HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-07-17, Page 1Single)Copies, Five Cents. .............,_ ..,........ CELEBRATION STATEMENT . ,. The following is. a statement cover- ing the receipts and expenditures in contiettion with the -Dominion Day .•telebration held under the auapiees of the' .Wingliaist Athletic Asaociation; 'Receipts Asiteissioa fees $636 95 Dance Receipts 67 8o Booth Privilege ..., ..... ,...,....„,. ........ . 35 oo Monetions Ix oo, ------- $750 75 .):6ntlittit e 'Clint:et Lacrosse . 27 So Prizes - Jaez Band reo 00 Concert talent63 oo Rain "Insurance .., ........ . .. . .... „.., . 2x 24 .0tcb'estra 40 00 XCeswateit Baseball 25 oo :Rent .,of Canvas : to oo J. A. MacLean use of lumber 32 co Electric Light 7 oo .13a11s Purchased - xx as 11-totie account, etc. 8 40' :W. H. Rintoul " „ it ' 40 A. G. Smith, printing 43 50 set- inaement TeX' 26 22 'Citizens' Band 65 oo Books, cheque tax, etc. .. ... . ....... 7 55 'Cutting -grass ' . 4 50 „Policemen- . 15 uo Rae 8./ Thompson,. supPlies 3 87 Meals . ' 14 sa :Rent of piano •5 oo 'Tug of \War ' 20 00 $687 93 -, The balance of $62.82 will ble used in reducing the debt Which was car ried by previous celebrations. H. S. Elliott, Treas.. , EVERYBODY'S COLUMN FOR SALE—Ceriment House, with -stable and - garage, hard and soft water, good garden, also one rubs ;beg tire buggy, ' Apply to Mrs. Petei McCall,' Pleasant, Valley. .. .FOUND—A, gentleman s overcoat on Sunday, on Teeswater gravel. Own - may have same by proving. prop- erty. Geo. Casemore, Lot 24; Con Zi, 'rurnberry. TOR RENT AUGUST 1st. —8 room- ed house, electric lig-ht, furnace, bethrooln, running water hard and soft, every convenience, garage. Rent $14.00, , Knox house behind - Post 0.ffice. Key at the house.. 'YOE_ RENT ---- Brad:smith 'shop with - tools ..and rna.ohinery in an old es- tablished business in good farming locality. A snap for the right Man. ' Apply D. Ewan, Brussels, Ont., Box tor. ' , ICOOD: CLOVER HONEY —At James IL ca.semore's for sale at 130 Will deliver it anywhere in Wings ham, on Satorday, or sooner. Call ifs up on phone 13-627. fames H. Casemore or Andrew Casemore, 1st ' line Morris. ' t .e, :/tOR PURE MANILLA ROP E,— Rope to „repair Hayr Loaders; I -lay Forks :Slings, Cars and Pulleys, Harvest Tools, Oils aed. Binder, 'Ihvine. Go to Duffs', Blnevale, - „ FOR SALE—An upright piano fo- aa.le, itt first class CORdition at a • bargain for cash or ofia payment plan. Atiply. to. Mrs. , Finley 6 r;-;. - Lower Wieghath, • '. - , A SNAP FOR QUICK SALE --- A Caron Light and. Power. Plant, rew . lat 'year and in perfect, order, sotto IAATt t generator, 120 hour battery, 3, hatse motor with pulley. Apply to - Wilfred G. M,. Reid, East -Wawa- ' nosh; Route 3, Wingbam. ...- . r , ..... TEACHER WANTED—For S. S. NO1 2; Grey, when applying -state salarY wanted. ,Apply ' to SILAS Johnstote. Route, No. 2, l3fussels, ,... „, TEACHER WANTED:— Protestant teneltei' 'holding 'second class` certi-' fi-cate 'for S. S. No, xx East Wawa- noshdeities' to commence, Sept, xst Applications received by the -under- signed up till Aug. tat. j. F. Young. Route - 5, Wingham .Seess , .Fog• SA] x—Chpice 'new clover hefeey. Apply -,.Geo. D. Fortnee, Wingham, Ont., WrOgeter pliage, 612 ring- 8. ' -- . LOST—Gemtlernan's Diathond ring, Senday Morning. Finderplease inquire St the AcIvana and tecel-ve reward:: Box C Advance. 7 EN 1)ERS—Tee der s , will be recetv., - d by the Midersigne.d, up 101 the . eeth day of July :for thq painting of the Bolt bridge in tile toysnalnp of Turiabcrry. Best matertals mat. -be esed, Loweat or any tender -sot necessarily accepted, W. R. Crude- . shark, Clerk , . RE "O141OVIT.TG FROIVf TOWN We :longdo:sfdistance trucking. Get tt...` prices before. shipping. Mundy', Phone 82, :Wingharn. ' AovartZlittorrml.a.lowei. nOm;..gt 40,0•4 VrINETEE'N'::ACRES OE GOOD • s .. Itttsture landfor sale, said parebl of land is a „part of lot 26, situated ,uear the HoInte's'!seltool house/ its the eleVerttli concession's.' of Turn3erry, in eigh-aftla calleds,'.the teeth line. Th,... Said so acre let ,is aseeSS- .t.d. at $200. The highest offer over . that amottet will be accepted,, be- low that Offer win be entertained. - 'Offers will be received tip till the :sat. of August. Apply to Almer Cosens. • . •-• - ' --ses- -..- — WAwrls,D—GII•1 to assist with house - . ,,, 1 'Aes ot.or, pply ;to' te.' jeer. 'Helm, - ,Trr j ';•4 PERSONALS Mr. Harry Hopper was in Toronto this week, Miss L. Lions of I-Ianna & Co. w- 111 Toronto this week. Miss Mae-aDfinsley is spending her holidays 'in Owen Sound. Miss I. Allison of London, is renew- ing acquaintances at lielgrave, Master Kenneth Plourde of Owen Sound is visiting relatives in. town, Mr. T. I -L. Gibson, and Miss Mar- jorie are speedieg a few days in Tor- onto. Mr. W, H. Davidson visited with his daughter in Toronto 'over the week- end. Mrs. Da Hart has gone to North Bay where -she will remain for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hanna spent a couplc of days with relatives in Woodstock. Miss Mary Pattison -visited her sis- ter, Mee. Leakie in Kincardine for a few days. Master James Sims of Blyth spent the week end with his sister Mrs. Lorne Dale. Mt. and 'IsIrs. John -Stevenson have returned from visiting, with relatives in Camlachie. - IVIrs. C. N. Peale of Toronto, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. H, Da - via, Centre St.'. • . Mr, John StePhenson of Port Ar- thiir, is visiting with his sister Mrs. Bosman in town. Misses Florence and Maud. Fleuty are spendingt heir vacation with re- latives at Huntsville. Mr. Oliver Thompson and Mr. Herb Jobb are attending Masonic Grand Lodge in:Toronto. We are pleased to. see Mr. Chas, VanNciernan's smiling countenance once more on our streets. Mrs. H. White and son George of Galt, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reid, , Mrs. Oliver Thompson and sons, Rae and Jim, are spending a few days, With relatives in Stratford. Mrs. J. a McKay and children are spending the week with Mrs. W. A. Miller at Kiricardine beach. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox of :Hui - lett were guests. on Sunday at the home of Mr.,. Lorne Dale. Rev. H. W. Snell and family are away for a month's vacaton with re- latives at Tilsoriburg 'and Ayr. Mr. William and Miss Dorothy Bugg of Toronto, are visiting witli their uncle Mr. John Galbraith. Mrs. E. J. Mitchell, accompanied by Miss Marion- and Harold and Maurine motored to Toronto last week. Mr. and. Mrs. W. .H. Gurney, and family are on a motor trip to Toron- to, Montreal' and. other points ettat. • Mrs. 3. Q. Habkirk aud children, have returned from a visit with Mrs W. A. Miller at Kincardine beach. Mr. and Mrs. George Dale of Con- stance were Sunday visitors at the home of 010- seta Mr..lsorne Dale. Mrs. W. H. Green and daughter, Miss Lill:1am of Pembroke, renewed acquaintances in Wingham this week. • Mr. Tod Scott of Chicago, is visit- ing with lis sister,- Mrs. W. S. Mit- chell and renewing acquaintances around. Gleharrnan. Mr: and Mrs. Gordon M. Young, and Mrs. Alex. Young of Torotto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. C, Young. ' and-IVErs, ESkett SIdell and fa- nily of Lietowei seent a "couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Al- fred. MeCreight, Mr. and Mrs, T, E. Manning awl little daughter, Lois, of London,. spent a few days, with Mrs, Manning's tiother, Mrs, D. J, Boyd. Mr. and 'qrs. Jas. A.ndersoa and Master Donald of Lindsay, visited ov- rthe week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith. 1V1e, A, j, Nortrop motored to Ar - ken over the week -end, Mrs. Nortrop and children who haee been visiting vith her parents accompanied -him itame. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGee and Miss Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sham:, Mrs. Puttland, Mrs. 13rown and bilis,s RubytBroevn,-spent Sunday at Grand 13 e nd: .Mr. and _Mrs. W. j. 13oyce and tit- le daughter Jean, motored to'. Paris, sthere they spent the -week-end, They 'sere accompanied home by their son, Hai old. Orrie A. Sherk, a former resi- dent of 'Wing -loon who is now' in the •eat. estate busmess itt Detroit, visit - d with old acquaintances ineWing.- tam last week. Mr. and Mrs, j, J.En glees' of Cairo Mich., also Mr, C. Enteland of .Leptter, Mich paid Mr. V. R, Vat -Norman hair UStial ;Visit oil the, 't2that which stakes the,•Stis yearsin succession. Miss Intone .Hopper and Miss Cora 5icksen weee toeprestitatives of Wing.= tam Ii,p•svortit League to St. Whottlas SI:limner School. Rev." C. E.. Citagg, ntstar of , the. MethOdist Church was Iso,preseet. ' Mr. Y. Ai. Copland, proof reader with the Toronto Daily Star, epent 11 ew days at the home of his brother,. n...law Councillor E. J. Mitchell. Mr, .iopland was for some years Publish - t or the Hariistoit Review. l• Mrs. ,Clifford. Jenkins, Mrs, Wm. :handler, 1.1/iss Mary and Ethel Clian- Iler and nephew, Edwin and. It/fe. 11, Cs, Meads of Toronto', motored to lig- Oevel and vieited Mr. 414 Charl- es Aitken one day at -gently. WINGHAM, SOFT BALL GAMES ONT., THURSDAY, JULY :t7th, 1924 The secoad schedule of this seasoi soft ball got awawy to a good start cm Monday evening when the Fry & Blaekhall—Gunn-Sott-Ola team de- feated. the Savages recently organized by Alex. Coutts by a 200 re Of 4. to 4. Unfortunately for the Savages the "breaks" seeined to .be agaiest them but they fought a good fight to the finish and showed a spirit throughout the complete game which is haunt/ to briug SOCCCF S. .The outstendieg feature of the game was "Chunk" Morrison's ,,,catch of a swift fly over third base. Even in hard ball games a snappier catch is .seldoin witneseed. "Chunk" receitied the loudest and longest Applause of the game. The second schedule is listd below games will be at 7 p, m, except on Saturdays. and Wednesdays, wheu specal arrangements may .-be made. Watch the notices for these games, Fans are turning out well and a real revival of sport in town is under development, ' The following schedule will be play - July 14—Fry Gunn-Olas vs Savages. July x6—Lions vs Homesteaders. July IS—Savages vs Clerks. July 19—Fry Gunn-Olas vs Chinooks. July 2r --Lloyds Glove vs Savages. Jnly 23—Clerks vs Homesteaders. July 25—Fry Gnim-Olas -vs Lions. July 26--liornesteaders vs Lloyds, Glove, - July 27-7Chi1100k vs Homesteaders. July 28—Clerks vs ,Chinook. July 3o--Fry.,Gu11n-01a5 vs Clerks. Aug r—Homesteaders vs Savages. Aug, 4—Savages vs Chinook. ' Aug. 6—Lloyd Glove Ars Lions. Aug. 8—Fry Gunn Ola vs Lloyd Glove Aug. 9—Lloyd Glove vs Chinook. Aug. II—Lions vs Savages. Aug. 13—Clerks vs Lions. ° Aug. x5-1'ry Gunn vs Homesteaders. Aug. 18—Clerks vs Lloyd Glove. Aug. 20—Lia4s,-vs-Chinook, Referees—A, Forbes, W. French, R. Lloyd, Dr. Ross, Dr. Howson, 0. Thompson E. Small, H. Shirbondy, Bert McElroy,, , A. Coutts, D. Rae, W. VanWyck, E. Copeland, F. Preston, Johns. Goderich Races Good sport at Goderich races Wed- nesday, July 23. Three events, $1300 in Purses. Found Stolen Ford Night watchman Culley Rocker of Listowel, attempted to arrest an auto thief in a chinese cafe about 2 a. rn. on anesday. The fellow ran away although Rocker had a gun pointed at him. Rocker however captured the Ford Coupe No. 8o-o8x and returned same to the owner, a Mr. Studen of HamIton. Caught a Bla.ck Bear A dispatch from Lion's Head says: A huge black bear, whichohas been taking heavy toll of the sheep in the district of Hope Bay, Bruce Peninsula, for some time, was caught in a trap on the farm of Mr. Waugh, near that village recently. It is believed that this is the same bear which has fright- ened a number of'residentsduring the past few weeks. IVIarried in Buffalo A quiet wedding tool: place in Buf- falo on Thursday jttly 3rd., -when Miss Olive M. Rintoti,), youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rin - Lout of Wingham, was upited in mar- riag-e to 'Mr, Frederick H. Staples of Steverisville, son of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Staples, Orono, Rev. W. C: Ramsay, officiated After a short trip to Toronto and points east, the Is couple will reside in Stevensville. Moves to Mount Brydges Mr. William, Guest and daughter, Miss Verna, atcompanied Mr. and Mrs. G Lawson Bisbee and family to Mount Brydges on Monday. Wing - ham citizens afe very sorry to loose these highly respected citizens. Mr. :Bisbee has sold his cottage on Shut- er St. to Mrs. Ansley, and he has pur- chased twelve acres of land at Mount Brydges where he purposes going ia- to the, poultry business and gardens Mrs. 'Thos,••Cornyz, Deceased '• Art old and highly respected resi- dent of. Winghani passed; to her re- Wagcl on Friday, July-iith„, its the per. On: of .Martha Stewart, svidoW of the Inc' Thomas -Cornyn. Vor . the past fessr, years she had made • Stet- home With- her twice, Mrs. I), II, Porter, -The reniains- were laid to rat in Wittgltani 'Cemetery on Sunday after- nooh,d Rev: W. Siielt, 13, A. con- duiged the funeral• services.' The pall - hearers We're: Messrs' C. P: Smith, John r)avidsche.-Yet, "oSte.Wart, Percy, Hogg, Jesse 13utton and F. fit Roder - 11 The Late Mrs, Sherrie Young Theafteetal -of •the late ltIary Nora Anderson, beloved wife of Mr. Sher,- rie. Young, was held from the reel - dente of IVIr. Joins Galbraith, on Sat- urday etc/moon, Judy astle Deceas- ed strap borr itt Tareberry, near Glen- antian, where .she spent the greatar part Of her life, and where she was highly respected by it large circle of friends, in later years she has re- sided in Calgary vhere she, passed away ou Saturday, July sth. Besides her husband she is survived my her atm /ernes, who is thy bacteriologist in Calgary. Mr, Jas. Ancieraon,. C. P. R. ,8tatioil agent at Lindsay is a brother and Mrs. Wilson of Grey township is n Sister. Interment was made in Wingham Cemetery And 1110 funeraI ssas large It a t t elided 'CHAUTAUQUA ANNOUNCEMENT A Summary of the Good Things in the Forthcoming Wingham Chautauqua The great pi-esent day 'comedy, "STx,Cylinder Love," an original mus- ical production, "An Evening in. Hawaii," and other splendid attrac- tions; lectures by such headliners As Capt T. Dinsmore Upton; unique children's entertainments; Sidney' Landon, widely known impersouator of great .literary men. These are among the exceptional attractions which will appearr here at the big /924 Dominioa Redpath Chautauqua, which opens Atigust 8th and continues for five days., The Dunbar Male Quartet and Bell Ringers, one of the best known and ntost distinctive musical organize - tams appearing on the platform will launch the Chautauqua, on the first afternoon, with an outstanding pro- gram of songs and bell ringers. Fol- lowing a prelude by the. Dunbars on the first night, a prominent lecturer, whose 'name will be announced later, will be heard in a lecture of popular aPPeal- A popular concert given on the end afternoon by the Betty Booth Concert Company will feature costumed song preseetations from favorite light operas, and other vocal selections, as well as excellent instrumental numbers. At night, following a con- cert by this talented company, Sidney Landon, widely known for his imper- sonatons of famous literary men and readings from their works, 'will be a feature attraction, • On the third afternoon will be given an interesting entertainment -demon- stration, "The Potter and the Clay," by Smith Damson, potter -craftsman. The great modern comedy success, Cylinder Love," will be given on the thirdnight by a cast of metropo- litan actors, organized especially for the Dominion 'Redpath Chautauqua. • On the fourth afternoon the well- known Laura Werno Ladies' Quartet will give a grand concert. Musical and dramatic selections in costume, depicting the dress, manners and songs. of various historical periods, are special features of their offerings. Following a prelude by the quartet at night, Capt. T. Dinsmore Upton, known as "The Bi,g Brother of a Hundred. Thousand Kids," will give his inspiring address, "The Four - Square Builder," which is a plea for clean wholesome recreation for chil- dren. • On the last afternoon, following a prelude concert by Vierra's Hawai- ians, Virginia, Slade, entertainer and play -reader; will be heard in a mis- cellaneous program consisting Of a number of short sketches from the works of prominent authors, as Well as cadings from well-known plays. "Ali. Evening in Hawaii," orgina.1 musical production presented by Vier- ra's Hawariians, will be the feature on the la* night. The production portrays most vividly the music and customs of Hawaii. Novel lighting and scenic effects, together With ap- propriate costuming and the artistry of the company, make this one of the most distinctly enjoyable numbers on the entire program. . Three unique entertainments for children, each to be presented on a different day, will be given in addi- tion t� the regular programs for adults. The Columbia. Marionettes will give one entertainment; Ada Ruth Johes, oartoonist and story tel- ler, another; while a third entertain- ment will be given by the Misses Winifred Meryhew • and Ruth Hans - man, who feature, in costume,' read- ings, sketches and songs based on :juvenil stOry book characters, Farmers on INIotor Hike There was,a, happy time on Wedges - day when farrners' from :Wallace and Rime. Towaships, with their wives and families, in twenty-seven cars struck off on a motor hike to Goderich. A- bout one hundred and thirty-five peo- ple enjoyed the outing. There were baseball games and races, wed a good time generally was spent by everyone. The editor of this paperonet the hik- ers on the road and was surprised to find that all but two of the auto lic- enses were purchased from himself at Wingbane) Wingham 9 Mitchell 5 The lacrosse match between Wing - ham and Mitchell. on Wednesday af- ternoon was very poorly attended; but the game was a fairly good °rte. The score at the encl of the xst cas- ter was 3 to 2 at the end of half time 5 to. 4 in favor of Mitchell. Wing - ham as usual did their best playieg in the last half of the game, during the third quarter Wingham scored four goals and kept the visitors from, scor- ing, an rePeated the dose in the last period by scoring- another. The play ended g to 5 in -favor of. Winglaam. Wm. Flentnieg of Walkerton was the referee Rev. Hunter Dies Suddenly The death occurred very suddenly on Monday, tJuly rstli., 'of Rev. j. E. ITunter of Gramme Secretary of th I,oridon Methodist Conference. Rev. Ala Hunter had preached at Alum College, St. Thomas, oh Sunday, and his death was most unexpected, Though itt ill health for some, time, he had been elected in Juno to the of. lice of Secretary of the Conference, and he had jest completed his reports of preceedings for the printers, and had mended leaving at once for hiS nntialvacation at Bruce. Beach, r,),(1- c.6ased was born in IY.Corris township led the family haveboon residents of Brussels for some, years. UNVEILING POSTPONED ,,Oerieral Sir Arthur Currie ?Will Unveil Memorial At a special meeting of the Win - ham council held on Monday night it was decided to engage the services of a landscape gardener to assist iu mak- ing the terraces and 8 -retold around, the war memorial beautiful. It was also unanimously decided to wait for „general Sir Arthur Currie to unveil the first two weeks of September. The committee are nOW uaititg for the General to set the date that will be suitable for hint to come. The question of co-operating with the Utilities Commission in the mak- ing of necessary repairs to the cement dam and bridge was discussed and it wa.s decided for the council to pay 25 per cent of the cost. This decision was arrived at because that most of the work necessary was to the dam, and also that the Utilities Commissiott have $2000 laid aside for just such an -unexpected emergency, and they de rive $700 a year from the Howson Mill fottuse of water from this dam LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS $23.56 will buy a ton of fine ground Standard re -cleaned screening in your bag. Lepard's Mt-. and IVIrs. C," Austin and two children of Kitchener, are visiting with Mr. Austin's parents Mn and Mrs, William Austin in Turnberry. The Brennan Contracting Co. of Hamilton were successful tenders for the paving of Dodd St in Listowel. The tender is for a six inch paydrnent with a four inch base and two inch top at $x.96 per yard, curb at 200 a lineal foot. Hats half price, the balance of July - at Miss Reynold's. Several members of the Eastern Star and their families spent an n- joyable time near Point Clark on Wednesday afternoon. - The members of Wingham A. F. & A. M. NO. 286 presented a past mast- er's jewel to Bro. G. L. Bisbee on Monday evening; prior to his degas- ture for his new horne in Mount Brydges. • The Huron County Old Boys Asso- ciation of Toronto will hold its an- nual excursion to the Seaforth Old Boys Reunion on Saturday, Aug 2.nd, Special train leaves Toronto at 2.00 p. m. and arrives at Saforth 6.25 p't m. Clinton 6.47 p. m. and Goderich 7.15 p. m.• Tickets are now on sale at the Can. Nat. Ry. office corner King and Yonge streets, Toronto. To avoid confusion the comrnittee request all Huronites to procure their tickets For any kind of -Sewing Machine, Needles or Shuttles, come to A. W. Webster, the tailor, agent for the New Honk and Ideal Sewing: Machines. They are the most durable easiest to manage, run quieter because they have fewer wearing parts than others and a lower price. Office up stairs over the Advance Times Office, Part three of the Wingham voters' list is to be prepared immediately ac- cording to a letter „froni the govern- ment received by town clerk, Gal- braith. This part of the voters' list comprises those who are entitled to vote on provincial matters. This is probably in preparation for the plebe- scite to be taken some time in the fu- ture on the Ontario Temperance Act. Hats half price, the balance of July at Miss Reynold's. A representatve of the Dominion Chautauqua will be in Wingham on Friday es -ening, 'July x8th, and would like to meet the guarantors in the Council Chamber, at 8 o'clock. Kind ly rnake arrangements to attend. Mr. E, Pettigressds colts, Jean Grat- ton and Brownie Hal have been doing some good work on the race course at Milton, Jean Gratton was put in the Free for all class to fill and drove . • Bill Bishop the pacer with a mark of 2.04 in 2.16. Brownie Hal started in the 30 class and came in second. The dam of these high class colts was Darky Hal 2.02?,-, and Mr. Pettigrew purchased the pair from Mr. VanNor- man. A very successful garden party under the auspices of Donnybrook Methodist church and Sunday School was Yield at the home of Mn Jos. Chatnneyg East Wasvanosh, on Tues- day eveniag. The supper provided by the' ladies of 'the church included strawberriesand cream mid was fol- lowed by a splendid program, in which thc .following took part: Knox church orchestra, of Goderielis John Perdue, violinist; Mrs. Mowbray; of White- church and Rev. Snell, of Wingfiain, readers; and, male, trio of ' Wingham Collegiate. Rev. W. L. Alp, of Au- burn, also gave -an address. - Mr. .and Mrs. George J. .Town, of WrOsteten Ont., announce the engage- inent'of their Only daughter, jean Elizabeth, to Dr. Roy S. Smith, M. D„ of Detroit, Mich, The wedding to take place quietly' the latter part of this 111 0111.11. Mr, and Mrs, john Kemp and dart ghteit Mabel, of New York, Ieft on Friday after having Spent two- weeks with- Mr. and Nita, James Fowler of Diagonal Road. -Mrs, Yowler amain - pained them as far as 'Toronto. Mrs. Kemp is the sister of Mrs. janica :Fowler. Arm Badly Fractured The Tang friends of Mr, Dudley E. Holmes of Goderich, will regret to learn, that he tnet with a bad auto at - eident en Fridtey which resulted in hie left atm being- badly broken. Fes 11 IIIYZ11IUIIIII1flI1H e Subcriptions $2.00 per iea *$:te9,PrO11 111111OIMIMill We Develop ,1711rrts. We Print Pictli We Make Enhtrgmepts "Free Enlarg ent Coup = We are giving a coupon "FREE" with each 25e purchase in our fitl Kodak Finishirig Department and will redeem them for enlargrnents Ias follows: ES • For xo ,Coupons a 4,st6 Enlargment Value ., -- 35C For 15 Coupons 5x81- Erdargmennt Value --_______ . .... ... .. . ... .,,,....500 .5 For .20 Coupons a,6xxo Enlargrnent Value , -67c N For 40 Coupons a iiitxo Enlargment Framed, Value ____________$1.2,5 —Our Every Day Cut Prices Save You Money— Winuhain, itionseliatisti tuansmstionit cKi • o 's Dr g .96:7110 Phfine MIMI I1lIIlitlIIl2IlIIIl IflhsII1llI1IU Seven Teachers for'H. S. A seventh teacher ha been engaged by the Wingham High School Board in the person of Mi. A. Chas. Ander- son, NB.A., who is a Wingham boy well known to the students of the school. The H. S. Board are finding a good deal of difficulty in getting acconto- dation and the Inspector has been ur- ging for some time that an addition would have to be built to' the school Unless some steps are taken to-' pro- vide more accomodation the Govern- ment grant will be cut off, and flans Wingham will be at a great expense in making this sum up yearly. Splendid New Road Book An entirely new form of road guide is being published this week under the direction of A. A. Briggs, Advertising Manager of the Dunlop Tire & Rub- ber Goods Company Limited. The book, the culmination of more than two year's work by the author, has had for its object the compiling, pri- marily, of mileage information he- tes-een every point in the Province, but it also serves as a condensed. guide 1.0 summer hotels,' camp sites and golf clubs, and provides data on every scenic trip of note within the area cov- ered. Its chief object, its author, Mr. Briggs, stated yesterday, is to make O visit by road to Ontario's many sum- mer resorts both easy and pleasant. In the volume Toronto, as the Capital city, is taken as the pivoting point, and a series of maps follow in sequence around Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron and Georgian Bay, Starting at Tor- onto again — Or continuing on from Gravenhurst—the motorist has it con- tinuous passage north and northwest. Commencing at Toronto once more the journey is continuous east or north or east and north. The tourist, of course, using the book, can map out his own course on any basis he likes, since the various subdivisions include the names of points of interest which are not shown on any of the standard 51 A Six Legged Cat A curious freak of nature made its ;appearance here recently when a cat owned by William Fraser gave birth to a litter of kittens, one of which had six perfectly formed legs. It only , lived a short time. Double Wedding On Sunday Rev. J. W. Hibbert hada double wedding in the Kingsville Methodist Church 7 on Sunday last, his is prob- ably the first time in Canada that a double wedding has been officiated ov- er by a Methodist minister on Sunday. Purchased Bus ,Line Mr. Stanley Hare has purchased the - Forest-Sarma bus line, and has al- ready taken possession. Mrs. Hare and baby will tnove to Forest in e th near future. Sorry to see our citi- zens leaving, but wish Mr. Hare ev- es" success in his new venture. Lightning Plays Peculiar Pranks During a storm Tuesday night, William Etherington's house, in Hee- peler was struck by lightning and. Miss Gertrude Etherington was struck on the side, but was uninjured The lightning entered the house along .the electric wires, blew out all the fuse plugs, destroyed a radio set, and before leaving it struck the young la- dy, who was sitting on the couch and continued its course to the garage, destroying the lights there. New Public School Teachers The following changes .ha-ve been made in the Public School Teaching Sta.ff at Wingham. Miss Lillian Ho- ward of Markdale, ta.kes charge of the first room which was taught by Mrs. Parker, Miss Carruthers of Toronto, will succeed Miss Rebecca Armstrong and Miss Helen G. Hernbly of. Palm- erston succeeds Miss Vansickle, who has been appointed to a' Toronto school- , Hydro Tinined On , Hydro was turned on in Brussels for. maps. • the first time on FridayJuly txth.. 0.21161.0,46061.11/1=1.5236=1416413.1..01.524TIMIA9.1.161e3161.7414,81.4.ft oillr4=.1=1=11.11111,...IIIMMTLII=VAIMMIKM011=====2111=1=2,13 INS IN S CES On Saturday Next, July Nth we start our Summer SF- OE SALE ra`rtm Every Sumrner Shoe, Slipper and Sandal now in stock on Sale! It will pay you to come early before the best of the bargains are gone. COME AND SAVE P.1.10 coOD SH�E iTORE,