
was:, a resident of Grey Township
for a number of years. He was about
7o years .of age, He is survived by a
widow and grown-up family. , Mr.
Parr is well-known in Wingham,
where he is survived by several rent
ir'lr ..Andeew Shiells of I- ainillon
visiting' wi h s
his parontS,a Mr. and
Mrs; Robe. Shiells. • .
Mi', A.dain McBurney: of Murillo` is
home' here for his holidays.
Mr. Donald. Young of Gi'aiul 13crnl
spent' a few: days last weep, ..an••
hoe here. etrortant]•
Mt" Joe' Thompson 'of ,D
Miss' Ida Thompson of J'oronto are
visiting with relatives Isere.
Quite a nuinbei from here
ed ,the
ed';the Ford piciiieat Bayfielllast
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and
children ,of Seafoith ,spent Sunday,.
Mrs, ,Chos.'
with: her parents,; Mr, arid,
Mrs. Jas. Menzies went torder. ,ail
operation in Winghan1 Hospital for
stppendicltis on Satufday and is gett-
ing along nicely..
,Miss May McBurney and Miss•May
Shie11s spent a few days last weep in
Mr" Norman Wiglitinari and M.
john Argo; of�`i.oncioii spent the weep
-tend 'at the foriner's;'hotne' here, '
cones in Moe -
Mass I..ily Carr, 'I7ea
treal is :vi'siting with Miss Belie
Wighttnan this week.
Mr. and MrS, -Anderson' and Edna
and Winnie, also Miss Stella' Ander-
son of Torontovisited with Mr. and
Mrs. Elisha Walker on Sunday,
Mr, 'and Mrs. Jack Williamson of
WaItoii',:•spent Sunday. wgth Mr, and
Mrs. Wilfred Reid. -
Misses Clara and Elsie Perrie of
Listowel, :visited. at the longe of Mr.
Wrn. Wiglittnan for a;few days' last
week. a :
Mrs, Sprackrnan of London visited
with .Mrs:; Peterbeaver on Sunday,
Mrs. • Spraycicrixan's husband, died in
London 'from a stroke last week and
was buried in Bayfield on ~Saturday,
Misses Lila and Ella May James, of
Goderich are visiting with - Mrs. Jas.
Miss Pearl' Congram of Holyreod.
has been secured as teacher in S. S.
No. IT.
Mr. and Mrs, Yule arespending
their holidays with friends in Toronto
Chicago .and.Milwalkie...
Messrs, George Jordan and George
Cook motored to Sarnia for a coupe
of days last week, '
Mr, John Stewart spent a few days
in Toronto last week atf.,,the Masonic
1VLr;artd Mrs, .Kirkonnell of Mich,,
spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Armstrong,
Mrs. W. L. Brandon and two; `chil-
dren of Probesheli, Sask., are visiting
with Mr, and. ,'.^_`rs. J. A. Brandon- and
other, friends,
Miss'.Agnes Corbett : of town is
spendingher holidays with her par-
ents Mr.• and Mrs. W. Corbett.
]bliss 'Wm. liele of Toronto called
on. Mrs: Joe 'Brandon one day this
Mr. and Mrs,, Fred Topp of Toron-
to are visiting: with Charlie McDon-
agh of Maple 'Grove
Miss Ada Helm is visiting friends
in, London at present
r:s,Gardner's spent Friday ter„
M M. 1 ,„ y of
,tioon With Mrs. Sam Reid of Luck -
Mrs. ,Robt. Phillips of Lucknow,
Miss Rachel Phillips of Tiverton and
Miss Gaunt of Langside, spent Sunday
last at Mar, S. Reids of Maple Grove.
The W. M.-5, meets at Mrs" John
.Nelms of Zion on Friday afternoon.
Don't; forget the St, Helens ' Old
Boys and Girls., IRs -Union. at St, .1 -lel -
ens School trscafternoon,
ci , 5 00 on ,Thursday
July 24.th.
5 ---Dorothy Anderson' Jessie
Andrew, Harold' Gardner (A), Emma
McDonagh (A), Molly Pepper (A),
William Pepper, Alfred Ritchie; •
No. 6—Elsie Petrie.
No. 9—Leo' Clare, Margaret•:,'inlay,
Elmer Johnston (B).
to --Gladys Johnston, Ruth
Nos 12—JacksManteLennati, Vera
Robb. . ,b
"` No e3-3anies. ;Bowles (A), Melvin
Hackett -(B)
- No.: 56 -t --Robert McWhinney.
No. i7 -Ruth-' Black, Victor Black.
No. '2—Melvin Jones. -
'No. 3—Albert Taylor (B), Harrisot
Taylor (A).
Union"` No. '3-Cecila Phalen.
• No. 6 -Joseph Bell,
No. 8—Annie McDowell (A).
No. i; Alex. Robertson, Robeita
• No, I2 -Gertrude. Martin.
No,. 55, --Elwyn Chanxney, Hikliard'
N,Q ; 57—Llewllyn Culbert, Mary
' ' Hibbert �„ , , • -
No. y—Mae . Brintneil, Margaret,
Chappel,, William Dinnin (A), Win.
Kerslake. -
Hydro power was turned on at
Blyth on Friday and everything went
along without a hitch and most of the
citizens are mticli pleased especially
after being in darkness for the last
week. Every part of , the 'village is
now well lighted, There was no
ceremony in the turning On of the po-
wer; it came on about 2 o'clock and
with•a little adjustment, worked sat-
The. Boy Scouts, who have been in
camp on the Maitland` River about six
miles from here for the past nine
days, returned home on Thursday
thoroughly tanned, and report having
had a most enjoyable time. They held
aband, concert, one night, -at which
quite a number from town attended,
Rev. George 'Telford had "charge •of
the boys: and- fhey all 'vote hint a first;.
clads ;leader.
The Methodist and -Presbyterians
congregations are holding union ser••
vices for the next few . Sundays, the
one' minister remaining' here and' tak-
ing the work alternately. It is edu-
cating the people to unionism..
Mrs. Jos. Underwood is visiting
friends rte Howick:for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, P. D, King accoin
paniecl. by IVIr, and Mrs. ID, D. Fennell
of Manistique City, Mich, and other
friends from Fordwich and Idarriston,
motored to Hamilton, St. Catherines,
and Niagara Falls, Brantford and Kit-
chener, last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Leggatt, spent
Sunday at. Elora.
Mr. W. J Duff is not enjoying good
health we are sorry to say,
Miss IVIable C°&ultis of Toronto is
spending the holiday' at her ,home
p'WitlWmN W1YG JCk .7.VL• AP V',t"•#NVT TIMI
rMil'wWw . .rf�,MNY Yw4in _W '.`.'I
»:• -;
«•'N(:)1IC S, I?1tlsf3 CJ.
ur.sttan'S, to' Seuti 5ti, Cap; hall• of
1.110 PAivised ?Statutes of Ontario, tlittt
,ill 'persons I'tavipg elainxs • against. the
]+state of .isabi:1Ja1iLnry :( axntll ciI,-
deceased, who died On °A about.'
twelfth 'day of„Jjt ne A. 1), 19,x4 at:t1ie
Township of 1:tast'Wawanosh in 'the
Provinee of Ontario, are reclniied
send by post, prepaid, orto deliver to
R. Vanstone, 1Ninghame'Qinario, See
licitor for the. Exeetitors,'on or before
the eightectith day of August, A J,:1,
1924, their names' and addresses, wirh..
full particulars of their claims 10' writ-
xng; and the nature ;of. the securities
(if any) held by thelia duly -verified by
a sta'tuto'ry declaration. •
that after the said eighteenth day of
August, 5924, the assets of ° the said
estate will -b'e distributed by the •Ex-
ecutors among tthe . partiesentitled'
thereto, having rrgard only to the
claims of which •.•they shall then have
notice, and the estate will not he'1iT
able'for,'any chirps., not ]ilei] at the
titre of the said djstributionv''
DATED: at "WiIigham'this sixteenth
day of Ju11,f 'A. D, 5924.
R ilaaastone,
Wingham, P. 0.,
Solicito4 For 'th'e Executors,
pursuant to Section 56, Chap, 122 of
the Revised' Statute's of Ontario, that
all persons, having claims against the
Estate of lx'Iargaret i enderson, de
:ceased, wkio died'oii or abatit`ehe four-
th day of April, A. D. 1924, s1 ''the
Township of Morris in the 'Province
of .Ontario, are required to send by
ease prepaid; or to'deliver -to R.`.Van-'
one lingati Ouitar
io Solicitor
the Execuf ir, on or before the 'eigh-
teenth ditty of,•Augttst'A. D. 1924, their
names and addresses, with _full parti.
culars of their claims in writing, an 1
the nature of the securities (if any)
held by them duly verified by a sta-
tutoiy,.declaration. : '
that after the said eighteenth' day of
August, 1924, the assets of the said
estate will be distributed by the Ex-
ecutor ainong the . parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims-• of :which he shall then have
notice, and the estate will, not be.li-
:able for any claims not -filed at the
time of the said. distribution. •`:a
DATED at Wingham this twenty-.
second day of July, A. D. 1924.
R, ,Vanstone, '
Solicitor' for the Executor.
By -Law No. 937, 1924
For borrowing the sum of Twenty
five Thousand Dollars to b'uild:s and
erect an addition to the Wingham
High School and -equip same.
WHEREAS -the Wingham' High
Scliool-13oard has appried to the Coun-
cil of the Corporation of the Town of
Wingham for the sum of $25,000 for
the purpose .of ,'building and erecting
an addition to -'the Wingham High
School and equipping seine.
AND WHEREAS' it appears that
the said High• School should be en-
larged in order to provide the necess-
ary accommodation ' for the , pupils,
therefore it is deemed expedient to
grant.: the said :request
AND, WHEREAS it will- be nec-
essary .to issue debentures of the said
Corporation for the stun of $25,000
and that is the amount of the debt in-
tended to be created, the proceeds
of the said debentures to be applied to
the purpose aforesaid and to no other.
AND WHEREAS the amount of
the whole .rateable property of the
Municipality according to the; last re-
vised assessment roll is $1,152;089.
AND WHEREAS the amount of
the debenture debt of the Corporation
is $349.083.73 and no part of the prin-
.cipal or interest of wbiclt is. in arrear.
BE IT THEREFORE enacted by
the Municipal Council of the Corpora-
tion of-the
orpora-tion'of-the Town of Wingham:—
r. For the purpose mentioned in
the preamble there shall be borrowed
on the credit of the Corporation the
sum of Twenty-five . Thousand Doi -
lees, and debentures shall be issued
therefore on the instalment plan hi
sums of not less than one hundred
dollars each which shall have coupons
attached thereto for the payment of
the interest if desired _,.,,,<.,.
?, filte debentufes shall r tail 'b it
the same date and shall be - issued
within two years 'after the 'date on
which this by-law is passedandetra.y
bear any date within such two years
and shall be payable in twenty annual
instalments during the twenty years
next after the date when they shall be
issued and the amount payable in each
year shall be $2091.98.
3. The debentures and the interest
coupons, if any, shall: be signed and
issued by. the Mayor if any, and shall
also be signed by the Treasurer and
the debentures shall be sealed with
the seal of the Corporation.
4. The debentures shall bear inter-
est at the rate of five and one-half per
cent, per annum. '
5, During the currency of the de-
bentures 'there shall - be raised in each
year the amount of the instalment of
principal and interest payable in. that
year as set forth in the schedule at-
tithed to this by-law.
6. The debentures may contain
any provision for the registration of
them authorized by ° law:
7. This by-law shall take effect out
the day of the passing thereof, subject
totors, its being:. assented': to by the elee-
PASSED this 7th day, of July. A.D.,
W. H. Willis,` Mayor,
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
By -Law No. 8 24y a 93Y 94
A By -Lain to provide for taking the
votes of the electors on a proposed
By -raw entitled a By -Law for bor-
rowing the sum of Twenty-five Thous-
and Dollars to build and erect an ad-
dition to the Wingham High School
and equip sande.
Passed the 7th day of July, 7924,
WHEREAS it is desirable' that a
proposed By-law of the Cerpnr"ation
of the Town of Winf„h rn—entitled_a'
An Lines of um,n-ter
()oils Redue d Pr
House�reYses arid Aprons,: ” `dad �s and
Children's Undel7wear, Gownss and .. .
ergsHosieryin Silk, i.i�� and ���t�� Laces ane���xings, Barretts
Combs Voiles an R � tides Ging h<a �s and 'Goods,
.� � Y �. � �•, , Crepe,
Silk and Cotton, Colored Raw Silk, Fine Swiss Voiles;
Colored Voile Waists, Remnants; Half Price.
e s Hear
mi Men's Straw Hats, reg. 2.75 forMen's1.49 'and Boys'
Sulnner Underwear. .
Sox r
+� andTies at special prices....'Men's One Shirts, sizes 71.E �to,1 61....1 e�•x, .;;
Men's Summer Suits. , Khaki: Pants at 1.95.
.:,:.mom,..... -.I,
"B -law orr• . in e . stun Y b ow the u.. of
Twenty-five Thousand 'Dollars ' to
build and erect an addition to',the
Wingham - High School and equip
same," be submitted .to, the,. electors
for :their., a roval, and it.:'
5 pp , .-in as expedient
and necessary to pass, this By -Law
for thepurpose of enabling the elec,.
tors to vote on the proposed By -Law:
BE IT THEREFORE enacted by.
the Municipal Council 'of the Corpora-
tion of the Town of Wingham as fol-
ollows:-1'. The'.
votes of the electors of the
Corporation of the Town of Wing -
ham shall be 'taken on the said propos-
ed By-law on the 4th day of August,
A. D. 1924, between the hours of nine
o'clock in the forenoon and five
o'clock in •the afternoon at the fol-
lowing places, and by the Deputy Re;,
turning Officers and Poll Clerks, 1
Ward=, No. "'1 Polling sub -division
No; x, at Robertson5s.'garage, Edgar
Pattison, D. R. 0.. John McCool
Poll Clerk,
Ward No. 2 --Polling . sub -division'
No. 2, at Davidson's Implement Shop,.
John McCallum, D,R.O., Chas. Bow-
den, Poll Clerk.
Ward No. 3—Polling sub -division
No. 3, at Town Hall, Lloyd. Hingston,
D. R. O. R. J. Day, Poll Clerk.
Ward No.' 4—Polling sub -division
No. 4, at the Dominion Express Of-
fice, Thos. Garrett, D. R. 0„ J. W.
Dodd, Poll Clerk. -
Ward -'No.—Poilin sub -division
5 t;
No, -5, at 'A, Bell's residence, Arthur
Angus, D. R. 0., Thomas -Miller, Poll
'2.. On the 28th 'day of July A. D.
1924, at the hour of x0 o'clock in the
forenoon, the head of the Council of
the said Corporation or some mem-
ber of said Council appointed for that
purpose by resolution shall attend at
the Town Hall in the said Municipali-
ty for the purpose of appointing, and,
if requested''so todo, shallappoint by
writing signed by him two persons to
attend at, the final sunirning up, of the
vote's by the Clerk, and 'oie person to
attend at each polling place on behalf
of the persons interested in and pro-
moting the proposed By -Law, and a
like number on behalf of the persons
interested in and opposing the propos-
ed By -Law.
3. On the Fifth day of August; A.
D..1924, at the hour ofnfo o'clock; in
the forenoon, at the Town. Hall, in the
said Municipality the' Clerk of the said
Municipality shall attend and sum. •up
the votes given- fjr and against the
proposed By -Law. •
PASSED this 7th day of July A. D.
W. H, Willis, Mayor.
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
Take notice that the foregoing is a.
true copy of a proposed By-law of the
Corporation of the Toga of 'Wing -
lam to be submitted tovotes e, c, the t o i
the electors on the 4th day of Augusta;
1924.," .•
Anel that, ,if ;the assent of Elie ''elec-
tors is obtained to the : said '1.
paro 1
By-law it will be tlei into CGnSIdGr.
by the Municipal Council of the
said Corporation at a meeting there-
of to be held after the expiration o,'
one month from the date of the first
publication of this notice, and that
such first publication was made on. the
loth day of July, A, D.,, .5924.
Take notice further' that a tenaa :
who desires to vote upon said propos-
ed By-law must . deliver to the Cleiin
not later than the tenni day befo; n
the day appointed for taking the vote-
a declaration: under the Canada Fvi
deuce •Acct; that he is a tenant whose:
lease extends for the time for which:
the debt or Liability is to be created,.
or ' iPi which the money to be raised,
,by the proposed By -Law is payable, or :
for at least twenty-one years; and. that
he has by the lease 'covenafited to pay
all municipal taxes in• respect of the
property of which he is tenant, 'other,
than local .improvement rates.
Also take notice that By-law No.,
938 a true copy of which is shown.;
above, is the By-law providing for, the
taking of the votes of the electors,
-Dated and first published this loth.
day of July A. D. 1924. ester:
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
Winsome Maid Silk Hose $1.50
Children's Sox 25c
uine . . im Beach Suis at
Half rice
8 1.y
Of these great wearing Two Piece Summer Suits
in good grey and fawn shades, sizes' 36 . 38,
39, 40. Regular Price is $25.00.
This Week End on if r H Sale fa
_ .. _. ,.. a ,Price
27 Suits of Imported Tweeds, Herringbones and
Worsteds, light and medium sh, des of Tan
Grey and mixtures, tailored in the sea-
sons best sgyrles. Regularly priced
$25.00, 27.50, 32.50 and 35.00.
11 at ,«.la Spe cg , I Price 1,9.5
Outing Shirts _.M
Wool Bathing
ath n Suits� .,
Y as
Bbys Zihaki Knickers ---- g8c
111E111 11 a:IIIiWIII
111E111 1l1 IIINIIIIi111I41111BP11A1F1111,�'Ifll6fl'1(i '
lear ne
Gl, s
The balance of our $2.50, 3.00 and 3.50
lines, July Clearance your choice $1.88.
111 111 11111/111 11111 i11 III 11111111111111ii1WIIIIII11111011111111111 lllifl611I1111111111
T I I E i c' A GA, N
Silk W 1 Sox
invisible Braces
BlackC s a
Natural, Union Sox ...
Pure Silk Ties
..x.,ro, 2"00, 2,50 ;.
qualities all one price each„.../.ora
Leatherette Shopping Bags 690
Y II i1,:� ,,'i1
ll gp
Iu,'': 01