HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-17, Page 4.4, • A,1311 14111 fal • I t• 11 a' 11-;•111,1' 1; f1 ir1I tytt4,0"; Atlitioif.,;$' 441,04. ,d;t1,,,,p';1410f4.1. 11,,•tt!, tit= ti 4„„ ilitat; • k"i •yy.toto.,•:• • y. tt • t ,• • , . ata—, •""."I tan' „ ,iitaatelateiett tie APPI:leil«E'r9,r11,MT,TIP"'.711) WINGTIA,11/1 AT)VANCE-1,`IMES. • ••.1. 0.1 • • • , 'TlitirsolaYi' July X7'illy '1924 ,Shruhs and 1 ereutualBl s fhtat oom Grtietawald'i Romance ' ay ereant i I 1011111114013011111111i11111111111g1111111111111111111. . 1 , . . , , , , ees Nurseriea, Newarh, N. ).. p, In.—tArlington thew sigeals, ffi , , 0 C ;an ,fraly,",.prei)ared by the Fruit Cyrow- -,Rolliason, • 7,x5 15, lano---Fargl. Program, aearangeal Weather forecaet, Baseball scores. a" ns. •bv the 'National .Staeleman and kart, I 7.40 p. na—Concert b,y the :in LU M Little 'Syinpliony Orcheetra, end Bar- , e bare ,Wellream riontralto. tation, tht, star I ,9•55 p. rn.—Arlington lime SignnIl als. Vv 1)ts W:e'atlier forecat.Baseball scOres. 'c?'" be °II. air \V"11 Ile \Vnnp, inn -Concert. tt6ritt1 tattuiltiltellt, Tile tly•ers 11a" Friday, July x3th ' 'been rettitlet.ta with nausla higher ones 5.00p, m. asb1 scores. eoid it,iS expecthe ed tltat trange will, 5.30 1). m. -.-Organ menet by Faul 1)L' gre't:TY ".ricre;L9ed' Tilts t$ the Fleeger of the Caine° Motion "Pic- ttion which furaki.slles 'the n°1031 enter- tare `I'liseater•; Pitteleurgli. tatimttents through, the Night Hawks' Club, concert continued. A taxicab cornPa.nY in a southern •etty has deeided to equip its cabs .y for int na—An Uncle Wiggiley sto- weceivers so that the driv- r3'.....1 -or tae children" ith radio r er$ all*. receive. the.ir instructions u45 P' Ill'---Ne-vv ballatills' whiie. on tile road, The chief offices 740 0pp" 3 .1.1i, .1_, '451,.3dacshe., ebal ls 5sa rre:rnge :' dby the of the conapany will be equipped with , United States bureau of mines. a suitable transmitter. Photos have been successfully trails- 7.40 p, ma --"National Stockman and. periment wi l shortly be tried across Fanruler" mal...._-keelpreenPri°srytlsv.ania Railroad nftted over land by radio and the ex - i ' ' • o.00 p. m. * '1 . System Night"---programpresented the Atlantic. An English inventor , claima that he has a process waeraby. by ,Altoona Band; a triple quartet from the Car Serviee Division; ad - 6.0o p. in. --Baseball scores, dinner motion pictures may be successfully transmitted through the air by radio Dr, Lee de Forest who is one of the outstanding radio engineers of the phonist; Helen J. Upperman, soprano; H. W. Farrand, monologist; Blodwen present time ht e perfected a plan Lewis, contralto; Allegro Mandolin whereby the speech of the actors is Sextette; Ruth Radkey, pianist; Hel. necorded when a moving picture film an Upperman, soprano; Vera J. is being- taken and this speech is 11.5nrka4 -reader. again produced simultaneously with Program — March "Washregton -I Grays," Graffuls, Altoon Band, Al - these films was demonstrated in Lon- -loons Works; Triple Quartette --"The don, Ontario, a few weeks ago. Al- though this havention has no direct Old Songs," Emerson; "Liza Lady,' Linders; "Travel on the Pennsylvan- . . . ia," Sitrman; Car Service • Division. Executive offices, Address, Mr. Eli- sha Lee, Central Region; Soprano so- los; "St -Ass Echo Song," Eckert; Mad Scene from Luci di Lammermoor, Verdi; "My Laddie' Thayer, Con- tralto solos: "Return unto they Reit" Evans; "Coming Horne," Willeby. Tenor solos: "Celesti Aida," Verdi; "For You Alone," Gbeel, xylophone solos; "Ada Polka"; "Popular Airs" Mandolin Sextette; "Awakening of SPrings," Bach; "Hungarian Dance" No. 5; Brahms. Piano solos: "Pal- onaise," Liszt;,. "Perpetual Motion," Webber. Baud selections; "Wood- land," , Luders; "Pet", Arnsden. Mono- logue: "Questions for the Invisible Audience to Vote On." Readings: "A House by the Side of the Road," "A Pennsylvania Railroad. Order?' dress by Elisha Lee, vice president of the Pennsylvania, Railroad; Louis Smith tenor. I. W. Dalrymple, ,?cylo- connection with radio, the apparatus used consists of essential radio equip- ment. A new receiving tube has been in- -vented in England Instead of the familiar filament, grid and plate, four elements are used and it is found that the cumbersome "B" batteries may be done away with. This development should snake the portable radio outfit very popular as only the one battery would be required None of these tubes are available on this side of the Atlantic as yet, „ The Demcicratic convention in New York held the centre of the stage nnuch longer than expected. The re- dio prog,rains are now coming through as -usual and to the average Canadian they are much more interesting than conventions. It is felt that the broad- casting of these conventions has Arlington time signals: Wea- bioomed radio as thousands of reeeiv- tiler forecast. Baseball scores. ers were sold. simply to enable the . " owners to get the convention. news first hand. 1 Station KDKA-326 Meters Westinghouse Electric Pittsburgh, Pa. Wednesday, July 16th neat) n in.—Baseball scores. 5.30 p. m.—Dinner concert by the Pittsburgh Athletic Association Or- chestra, Gregorio Scalzo, director, p. na.—Baseball scores; dinner concert con innec.„ 6.30 p. in.—"The Pied Piper," by the Greig; Sextet from Lucia, Domzetti Kiddies' Buddy, Caprice, "The Little Toy Soldier,' 6.45 p,„ ni.--Features. Recker; Valse Intermepzo 'Wooing," 7.00 p scores. 7.4o p, m.—"National Stockman and Farmer" market reports. 8.00 p. m.—Contert by VaIeris Saturday, July rgth 5.00 p. na.--Baseball scores. 5.3o p. in.—Dinner concert by the Westinghouse Baud, T. J. Vastine, conductor. . 6,00 p. scores; .dinner concert continued, Program —March "Blue Ridge,' Rosretto; "Dancing Sunbeam," 'Roll-, inson; Cornet solo: 'Good Bye,' Tosti; Trot de Cavalerie, Rubinstein; Salute D'Amour (Love Greeting), Eiger; Fantasia, "Old Wine in New I3ottles," Bennet; Anetra's Dance, , Station WGY-8o Meters General Electric Comcany SchenectadY, N. Y. • ThursdaYi July lith 5, Pt m.—Produce and stoelc market quotations; news bulletins; baseball results. 5.15 p. in,—Report on condition New York state highways, 'furnished by Captain A. W. Brandt, stete high- way commissioner. 5.30 p. m.—Organ recital by Ste- phen 'E, Boisclaira organist, from Proctor's Harmanus Bleecker Hall. 740 P. m. --Baseball scores, 7.45 p. ni,"A Few Moments With New Books,' William F Jacobs lie brarian, General Electric Company. 8 p. nit—Musical program by Liber- ty Bell -Chores, Amsterdam, N, Y, Anthony Grzegorzewski, director: Chorus selection from opera "Stresz- ny Dwaa" ("The Terrible Castle"), Kalina Glee Club; male double cpiar- tet, "Sen Nocy I_,etniej" ("Mid-surn- mer Night's Dreain"), Liberty Bell Male Double Qtra:rtet; tenor solo, "Sam Je-dee" ("Alone"), J. T3rminski; soprano and contralto duet, "Koehae to zys" (1 Live for Thee and Love Thee), Caroline Gasowski, soprano: Helen Grabicki, contralto. Chorus selection, "Cyganie" (Gypsie,i), Glee Club. Male Double Quartet, "Mysli Moje" (Itly Thoughts),L iberty Berl Male Double Quartet. Travel talk-, "A Summer Paradise," L. F. Perry. Chorus selection, "Skrzypki,,,Swaty" (Violin as Matchmaker-, Glee Club. Baritone solo, "Gdybys odczula" (II K el; R 6.3o p. m...—"Epaninondas and, his Auntie" for the radio children. 6.45 pr. m.—Last minute helps to You Could fell) Josephopczyn Male Double Quartet, "Dunaka" (Dit- ty), Liberty Bell Male Double Quar- tet, Chorus selection, "Krakowian- lea" (Folk Song), Glee Club. Male Double Quartet "Dalejze Chlopcy" , (Onward Boys, Liberty Bell Double Quartet. Chorus selection, "Od Dw- oru do Dworu" (Sleigh Ride song), Glee Club arid Liberty Bell Quartet. • Friday, July r8th 5 p. na—Produce and stock market quotations; news bulletins; baseball results. 5,30 p. m.—Stories for children. 5:45 P. m.—Children's story, in French, by Frederic Duclert. 6 p. rn.— International 'Sunday School Lesson 7.35 p. talk, New York State Department of Hea 7,40 p. m.—Baseball results. 7 45 p. m.—Radio drama, "Come Out of the Kitchen," by W,GY stu- dent players. Selection, "Intermez- zo," WGY orchestra. C,omedy, "Come, Out of the Kitchen," WGY strident players. Act 1—Drawing room of the Dangerfield Mansion, (During this act cliinaes will ring to hadica.te the passing of four • hours' time.) Selection, "Dance of the Dwarfs," orchestra. Act II—The kit- chen, afternoon, two days later. Se- lection, "Rigodon" de Dardanus," or- chestra. Act III—The Dining room, just before dinner on the same day. Selection, "Reverie," orchestra. LATE PROGRAM 10.30 p. m.—Program by WGY or- chestra, Selection, "Cladrison Loin- taine," orchestra, selection, "Melodie,"' orchestra. Piano solo, "Lotus Land." 011ie G. Yearn. Selections, (a) "To the Sea" (h) "Menuet G" krneri- Chambordon Gregory, soprano; Bert teachers of Sunday school classes ' " ' 01 can trio. Edward A. Rice, violin; Berberick tenor; Caroline Meyer, ac- ^ Carma.n Cover Johnson, author companist; Ernil Wolff, violin, Edwin "How to Teach Adults" solos, (a) "Reverie" (b) "Adagio," les ilhat Mrs. 0. Said About Our Tea It was the I3e,st Tea she had 1111-. ever used. = It was clean in the leaf and a rn! had an excellent flavour. It went further than most Tea. ..She paid jus the saineei tob us as she had said a'kc?IlCP)1;ViOt TY ON et' EVERY POINT = E --- E-44., This is only one inatanee out III of many. Our Prices are 1-1! :111 65c, 75c and 85c Per Lb. — TRY US OUT yeazenmater. accompanst • • 7.00 p, m..—Baseball scores. Sp'ort Edavar,d A. Rice. Selection from op- --tanthe orhsr 7.30 p. m.—New York Philharmon- "Iol " ' Saturday, July igth ic orchestra broadcast fronfLeevisohn stadium, College of City of New York William Van Hocigstraten conductor. 9.55 0. m. ---Arlington time signals.' review by James Long, sport editor era ' Weather forecast. Baseball scores. of the Pittsburgh Sun. Thursday, July x7th 8.00 p. tn.—Concert by the Westing - 5.00 p, m. --Baseball scores. house Band, 'T J. Vastine, conductor 5,3o 15. ma—Dinner concert by the , and Chester Sterling, baso. Selec- KDKA Little Symplibny Orchestra,: tions by the Band: Overture Hunt- 9,30 p. nu—Dance music by Joseph Victor Sattdek, conductor. iing for Luck," Suppe; Intermezzo, A. Chickene and his Clover Club or- re.—Baseball scores; dinnerrThe Secret," Gautier; Three Spanish, chestra of Hotel 'Ten Eyck, Albany, 6 3o xn --Little Miss Merry Heart'"Punch and Judy," Smith; Fantasia, . concert continued. Dances; Moszkowski; Cornet Duet, N, L. . 'has some songs for the children. "Way.Down South," Laurendeann Ca - 6.45 p.m.—News bulletins. , price, "Why Not,' Gruentrald; Suit de 7.00 p. m.—Baseball stores. Ballet, "Anthony And Cleopatra; • It is worth while to deliver cream direct to Creamery. If soc to 5oe per can interests you as a produc- Get our prices before market ing elsewhere. We are irow having hot weather, eiggs jar Ate thiverys tun.qulgify.yeareegargse pdae;fnrig- highest price for quality eggs, it pays to look after eggs and Sell on graded basis. Bring your eggs we grade them. Ile United F. rmers Co -Op Co, Ltd Wingham Ontario int /I 111 1.0 -0 MASSIVE MEDICAL MAN Prof. Arthur Hill, a massive med- ical man from Chatham, who tips the scales at 400 lbs, with 'an couple of colored minstrels, and who was in Kincardine during the re -union last year, blew into Port Elgin ,on Sunday last in a canvass covered truck and on Monday evening attempted to sell to The public an Indian preparation. that according to his sayso would cure any thingfrom a headache to a broken heart and remove corns from the feet of the natives as they slept over night. The big boy however refused to pay the license of Sic) asked by the -town from street corer vendors, he claim- ing that as manufacturer of this rem- edy he was priviledged to sell same in any part of the province without having to cough up a license fee. He had rented the lot on which he had opened for business from Mr. J. J. George and his remedy was going to be sold. The reeve and council were of different opinion and ordered Con- --- - stable Wharford to Place the NEprofess- ENIIINEINIIi _ or under arrest the minute he sold a a bottle. Monday night he had no bilY- E. IIY Ro sHop ,,^ al ers but on Tuesday evening he sold tinder the name of the °weer of the lot who he claimed purchased a quan- tity of this, preparation and gave him y,. :elay Installing that ' 1 conie rwastoastht he ava$ arresout- ted and authoity ell for him. The placed in the town lock-up from which ; t ElR1 ed on paying bail of $50 lalagistrate place of detention he was later releas- • ectric ange I Chapman and giving theto corporation •• „,,, control of his truck andstock as se- = turity until .,his case is heardbefore 11; County Magistrate IvIcNab this Wed - 'do Power tor Cooking is clean sale i nesday afternoon. -71 P. OUR FRESH ROASTED AND it FRESH GROUND --74 ari econondcal and ;most convenient. le We can't all be smart, but. we kin , IN all he hones, 'Tait' no disgrace to be Doetlet the Itnockera Make' YOu believe that .11. ease of • a a 1°)v:brow if yoll has a level head, ehortage of power your range would be elit off. In case of power shortage those who 'have ranges Will be protected and those who la I. kraut them will not he allenteed to install Itlicitn.' NOTICE TO,CONTRACTORS The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Morris are asking for lenders for the construction of the Cole, the W d h it1 inghairi Tender's Must be aceOnapanied by a g. a , p f „ .9 mates etc,. at the elerleS residence, &int ' 410..-4*". • 111111 'marked .eheque for C ra,vvford phone rbfk The teaders 'will he oneried at tile - • Abner Cosens „ wrid call a mixed mettyfer. Army- . way l'iroid tO explain. to the naiss„es that Priaint company was always ix- eiptecl,"an that if iviry dillygate had been a sinsible wureanan loike her - silt^ matthers wed. hey' been diffrunl, for I didn't belave tlieer wus a bet - thee judge eV min, arr a betther housekaper arr a betther man av' her age annywheer than Mrs. Timothy Hay. ' "'Tis the .old blarney ye are Tim,' sez she, "but I'll not say ye are wrong about me heir), a judge av min, barrin wan bad mislitake I ma e, manny years ago, share I've, shtn • in widout rumblin I wid yer foine wurruds, fez. ye are as aisy to rade as the ftirolit book, so ye are. Whin ye put too much sugar in, yer loine av talk ye make the shtuff too olnvate, an it won't jell at all, at all. Now, jist put that in" yer ould poipe shmoke it." Av coorse the missus wudden't ad- mit. that me blarney tuk wid her, but all the same she wus plazed. 'Tis aisier an chapel. tongiye the wimmin a few koind wurruds than to be buyin them new hats an dhresses all the tc)ime" Yours till nixt wake, Timothy I -lay, rne bar- und d , can't • er tai e, 'Tim an e c palaver' me °yell- fra slessittoicsommaresiosonemienweismitiitsitionsiammomit Wirigharti's New tit-ewel and Gift Store 1- a J. H. S'TEPIIENSON 43c SON EXTEND AN DNVI'TATION TO 11 Is THE PEOPLE or wiNoliaivs AND SURROUNDING N• COUNTRY TO VISIT 0 UR NEW GIFT STORE Where you. will find an extensive stock of High Grade 111 JEWELERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, CHINA, Mi IR• New stock arriving every Week, - . . Our repairing departmerit is equal to any in Ontario, we have Mt IN ▪ ▪ the equipment and teChnicattraining and make good thi,s, statement and to any in', 4.00bt we solicit the most careful investigation. Our ▪ charges are reasonable. We give perso0a1 ;attention to all repairs. 11 COME IN AND LOOK AROUND YOU DON'T NEED TO BUY 111 • It • • , R. •• • J. H • . Stephenson & Son IN, M N R Offi I Watch Inspector. JeweIrs and Optometrists. ' 111 Successors to W. G. Patterson. El COFFEE Al 65c Lb. T1-1 • C. N. R. - Is what ou've 'been looking for. Y a 1 Here,and There IIMIIIIIIII/11111111111111111111M11111111EnalliMEIRIMENEMINIIIIIIIIIIIIR FRESH EGGS TAKEN IN TRADE,. _ 10111511111111111111111111111111151111111111111111t11111111111111111111 BLARNEY FROM TIM To the Editur av the Advance-Tohnes Deer Sur, Did ye ivir see the craps lookin betther in yer loife? Whin ivirybody Wife-eroaltin awl throo the month ay May didn't I tell ye that theer wus no rayson fer it? Rain an. sunshine an warrum weather hey nivir failed es -yit in this part av the wurruld, an, I don't tink they i-Vir will.. We ginir- ally git a lot more than we desaeve, considherin -how inconsistent the mosht av us are. Indad, I , belave that the aisiest ting in the everruld is to be inconsistent, which `manes that we don't live up to what we purtind. Take the U.F.O.'s an Grits, fur in- shtance; purtindin to helaye in a low- er tariff, an thin all av thim who hap- pen to live where protickshun is • want- ed, votin wid the Tories arr shirkin the vote. An, be the way, as theer is no ilicksbun in soight, I moight as well dhrop a wnrrud av advoice to me brother Tories that it isn't very, con- sistint to be wavin, the ould flagn'at wan toime, an thin knockin the Brit- ish prifirince at another. 'It isn't good pollyticks, byes, an ye shud re- rnimber how manny ilickshuns we heir won, be rayson, ay purtindin to be more loyal than the Grits. Thin tink av a daycint law-a.boielen payple, loike, the Canadians rriakin money shippin booze into the Shtates, an think av the Yanks houldin "up theer hands in horror at the wicked- ness av the Canadian e in not throyin to hilp thine enforce theer prohibi- shun laws, an 'thin naakin picleter show fillums, not daycint enough Lo show in timer own counthty, an sind- in thim • to South Ainerica, where theer no censors an iviryting goes, so to shpake. 'Shure, 'twas the same Yanks who wus too proud to foighn.but not too proud to make for- tunes ,out av the war, arr to shtale our wather fer the binifit av the tax- payers av Chicago. 'Tiea quare wur- ruld. Nivir wus theer so much talk av economy an,nivir wus theer so mainly payple livin beya.nt theer manes, Nivir did payple hey so much money to slipind, nivir wus theer so mach talle av harrtid toimes; nivir did wimmin's dhresses hey so slarnall an arnbunt av goods in thim an riivir. did they eosht so inuch money. Nivir wits theer so much gould in army counthry in the wurruld as theer is in the Shtates to -day, am Yit the facktor- ies do he closin down far want av cuslitomers. No Wan kin explain thins tings an no wan "Wed throy, -excipt mebby the rnissus, an I don't loike to ask her fer' is bizzy "puttin down" tor "doin up" shtrawberries, which both mane the same ting, an is an-' other inconsistincy. Ye see we hev been so inconsistint, that aven the English langwidge is crooked, so ye kin say too diffrunt tings to mane the sa.me. , Did ye rade about the woild toimes the Dimmycrats wus afther hayin ,at theer Conyinshen iti New York? Shure, it wits as bad as a Donify- brook fair, arr an mild byes re -union at Kincardine arr Sayforth, an that's goin some, as me bye who wus hi France wed say. Wan amight I \Yes .rayclin the report av the day's 'ball, ottin an widout; tinkin I totild the misses tha,t belayed the whole thrub- hie WUS be rayson an the winunit. din lyg,ates. Be the luta in, her oye, I saw I bad played the wrotag card, an rriusht back, wather, so to slipalce, which same is what me dawter-in-law — Wedding Rings, Diamond.? Rings and Marriage Li- cence Information 147. R. Hamilton's, Jeweler Fine Re.sidetice • For Sale • A tWO Storey brick. dwelling IclIttentUVett:rtdecel bnd wlethsolmdPlenitt. alo 0 115ra '13I no s cei iaations ese reaa°nabl° price. Tbla la a bar- ' • •Townehip Hall on:go rdaY jalY gAtate, at a '1 1:1111111.111111111111101011111 110100111111'11001111111111111111110.1111111 ° 6' a,- 11.aegWeri Clerk- r 411 It is announced that vigorous efforts will be made •by the Gov- ernment of Manitoba to effect the actual settlement of 224,000 acres of vacant provineial land now under, - the administration of the Crown. For the week ended June 21st traffic earnings of the Canadian Pacific Railway amounted to $3,- 301,000, as compared with $3,159,- 000 for the corresponding peeled of 1928. This is an increase of $142,- 000 Or 4.4 per cent. • .Reports from the Ronyn gold fields of Quebec continue to indi- cate a great .future for that terri- tory. Development is proceeding apace and 'the English capital now flowing into Canada in search of good ,investments is interesting it- self in this area. , Three carloads of seed grain are being shipped weekly from the provincial ,segd • cleaning and mar- keting plant at Edmonton, Alta. About 50000 bushels of' seed grain have been handled by the plant since last fall and 20,000 bushels more, will be handled before the year's seeding is completed. The International Paper ComPanY intends to add two new machines to their plant in Three Rivers, Que,, so as,' to increase their production from 300 to 450"tons daily. Another project is also under consideration, viz. to build a plant in Batiscan instead of enlarging' the Three Rivers one. to. know just how to 'cut the hay ,in auch a path to make it sweep across the brow. And in them days hair , oil was scaree,to get it was a trick most hard, so dudes of '50 years .ago used. ,butter or a little land. was a hum- ble life back 'there, no dressin, for tlie ,quarter 'deck, the home-made grease upon our -crown arid paper collars Out of everydollar the.Company • , earns. the sum of 81 cents is spent by the Canadian Pacific Railway in the home. inarkets of Canada for wages, materials, supplies, taecles and insurance, figures recently is- sued show, In 1923 the total earn- inga of this great corporation were $195,887,089, and every community in Canada direetly'benefitted by the expenditerre of 81 oer cent. of this huge amount in the home market. The 1924 cut of the' East Koote- nay (B.(J.) forestry district gives 'promise of running to a grand total oil 150,000,000—feet. There is a particularly brisk hosinees in poles of longer lengths and in railway ties, and a cut of soine 1;000,000 ' sawn ties and the 'usual quantity of the hewn variety is looked for. Six- teen s,a,winilla are now in operation and indications are that there will probably be thirty going before the season closes. Canada now takes third place, and second place among British pos- , sessions, of the gold -producing areas of the world. The total gold pro- duction of the world for 1022—the latest year for whi•ch returns are available — was 15,440,000' fine ouncesal which the Transvaal pro- duced 1,620,110, or 45.5 Bei cent. The United States came second, withn,2,863,075 ounces, or. 15.3 per cent., and Canada Itollowed, with 1,- 263,364 ounces, or 8.2 per cent. Jame 18th was the anniversary of the running of the first Imperial Limited,„ the Canadian Pugin way's famous transcontinental. This was not the Company's first trans- continental, aS, traina began regular service between Montreal Toad Van- couver as far back 'as 1886, but for , several years it :was the crack Cana- dian Pacific exPreas, To -day, the premier place is held by the Trans.:. Canada Limited thea fastest, long-. distance express -ii t wOrlel whicb mak-ses the run la 90 hours, or 10 hditrs less. than the time . of t:bbe originel Imperial Limited. YE OLD HAIR CUT (By Ark in the London Advertiser) Young niele•$till Wear ,their hair 1)reeired back straight There are . Several very excellent preparations that' a,re -tied to make the halt stay in olace.—From a drug ad. , It was not $a in days gone by, back in the year of '55, when we fed bear grease to our wool to melee it pros- per, grow and thrive. For in them days we sauntered forth and watider- ecl,to the barber shop, and there our TO'ine was mowed ,and naked, we part - in` with a goodlyncrop, The village bather in those days knew all about brush and comb, 'twas he who took the bottle down and squirted oint- ment on. the dome, We never d-ilas- il8 each small curl or bend, It w30y- Otis thing to us to Make the lilacs stand on. end, Tit lbatey years they: al , changed the pace, t e barlioer seemed ter's gone and so has lard, they'wan- der -to the village store—and there they plant their kopocks out to sinea.r their hair like old King .Trit, aanat: scrape and comb .and plaw and rake . to cultivate it seal -skin cut. The highest ambition of many a, round our neck. Of course them woman seems to be to become able. humble days has gone, :perhapsthey to ride in a handsome limousine 'with:, , won't come back no more, soft but- a first-class show dog. - *ffer,=,,r-theYmtlowszvagf4etai"..1. Send Your Deposits Mad PTAHOSE who find it more convenient to. do their banking by mail, will find that the co-operative services of this Bank rrieet all requirements. Write our nearest branch. to -day and arrange to- do your banking by - mail. You will save the trouble of frequent trips' to town. J. A. WALLACE, isszrasuenv WINGHAM BRANCH, Manager. 4, a eels arter a le , 4 ,P tared. down our hair a,nd Inut erect , ".44;ron. ' e arc nee . ,• fai.1 P • : • • • C , - 6 -A17,,ways Get, Tht.:" ,tenefit zn Savings When it comes to a question of mathematics, we're poor at addition, but wonderful at subtraction. -We never look around to see what we can add to prices. On the contrary, out comes - the sharp pencil and -we subtract a penny here and a penny there --down, down, down—never up. Result—big values, lower prices. Looln *,hese over. . 4 Crosse &Blackwe.ll's Fish arad 27 . Meat Pastes, jar :.::::T. . . C Crown Brand or Bee Hive Corn .Syrup, 5 Lb. Tin 41c Sweet Mixed or Sweet ' Sour Mixed or Chow Mustard Pickles Mr1...„ Chow Pickles A A_ Large Bottle ...uotig. Large Bottle ,..sittit; Choice Messina Lemons. ...29c Doz. " Pure Gold or Shirriffs Jelly Powders, 3 for ..................25c , RICH1VIELLO 7 TEA, lb. - -41 lose PATRICIA TOILET SOAP, '5 bars - -grew& BON AMI (Cake 9„rn or Powder), 2 for -Lien. BRUNSWICK -4:4104; KIPPER SNACKS., 4 for - SARDINE47-4. for .titliat OPIrattrr ETZ' oidyrE: 9(11, 'Ilia -ave. 'CLARK'S PORK and 1A BANS, No, 2' - -.1191alLt • CLARK'S PORK and cp ” BEANS No. 3 - -4,19te 'CLARK'S POTTED 9r RilvicREAniEsLt.,3ofor• -424C NECCITOF:HriEsEE),E(1SSElabvte. "tIle RIOHMELLO Cco0uPpko!E,),,(viSalvbe...the Ib , - - -Zoo/U. FRY'S, BAKER'S or COWAN'S •9A, • C9COA, 1/2 lb. - HOMADE TOMATO' 23 , KETCHUP, Quart C HOIVIADE TOMATO 14c KETCI-II.fP, Pint - - KELLOGG'S CORN 90, FLARES, 3 for - POS1"S BRAN . 46. „ PUFFED lridan, WHEAT. 2for fain; 'PUPPD E RICE, 2 for .t.f4t.; ROMAN • MEAL - C: MACARONI and SPAOVET'I'l; 1 -ib. pkts., 2 for - ioAt• MAYFIELD BRAND BACON, Ma*bine 90 Sliced, lb, - ItITEGooDishn_ grk 10111Y 75 RITEGOOD STOUT i and PORTER - , CARNAT'ION or T. CIIARLtES MILK, clog 16 oz. 2 for . nst CARNATiON or ST. CHARLES MILK, 'I 106,4, Baby size, 3 for •- * * EAGLE ER.A.ND coNDZNsED wr/Lic 21,0 29 WE SELL TO SA'flar • ,