HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-24, Page 2TirLay •IttlY 401tvga/li '0$%1111001011111.1.1111141111101M101 •Ime irm 111 N1111011111t01101111g 11111111111110 • ' • •'- ' "' ' " ' • •••• "••,••••• • • •" WINQUAM ADNr4N6Z.IV114g5 tatiaxjawsio. • • • • , , • • 1, V temiltiollsivisliosioriliwaillooligniiiiiiimiliniiiviotiostalisisiosigoomoolooillislosimmliliatioloalisilill0110.101011111111111111111110111,111110011011000111411111111110111 1412119C.1.1.140111.1.111,0¢1156111431.044, !flail mill. ill 20t Jf 111 111E11 [111 11111111 III III III 111.111111E1111B1111/1111111/211111111140111111111,111110111•IIIIIE11111114111111111,1111111171111E111118111E1111 III 1118111M114111111111171111 1111111111111114111 III 4 . r33 1-3 p r cente off o r R'eg lar Fair Price's.. Tell yo r friends, Tell the ilio ds.\1.ak trt come to Hanna •as y 11N111111111,111111111111111 It) 111111111111111 !!.J11111 ver thing re 11, '1.4.,...i.ri••••• • '• L '.:114Zb 111"• u. shopting pa ties if you live out of town and plan Co. Li niteds to enjoy saving opportunities such ti have n -ver tho' pessible. (Except 0k Few Contracted Lines) •••,c,•-••••-.' t • , • NV47 rI 101 11-0 A•1 Mg: ta........ , ILTMI•,4 ',' r"," •*„....47w ' ..... - 14%7414 . , -••. ...pft. A -,,..P• : , 4••• . - • , 1.1,,,,t.3 : •1*-'''.•:' ' '''. .x...,....,.^ 'WO 4,•0' .-• - MEE ' "V-14'04 N Per Cent. 26 h 8 3 s :urday,. July .„ ' •. 111 • •Z N • IN I NP:N NENE NitHMINEENNEIN NEINNINNINW.:11INNSINNNIU NNINNISININNi , 11 Men's and 'Boys' 33. 1 3 Per Cerit. Off Alttadies'' Coats,Stiits • Clof ing On Sale - . indow S.,le of Trou' sers zoo pairs of regular Tweed and Worsted Trousers, also some I Light Grey Trousers, belt loops and cuffs, no alter- ri 11. ation, regular $6.00, Sale 7_ di egi:111•40 • I Neckwear. Wi dovir Sale , ao Dozen New lifeckties, Fislin.ets, plain black knits, regular up, I) to $x.00, get your choice early, on sale at 29c. 1 00 or 4 for 091131.¢,91¢1{141:1123.0491. so SUMMER SUITS ---Donegals, Browns, Herringbones, 12 50 regular up to .$2o.00, Men's and Young Men'sSale Boys' Khaki Bloomers, heavy khaki drill, sizes 26 to 34. 98c if,.Azoo Men's Snits --Society • Brand, 2oth Century,, Johnstons and 1' ,A.4-.4.AA.4.A...,,,,,A4.,,,A.4.,,AA.,AA,k4..,A.,...,..,A........A,AA,.,4,4,AA4,•,..A....4A....,..—,...A.,.A.,A...A.A.„—A,,,A.,• ' Ilartts, Navy, Pin Stripe, Browns, 1,9 75, 24 75 , Regular $35.00, Sale Price .......-.....-.-: a 9 a .e• i.. 11 Boys' Suit Sale; sizes '24 to 36, ,---....—.----..........-.$8.75 and zz.95 T ,. ,. •11•.r 4h -,...L.., .,unoemosair.roarearakmull-n-smemosoar.o..-comeuttotstaulazwanos.araw-evaawamomcot-oacsamso.smkt-oum-p-tmeematemeamktarma. 1 ''{k I I, t'Id• Straw I' at Sale Sailor and Genuine Panamas; Saturday Half Price Sale, $2.00 Hits at .... .$1.00 $2.5o Hats at ..... $z.25 Genuine Pariamas up to $zo.00 in' Fedora Styles, sale . ... Boys' Woollen Jerseys ..........--. $z.49 and $z.98 Men's Pyjainas, Gowns, Furnishings less 20 per cent. Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers . 59c Heavy Weight Merino Underwear.... . .... ..... .... 79c Gaberdine and Light Overcoats less .. . ....33 x13 per cent. Boys' Cotton Jerseys 39c Bathing Suits, zoo per cent. wool . $2.69 Shirts, Breadclioths, Fine Percales, Pipues etc. less 20 per cent. Cap Sale—Boys' Caps Boys' Shirts and Blouses, _ 50e To the first four boys here Satgr- Boys' Raw Silk Blouses on sale at day Morning, buying a Suit of Cloths, ... ..... . . . -.Sx.98 , we will give a $4.00 Lacrosse Stick A2 Carhartt and Peabody Overalls and Smocks ...... - $2.25 FREE, Be here early, four sticks Men's and Boys' Combination Underwear less .2o per cent. 0013' given .1.0441141.01111., 0.120,1‘Cre•Paidi.WAIIKIJ Mell'S Soft Collars, on sale at 2 for , M0Itinflamsnalutimismotmraemmetemamerirommeralermlowaticettatrmormanwe nos 11.% Ribber eitt,$ ...... ..... —age • IVIen's Kant Kracks Collars „ 25c Special Sale of Men' Silk Hose at ...... ....49c moseelanamontkoitsbunt;620444.14,....4,.4,Llmittarmtizazalinuti* TROUSERS FREE! Sat rday 'Suit Sate With every suit over $24.75 sold on Saturday only we will give a good pair of Odd Trousers Free, ) re 6.443' Teh ;j44:.ciir;;IJI1 and Childrerit's Coats. An unusual Sale Of High Grade Apparel every garment , must be cleared in xo Days, COATS . $xo 00 to $24.75 Ladies' Pleated Shirts, Fawns,' Browns Ladies' Shirt Waists, fine phite silk stripe .$1.49 Canton Crepe Dresses, Voile Dresses, Cloth Dresses less 20 per 'cent, • - Wedding Dresses, Party Drees, Velvet Dress less 20 p. c. A special purchase of Anderson Gingham House and Street Dresses • • 5o Doz, LADIES' SILK HOSE, all the new P7416,,,, shades, Special Sale . . .._....... ... ..... .. ..... .. 0 fri' 4.; - ......naboatema:esemonasemmeommaarkNissio.mettowews-warmo-posoasepovst.....o.corsi.o.osa.-msamss-ramm. French Beaded -Dresses, Voile Dress less . ...20 Percent. Fur Collared Coats, come early on sale less, 20 per cent. , . ' Comforter, Wool Blankets, Blinds, Kirsch Rods .. , ' less, 20 per cent. ., Special Sale of Middie,s, reg. $2.75, sale .. ......... ......95c and x.29 4=.04003.,111.01111MOVIMIP0.1110..10-0MMK,149.01416.04404-0901.01 • REMNANT SALE—Silk,' Print, Gingham Dress Goods. EveryReinnant Must GoT Saturday. ,•-• Checked ocrinis * - x9c and 240 TOWELLING SALE—The best value in Towelling 25 pieces of all linen Towelling . .z9c and 25C Raw Silk Sale—A fine grade of Raw Silk . . . ...... . . ._ .......69c ia ctfirsovato.b......novaann asto,tmetpompao.oext-dato-o.r.o....ocam-41.ankmo ra.o.mo-D-ims c.o.; 20 per cent. off Dry Goods, Silks, Staples, Cot- tons, Ribbons, Linens, Galateas, Tickings, Shirtings, Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear, Ernbroidenes,- Laces, Etc. less 20 per cent. , - .6111.1.411.11104.X.1421.¢16.0•181.4...0.01,04111.0.116.19i1.1.41.1,906. Ladies' Silk Sweaters, Silk Underwear, Camisoles, Step -Ins, less 33 x13 per cent. Harveys Underwear --New shipment of Ladies' Vests and Bloomers, Combinations, Slips less 20 per cent. Ladies' Colored Handkerchiefs, special INI useFurnishings Sal Linoleinn, 4 yd. wide ......... . . . . . .. : ...... ...... . .. .. „89c sq. yd. , Oilcloth, per sq, yd. - • -140 , rut = Congoleum, Linoleum, Oilcloth, 'I'apestry, Wilton Brussels Rugs VM 15c, Cheese Cloth, special 4 yards for 250 ApronS, black sateen, on sale at 500 .•2•04 .1,;•••t• IN14.001.41141*1017071/01itatiOnSeal 6 SAVINGS IN GROCERIES Small Tapestry. Riigs less 200 per cent. $2,49 . '11114 , Window ShadOs ,69c isimArrartmelorrisnriolanontiammnaorriL,...... Wagstaffes Jain large bottles....g8c Cheese, per Ib-------- . . ... ... ..... Tea, black and green, per Ig, 5oc, Palmolive Soap .7c a cake 2 for 98c Brooms, reg. s.00 and L25 for --79c atn0n per can 1c Robin. Hood Oatineal largepkg 290 Cornfort 8oap 15 for. xoo Fancy 'Bis. reg. 400 Raisins, small seedless RaiSins Good Toilet Soap, large cakes 2 pkgs. for .. 250 jars,,large and small, Imperial Corn Flakes 'per pkg. . zoc giatO, „ do, Shredtled Wheat 2 for ..........._..25cWinter qts, .. doz. Clean. All Hand. Cleaner, reg, 15c at:on . . .. do. - for .. .... can Rubber Ritiga reg. xsc 8c i.,0„..iiigiblimiem ,11140 tittimgcsowsillosic,.1. 11