HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-17, Page 6s., • ,:1111‘, • 10, ! ellittheditoyo Soler rattle 1924 co^, 111.00*0011001111111111010111111110111111011111111.111111111111111111.11 Si,len(e That Is i Not Golden as 1.1 11 ' TI -IE merchant who fails to "speak up" Ai lets a lot of golden sales slip past his so store, The lost business goes either to Si is his competitor down street or, by the mail so s order route, to the big city stores. is 1111 People are often surprised to find that the goods they bought "unsight unseen" si• -1• from, a catalogue can be seen and exam- ' is ined in the local store! ! Tell your buying public what you have. a ADVERTISING in "THE ADVANCE- S' . MI • TIMES" will invite the whole community to your store. And • — s! Ro Most Folks Shop Where They Are Invited •I a To Shop 1 si• Issued by Canadiaft Weekly Newspaeers Association Head Office: Toronto, Canada ...•••10•1 rifle Question t2f) ater orY Il 41r:41,.11 (-)nie In planning your country home nothing is quite so important as the question of water. Formerly it was considered sufficient for the farm er county home to have a hand pump or windmill. But now the hand pump and -windmill are as obsolete as the old elne sanitary outhouse or chemical toilet. ' illatetb te1724 -made in many sizes and styles, enable any home anywhere, to have running water under pressure, all over the house, just like city water service. Duro systems can. be used with ' deep wells, s'hallow wells, cisterns or spriegs. They may be driven from high line current, farm light plant er gasoline engine. A Duro system is a sound invest- ment—it lessens labor and promotes health atid cleanliness. It replaces drudgery and despair with comfort and happiness. And it is also a perManent itnprovement that adds to the value of • your property. Have your architect or builder ask for an estimate. Specify Duro. i,'1111 I` 4111 it', W. J. BOYCE PLUMBING AND HEATING eill4t-;a:1',104.111folintit venzmuroulasmitI10020.11..•,,s.111Mfriinkwhtf•MADR.Mkra.trapkitse.graestiamotimancommtilMinbolahlurgoafemanumnovberrnm WHITgeHLTRCH M. Frank Cottle of Calgary is vis- ttng grandparents, Mr, and Mr, and Mrs. John VVebb and , NGv,itt<illrge Cottle and with other re - daughter Elsie visited with friends at latives in these parts, • Owen. Sound, Markdale and Fillianu- ford. Mr, Armstrong and his sister., Miss havina Callrick o•f Miss Armstrong of Owen Sound re- 8P"t• Surtthy at her Rowe here, turned with them. Mr. Will Rol)ertson of 1-1:atnitton is Mr, and .lqrs. John Morrison, Ka- visiting with his cousin, M. Will tharing, Angus and john of Tura- Henry, berry visited -with Mr. and Mrs. jas. Miss Murclecn. Simpson of Langside Cornelius one day last week. is visiting with Miss Agnes Wilson, ItiAtinalt Stokes who in . d. "VI W 1., g d visitine Mrs, Henry McGee, re- children of Bluevale visited on Siirf4 turned to her home in Turnberry last day with Mr, and Mrs. Robt ow - Saturday. i bray, Mr. Fred Davison. is treating his 1 Mrs. 14eGaviii oi Wingbain is visit - house to a coat of paint, Mr, th Jae -1 mg with Mrs. 1. G. Gillespie, que,s la doing the work, 11/riss Edith Peddle kit last weela to Misses Alba and Letti Fax 'and Mr. visit with her atters Mrs, Vurbar anti Roy Patton -visited with Mr. and Mrs, Mrs, Nettgbottr,of Sask. ol and Idenderson of feondott on Mr, and Mrs. Rteliard erriff and stitldlly, two children of Toronto and Mr. and 3,6rs. Thos. Gaunt, Mrs. Mirehotise iVirs, Chas. Sproule of Wroxeter vis - and sister 'Mrs, John McKenzie and ited at the home of Mr, and, Mrs. , Hr. and Mrs, Alex. McKenzie attend- Mac Ross ott Stutday, • ed the funeral of Mrs. Mirchouse's Mr, and Mrs. Will Shaw and chit. slster, Mrs. John Hazelwood in T,,on.- dren and Messrs. Harold and. Jon don on Sunday, Shaw of 'Toronto, spent ihe week -end Ata.30c Ausehlert of Toron-, aeetTee hone. of Ur g,tat g1,8 mac, to is visiting, at the home of Inc uncle Mr, Ken Paterson, Mr, and &Cis. John Webb and nISte Mr. and Alfas-, Gatin Middleton re- also gr, Aonstrong• and Miss Arm. - turned to Etattilton. on Frid,ay after strong of Owen Sound, visited at the visiting friends arid, relatives in these hon ieS of and Mi 1;,Art,s. ' Netsliitt of Glarr;is on qy, „ —••••• r.^ -r---^.--..--•-•••••-•••••••••••••••• , Mr. John Cluipman spent the week- end with Alr. and Mts. leinsley ANitiglette, Miss Ida al cO,uoi d epent I he week-, end with reletiveS Lein -tow, Miss Merle Wilson visited last week with rive e in Cuirass, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross visited with Mr, Jals.liRoasnsdefivIirgsFrdeedcoriehSculnipcksioeen, Toronto are visitirg with Mr, and Mrs, foe The meeting -of ilia W, M. S. of the iyieeetediee ceorch is being held this Week at the• home of Mrs. Jas. Bar- bour of Fordyce. Death of Mrs. Ferguson, After weeks of suffering from drop- sy and neuritis, death relieved Mrs. R. B. Ferguson on Thursday morning last, July. 3rd, The deceased had bece ill for several months and for thc past few weeks had been in a very low state and her d.eath was not un- expected, In the passing. of the late Mrs, Ferguson therewas removed one of the most highly` respected citizens of the town. In her life she was greatly wrapped' up in her home and there her loss will be most keenly felt. She possessed a beautiful Christian cbaraeter and always bad a kind word and helping hand for those in need. Her • death created the first brealc in the Stapleton and Ferguson families. She lame in' her 6oth year. Born in Devonshire, England, the deceased, whose maiden name was Nora Stap- leton, came to Canada at seven years of age with her parents, the late Mr., and Mrs, Robt. Stapleton, and after residing for a short • time at Rice Lake, near Peterboro, the family lo- cated in Turnberry Tp., near Wing - ham, where she was married. about 43 years ago to Mr. Robt. B. Fergu- son. The youlig coupde after resid- ing for about twenty years at Wing - ham, moved to Walkerton about twenty-thme years ago, and have since made their home here. The deceas- ed was ana. ctive worker in the Bap- tist Church, and her pastor, Rev. J. K. Fairfull, made glowing refeeneces to her worth at the funeral service which was •held in that church on Sonday afternoon, when: the edifice was filled to overflowing by the friends and neighbors who turned out to pay a last tribute of respect to the deceased. Beaides • her sorrowing husband, she leaves to mourn a family of six sons, William of Syracuse, N. Y.; Robert of Salmon Ann, B. C.; Stanley of Port Colborne; John;Arch- ie and Harry of town and. four daugh- ters, (Hattie) Mrs. W. E. Hanna of Niaa-ara. Falls, Ont; (Lola) Mrs. W. j. ?owler of Walkerton, (Annie) Mrs. Fred Arkell of Teeswater and (Millie) Mrs. Beet lelonk of Chesley, all of -whom, with the exception of Wm. and Robt, were present at the funeral, She also leaves • three sisters, Mrs. Pringle 'and Mrs. John Reid, of Wing - ham and Mrs. Wm. Knepflar of Strat- ford and five brothers, William, James Arlbur, Emanuel and R.obt. Stapleton of near Wingham, all of whom, ex- cept Mrs, Keepflata attended the ob- sequies here. Other relatives present -ware her brother-in-law, Mr. W. I -L Ferguson of Toronto; her sister', Mrs. Arch. McGillivray of Wingham; her nephew, Mr, Alex. Passmore and mole of Teeswater; her cousins, Mrs. Bert Holmes and Mrs. Miles Ca.rneron of Wingliarn, Mr. Win, Elliott of Glen- anrion; her sous -in-law, Bert Monk of Chesley, Fred Arkeell of 'feeswater and. Win. Hanna and the latter's bro- ther, Samuel Hanna and wife, and laIrs. Alex Giay and. Master Jack Han - ea, all of Niagara Falls, Ont. The eall-bearers were the deceased's three sons, Messrs. John, Stanley and Aie chic Ferguson' and ber sons-in-law, Messrs. Fred Arkell, Wm. Hanna and W. J. Fowler. -Walkerton Telescope. THE TIME TO ADVERTISE There is nothing so mysterious/y as newspaper advertsement. The prime, fkst, last anda 11 the time ob- jects of an. advertsement is to draw castona It is not, was not, and nev- er will be designed for any other hu- man purpose. So the merchant waits natil the busy season comes and his eLore is so full of customers that he can't get his hat off, and then be rush- es to the newspapers and puts in los advertisement. When the -dull season gets along and there is no trade and he wants to pay his rent, he takes out his advertisement. That is, some of them do,but occasionally a level-head- ed merchant puts in a bigger one and scoops in all the business while his neighbors are worrying to pay the bills, There are times. when. you couldn't stop people from buyipg everything in the store if you plantcdee, cannon behind the door, and that's :Vic time the advertise.ment is sera ,out on its holy mission, It makeslight work for the sidewalk could do all drat was Chamber here on Monday and Till 'needed and have a half -holiday six , . 1 ' for the loss of a water privelege, by a ditch, being dug by the townships. J, 13, Rankhe K. C. of Chatham, Draire age, Referee, presided. H. L. Dickin- son, Goderich for pl al ff ; Wtm Proudfoot, K. C., God.,criela. for Grey Morris township. VLar:iy wheesses township; R. Vanetone, Witigham, for were examined. and the case was hu- ffier adjoureed until August 30th. Mayor Vanstone hasyissued 4 pro- clamation declaring Tuesday, August, r,nd as Whightou's Civic Ere another week has passed, the 12111 of Slily, 1904, will have come and gone, and from present ipdications the celebration will be, to say the least, highly suecessful one, It is expect- ed that epwards of scvdety lodges will be represented. The local com- mittees are actively engaged in com- pleting arrattgements; arches are be - mg erected attd the merchants and business men, are aeked to decorate their places of businees. The special tallway service fot the eth hag been areanged, spodet train from Orange. villc, on the C. P. aed, from Kin- cardine, Durham and Stratford on the G. T. R. being timed to arrive in Wbigham dpring the foretioom, re - twining in the eveideg. The lodges will fom a the toWe perk and the WINGI-TAg, ADVANCE.'17 eastvyard along Alfred street to shut. rirnean Vettrark Praises " Fruit-a-tivest" MAJOR GEO. \NAL R Major George Walker, now a familiar figure in Chetham, Ontado, is one of the men who went through the terrible Indian, Mutiny. As he says: "I am a veterao of the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny, serving under Lord Reberts. Fierce hand-to-hand fighting% • and continual exposure left me a great sufferer from Rheumatism, so mut+ so that my legs swelled up,enalting it im- possible for me to walk. My. bowels were so constipated that I was In terri- ble shape until I began to use 'Fruit-a- tives.' They relieved mo both of the Rheumatism and the Constipation. • Today, I enjoy perfect bealth—no more Rheumatism or Constipation." .And in another letter, written De. cember lst, 1923 (eleven years after), Maier Walker says:" 'Fruit-a-tivea' aro keeping me in the best of health and I shall never be without them." "Fruit -a -eves" are the famous Fruit Treatment --inteosified fruit juices combined with tonics—that nialte you well and keep you well, 25c and SOD -- at all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives, Limited, Ottawa, Ont. BACKWARD FLOW BACKWARD • Remembrances of Bygone Days Taken from Pyle of 5904 . Mr. W. H. Green has sold his coal and wood business to Mr, J. A Mac - Among those whose advertisements appear in the paper are A. R. Smith, Tailor, Armstrong & Co., Photograph- ers, John 'and James Kerr, Dry Goods T. A. Mills, General Store, H. E. Is- ard & Co., Dry Goods, W. J. Greer, Boots and Shoes, Walker & Button, Furniture, 'A. Cosens, real estate,' Ball Bros. Furnitare, Thos Fells, But- cher; R. Maxwell, tailor, W. G. Paton, well driller, I-lornuth Bros., gents fur- nishings, Walton McKibbon, drugs, Fishleigh, hardware, , -D. M. Gordon, Dry Goods, The Keeler Co., Dry Goods, Cooper & Co., Chinaware, R. A. Hutchison, grocer, A. I. McCall & Co. drugs, Oh boy, they used to ad- vertse in the good old days. Even the banks carried large advertise- ments. Piper D. E. McDonald and Miss Mabel IVIcVonalci assisted in the pro- gram at the Catholic picnic in Kenil- worth on Thursday of last week. Mr. 3, E. Swarts' borse,eDarkey is dating good work in the Canadian. cir- cuit races. He won the first money in. the free-for-all at Listowel on Thursday, 1.-nakitig one -heat in 2.12. The Wingham salt works has been running to its full capacity for some weeks past and it is hard work to keep up with the orders. Four car loads of salt have been shipped during the past few weeks, " The larick work on the Walker & Clegg factory is now completed. The engine arid boiler room was compler- ed this week. A large brick chimney is now in course of erection and worla- men are also Misy laYing floors. New machinery is expected in -a few days. Mr. Jas. Johnston, of Midland has taken a situation as atalesman ia Messrs. John and Jas. H. Kerr's Mr, Abner Cosene, is in Toronto this week, where he went to meet an old friend, Ma. David Alexander, of Bowman's Forest, Victoria Australia. Mr. . Alexander is making a trip around the world, and will spend some few days in Wingham. These two gentlemen have not seen each other since Mr, Cosens came home from Australia a number of yca.rs ago. 'rhe Times man was treated to a mess of new potatoes and green peas by Mr. Rich. Armstrong on Monday, of this week, fer which. he has our very hearty thanke. These are the first new potatoes and green peas we have seen this season, thotagh green peas were. on the market later it) fliC WC ek, A case of mech. ieterest to the rate- payers of the Townships of Morris the advertisement for a chalk sign 00 land Grey was heard in the Counet) day of this week, Mr, Isaac Verrae of Morns 15 as cing or compenaation days in the week, but who wants lo favor an advertisement? They are built to do hard woek, and should be sent out in dull days when a custoin- er has to be knocked down, with cold, hard teats, and kicked insemible wait bankrupt reductons and draggFed tn. • with irresisYable slaughter of prices before lie wil spe,nd cent, Write, this down where you'll fall over it every daY, The time to draw boeneee is when you want bosh -Ices and not wheal yoll have more busi- ness than you can attend, to alreasly, BLYTII Miss LilY Carr, Deaconess of Mon- treal, is spending her holidays at her home liere. Miss Jeanette Ilopplestotter silent the week -end with Itxeter friends. Rev. C. A. and Mrs, l'iffin are vis- iting' friends at Lueknow this week Ur, Johnston of liantiton, spent the week -end at his 'home here. The Methodist and Presi)yterian congregations have agreed. to hold un- ion services for the months of jelly and August, while their respective minieters arc away on their holidays, eorie-oAt ihe Anglican Rectory, d / , • , !-!!.!'!•;f:, :.! !dd, !;-!!!d! t WM, .1! •:! •.rd . d! je y let e V, . ter tipiou bus will be roe by Mr, Siete noon a letlY Sho had hard or to ,Dieeontil eed by 'Victoria and dY'r Mi'• SIMMS' had 1t1,1t1'1118'1;111 to 1,11100 Q,11(1 110 4Wid 4'xi4'otssi9,11, and She ' 1Jvcre„flohitiliee ssit)io'ecitSn 111OVO to •SOttriSr MAildx but tile deal aettoettetea 10 eeet the twee a 011 ce, fell through, "Impossibiti," said " But , On. Saterdae efteritoon itlios, tht;t rettioval 03 Mr, Robt. I'm wieeo pereisted the lad . Taylor, jr, of East wewanosii Ives Ditleer, who with Mie, Atli:111(10o, lea. "Theter what they all eiye said standing Willi; his team of horses, at- vea ,titia Week Lot' lisreS110, 1)0',Y A spcoor tact:red to a democret wagon hi froat le take hs residence, the town lost — ...--,-- PreParing to start for home. The citizen, of R. earttehison's grocery store, OS a Ilighly,metid_c_steme1,1i_cd and 118011d tivroo tith 50115 01 busiacs horses tOok fright and the strap hold- tt ing the bit ie the mouth of 011Q of the The amusement tee is a direct levy 1,1411,1, W,ON discussingwhat they woeld., -horses broke and Mn Taylor lost paid by the people of a intirec),pelity, do it 1310Y nan a million (dollars, The contrel 01 them They tureed sharp. 11: Was itup4M,T,,d by the (Mario Go. ,oltlest, aged fourteen, said; "I would ly, Rad suddenly, lifiss Cill ono of vertitecut when looking around fur ,s, team *lett and sail for IP:keei tite 1111: tCti,rt(1;1(1:iitdu ft z,c)i. 7°, ot, t tonl 1.110. &lel .,111•11 t?, etriet iostrobefel:e:eil I it 1111 01,1 ;II supc':21‘101°11011:-S jet,ealitited,,,aeicgtedin tt-terneviveel, ah.‘)yroolarldegt'a, ler was severely cut 'and bruised, pees of, the province, , The eitees geeing the wprrd, wit° hind t Miss Gill was bndly stemma and also peeielly am urging that a portion of Ten -year-old Ralph, cut about the race, She 'Wes tender- tfa'.;; should revert back to the yet spoken, sniffed. contemtuouSly. ly cared for tind token into the Brues. municipality wherein It is collected. "Humph." be said, "I would buy art wick Betel and later ie the eveilime We claim that olittioer sports should atitomobile and spend the rest in moved to her home, where. she is now be eeempted :from the tax AS tlitey fines," fects of the accident for some time, have some uteuseureas wit:hole be - able to be, about, but will feel the ef- mace ;COI' vigOr luta 1.1141111°"' Let us summERTielE 'The rig was very badly smashed, 1,:ie texce107..Xtil:,:vIro_tu-id,litrid Era, 141,.3,0.1mypzr,ssatinridenyb,rdenGyzesst:tiine, Many thought Miss GM was fetally ciinijpiter.ed, It was a very narrow es- 31 11000 ‘iivoerlsetcykoittiiii(thi \tviteemereel,lerre?sau G5,,irltia0„,oricLiel.:AeeIarRs DATE$, FOR 1,14 The members of Court ,Maitland, I think if we were alwaYS glad r"'‘ Canadian Order of Foresters, eta els. We scarcely ttoeld be tender, iting,members will attend divine , school fairs to be held in Huron Following are the dates of the vice in the Methodist Chureh on SIM- Did our beloved tweet' need , the annual sermon. church, Rev. Dr. Gundy will pteaell Earth would grow cold, and MISS Ashfic)ld , Sept, e day evening next,The pastor Of the Our Petieet mieistration, • County this year: Sept, to. Last Friday afternoon the members Its sweetest eolisolittien, - deed St. Helens , , Sept, 9 of the Wingliarn Lawn Tennis Club Wroxele:- . .. ...... , .. .........., ...... . ... ,...............e.Sept. et held the compeatition for the suit ease 11 sorrow never claimed our heart, Gorrie Sept, 12 given by Mr. elute, lenechtel. The And every wish was granted, 'Clinton Sept. ie. games in the afterneen and evening Patience would die and hope depart, Zurich Sept. T6 were very keenly contested . and a Life would be disenchanted, Varna Sept, 17 , large number of spoctators were pre- Dashwood Sept. ig sent., ale final game was between ALL SAID THE SAME THING Grand Bend .. ... .. IVIiss Greta Corbould and Mies Mag. ``11 can't kcep visitors from coming Porter's Hill _ . . .. 20 gie Macdonald, Miss Corbould was up," said the office -boy dejectedly. Colborne Sept, 22 'd the winner by a few points. !When I say. you're out they won't, Belgrave Sept 23 ":te Mr, Robert Sturdy last week pur- believe me. They all. say they must Ethel , Sept. 24 „lit Sound and, will take possession on how," said the -boss, With a waned Wingham chased the bus ...business at ' Owen see you," "Well,- put thern off some- Blyth Sept.sep. 225, 3206 Friday of this week. The bus busi- look, "Whatever their say, just tell Hensel' Oct. nes § in Owen Sound has been divided them 'That's what they all say.' Be Crediton Oct 2 among the hotels, but in the future firm. See?" "Yes, sir." That after- We h 1 Oct. 3 ' 11Ire, Tieekies a son. bee ;'ah will he: from tile park Made by Ames Holden Tire & Rubber Co. Limited KITCHENER, ONTARIO will give you more miles for ..each dollar of cost—prove it—test them, with any other tire and Compare ihecti/ear' Sold by Wingliam Tire & Vulcanizing Depot Trail Riders Hold First Pow -wow eeeteeretteeter 'tett . , , Z1. •ieeieeetite eekeite, ! ,•• • !,.4„, eiteeteeiee 41. , :1"114 •• • twy Trail•Itiders ofethe•Csinediee+Jtock. euttne a prominent individ- ,le teietero'ereteteeeret, , ItterrV ree Caule/rielo fidretz i.iege 'vseal0 VALI-WCAM ',11,31ir (It' this year vviteleeses :be ho revere secretary. Among' the iest annual PoweWow of the members of the eagunizing ,ecitia- , les de Yehe ValieYr 11116„wendtb utile as IL B. Clow,. president of ley Of, ,Cencele's mouptain ple,y. Reed, MeNally & Co., Chicago; • vowel whoya, ie addition to Alio Reginald Towesendr editor of regyax, accaarmaclatioa Yoh° "Country Life," Oardoe Cite, 1\1.Y.;` , put-leer:low Camp, a camp of tepis Captain A., He leledarthy,' Q.f itt -beteg put •up with criptroipy for New Jersey turd Wilmer, Bk., a one eundred guests. Last year 4 'celebrated mountain elimberrt and group of outdoor levees mede Clot W. Poster, of VaneZeuver, traiD title and, emind it se B.C., president of the,Alpine Club of faseinating that they decided to' Canada, The UtIdarlying spirit'ar the form an organization to foster rid- order is a revereeee ,f 03' the majesty inge in those mountains .,6).riyone and boeuty nature. ita aittts are .who has established tecord fo)7 ericourage travel on horseback the Canediala Rockies; to fester tee mainteetmee and Improvement ef old teens end the emigration Of new ttells; to advocete and peel.' the Riders' Pow -Wow Is eon. tiee Ousideration 110Mea awl to eerteeli, ail thet iSeeceessary is that ,pecrucete the breedite of /Middle intending members 'should ride te horses 'gettable ,f001411 „altitudes; on horseback, to foster good felleWehip Ammer Dr Charles Walcott, seerettiey of those Who V1.41; MIA UVO 111 theae the Smithserilar Institut:lee at glorious mo tilt; :to emu -rape Washington, D.C., ts honorary prest, tho love of oadoot Iltete the stiely deet of tlie new Order, And Jobe attel eeteettrVatiett ,bivin, wlld atoray (libboni, a mor,t4.041, Is the aeincels arid 0(00 flOWors; to pre- idling in the Cerredirm Rockies of fifty miles or more, is eligible to Membership irrespective of race creed as; age or color. Se tat AS " • teat tile eorests against fire; to. assist in every possible way to en.' stlre complete preservation of. the, Ilational Parks rid Canada 'fel:. the use tied enjoyment of the pu:blie; to, create an interest in: cute • toms, costumes and traditions; .to emourage the preservatinn of hie- torie sites as related td, the fu5. teadee„„and early eepleretl. and, to eo.opefete with other Oeganiee' tions With sirteilar Lest year the Batife-Windeienere Motor Road was made ayailable fo tourists and eiilit beegalow camps were built in as many ",beantiful eatiees eileong the Canadian Roclt- les, Scene of them can be reached by netereobilti, others by- ttail The ttaw Orthir Will prepare mud ciatetilatee nuips, I> descriptions aed of existing trend( and the eettlitte to which th:eY Eilva ftetoo, „biluo 'petting helpful 'infer. natl./10e too:ch of pulalie that has lope,- boon svalting for just., ,steili a delightful progtitm' as that mede posteble by the Trail iti4orA,,, oil th,0 Caerelititi iteckies, !dd,