HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-24, Page 4, ',77-7;;;;;;;,;;171m,
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Thureday, July
urse tl ICES r
y itisratem
1;4 0
Jack. and Jill went up the Hill,
So beautiful and balmy,
Coming back they Icet the track,
And dropped into "THE ARMY"
als_ C. Raven
Drop in Yourself Next Sunday
At ix a. ne, and 7 p. m.
Special Meetings Led By
From S. A, College
U1llItl11181111111111111111111I1011111111111 111h1111 1111E111 111h111
Capt. Tatter
II lasellell111111111111111111111
'Wore cm are braver than inen, No . A '"burg" is a piece where everyone
man would dare try on $125 garments wonders who the preacher was hitta
if ,he had only I 5 Cents. 'mg at in the 'sermon. , • -
all a eal,
kut • T
ery ii an,p of
Lit rnobile
We also als
• Curtains a
re ir Trp Sides,
d Cushi son
rt notice.
Our Prices are Reasonable and we
give Promoki Service.
The Let,' di Shoe Store o
hone 129.
uron County
Wingham, Ont. 1'
, eatealoteeenest
.C1e a
t 5',„ It is worth while to deliver cream
direct to Creamery. If soc to soc
per can interests you as a-produc-
Get our prices before market ing elsewhere.
We are 110177 having hot weather,
8 AY
g At this time of year eggs deteri.
ate very quickly. We are .paying
highest pnce for quality eggs, it.
pay:s to look after eggs and sell on graded basis Bring your eggs
we grade them,
The United Fri
ers Co -Op. Co., Ltd.
0 tario
• Why Delay Installing that i
mk,„noi I5
A 51 ma,
. m
ais x
• Electric ange 14
a n
1 Hydro Power for Cooling is clean, sate, 1
economical and most convenient. ' 1
II Don't let the knockers make you believe that AA case of 1
i shortage of power your range would be cut off. an case of power IN
W shortage those evhoehave ratiges will be proieeted wad 11306 -la 14a0 1
• leant them will not he allowed to beaten theat. • •
e •
one it
Many people contemplate the' pur-
chase of a radio set:this Fall with the
idea that concerts and entertainment
are out of the question during the hot
weather- That each an idea is far
from being; correct, can eeadily be set-
tled by asking any radio fan, This
is the time of year to install the out-
fit as it is far mere comfortable and
convenieut to erect the outside aerial• .
when the weather is fine than when
wet and (told, Many outfits are near
being, marketed which • are supposed
to wark.successfully on an outside
aerial but it is conceded lua all ama-
teurs that for good reliable loud sig-
nals the outside aerial cannot be bea-
ten. The cash outlay for a good out-
side aerial need not exceed $5.00 for
the necessary wire arid • a reliable
lightning arrester, 13y all means in-
stall your receiver now and be ready
for the World' e Series and the thous-
and and one other interesting items
which appear daily over radio. "
A new tease has been invented in
England which promises to revolu-
tionize the radio industry. By the ad-
ditfon of another element to the
standard tube it is found that ito "11"
batteries are required., A special cir-
cuit is used and it is yet in the ex.
neremental stage. One good feature
would be that there would be fewer
burnt-out tubesas the high voltage
"13" battertes would be absent on such
a set.
One of the Chicago station announ-
ces that it will probalely broadcast the
trial of the two boys who recently
murdered another young chap.' Be-
fore going ahead with the prepara-
tions for broadcasting, the station is
asking for the opielons of listeners
on this .subject. Many have replied
so far and it is found that the division
of opinion is about equal.
A number of the radio publications
are already sounding warnings edi-
torially to the candidates for the Pre-
sidency of the United States. The
differences between the radio audi-
ence and the public platforai are
pointed out and the candidates arerad-
vised to prepare clean tut speeches
which go dieect to the point other-
wise they will not Vold their • radio
listeners who can readily turn to a
more interesting program.
Mr. and. Mrs. James Barbour and
son Elwin visited relatives at White-
church on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor visiteel
at Mr. McVitties Auburn on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. A, i-iavins and family
visited at Peter Leaver's one day ie-
Mr. and Mrs. W. al: Champion and
aolm atended the funeral of Mr.
Sprackman of London, whose remains
were interred he Bayfield on Friday
Mrs, Sprackman is at present visit-
ing relatives around Fordyce for a
few days.
Mr. John Champion and Charles
Leaver visited in Ripley, and Kincar-
dine on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Jamieson of
Toronto are at present visiting at Mr,
Daniel O'Callag,han's, for the week-
end ,
Mr. Joseph O'Callaghan is at pre-
sent visiting under the parental „roof.
If reports are true Mr, James Ail-
cheson has purchased a sedan aar.
Mr. John O'Mally haspu rchased
Ford car. Drive easy John.
Miss Victoria Gardner visited: at.
Fordyce on Monday last.
Mr, John Martin intends shingling
one of his barns in the enar future. •
Mr. John Chapman. visited at Peter
Leavers on Sunday last. e
Mrs. Ben Stafford and Clive* have
gone to Bufaalo to attend the bed -side
of her daughter who is very ill,
Miss Mildred Laird is spending her
holidays in Gerrie fee a few days.
Miss Millie Howard is in the burg
nursing Mrs. James Warrell, '
Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith were
visitors at Lorne Laird's Sunday.
ea large number from around here
took in the celebralion iti Godelach
Saturday. '
Hydro Electricwas turned on for
the first time on Friday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Elliott and Miss
Greer of Wingham were visitors with
Mr. j. H. R. and Mrs, Elliott on Sun-
Barth Baseball team journed to
Brussels on Friday and were defeated
by the later teem. •
A nthnber of our citizens attended
the funeral on Wednesday last of the
'late Rev. W. 5. Hunter of Grantee._
Deceased formerly lived in Morris
where he was favorably known. •
The Boy Scouts have just returned
from a very pleasant outing, having
camped on Mr, „McDowell's farm on
the banks of the Maitland. Rev.
George Telford was in tharge.
Mr. William Emigh of Whitewood,
Man. visited his father foe five weeks,
prior to going. to Grand Valley where
he has leased a hotel.
Rev. F. E. Clysdale and femile• are
visitors at the honae of ;Mrs. John
Take 'notice that the afttnicipal
Connell of the Corporation of the
Township of Turaberry will take into
consideration the passing, and if ap-
proved, will pass at its meeting to be
held on the 3xst. of July at the hotra
c4 one o'clock in the afternoon at the
Council Room, Bitievale, a by-law foi
stopping up mid selling that part of
the ellowance for road street passing
Bitievitie cemetery, and the Connell
will at that time and place bear m
person or by his coimsel, solicitor es
egent, any person Wave elaime that
Ins land will be perjudicially affected
by the by-law, and who applies to be
Dated' tile pth day of July, xp24,
W. R. Crnikshank, Clerk,
ikmaz ng ilesu4s from the [wit
Treatment---" Fruit4-tives'',
Here is the whole etery of the Fruit
Treatment for Rheumatism, told by
a geutlenaan who suffered five years
with this terrible affliction.
Mx. Ames Dobson, of Drente, Ont.
Seers; "The leheematism was in my
right hip and shoulder; the pain
was almost uaentlairable. After six
moiathe Fruit Treatment with
"Fruit-aatives", I was completely
relieved and am now in &et class
It is a feet—proven by thousands
ef caseseethat "Fruit-a-tive,s'', the
Fruit Trestmen.t, a,bso]etely relieves
Itheumatism, Pala in the Back,
stomach or liver onblesatencl other
Neuralgia, ehronlieada,ehes due to
forms of Kidney Disease.
25e. and. 50e. a box—at all dealers or
from Fruit-a-tivea Limited, Ottawa,
Miss Hamilton oC St. Helens bas
been secured as teacher in S. S. Nto.
14, West Wawanosh.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Mason and
children of Blyth spent Sonday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clow.
• A Miseion Band Rally will be held
in Whitechareh Presbyterian Church,
on Tuesday, July 29th. A good pro-
gramme is prepared.' In the evening
Mrs. (Rev.) Harkness of Ripley will
take part. There will be a pageant,
"The Voices of the Women" by
Lucknow talent, also an address and
illustrated lantern•slides by. Mr. Bruce
Grey ' of Dungannon. Everybody
welcome mid those coming ha thp af-
ternoon please bring lunch. lAfter-
noon „session at 2.30, evening session
af 7 o'clock. There will be Mission
Band. Literature on sale, Also home-
made candy.
Misses Evelyn and Merle Gaunt are
visiting with their grandmother, ails.
McKenzie of Langside.
Me, and Mrs, Harry lacClenaglia.n
and Edith of Belgra've spent Sunday,
-with Mr. and • Mrs. Robt. McClena-
e Rev. Robt. Barbour of Meaford,
spent last week with his brother Mr.
Win. Barbour.
Mrs. James Moffatt of Lloydmin-
stet and son Foster, arrived from the
West on Saturday and evill spend -a
month with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
MacGregor and °thee relatives here
and at Langside. „
Mr. Stewart Moore of Toronto is
visiting with his uncles, Arthur and T.
H. Moore
Lorna and Irwin McClenaghan are
spending the holidays with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Barbour
of Fordyce.
Miss Millie MacGregor returned to
Toronto on Sunday, '
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin of Langside
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Farrier. „
Mr, and Mrs. Henry McGee and
Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Me -
Gee spent Sunday with Mr. and M.
Oliver Stokes and other friends in
Turnberry. -
• Miss Winnifred Farrier passed her
exam in Junior Pianoforts. Congratu-
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Vincent aud
children eif Westfield spent Sunday,
with her mother, Mrs. Mel3rien.
, Dr. and •Mrs. Scott, also his bro-
ther Me, Scott of Sandusky, Mich, are
visiting with ber brother, Mr, Jas.
\Vilsofi. ,1
°Mrs. Dr. Paterson of Lucknow
speat a few days last week with Miss,
Ida McQuoid.
•Eleven of the Mission Bands of the
Presbyteriau Churches in this Disteict
are holding their annual Rally here,
on July 29the. Supper served on the
Chureh lawn for the visitors.
The Young People of the Presby-
t,erian Church here purpose holdina a
lawn social in' the near future.
air, Gibson Gillespie hes been put-
ting extensive improvements on his
lawn here and bait in fine conditioe
Mr. Wm. Scott and cla.ughter Mar -
vile and his brotherMr. David Scott
spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. MeQuoids.
Misses Flora Ross and Kathleen Ter -
riff of Toronto are spending their
holidays at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Shaw and chil-
dren of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Jack
Henderson and children of Lucknow,
Mr. and Mrs. Dunk MacGregor and
children of Teeswater'and other re-
latives, visited with Mr. and Mrs,
MacGregor here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and
laaliston, visited with Mr. Geo. Fal-
coner, Culross, on Sunday.
• Mr. P. Gowans, deserves great cred-
it for his successful entrance class
i bins year, .t 4 writing a u d elven pits s -
i ea, Annie IVlo ore, (11), Wallace
Come Hugh David ;Mende/hot), Daw-
son Craig, Edna Morrison, Eddie
Waddell, Grace Richardson, Jean Sco-
ble, Scott Paterson, Nettie Lettie and•
Reuel Gaunt,
•11fr. and Mrs. Ab. Lovett arid chile
dren of Clinton, spent Sunday with
her mother; Mrs, Mealrien,dalso Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver hit:Brien of Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs, Jahn Purdon and chile
dren spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Herb Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Were Dawsen, 'visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon, Si
Helens on Sunday,
Mr. and 1.11rs. John Peterson of
Galt, are visiting with his usin, Mr.
Ken. Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs, David Scobie and son
of Lucknow spent Sunday at the
1:11,i'lrare ,pleased to hear that Rev.
Jas. Scobie arrived safely in England.
Rev, Mr. Perrin of Hemilton took
the services in the Presbyterian
Church here on ,Sunday. Dr. Perrie
of Winghain will be here next Sun-
day, '
Mr, and Mrs. tames Inglis and chil-
dren from the 'West are here to at-
tend the Old Boys Re -Union in St,
-Helens on Thursday. They are visit-
ing with relatives in these parts.
Mr: and Mrs. Len Westbrooke of
) Goderoch and Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
' Smith of Lucknow spent Sunday with
Itheir aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Purdon and Ma-
bel and Alen visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Tom of Auburn on Sunday.
Mr. John Steele and Dorothy and
Mac, also Miss • Pearl and Miss Jar-
dine, all of Toronto, spent a few days
last week with the former's sister
Mrs. Jas. Cornelius. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson and Mr.
Will O'Callahan of Toronto and M.
and Mrs. Monahan of Detroit are vis-
iting at the home of their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Bea O'Callehan,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Cottle and Mr.
Duncan Kennedy visited with the for-
mer's daughter Mrs. Ed. Browning of
, Mr. Frank Cottle •of Calgary who
has been visiting; with relatives here
left for Toronto on Tuesday morning,
Mrs. Cooke of Toronto is visiting
with her daughter Mrs. McClenaghen.
Underwood—In Wingharn General
Hospital on July east., to Mr. and
Mrs. G. N. Underwoodea daughter.
Deer Sur— l,
Ye heir been acquainted wid me
ivir since ye came to live in Wingham
an ye know I uivir wus a knocker,
nor wan to grumble alSout tings, but
theer is a toime in the 'affairs av min
whinthe wurrum -will turn, as Mish-
ter Shakespeare warice said, an that
toirne has cadie wid nee now. 1
slipalee wid rifirince t� the by-law fer
the addishun to the Hoig-h School.
Av coarse, I hev no objickshun to
puttin up av the addishun, if it is
nayded, fer, slitire, I belave in givie
the byes an_ ghillie a chance that 1
nivir had, mesila an dOn't moind payin
a dollar arr two av ixtra taxes if nie
issare• fer the binifit av the roisin gin-
erashun, but I hev a grayvance av nee
own in this matth.er, an a sayrious
• Iviry pans aa the Returnin awficers
an Poll Clerks fer votin day is a Tory,
wid the itecipshun av Arthur sanges
• an loikely Tam Miller will hevehim
turned befoor the day is over, but av-
en if he doesn't turn, it is only wan
Grit to moine Tories, an I,, hev no
fault to foind evid this purcintage at
all, at all. The erayvarice 1 her is
that the inosla avtliern fellahs are re-
tiernin awficers sure enough fer they
return the jawb iviry tohne a vote is
bein taken. 'Whey can't .a new man,
mesilf fur inshtance, git aluk in some-
toirnes?0 Ain't 1 as good a Tory, as
anny wan av thirn, an didn't I weir -
rule fer the parthy befoor a lot av
thine lads wus born? Yis, an. whin
an elickshun cemes 'tis mild Tim who
has to put his showlder to the whale
1,aven to this day, wid a tot av thim
young fellalas loike Walher Aida -di-
-bon an Billy Haney' roidin in the Wa-
gon. 'Tis not be vayson av the day's
pay that I complain' fer, satire, I hey
nee, family all Taredan shtarted in
loife, .an enough money to leape the
misses an inc to the ind av our days,
so am not woeryin about a few dol-
lars a.v aisy thianey,here arr there, but
'tis the honor av the awfice I wanted,
an faith, I tink it eves cornin to me af-
ther awl the wurruk 1 hev done fee
the mild parthy. 1 wild hev been wil-
fin to donate me day's pay to the
Hospital arr the Wirnmin's Institoot,
arr the Tory Campaign Fund, arr '10
a fund to hilp establish a home for
incurable „ha F. O's are e.nny other
good cause'
'Tis all the tanksaI,git fer hilpin to
elickt Walther McKibben an Harry
Willis. Tings and hey been diffrunt
if Billy Greei an Amos Tipling had
been elickted, an avert Blake Elliott
wt. -id -hey shtud up fer nie, Grit an all
as he is. I ued.ersinand ye minchtm-
ned •me name, but ye didn't hey
enough 1111106h -ice to git me appoint-
ed', fen shure, what is wen good man
among- to matiny?
I suppose ye will whndher what I
intind to deaabout this matther, fer
-no wan kreskes betther than yersilf,
that I- am not wale to take a Iickie
layin down, so to shpake, Well, 1
shtayed awake mosht av two noights
tiekm av a plan to git back at thine
lads in the Council, far well 'I knanv
that, 'tis a long lane that lades no-
where, and there Is arways a way
out if ye kin only fain it, At lasht;
jist as the robins began to 'chirrup, at
abont for o'clock on the sicoild
marite I fought av a skaine that can't
be Jeate, an wondhered that it hadn't
come itito me moind befoor, me idea
is to knock the skame at defette the
by-law,, alt to git me fried, large
Shpotton to liiip me, The two aveus
win make a slitrong tame an can ear-
ry err defate annyting in this town,.
so east watch Oil t shinolee, as rile bye
that evus an France wed say. 'Wad
.the by-law deleted, thin a new wan
will have to be ,submitted to the pay-
plei at if I am not appoitted returnin
awfieet, I will shpoil it too, so 1 will,
Yours till text Wake, i Jack Vaiteamp,
Wedding Rings, Diamond
Rings and Marriage Li-
cenee. Information
Tt,r,,,R. Hamilton's ,^
110111111111 11111111111111101111111111N1111011111111.111111111111111111
Cheaper Fire
vire Insurance fartrishecl on Et
dwellings itt Wilighare, at Tess if!
hi than. Township Mutual rates—
with no prepiurn tiote to sign. hat,
Why take the risk of having -#
-- to pay extra, ateetesthents? i.
v• 41 Aar. t 1
Ai)lfiter 1C,CiSell18
Listirance & Xeai state
f '
6 I
111 1114,11
mom Et mom Alt agnmegmmt*
• 41 • , ••1
1 r
Thurs., Frt, Sat, J/Ily 24, 25, 26 se
"The To
Directed by Harry IVEllarde who staged "OVER THE HILL",
What you will ;seel.A whole towrt built and destined to make
sensational Storm and scenes,
The most astounding thing of its kind ever photographed
The biggest 'thrill seen on any stag e at any time in picture oi
A motion picture that proves again truth is stranger than fie
Prices "eoc and 35c
i o
matoutuamimatemoolortaxagmeinvisaareamouremeonsearamattootaaamaletwnemesmamaglinmscrum, • ' ,
' THE OLD SCHOOL RE -UNION jirn Boete, tick and catch, to Jack' •
Coultes, „
P. W; Scott ;to bat, a bit, a run. -
dad. Coultes a run Jim Walsh a rtine,
a run, 1 run, •
It was a foul, it was, so thee.
Score, 'puff said!
• • IV. The Trustees
Merhories of S. 5; No, 13, Ease
Written fer Advance -Times by 13, of 13.
Continued from last week
4. Some Chronicles
The Week Before Xmas
The Examination!
Smell of cedar,
Faces wasacd, trousers 'outside of
boots, epep
Girls in their new ribbons, sweet,
'Teacher' in long queenly curls.
13e eood!
Mts. Fells arrives"; then Mrs, Harri-
son and a bunch.
Teacher Miller from Auburn!
Sleigh bells
Enter Rev. A. MacLean and Teacher
Sloan�f Blytb,
Whisper low!
A song: "The Golden Slippers---"
Basil Coidtes, leads.
Foterth Class Geography; Lizzie Har-
rison head;, twenty stand,
Teacher Drees of Morris; questions.
Boundaries of Europe? '
And South America? '
Parents smile; -Trustee Scott looks
grave; Minister pleased
Four other dasses—
Soon. —
George Seeder said a piece; "fingen
on the Rhine" •
A dozen more and songs.
A plaesentation, Janet:de Scott and
• George Pa,rott
She reads, "Dear Teacher we" and
sobs. '
"About to part and"— "
Sobs, -
He hands set ,
aWaritingDesk and hurries
• toii
Trustee Fothergill speaks, so Parent
Walsh and Minister,
Thanks! Thanks! ‘„ •
Candies and "Shall we gather at the
Too sad for tears
II. Inspector Dewar
A horse! A horse tied to the fence!
A -little Irian; cork leg, shaggy beard;
carpet -bag!
"Is Johnnie Fells here?" .
Horse gets oats. Johnnie a good 130y.
Teacher's pet readers, the Second
Mary Ann Black, Will 'Parrott, Char-
lie Scott, others. '
Cork leg goes t-h-ud
Will Parrott snorts; "Wolf had a sup. -
per on it."
"Tough picking" said Charlie.
°Mary Ann reads— . • -
Page 94; Who Stole the Bird's Nest?
Toswit, to -wit;
Stole? What Commandment in tae
Hits cork Niith staff, ,
This boy answer.
What? Don't know? You little heath-
Study your Bible,
That will do. .
Limpbehind 'desk and talks with
She smiles; then draws her eye brows
Again smiles.
Again smiles,
She Speak—
Children, if you say the Command -
David Scott, sr„ John Coultes, George
Fothergill! •
A visitation! Horrers! Powers of life
and death! ,
Pegs broken in the ante -room!
'Bia Jack Scott broke two playing bear
hilly Bennett four, sliding; Jake
Brooks, five, leap -frog;
Walter Scott one, cap got stuck. A
"What does expel mean," asks Mese. e4h
Shivers! '
"To be. expelled is awful," broke in
Grace Taylor.
Hueli! There goee the ruler, Hurry in.
Dreadful silence '
Annie Scott's dark eyes give inspire-- ,
tion, '
Her uncle, the trustee, speaks—
"We met to -day.," his voiceelike dynes-,
mite, "those pegs".
"Some broken on the girls' side too" -e.
Deeper silence!
"Should be expelled"
Every heart misses a beat at the
sound of the word.
"We'll let you of this time but—
Three trestees -nod to one another.
"this time but—bit."
"Try and take care of things boys1.
they cost money."
Trustee Scott spoke kindly
They pass °tit.
"It seemed like a year," said- jim
The ca.11 of 'spring and work,
Jack Macdonald, Jack Parrott, Sueate
Bell, Maggie 'Morten.
A jolly bunch.
Maggie Nicol, Hattie Black, eJerainita.
Slates and books and farewell. -,
Teacher looks sad.
Albert Cook a nece little fellow, asle.a
"Where going."
Sarah Jane 'Rath and Bella Scott, a.
parting snow- ball.
Jack Wightinan gives` away his \Ten, a
and ink. -
'rag! Tegl I touched you last -
Old seatunder the chimney, goodbye
Teacher's •desk; The Seat of Judge
relent; P-reeclorn!
The echo of the voices fades_
It's done, -
Dear Old No. 13,1"Farewell!'
The tables. •
Minnie Harrison, Sis Walsh, Lizzie
Edwards, and, and - •
Said, .
"We'll feed you on pie for beating the.,
• nineth." :
The program: another smite and e.
swing; carry her basket, -
Sunset and evening star- •
Mr, Alex. Baird, who spent th&
week -end at his home here returne -
le Flint. •
Mrs. Foi-gie, and, daughter Mary-,
are spending a feta days with friends
at 'Stanley.• , •
Mr. and :ears. Harry McGee, an&
son Gordon, also afr. and Mrs. Roy'
McGee Visited on Sunday with fribrids;
on the iota.. t
A little, daughter lie.s•coine to gladd-
en the amine of Mr. and. Mrs, Nelsoin
Underwood. Congratulations
ments well a half holiday, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Wallace, erica,
Maggie 'Bell, the first Yesl Yesl little son David are•spentling•the holi-
Fannie Morton! Hannah Coultes; days with the former'parents aetl•
John Armour; Mark Masonotffer friends here. ,
Yes! Yes! and the cork g-r-ates.
Rev. 'Mr, Miller of Essex spent the- .
Good -Bye.
III. Pichie, Wightrnan's, Bush
lo a. ie.; boiling sun; just at l'elortoli's
corner; htirry•
Aggie Morton; curls and a new rib-
Sam `
George Sowler and basket with pies,
wee -end with his sister Mrs. 'Wan.
Breckenridge."Mr. afiller teak charge
of the services in the Wingham altd
Teeswater Anglican Churches on Sun-
day, owing to Mr. Snell being away
mai is holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Muir and soa
Robe also ItareDevid Fortune, motor.-
ed to •Collingwood last eveek, -and at-
jeIly cake, tarts, ice ed t wedding of ale. Peter
Hattie Wightman, dinner pail pies ;\11-lida and Miss Train,
cookies, arid—
Tranol Tramp! and Sweat'
Bet your life on the pic-nic!
The bush, the breeze, the shade!
lfigii Heavenl
Mary Jane, Vancarnp and Bill Stone-
house on aehwingl Airy! Arrerigetheuts are beitee eatisfactor-
Dine I ask my eweet-hearr? ily completed for the ResalniOn of S.
She unde.rtand iny strata. 5, No; 0, East Wawanash, which hi
Guess who? * to be held on Mre, Bone's farm Oti
Mrs thels, and daughter Margaret, e,
of Tifrimins, New Ontario, also afrs,
Elden Petennan of Wiegharri are vis-
iting at the home of Mr, Lancelot
August 2 th
Base Ball,
Dave Dunbar, Jack °Suites, Peter
alonerieff,'with bats.
Dowe with the eine:till
Tom Agriew shouts; "you look afraid'
The game—
Tool orit,, Pete Porterfield Medi to
' Timothy 14ay., Cltee.rsi
planned fat ' A everyogioleo.ci „Itliteltit%rais of a'
teptaece in
anewer to vitations are
coming in fa the Secretary he evens -
mail and the ,section is loot:log for-
ward to entertaining a goodly unmtinr
ef "0/c1 toys And Girls" as welt a,S•
every me, else who cat come, Don't
forget tile date, Aug. 27t1i, afternoon
and evening,