HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-24, Page 1a4
. '
neral Sir Artbur Curwift Unveil WinghamWar Memorial on Wednesday afternoon, September3rd
- µ
Single Conies, Five Cente.
. .
' VYINGI-1AM, ONT., TFflJRSDAY, JULY 24th, 1924
The fellowing are tree results Of the
'recent •Entrance Examinations held
a•,*: Wingham, Wroxeter and Fordwich,
ltaaiks will be sent in a few days to
the un'sacceseful candidates; certifi-
•e ecatee, belanot marks to the suceesefal
•' -candidates, Appeals for • the recoesi-
4eration of ans-we' Papers must 'he
a:suede to the Inspectoe before the mid-
-Idle of August. In the Wingham
lre, Cti-
Lawrence Cragg stood highest
..yeith 637 marks, in VVroxeter Centre;
• Finlaa was first with 683 and ae
Toedwich A, lifcL,aughlia was, highest
581 marks. • - •
Wingliam Centre- e
G. Anderson,/ R Armstrong, •B.
•33arnard, E. Bermett (H), L Bennett;
Bolt, -W. Braley, BroWn,
•-.Callender, A. Campbell, •B. Campbell,
J.....Cainpbell, M. Campbell, N. Carr,
A. Coultes, Agnes Coultes,
aCeagg (H), E, Currie, J, Currie, E.
Dolan (H), B. Edgar (H), C. Elliott,
',.F.•Fell, F. Fella, H,, Field (H), V,
;Fox alel); G. •Garnisa, 0. Garniss,. G.
C Johnston E Lott (H)
••.,0G, MacDonald' (H), J. MacLean,
„jean MacLean, J. MacTavish (H), P.
e"•alathers, H. Mitchell, G. Peacock (H)
.R. Rae (H), K. Reid, M. Robertson
i:'•.(1-,1), W. Seddon (PI), A. Skelding, j.
, :aStatdy, Mac Thomas (H), L. Thonne2
...son (H), S, Vanstone, M. Weir (I -I),
eR. Weir, K, Williams, D. Haugh.
• •
• Wroxeter
lvL Baker (H), F. Bennett, A. Corri-
:agare AL Davey (H), D. Doig (II); M.
' Doig, P. Darst E. Edgar, R. `Finlay
B.,Hooper, H. Huffman, 0. Law-
. :terale, (H' E MoCreer G Patian
s.Sanderson, j. Sperling, M. •Stevens,
Thaanpson 'M Vittie W. Weir, .A.
Na:Aberhart (H), 0.Donaldson,
. "Foster, S. Foster, C. Haskins, I. Has-
' --Idles. V. Hoffmann (H),G. Leonard, M.
' Litt, A. McLaughlin (H), • H. Mc-
eLaughlin, M. Mahood, I. Meier (H),
,W. Peel, D. Porterfield, A. Schmer-
-fnund, J. C. Wilson, ,
s.• It would not be right to overlook
----congratulating Principal A. •L. Posliff
aa -1...of the Wingham Public School; who
, •• 'has bad great soccess withhis. class.
?Twenty-seven wrote- and twenty-six
' 'passed fourteen of ,these taleing. hon-
• se -Ors andone • of hie pupils •Lawrence
aCragg teok the highest inarks of any
.,entrance canclidatea in Huron County
'Panel probably a greater peet of Wes-
atern Ontario. '
Wingham on Saturday,
.• '• July rgth., to Mr. and Mrs. David
•, Finlay, a daughter. . •
. ,
, MUGGY' FOR SALE -Top- huggy
• steel tire, Apply
seat arch axle, new
,• style. Ay tj McMichael at
Gtum-Soaa?laFtank Anderson
• Catherine 6
SALE--CIark jawe' I three bur-
• -
.ner• Oil Stove with high speed bur-
' ...tter 'reg. $33.00 for $25.00, also 4.0
.gal, oil tank and second hand lawn
• .mower. • Thompson & Buchanan,
.,iFOR RENT AUGUST est. -8 room-.
.„ fed house, electric light, • furnace.,
'• al...baths:Dom, running water hard and
'•..!hsoft, every convenience, garage.
:Rent .$14.00, Knox house behind
'Post Office. Key at the house. .
STOR. RENT -- Blacksmith, shop with
•; tlools and .niachinery in an old es-
.'...,' tablished business in goodfarming
a aloclity. a • A snap for the right in.an,
. . .
.;:. 'APPly D." ' Ewan, 'Brussels, Ona,"
.., lia,oxeroe, • . , •
I antes H Caseraore'sfor sale at 130
Will .deliver it anywhere in Wing-
,. •:h.a.m 'cm Saturday . or sooner. 'Call
eis up en phone 13-627. James H.
Casemore or Andrew Casetriore, xst
' line, Morris. , •
• •
Rope eo repair Hay Loaders, eIslaY
.Voelcs, Slings, Cars • and Pulleys,
• 'llaivest ' Tools, Oils and Binder
•'Twine, Go to Duffs' .'131tieva1e;
,....`;VOIZeSALE-An'tiptialit piano foe
..';e.ale,.• in first Oast condition at 5.
Sa'elelba.tgala :for cashor on a. payment,
glans Apply to, Mrs. Feeley sea
•S".s.LOWer. Wingham. ' • • •
".'..1=101./SE., TO RENT -trick residence
e With all convet'dences. Apply ' to
ahone•15-624. •
ki.'(:).0.R GRAIN BINS NOW.--
s.a.e.s:they. ,will. be .preteeted against
tet's and Mice, Special 'ptice: being'
•ea:Offal:ad this month.. Therrips,ob.
,.•,a.'!Ilfieltaiian,,PIer &ware..
,• .11tg,Nont "WANTED--.'Ptotestaat
seciind class eertis
'fieateeforeS. S. No. ex, EOet
.":.!..11,Oah, &tale's, tet'iconamenee,',Sept, iet
"APplietitieits reeeived..by the ander-
, :Sighed tip till Ang.',eat. 3. P. Y,oung
5' Witigham Secese... •
•',FOR'. .S'AtEa4Cle'dige". beW..cltient
1),. • Fortune,
,W:rtixeter phiie
• -Ott thee undeteloi4.,up tdi
o July j'o.'L.Oxo'r.tj,Ooti4g d Mr 3 SLI1LY rdtiOtto', Vt.111,dili4 cE
the ..B.oft.Tbitielge..xt th townehip,,,pf.' ..,§ aa'CaShaeatess Wftlt. alaIny s;
I3eS,t ..'Snatetials mtit avIlfe'....and!fatiellaeareeepoaingetha'116li'-
h te.d.•L,LOWeat:eir at tiiidoi lot 400' thO.!tiOtt'td!Of hspanuts, •M.
L,, „L,,,L.,.. L, • ,
co• uple of weeks in Detaoit
Mr. Roble McGee is. pending a
• Mrs. J. A. Wallace spent last vveek
•at her home in St. Thomas, '
• Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Jackson are
spending. this week at Satible Beach.
Miss 'M, Page of the U, •F, e0.
spent the week-endat her home in
Clothing for Men and Boys.at a
big saving.. Isard's Summer Sale.
" Mrs. Halliday spent last week at
the • home of her son, fames A. th
. ,
• afiss Mary Carter of Pahnerstou,
has, accepted b position as teacher, in
•I-loin:es' School. • '••
Mrs. Simms of Leaside is epending
a couple of weeks with her cousiet,
Mrs. ,Alex. Hanna,
Mrs. j, jehestoe, Minnie St., is itt
Toronto visiting her daughters for a
ectunle of weeks, •.
- ,
Master Elmer Mergarth, Waterloo,
is visiting his -grandparents, Mr. •aad
Mrs. Wm, Chandler." ••
• Miss Ethel E, Chandler returned se;
Toronto, after ,spending her vacation
at her parental home. •
Mrs, Wai. Brandon and two chil-
dren, of Sask.., are visiting Wingham
friends this week,
Mr, Currie- Wilson of the Bark of
Commerce has been transferred to the
Southampton Branch.
• Mrs. J. A. Shugine of Chatham, has
been visiting for a few 'days with her
sister Mrs. -J. E. West.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl • Cumming§ of
Toronto, are visiting with the lattee'e
mother, Mrs. Beckwith. -
Master Hugh MacDonald of Wipd-
sor is visiting his. aunt Miss Jean Maas
Farland" of the Junction.
• Miss 'White, -late of the Wingham
High Sdhool staff,' will visit at Miss
Reynold for the week -end. -`
Mrs., • C, B. Armitage and little
daughter; are spending six, weeks at
her home in Wallaceburg.
Mrs. Aisdrew Ifeadon of Milverton,
is visiting with her parents, • Mr. and
Mee-. Jas. Edgar,, Victoria S.
• 'Mrs. Anthony Nichol and little
daughter, Dorothy, of London, are
visitin.g With relatives in town, .
Mr. am:Velars:W. R. Boyce of Cleve-
land, Ohio,spent the week -end at the
home of 'his. brother, Mr. W.. J. Boyce.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Irving of Luck -
now, spent, the week -end with their
daughter, Mrs. A. G. Smith, laiatot-ia
Mr. and Mrs. Riehard Enimerson
and little daughter of 'Paris, are visit-
ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W.
j. Boyce.
, Mts. Chas. Crandell and leer daiigh-
ter, Mrs. Frank Chessill of Brantford,
visited at the home of Mr. J. Crandea
last week. •'
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chandler Miss
Minnie Linklater, Mesers. Ewart Link -
later and David Haugh, motored to
Elora, Sunday. e -
Mr. Phillip Dyer has returned. to
Orangeville .after spending his holi-
days with his parents, Mi. and Mrs.
W. R. Dyer. •
VVIa. Henderson and Mrs.
Harvey Nivins and babe are spending
a few weeks with Miss Margaret Hen-
• Mrs. Jai -nes -Hunt has returned t�
her home in Toronto after visiting
with her brother, Mr. W. J. Hendee -
son, Wingham Junction.
• The many friends of. Mr. •Parker
will be pleased to knowthat her ser-
vices are being retained on the Wing -
ham Pablic School staff.
Mr. wed Mrs. R. •Park of Dungann-
on, also Miss 13etle and Master Ben-
son, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Deyell over the weetaLend.
Mrs Thomas H. Ford who •lias
been visiting her daughters Mr's. Ho -
:ward and Mrs. David Finlay has re-
turned to het home in Bothwell. •
Congratulations to Miss Dora Latua,
dy, who was suceeSsful in passing her
four entrance pupils at S. S,'.. No. 9,
Turnberry, in the recent exams.
Many opportuftities -to save at Is-
ards mid-sun:liner sale, Starts next
Saturday. "
The .Lions • Club picnic which was
postponed on Wednesday last on ac-
count of rain, is beanie held on Wed-
nesday afterhoon of this week et For-
Colidoctor Collie fotmerly , of the
London Huron, • & Brace run. on. the
C. ler, R. has, been appOiated to sac-
ceed Conductor Ireland who is super -
anti at e
• Me, and Mrs. • R, Saint. arid fa -
telly motored to Goclerich and Ells()
took Mrs. Seller and Mr. Joe Golders
of I3lyth and spoil: a pleasant time tL
tbe lake'. •
Mr, end Mrs. Thomas MCCreaglit.
and Mr. and Mrs, Alfred McC,reight
of. Tarnberry, spent Sunday with the
forMer's birother Mr. John MeCreight
ef Atwood,
IsCisset Corinne and Donelda hic
Lean have returned home after apeed-
ing their, holiclays with their • grand-
inothe.r Mrs, Margaret MeLean Ca-
therine St. ,
• Mn and Mrs. Niut of 3?arkhill and,
Mr, anel Mrs. Gillett and baby and
Miss Geattt of Windsor- speet tee
week -end With Ma and Mrs. W. F.
Btieginen; Fit teee,s'St. '
»11' ' *q;
triviit es yo
Succeesfut Pupils •'••••
• At the recent midsummer examine
-Lions of the. Toronto Conservatory of
Music, Miss Mary Gracy Kitig was
amotig, the successful candidates in
Primary Piano. In the Elementary
grade Miss Velma M. Lentiox, hon -
ore. -Miss Jean Copeland, pass.
Soft Ball Gaines
Soft ball appears to be bere to stay.
Three games have been plaed on the
Witigharn Park •Singe out'l'ast publi-
cation. The Fry-Guen-0,1as • defeated
the Chinooks by x6 to 14 on Saturday
affeinoon. The Clerks defeated tbe
Savages on Friday evening 8 to te
The Lions defeated the Homesteaders
e to 3 on Monday evening. All of
the games were well attended,
Isaerosse.on Friday ,
. Clinton and Whigham will play the
'return aalne .of lacrosse in, Wingham
on Friday afterrtoon, Jade, -25th. • at
4.30 o'cloek, The same sialendid re-
feree Mr. Jack Alberts of St. Marys,
will officiate, who had charge of the
game at Clinton on Friday. The
Clinton, team won the latter game 6
to r but the Wingham boys are con-
fid.ent of success on Friday by a simi-
liar score. Admission 25 cents.
Mrs. j, W. Dodd Passes •
Although in poor health for some
time the death of Mrs. J. W. Dodd
which occurred, at her home on .Sun-
day afternoon, came as a shock to 11.r
friends. Her maiden name was Mary
Adeline. Kennedy ape' she was of a
quiet retiring- disposition well liked by
all who knew her. Besides her hus-
band she is survived by one daughter
Elva.M -s 'Amos Tipling is a sister
of the deceased.
Rev. Mr. Cragg, pastoreof the Wing -
ham Methodist Church, conducted the
funeral services at the farreily resi-
dence on .Tuesday afternoon. Inter-
ment Wingham cemetery.
•'Mr. and Mr's. Baxter and daughter,
Margaret, also Messrs. MacLean and
McAllister of Walkerville will spend
a week with Mrs. Baxtersister Niles
MaaFarland of the 'Junctioh. ,
Mr: C.- A: Tanner, M. P. P., Mrs.
Tanner and daughter Dorothy, Miss
Taatie Hyndman of Winnipeg and Mr.
and Mrs. W: C. Hill of Fordwich, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs:Thos. Scott of
Diagonal Road.
• Mr. Harry Bell and Mr. Chas.
Green, both former Winghamites,
who now live he Southampton accom-
panied the remains of the lata John
Dey from Southampton to Wingham
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mies. Robt. Groves•and two
sons Alvin and Milton, motored to
Courtland, New York, where they
spent a few days with Mr, and. Mrs.
Mort, Smith and family. -
Mrs. E. Aitcheson Sauter, St.,
brought us as ample stock of rhu-
barb grown in' her gardea. The stock
is 48 inches in length form the tip of
the leaf to the ground. It is a fine
sample of Canadian rhubarba
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Chandler Whig -
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aitken,
Listowel and. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Niergartfi, Waterloo, n-totored to El-
ora Sunday and -decorated the grave
of the former's•daughter'Edna E.
The Commercial Hotel at Ripley,
which, has been owned and operated
by Messrs. Mair & Harris, with An-
gers G. McLeod as Manager, has been
sdld to David Lemon of 'Mitchell.
A couple s of rinks of Wingham
bowlers took' in the tournament • at
Mount Forest on Thursday last. A.
big crowd was present ad a few ac-
tually played with sweater coats and
overcoats on. No ice cream, please.
Rev. C. EaReidt; and wife of Deca-
tur, all., visited., at the home of the
former's sister, Mrs. j.„.. W. Scott,
Pleasant Valley on Wednesday. Mr.
Ref& is a Howick boy and is visiting
at the old home on the voile concess-
The Wingham Branch of the \Vo-
l -rice's Institute will hold their annual
picnic on Wednesday, July 3oth., at
the-honie of Mr. Isaac Wright, Turn'
berry Those wishing to go in the
bras Mast be at the Rest Room not la-
ter than e o'clock.
• Mass Elda Bennett has beensue-
ceseful in passing' her Normal School
Exams anci has been engaged as tea-
cher in the Wingham janctior
School. Miss Mary Haugh who has
been teaching he this school has been
succeasful itt gettime a school in Tor-
A:welcome visitor al our sanctum
ori Monday morning was Mr. John H.
frevin, of San Pedro, California. aar,
Irwin left here 46 years ago and has
not been back sinee. lie is visiting
witil his brother, Dr. A, J. -Erwin. It
is so long since the brothers met that
they practidally had to get acquainted
over again,
The Dominion Press Clipping Ag-
ency has just mailed tis a couple of
full etivelopes full of clippings which
are credited to the Advance -Times
and St Mole have appeared in other pa-
pers. Tbere would have been just
twice as many if the papers who took
out pieces and did not credit them to
us had taken the time to say "clipped
from Winghain Advance -Times,"
Mr, 0. L. Constable reviewed old
acmiaintances in Winghane this week.
Seventeen years ago Mr. Con.etable
was A resident of Wigghara. He was
in the barbering business arid later
conducted the North End' 'Grocery.
He is nOw travelling Jot the Mont-
gomery-Wata Mail Order' Hoese of
.Chicatgo, Me. Coesteble says Wing-
hein is one of the veey best aowas of
its Mae Ise comes aeroe.a. 1.1:e anided
he leatia,Ved'it to bo 1)est
' 1,
Li view of the fortheotniug vote to
be taken la cormeation with a pede
posed addition to, • Wingbern High
Schooa•the members of the aligh
School Board and of the Town Coun-
cil think it wise to plaee before the
electors certaia feats itt onnectioe
therewith, .in order that an intelligent
vote may, be east, Both these bee:lies
realize fullyethe necessity for eeono-
xotrlY itt connection with the towa'sli-
'lances, and are not pressing this mat-
ter, either way. • The -income of the
High School, ho•wever, is laegelY de-
rived from, eounty and provincial
grants, and unless we conform to the
goverpment regulations, we are la
danger of lasing the latter, and unless
we keep our school up to the start&
ard with sufficient roomto accomo-
date all pupils outside of the town,
who wish. to. -attend, our grants from
the counties of Huron and Bettee will
be seriously lessened, and, as a conse-
quence, the town .of Wingham will
have to raise more money.
'he following figures showing tae
chief sources of income of Wingham
High School for seven years rnay be
of interest:- .
• T. of We Gove. Gt. H. of Co, B.C-o.
1918 a787. • 726.. • 3866, 454.
19193200. -688. 3769. 351
1920 4160.- • 687. 4727. 416.
1921 • 4381, 881. , 4563. " 449.
I922 6899. 1230. 4082. 813.
1923 • 5678. 1285. ,773e, x665.-
1924 4624 . 836. 1494.
The reader will note that the peak
eyes reached in 1922 with regard to
the town's contribution to the support
•of' the High School, and in spite of
the fact of, the increased cost of the
teaching staff and the 'elimination of
fees from students, the school is
costing las less money now than it
did'two years ago. It will also be
noted that the Government Grant and
the great from Huron County and
Bruce County show a• steady and al --
most continuous increase:- We do not
yet knowwhat the Government
Grant will be for 1924, but expect
there will be an increase over last
year. As before stated if we do not
furaiela additional accommodation we
are threatened with the loss of this
grant, as the Government has in sev-
eral instances, cut off the grants in
other towns.
At e ineeting of the High Schooi
Board, held on the eeth. inst., a mo-
tion was passed to the effect that, ow-
ing to the - lateness of the season, no
-work will be. done on the proposed
addition this year, but if the by-law
carries, and the school attendance
warrants it, the building will be pro-
ceeded with in the spring Of next
At present both teachers and pupils
at the school are very much hamper-
ed by lack of space, and conditions
will be worse after the- holidays. It
has been thought wise to take the
Vote at once in order that the govern-
ment may be assured of our good in-
tentions, and will continue our grant
until the necessary, addition be Made.
Under the terms of the by-law
$2o92, Will have to be raised each year
for twenty years, .but with the pro-
portion of town and country pupils
as at present Wingham's share will
only be, between forty and fifty per
cent. of this. It follows, therefore,
that, es the attendance of country
pupils increases or decreases, the
amount to be raised in Wingham will
rise or fall accordingly.
The position would seem to be this
that the cost to the town of the pro-
posed addition will be from $800 to
$1.2oo per year, of the present attend-
ance is maintained, whereas, if we do
not build, we shall lose the Govern-
ment grant 61 $e300 and also get less
money from the Counties on accoant
of lack of accommodation for county
is' better equipped our High
School is, the greater will be its draw-
ing po-wer, causing pupils to attend
from longer distances and influencing
their. parentS' to do their belying and
setting in Wing -ham.
•- W. F. Vanstone,
Chairman High School Board.
• W. H. Willis, Mayor
A Live Dept on Goderich Streets,
On. Monday .a deer was seen' hy
several peOple in the northern part
'of the „Sewn. It was ,cohfing quietly
along Waterloo street When it was
startled end made off. It appeared
also on Napier street, Crossed Victor-
isand : disappeared "along the river
beak. Ras deecribed es a young doe,
(Mite sinall. The aereSenee Of a doer
lias been reported from Poet Albert
and Other planes to the north, . and
this"may be the seine one. It is. malty
years shine a live deer :has been seen
in Qtiaerich. It Lt. illegal to kill deer
at this 'season, and this enterprising
young sPecienen may Weeder around
the country .for weeks,Goderich Sig,
The Late john Dey
• A forme:- esteemed citizen of Wing-
liain passed suddenly away at hts
home in Soathampton on Wednescla.v,
July rade Mr. John Alexaeder Dee
h -et' as a on t or. for the night af-
ter a busy day when he died very
suddenly. tror several 5ears he was
empaoyed itt the W. j, Chapman Glove
Works, The late Mr, Dey was in his
eend, year and is survived by his al -
I' 1
dow, formerly Miss iss 13ert la Cody, Red
seven 'children, Mrs, George Irwin
and Miss. Rae laey of Wingham are
sisters of the deceased.
The remains were brought to Wing-
ham'bes motor and interred hi the fa-
mily plot on Saturday -afternoon,
The family Inive the sympathy e4 11
large eirele of.feiettds their time of
• eorrew.
• Local Bowlers Have Made the
'Following Draav
T. MOK, Smith
W. j. Greer
T. McDonald
R, Allen • • •
F. H, Stevenson
G. W. Howson
H. SheraOridy
W. R. Hainilton
Bert Isa.rd
Wm. Boyce
John Wallace
R. A. Cerrie'
H, E Isard.
"Win. Monk
A. G. Smith
L. C. Young
A.. Posliff
B. Wellwood
C. Aignitage
E. J. Mitchell
11. C. Plelwig
Frank Howson
T. H. Gibson
Win. Stewart
Wen, Mitchell
W. J. McIalibbon
-O.• Thompson
D. Somers
.A. Webster
T, Henry
D. Rae
P. Marshall
W. Brawley
C. Wilkinson
j. W. Hanna
D. Folatine
A. Tipling
H. C, MeLea.n.
Jr. A. McLean
Wm. Gurney
C. B. Robinson
J. lefcCraeken
Gordon alcLean 1
• Rev. Snell .
3. I -I, Hirst
H. Campbell
Dr. McInnis
5. H. Christie
A. E. Fothergill
A. Fothergill
W. French
I -I. Shane •
John Mason.
H. Mundy
A. J. Walker
M. Grabens
C. P. Smith
Dr. Stewart
Wm. Booth
A. E. Lloyd
A. J. Irwin
W. F. Vanstone .
W. H. Ross
J. Gilmour
R. Vanstone
C. Crawford
R. Lloyd
J. Murray '
A. M. Crawford
The/Late MTS. Salter
There passed away on Sunday after-
noon, July eoth., Ann Pereman, Widow
of the late John Salter. Deceased
was in her 85th •year. Her husband
predeceased her about twenty-three
Tears ago'. Besides her son. John,
with whom she •has -' resided on file
hcnnestead, Lot 42, Con, 12, East Wa_
wanosh 'another son,' William R. also
of East Wawanosh survives.
The funeral services were conduct-
ed on Tuesday afternoon. by Rev.. C.
E. Cragg pastor of Wingham Metho-
dist Church, and interment was made
itt Wingham Cemetery.
Rifle Association Meeting
The Ontario Rifle Association
Meeting, will be held at the Long
_Branch Rifle Ranges, Toronto, Au-
gust 'nth to e6th, and also followieg,
this The Dominion Rifle Assotiatiee
meeting; will be held at the Con-
naught Rift Ranges, Ottawa, August
18th to12.2ed.
The high scores made by the Ca-
dets of the High Schools and Collegi-
ate Institutes in this Military District
with the 22i1u. rifle durng the school
year which has just closed, Ines at-
tracted the attention of those in
charge of these mentioned schools are
urged to attend.
There are several Cadet -Matches on
the programtne of each meeting, so
that there will be opportunities for
Cadets to make their expenses.' It is
also pointed out that sixteen Cadets
from Ontario, fottr of whom must be
tyros, making the highest scores in
the cadet matches, will be given a
free trig from 'Toronto to Ottawa and
return to their homes.
Cadets desiring to aftend these
meetings will be furnished full particu-
lars, , on application to Lt. -Col. G. H.
Gillespie, District Cadet Officer,
Military District, No. a London Ont.
subserir)ii.04,.$ pe,a. $'etSaf.
.„, aerenetheasa'ar'rasit.
r„disq 4,, L. toro
We 1.1eveloP F Irja' s• We 'Piit
• ,
• We Make En1azgrnez3ts
.15415.14' 9
Free Erilargnment C taponb
We are giving a coupon "FREE" with each. 250 purchase in out
Kodak Finishing Departraent and will, redeem them for enlargrnents
as follows;
• For xo Coupons a ,p16 Eniargrnent Value ,, . .
LI For es Coupons 528a Enlargmennt Value
# For 20- Coupons a 6xxo Enlargrnent Value
is For eo Coupons a Becro Enlargm.ent Framed, Value •
--Oar Every Day Cut Prices Save You Money '
McKibbon's Drug Store
VVinsrharn, Ont. Phone 0•°4
1111119111111111111111111111111111=111411 munenuntannontionsueln noun in inniiiminginmitioN,
Too Many Defendants
Eight young men of Culross • and
Kinloss townships were arraigned.
before County Magistrate McNab at
Teeswater on Tuesday on a charge
of infringing the by-laws ef thatj
town. It appears that on June 291111
Mr. L. A. Brink, the postmaster
while walking down the street, past
the Vendome Hotel, was made ,a tar-
get for stones thrown by someone
standing on the corner. As one of
the stones was aimed with more ac-
curacy than' it would have been. if a
joke,. Mr. Brink asked the Constable
to ascertain the identity' of the artist
with the clear eye and steady hand.
The eight young men were congregat-
ed on the corner from which the stone
commenced its unerring flight and
though all confessed: to seeing some-
thing ,of the affair, none could. state
definitely who gave the pebble its mo-
mentum. The postmaster therefore
laid a charge against the whble works
for loitering on the corner and throw-
ing stones-. When the octette appear-
ed. before the Cadi andd eclared their
lack of knowledge concerning the
matter, the plaintiff found that he had
too many defendants and an alarming.
lack of witnesses, so the -magistrate,
suggested that the charges against •
'all but two of the lads be withdrawn'
After some difficulty, the Bench was ,
able to illicit the ittforniation fronn'
one of these that it was Wallace:
Waugh who had directed the flight of
the gravel, and as a reminder that
town by-laws as well as other statutes
must be obeyed, assessed the culprit
$so and costs.
Normal School Results
l The Department of Edtication an-
a °zinced the following • certificates
'awarded students at the Loadon Noe -
1 mal School, of former Winghain
Interim First Class Certificates --
Angus A. McKay, Doris Ostei.houts •
Addle 1 . Proctor.
Interim Second -Class Certificates -
Jervis W. Lutton. •,
The results of the examinatkons in
the Stratford Normal Schoo,1 are gaz- ••
en below, inasfar as Winghaux at
dents art concerned.
Internet Second Class Certificates-
Thelda J. Bennett, Marie A. Living-
stone, Violet McBurney, Dorothy
Webster, Gco. L. Douglas, Leslie j.
Hetherington,Geo. E. Pocock Cafe
A Change in System
awe are starting- a new system of
selling our goods in and around Wing -
ham We are. selling our products at
wholesale prices to the customer.
This -will be a big saving tothe pub-
lic and will help to employ .our own
town men.
Come and buy your flour and feed.
at the mill door or if you cannot take
it with yon we will deliver to any
part of the town at the prices quoted
below for Flour and 'tic per cwt. ,ex -
Oa for feed,
Prices:-Stiperier noel- $3.8o per
bag. Five. Lilies flour $3.7o per bag.
Pat•A-Paa $3.6o per bag Or gse for
24 lbs, Sainsoin low grade •flour $1,95
per bag Feed flour $1,75 per bag.
Shorts $T.45 per cwt., Been $1.e.5 per
ewt, Feecl, in buyers bags or bags re-
turnable. We also have Chop, wheat,
Oats, recleaned 'wheat screenings etc.
Our Mill is equipped with the'very
best machines and out mechentes are
the best, thus We are able to turn am
flour that cannot be surpassed, Our I
guarantee "Satisfaction after a fair
trial 'or unused flour returnable and
monea! refunded." ,
Try .tre with Yohe next order,
• Hcsvecin & Howson,
Phone 26 W •
Toronto-a:Aug. 23 to Sept 6.'
Gocterieh-Sept. 3 to 5.
London ---Sept. 6 to 23,
Exeter -Sept. ±6 and, ie.
Kineardine-Sept, e8 and 19.
Listowel -Sept. 18 and 19.
Seaforth-Sept, iS and 19.
Bayfield -Sept, 23 and ea. ' •
Mitchella-Sept. 23 and 24.
Blyth -Sept. 25 aid ad.
Leeknove-Sept. 25 a.nd 26,
sZurioll-Sept. 05 and o6.
Wingbatn-Sept, oo and ;so.
Brussels -Ott - and s
Dungan:non--Oa and 3. •
, , .• a- • ' . •• ' • • '
I heal
Mellway-In Toronto on, the after-
noon of. Saturday, July egth., after-.
- a brief illness, Barbara Halstead,
beloved wife of John Richard MeIl-
way, formerly of. Wingharn, in her
thirty-second year.
A girl can always get even with a
fellow by marrying him,
., • 4 ,,
, • e
" ' • .'
ford Robertson, William F. Thou p-
HuArtona nCioeuetnitnyg Forfutith eS hHolwir 0 n county, ,•
Fruit Growers Council, held in the of- •
lice of the Department of Agriculture, •
Monday, July sath., it was arranged •
to hold a County Fruit Show on Wed-
nesday, November 5th. This show itt
le be held this year in Clieton.
• The matter of a Show of this kind.
has been discussed with the Depart-
ments of Agriculture, both Provincial •
and Federal and a goodly measure of ,
support is being- promised to this mat-
ter. at is hoped in addition to lis.vitig •
a good display of fruit from the veil-
ous section of the County, we will at- •.
so have a display of spraying machin-
ery, materials etc. with demonstra.,
tions from the various firms sending
these outfits. • We will have demote- , .
strations put on by the Ontario and ,
Federal Departments an box and bar-
rel packing, motion pictures, demon-
strations in cooking and processing of
apples etc. The Ontario Honey Pro-,
clucers are also making an exhibit, It
is hoped that the local people through.
their municipal Councils, both town,
Townships and County, will get be-
hind this proposition and make it one
of real educational value.
16aring Sale
Sumrr)er Shoes Must Go
This is one of the events of the
year in Shoe Selling
Every sort of Summer Shoes for Wn, Women and
Children are marked down- IN,. y
at prices, so low that our shelves, will
soon be emptied.
Good time now to buy.
. Lots of SUmnler Weather Ahead
. 0•4
THE GOOD $140.11; rroRE,.
peateesesteseetasieteeeetehatemisagoinais; aweee-aalleagesile •,'