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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-26, Page 1Celebrate Dominion 7" Day, next Tuesclay, in Wingham. , Single Copies, Pive Cents, MARRIED .HeadonEdgar--At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and NIni. Jas. A, Edgar, VivtOria. St., Winghain on Wednesday, June 2541; Evelyn An- derson Edgar to Mr. Andrew R. Headon of Detroit. Rev. j. I•a Broach of Stratford, officiated. 1Kelly—Holmes---'In St. Penis church, Wingham, on Wednesdaay, JnlY 25, ,by Rev. H. W. Snell, I3,A, Sydney Elwood, only daughter of Dudley 'Holmes, K C. and 1VIrs. Holmes to °Dr, W. More Kelly of Montreal, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Kelly ef Huntingdon, Quebec. ttnt tt. rtit ttyt Splendid programme of Entertainment from 10 o'clock a WINGHAM ONT., THURSDAY TEMPERANCE CONVENTION AT Palmerston on Monday was Largely Attended One of the most largely attended and enthusiastic temperance conven- tion held in this district in years was held in Palmerston; on Monday of t ns week. Delegates were present fro Walkerton, Listowel, Harriston, Owen Sound, Wingham and other parts. A very large delegafion from the Meth- odist Church heae, 47 in all, motored over for the evening session. • The conventiotj. was held in the Li- brary Hall, a building corresponding to our town hall, before eight o'cloelc that building was packed and an over- flow meetin,g had to be held in the Methodist Chnisch, Between goo and woo delegates were present. All the addresses were of a high order, IVIt. W. H. .Ker of Brussels, made a most capable chairman. The first speaker, was Dr. A. E. Henry of Deer Park Presbyterian Church, To- ronto. Dr. Henry has hadea Very wide experience, having oacetepied pulpits in Hamilton, Regina, Vancouver and now in Toronto. Through the years he has always been a great temperance advocate and the array of facts pre- sented by him was unchallengable as to the failure of, government control wherever tried. He warned the dele- gates in being deluded by the argu- ments of the Moderation League. He was followed by Dr. Hassard, K.C. of Toronto, Mr..- Hessard Was present representing Hon. Geo. E. Foster who was unavoidably detained. Mr. Hassagd made some startling statements concerning the benefits of the 0. T. A. on the moral and finan- cial conditions of Toronto. His whole - reference was from that of a lawyer. The final speaker was Hon. E. C. Drury, It was very evident from the applause given that Mr. Drury had a host of friends' in this section of On- tario. In a very straightforward and manly way Mr. Drury discussed the temperance situation in Ontario to- day, and that which existed 30 years ago. He declared without any fear of a challenge that the 0. T. A. had been a great success, and, in so speaking he ave the Hon. Mr.' Hearst, due credit or the introduction of the great tem- perance measure. *He said that his convictions were that the,,'people of Oneario did not want a change except n greater enforcement of the law, and he prophesied that if the temperance people would remain strong in their emands for no change, there would e no plebiscite in our province. \By he singing of God Save the King' -a most successful convention was then brought to a close. reach Orange Sermon Rev. C. E. •'Cragg win preach to the nernbers of L.O.L. No. 794 and visit - ng brethren in the Wingham.Metho- ist Church on Sunday evening, July th at 7 o'clock. • • Deaneries Meet At Wingham A genertal meeting of the deaneries f Perth, Huron and Grey will be he,ld Wingharn in; September, -instead rolding three separate meetings in the everal deaneries. isit Scenes of Boyhood Mr, John McCallum is leaving hursday for Milton etn invitation of he Secretary of the Old Boys Re - Ilion of that town to 'attend the cele - ration which commences on the 27111, nd lasts to July 1st, Mr. McCallum vas born in the Scotch_ Block, Enques- ng, about ee miles from Milton, eigh- y. years ago on the 24th of May, and ea expects to rneet several of his old choolrnates of sixty-five years ago, . W. K. VanNorman Dead Friends of Mr. J. W. K. VanNor- rain, we= shocked to hear • of his eath which took place in Winnipeg eneral Hospital on Stinday follow - ng an operation. Mr. VanNorman as a brother of Mr. V. R. VanNor- an Of Wingham and visited her summer. The old home of the warily was in the Belgrave vicinity nd the deceased was a great friend f the late George Porterfield, who ied a few weeks., ago in Brandon. Deceased was a very popular gentle - ran and was a member of Lebanon hapter and of the VVingliam C.O.F. he remains will be laid to rest in randon cemetery, He is urviv'ed four sons, Jack, Charlie, Murray nd ,Freddie who have the heartfelt ympathy of alt -who know thein. ost Enjoyable Time here they are held in the highest es- ein, Mr, Jos. j. Kerr sang "CoViar- arty's two little twins" and Mr. W. . Currie sang "Butter and cheese and '." Now just to imagine these old me songs by Mr. Kerr and' Mr. Citr- e is' 16 wish we had been present, nether selection that contributed to he entertaininerit of all peesent was he recitation "A travelling philosoph- r" by Mr. Thomas Taylor, as was ISO the rendeting of the, political etch by Mr. George Haines. TIt'a as a speech which lie learned when Clase I-131anche Cunningham, 1), ut a lad, ,A hearty vote of thanks Preaton, A. Swanson, N. Beattie, Ea as 'tendered to Mr, and Mrs. Ander- Pinch, A, Itevin, M. Isard, Id. Hometh, rt at the close of the eveeing. COntinued on Page three HIGII SCII0OL EXAMS Resalts ef Exams in 1st. and arid: Forms of Win ham H. S. French, Form Class r, in order of merit—Erma Finch, Blanche Cunningham, Yvonne MacPherson, Laurette. McBurney, Gordon McBurney,' 'Borden Scott, Gordon Stonehouse, Bernard Browne, Grace Fryfogle, 'Angela Gibbons, My- rtle Isard, Ethel Johnston, Irene Wheeler,. Nora Beattie, Nettie Ho - mirth, Gadys Robertson, Wilma John- ston, Alan Mackenzie Dean Scott, Edna Tanalyn, Muriel 'Thornton, Alba Carter Frank Field, Sylvia, Blatchford, Clifford Stewart. Class 11—Florence Scott, Jack Mc- Gee, Clifford Showers, Harold Kerr, Eva Salanson, Minnie Hill, Daniel Ar- bnckle, George Robinson. Class III—Wilben Tiffin. Pass—Marion Simpson, Lenore Taylor, Wilfred .11cFadzean, Cordon Dobie, Durward Preston. Geography Class I—D. Arbuckle, W. Tiffin, A. MacKenzie, M. Seli, E. Tarnlyn, E. Finch, G. Dobie, G. Fryfogle, M. Is- ard, F. Field, B. Cunningham, A. Car- ter, N. Homuth, Y. McPherson, G. Robertson, D. Scott, W. Johnston, L, McBurney, B. -Scott, Angela Gibbons, G. McBurney, D. Peeston, G. Stone- house, E. Swanson, E. Johnston, I. Wheeler, Marian - Mitchell. Class II—Frank Ford, N. Beattie, J. McKenzie, M. Thornton, W. Taylor, D. Haney,--Maitrice Mitchell, C. Fry- fogle; C. Stewart, M. Simpson, 5, Blatchford. ' Class McKibbon, A. Mit- heli, G. Mundell, F. Scott, G. Spot; ton,- Agnes Swanson, L. Taylor. ' Pass—H. 'cern A. ICelly, G. Robin- son, C. Showers, G Weir, 1. Stewart, M. Sanderson, M. Ross, G. Rintoul, A. Irwin, M. Hill, D. Haller, K. Gil - motto, D. Hammond. Art Class I --B. Cunningham, W. Tay- lor, Marian Mitchell, W. Johnston, E. Johnston, L. McBurney, D. Preston, E. Finch, G.' Robertson, N. Horntith, A.MClascsKciniei—G. D L Stewart, D. Hammond, G. Mundell, M. Isard, A. Gibbons, B. Scott, I. Wheeler, E. Tam- lyn, Y. McPherson, A. Swanson, `K. Gilmour, F. Ford, G. Stonehouse, G. Fryfogle, M. Seli, A. Cartet, Thornton, G. Rintoul, D. Haney, t. Taylor, W. Tiffin, M. Sanderson, C. McKibbon. Class III—D. Scott, F. Scott, E. Swanson, G. Spotton, C. Showers, la Arbuckle, S. Blatchford, F. Field, D. Haller, M. Hill, A. Irwin, A. Kelly-, W. McFadzea.n, Maurice Mitchell, G. WeirS Pas ---1N. Beattie, H, X.err, G. Mc- Buraley, J. McKenzie, A. Mitchell, G. 'Robinson, Atf. Ross, M. Simpson, C. Stewart. English Literature Class I—W. Tiffin, D. Arbuckle; L. McBurney, F. Scott, B. Cunningham, M. Isard, E. Tamlyn, M. Seli, 13. Scott, Y. McPherson, N. 13eattie, G. Dobie, M. Ross, E. Swanson, G. Mc- Burney, A. MacKenzie, D. Scott. Class I1—G. Robertson, A. Gibbons, N. Homuth, E. Johnston, I. Stewart. D. -Preston, B. Browne, A. Mitchell, F. Field, A. Carter, E.. Finch, G Fry, W. Johnston, M. Simpson, A. Swan- son, J. McGee, —, Class III—G. Spotton,' M. Mitchell, F. Ford, G. Rintoul, G. Stonehouse, S. Blatehford, A. Kelly, J. MacKenzia, M. Hill, M. SanderSon, M. Thornton. Credit Pass --D. Hammond, G. Mundell, W. Taylor, C. McKibbon, 1. W -heeler, D. Haller, C. Stewart, A. Irwin, D. Haney, C. F'ry, G. Robinson, K. Gilmour, L. Taylor, G. Weir, Composition Class I—N. Beattie, E. Johnston, N. Homuth, F. Scott, M. Seli, E. Tamlyn, A. MacKenzie, W. Johnston. Class II—M. Simpson, A. Kelly, S. Blatchford, W. Tiffin, A. Mitchell, G. McBurney, G. Robertson, A. Carter; X. Gihnour, M. Isard, A. Swanson, C. Stewart,. M, Hill, I. Stewart, E. Finch, 13. Browne, B. Scott, M. Mitchell, NI. Ross, D. Hammond, L. Taylor, 1). Arbuckle, G. Rintoal, Y. 'MacPherson, L. McBurney, 11, Cunningham: Class III—I. Wheeler, F. Ford, C. McKibbon, A. Gibbons, E. Swanson, J. McGee, G. Spotton, F, Field, D. Haney, A. Irwin, .G. Fry. Credit 'Pass—M. Sanderson, H. Kerr, D. Preston, G. Dobie, G. Man- dell, MT, Taylor, G. Stonehottse, D. Scott, M. Thornton, J. MacKenzie, a Haller, C. Pey, G. Weir, C Showers, G. Robinson. Botany Class I—D, Scott, N. I-Iomuth Cunningham, B. Scott, X, Beattie,. jolattston, D. Arbuckle, G. Robertson, Isard, A. MacKetizieL, McBurn- ey, G. Mcl3urney, E. Fitnch, M. Sell, G. Fry, E. Tattle/la Y. MacPherson, G Field, C. Stewart, D. Preston, W. Tiffin, G. Dobie, A. Carter, A. Mit- chell, E. Johnston, f. Wheeler, E. Sn, ClaSs II—A. Swanson, G. Spotton, 5. McGee, G. Mundell, D. liamniond W. Taylor, Marion Mitchell, M. Simpson, Class —I, Stewart, A. Kelly, MacKenzie, A. Irwin, C. McKibbon, S. Blatchford, K. Gilmour, D. I-Xattey. Creclit---M, Ross, 11. Browne, C. Showers, W. Thornton, H. Kerr, M. Sanderson, L. Taylor, D. Hance, G Robinson, M. Mitehell, G Web', G. Rintottl, M. Hill. A most enjoyable tinie was spent at he home of Mr. and Mrs4 Wm. M. tidal -son, East Wawanosh, on the ev- ning of June agth, when about thirty- veeneighbors and friende partook of boiktiful dinnet fie= tables gay ith june flowers. After supper a Hy program of old time songs, solos ecitations\end speeches were apprec- . Stonehouse, A. Gibbons,' F. Scott, ted by all. Mr. George Kerr made capable chaltrmart, and many convey - d to 1V1r, and Mrs. Anderson the best ishes of the entire neighborhoodwanso Alg, tt4444. 4 JUNE 26th 1.024 LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS Mr, Moorsehouse Morgan of Ripley is visiting friends in town, Mr. and Mrs. R.' A. Spotton motor- ed to Owen Sound on Sunday. Miss Lila -Pearin, Victoria St., spent a few days with her father at Barrie, Mrs. Harry Williams Is visiting in roronto for two weeks with relatives Miss Mario Livingston of Stratford Norial School is home for her lioli days. Miss Dorothy Randall of Stratford IS visiting her( friend Miss Etta Cur- rie. Mrs. Thos, Drummond of Hensel', is visiting her sister Mrs. T. J. Me Lean. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Harrison of Seaforth, visited with friends on Diag- onal Road. Miss Margaret McDonald of Acton, is visiting at the home of Ma W. H. Gurney. Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds and son of'Tory Corners were in town on Monday. Ma Graham of Stratford, spent the week end with friends in town on, John Street. Miss M. Palmer of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. 'Ellen Macpherson, Frances St. • Mrs. W. Gibbs and son. Jack were visiting ,friends in London the latter part of last week. Mrs. Ben Miller of Toronto, is visi- ting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. j. Breen, Turnberry, RWaleteovne, Ja.rle4r.spIfencdKinibgboan feao wnd days in Toronto and Pictop. Mrs. John Coulter of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Rintoul, Leopold St. . Mr. Joe Coulter and Mr. Armstrong of Blyth, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.' R H. Saint and family. Mrs. Showier and Mrs. Pickard of Toronto, have been guests at the home of their brother, Mr, Josh Hirst. Miss Addie Proctor has returned' to her home after completing her course at London Normal School Congratulations to our esteemed townsman, Mr. John Quirk, who cele- brated his gest birthday on Tuesday. Mrs. Jesse Wheeler is ;yeller- sick in Wingham General Hospital. Her many friends are hoping for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Elliott, and daughter, Lois, of Bluevale, are visit- ing with friends in St Catherines and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Wilson Turner and little daughter, Phyllis, of Toronto, are vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and MIS. V. R. VanNormari. Mrs. W. H. Irwin of Belmore, has spent the past week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. R. Jackson, Frances St. Conductor and Mrs. T. T. Leakie of Kincardine, spent a day at the home of Mrs. Leakie's mother, Mrs' W. J. Pattison, John St.' Mr. and Mr. Jas. Cloakey and lit- tle son of San Diego, California, are visiting at the home of Mrs. J. G. Stewart and other friends. Mr. John Taylor and Mrs. Win. Dodds of Tory Corners, were in town on Monday to see Mrs. Taylor who is in the Wingham.Hospital. Miss Della Haugh of New York, is spending a, few weeks vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Haugh, Diagonal Road.. The Bishop of Huron will adminis- ter the -Holy Rite of Confirmation to a large class of candidates at St. Pauls Church on Sunday at 7 p, tn. 1VIrs. Albert Garnier and son, James, and Mrs. McCartney of Windsor, ate visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Ger- sham Johnston, East Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott of East Wawa -nosh, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott on their motor trip to St. Catherines and Niagara Falls. Mr. Jain -es Dickson wishes to a.polo- gize to Mr. David Breen for having asked him for a bridal which he thought he had taketi by mistake from his stable. Mrs, Oliver Thompson, Mrs. H, W, Shane and Mrs. R. Clegg, worthy ma- tron, deputy worthy matron and paat worthy matron respectively of the Huron Chapter of Order of the Eas- tern Star, attended the meeting of the Grand. Chapter in Hamilton last week. Mr, and Mrs. John Nethery, of Morris, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter May Ruth, to Mr. Clarence Harold Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. W'illia'm Wade of Ford- wich, Ont. The marriage to take place early in July. Pure Paris Green—Arsenate of Lead Arsenate of Lime Hellebore, Blue- stone, etc. We gUarantee our stock to be full government standard streng- th and absolutely reliable and at the lowest market price's. Mitcliells' Drug Store, The Advance -Times is in a position tb give you a first-class job of print- ieg at a reasonable price, and you will not have to. wait a couple of weeks for it. When customers wish us to we will show a proof of the job be- fore printing. brieride visiting at the home of W, J. Gallaher during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. John Chappel, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kitchen and lefies Gallaher, Wroxeter, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Gallaher, Binevale, Mr, and Mre, Nelson. Higgins and children of Bel - grave, and Mr, and Mrs. J. G. KtiOx and daughter Ruth of Tuxford, Sask. LOCAL BONSPIEL Wingham Bowlers Are Active This Year Following is a local bonspiel just recently drawn up the playing com- menced last night. Dr. Howson Dr. Fox B. Isard T. King .T. Wallace , A. E. Lloyd ' J. W. Hanna, skipRa A. Currie, skip 7 le x. Play June 24. H, C. Helwig , Winners Merray of above game W. R. Hamilton, ;,1c 2, June 25 at 8 p. m. J. McCracken T. Taylor W. McKibbon W. Monk C Wilkinson J. R Christie Dr. A. J. Irwin skipi, Hirst, skip 3, June 25 at 8 p, B. Wellwood J, A. McLean M. Graham. G. McLean D. Rae H. Shane R. Allen, skip A. E Fothergill, sir 4. June e5 at 8 p. re. W. F. Vanstone A. Fothergill Dr. Perrie Dr. McInnes A. G. Smith C. Armitage A. M. Crawford, skJ. Mason, skip 5. June 25 at 2.30 p. W. J. Greer Dr. Stewart F. R. Howson A. j. Walker H. Sherbondy T. McDonald H. C. McLean, tsleD, Somers, skip 6. June 25 at 230 p. m. H. Campbell W. Braw-ley F. W. French J. Gilmour Wm. Booth R. Spotton C. P. Srnith, skip Wm. Holmes, skip 7, June 25 at 2.30 p. 5. A. 'Tipling R. H. Lloyd Stevenson G. L. Brackenbix-yT. W. Henry Rev. H. 'Snell P. Gowans L. C Young, skipW. Stewaat, skip 8. June 28 at 3 tr. m. • Webster T. M. Srnith C. Crawford W. H. Gurney T. H. Gibson • C. Robinson E. J. Mitchell, sk R. Vanstonen skip •9. June 26, at 8p. 111. The winners of 5-2 and -3 on June 26 at 8 p. tn. The winners of 4 and 5 on June 26 at 8 p. m. The winners of 6 and 7 on June 27 at 8 p. m. The winners of 8 and 9 on June 23 at 8 ta. m. . The winners of 5-2-3 and 4-5, June 27 at 8 p. m. The winners of 6-7 and 8-9, July 2 at 8 p. m. • The final game on July- 3 at 8 p. DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION Spend the Day in Wingham, a Big Days Sports A big celebration under the auspic- es of the Amateur Athletic Associa- tion Will be put on in Wingharn on Tuesday, July rst, Dominion Day, and continues morning, afternoon and ev- ening. Commencing the pardade will leave the C P. R. Station at to o'clock and the following prizes will be aw- arded, Best decorated auto 15.00, 10.00, 5.00;, Comic Decorated Auto 10.00, 6.00 400; Best Decorated Bicycle 3,00, 2.00, r.00; 13est Clown 5.00, 3.00, 2.00, and the judging will take place at park fol- lowed by a Soft Baseball Match be- tween two girls teams.' No admission fee charged to park in. the morning. The Guelph Jazz Band and Wing - ham Citizens' Band will be on the job morning afternoon and evening. Not a dull moment. At 5.30 the old rivals, Teeswater and Wingliam will play Baseball and will be followed by a Tug o' War between East Wawanosh and Turnberry, J. J. Kerr and I. J. Wright will be the cap- tains and an interesting pull is expec- ted. At 4 o'clock a keen game of La- crosse will be played between Clinton and Wingham. Admission to park in the afternoon, adults 400, chilairen 20C, autos 25c. Grand stand free. In evening there will be a splendid Open Ati• Concert at 8, 30 by the Im- perial Male Quartette assisted by Feed Gill, Comedian, A splendid concert is assured. lefusic by both bands prior to the concert. Admission to park at night, adults 35c, children 15c. The' grand stand free. There will be an open air. dancing pavilon on the park. Business people are reqnested to de- corate their autos for the morning pa- rade, Currie's School Picnic S. S. No, 9, East Wawanosh will hold their annual picnic in Thos. Tay- lor's bush, on Friday, June 27t11. Everybody come and bring your bas- ket. To Upper Canada Staff W. Stewart of Milton, eldest son of Inspector Stewart, of the Halton and Peel Children's Aid Societies, has been appointed to the teaching staff of Upper 'Canada College, Toronto, He, has also been appointed junior sports- man, He was one of the star players of the Milton 0,H,A, champions for District No. 7, who defeated C)sgoode Hall at Toronto for championship honors Iast Winter, He is also a member of the Milton senior baseball team, which is at present at the head Of the Halton County Baseball Lea- gue, Tlite young gentleman eteferred to is a nephew of Dr. Stewart of Wingham and Mr, Thos., Stewart ot 1§elgrave. 1111111111111111111INIIINIIIMMIll rho S tnbe• er I ozajUl„,i l„0.421 Ittotti wittostiidlo $1.00 Autostrop Razor • (Razor, Strop and Blade in a care) 35c Rexall Shaving Cream 25c Gents' Talcum 10c Styptic Pencil 25c Autostrop Strop Dressing $1.95 Regular All for 95o CANDY SPECIALS (Fresh Every Week) 6oc Maple Walnut Chocolates 39c lb 6oc Peppermint Patties _390 n $1.00 box of Mixed Chocolates 69c box “Our every day Cut Prices save you money" 6 McKibbon's Drug St re 71. Store likrinahara, Ont.. 11131111$11121119111VIIIMIA111141111N111allInflinfl ilfel1111111111311111111111211f Phone 53 I tuattuisomiso Comtnitts Suicide An elderly lady by the name of Scott committed suicide on Saturday, by in the river in the vicinity of Hayes Lake in Kinloss. Purchased Goderich Grocery Mr. George Schaefer has purchased the Jackson grocery in •Goderich and takes possession on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer and little daughter, have been visiting in town, with. Mrs. Schaefer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MCCool. They have spent the past few years in Timmins. Married in Toronto A wedding of interest to many Wingham citizens was solemnized 1n. Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Tor- onto, on Friday, June 2oth at z o'clock when Ruth O'COnnerr Burritt, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Burritt, be- came the bride of Mr. J. Nelson Rush. Rev. Stanley Owens officiated. Mr. and Mo. Rush are spending a por- tion of their honeymoon with relatives n Wingham. Mr. Rush's sisters, Miss E. M. Rush and Mrs. Thos. Field at- tended the wedding in Toronto. Wingham Defeats [Bayfield A splendid game of baseball was played in Wirighara on Wednesday, when the latter won by a score of 41 to 3. Norman Geddes of Clinton, was the official umpire, while Frank 1 MacLean looked after the bases. The, Wingham team was made up as fol -I ows:—McLean Johnston, catch; Got - don Irwin, pitch; Walton McKibbon, est. base; G. L. Brackenbury, 2nd. base; Dr. Howson, short stop; "Net" Morden, 3rd. base; H. Walker, right field; Gordon Cruickshanks, centre; Harold Mitchell, left field., At die 3rd innings, Johnstone was called to Lucknow owing to a drowning acci- dent and -Morden replaced him, while Cruickshanks was put on 3rd and Ar- thur Irwin went out to centre field. The gate receipts did not meet the expenses. Those who witnessed the game claim it was just as good as the score would indicate. TOWN COUNCIL T. 5. McLean Re-engaged as Assessor A special meeting of Wingham. Town Council was held on Thursday evening. All the councillors were present except Conn. Haney who was in Toronto. Moved by Councillors Mitchell and Fells that Constables Allen a.ncl Lew- is be instructed to watch the traffic at the crossing on Josephine street on Saturday nights between 9 and nr to see that traffic laws are observed by motorists. ---Carried. There is co.nsiderabie speeding done on the paved streets by autos leaving , and coming to town, we believe some effort should be made to stop it. A person driving an auto over 25 miles an hour over the town streete is en- dangering the lives of pedestrians for they do not know at what corner a child is going to pop out. Moved by Councillors Mitchell and Bennett that a by-law be submitted at the next regular meeting prohibiting the hauling of gravel, manure or re- fuse of any kind on Josephine St.— Carried. Moved by Councillors Bennett and 'Wilkinson that T. J. McLean be I e— engaged as assessor for 5924 at the same salary as last year.—Carriece The salary last year was $275. with a bonus of $8.0o for postage. There was one other applicant. The by-law was read and passed providing for the construction of the concrete sidewalk on the north side of Josephine St., from the end of the present t sidewalk to the C. P. R. tracks, There will be almost 125 feet of sidewalk and the cost will be 20 cents per foot and 25 cents per foot for the road approach. The C P. R. will refund the entire cost of this paving back to the town. The Mayor asked the council, to in- spect all the paved streets in a body on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. 11 01100000,000.000.00000(00011. Balmy days have arrived .-1 Sno-White Low Medium and Span- ish Covered Heels 'of fine Eve's Cloth and White Leath- er trimmed $3.00 to 4.00. 231, 000110 0 and with them a whole host of brilliantly White Shoes for walking and sports, for dress and evening wear. May we shovy you our beautiful Sno-White Shoes White Canvass, fine Eve's cloth. White Buck or White Kid Leather. $1.913, 250, 3.00 to 5.00 THE GOOD $ Wt0 , EVERYBODY'S COLUMN :DWELLING FOR SALE—A good eight -roomed brick dwelling with bath, electric light and all modern improvements, a good barn and gar- age, good situation on -paved street. Apply to R. Vanstone. BABY CHICKS—Antther lot of baby chicks for sale this week. These ate from our pure bred Barred Ply- mouth; Rock hens. John. Kerr, tele- phone 4 011 625. -.FOR SALE OR. RENT—Brick dwell- ing and office suitable place for a Dr., in Whitechurch, Western Ont. 'The best farming 'district. Apply Box .244; Wirigham. , eFOR SALE --Cement,„ House, with stable and garage, hard and soft water, good garden, also one rub- ber tire buggy. Apply to Advance. FOR SALE—Cabbage and Caull flower plants, Apply Isaac Coles, Gardener, corner Shuter and Alfred St, :HOUSE TO RENT—On corner of _Alfred and Centre Sts,, will be ya- -cated by July est. ' Apply to Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Box 205, Wallace - berg, Ont. 'EGGS—Egg production is our busi- ness, Our hens are Properlyhous- ed, carefully fed good clean, grain, .clean fresh water and buttermilk. Eggs are collected three times a day Nests are perfectly clean. Results, ' good large fresh eggs that are dis- tinctly nutritious, delicious and free from rankness, Delivered direct to the consturier. John Kerr, Phone 4 on 625. ;HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE— Lots .79, 8o and 86 in Government Survey in TOW111 P101 of Wingham, I?, acres. There is a two storey frame house with kitchen, stone foundation, stable, hen 'house and - tpig pen. Good drinking water. ' Ideal spot for summer and winter Ian Bank of River Maitland. Build- 1 ings' are well built. Far further particulars apply to Dudtey Holmes. 4 , TOR SALE—Cabbage Plants, winter, 1 Denny's bald head. Prices right. Ap- „ ply John Gray, Victoria St :FARMERS ATTENTION—We have t good heavy Government Standard i ground screenings in sacks, $23.0o 1 per ton, also good fine shorts and .t 3 C. W. Oats. J. A. Mills. • FOR SALE -- Nearly new, two row corn cultivator for sale cheap, Mc- • Cormick manure spreader as well I ' Apply to Fred Mowbray, Phone 3 -1 on 626 ) FOR SALE -2 litters' of pigs, 5 and '. 6 weiks old. Apply Jno. Wight- mara.,Belgrave, phone 23-623, t FOUND—Section of side of Ford 1 curtains, Apply at this office. s ARE YOU MOVING FROM TOWN • We do long distance tratcking. Get our prices before shipping, Mundy', Phone 82 Wingham. ( ( TEACHER WANTED -- For S. S. i No. 9, Turnberry. Applications will .I be received by the undersigned up e till July estle Duties to commence t Sept, 1st. John Weir, Secretary, f Route e, Wingham , :TENDERS ON -THE ELLIOTT-- ! Underwood Drain. Sealedatenciers ` to be in the hands of the cleric of the township of Turnberry by the I; '25111 of June or personal tenders at the council meeting on the 26t11 of , June at Blueval,e, Lowest or a,ny 1 tender not necessarily accepted. • , Ten per centof the contract price a to accompany tender, Tenders will a be received on the open portion al- 1 SO on the tile portion separately or together, W.R. Cruikshank, Clerk. • t TENDERS FOR RtTNNING SYN- DICATE MACHINE f Mailed sealed tenders Addressed Lo a the undersigned will be received up .,,, till the 28th of June for men to run • ) the sixth line• Syndicate 1VIachine. rst i.. a man and team to go With the ma- a chine; '2nd, a separator Man; 31d an a engineer, The lowest or any tender a not necessarily, accepted. Cyrus W. Scott, Belgrave, 1, Phone Ir on 624, Wirighatn• t r1111101111111111011111111111S111111111111111111011111111111111111111111 11 re J g Cement For Sale . t =,... t i $2.20 per barrel . . ----...........—.,-- ai = c : 4 sacks to barrel •ata.aatt.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m4,....,,,sans,,,taaa iji s Fil = v i The Wiogitam Salt Co. .1 b M1111111,1111111111111110111N11111111110111.111111111111111141111 8 ttnt tt. rtit ttyt Splendid programme of Entertainment from 10 o'clock a WINGHAM ONT., THURSDAY TEMPERANCE CONVENTION AT Palmerston on Monday was Largely Attended One of the most largely attended and enthusiastic temperance conven- tion held in this district in years was held in Palmerston; on Monday of t ns week. Delegates were present fro Walkerton, Listowel, Harriston, Owen Sound, Wingham and other parts. A very large delegafion from the Meth- odist Church heae, 47 in all, motored over for the evening session. • The conventiotj. was held in the Li- brary Hall, a building corresponding to our town hall, before eight o'cloelc that building was packed and an over- flow meetin,g had to be held in the Methodist Chnisch, Between goo and woo delegates were present. All the addresses were of a high order, IVIt. W. H. .Ker of Brussels, made a most capable chairman. The first speaker, was Dr. A. E. Henry of Deer Park Presbyterian Church, To- ronto. Dr. Henry has hadea Very wide experience, having oacetepied pulpits in Hamilton, Regina, Vancouver and now in Toronto. Through the years he has always been a great temperance advocate and the array of facts pre- sented by him was unchallengable as to the failure of, government control wherever tried. He warned the dele- gates in being deluded by the argu- ments of the Moderation League. He was followed by Dr. Hassard, K.C. of Toronto, Mr..- Hessard Was present representing Hon. Geo. E. Foster who was unavoidably detained. Mr. Hassagd made some startling statements concerning the benefits of the 0. T. A. on the moral and finan- cial conditions of Toronto. His whole - reference was from that of a lawyer. The final speaker was Hon. E. C. Drury, It was very evident from the applause given that Mr. Drury had a host of friends' in this section of On- tario. In a very straightforward and manly way Mr. Drury discussed the temperance situation in Ontario to- day, and that which existed 30 years ago. He declared without any fear of a challenge that the 0. T. A. had been a great success, and, in so speaking he ave the Hon. Mr.' Hearst, due credit or the introduction of the great tem- perance measure. *He said that his convictions were that the,,'people of Oneario did not want a change except n greater enforcement of the law, and he prophesied that if the temperance people would remain strong in their emands for no change, there would e no plebiscite in our province. \By he singing of God Save the King' -a most successful convention was then brought to a close. reach Orange Sermon Rev. C. E. •'Cragg win preach to the nernbers of L.O.L. No. 794 and visit - ng brethren in the Wingham.Metho- ist Church on Sunday evening, July th at 7 o'clock. • • Deaneries Meet At Wingham A genertal meeting of the deaneries f Perth, Huron and Grey will be he,ld Wingharn in; September, -instead rolding three separate meetings in the everal deaneries. isit Scenes of Boyhood Mr, John McCallum is leaving hursday for Milton etn invitation of he Secretary of the Old Boys Re - Ilion of that town to 'attend the cele - ration which commences on the 27111, nd lasts to July 1st, Mr. McCallum vas born in the Scotch_ Block, Enques- ng, about ee miles from Milton, eigh- y. years ago on the 24th of May, and ea expects to rneet several of his old choolrnates of sixty-five years ago, . W. K. VanNorman Dead Friends of Mr. J. W. K. VanNor- rain, we= shocked to hear • of his eath which took place in Winnipeg eneral Hospital on Stinday follow - ng an operation. Mr. VanNorman as a brother of Mr. V. R. VanNor- an Of Wingham and visited her summer. The old home of the warily was in the Belgrave vicinity nd the deceased was a great friend f the late George Porterfield, who ied a few weeks., ago in Brandon. Deceased was a very popular gentle - ran and was a member of Lebanon hapter and of the VVingliam C.O.F. he remains will be laid to rest in randon cemetery, He is urviv'ed four sons, Jack, Charlie, Murray nd ,Freddie who have the heartfelt ympathy of alt -who know thein. ost Enjoyable Time here they are held in the highest es- ein, Mr, Jos. j. Kerr sang "CoViar- arty's two little twins" and Mr. W. . Currie sang "Butter and cheese and '." Now just to imagine these old me songs by Mr. Kerr and' Mr. Citr- e is' 16 wish we had been present, nether selection that contributed to he entertaininerit of all peesent was he recitation "A travelling philosoph- r" by Mr. Thomas Taylor, as was ISO the rendeting of the, political etch by Mr. George Haines. TIt'a as a speech which lie learned when Clase I-131anche Cunningham, 1), ut a lad, ,A hearty vote of thanks Preaton, A. Swanson, N. Beattie, Ea as 'tendered to Mr, and Mrs. Ander- Pinch, A, Itevin, M. Isard, Id. Hometh, rt at the close of the eveeing. COntinued on Page three HIGII SCII0OL EXAMS Resalts ef Exams in 1st. and arid: Forms of Win ham H. S. French, Form Class r, in order of merit—Erma Finch, Blanche Cunningham, Yvonne MacPherson, Laurette. McBurney, Gordon McBurney,' 'Borden Scott, Gordon Stonehouse, Bernard Browne, Grace Fryfogle, 'Angela Gibbons, My- rtle Isard, Ethel Johnston, Irene Wheeler,. Nora Beattie, Nettie Ho - mirth, Gadys Robertson, Wilma John- ston, Alan Mackenzie Dean Scott, Edna Tanalyn, Muriel 'Thornton, Alba Carter Frank Field, Sylvia, Blatchford, Clifford Stewart. Class 11—Florence Scott, Jack Mc- Gee, Clifford Showers, Harold Kerr, Eva Salanson, Minnie Hill, Daniel Ar- bnckle, George Robinson. Class III—Wilben Tiffin. Pass—Marion Simpson, Lenore Taylor, Wilfred .11cFadzean, Cordon Dobie, Durward Preston. Geography Class I—D. Arbuckle, W. Tiffin, A. MacKenzie, M. Seli, E. Tarnlyn, E. Finch, G. Dobie, G. Fryfogle, M. Is- ard, F. Field, B. Cunningham, A. Car- ter, N. Homuth, Y. McPherson, G. Robertson, D. Scott, W. Johnston, L, McBurney, B. -Scott, Angela Gibbons, G. McBurney, D. Peeston, G. Stone- house, E. Swanson, E. Johnston, I. Wheeler, Marian - Mitchell. Class II—Frank Ford, N. Beattie, J. McKenzie, M. Thornton, W. Taylor, D. Haney,--Maitrice Mitchell, C. Fry- fogle; C. Stewart, M. Simpson, 5, Blatchford. ' Class McKibbon, A. Mit- heli, G. Mundell, F. Scott, G. Spot; ton,- Agnes Swanson, L. Taylor. ' Pass—H. 'cern A. ICelly, G. Robin- son, C. Showers, G Weir, 1. Stewart, M. Sanderson, M. Ross, G. Rintoul, A. Irwin, M. Hill, D. Haller, K. Gil - motto, D. Hammond. Art Class I --B. Cunningham, W. Tay- lor, Marian Mitchell, W. Johnston, E. Johnston, L. McBurney, D. Preston, E. Finch, G.' Robertson, N. Horntith, A.MClascsKciniei—G. D L Stewart, D. Hammond, G. Mundell, M. Isard, A. Gibbons, B. Scott, I. Wheeler, E. Tam- lyn, Y. McPherson, A. Swanson, `K. Gilmour, F. Ford, G. Stonehouse, G. Fryfogle, M. Seli, A. Cartet, Thornton, G. Rintoul, D. Haney, t. Taylor, W. Tiffin, M. Sanderson, C. McKibbon. Class III—D. Scott, F. Scott, E. Swanson, G. Spotton, C. Showers, la Arbuckle, S. Blatchford, F. Field, D. Haller, M. Hill, A. Irwin, A. Kelly-, W. McFadzea.n, Maurice Mitchell, G. WeirS Pas ---1N. Beattie, H, X.err, G. Mc- Buraley, J. McKenzie, A. Mitchell, G. 'Robinson, Atf. Ross, M. Simpson, C. Stewart. English Literature Class I—W. Tiffin, D. Arbuckle; L. McBurney, F. Scott, B. Cunningham, M. Isard, E. Tamlyn, M. Seli, 13. Scott, Y. McPherson, N. 13eattie, G. Dobie, M. Ross, E. Swanson, G. Mc- Burney, A. MacKenzie, D. Scott. Class I1—G. Robertson, A. Gibbons, N. Homuth, E. Johnston, I. Stewart. D. -Preston, B. Browne, A. Mitchell, F. Field, A. Carter, E.. Finch, G Fry, W. Johnston, M. Simpson, A. Swan- son, J. McGee, —, Class III—G. Spotton,' M. Mitchell, F. Ford, G. Rintoul, G. Stonehouse, S. Blatehford, A. Kelly, J. MacKenzia, M. Hill, M. SanderSon, M. Thornton. Credit Pass --D. Hammond, G. Mundell, W. Taylor, C. McKibbon, 1. W -heeler, D. Haller, C. Stewart, A. Irwin, D. Haney, C. F'ry, G. Robinson, K. Gilmour, L. Taylor, G. Weir, Composition Class I—N. Beattie, E. Johnston, N. Homuth, F. Scott, M. Seli, E. Tamlyn, A. MacKenzie, W. Johnston. Class II—M. Simpson, A. Kelly, S. Blatchford, W. Tiffin, A. Mitchell, G. McBurney, G. Robertson, A. Carter; X. Gihnour, M. Isard, A. Swanson, C. Stewart,. M, Hill, I. Stewart, E. Finch, 13. Browne, B. Scott, M. Mitchell, NI. Ross, D. Hammond, L. Taylor, 1). Arbuckle, G. Rintoal, Y. 'MacPherson, L. McBurney, 11, Cunningham: Class III—I. Wheeler, F. Ford, C. McKibbon, A. Gibbons, E. Swanson, J. McGee, G. Spotton, F, Field, D. Haney, A. Irwin, .G. Fry. Credit 'Pass—M. Sanderson, H. Kerr, D. Preston, G. Dobie, G. Man- dell, MT, Taylor, G. Stonehottse, D. Scott, M. Thornton, J. MacKenzie, a Haller, C. Pey, G. Weir, C Showers, G. Robinson. Botany Class I—D, Scott, N. I-Iomuth Cunningham, B. Scott, X, Beattie,. jolattston, D. Arbuckle, G. Robertson, Isard, A. MacKetizieL, McBurn- ey, G. Mcl3urney, E. Fitnch, M. Sell, G. Fry, E. Tattle/la Y. MacPherson, G Field, C. Stewart, D. Preston, W. Tiffin, G. Dobie, A. Carter, A. Mit- chell, E. Johnston, f. Wheeler, E. Sn, ClaSs II—A. Swanson, G. Spotton, 5. McGee, G. Mundell, D. liamniond W. Taylor, Marion Mitchell, M. Simpson, Class —I, Stewart, A. Kelly, MacKenzie, A. Irwin, C. McKibbon, S. Blatchford, K. Gilmour, D. I-Xattey. Creclit---M, Ross, 11. Browne, C. Showers, W. Thornton, H. Kerr, M. Sanderson, L. Taylor, D. Hance, G Robinson, M. Mitehell, G Web', G. Rintottl, M. Hill. A most enjoyable tinie was spent at he home of Mr. and Mrs4 Wm. M. tidal -son, East Wawanosh, on the ev- ning of June agth, when about thirty- veeneighbors and friende partook of boiktiful dinnet fie= tables gay ith june flowers. After supper a Hy program of old time songs, solos ecitations\end speeches were apprec- . Stonehouse, A. Gibbons,' F. Scott, ted by all. Mr. George Kerr made capable chaltrmart, and many convey - d to 1V1r, and Mrs. Anderson the best ishes of the entire neighborhoodwanso Alg, tt4444. 4 JUNE 26th 1.024 LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS Mr, Moorsehouse Morgan of Ripley is visiting friends in town, Mr. and Mrs. R.' A. Spotton motor- ed to Owen Sound on Sunday. Miss Lila -Pearin, Victoria St., spent a few days with her father at Barrie, Mrs. Harry Williams Is visiting in roronto for two weeks with relatives Miss Mario Livingston of Stratford Norial School is home for her lioli days. Miss Dorothy Randall of Stratford IS visiting her( friend Miss Etta Cur- rie. Mrs. Thos, Drummond of Hensel', is visiting her sister Mrs. T. J. Me Lean. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Harrison of Seaforth, visited with friends on Diag- onal Road. Miss Margaret McDonald of Acton, is visiting at the home of Ma W. H. Gurney. Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds and son of'Tory Corners were in town on Monday. Ma Graham of Stratford, spent the week end with friends in town on, John Street. Miss M. Palmer of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. 'Ellen Macpherson, Frances St. • Mrs. W. Gibbs and son. Jack were visiting ,friends in London the latter part of last week. Mrs. Ben Miller of Toronto, is visi- ting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. j. Breen, Turnberry, RWaleteovne, Ja.rle4r.spIfencdKinibgboan feao wnd days in Toronto and Pictop. Mrs. John Coulter of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Rintoul, Leopold St. . Mr. Joe Coulter and Mr. Armstrong of Blyth, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.' R H. Saint and family. Mrs. Showier and Mrs. Pickard of Toronto, have been guests at the home of their brother, Mr, Josh Hirst. Miss Addie Proctor has returned' to her home after completing her course at London Normal School Congratulations to our esteemed townsman, Mr. John Quirk, who cele- brated his gest birthday on Tuesday. Mrs. Jesse Wheeler is ;yeller- sick in Wingham General Hospital. Her many friends are hoping for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Elliott, and daughter, Lois, of Bluevale, are visit- ing with friends in St Catherines and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Wilson Turner and little daughter, Phyllis, of Toronto, are vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and MIS. V. R. VanNormari. Mrs. W. H. Irwin of Belmore, has spent the past week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. R. Jackson, Frances St. Conductor and Mrs. T. T. Leakie of Kincardine, spent a day at the home of Mrs. Leakie's mother, Mrs' W. J. Pattison, John St.' Mr. and Mr. Jas. Cloakey and lit- tle son of San Diego, California, are visiting at the home of Mrs. J. G. Stewart and other friends. Mr. John Taylor and Mrs. Win. Dodds of Tory Corners, were in town on Monday to see Mrs. Taylor who is in the Wingham.Hospital. Miss Della Haugh of New York, is spending a, few weeks vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Haugh, Diagonal Road.. The Bishop of Huron will adminis- ter the -Holy Rite of Confirmation to a large class of candidates at St. Pauls Church on Sunday at 7 p, tn. 1VIrs. Albert Garnier and son, James, and Mrs. McCartney of Windsor, ate visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Ger- sham Johnston, East Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott of East Wawa -nosh, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott on their motor trip to St. Catherines and Niagara Falls. Mr. Jain -es Dickson wishes to a.polo- gize to Mr. David Breen for having asked him for a bridal which he thought he had taketi by mistake from his stable. Mrs, Oliver Thompson, Mrs. H, W, Shane and Mrs. R. Clegg, worthy ma- tron, deputy worthy matron and paat worthy matron respectively of the Huron Chapter of Order of the Eas- tern Star, attended the meeting of the Grand. Chapter in Hamilton last week. Mr, and Mrs. John Nethery, of Morris, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter May Ruth, to Mr. Clarence Harold Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. W'illia'm Wade of Ford- wich, Ont. The marriage to take place early in July. Pure Paris Green—Arsenate of Lead Arsenate of Lime Hellebore, Blue- stone, etc. We gUarantee our stock to be full government standard streng- th and absolutely reliable and at the lowest market price's. Mitcliells' Drug Store, The Advance -Times is in a position tb give you a first-class job of print- ieg at a reasonable price, and you will not have to. wait a couple of weeks for it. When customers wish us to we will show a proof of the job be- fore printing. brieride visiting at the home of W, J. Gallaher during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. John Chappel, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kitchen and lefies Gallaher, Wroxeter, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Gallaher, Binevale, Mr, and Mre, Nelson. Higgins and children of Bel - grave, and Mr, and Mrs. J. G. KtiOx and daughter Ruth of Tuxford, Sask. LOCAL BONSPIEL Wingham Bowlers Are Active This Year Following is a local bonspiel just recently drawn up the playing com- menced last night. Dr. Howson Dr. Fox B. Isard T. King .T. Wallace , A. E. Lloyd ' J. W. Hanna, skipRa A. Currie, skip 7 le x. Play June 24. H, C. Helwig , Winners Merray of above game W. R. Hamilton, ;,1c 2, June 25 at 8 p. m. J. McCracken T. Taylor W. McKibbon W. Monk C Wilkinson J. R Christie Dr. A. J. Irwin skipi, Hirst, skip 3, June 25 at 8 p, B. Wellwood J, A. McLean M. Graham. G. McLean D. Rae H. Shane R. Allen, skip A. E Fothergill, sir 4. June e5 at 8 p. re. W. F. Vanstone A. Fothergill Dr. Perrie Dr. McInnes A. G. Smith C. Armitage A. M. Crawford, skJ. Mason, skip 5. June 25 at 2.30 p. W. J. Greer Dr. Stewart F. R. Howson A. j. Walker H. Sherbondy T. McDonald H. C. McLean, tsleD, Somers, skip 6. June 25 at 230 p. m. H. Campbell W. Braw-ley F. W. French J. Gilmour Wm. Booth R. Spotton C. P. Srnith, skip Wm. Holmes, skip 7, June 25 at 2.30 p. 5. A. 'Tipling R. H. Lloyd Stevenson G. L. Brackenbix-yT. W. Henry Rev. H. 'Snell P. Gowans L. C Young, skipW. Stewaat, skip 8. June 28 at 3 tr. m. • Webster T. M. Srnith C. Crawford W. H. Gurney T. H. Gibson • C. Robinson E. J. Mitchell, sk R. Vanstonen skip •9. June 26, at 8p. 111. The winners of 5-2 and -3 on June 26 at 8 p. tn. The winners of 4 and 5 on June 26 at 8 p. m. The winners of 6 and 7 on June 27 at 8 p. m. The winners of 8 and 9 on June 23 at 8 ta. m. . The winners of 5-2-3 and 4-5, June 27 at 8 p. m. The winners of 6-7 and 8-9, July 2 at 8 p. m. • The final game on July- 3 at 8 p. DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION Spend the Day in Wingham, a Big Days Sports A big celebration under the auspic- es of the Amateur Athletic Associa- tion Will be put on in Wingharn on Tuesday, July rst, Dominion Day, and continues morning, afternoon and ev- ening. Commencing the pardade will leave the C P. R. Station at to o'clock and the following prizes will be aw- arded, Best decorated auto 15.00, 10.00, 5.00;, Comic Decorated Auto 10.00, 6.00 400; Best Decorated Bicycle 3,00, 2.00, r.00; 13est Clown 5.00, 3.00, 2.00, and the judging will take place at park fol- lowed by a Soft Baseball Match be- tween two girls teams.' No admission fee charged to park in. the morning. The Guelph Jazz Band and Wing - ham Citizens' Band will be on the job morning afternoon and evening. Not a dull moment. At 5.30 the old rivals, Teeswater and Wingliam will play Baseball and will be followed by a Tug o' War between East Wawanosh and Turnberry, J. J. Kerr and I. J. Wright will be the cap- tains and an interesting pull is expec- ted. At 4 o'clock a keen game of La- crosse will be played between Clinton and Wingham. Admission to park in the afternoon, adults 400, chilairen 20C, autos 25c. Grand stand free. In evening there will be a splendid Open Ati• Concert at 8, 30 by the Im- perial Male Quartette assisted by Feed Gill, Comedian, A splendid concert is assured. lefusic by both bands prior to the concert. Admission to park at night, adults 35c, children 15c. The' grand stand free. There will be an open air. dancing pavilon on the park. Business people are reqnested to de- corate their autos for the morning pa- rade, Currie's School Picnic S. S. No, 9, East Wawanosh will hold their annual picnic in Thos. Tay- lor's bush, on Friday, June 27t11. Everybody come and bring your bas- ket. To Upper Canada Staff W. Stewart of Milton, eldest son of Inspector Stewart, of the Halton and Peel Children's Aid Societies, has been appointed to the teaching staff of Upper 'Canada College, Toronto, He, has also been appointed junior sports- man, He was one of the star players of the Milton 0,H,A, champions for District No. 7, who defeated C)sgoode Hall at Toronto for championship honors Iast Winter, He is also a member of the Milton senior baseball team, which is at present at the head Of the Halton County Baseball Lea- gue, Tlite young gentleman eteferred to is a nephew of Dr. Stewart of Wingham and Mr, Thos., Stewart ot 1§elgrave. 1111111111111111111INIIINIIIMMIll rho S tnbe• er I ozajUl„,i l„0.421 Ittotti wittostiidlo $1.00 Autostrop Razor • (Razor, Strop and Blade in a care) 35c Rexall Shaving Cream 25c Gents' Talcum 10c Styptic Pencil 25c Autostrop Strop Dressing $1.95 Regular All for 95o CANDY SPECIALS (Fresh Every Week) 6oc Maple Walnut Chocolates 39c lb 6oc Peppermint Patties _390 n $1.00 box of Mixed Chocolates 69c box “Our every day Cut Prices save you money" 6 McKibbon's Drug St re 71. Store likrinahara, Ont.. 11131111$11121119111VIIIMIA111141111N111allInflinfl ilfel1111111111311111111111211f Phone 53 I tuattuisomiso Comtnitts Suicide An elderly lady by the name of Scott committed suicide on Saturday, by in the river in the vicinity of Hayes Lake in Kinloss. Purchased Goderich Grocery Mr. George Schaefer has purchased the Jackson grocery in •Goderich and takes possession on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer and little daughter, have been visiting in town, with. Mrs. Schaefer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MCCool. They have spent the past few years in Timmins. Married in Toronto A wedding of interest to many Wingham citizens was solemnized 1n. Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Tor- onto, on Friday, June 2oth at z o'clock when Ruth O'COnnerr Burritt, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Burritt, be- came the bride of Mr. J. Nelson Rush. Rev. Stanley Owens officiated. Mr. and Mo. Rush are spending a por- tion of their honeymoon with relatives n Wingham. Mr. Rush's sisters, Miss E. M. Rush and Mrs. Thos. Field at- tended the wedding in Toronto. Wingham Defeats [Bayfield A splendid game of baseball was played in Wirighara on Wednesday, when the latter won by a score of 41 to 3. Norman Geddes of Clinton, was the official umpire, while Frank 1 MacLean looked after the bases. The, Wingham team was made up as fol -I ows:—McLean Johnston, catch; Got - don Irwin, pitch; Walton McKibbon, est. base; G. L. Brackenbury, 2nd. base; Dr. Howson, short stop; "Net" Morden, 3rd. base; H. Walker, right field; Gordon Cruickshanks, centre; Harold Mitchell, left field., At die 3rd innings, Johnstone was called to Lucknow owing to a drowning acci- dent and -Morden replaced him, while Cruickshanks was put on 3rd and Ar- thur Irwin went out to centre field. The gate receipts did not meet the expenses. Those who witnessed the game claim it was just as good as the score would indicate. TOWN COUNCIL T. 5. McLean Re-engaged as Assessor A special meeting of Wingham. Town Council was held on Thursday evening. All the councillors were present except Conn. Haney who was in Toronto. Moved by Councillors Mitchell and Fells that Constables Allen a.ncl Lew- is be instructed to watch the traffic at the crossing on Josephine street on Saturday nights between 9 and nr to see that traffic laws are observed by motorists. ---Carried. There is co.nsiderabie speeding done on the paved streets by autos leaving , and coming to town, we believe some effort should be made to stop it. A person driving an auto over 25 miles an hour over the town streete is en- dangering the lives of pedestrians for they do not know at what corner a child is going to pop out. Moved by Councillors Mitchell and Bennett that a by-law be submitted at the next regular meeting prohibiting the hauling of gravel, manure or re- fuse of any kind on Josephine St.— Carried. Moved by Councillors Bennett and 'Wilkinson that T. J. McLean be I e— engaged as assessor for 5924 at the same salary as last year.—Carriece The salary last year was $275. with a bonus of $8.0o for postage. There was one other applicant. The by-law was read and passed providing for the construction of the concrete sidewalk on the north side of Josephine St., from the end of the present t sidewalk to the C. P. R. tracks, There will be almost 125 feet of sidewalk and the cost will be 20 cents per foot and 25 cents per foot for the road approach. The C P. R. will refund the entire cost of this paving back to the town. The Mayor asked the council, to in- spect all the paved streets in a body on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. 11 01100000,000.000.00000(00011. Balmy days have arrived .-1 Sno-White Low Medium and Span- ish Covered Heels 'of fine Eve's Cloth and White Leath- er trimmed $3.00 to 4.00. 231, 000110 0 and with them a whole host of brilliantly White Shoes for walking and sports, for dress and evening wear. May we shovy you our beautiful Sno-White Shoes White Canvass, fine Eve's cloth. White Buck or White Kid Leather. $1.913, 250, 3.00 to 5.00 THE GOOD $ Wt0