HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-26, Page 211 r • I,. • , • .,•0, • • . r J.11, trt.li' et, li-111, e )'+'1F,1 trr . e Question o ,, ater orY lir Pj4 • J ' C Olt 0 ,4 In plarming your country haute -nothing is quite so important as:the question of water. , Formerl3r it was considers sufficient for the arm or country home to have a hand pump or windmill. But now the hand pump and winchnill are as obsolete as the old Un- ......_. ... sanitary outhouse or chemical toilet. ....*tetkiiciAi,f.tdib ” S'..'OlontOn he Tech] GO -1. aright the demands „,Of, Sghneeherih, "ThcY cho'..ie '',4 erolkin to he thoir king of Assyria. life "'had ,ltnken, ant: ' spokesman, The king consulted fir..0.. !hecielonced eities but Jerusalem and with the old men, his father's acivis- he cidinanded Its surrender, Cod, eta; who urged agreement 'N411 Ike through his prophet Isaiah, told He- requeet, , He ne4 e,a1;el in tile young zekiah that ''By the way. that he men .who had grown up with him and capie, - by the ., arne. shell :he 'return, they urged that he ink:A-ease ''raaker and shall '''llot tOrne s into :this city.' than decrease .the burden. When the 1.or I NVill defend, this city, 1:o save it, people. assembled, after .three clay to bear the verdict' the king spoke' to them. roughly and after the counsel. of the' young mere This resulted in the Lord •smote the army that me•bt the 'rebellion of the' house of 'steel and the rest fled to their .own country. against the- house of 'David. . . .' MO 2th•-•1--Jereiriiab. ..and the •• Baby - April lath—Elijah and the Struggle ' Ionian Crisis--,Jer. 28:8-x6. With Baa1—i'Kings,18.:50-24. 3639. The falSe, and the 'true Prephetse God! ...bYn.the mouth of Elijah his, liana -Mali' and Jeremiah, met in thr,.: pronheteshad warned 'Ahab ' that .be-. house of the ;Lord, in the pITSC'nee, Of eaese he. had , sanctioned • and encour- the pries.t'S and. people. It was age le wois np o aa no lain 'a'. time whem. the kingdom of Babylon 'would fall foreover three years. The was a... Pcivverfel nation. demanding. , .. . , distress that accompanied tbis time tribute: •feom 'Udall ..and other neigh,. of drought. did not draw the people boring ,cduntries. The word of.. the back ib Goa; so Elijah Was once again sent to ;speak to Ahab. When they met Aliab'accused Elijah of being a trefibler in -Israel.: , On .that ,Elijah, Challenged . him to a trial- between G,od..and 13aal. The. proPhets: of Baal, Were to build an altar and lay an . it - a ., bullock. Elijah , was to „.'do the same and each was to call on bisgod to burn the.- -.offering by fire from, heavena The 'challenge was ' accepted. and although the, prophet's Of 'Baal .called, all day, "0 Baal,' hear-- us!"., there was no .ansWer. Elijah thee called on the God of -Abrahani, Isaac. and .of Israel.; ,to heat his' ';`that ',this - people may knew that. thou „ art the 'Lord God.' ; The fire fell and ..6.oastrin: ed.everythiag, even the stone.. • Then' tbe people" fell on their' faCes • and cried, "The Lord: He ia the God." April 2oth:---Elishaa'. Teacher and 'Sta. _ , ' tem -Ian -2 Kings .6et5-23. e! , .13efate Elijah's translatioa to hea- ven he appointed 'Elisha. toebelie sue,: , cessor in charge of the .sehoOls of the I'rophets. It. was. not only, as head of these institutions that the .showed that he Was specially' ' enelotived. efor his /work bUt God used.hirnto':Confuse • and defe,at ,a great host 'Sent" 'of .`,1:a King of Syria :to take ' hint,'captive.- When his servantsaw the:. city sat - „rounded in the early morning ,he. told his master.rwho said, ..'`Fear •"not; for: they that 'lie : with:nets are •iinare• than they.that .be .,with. them.” 'Ile. then Prayed Gdd -to open , the seevant'js eyes. -The., Lord did 'and the yOung. man .. san.. the monntain Was; full of hoe§es' . and chariots of fire round 'about Elish.a. On .this arfishat prayed again and/God smote the 'enemy with. blindness. -Then. l'Elisha offered. :to lead them to the Mani they mere seek- ing , and lie lead , them ' ,to _Samaria. Their -eyeS were ' theneoperie.d and they, instead -Or Elistia,, were the caP- tiveS. The king . of Israel wished to put them todeathbut Elisha ordered they' be .f.a and sent home. Never, after snch-spating mercy being. shown then, did the bands of"Syria come in - t� the land of Israel. April 27th—Amos and Hosea Plead- ing for RighteOusneSsAmos 6:1-6. Hosea. 6:1-6. . „ • - ' These two oreiphets of 'God lived: at the same. time as Isaiah. . The• king - "dont of Israel ' had grown ,' to -be a large, and prosperous nation, but they had transgressed against. God, who hgcl, commanded. them mit' to become like the nations he had cast out to mele-€ roorn for them in the land. of Canaan, . They qi-eirtect Jeri asking .for Cyrus, -so that the work ceased, fen a , a king. God granted' theii request ' idolatry became •the avoi-ship of the'-ei; enemies: sent Word to, his success- een it ...was again begun othe but with it,. sent. leaaness of soul •for time. - wt klend., God, "time and again, Sent his ; or, King Darius e' asking '- hirri,.....•lip seek again the God of 'their ,father.,. 'search. the Tecoi•ds , and see if they prophets to warn them to repenfand Amos' and-HoSea weretwo of these , had really; had permission 'from Cy- whoseevoiceS. /rang . out again aild, rats to bnild the temple.' ' This he.-dd again, reproving them. for opnecesion, and found their claim a . just oneearid and idolatry,eand warning- theni :that he. ordered all2.interference to .cease• God would bring 'down , pvilaishme,nt., sT,o,a' sthfiatti•Isiiniedfoantii-dytelaI,6ist'entitipniee, tohe'edivlaraterde.- 'inion them- if they did not eeaseeto do e-Oth• great, rejoicing. ..., evil ' and- learn i°' d° g°66- . , - . JUne 22nde=Reforms Under Ezra' arid. Ma ' 4th—The Assyrian Exile of Is , Neherniali:—Neb.." 8:1-3, ' 8-12. , . These .two prophets were com- missioned aby Attaxer.kest, king ---of Per§ia:,...toegO` to their own. country t0. toinnardi'the work; of :re-establishing the - Jews :. in Judah and -Jerasalene. The teinple had been built, but the viails of the city were not built Until Nehemiah's time. ' After , its c'anipie- tion theepeopleeste4e. assembled wed, Ezra was apPointe&, to read the. law Of Moses. The things , they heard caused them to see -Their guilt 'before God, over which they wept. They were, however; encouraged to, dry theft tears and make a covenant.' to 'obey God's commandments mind to se- parate themselves ,from'aithey, nations, and • to keep. Sabbaths and holy' days. This covenant was 'signed on behalf. of the people by 'Nehemiah, • the priests, the Levites•and the princes', en froin. off their necks. Jeremiah , at, • • • . . Mr VV -11,1 MaeDonal& who is_ -with that time made no reply; but soon after was givenaan answer -from God to teke to ef-lanartiah saying, the. yoke, instead of being broken:, -would, be- come as.iron, and that I-lananiah, for Itis ;false word's • to ,the -people, would lose his life. The'S ;Was the 'word of Jeremiah, indicated by Goa., . June ist—The 'Babylonian: Exile of juda.h—ti'Chron. Zedekiah the last king Of jadala- took a chance eteelree his cot -nary; . . front the Babylonian .yolee whene.Ne-, buchadnezzar was engaged in a, con- flict 'withathe of; Egypt: Instead of 'freeing himself niad-,people lic brought destruction...upon them,, for Jerusalem, was,. beseiged, for a :1year and, a .half.:ad'at last was taken and uttenlY destroyed,' patting an end.' ap- parently- to pernile, .kin,grloan and -holy city. „' Fpr seventylyears the 'people. were captives' in ;the land of Babylon, but a remnant was; left and the pro- phesy that caPtiVP's Would returnakept -hope.Olive. • : • • • June 8th ---Ezekiel Encourage § the Ex-. siltesEzek. '34:x1716, 25, .26 • Eiekiel ;prophesied- against • the kings rulers under ;the .narne of shepherds who, instead Of, protecting: their flocks, let them become 'a prey to then- .enemies - which 'resulted in their heing car'ried e•W' ay -Captives to Babylein. • He then gave a Message to the flock foretelling their return •to their Own land; • the re -'establishing• of the -worship of Jehovah and the 1.116 mate setting up -of the true kingdom under the good Shepherd, the 'Mes- siah. • June rath.:-The Return and the Re- building of the Tetnple---Ezra, 3.:8 - Council, recognition of 'Mr, Shen:- iff's ,services in that body 'In former yeat's. The family, have the sympathy of the village and surrounding countey where they have been so long, and fav- ourably known. , ;. The ball game at Walkertoa on, Ttiesday of last week between • team of that to -Wit. 'and' Luekeow, was. a fine exhibition of sport. The, teams. were tied fitreeall, at the end of, the 9th innings, and a rOth had to.be1.0..1-1- 'ed,'; when, Walkerton scored once. give thernAl ehgarne b 6 5 - On "M613," Mg 1 , - • - 171-te., question arises when is a horac sold? ,Yott ncit misrep- resent a lic)rse, ihre iviren inan buys a liors'e• andl perfeeetly satisfied at the tiMeeitnel! no questions asked, and. ; then in .ael'e,--Cv days takes a dislike , it? s; aelib;s), w,liy• should tile first own- . erheesa ailed with return costs. Very true horsg,with. a cold has time ap- pearat,ics, of 'having heaves and in iss esises dteieeli-op'es into heaves. We underatand .e. similar citse UrrO.,(1:' in. 'if..,tickno.iir last year. WI. 4n354.,ala,11' who is selling-. :s a horse ,to, be careful not to m,isrep- res,ent it and if doul)tful of the cites- acter of the purchaser to have a witriess to the deal as otherwise it is the.,White Star line, 'Detroit this sea- d only dee critan'S WOr'cl.',against-,the oths ; . on, was steersman on the 'G. 1 rey 1011V. d ay of tins week the feturn game was. er's • played here, when Luck:nervy Was: / •• • . • , • . 'on tIiC •triP front Detroit to Godenich„ He nrotored..up from GOderich 9'1°1.-11. a ore ° ! • • 1 Beware of,the Bright 'Lights. , . bis ;parents Mie :and 'Mrs. MacDonld on the- and: of Kinloes. IN,,THE y•EAR.S TO , She that aCcepted tatight and re.- Carric of Virgirma''accOmpanied by Johnstoa (nee Miss, ' • ' • her. dabgliter; Miss Marj.ory are Visit:. ':gard6d- ' , parents',ing.theforinerts,,-Mr. anr§, cl,MEre we had YPars to 'Pegge-ime '11201 Robt. Carrick, ',being' called hoMe by -' Lo,v-ilcrii's.3:01sr-vv1 aidriimiglttily - • .1 • the 'serious, illness, of; her mother. -fife , :anneal gardei pariy of ,,;-traed -us . the • Ashfiebd Circuit, will be' held on the How shall we pay ilex- the dehtthat Parsonage :Lawn,. Roas St., on Thurs- owe? When Cyrue, king- Persia, con- quered Babylon he issued a decree giving permission' to all the "Jevra living in his dominions to • go up to Jerusalem and -build the temple .of the Lova there. Many Jews espe- cially those 'of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin took advantage of this per- mission. When they began the'build- ing of the temple the Sarriaritans living la Judaea! hindered them .by false statements to the suCcessor of clay, :June tbth, Thee, Coimnittee Sheethat hath ..fo.e.ter,:ed1 'di, hers' betne charge .afe ptittmg• fort1i every effort to make it the usual, succees. On ,Sunday; Jane Sthe ,St .• Peter's, Church Commemorated;.the soth an -1 inV,ersary of tit& opening. of Anglican. 'Services intLecknowAt the' mo`rning. service -'-'12.ev. Canon Gentee M. A., :Rector of Chriat Church London' preached an eloquent eeren-09.On the •Sheathat accepted ns, freely she -gifted 'text Deut-: 4-32; congratulating the of ";,lts/ • - ficers..and't nternbefs, - of the Ladies' Strengt,h .of .sitte,w and skill'..ae Guild,; the ete..T.P.A., Wardens aimd ti h the mind', the Rector •-Reir cede Lenge, .d M. A Taught us endtteatiee and tested and on. alat .splenclid' work aCcdmplighed •'shieftaed,rt congregatibn. He also made ,• refer.. arid the peogress inacle -by St. Petees S110,10Yuedr'kuisndt.he deal with ence to metnorials placed in" tae, She is the friend that: can...fathom, the ;Church, in memory of the -late Dr. A, G. Elliptte Atthe evening Se.rviceour , teive but unlucky Tone -footed , Hers is the spirit that, faslijo.ns inquia Tmv Gartgl,efia on"GnanapnveireevIcaiai,s.eg sg,t-eectoend'areg;awiisthat are in_ ..a-fevisitA11 was given a. descent burial ia Hareston Review: ' tion, vvbo listened with • rapt attent- Part .01 '11s$ ; fame -of us, •• -- Hers is the •heart . of as, titers be the . pride; .. • , See: tn.it ,brothee site have no- : s'hame of us Guard. ye your' honour- that hers may, abide.a. - , LaSt week an, inquisitive ground- hog 'left his cotintty home in the' TownShin of Minto fend,'Iourneyed Orz foot tO'l:it,own to see the sights and, incidentally to te'ste Some of the der, things in town gardens-. We do, riot know -whether be came. by way of road'or cro'S cotuitZ`y,' bui:,he; sighteet some , Mee tender' pea 'vines lai ...1ifiss • Jessie gerdere which made " him. a very nice meal. Pie then, pro- a c.eeded eaross Webb , street to Mr, Wn:.Patty's well kept garden where , he again ; feasted.. mil. the„tender peas, He evidently' Wai Well 'Pleased with twhat4 her saw -thou ifor procee, to Make ar.home for himself „under th wood'shed. 114,1-4,Be,afty.• did not 110W- - ever eitend a,t„ very .cOrdial welcome to his unusital visitor, and nrocurren • .' it trap tWhiCh :Iiigeniou'sly set near '\Ir':-.Woo,d:chutk's' front door under the Stied.'" This did nOt -bother- quadruped fker he manage&tot get out ". of the. trap, as 'often as he got in. A '.' largei• ,S"te$". javved one was- procured . gni fSaturdaY, ntion proved the - :eta! .thicloing'of the' poor - animal. Mr, Beatty informed due reporter that the ' ion, to lii's spleadid) discourse '' frona, A 'nlinder '. of peerless: and gloricitts . e . “ , - • at the 'inoining service. by Rev. Ben.- Ste that accepted us, taught and re- Ere we had. years -to n'erceive and Vo , .„ „__ ........ . ... ep . and at tie .ceteening'•serarice by Rev. E. , , iishfield • . 1 S t 8 11,2§3p7e5cTalf• dpialittiSligcal•i"17,11;a°sn','rendered by the l-ovi'n.1°137'.*s-1-telter..ed and nligh‘til-Y • . ''' EStfh'ieliv'eaileents • .0 '' " SSeepttrc9:i choir, tinder -the able leadership of shielded us ,- Wrcre-eter• ' . Sept._ it Mrs. Geo. Smith, the soloists. being How shall we pay hex the debit. chat Gorrie . ' Sep.(„,,,,12 Clb:rk; il\fliss Mabelle Allin and Mr. Ilerls AoS J0.1 s..9.41-0-1.4 !Cat 'i•t)f-leI-1 7C11.1-1t-eltil't ..' ' ' ` . Sei (Rev.) •Lang -ford, Mrs. -T, we ovi ... Carrick Douglas, Measles, • John and. • relnain of You, . 17 v aatria'.....'„ ..... !. . . .. 1. .... ,,,...,......._ Sept. 17 assisted the choir,' • and part; . ,G„,ra'nd Be.nd sept. 1, , theltext 2 -Cr. 3-18.1, He was assisted days: ' SCHO6L . son COX, A. B. D. of New York, garded us • , raeI-2 Kings 17:9 -IS.' • - „ It was the reign of Ho§hea ?king ••• ' of' Israel, that the• king-- of Assyria .. invaded the land imd carried hint and his ;people:, away captiVe. This' 'Was t. of the word of Goa ag . the fu men uttered by his prophets. God had bronght therie up oat , the land of. Egypt, from under the hind of Phar- aoh, king of Egypt, and had giVen them a good larid to possess on condi- tion of obedience to the command- ments and statutes he gave them from 'Sinai. They transgressed 'arid Served idols, burnt incense, Set up im- ages and grOves in m'iery high- hill and wider every green tree. • God cal- led them again and again' to Turn, Ye from. your evil ways, and keep. nay. commandments and statates but they would not hear, but hardened their necks . and went deeper ieto iniquity. Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his. sight. They. were carried away captive and became 'known as "The Lost Tde Tribes." May xt th—Jehoiada's Victory Over Baal -2 Kings tr:1-4, The throne of judah had keep usurped by Athaliali on the death of her son. She thought she had de- stroyed the seed royal, but -one little grandson was saved. by his -aunt, who for six years hid him and his he was seven years: old his uncle, the High Priest, Made ar- rangements to have, him crowned, SO secretly was this done that no word of it reached the queen until she heard Clapping and shouting: "God Save the King." On going in- Sydtena niade in many sizes and styles, enable an3r home a_n3rwhere, to have,rimning water under pressure, all over the house, just like city water service, Duro Systems can be used with deep wells, shallow wells, cisterns or spriff gs. They may be driven,- from high line current, farm light plant or gasolirie, engine. A Duro system is a sound ihvest- rnent—it lessens labor and promotes health and cleanliness. It replaces drudgery and despair with Comfort and happiness. And it is also a permanent improvement that adds to the value of ' your property. , , '• 11 Ham ,your .architectx,or we for an estimate. _pem,, Liam 7ar• ly.:,•1,`,ra • '24 7 , • W BOYCE EMPIRE BRASS ,IVIFG,!' CO.,'; LTD. Dittributors—London arid 'Toronto SUIN:D/6kr AFTIEONOON.: The Lord for ever;sits King jud.graent sets His throne, lit rigliteotisnesS to judge he world, justme to give each bite. u sing ye praiges' or toe .1..,oro That dwells in Zion hill; Among the people everywhere tfis deeds .'declare ye still, :PRAYER • e.,pi,ity Thee for Thinc.! own rx tbt`i fewiii: With grat. fathers obeYed Thy, call 4.1?''' • s a hiesSillg Ur an nations. ...,41.0.y...,sni.lered the sdn'Ows exile yet Thou didst .bring them om of great tribulation ahd didst revive their faitli in the God of their fath- ers, 1.-lasten the day 0 Lord when they shall receive the gospel message and enthrone Christ as the tree Mes- siah. Itt 14is name we ask it. /kmen. SUNDAY SCI -10014 LESSON VOR 1 JUNE z9th., 1424 Lesaon Title Review; , Rehoboam to Nehemiah. \ , - Lesson Passage—M*12 4.1-5 Golden- Tott—ProV- /4-34. April 15th. --"The Kingdom Rent Asurt- der—lc Kings is:i2-2o. On tbe` dei-ttli of Solomon. his si:an Rchobo'am succeeded to the throne. Ed: McQuillan, of eSt. Helens, also Wide o'er the world we Oita scatter Do'shwood . • • Sent. 18 Another of our old residents passed Porters' Hill Sept. ao Keep ye her spirit foe still, she cloth been.a. great- Keep ye the pride tag' your sChoaell ,B , • David Sheriff who' has • , e ave Sep, ge wa recently in the Person. of 1\irr. lo've Yon,. • • Colborne . . . t Sept ait. sufferer :from 'rheum.atisin, 'for a num- your heart. 0 24 bet of 'years, Wlaich ultimately Caused Olive_v• ; Sept. 25 gt. 26, his death. '7;fie late 1111. Sheniff tivas '" Wingluten. ._ _Sept. -";9 & 3c), born on the family homestead When- is a I-lorse - ..... . .. Oct West .Wawailos1-1.- in 1.856, a few years Oven a month ago . 'horse .buyer' Crediton' "1 It • .0ct, after his parents, .as 0 had f nein Toesanto, or a- illan buying hOr- ,1,Kitichelsea-" Qot 3 , • Positivel e best • tires- at a rice t EN 33ELGRAE , • . A very pretty wed:ding toOR. place on Saturday, June 2,1st. at high nobni 1:IaLtie ,Betl, daughter Of MIs. Thos. Proctor was • maeried -to Mr. Wilbert 13yets of. Deeroit. The cere.. mony .ayas petiormed by. Rev. e. Cragg of Win gharn. The young, Cott. - pie wer6- unattended, . the,. bride was given away by her brother Mr. An.l. drew 1-)roctoe., and looked charming, in a white dechess. satin with Pearl ten -riming and weaiing a veil and' oe- ange, blossonts and carried ne-norsage baguet of pink roses and,' ferns. The wedding march was played. by 11,1t., Cecil Wheeler and after the tereniciny Miss Lillian 'Brooks, sang ver' sweet- ly "Because", aftee -which about :ad to tbe Temple 'Courts she saw what guests had pattalten. of a sumptiotis caused her to cry ,o,ut, "T.reason, 1.'rea• dinner and toasts to the bride and son. No one gave, hoed to her cry grooin liacitbeen given ,the yoting.-cort- e and'the ITTigh 'Priest caused her to be ple left by motor for London, Tarim. seized, and carried to. her death. to and Niagara, before takiug up their Tliet lie, while the people were till hotrie in Detroit, TlitiSe from a (Es.' , rejoicing, made a, covenant' between. twice -Were, Mr. and Mrs, Price, - the Lord and theeking and the people, trait, 111r, arid Mrs. Byers, 'parents 'of that they should. be the Lord's people. the, groora and two brothers 6'0111 To ghow their . faitlifelaess ' they: at Port tigin, Mr, and Mrs, Breaks .and once proceeded to destroy all that per- datighter Lilliati, Mr. and Mrs: A tahaed to the worship !of Baal aed Proctor, all of Centralia. Thb bpattti- to establish the worship of God, fill and costly preSents show the high. May x8th—Isaiah arid the Assyrian estc.,ein in which tile bride was held 31:t4, 21-23, 26, 33-36. "Phe groom's gift to the brid0. wa8 a. " Made -by Ames Holden Tire & Rubber Co. I,imited, Kitchener; Ont.' Test them with' atiy'i4itee-ires under any ` condition (incl. rellipare illecZrearu 4 + SOLD BY - • • ghana & 'Vulcanizing ,I7Yepot !: • !); -ta.a.eaeMeei; ' eeleicie /ea:OS:ea., ' a.•; 01 15 ee; Ay?, .44 1. 01 11 115 Three times (luring the reign of handsome rope of pearls' and to the • , wa,s the eountry of Judah, piattist a fduritain pea and to the sp- ed hia right te be regarded as "he did. On 'Weditesday evening of last When the. people -were a.setn e a that lv1110-1 *as tight m. be i f week a flambee of votinte people gatli- Sheclient to inake him Kino they time .e,coraing to that Mod eyed eat the home Of Me. and, Mrs, k that tki's fatker did" for when pei-plex rr, and tireente(1 Miss ttstitie inyaded by the Assyrians, He prov. loist a cut, 'glass vaSe. i 11 1 di 411 er 00 'the heavy. yoke tglat'iot) o,t:Ict get- lte to'oh. eonlisel (..,;Pd to altslver Pree.tor with 4 tit sct at ft n'‘V fiAtino, tii-uc 10 • FORTY. BABIES IN FAMILY ,,BOX„ QNlij hears a. lot nowadays about babreS aveihng long distances -i,i0,40eonapan. ed. • ,:cre e,,eeeta4t , tteiv4IlliTg.witbetit Anr80 0):' ?nether and they toc. on:6 box. #.6,±0 thby aTre.onl$r akia old. ITuniat babieo on t survive. but the sturdy little baby ahlults this Of=ogrP,P11,4o-ITOPPo$tOtatIve at thousailds..'coistaiitly ,ShiPptidefroni. liatelierles to - fattners all Over aana,da•.%tjeDoeri1,10A;114044$ bOkich r9 -24- •I` 4S; .0:Ag 1 , "!. tly Regularly —Save iler5iti ail _ . 2: 'Ever -Y° week finds a. new' list of thrifty''.henSevivives, added f.e • the steady shoppers at DOMINION STORES, 'Theyare findit's ing out, as countless. 'others have found, that ,`‘Specials" ark -4 e."cit prices" doeet•et mean.a thingto their pciaketbople. Regi," ' ;Jar dar!intand-day-out savings are., *hat 'count; , and ,th'e.. bioit,'. ,3raY'to obtain them.. is to shop ..regnlarlYe at '..t •Ii e i r - ti. e a r e s f , N DOMIION, STORE. . . , - FR,ANKFORD or .•-. ,/' CLARK'S . PORK & 1111OITNTAIN-e '', • 2•30;p". BEANS, No. 3 - cREsT PEAS,. 2 for. '''''''". , CLARK'S PORK & '' • 14 i BEANS, No, 2- - ,, gyp BEETS - - AYLIVIII:';'R ROSE- 94 ..!- ':4r-1.‘•7••, - -1CleiA:Fe.'$:: 1 Tgeol VEAL LOAF - - . la: MOUNTAIN ' ; CLARK'S CREST CORN. e-: "- -' BOILED DINNER ,..,..,...... Maple Leaf Or .Doimiuleu,Niarcties . 3 for 254 GOLD 'BAR ' • CRUSHED HAWAIIAN PIPEAPPLE , 11. Biy E. a "- • ID , LOIVLBARD PLUMS it (in I -I eavy -Syrup) - _toe BAYSIDE GREEN QAGE, PLUWIS 1 On Heavy Syrup) 15 -oz, SEEDED -23i BAYSIDE BART - LETT PEARS - RAISINS 2 for or SEEDLESS 29 'SonflON:ver Pit,Cascaele Salmon• • 1 7 (parijo lb. tin 'SlintiOwPitkiCastiacteSalinon (piidg.)u. tin2 for23., , DAINTY LUNCH , ' MAYONNAISE Q.1 e, DRESSING (8 -oz.) -10 No. 5 Bottle LUNCH QUEEN OLIVES 95ta,: No. 5 Bottle STUFFED OLIVES iC" SELECT BLEND COFFEE`,`. lb. LEMON CRISP BISCUITS, lb. GINGER CRISP BISCUITS 2-`11)§ .. ROMAN MEAL = - Rielimello Tea is delicious 79c PlIFFED ,WHEAT 29c ' 2 for- - - PUFFED RICE ltee 2 'for -0016 NEW VEkDELLI 6-N pi 'LEMONS, dozen -hwe INTERLAKE TOILET PAPER 25c. MAYFIELD: BACON 29" Machine Sliced lb. - C „ CANADIAN PEAMEAL BACK dye. •BACON (sliced), lb. ,00-,C CANADIAN • - e, PEAIVI EAT, BACK BACON (piece), lb. Hanse s Junket• (in powder - :2for 25c or tablet). - HANSEN'S ORANGEADE and 95„, LEMONADE, 2 for SEEDLESS _25c e RAISINS, 2 lbs. - si*L70 • . WE SELL SWEET MIXED or SWEET MUSTARD - 50c PICKLES (1arge, round Bottle), 35 -oz. SOUR MIXED or ; CHOW PICKLES (large, round Bottle) 40c 35 -oz. - TO SATISFY ' on t.1 s es' for, ,a ;Pbtont,oronosiitery, went tp ers ,o ;;.)etroit.;.!. ; Mrs. "Rbbefts„On. and son, Ila,rper of Melville Seek': ate' visiting with Mrs. 1.7)tincari laoh.et (son, 11in and Mrs. Barber of Englaiid, !ore the guest's of Mr. and 11/Irs, I-1; Mc- Cletmagtlan.. Mr. and Mrs. Carter and daug,liter for mine ,own sake, and for, my see- of Brussels spent Sunday with yant David's . sake,' This prophesy and Mrs. M. Lake, ' was speedily fulfilled for en angel of The people of this community atte very much shocked to hear of the Sudden death of J. W..N. VanNorman of Winnipeg. 11/lee VanNorman!S ly days -Wore spent in Belgra-ve. •:' tended, Luknow Lotcge • 1,0,0i4. of I< , , ' LUCNONV • whieb ,wa.s a niember being Int charge. Amongst the beautiful floral ..1)/Irs. D. Ala Gordon is spending, a. oefaaangse, was one froiri the village tie 'eve '011'. IrveSd4,g11-.>;i11;c'ttii.e1etthibeeutshOf tlEits°4•1S.Ye7c,VI,°'1,, ,moVed to Lucien OW, and bas 'eV erl. sysi:241 was Odeceailiet er is grgn adn ecl isoi dseonuti. tent in lumber. For four years, be was mm.,. asefial meniber Of the, villege couneit'; 14),(12 and`..x903 and t'44ill'tert years' later in 1912 and tat In x886 lie was. married to Miss Mary Ann Gra- ham, 'who, with one daughter, Irene, now Mrs, Die R. M, MacLean of Wel- to -day as. good as 'ever, but it cost land,,. and one eon "Berwiele, manager the., ownere about: IlA&on express and, of a, branch :of the Mol§on's Bank at feeding ehaeges, as he believed it t London, talltilYer.. The funeral elieaPen• to. do. this than to , oaleof our Culros farmers, and put - „chased lt mare lot- $80.oe.. The horse Had a cold, but was non misrepresent- ed in, any way. The enimai was ship, ped andi a, cheque given for thee ampirnt a, few days the mare was sent back, eliarges collect, and payment of the check stopped. The buyers claiincd tile horse had the ' heaves, •The same animal is working ' 11 to; •G•eeeabill cerneteiy was largely at- figli,t; elie dam in, con -:t:,.. few iweeks_ with friends in Detroit. ” Mrs. Aobt..,'SneigrOve• and little soh, ,ofDetroit were visitors at the home of Mrs,ireraser, last week Lora. had been. spoken to Judah, again ' lefr. D, A. MacKenzie' of incisor and. again by jereiniah saying that 'ca,the up on 'the Greyhound and spent panishnient w'ould, follow national' 'a few days with his, sisters Mrs. All - 'sing and that they would become cap- an and, mrs.,.K -1\i'a,;e0d 'and (Miss tie/es to Babylon. , . Margaret MacKenzie.• : , lianamah onthip occasion 'madeeMi. t.„14olin M'acte.."-inn' on ofethe 4th of promises in Tcho-vahs naine that the Kinloss, left, last, week on a trip to yoke, under which they eiveke stiffer- -Prince Eciw,ar& where lie will vi 11 ',Mg. would in 1c,yea'rs' tithe be broli- for a fekV weeks withifiends. V21211". 31A • sf 10,0 ' - • , 2.1 "111,04'1.0 .lea":1111 • •••.'idlel' , .1 , ;1".5;415,,p,44•."404.1t •'1/