HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-26, Page 814111111111010011100
• .'"'"^ !I4 '
trier Weather Right• With. Us.
To be cornforta,ble you must have light
cool apparel.
, •, .
,• • ;1',,11''fi;r!Itil,
RItChie visited her sister
ort Sunday.last, Mrs. Robt. Hetiry
Mr, Rebert and Afiss Olive
returned on Friday last from a short
visit with Detroit friends,
Congratulations are extended toMr
and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie wishing them
both a long life and every happiness
over matrimony's sea. ••
Rev, Mr, White of Gorrie, bad char-
ge of Sunday services at Zion last
Sunday on account of our minister,
III Rev. Cousens, taking charge of Amu-
versa,ry services at Gorrie. -
NI Is, O. L. 1044 meets Friday evening
II in Zion Hall, Officers and member.;
are requested to be present as it is
NA nearing the .12th of July and some
unfinished business needs arranging,
Dresses of Sr Voiles Crepes, Silk I.atines, Linens, N '
Broadcloths, etc. direct from the centres of fash- BLUEVALE
ions, iridividu.al styles at moderate prices.
Silk Hosiery- and Gloves in the newest shades for all
occasions, priced 1.00 to 2.50.
Warm Weather Underwear
Vests, Step -Ins, Combinations, Slips, teddys, Bloom,
ers, etc., in the correct weight and styles
from 25c to 2,50 garment.
Fashion Calls for Flannels
We have them in the new checks for Sleeveless Jackets,
Wrap -a -Round Skirts, etc., per yard 1.35.
Vacatiora Time --You Will Need a New
Bathing Suit
We have a fine assortment of models of pure wool in a
good range of shades, all specially priced 3,95.
Laces Are Much in Demand
Our showing of French Vals in dainty patterns of cream
and white is interesting. Prices range from
5c to 25c per yard.
IN Mr, and Mrs, Wm. B‘reinner of Eth-
• '
▪ Rev. Mr. Cragg of Wirighain
si preach an Orange sermon in Metlui-
▪ dist church here next. Sunday, June
2pth at'7.3o p. in. Brethren to meet
N at Orange Hall at 7 p. m.
M Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Green Sharma-
, von, Saslc., who have been touring the
M east on their ohneyrtioon, spent a few
al days last week with Mrs. Green's -aunt,
Miss May Bone of Janetsville; is
sin,Alding a Week at her home here pr -
1911 TO leaving for Oneen's University,
Kingston, to take the Summer Course
Phys i cal J.
Ivtr,gd Wightm t from the West
is visiting with her sousin, Mr. Vim.
Miss Violet McBurney has calm
pleted her year at Stratford Normal
School and is spending her holidays
at her home here,
l)r. Harold Robinson is leaving this
week to continence work in Roches
ter New York. We wish him success.
It Was Not in Wingham
Ihe teacher was giving'a lesson on
the crocodile, "You rnust give me all
your attention," he said. "It is impos-
lthhorne Robt
sible for you to forma true idea of
e, were visitors at e of ,
Musgrove. this hideous reptile unless you keep
Mrs. Jackson of Toronto, spent the Your eyes fbced on me."
If life's load be heavy; if our backs
past week with het- sister, Mrs. Sand -
are bent ,under weary shoifiders; if
our tired hearts ache, and if, at last,
We art sorry to report Mrs. R. N.
we totter on the road, let us not des -
Duff on the sick list and hope she will
Vaitr'beyond this sorrowing • d
The green fields of Eden; lie
Soon be well again. Jus an wear.
Mrs. Griffiths and son, Fred of •Mon-
treal, are up for a few weeks holidays led earth. 'rhe green fields of Eden
where the weary of body and of heart
at their summer home here.
shall rest. Eden with its still waters
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coulte's and
daughter of Listowel, spent Sunday and the songs of the choirs invisible.
.with Mrs SnelL Scott—Bowman Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. J. McIntosh of Moles -
Worth visited with relatives here. The horne of Mr. James Bowman,
Mrs. John 1VIusgroye of Wingham, ex-M.P. for North Huron, and Mrs.
is visiting at the home of 1VIr. and Bowman, 131 Northcliffe Boulevard,
Mrs, R. 1Vlusgrove. •Toronto, was the scene of a wedding
Nurse Ruby Duff of Toronto, is on Wednesday afternoon, June s8th.,
home for a feiv weeks' holidays, when in the presence of forty imme-
Mrs. Geo. Agar of, Stratford, is visi- diate relatives and friends their young -
ting with relatives around here. •eusntiteddauingliinteali..,riaMgaertgoarLeiteurst,aRvi,nGa,eo*rgaes
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gallaher and
IVIr. and Mrs. M, Masters and Mrs. A. Scott, D.D.S., second son of 'Mr. and
P,rocter motored to Toronto, and Mrs. Robert J. Scott, 'of Port Elgin,
spent the week -end with relatives. sOti.stcaroilou,Intl)hiea Rev.
PresbyterianMc TCahgugracrlit; 'S°tf.
Miss Louie Patton is slowly irripros
ing and able to be up once more after Clair Aventie, officiating. The bride,
her severe illness, we hope she may who was iinatended, was given away
by her father. She entered the „draws
now make steady gain,
Miss Sanderson and Mrs.,.•Hutchin- ing-room, which was decorated with
son of Toronto, are visiting here at Ophelia roses, looking charming in a
• wifl Froirwninnionfgsk,itatnedn'senelabrrociid-eepreedwEitghypp
veil, and carrying a shower bouquet
Of butterfly roses, for-get-me-nots and
lilies of the valley. Miss Wilma Gal-
braith, of Brussels, niece of the bride,
played the wedding music, and dur-
ing the signing of the register sang
"Constancy." • The bridegroom's gift
to the bride was a diamond and sa-
phire ring and to the pianist a• fler-
ible band bracelet Following the
ceremony a lunch was served, after
which the happy young couple left for
a honeymoon trip on the steamer
Kingston for - Montreal and points
east, the bride wearing a suit of sand
tricotine, with blue hat and scarf to
match. On their return Dr. and Mrs.
Scott will reside in Bobcaygeon.
The Late Mrs. John Campbell
1 Mrs. J. W. King of Bluevale, Mrs.
VI ill Green is a daughter of, Mr. F. H.
3111 Sleeveless Jackets, Silk Scarfs, Blouses, Handkerchiefs, h er of the "Soo".
Sweaters, Knitted Suits Pleated Skirts ,
, , etc• are iii After spending a few weeks visiting
IN relatives in Western Ontario they are
i.,, 6i N
* Ai - here to meet your requirements.
1 Celebrate July lst in Wingham — Amusements and Sports for Ev- •
' eryone. Come 0 t and encourage the new management. RI
fill im
I'm 1
. 1
Xi 1
ii •
ng Bros. Phone 71 Wingham .
a a
WHITECHURCH week for a two months trip to his John Wylie is sporting a new bug-
• Miss Edith Gaunt of Lucknow,
spent the week -end at her home here.
Mn and. Mrs. Andrew Wilson and
Junrnie spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Eli Ja.cques.
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and
Luella spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Rice.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunwoodie of
Winnipeg are visiting with her par-
ents Mn and Mrs. Rice.
Miss Hannah Stokes of Turnberry,
is visiting with her cousin Mrs. Har-
• ry McGee.
Quite a number from here attended
the Teeswater races last Thursday.
Mrs. Walter Lott left last week for
.a. few weeksvisit with relatives in
• Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Little of Ash -
held, spent Sunday with Mr. Geo.
and Miss Ida McQuoid.
Miss Frances Toulter, Mrs. Ling
• .and Mr. Kenneth Walker of ,Ha.mil-
ton are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
.Andrew Fox.
Miss Lavina Carrick of Wingham
nspent the week -end at her home here.
Mrs. John Campbell is visiting with
• her sister Mrs. Walters, in. Wingharri.
Rev. Jas. Scobie, is leaving this
home in England. V\re wish him a
pleasant trip.
Mr. Harold Sparling spent Sunday
with his mother, Mrs. Ed. Browning,
of Kincardine.
Rev. Mr. Osterhout of Lucknow,
will preach his farewell sermon next
Sundaay before leaving for Ottawa.
Mr. Frank Henry was in Mon-
treal last week attending the annual
meeting of the Foresters.
IVIisses Olive Terriff and Irene
Moore are visiting with their aunt,
Mrs. Jack Henderson of Paramount.
Mr, Fred Hardy and Miss Lizzie
Hardy of Culross, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland,
Owing to the storm on Friday
night the play "The Bashful Mr.
Bobbs" was postponed indefinitely.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and
Miss Nora Falconer spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McInnis,
of Belfast.
Mrs. John Taylor has gone to Wing -
'ham Hospital and we are sorry to say
is not improving as fast as we would
gy w ch he purchased froin M. Dore
of Wingham.
Miss Alba Carson and Evelyn Dane
spent Sunday with Miss Edna Taylar,
Mr, Wilfred Murray " of Clifford,
spent the week -end at J, W. Taylor's.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dane and
aunt, Mrs. Henry Harding, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Taylor.
Mr. Alex. Finlay of, Harriston, visi-
ted with his brother Win. on Sunday,
Mr, Norrnan Heinbecker visited his
miter Wingham Hospital on Sun-
Don't forget the old boys' and girls'
re -union at S. S. No. i, Howick, on
July 3rd. A free ticket to any ladies
bringing baskets.
Miss Romelda Taylor of Wingham,
called on her uncle on -Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Helm spent last week
with her son, Thomas of Detroit, who
has been ill with pneumonia, 'we are
glad to be able to report that Tom is
recovering -very quickly. ' •
Mr, Robert Andrew of Zion has re-
turned to Windsor, after spending a
'month at his home here.
returning to Shauuavon where Mr.
Green is engaged in the Drug busi-
ness. We wish- the young Couple ev
ery sitccess.
Mrs. Sanderson and daughters of
Toronto have taken up residence in
their summer cottage in Bluevale.
Mr. J. W. King; M.P. paid a flying
visit to his, home here during the week
end, returning to Ottawa, on Monday
n -i o ming. sa
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coultes and
daughter of Listowel, are at present
visiting friends in the village.
Quite a number from the vilage at-
tended the garden party at Brown -
town last Friday evening and in spite
of threatening weather followed by a
heavy 'downpour, reported a good
We are sorry to hear of the con-
Onued illness of Mrs. Jos. Underwood
and Mrs. John Black, but hope Soon
to hear of rapid improvement.
' Mr. Robt. Shaw who was in attend-
ance at the Forrester's Convention et
Montreal returned home Monday hav-
ing spent the week -end with his
daughter Mrs. Gates of Cherrywood.
Miss Mdbel Harrington of Ripley,
has been visiting with Mrs. T. C. Wil-
kin s on. • .
Mr. Henry Boman has purchased
an Overland car from Mr. Robert Ma-
guire, the Overland agent in Wing -
Pasture land for sale; said parcel of
land is a part of lot 26, situated
S near the Holme's school house, in
I the eleventh concession of Turn -
berry, in what is called the tenth
line. The said. 59 acre lot is assess-
ed at $200. The highest offer over
that amount will be accepted, be-
low that offer will be entertained.
Offers will be received up till the
' 1st. of Angust. Apply to R. A.
Graham. -
14• •
,1"."',.'t • " ,!,,, •'; ;
One must not
only be cool„ but
—the summer look,
—the summer tone,
—summer -weight fab-
ric in e diisthldlY new
cnlor note! We should
charge more for
rir Ca rlion
Conte in. Try U on.
• '
You 1411
need i.
1111112Usis it now! Why
wait till midsum-
mer? If you do, you will
miss half a season's en-
joyment of your suit.
Let us slip tlaa Sydney
on you. Yoa can't kr1.4g-
int anything snore com-
omPanY, Limited,
110111 moitimonsiummalimmismiammouing
' • • .• • ' '
, • , , • . ,
. • , • • t' ' ; ; • '
' • ' ; • ..•
Death claimed on Thursday of last
week another of the pioneer residents
of this section in the death of Mrs.
John Campbell, of the 7th Con. of
East Wawanosh,
The. deceased lady was among the
early settlers of the township and was
widely known for her amiable dispos-
ition, a splendid neighbor and true
friend, and her death is a comflete
loss to the community,
The late Mrs. Campbell was a
daughter of the late Joseph. and Susan
Dunbar and was born in Glenwilliams
Halton County, 75 years ago. She
carne as a child with her parents to
East Wawanosh when they settled
near Westfield, and here she grew to
womanhood and ,was married to John
Campbell 55. years ago last April by
Rev. Dr. McLean, pastor of St, An-
drew's Church Blyth, at that time,
For about a year after her marriage
she lived oti the gth Cori. of East Wa-
wanosh, mov,ing"from there to Lot 42,
Con. 7, where the remainder of her
life was spent. She was bereft of her
husband in the fall of 1917, since
which time she resided with her son,
Henry. She was the mother of seven,
six osf wlioni. survive, namely; Mrs.
Wrn. Sims, Blyth;, Hugh Campbell,of
Clanwilliam, Man.; Joseph of Nesbitt
Mao.; Robert of Hickion Ont.; Hen-
ry, on the homestead and Miss Minnie
Campbell of Clinton.
The funeral from her late residence,
Rev. Mr:-, GoodiVin, of Knox church,
Belgrave, having charge of the service
at the house which was followed by
interment in Brandon's Cemetery.
The pall -bearers were her four sons,
Joseph, Robert, Hugh and Henry and
her grandsons, John and BartTasker.
Old Resident Laid to Rest
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ann
Brernmer was held Thursday after-
noon from the Salem Methodist
Church. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bremmer
were pioneer residents of Turnberry,
Mr. BrernmeS passed away twelve
years ago and since that time the wi-
dow has lived part of the time in. the
old home at 13elmore and with the
cEildren the rest of the time. The
last 8 months she`has been with lsei-
yourigest son Dr. 3 A, Bremmer of
Hinckley, Ill, and died there June soy
having just pasSed ler 79th birthday.
Mrs, 13rensmer was a life long inem-
ber of the Bellmore Methodist Church
and those who knew her best will re-
member how much she loved the
It was Siting that the last service
should be held at Salem in. the Co)m.-
munity itt which she lived as a child
having moved there with her patents'
Mrs and Mrs, David Gernmill, from
Lartark when she was 52 years 1.
Rev. A. Brown D. 1),3 pastor of tho
Church was m charge of the services.
The remains were laid to rest beside
that of her husband, in Wr );:eter
The deceased is survived by four
sons and'one daughter, David of Vie-
totia, 13, C. Albert and Wesley of Til-
ston, Man., Dr. 5.' A. of Hinckley Ill,
and Mrs. f3erbert McConnell of
Grand kapidg, Mich, Those of the
family to attend the funeral were: Al-
'bert, Wesley, Dr, John, Rev, and Mrs.,
Herbert McConnell and two grand
sous, Russell and Albert McConnell.
Coultes--In East 'WA • anosh,,on Ttles.
emailimmulimminouniel e 24th, to gr. tat Mr0Robert
otlits A datigliter,
• . • , •:; • . ; ' '•
ThursdAY, Awe 20t.ti,,, *924
Two Exceptiqnal.
Values for
Brown side calf shoes
for Men in Goodyear
welt, all sizes for .
. . . $3.95 per pair
Men's black side calf
shoes Goodyear soles
and narrow toes in all
sizes... .$2.25 per pair
The above shoes are cheaper than pre-
• war prices.
Our Surplus Stock Shoe Sale
Still continues in shoes of many kinds
for IVIen; Women, Boys, Girls
and Children.
We repair Auto Tops and Curtains. VVe give,
• prompt and efficient service and our
prices are very reasonale. Mi-
cas put in-ivhile you wait.
W. 1-1. VVILLI
The Leading Shoe Store of Huron County
Phone 129. Wingham, Ont.
Card of Thanks
Mr, J. L. Stewart, Belgrave, wishes
to thank friends and neighbors who
were so kind' during SVIrs. Stewart's
recent illness.
Fifteen Year Old4Davicl Grant s
Drowns in River
David Grant,15 year old son of Mr.'
Card of Thanks and Mrs. Roily Grant of LOchalsh
We wish to express our sincere was drowned in the river at Lucknow,
with autos and other courtesies.
thanks to the friends who assisted on Wednesday afternoon. He was
To taetrtenidoitinrg„ isnchc000ml pinanLyucwkinthowa ahtiadifafar
the men who acted as pall bearers,
to the church board of Salem Metho.. dozen. companions, he went to the ri- •
dist Church, to the thoughtful women yeThrefboroyas sawllimweinietairathane'dcadrisidinngvmioll_._
who dra,ped the Church, to the or .the
A. Brown for the comforting
ganist and choir and to the. Pastor,
NtAiceerethdarte spsiartvgidawndasnrriotiiscseldrigl:ilisr4dtil6thlees
words at the funeral of our dear 'mo- aImndmheidslattleoldjryt
issl,eays found rais ed an
he adi':erntn
ther, Mr Ann Brernmer.
D. R. Bremmer, G. A Bremmer, W. estThpearituonfertahlewraivsehr.eid reom his par_ ,
Brernmer, J. A. Bremrrier, Mrs. Her -
eats resident to L,ochalsis cemetery on
Friday afternoon, and Was one of; the.
largest ever seen there. There Were
over one hundred autos in •the spro-,
cession. The boy scouts and the
school mates and teachers attended in •
a body. The floral tributes were:"
many. He was a .favorite with the, •
been. used was ' foun-fifths of a quart.
scholars and they showed their 'bye
"It is probable that all strawberries
for their comrade by their presenCe
will be packed in the quart boxes,
and raspberries in the pint," states at the internient. •• •
Rev. Mr. Hardy of Lochalsh l'res-
an qfficial of the. Dominion Fruit
Branch. The same authority remark- Church, had cha.rge of the
ed that 6 and 12 quart fruit tbeans s. 's.mbt_.:Yrrrtilit-nc..mi woCliurch Rfa se ya, LucknowssuiSrt.edz, 1:Enyrgefl8Zobery2
have been reduced about
cent. in price this year, which cut will
rector of St. Petelr's AngliCan Church, •
make a very appreciable difference in
was in charge of the Boy Scouts,
Li uit ha.ndling costs.
A very enjoyable tyime was spent at FoTxheRafnoxchrGanrc°1wil ,on g Mr. W.
Wedding Anniversary
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. son's farm, Burgoyrie, is assurnimg
Elliott, Bluevale Road, on Friday ev- quite extensive proportions since it
ening, it being the eve of their 25th, was established three years ago. Dur
Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. ing that time it has increased loo per
E.Ilidtt were the recipients of most cent. and now tontairis 48 fOxes,
beautiful silverware. Mr. Elliott in a chiding 24 pups. Mr. Pierson also '
few brief but well spoken Words, has si a4.31.-ult coons and 3 imps. Fox.
thanked ,the friends for their, kindrress. farming is fast becoming one of the
About. sixty friends and neighbors best paying industries in Canada and
were present and spent the evening in
playing cards, daneing and old time
Friends from a distance were Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Armstrong and Mrs,
Henry Boston all of Detroit.
bert McConnell.
• Fruit PackageS
After October rst„ the old sh..e
berry box will disappear and it will
he compulsory to use the full quart
or pint size, The package that has
We'll Send You Others
79 and Ave, Ottawa June. asst.
Mr. A. G. Stnith, • . • AUCTION SALE• ,
Dear sir: Wingthanli ' Of Valuable Property inythe Town' of
WinghanOn! the Cowley of I-LUron''
Our copy of the "Advance -Times",•
has failed to arrive for the last two PIJRSUANT to the Power
weeks,• contained in a certain Mot ' ' '••,
l'Iestse give this your immediate at. which will be produced at the tint
.tention as we dislike being without of sale, there will be offered for sale
the newsy sheets of the paperSs by public auction on Saturday, the
• Yours truly, fifth day of ,July, A. D. 5924, ' 2 .
• K. Donaldson, o'clock in the afternoon at ' the
Died at Chatham 'haaurneellb'y's Hotel itt DtheennTet9tWAil uocftiWonieberff",''
the following valuable property; /la-,
There passed away in Chatham on
June the iqth at her son's residence, IneLlY'r;r titt‘m- „ber severi oil•the ,•east,stt• i;
Mrs. "Duncan McGregor, whose Maid-
aegne noafmseevwenatsy_Csiaxtlylerairnse, al\ffteurironaet claythAofdditeisoenPahliaseurSvetyreeitn itnhe aid6°ve rn,rivioevirn4
On this property is situate a larg
Winghant , •,,
illness, leaving. to.mourn the loss of a of
loving mother one daughter Mrs. E.
Middlemiss of Portland. 00frecghoralt, and. frame garage with rooth6
one son John McGregor
also one siAter Mrs. Mowbray of TERMS OF SALE—Ten perc4int
Waltbn. Her husband prc-deceased of the 'purchase money on the day 'tOf • ‘,
her softie years ago while living in sale and the balance hi' thirty days, ;•.•
AVingha.m. She was highly esteerried thereafter. Possession ,will be given,'
by all who knew her. The lateral ori completion 04. purchase. 'rhe pto-,
took plat.e on Saturday morning'to Deily will be, offered subject to 4 ,
Ilensall Union Cemetery. Friends serve price. • • '
coming to attend from Chatham, Tor- Further terms and coOdition0 • of
onto, Walton, Aeaforth and VVirigham, sale will be made known at the
• of sale or may be had on appile,Optti
tppAhmee,duntdTlItiptweell.th day
N(YriC D S.
VOrbiddert fruits, they are beot, 10. I9r24.
And. that must, be what folks alt , Vanstonew
think,• Winkftai Ont.,
sinee tliilacsela`41tcsit'sbaPeg'ttilen dtt7darnfditt T111055110 $115°eitit,ItE6t'slcif',6rir•P14011011rtteriord,4::'''
in Ontario many have'started into the
business, Considerable interest is be-,
ing taken in the ranch at Burgoyne ,.
and Mr. Pierson extends a cardial in-.
vitation to anyone wishing to insnoct
his ranch to call any day except San •
day after the middle of Julysr-Post •
Elgin Times.
, , , • , • . .
, „ , , , „ , • , , , •
, . , • .. • ' '• •