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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-26, Page 7uiF .1' I! It 77 )J Tlje:, d ler D y ke, • )1;t years,; a dukei' . This month '1,a k.Sttte half!-oentney s'inee the Duke of ta"9.%0,u0it, was rained to hie pre sent 'rank by" Qneen: victoria whose 1111'4.'104 ,17e ts, and he liar t ,iii been dtxlce" longer than ,any 9f''.his eon- tem)spxaiien. - • Terreed the "Soldier Dulxe," he baa mon 8 'abiding' affection in: the hearts Of,the'Alleitieh people-foz hid vorlc'f4^ rile eihpire beta,, in Canada, and,South frica: I• e" is now' Seiventy-Sour year+ of.age'andhae been c;onecte velth tkte arnxy fol fifty-six years �,e i?xtM the l est index to tb s )aractex Nes provided by 1n duke'old re- ldnt '' of Bagshot, where hlib::auke •re- aided "..*,11.0 anoe declared; "There's no la-di-da...foppery •about our Do.ok. 'F_•'Xl strop ;and tail, to you in the street, and. oneean balk to"im pestty s+ti eight, as Irlau to man,-withoitt'being ate up!" • 'as Master'. Of titheice Well-d;e5;erved „one, for Sir e4reateet inheidian. -The sett eatli,"..Woreestehire,; nearly 'Selected the 'British .beauties for the and -Fancies"; she is also a prolifie „riteere',enefaehiene and-, designer of, dresSeS;,'.'and 'Created kerne 'exbiteraent ,earad in "The Tatler." eltIeffeecroxtetteie, 'best 'lecnieve for her oeive,d-the special persenal thanks of Tor her organization of the gTeat re - „ewe inembe;rs or the Women'e iier,'Werkers:- at 'Buckingham' Palace ofivii,,*4•,:ri'hanSWer tea queStion put tOtehpii.":lity, thee Qneen nn. Seine Work roitbn did mach 'keeP,;.,the- Leagne. Of Nations. Union Piiblie' eye. 'She also arranged her' kus,band. a great scheme of .:;entetteinment ,fOr Women worker's; :ihree,ghou,t' the whele or Britain. Her Teatest'destgningefeat was, a the in- vitation :of •Sir, Oswald Stoll, 'the de- thbaisAndp"o,f,:efeotric lights t,,: jOOn Liidy,... ao, Ne 'v0n and Had ;$ev'pre ndigesti61 That caused intense Pain. "it .11P,s been newly twe 'years since 1 toQ'k Taxilao; brit lanf icire grateful to the ,medicine than ever, Sox I have Telt lttst iine'to' tbie'very delay," recent- IY!dec1ared NIiH.."Lena, Tail-. lia!i Sti Bete, .St.. Johnr ' Tor throe years,' 'indigestion n.nd nervousness caused me such agony, it eggars,description, 1 was actually afraid to eat'; at 'night I• would .;'lie 'awake nervous and sleepless for hours and finally becameso weak and thin 1 was almost a, shadow. "But Tanla.c gave me it splendid"°rap-„ •petite,-'.c31m, nerves; and a digesfAen; that• :is imply• 'perfect.- I 'sleep !the Whole night through, and have gained stipl vreight; :strength and 'energy that 1 alwaysfeel „At, nay.. . best." �`; Tiii'a is' for `sale by all good d 1g- gfets, , ;Accept no substitute. Qve 40 million bottles. sold. that, 1;t re,' wiser far Cria that You are o.o to; TIM -bite -too th,eir - bons ea in the Spring-. What tloes; It matter? „ eake 'me to! pending., holiday eat!'.Sontheatepton e deck with a theclearth 'people' rule, the 19 u4 O* • Tanlac' Vo"getable°+Pills. • For Constipation! Matic --,and Recommended ,by the Manufacturers of Tanlac. . There are two forms of this name, 'or rather two ,separate names in lic, •frOin which the, anglicized family, rived. elt,;;Is unfortunate that ine. so' many faindly names' the Irish andhhe tien of the, name from , tele „liangt/ege Here is another case where you'd make sure whether your ancee;tors were members• of that elan known as part in the Ware of Irish' rebellion in the' earlY• seventeenth century; or of the ancient "Clann -Cianaotha."'; The early recorde orlhis latter clan are :clear. It was founded, bx ehldf- the given name being 'Without Ser - 'vile walk"), about' the year 25f) .A..D., about, tivihe as Old as the in•ajority of Ee.glieh. :family names. • The strong- hold Of thie clan 'was- in Tirowen. .The; name ,`1VIacIonlaigli”. is derived 'froth 'the given••name "Ionfich,". which' just' what' period the elan• was. %stab- liehed, but it was a of the an- clen.t clan of the 0:Harts, and it was well -established ;in Ardmore, County Waterford, as well as in Dundalk and Racial Origln---Endlisie This family name, of English origin and, deyelopment, le one of those which have been. derived Trom plape, names. There are naany:' places, to -day In -Eng; land named Ellwood: reAll of them. don't trace their history back to the times, but, on the other hand it is fair to assume thatethere mere' alsot places.: calle•d Ellwood in the medieval ages which since„have been called by other nemes.0; Sb inless;;yon can fejleve the indi- vidual family history definitely back to _the ffrst use of the name; you have little certainty from which particular Ellwood it has been derived. Ellwood was the; sort- of, a 'place name which might he applied locally. It meant and."1Ielyas" being the medieval Eng- lish spellings -.0,1 the;'biblieal name' of "Elijah" or "Elias." ' This, of course, was a Hebrew given name, pOpula,r with the medieval populations not onlY of England, b* et other Chris- socia.tians. The 'name Means ' "The Lord Gcid," or "The Strong Lard." BABY'S OWN TABLETS RecliscOvered Port on Persian ALWAYS KEPI ON HAND The site of Jerre, the mysterious . yore op. the Pet -Sian Gulf mentioned writes:e-e"1,;_haye Used ',Baby's ,Owne Tablets .for -.nay -and have fotin.d.them such, an . excellent medicine' that. PalWays k'eep them Me hand and would strenglY adviie all other Mothera to ,Tio -the same thing." laxative' which quickly, 'relieve consti. Patten and indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers and prornote that healthful refreshing sle,ep which. makes the haby thrive.. They are sold 25 cents a box from The.Dr, Williams' Medicine, Co.; Breckville, -Ont. : A Poem You Ought, to Know: The' marriage' ,of. kObert Browning union. Before h.r, marriage the poet- ea's -wrote a series .of sonnets, which she gave ta her huiband after th;eir wedding: Here is one ;of. 6:elle:— Hew' do I love tee? Let me cannt the My soul can reach, when. feeling Out For the ends of Being and ideal 'Grane, Most quiet' need, by sue' and candle- loviteigthhete; ,freely, he Men 'S:trive for I loVe, thee: purely; 'as they turn froM. I loVe thee -with the passion put to tee In my old griefs;'.and*Itli. My child- . Itood'a faith. I love thee with a love I seemed ta lose With ,my loet saints;•= -I. love thee 'with the breath,. teara of all ray life! -,-and, if Glecl cheese, r atter el.', and Since leet aight of, has, been re- disoov,ered 'in euins by Captain R. E. CheeSemait, farmer Private secretary to Sir Percy Cox; British High Com- mlssioner at. Bagdad, who has just re - unknown Arabia, ; - the Great South Desert, the first Euro- pean to 'penetrate there, and found it inhabited by .a tribe rliving in ,Stone Age conditions. Oaptain CheesSnian's exploits were Made pdssible by the re- Full of What?' every month." aft$0x>i~in0, ' eai Ma4rid 'Are bre ; Ris t rn W 1c1.. obbly .9ne OAP, 1001 , ixara;rker- is,tfa landece;peS in,Spo,ih is lent: of ;the c epttal, steppes. ; With.t ,exception of ,Hungary's "pUZ tae.", there is netkl• " in1xk ',likg the Slianisli etePpee iii all. Burope, Mak gee'vaet ti+apts ofterri- a y w�tb ,a soii 'thtt contains execs• sive quantities 9/ lime,: Time, : and whish will not give .'growth to vege- tation , of,e.ny kind,.. 'The air ,and nn deeSoil are very,.;.diy".There are, no • trees,:,an4 ;1 t sties' ars scarce. If the soil. contains" salt, :the• are `Delb. ed saline, and this name is appii'cable to most of ;;the Spenis;a steppes terri- tory Moistureis entirely lacking in the surface layer of the soil, but the un- dersoil often contains water, which, 'however,' is' .•not • always :'drinkable. When calcium carbonate, plaster, clay ;and a white loam pre'doxninate itt the 'soil the steppes are called''"Calveros," the bare lands.'If red pl'asters,' and clays dad-1oaims egntaining • iron'. pre . dominate, 'they axle -commonly oohed the; reddish steppes. Either kind has a' -few typical plants, and ;if .the carne plant lives in both areas -1t is of differ- ent 'appearanee. • Not far 'from' Madrid" are 'the -Most typical spats 'of the central steppes Tarancon`is perhaps the• moat interest ing plece. in fhis•1;area,from the point of view,of',its flora, its,'climate and.its The barren; hind near Tarancon on the road, to Delinchen should be in= eluded in ..4 national park, for there are 'no, other hills, like' them- in the .entire Minard's Liniment for Sprains.' (Hei• Mistake. , A ,philanthropic woman wee visiting a lunatic asyluin. There was one old man there. vilio roused; her special: ion compass "Hoy Ring have you been, here my poor man?" she asked, "Twelve years." After several more ,questions she. passed on, and her guide informed her' that the oid man was the medibal ese Teas is the 0,14 1. The vegetation of these ;hills con - Siete 'or- geass•es, or,chids, sun - flowed; and eructates. They Make ex- cellent pasture for goats and sheep. Trees have been -pl.anted here, arid if the soil is carefully tilled it loses its desolate character. Most remarkable,• however,' are the salt beds :in this: clistridt. e They are is conducted: throegh tlie pits and bY; salt is obtained. Tt 'if( mixed with small quantitree of sulphates; and mage The. salt -, springs of ,Belincb,on are among the riehestin the world. There'. are 200 grains, of salt le each quart ot water and 'about 30,000 quarts run' through ;the springs every hour. How Plants Are Pollinated. • w•hiclit Vance are pollin.ated, Wind and, gravity, water, insects., man, s.pecial' devices and self -pollinating agencies. cleistogamous &ewers. The wind krries the pollen and at!, length, it falls, due to gravity: Water,1 in the case of water plants, carries the` pollen from plant to plant. Insects are great'pollen carriers. They pass from flower to flower in search of nectar,' and carry away pollen. upon their bOdies. When- they visit, the next flower, some'nf the pollen is acciden- tally rubbed off, and thus the flower is pollinated. Man may bring about pol- lination hy artificial means. He inere- ly tra.nsfers the pollen from the plant where it is; born to the plant where it is wanted.• This is done, -usually, in tile greenhouses of upon special plants. In eoine plante there are special de - :vices for the explosion or the pollen containers. which throw the pollen out to other flowers,. Self -pollinating or eleietogamous flowers. are those that never open an& must 'be self -pollinated. That is, 'the' flower can fertilize itself and does, not need pollen from GREEN TEA IN -GREAT Twentk-five years ago, Green, Tea was More popular than Black, but due to the heavy lnitortatien ' of poor quality Japan and China Gree'n Teas, the demand fell off. Ceylon and India started producing Green Tea, on a large scale only in rodent years. They were of such fine quality and delicious flavor that Green Tea drinkers im- mediately recognized their superiority and demanded them in ever increas- ing quantities. Salada Tea Company is practically the sole importer of Ce3r- lon ahd India Green Teas in Canad,a. Bug --"Rear you're going to- give a Dcmainion Express Meney Orders are on sale in five thousand offices through- out Canada. "Row is it that you' have such a good memory, l\TM411?": her Mistress "Well, mint, 1'11 tell ye. Since me childhood never a lie have I told; and when ye don't have to ;be ta3tin' yer memory to be reanoinberin! .whot ye told this one or that, or how ye ex- plained this br that„ Ante ye don't oVerwark it an' it laets ye, good as new, 1111 ye die," Opinions have -‘..iiever, produced a thing; , facts -have been the hasis Of: the Light Am :travel at 'rate 8,60 0, ,MileS Secoiid. waE'the. Ad;itm "and eve Fries.' ?'he tixne to ewat fires is .eight now, '40 11e' they :are Still in their ,garden o!' /4deli, and have not started lout to. lie vastate the nations ' 010 :are ". 111e •la reateS'telitt1ti pro. eniters at, evil i"r�' €u11 the *o'1 science 'saygr "If . Patyli ergo of the eornmon• ho11se-fly s'kionlil: fleyelop, .and each ''pf" the ;1!ar vac ,should; end the food and texhperature't need-' ed with no lose and no :des .ruction the people wouldsuffocate tinder the' plague of flies." fly lays 150 eggs in a batch and, is equal to six batches. It only takes ten days 'from egg to adult: :..Begin. With two flies 'Nay 1 and let them Gin., 'tinue thein merry game, right _along through September,, and mathematic- ians can only express• the figures in terms of German. marks. It ' runs something like 1,098,181,248,310,720;- 000,000,po0;000 .and since. no one' can' comprehend such 'figure's it makes lit. tle difference what cilpl}ers you' add l'Ora that time forth. Swat the fly early and swat her •thoroughly. We ' ';:lay "hex„" because; the female is more deadly than the ,ixnale .b-ut 004 at all kinds''Without':both-, Bring about sex. determination. Now that the, automobile 'ties; < sup -- planted horse in cities artd,townS•,,and: the manure box is no longer a familiar ,object in every alley, it is• a compare,- tively easy thing , Y,to keep the town home free from flies. The country liome needs equal imntninity and-itacan ,he given. Look to your screens, both Loons and winduws. `'MFike'sure that no garbage is 'allowed to accumulate .near the hoi see, Keep .the ,stables •clean, and3 loeate.,the;manure piles' as fear from the house as possible:; z; The iuost efficient chemical to apply' to inanure piles • to check, the breeding yof flies is borax, which does not injure :the ;fertilizing properties of' the .man- ere. As soon as the manure is re- 'moved from the barn eprinkle, the bor- '[hx over it, using': fine sieve such ate a flour sifter. Apply it around the, outerw edges of the pile' as the maggots seem to prefer (that 1oca•.tion.,. Then :throw a few'gallons of water. over the" mass. • TOO WEAK TO WALK The Sad Condition of a Brandon Lady—How Relief Caine. "I owe my present good health to 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pill&" says Mrs. Annie Treherne Brandcin Man who ,tells of her :new found. health as Re- lows:—"Some years .ago I had an at- tack -of pneumonia and it left me in a terribly weakened and run-down state. was unable to walk fer a long time as I had practically lost the use of,my legs, and had to be carried upstairff, for ha,d not the strength to go my- self. I became despondent over my condition for I had tried many reme- dies, which failed to' help me. While in this wretched condition • a lady 'friend urged•rne to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial and I procured a sup- ply, After taking the pills for a while I could see that I was growing strong- er, and gladly continued their use until I had fully regained my old-time health and strength. Not if I feel at all run down at any time I at once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and they never fail me. ,I can therefore warmly recommend them to others who may There is- no better tonic than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to improve the blood and bring back strength after acute diseases such as fevers, pneu- monia, infiuenza, etc. Given a fair trial they will not disappoint you. You can get the pills from your drug- gist, or they will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Eiroekville, Ont. Vita Nuova. Now is the time onee reore,, Dear and desired of old, Spring at the sill ,at the door, , Slender and young and cold: Scarcely the heart can hold The joy long waited for, Now the magical word is told, And the young Spring's at 'the door. When all the folk are asleep, Save only the feathered folk, She goea by the hills of sheep, .. By the lambs and the grazing flock, Fllowers in the fold of ,her cloak, And the grey damn at the peep, The trumpeter Daffodil woke Th.e thrtish and blackbird asleep. • Now in the East and the dark The heart trembles and sings, Sings with tile linnet and lark New sags of immortal things. wakes, it quivers, it springs., 0 heart, that was Winter -stark It rises it beats it has wings; When the Spring calls in the dark. --Katharine Tynan. Bacteria (A Benefit. Bacteria are the world's best manu- facturers et fertilizers. The rays of; ',the sun take eight and a half minutes to reach, the earth. ey Business trent Y, DIO-Lite. Ono ntmllention guirAtiteleePla keep year fowl§ fres trona 1140 tot six months. chbit, arm) us n card; we Gloat to ttont 200 &Win, 51 Mid Deans°. Itenot bnolt It it /Os; Semot bow io tell sot a 041 150 1)03010 111071170.7.071, 11.11d, W711111;7110 I)IE-LICE CO, ea cha (which ',keeps the tobacco in its original conthilion also 'on tons /2 ib ° Manufactured,by Imperial Tobacco Company oi Canada Limited What People Call Success. Deny yourself the , pleasures youth would claim, Count every moment precious, never Let prafit-getting be your only game; Be sure to banish pity from your breast; . Chose eagerness for money as a goad To drive you daily to new enterprise; Don't pauee to gather flowers beside the' road, Be quick ta see where your advant- age lies., Break briskly through your way; It sentiment assail's', Be sure td be sOme richer every day, Let greed be not among the things you lack; If you can get refinement as you rush It mak not hurt your'''clrance to be But never heeitate to •crowd or crush; Have one intention always in your mind. whatever The, Cobalt and adjoining areas ',of the? Timiskaming district, Ontario, have been for several years the chief smirce of the world's supply of cobat. Metallic cobalt, cobalt oxide and cobalt salts are recovered from the treat- ment of the ores and residues deriV,ed from the silver -cobalt -nickel arsenide& 'WANTED — OAR OWNERS TO ••• send for oer Big Free Catalogue showing 101 bargains in Auto Sep - plies. It will save you monay. Send bars foe it to -day. Canadian Auto Shops, Box 154, Niagara Falls, Ontario. fling it - Keeps EYES Clear, Bright ancl Beautiful. Write Marine Co.,Chiengo,forEyeCsreBook Let love, if you must love, be nething more • Than incidental to the end in view, Or use it as a key to Fertune'a door, Adjust it to the purpose you pursue; Beware lest golden hours be vainly spent In setting tender loveliness to - See beauty only where a charm is lent By wealth enough to make it seem Be selfish when you must; be friend- less, cold; Let nothing keep you from the goal you seek, Where boldness offers dividends., be And miss no chance to pounce upon the weak; Become a driving power, a mighty force, Be firm, be strong, be keen, be piti- You'll miss the finer thing's of life of cours e, But you may win what people call —S. E, Kiser in "Cosmopolitan." House spiders lay as many as sixty a bag Of silk. DO CATARRHAL DE,AFNESS Ringing in the Ears and Head Colds Leonard ar very etrectivd. Just raiz it back or the ears -had iSsert tegtrIle Per said everyWher,e $3.18 interesting doqcziptivo MI nard's, the veva. counter -Irrit- ant, nendtArgtesilte4itheminot of the pain and gives qttick relief. ' I ITCHY RASH IN SPOTS ON HANDS Could Not Put Hands In Water. Cuticura Heals. "A red rash broke out in spots en my:hands. I did not pay much attention te it at first, but later the eruptions grew larger and caused so much itching and burning that I could not put my hands in water. The irritation caused me to scratch the affected parts. " As soon as I began to use Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment the trouble; began to get better. I con- tinued the treatment and now I am completely' healed." (Signed) Mrs. H. W. Day, Hillside Farrn,,Weeley, Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. Sample Each Free by Mil. Address Marling F____,:no_pM.T;n:ne2ilcexrnek4Fr 215.e Mir' Try ear stew Sharing. Stickm. • HELP F YOUNG Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetablei Compound Helped Her Alta.—"From the time 1 was 15 years old 1 would get such sick feel- ings in the lower part of my abdomen,. folloWed by cramps and vomiting. This kept ine from my work (1 help my par- ents on the farm) as usually had to go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at. times.1 would have to walk the floor. suffered in this way until a friend in- duced me to try Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. 1 have had very satisfactery results so far and am fee- ommending the 'Vegetable Compoundio my friMIds.„ I surely am glad. tried it for I. feel like a different person riow. that don,'t have these troubles.'-- ;, Letters like this establi* the meets „of Lydia E. Pinkluon's Vegetable Coro. pound. They tell of the relief froM such pains and ailments after taking it, , Lydia E. Pinkhana's Vegetable Cern- eOrdaillS no narcotic or harmful drugs, and today holds the recotd of being the; racist Successful remedy for female in this country,..arui thonsands Of telt untary -testimonials prove this fact. ' "If you doubt that Lydia E. Pinkhain'a write to the L. IlPin,irhatri ; tine Co., Cobetirg, Ontario, for ;