The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-17, Page 2and
Aglass or a bottle
*of Coca-Cola---
Ice-cola,: ;"with
beaded bubbles
winking at the
brim," invites
you to delight
taste, satisfy
thirst and refresh
Sold everywhere at
fountains and is bat -
ties. The price !sooty
a few pennies.
B io s and ReffreShina
The Coca-Cola Cor ip ky of Canada, Ltd.;
nod Office.: Torout*
. M}N! i n ': uai
T ursday; July 17, 1924.,
W1ngbam, 0101040
every T'iiureaaie Morflnle
A. Q. ,�17iT$'1 kI, Editor and Proprietor,
1I: B. Elliott, Associate .E,ditoa'
eabmcriptioa ratae; QUO w
0-00•1 eta =ATOM ; 61..04 in .aadvtaiieaA
A,dwertiaslx g retell ale ttptplt®aetiana.
Aiirertisemiente wirithriat speailffie d.
sections will be inserted until: forbid
and charged: accordingly.
Changes for contract advertiata»
mentis be In the odic. by noon, 2:
day., '
'Wellingtop Fin*
Itululriatrioe Co.
eletablished 1840,
Goad Offloe, Guelph
111s1:e taken on all Glasses of blear -
mine, at
ncur-anee,at reasonable rates. •
.Ls13NER COSENS. Agent.
cria't carts
"'ii hOn heearfs u®mman ,
Pro* minas th. •,eGgest courtsellirigs depart?'
Ofiice in Chisholm Block
Box 6 Phone 198
victory and Other Bonds 'Bought ,and
Office -Mayor Block, WIngharn
VAk� eetJ''
Money to . Loan at Lowest Rates;
Wingham Ontario
DR. G.
Brasil ate Roya' College of Dental
• Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
B.Sc., I I.D., C.M.
Special attention„paid to diseases a
Warren and Children, having taken,
pCitgraduate work in Sargent, Bac-
teriology and. Scientific Medicine..
Office in the Kerr Residence, between
the. Queen's Hotel end the Baptist.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 64. P.O. Box 113
Dr. R toC.R
M.R.C.S. (Eng).
L.R.C.P. (Loud).
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
DR., s L. STEW
Graduate of University of Toronto,
faculty of Medicine; Licentiate o"- the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office Entrance:
Dr Margaret C. Calder
General ?Practitioner
Graduate University o1: Toronto.
Faculty of . Medicine.
Office—Josephine St., two doors south
of Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones—Oce 281, Residence 161
Osteophatic Physician
$37131E1 AIN, RIM
s most appreciated in the rich,
delicious flavor. Try it to°'�(ylpr y
DR. ,A.Pi'.KER
lustre reduced to merewell-brushed
shininess, but undoubtedly the same
Besides his bag Hector had a bush
basket which smelled sweet and drip-
ped with moisture. He, let them have
a peep at its contents,' and,-• .beholds
the bride's bouquet! White carnations
and rosebuds embedded in smilax and
asparagus fern, with yards of white
satin ribbon to tie it up with.. He
had risen at dawn toather the flow-
ers before the sun had touched them,
he said.
"I should think that Ardeynewould
have ordered a bouquet," said :jealous
of Smarle • Hugo. "Otherwise I should have done
CHAPTER ,L1LY., • name _ _ , was, a little and so myself.”
After all, Jean wondered hadn't she filsed • about what I ought to do, But the •little •bride-to-be was eon-
people assumed me to he a _i, r ..ti,i.. touched h.. this mark of
been very` illy,to let what Alice had
said make her feel uncomfortable?
Hugo wasn't Alice's father; , he
wasn't even her uncle. Not. a . drop
of the tainted Smarle blood ran in her
Yet—behold the great difficulty •of
it all.
One lived in a practical world, a1 -
though for years Mrs. Carney had
hidden herself and her daughter from
its cold observant eye. One thing and
another had combined to assist' them
OF 2 egg yolks, i' cups pastry flour, in the anonymous mode of living, not looked mentioning it to you.;It a mite of a thing."
e s eon salt 1 cup sugar,, 2iiz the least of which had been the w.1-e'small thing, but .important, really, „ h Uncle.' John, do you remember
e tap + Alice wasquite a little girl when
teaspoons'baking Qowder; 1/z cup milk, war be an and for all those; years since .Alice will be living in London me o hen I" was a baby? I didn't.
2 egg whites, 1 teaspoon vanilla. the had been cut of£ from England, and you will be seeing her. I know---"
butter with spoon; add y less .a d less , There followed.messages to the fam- Jean hysterically dragged them cif
theremembered n
Cream They were rememb x' it a little more fulsome and afiec-
the sugar, and beat until the mixture! and finally almost forgotten; except ti nate than usual windin upwith: these dangerous fter ve!.
ift __ )y' Christopher Smarle, who had the g ! Dear me, its after five . Where can;
V light.S a the beaten handling of Jean's small affairs. the remark that she really must cut, the carriage be? Are you quite sure
Ing powder toether. Add t3 _- �� this .letter short now as it was grow -
_: -_L __ the eat : -aim - _ = that Louisa--•
eulty. There were several -things e `:' "'�` L `Y"`J P ss of I "Quite sure, Alice calmed
,had — Q Leto ht crowded . pekes. "It' Il't fail
widow I didn't "trouble to correct them. affection from her mother's old ad -
It also saved me much painful ex mirex.
planation to poor Alice. It was bet "If he has, I can carry them both,"
ter for her to think her father was she said:
dead—for you know, dear Chris- Hugo sighed prodigiously.
topher, we scarcely dared hope the Caulzi clapped him on the back.
Hugo thought
ever be released.
sed.. toe "Conies old chap, you'll make us feel
g like a funeral."
go. on as.we were, and Alice - believes l "Well tiveddings are quite as sad,
he is her uncle. You won't forget Worse, I think. How time flies! But,
this, will you, dear Christopher( of course; I was years in That Place,
Well Hugo and I have grown so It seems like only yesterday Alice
used to the idea, that I nea.rly (ever-, was no more than' so high. Just a
All Diseases Treated.
Office adjoining residence next
Anglican Church on Centre Street.
Open every day except Monday and
Wednesday afternoons.
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272
Fully Qualified Graduate.
:Drugless Praetiee being in absolute
accord with: the Laws of Nature gives
the -very beset results that may be ob-
tained in any case.
Hours -40 - 122 a.m., 2 - 5 and 7 - 8 p.m,
'Phone 191.
DR. D. . CNN,
Qualified Graduate°
Adjustments given for diseases of
ail kinds, specialize in dealing with
eleildren. Lady attendant: Night calls
respouded to.
Guice -en Scott St., Wlugbate, Ont.
(en house of the late Jas Walker).
Phone 150.
Phones, Office; 109,
Reside:rice 224.
A. J
iI't.7RNI'r' i:f;ti17 .DL' A'LLI31,
i iJI�T1711AL I)xit'3 (`rOlt
Motor :'Equips-J.0ot
WIN xkz ,lie C1s4TA.1,1
Frock of Simple Elegance
Parisian import of tan flat crepe
and trimmings of brown satin.
One-piece dress with novel shaped
yoke front and back, and•long
sleeves or' made: sleeveless and
folded bands used. Front of dress
is slightly gathered below yoke,
giving the necessary graceful ful-
ness. Straight` applied bands across
front of dress and on the long
sleeves are becomingly trimmed.
Tie -strings at sides are very smart.
Crepe de chine and summer voiles
are suitable materials. Ladles'
dress No. 1001, cut in sizes 34 to •42'
inches bust- Size 38' requires 4/
yards 86 or 40 inches wide or 2g
g'ards 44 inches wide.
Pattern sent to any address on
receipt of 20 cents in silver, by the
Wilson Pattern= Service, 73 Adelaide
Si. W., Toronto.
Favorite Shortcake—Vee, cup butter,
Made in Canada:
And Get Yourself a
To -day
The Remington Portable has the
regular keyboard and all other
features of the Standard Reming-
ton. It responds to the lightest
and swiftest touch. it is strong
egg yolks to,the :milk, and add this
and the flour to' the butter and sugar.
Fold hi the stiffly beaten egg Whites
and add the vanilla. Bake in layers
or, if individual cakes are desired, in
muffin tins.
Filling for Shortcake—I allow one Carney had been ,passing as a widow, creed would direct him_ to do in.the Louisacarryout: the .bags and
quart of berries or fruit for servingeven to her own daughter. He would I help
tile. berries'are su pose that - Alice was' in the secret matter, Alice's trunk. , Hugo. had mislaid his
six persons. AfterP ;She dreamed about Christopher; an pipe, and a wih. search was made for
washed and hulled or stemmed or the of Hu�o s identity.unusual dream, because the scene of it. Alice was in the ,carriage before
fruit is pared, stoned, and the pulp is As soon as Alice was established n it was laid in a bygone age. There was she remembered that she had left her
suit the London, Christopher .Smarle and "his
a village green, and •Christopher
sliced, sugar is' added to wife would call upon her: now rather valuable jewel ease in her
taste. The amount of, sugar varies
run sig p g her Its old Genelh, e Won
which he did not .know, the most im- Jean crept back to bed at two' us. He wasn't to come until five-
portant of: all being that Alice was o'clock. She had done all that she
not. Hugo s daughter. And one could could i thirty. Oh,:here he is;now!"
not 'tell . Christopher the -truth silent could do, but no:one co d Dred ce i There was a,; jangle of , bells as
P Christopher Smarle's reply. No one room old-fashioned carriage drew;up
that. Nor did he know that Mrs. could say what Christopher's stern 1. at the gate. The driver came in to
Jean realized with horror that she
with• the natural sweetness of the had overlooked this contingency. As a
fruit or berries being .used. Then I matter of fact, -. it could be :counted
crush the berries or fruit with a po- upon as a certainty.
Smarle in Quaker dress -how perfect bedroom.. Jean discovered that one of
.4 t ter event meat
A p1eaaliant
end agreeable
sweet and a
benefit as
Good t;oe
teeth. Brenta,*
and digestion.
ivlaites the
zi!.ezct cigar
taste better.
,By Special Delivery.
When :I've a quarrel : in my mind
With' one who's far away,
To scorching letters' I'm inclined
In which I say my. say.
And, then I take those scorching
So full' of ink and ire,
In which I threaten awful deeds,
And mail' them—in the fire.
-John Kendrick Bangs„
Mlnard's Liniment Heals Cuts.
He :who obeys with modesty, ap-
pears worthy of some day or .other be.
ing allowed to command,
ly it suited his :long -lipped severity! the bags had 'escaped: the labelling
—frowning with foldede arms, upona recess and for a horrible ,moment
wretched woman he had condemned
'Gaunt tliotight;hekiad left the
to sit in the stocks. And the woman railway tickets` at Home.
tato masher, and allow the mixture When the. rest .of the 1' house Jean herself! A young and pretty But one by one, these matters were
d itself to slumber
to, stand two or three . hours, ori until � i e y ; cleared up sates ac ri y,
h f1 hall had compose z e sum and terrified Jean with littl boys
f to '1 and fi lly
the sugar is dissolved. This filling that night she stole out with her jeering at her, and more .virtuous 'they were o#i, •lui Ch•ing down the Bill
i@,placed;betvfees the layers of short candle to the salon and resolutely set, maidens than she passing by with to the station, brakes; shrieking, the
herself to the bitter task of writing half -averted, sell -righteous eyes. heavily burdened g
cake, and sweetened whipped cream is to Christopher ' and flinging. herself Christopher, her, grim as his own con-.
o the cake. The fruitChristianmere p on its deep, soft p Ings
arranged on top of h bodily- . upon his y cep cf God, gazed upon: her with
or berry.juice is poured in'the. dish Christopher was of the,sterner: type moody satisfaction.;
around the.shortcake. If the cakes - of Christian—he believed in reward She awoke firom this dream in: a
are baked in;,.muffin tins; every cup for the good and in punishment for ' cold `perspiration. Yes; it was true
cake is split to .make two la ers. the wicked. Things were either white enough -Christopher Smarle loved
y ,
Among the fresh fruits and berries or black. A perfectly sound ,doctrine, punishing people, particularly women.
but one could riot hel but feel= that -
that I use in making shortcake are
peaches, apricots, strawberries, black-
berries, raspberries, and pineapples.
no roan, not even Christopher was stand:upon he would have blamed her
good enough himself to sit in_ such for Hugo's misfortune. Undoubtedly
heavy and final judgment upon his he would disapprove of this crooked
Summer Apple Pie -2 cups un- fellow -beings.• business of iettii:g Alice believe that
sweetened apple sauce, 1 cup sugar, . "For instance, if Christopher knew Hugo was inetels her 'uncle:. 13ut tho
2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 table- what she.;had�done in her youth, he r'eal'truth • could 'never in this world
n would say that all the evil which sub-. be i evealed to Christopher.
spoons sugar,, % teaspoon cinnamon,
y teaspoon nutmeg, 1 tablespoon
cornstarch, 2 egg' whites.
Rub the apple sauce: through a
coarse sieve or put it through 'a po-
sequently befel: Hugo• had resulted After all, it was none of his affair.
frons that rash marriage of theirs. Jean turned ever with a groan and
So the,letter was very troublesometriedto go- to sleep'again.
to write. Jr. the morning she forgot all about
To begin with, she. broke with him he dream and put . Christopher
tato ricer.Add the one cupful of light-heartedly the news of Alice's lin- Smarle completely out of her mind
sugar, the lemon juice, cinnamon, nut- pending' marriage, dwelling upon the'once the letter had been posted. ,
nieg; and cornstarch; cook until the worldly goods of Dr. Philip Arde ne What was the good of worrying
Mixture thickens. Pour into a baked to an extent that seemed almost about it? Everybody, said she worried,
and top with a meringue, cenary. Christopher thought a great too much, and so far' they. had been
pastryshell, deal about money. proved right.
beating the egg whites until•stiff` and Then 'came cheerful news, of Hugo's There was so much to do that da.
foldingin: the .two tablespoonfuls of y.
p health and—something: -which would that Hugo set aside, his financial ex -
sugar. Set in a slow oven for twenty please Christopher Smarle—the' fact erases—which was a blessing—and
minutes to brown the meringue. of his , (Hugo's)' recovery of .a, "bad devoted himself to the more menial.
Frozen Fruit Creceni-11/4 cups of debt," making it unnecessary for him labor of packing and assisting to get
fruit or berries, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups (Christopher) to allow them: that the villa closedup.
promised one. , and • fifty He was also far more cheerful than
cream. yeone hundredhe had been during the past two
Prepare the fruit or berries gas for After this her pen slowed down weeks. Pessimism seemed to have
table use, chop in fine pieces, Brush, and she wasted a few sheets of paper. been put away with his .needlework.
add the sugar, and allow to stand It was even more difficult than she Jean thought she was right, that he
three hours, or until the sugar'is die- had anticipated. One,nii ht be casual had been concerned about the money,
p g
solved. Scald one cupful of the cream and just take for granted that Chris- though refusing to admit. it. What
and add to the fruit; stir in the other topher would see nothing odd or hope- else could have depressed him? For-
ful of cream and freeze. Amon lessly wrong in what she, had done and tunately she knew nothing about that
cup g
the fresh fruits which I use in making
this- dessert are strawberries, black-
befries, raspberries,. pineapples, and
peaches. If ' you like. a frozen dish
containing more fruit and less cream,'
Fruit Sherbet is well worth trying,
Fruit Sherbet -2 cups crushed fruit
or berries, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup cream.
Prepare the fruit or berries as for
table use, chop fine, and crush'. Add
the sugar, and allow to stand in a cool
place until the sugar is dissolved..
Whip the cream until stiff, and fold
in the fruit and sugar mixture.
Freeze. Ocasionally T use canned
apricots or grated pineapple to make
this sherbet. I add three-fourths cup-
ful sugar instead of one' cupful when
canned fruits are being substituted
for fresh ones.
Lightning Pudding -1 square square choc-
olate, 4`. cups milk, 3 tablespoons, rice,
1%2 clip raisins, 4 tablespoons sugar,
teaspoon salt, 1/ teaspoon vanilla..
Cut the chocolate in small pieces,
and place it in the upper part of the
double boiler; when melted, add the
milk, the washed rice, sugar, and salt.
and dependable. The beauty of Stir constantly during the first part Quaint little •favozs`wfor children's:
Its writing is noteworthy. Yet It of the cooking to keep the milk from parties niay be elide from pure gum
Is as easy to carry as a small curdling. Wheh the rice is very soft, deo s:
add the- raisins, which have' been put For each. kit, select three gumdrops, .
For the'professional man, the through a food grinder. Continue plump and round in shape' and soft.
commercial traveller, the retail rookies: until .the mixture has si
enough to be flattened out a bit. These
form the body of the kitty. Insert
two strong toothpicks ,perpendicularly
through these, pressing the first two
you can have a Remington ♦vert- down slightly and leaving the. third
able sent to your home, immedi- To make stocking darning- easy, quite round for,, the head.
persuaded Hugo to be a party to.'
Finished, it . ran thus:
Oh, I' almost' forgot to tell you.
Hugo is calling . himself John Baliss.
I.believe he wrote you to address him
by that name, but didn't explain why.,
You see, after that terrible afl:'air,
confidential talk between him and
Alice concerning Hector Gaunt's feel-
ing for. her. Had'she known that her
eyes might have been opened.; -
This was a practical day in which
sentiment had no chance to enter.
- Gaunt, looking like a cross between
when you advised me to drop the an Italian farmer in.; his best 'clothes
and a nonconformist preacher,' arriv-
the common soapwort -almost iinpos-' ed in time for tea.
sible to root out or to kill, and for this' Jean thought him ridiculous with'.
reason often used in old-fashioned his wide -brimmed black felt hat and
aso or in cemeteries. Aa children voluminous broad -cloth frock -coat, but'
gardenswhile' she laughed her throat swelled
we used to like to take a pin and re- uncomfortably. Unless she was might
move the skin from the"fat leaf; then ily mistaken that was the same• coat
we would blow the skin up . like a he:had bought for their bigamous
bladder. I marriage twenty years ago,.straining
The leaves of this plant area safe. now a little at the shoulder seams, its
relief for even an extensive growth of
warts. Apply the juice of the leaf''
each night until the warts disappear.
K even if results' after the first
vehicle- rollin ' un-
- �ee so ,s springs.
Jean caught sight, of, a distant puff
of whiter smoke. The train—their train'
—was just pullin • but of Ventimiglia.
.In another ten minutes— I
"Quickly --quickly! She urged the
driver to hurry.
But eventually the confusion sub-
sided and they were en route' for
(To' be continued.)
For Sore .Feet -hl lnard's Liniment.
Kee on,
few days do not seem to warrant the
effort, for Bouncing Bet is sure to be
getting in her work, and some day the
warts will look noticeably shrunken
and soon they will be gone.
storetkeeper, the stuaent, •tor sit creamy appearance. Flavor with van -
who wish thele correspondence
to be easy and pleasant to read, lila, and cool. Serve with cream.
the Refnington Portable is the
typewriter. Pay $5 down and MAKE DARNING A PLEASURE.
ately. Further payrrlents of $5 keep on hand 'a cheap grade of net.
a month will complete purchase. Cut a piece large enough to cover the
H. F. STILES hole to be darned. Baste the net on,
Vice -Pres. and 'Managinig Director.
Sec'y end Provincial Manager.
being careful not to pucker. Darn
With :basket 'weave in the usual way.
You vi ill use less darning cotton.
this coupon before you forget it. Tour work 'Audi be smooth and neat.
Darning will be a pleasure rather
thee), :a burden, and 'yet• can, work.
twice as fast. •
I4e y ewriter Company
of Canada, Llmited
68 King' St. West, Toronto, Ont.
Please send nee particulars ,re-
garding the Benitngteni Portable,
including lilaris of purchase.
Address .... .
When thechildren have a growth of
warts, as they are apt to have, send
thein out fay hunt that oldtfs shinned
plant with the thick, oily leaves and
the delicate blossom which i8 of a pale
lila,` tint, It is the Lou.nciri Bet -f.
Now, on the protruding ends of the
eothpieks, 'adjust two ,;smaller gum-!
drops, ,oblong in shape, to form the
kitty's ears. Next, insert a toothpick
through the lower and middle gum
drops and finish off with four oblongs
'which snake the paws. • Attach with a
small bit of toothpick a fifth oblong,
placing it at an angle to form a saucy
tail. Three cloves, stuck in for eyes
and nose, complete this seductive
pussy who supplies in a satisfying
way the demand that there be sweets
on festive occasions.
These attractive favors nest not 17e'
confined to children's,; parties ---they
have found favor and created 'amuse"
spent in grown-up circles.
Composed of Ppre Parh Rub-
ber, Highly Porous.
Rides .Easy as Air, Doubles
Mileage of Casings.'
Agro "Cushion Inner Tire
Rubber Co., Ltd.
Wingba m w
ISSUE No. 2S-••'24,.
Experts have worked out complete
time -tables for an air service to 'en-
circle' the world in, seventeen days.
Airships have been provisionally
chosen for the flights across the
The; carcasses of :.small animals
such as calves and lambs, are fre-
quently blown up by means of. an air -
pump; this;makes the.removal of the
skin easier, and is stated to be harm-
less to the meat.
-5rr, ,u.aarwo, Kdip.m.+,. e tr• u • 5
'Here isThe Pump You Need
• E
Pumps more easily, rnorer�i�l�entl and
More effficientl. thanthe Win ty et.
.model has definitely epWced
h ousehd a
:Repairs Eas! h d Dols.
Can be drained to prevent freefrn�
'.Easily primed.
4..1AM BRo MARE oN .AT
;�. •.1W59 iis�.'iii>�r1�l�t,".; �i�it`4���&�.'�awid,i3r