HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-17, Page 511 rel"..tl lei "ti :17r,r ,lrcmir 7 .`: 'f li�y�7"1-. .. d ;4.- i •�;� u... Vim. nul, ;,. e're"ert; 'ripen Tire, YJ nl JI t•, '1'htirsday, duly x7tti., 1924. di1�iM}t`I�III��IIlllll!1�MI111GIJIIIIyi�lll�1!l�llll�IIIIMYIII�Ilhhli�lll�iillLIIII�ItiMlli(WIIIIftlNllll�lll�gl(I�IIil�illp�llllf�lli �July $peciais ati$ards, . T increase our turnover and edncs tiler e we are making special reductions that will make it worth you while to buy s l� J IjltIllItIllinIlle1111171110111e111IIB1111111> II 11E111 i! Clearing Line of Children's Summer Shoes at . .. . . 10 patterns in Fancy Voile to clear .. 100 yds. Wide ]Pongee Silk, natural' shade now 5 pieces Radio Silk Crepe, reg. 2.00 at. oves- al i es (xl . L d e C li amoisette Black or White Gloves on sale ..25e Gowns -2 doz. Ladies' Night Gowns, regular 1.25, now .... , . . Hose -Table of Women's and Child- ren's lose to clear at ';........`.a.., Boys' Ribbed Cotton I'lose now . • . Safety -Pins, good quality, 50 pins Ina pa.ckage for .......... .89c ..39c 79c ,.,1.50 1.00 39c 25c .10c F.,_! $ pieces Fancy Colored Voile at 69c House Dresses nicely made, Gingham and Chambrays, now ....... , ,,.1.95 P 5pieces !Check Gingham Yflll now,17c g Curtain Net reduced to ........35c, 45c, 50c Galatea, 'fast colors, on sale of .... , .....25c Fresh Groceries r Corn or Peaser can a c P 5 • Best Tomatoes per can 2oc Seedless • Raisins z lbs 25c Shredded Wheat 2 boxes for 25c 5 Mix .pickles best qual arc Corn Starch per box .._xoc Laundry Starch per lb. roc :} Choice Sal. large ..........202 ...Black or mixed Monarch • tea _ .__ _ ...__. _.59c Corn Flakes _ioc •Toilet 'Soap 7 cakes_...2 c Rinso, 3 boxes for............25c 41121.0-013.0.‘ .. 'Men's Wear Men's Strong Overalls,6 now, QQ Men's Heavy Working ' Shirts _nee l gg , Men's silk ties 75c val qgc A Boys' .g Washi. Waists to clear • ;:5oc Boys' Suits .reduced to •.::.:_4.95, .5.95 •0.95 Men's se9 pants now 2.9 o P Men'e. strong wearing . boots 3.5o Men's Suitsonsale x4.95 .495 Men's Wk Shirts now 98c suuaeuna®o®n•®o®n.oamrn omw. 0 tib C®' 1 h,. 'mu' 111 111m11 IiITdlIIE511i�1II�^'Ili�lil�!11�111 Canadian visitors to the British Empire: Exhibition. are invited to make use of the facilities of our London Office at No. 3 King William. Street, E.C. We recommend our LETTERS OF CREDIT` and TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES to people travelling abread. They are easily negotiated: and serve as a valuable introduction in cities where the holder may., not be known. LETTERS OF CREDIT and 'TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES are on sale at all Branches of the Bank, 1 actoramoisa Laura Werno Ladies Quartet on Chautauqua Pr*gram Arnott the features o.0 the comlug''Loniiuion Clnauta aqua will be 'the Donn- e -1' Progttlatt» ' ivoif by the well-kW:Wel Laura eVerno Ladies Quartet, Tbie company ;it+vot" fillip to provide a tenet of m Ideal entertainment and irtietry, tilepeeially notable nnmong their offerings ane matslee] and drainatle 1711nInt err�given � i en in costtime, ale} letinC+. tine dress, ,manners and songs of varions b r1OII tient tiro notable !xt l ietora'. • dnataunuezitanl trios, collo aril violin 1401,6k11401,6k1 rood readings are also pronnlnt o t" ting quintet's progreanie ;mics nre alw lye hailed with delight, Howdy Folks, As ye sow, so shall ye reap, quoted the wise guy. Yes, provided your neighbors' chickens don't interfere, replied the simple rnug, who was experimenting as an amateur gardner. -0- A so pound waterinelion is the most difficult object in the world to carry when you are in a: hurry: Why add when you are in a hury? Isn't one carrying a watermelon always in a. hurry. -0- Stockings rolled a bit too soon, Bumble -bee, Stupid he. . Sweetist place on rounded knee, In search of honey-- 011--how oney=Oh-how funny! Such a..frantic little scream, Naughty buzz! Gee-whuz! Doleful maiden bandaged up Woeful she, Wicked bee. -0_ ` e -cards for a chtlr a dren's party,' What would you say? I think R. E. V. P. sounds stilted for -a kid's affair, -.I'd just say, "Come clean," -0- Then again, a hope chest is some- thing a gtrl cankeep adding to after "she gives up hope, if ever. What has ever been gained, .by try- ing to get even with an enemy, -0- Still, a lot of our prominent famil- ies are not represented in Who's Who or in jail, -0- No, • Cytheria, Pi get Sound is not the big noise. • -o- If she don't kiss you, she ain't a she. -0- You'll hear from that later, remark- ed the hen as she laid the egg. BARGAIN HUNTER it: Veterans Picnic Veterans of the Great War resident in the County of Huron with their wi- ves and friends will hold a monster picnic at Jowett's Grove Bayfield, on Wednesday, August 13th. The ar- rangements are in the hands of a Committee headed by; Major R. R. Sloan. Ganes and Sports are being organized and valuable prizes • will be awarded. The Committee extend an invita- tion to all Veterans to spend a day at Bayfield's beautiful recreation_. park and renew old friendships. Veterans will :be' expected to bring; their own baskets, For any further information please' write to Major R. R, Sloan, Bayfield, Chairman of Corn, br Lt. - Cola J. W, Shaw,Cl;ritn„� �ccretar. ,Pig on. the Highway Ticket Agent -Your train is 1.5o. Ike-Vell, make it 1.48 and I'll take There is nothing so contrary as a pig. This hes been proved on more than: one occasion by various people and in various ways. One man in this district who suffered• from the contrariness of this animal is Mn John 'Koch. On 1Vionday evening, accompanied by Ills wife and Mr. and Mrs, Rolls, Mr, Koch was enjoying the scenery In the vicinity of Molesworth in his . Ford Sedan, About two miles west of that village,` two pigs belonging to Mr. George Robinson, contended his right to the highway. Both finally decided on safety first and headed for the ditch, but one changing itsmind turned back onto the road. When ap- proaching the pigs, Mr. Koch had slowed down his car, but on the sud- den turn of one pig he was unable to avoid hitting it and in so doing lost his control of the steering wheel. The car turned over in the ditch. Mr. Koch had his left eye cut and his chest injured, while Mrs. Koch was badly bruised and shaken up, Mr. and Mrs. Rolls escaped injury. Damages to the car will amount to about $6o. Twowheels on the one side were broken off, the windshield smashed, the running board and the top damaged, Mr. Robinson and Mr. loch cable to an agreement on Tues- day as to the proper share of the dam- ages, Mr,„ R5binson being to -blame in having his stock twining at large. --e Listowel-- Banter, WINO IAVANC -T eeetereine IRON CO. W. C, T, U. CONVENTION AT E ETEI MES Juno A very large and representative gte thereon of the Women's, Christian Temperance ance l..iniom of Huron Co,. Met ie convention in Jaynes St. - Methodist Church, Exeter, on,7uly _1,oth. The president, Mrs. McGuire occe- pied the chair. The 'morning session was devotional with reports of secre- Caries and treasurers. '!:'Ile afternoon was taken up with the reports` of the Department Supts., Mrs, Wm, booseall on "Evangelism", Afiss It Murray on "Anti Narcotics', Mrs. A. McLean "Canadian Marine", Mr. A. T. Cooper, "Law Enforcement. and Legislation", Mrs. (Rev,) Cragg "Medal Contests", Mrs. J. Elder "Med- ical Temperance and Scientific Temp- m erance", Mrs. A. T. Cooper "Citizen-; in shiji", Mrs. 'Proctor "The Press", Mrs. iff C. J. Walls "Missionary: and Lumber M ISt l�9 Camp", Mrs. Oliver "Moral Educa- tion and Mothers' Meetings", ,11/Trs. Popplestone "Railroad ,Employees", ':Mfrs. Lowery "Temperance in Sunda:, Schools", Mrs. Yeo "Travellers Aid", Mrs, Davidson "Flowers, Fruits and Delicicy", The reports presented' by the var- ious departments showed that much progress is being made by the branch- es. Miss Duff, Provincial Organizer de- livered' an interesting and instructive address which was well received. An invitation to hold the next, Co. convention in. Goderich was received front the Goderich Uiiion, and accept- ed. . A letter of condolence was forward- ed to the Editor of "White Ribbon Tidings", Mrs, McAllister of Galt, who was bereaved by the death of her hus- band, Rev. Mr. McAllister. A.feature-of the evening session v,'as the conferenceconducted on O. T. A. vs. .Government Control in which it was stated that the establishment of Government control would be unwise from a temperance point of view. The following resolutions were adopted: r:. Whereas we are convinced that the present Ontario Temperance Act is the most efficient piece of Temper- ance that our province has ever had producing most satisfactory results in the home, community and province. And whereas there are reports persis- ting of a plebisite to be held in the near future, we the Huron C. W. C. T ITassembled in convention in Ex - VOILES 49c YARD A few patterns of voiles in Clark and light shames in stripes and floral designs 38 and 40 in. wide reg. 75c and goer special at 49c a :yard. RATINES 59c YARD Plain Reline of excellent qual- ity in Tan, White, Sand, Grey, 38 in. wide, reg. 75c, special 5gc. VOILES 790 ' `ARD New patterns of Dress Voiles in a wonderful range of the lat- est colorings and shades. Just received another shipment 40 in. wide, reg, value $x.00, special 79e 'yard. OUR PRICES RIGET EN'S, . AR STRAW HATS $x;49 Men'is Sailor Straw' Hat in white and natural Hats) reg. $L.75 to $2.75 all at one price to clear $1.4p KHAKI PANTS $z.g5 Men's Khaki Pants well made of fine quality denim; all sizes 3o to 42, reg 2.50, special $x.95- GINGIXAMS 19c 5l'ARD Plaids, email and medium check ' patterns in e fine quality Can- adian Qingharn, 'e7 in. wide spec- ial xgo yard LINEN:TOWELLING xoc All linen hand towelling, god. quality with red or blue borders, x6 in. wide, reg. ''z5c, special s.t 190 a yard. COTTON SOX xgc PAIR Meryl Fine Cotton Sox in Blaek and Brown, sizes 9 to re, special 190 pair. OVERALLS 5oc Little Gents' Khaki Overalls, just the thing for summer wear, sixes 2 to 6 years, special 5oc. IL I® i� +1 Hat ii ne FS II ING E ir�0 A. McGuire, Brussels; Vice Pres., Boys' race, 18 and under -E: Stark, Mrs. A. T. Cooper Clinton; Cor. Sec,, ' J. Rhynas, Geo. King. Miss E Murdock, 'fdensall; :Rec. Sec,, I' Married ladies' race -Mrs. Wick - Miss A. E. Consitt, Hensall; Treas.,' 'ens, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Stowe. Miss M. Bailey, Goderich; "Y" Secy, I Married men's race -A. H. tvIc- Miss Deadman, : Brussels; L. T. L. Create', C. Hhyiias, D. D, Wilson. Sec'y", Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Goderich.: Open race for Hien-H. Timtnins C. Rhynes, L. Stark. HURON OLD BOYS' PICNIC Matched race -J. A. McLaren, Rev. Jas. Wilson. Annual Event Was Held at Exhibi- Peanut Race -Miss Cobbledick tion Park, Toronto, Last Friday Miss Wickens„ Miss Bullard. The annual picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, held at Exhibition Park, on Friday, June 27, was a decided success. The location was an ideal one and the weather was all that could be de - titer, voice our protest against the un- sired. ' A few drops of rain fell dur- necessary i c expenditure .of, public mon- ies o ies for this purpose and urge the fur- ther strengthening and -the strictest enforcement of the present. law. • ing the supper hour, but as the re- freshments were served in the Horti- cultural. Building, there wasno in- terference with the carrying out . of 2. We commend the Premier • and the program. . There were spirited his Government for the strengthening contests in all the games and races amendments to the O. T. A. ;ennacted. and a splendid lot of prizes were d;s' during the recent session. tributed,. i 3. That a copy be forwarded to" The first prizes for the married the Premier and Attorney General. II. We append our appreciation of the action taken by they council of the village ge of Exeter in refusing a license men's races were two pairs of shoes worth $xo each, The first prize for boys' race, 7 years and under, was a scooter," worth $Io. for a pool room and would recommend Mr, J. A. McLaren, honorary pre - similar action by the councils of other sident, was the starter in the races. villages and towns in the County. Mr. J. R. Lyon acted i as timekeeper III. Whereas the smaller -towns and President. Proudfoot, Secy. Floo- dy and D. D. Wilson, acted as judges. The most amusing game of the af- ternoon was the ladies'. broom foot- ball match. Instead of kicking the football, the ladies were required to find it difficult to entertain ,the Pro- vincial Convention, we recommend diet . in .smaller towns the delegation be left as it is, one in twenty, but in Unions having a membership: of one Playing in the wild wood, Fighting like a. Greek. Line up in the school house„ As we did at nine; Boys in• checkered red blouses, -Girls in home -spun fine. Afternoon of Friday, Once again bring back - Spelling matches, Huri ah l Merriment, no lack. Potato race -H. Cobbledcik., Betty Forbes, Edith Morrish. Teachers, famed forever! Call their names aloud„ -Some willanswer, never, Let our 'heads be bowed. , . 6oth Anniversary of S. S. No. :tee,. East` Wawanosh, on July 23, X924. CHANCES AT HOME Some Punktown` boys are gazing to hilltops far away; the chances are amazing in other towns they say; they'll soon have gallivanted to dis- tant town enchanted, for Punlctown's dead and planted, there only ` has- beens stay. as-beens",stay. Thus it has been forever, since hamlets were designed; the rest- less l e ,boys endeavor to ` the to leave d � n w behind; to turn their tager faces to far-off dreamland places; 'where Fame at ` once embraces. all " strangers she may find. 'Free chinmobiles are go ing across the distant trees; all kinds of legal tender await the dreaming spender and he shall walk in splendor by blue and silver seas. But here and there a fellow is satisfied to stay in Punktown, drab and yellow, we see hint daily flitting, his business errands hitting, attending to his knitting, all in the good old way. He says the Punktown' chances are good enough f h• d th' th d or im, an so rs you a vances, by stress of pep and vim; we do not hundred or over the delegation be one knock the .ball through the goal with hear Minx knocking, or village customs in fifty and that the registration fee the brooms. The teams were captain- mocking; but all the day he's talking at said convention be $i.so. ed by Mrs. Beck and Mrs. Timmins; like good, old Sunny Jim. Before his IV. We further :recommend that 6 ladies being on each team, and an. years are fifty he has a palace high, Huron County W. C. T. U. place on ,ter a long struggle it was decided to Lor he's been wise and thrifty, and record the appreciation of Miss Duff's ;make it a draw. ,put his Honey by; and men with hag - successful work in this county during The baseball game between -'.earns Bard faces who sought the distant pla- the winter and. her excellent address 'from North Huron. and' South Heren ces, approach, with weary paces, and this afternoon. I were captained by'Harold Tirnntins ask him for a pie. -Wait Mason, V. Also that the thanks of the Con-: for the North and A. E. Forbes for vention be conveyed to the W. C. T. the South. W. Proudfoot pitched for U. of Exeter and to the Official Board, the North and Forbes for the South, of James St. Church foe the kind hos-land although Forbes, Bell and Suth- pitality and to all otl rs who helped , erland, - all Seaforth old boys, are to make the convention' a success.crack players, they could not over - A' splendid address was given by � come the boys from the north and at Rev. Mr. Livingstone on "Government , dark the game stood 5 to 5. • Control in; British. Columbia Also The following are the,prize winn- a short address b Rev. . Hedley, M.' ers in the different races: A. which was well received, The con- Girls, a years and under --Betty 'ventioti 'wen cnliyened by the follow- i Wickens, K, Wickens, D. Rhynas, - And the gates ajar. inn relleiee' ¶iurribers, 'gni.' .RFV,-.uir.t •.13oys, /.:years. and tinder -Bobby ".,,,,u,,,,,,;.:..ee "....^^`•^°~wa�. Clydesdale; solo, Miss E. Harvey; trio Wilson, M..Rhynas, J. Armstrong. 3Toly ground, forever, lelessers. MaMurice Ford, H. Digman, l Girls 'f2 years and under -Ruth Ts that stretch of road, and G. Beavers; duet, Mrs. Melville l Stark, M. Armstrong, Given Forbes. Shun it, none can ever, and Miss Essery; solo, Maurice Ford. I Boys, /2`years and under -J. Rhy- Who once there abode. The officers elected for the follow•- 1 nas, S.. Phillips, C. Armstrong ing year are as follows: Hon, Pres., Young ladies' race -C. Remick, H Back aggin to childhood; Mrs. Davidson, Goderich; Pres.; 'Mrs. 1 Cobbledick, Edith Morrish. Log school, house. and creek; OLD SCHOOL REUNION Wawanosh! Oh hear it! Calling us y to -d , Name with magi. in it, To those far away. "Thirteen", is. the watchword School house famed afar, Every heart is well stirred; SOME FALL FAIR DATES Toronto -Aug. 23 to Sept 6. Goderich- Sept. 3 to 5. London --Sept, 6 to 13. Exeter --Sept. 16 and 4. l incardinie-Sept, 18 and an. Listowel --Sept. x8 and in, Seaforth-Sept, 18 and xg. Bayfield -Sept, 23 and 24. Mitchell ---Sept 23 and 24. Blyth -Sept. 25' and .26: I;uclenow---Sept. 25 and 26. and26 25 Zurich -Sept. Wiingltain--Sept. 29 and 30. Brussels -Oct. 2 and 3. .Dungannon ---Oct, 2 and 3. tr WhyIt Is Cool s Eminent meteorologists, explain- ing the freak weather, which necessi- tated overcoats in the middle of. June,. causing an epidemic of tooth ailments- and ilments and generally upsetting the ordinary schedule, say'it is due to the fact that the sun is losing its "pep". -Tile wea- therIso blamed for e recent Cher is a d h a i parts f: dis- astrous tomatoes in various p r s o the country. Prof. Henry J. Cox o: the United Weather Bureau., says the sun is • not giving off its customary amount of heat, because of the "smoke screens" or spots. These are in reali- ty enormous swirling. storms of gas and flame and cast up a haze which„ obscures the sun's rays and lowers. radiation. He says these conditions• in cycles usually about 11 years apart., . MARRIED. Morgan -Deacon -In Detroit on July-' 3rd., at - the hone of her aunt Mrs,. Herd, Sarah Elizabeth (Bessie) :e- cond daughter of Mr. Samuel Dea- con of East. Wawanosh to Mt. Clyde Morgan, of Tennessee. NOTICE Take notice that the Municipal' Council of the Corporation of the Township of Turnberry will take into consideration the passing, and if ap- proved, will pass at its meeting to be held on the 31st. of July at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon at the Council Room, Bluevale, a by-law rot stopping up and selling that part of the allowance for road street .passing Blue'Jale cemetery, and the Council will at that time and place hear le person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims •- that his land will be pet -judicially affecte by the by-law, and who applies to be heard. Dated the 7th clay of July, 1024. W. R. Cruikshank, Cleric. ; EIZASCMI" SCOTTI80 ?LOUG1'lMEN FOR CANAD.l., • �. wa hundred.,Pploughnea fonnil ports 01 Seotland, in el dtogtwenty-tem splendid families, recently sailed from Scotland, *mulct _tl_. a � direction et Mr.. E. Roberts, of the Delaxbneni, f Colonzation and Denelopnent, Canadian Pan,fin Railway. 'these emigrants have e!p,urlr! lt' . •an ingiaaxn a row lundxed thousand 'pounds, Ninetyof the party,hailingfrom the counties of Inverness, Ross, Sutherland and razllress were selected b miss Aiva �SaaDnn ld Canadian Ctve>yiina.nf . tintaInvaaness. Most. of 'tie party eitatned for the West ,upon uxr .,a . ;Cluehre Ip