HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-17, Page 7'''''F":77':17:7e,:liEL7:77.'177,177:,7,flr
vinalciSAM, ADV4NOU.TXX44$,
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w ▪ This is the Greatest S in Win.ghanes History. One Big Under -Selling Event to force right
•.out our Surplus Merchandise al less than half price of Ladies' Ready-to-VVear, Men's Cloth
lug, Boots and Shoes; Dry Goods and Ladies' an' Men's Furnishings. Our Sale will contin-
ue for 10 Days Only. On account of the celebration on the 12th of theOpening Day of the Sale
•yve are extending it for 10:lay S to give the community a chance to attend thils Great Sale.
The items here listed are convincing due to the Extremely Low Prices
isMen's Clothing
as Fine Tweed Suits at , , • , ,,.. .$xo.g5
II • Men's Suits, Blue, Grey and Navy with two pair pantis..e.i8.g5
NIMen's Rain Coats ..............- -------...---- ----------------5.95
si• Men's very fine Coats in all shades at a. „. g.g5
Men's Odd Pants. (only 5o pairs• _Lag
aMen's Odd Fine Worsted Pants .......-...............................__.....,.....2.9e
A • Men's Khaki Pants ..., . , '•
Ill Boys' Khaki Long Pants • • . a $1.s5
• Boys' Khaki Bloomers •-.ea... , . ... ................................................._6gc
C , ps and Hats
• NI•so Panama Hats, cheap enough to wear in the fields
Men' e Straw Sailor• ,s .
)VIen's Caps ..... ....... 95c and x,45
• Men's Felt Hats, regular 3.5o for
• Me 's Underwe nd - Hose
• ▪ 71 Penman's Underwear at
▪ Combinations, Balbriggans ...
B. V. D. and Fiala Nets g5c
Men's Balbriggan Underwear
• Men's Cotton Hose, per pair'
Men's Silk Lisle Hose -
Men's Silk ond Wool Hose 3gc
20 dozen Heavy Wool Socks, grey .....
tes 2 Shites
1,.!• j,!
• Men's Heavy Black and Brown Work -Shoes and 3.a5•
Men's Fine Black and Brown Shoes and 4.45
Men's Canvas Shoes, leather 'soles and rubber heels—. -'.g5
Men's Oxfords d $
Children's amusing Shoes, brown anclavvhite, 6 to
... Girls' Running Shoe p at
Boy.s' Running Shoes, all colors
Children's Patent Leather Slippers a.....-
• Girls' Patent Leather Slippers
cation after leavieg the synagegue
School- Farrar in Isis Life of Chre-di
says that "the tendency to the life of
recluse had shown itL iu the
Nazarite Irani his earliest
Years but it was from the desire to
fulfil a destiny inspired by burning
hopes," He was a dweller • in the
wilderness, only that he might there-
bY become the prophet of the High-
est. In the solitary life, ecannutMeg
with his own heart, with nature and
with the words of priest and prophet.
with which his mind was stored the
-Unseen world became to him a great
reality and in time he became a pow-
er in the midst of his people,
Verses 4 -8 -John's Public Ministry
• It became rumored abroad that ,in
the wilderness of Judaea, there lived
one whose appearance and life recal-
led that of Elijah: "He was clothed
with, cale's hair, and with a girdle
of a skin about his loins, and he did
eat locusts and wild honey." His
words recalled those of the prophet
Isaiah for he preached the baptism of
repentance for the remission of sins.
•People of all classes and from every
quarter of the country, from both city
and coufftry-side, flocked to hear him,
He quailed before none but warned
and rebuked alike the wealthy Sad-
ducee, the haughty Pharisee and the
publcan and soldier until their hearts
and consciences were stricken. They
in many cases, made confession of
their sins and were baptized with wa-
ter as a sign of their repentance and
purification. He had, however, an-
other theme beside that of repentance
for when asked by a deputation from
the Sanhedrin as to who he was; and
while all men mused in their hearts
of John, whether he were the Christ,
or not, he never hesitated for a mo-
ment to say he was a voice in the wil-
derness and nothing more; but "There
comethone. mightier than 1 after me,
the latchet of whose shoes I am not
worthy to stoop down and unloose. I
indeed have, baptized you with water;
but he shall baptize you with the Holy
Verses g -ex -Christ's Baptism
John and Jesus were related through
their mothers being cousins but cir-
cumstances had kept them apart up
to this time. John as the son of Za-
charias, a priest, had liver far south
in Judaea while Jesus, the foster son
of a carpenter, had lived fax north in
Galilee and, according to John's own
testimony twice given that he knew
him not, they met for the first time
on the banks of the Jordan. When
Jesus appeared in the crowd of hear-
ers it was revealed to John that the
Messiah was in their midst. Before
this John's attitude had been that of
the "uncompromising prophet; kings
he could confront with rebuke; Phari-
sees he could unmask with indignation
but before this Presence all his lofty
bearing falls. So that from his lips
fell the confession and question: "I
have need to be baptized, of thee, and
comest thou to me?" •Isn his reply
we have the second recorded utter-
ance of Jesus and the first of his pub-
lic ministry: "Suffer it to be so now;
for thus it becorneth us to fulfil all
righteousness." So Jesus went down
into the waters of Jordan and was
baptized of John; and there was given
the sign that he was indeed 'He that
should come.' The heavens were op-
ened and there streamed. forth the
Spirit of God in a dove -like radiance
that hovered over His head and a
II sound which to the ordinary ear was
as thunder, spake in the voice of God
to the ears of John. "This is my
beloved Son, in whom I am well pleas-
MAPLi ciRovE,
Mr. Harry Cliainpioe of ,Fordyce is
assisting the Gardner Bros, with the
Thursday, July jth., 1924
, „„ne,,seereeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeee*r*,,eeeseteseee
dcDouah of Jrisr,
le at preseet visiting wile,. hie coueine
around 7,ion Red lialfests
Tile glorious eth -wee celebeeted
Code:rich Seterday, the day wee idefele.
them Willi a very large getliferineee..",et
'awls sympathy is felt TO r
Mr. and Mrs. Alla Ritehie, Miss
Prencle Ritchie and Miss Cross of
Guelph visited friends in the Geove Hardy of I.oelialelt ef the 10,9,1 ba"
over Sunday, . death of his lovingsift', astio aesSedt.
MapleGrove L. 0. L. 1044 cafe- away Sunday teth, leeneral will he
brated the glorious memory of King held from tete Prest,yterran
William by joining the monster cele- L,olash, l'iresday afternoon.
Ijration in God
erich on July sada Mr, and leirs. Will 13a1d)vin, Mi. andl
They report a large gathering of Mr, Gilbert Vint, so con, was 0Vt'l."
Orangemen, the parade was nearly o ,Iaruodr, to see their sister,
two miles long and the largest crowd Dunbar, who we are sorry to say ese
of people seen at a gathering on the
Seth for i,ome Time,
Any person attending this sale from a distance of 10 or more miles and who purchase to, the value of $10
or more will receive Free Gasoline for the roused trip.
Ladies° Wear Sale
Ladies' Coats
• Summer Dresses Numin-insit
• 50 Bungalo Dresses ....................
NI 75 Street Dresses, tone Crepe and Gingham
im so Extra Fine Street Dresses
Voile Dresses, regular $12.00, for
too Crepe Skirts Sand, Grey, Brown and White
•al Silk Sleeveless Sweaters to match any skirt to 3.95
IN Women come, choose, pick and carry away dresses at
In prices so low 'you'll wonder,. Take our word for it -no
t till
▪ the end of the summer can you expect value thrill even be -
111 ginning to approach! this one. Beautiful shades and leornbina-
tions' quite in keeping with the gay Summer Season.
1000 yds. Gingharns Silk Ratine 6ee
French Voiles Cotton Towelling
•Pure Irish Linen Towelling tgc
• The Misses Ritchie of Toronto whe
are borne on their s.ummer vacation
a ot very Well.
Miss Pearl 13oyle, of Kiniou gin
spent Sunday with ilea coesins, Ms.
and Mrs. Frank Irwin, loth con..
entertained a few of the young Zion. Mr. and ',Mrs, David Little and Vela.
ladies last Thursday afternoon, of Coureys Corners spent Sunday at.
ths.borne Qf Mr. Will irsviii, 9th corr.
Mr. Edmund Gardner of Windsor
is home for his summer vacation. 411,1'a and.Mrs. Alf Arrnstronie aad
two boys from London are visiting.
Mr. John Champion of Fordyce and with. Mr. and Mrs, Will invia,
his sisteo Mrs. M, L. Gardner of Ma -
Pie Grove visited friends at 'RipleYe
d Mrs. Hugh 1VieLean of "fi.eas,
Bervie and Kincardine last 'Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ritcbe of Dee Me. an
tioit motored through our Grove call- milton are visiting With friend e the
ing on eerne Championefo
theirfriendsf dy
MoseW. H. Ferguson of Toronto"
called on Zion friendslast Thursday lepent a few days calling on ord.
afternoon. !friends. ,j
Mrs. Joseph Helm and Thomas of mi;ust Southernof
fMiss Waderor laste/f dwiweek, w,o,s.
Detroit arrived home last week. We thees
are glad to see Tom able to be out
again after his severe attack of pneu-
monia while in the city.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Gardner and ba-
by Kathleen, spent a day lat week
with Mr, Sam Kilpatrick of Mafeking.'spending a few weeks with her moth -
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKay of Pais- I er Mrs. Walsh.
ley and Miss K. Ilellwig, of Ebenezer Mr. and Mrs. Mell Bredburei
spent a day recently with Mr. arid Hyde Park spent the weelc-enil
Mrs. Wess Ritchie, friends in the village.
Mr. Boden Ritchie of Walkerville, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph England and
and Mr. Robt. Wilson of Detroit call- Mr. C. England of Cairo, Mich, were
ed on friends in the Grove over the calling on old friends this week.
week end.Mrs. Anderson, wife of Dr, J, An -
Mr, C. E. McDonagh made a busi- derson of Philadelphia and little
ness trip to London one day last week. daughter _ere visiting with Mrs..
Mr. Walter Ritchie of Walkerrville, Scandrett and Mr. F. Anderson the
is spending his vacation with his cous-
ins the Ritchie Bros.
Mrs, J, L. Geddes and son, Wilson
of Kitchener, spent a few days with
her sister Mrs, E. Geddes.
, Miss B. Walsh of Winnipeg 'is
Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, re-
turned home to Algoma Thursday.
Miss Mary Hackett, so con. spent
a few days last week with her uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lane of Ripley.
Miss Elsie Vint, of Belfast, spent a
few days this week -with her school
chum, Frances Phillips.
Mrs. Fred. Topp of Toronto is vis-
iting with her brother and sister Mr.
Charlie McDonagh, of Zion and Mrs.
s Cook of Belfast
Ladies' Coats to be cleared at half price. A. special at -$8.95
Velours and Devitines, regular $3o.00, for ...-....—.—ao.g5 is
Enormous Large Sized Coats up to 46, fine Velour Silk Lined ..—I2.0
• SaVing8 Ladies' Underwear and Hose
• Ladies' Underwear, only xo dozen .....,—.--.....— __sec iii
.... ill
20 doz. at .._.-
...35c xo doz. kat 45c III
Ladies' Cotton Hose, all colors ...-......----------s9a 1
Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose, colors • — 20C 1
.Be h oSpti ZartLadies' Pure Silk Hose,
Ladies' Extra Fine Glove Silk .Hose, reg. $2.5o, for.....--gac ill
Children's Dreases .....---_95c Children's Overcalls ...---950 ra
Children'e Bathing Suits -19c Little Girl's Straw Hat3-6ge pi
•IMINNIMMUI" Ladies' All Wool
Bathing Suits, all colors ....-..-$1.95 and 2.95 NM
1.0.00,,Mo45111.0,110.001118M14112,841,144411/04,,r11006,11111,14.1.!.yeakiff[00.11,1114,,wir411Mirein,-,Alsniteetawbon.tiomociipiii14,,,,memetrbms,4,tasmootes*Ilim4,0011,4,01.6011,111,1111114.21.06111.2,610,taboviletetkplikeialtfooklielo011,10 • al
Eritert)rise Store,- Wirigharnj
I 111111111111111111111116111111111111NIMMIIIIIIIIIINNNIMMININNI111011111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111161MMEINSINOINIENNIIIIIIIIMENIENEINIII
mission work, she is able to speak out
doctor's father.
Sinclair -Garton
At Westminster Presbyterian manse
on Saturday July stia, at 7 p. ire, Miss •
Mabel Garton daughter of Mrs. Mary
Garton of Brussels, Ont., to Mr.
Vernon Sinclair of Port Huron for-
merly of Brussels, were united Ulmer.
riage by the Rev. J. T. Charlton.
'Mr. and Mrs. John Garton of Gra--
tiat Avenue with whom the bride han,
lbeen living were the only attendant*,
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair will reside at
2512 Gratiat Ave., Port Huron.
A Mein is a characteristic feature
of Indian life. As ordinary observ-
ed among the Hindus, it is a cross be-
tween a rural fall fair, and a' relig-
ious convention, with the fall fair ele-
ment largely predominating. It is
usually held at some place where
there is a shrine, or temple, or sacred
river, or holy pool, and there the peo-
ple congregate in hundreds and thou-
sands to meet with one another and
satisfy that gregarious instinct which
is so characteristic of man, to enjOy
themselves and have a thoroughly
good tirne, and to give play to their
religi9us feelings and emotions which
clamor for ex -Pression.
For years we, in our Mission in In-
dia have had an annual mela but with
us the convention element is the pre-
dominating one. It is held in Rut -
lam, which in many respects is the
most central of our stations, at any
rate so far as railway connections are
concerned. Christians from all over
our field gather for about four days.
• Tents and temporary shelters built of
bamboos and matting are erected on
the mission compound; special mes-
sing arrangements are made for those
who need -them, and for the duration
of the mela the place reminds one of
the old fashioned camp -meeting in
western lands.
This year there were two special
speakers, Rev. Mr, Despande of
Poona, and Mrs. Jackson, of Benares,
both of them Indians. Mr. Desh-
pande is a graduate in Arts of His-
lop College, Nagpur. Becoming con-
verted to Christianity, he. gave up all
the prospects which were before him
as a University graduate, studied for
the ministry, and since then he has
actively engaged in Christian work.
He is a man with a definite exper-
ience, and, needless to say, he has a
definite message. Mrs, Jackson is a
South Indian lady who married a mis-
sionary of the London Missionary So-
ciety. Coming as she does from Ben -
ares, which might be called the Mecca
of orthodox Hinduism and which has
been said to be the most difficult
place in all Ind'ia in which' to do
Jesus! smite of priceless worth
To the fallen sons of earth,
For the promise that it gave --
Jesus shall Hie people save..
--Jesusname of wondrous love,
Human nanle of God a.bove!
Pleadhig only this, we flee,
Helnlees, � our God!, to Thee.,
Almighty God, the Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, who desireth not
the death of a Sinner, but rather that
he may tura front his wickedness,
and livel„ we beseeelt of Thee to grant
us true repentence that we may from
thit time fervaaed live pure and holy
lives and be at last received mite,
Thyself; through jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen
JULY 0001, x924
Lesson Title -The Baptism of Je-
Lesson Passage -Mark ra-tr.
Golden Te -Mark sax.
Verses z -3 ---Messiah's Messenger,
The prophet Malachi was the last
of those sacred seers who in the een'
turieS before Christ prepared the
way of the Lord, He foretold not on-
ly the coming of the Messiah but of
John the Baptist, His fore-tutiner.
The words used by Malachi in de-
scribing John convey the same mean-
ing as that used later by the angel
Who appeared to Zacharias and 411.-
tiOttlittd to him that his prayer had
been heard and that a son would be of a rich exeerienee of Christian ser -
born into their home who would bring vtwicospe.Teahkeerasdwdreersesegsreagtilvyenappbyrectihaetesde
thern joy and gladness. Malachi de-
scribed him' as a preacher of right -
by all who heard them.
eousness; "The voice of one crying le Central India Torch.
It is an injustice to say that a boy
WhO, in summer vacation, fishes hard
all morning, plays baseball and swims
hard all the afternoon and industri-
ously raids watermelon patches at
night, is spending his day in idleness.
Shameless! Shocking. as can be,
Pretty knee,
Ltielter bee.
the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of
the Lord, make his paths. straight,
The angel said: "He shall be great
in the sight of the Lord, and many of
the children of Israel shall he turn to
the Lord their God to make ready a
people prepared for the Lord.".'
Wilco this promised child was born
the prophesy concerning him would
no doubt direct the course his par-
ents would take conternileg his celery
go, IN
ifIri,r4'.- fg
,4,,,_.,400,,,,„---, • thiteigit '' ''''''''
4NN 1,
N. • ,N,'
4 63
This Summer, spend your vaca-
tion at Jasper National Park.
Motor, Hike, Camp or Clang,
Golf, Tennis, Dance or Rest
amid the gorgeous grandeur of
the Canadian Rockies.
Jasper Park Lodge (under roan-
agepent of Canadian National
Railways) provides every com-
fort for 350 guests. Rates as
low as $6.00 per day American
Your journey to the West would
not be complete without enjoy-
ing the incomparable Triangle
Tour. Through the valley of
tits. Slassepa to PLince per
down the east by boat
Vancouver and back along the
Fraser and Thompson to Jasper
National Park. This is net-
doubtedly one of the fuzest
scenic Trips in the World.
Ask any Agent of the Can-
adian National Railways for
information and copies of
descriptive booklets.
ote Pa
er, Writing 4,ds
petries, Envel
es, Etc.
FOUNTAIN PENS -The popular Dufold Parker Pen and reg-
ular Parker, also the well known Waterman Ideal Fountain Pei,
Our stock is always complete.
MAGAZINES -We sell all the popular magazines and new*
papers by single copies Mid also take sitbscriptions for any rnaltaalin
or newspaper, Try oil= service. We will give you satisfaction.
pporeite Queens Hotel. Ticket Agency Canadian Natinual
toesieteeizziesteekezetieeielziet7'everilemes7' •