HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-19, Page 8rr'iF1",""r,"Pre,rr,:f.1"11, rrr`r
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,"" isnes
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Mit:fonp u tsts irt SuSale
i griflUillisSimp Fri
u. .
: 22 Suits r New models in Iferringhories, li rneg
Tweeds, regularly priced $25.00'to 35.00, all are rnarked at at
Clearance Price or the Weelt-End $19.50. 5
, u
I 0
41","1.1 ;III ietar
ati1511, .:11a1"';'• 77. 9t1FRItt1r.FPF15rittql2t151.11111111,frrtn' .1711,115 1,1.11.17417171T41111111r1,p1 `41444 44,444,41/primrt.117. r11111:17,•,! -1r Ip 1"-r-
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rd'f,ro tQuttliin g vL11:r,e
Mr, ap.q. MI's. Dave Currie spent
* Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Eli Jac-
cpies,sa; •
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cameron and
N family of Ashfield, Mrs. Ed. Tom and
N dangliters., Helen and IVIarga.ret of nt.
N Helens visited with Mr, and Mrs.
S at .
Mr. and Mrs, Alec lVfeKenzie of
N Langside and Mr. and Is. John MU -
Thos• Henderson on Sunday,
N 1er of St. Isfelens visited with their sle-
w ter, Mrs„ Thos. Gaunt on Sunday.
III M. John Purdon has purchased a
Ford Touring car. •
Is and Impoi e
an Two Piece Summer Suits
IN -,, , 9 only light weight suits of excellent 11
quality for your hot weather needs. Reg- MI
is Qi 1' .-,/f
ularly priced to $25.00, Week -End gar- I
gain $14.00. • Mt
si s,
. . N
is_OUST COATS • 1-
u , .,....,
.7 --
.,,, . Fine qpality Dusters for auto or bug- •
u - .
• -1 ----a4 gy driving",,in olive and grey shades, that , N
will give excellent service. Half price
and less $1.98. • ,•- il
isII ...:.4.' . STRAW HATS - .
is Fresh d.eliveries of Straw Hatsin the ,E1
if newest straws and styles at popular pric-
es I
$2.00 to 3.50. ' • ' al
iniggill ." 1
IVIrs, Albert Gamier, end little son,
James of. Windsor are visiting with
Mrs. Garnier's pareets Mr. and Mrs,
• Mt. Harold Wilkinson spent a few
days last week in Goderich attending
Jury. /
Mr, and Mrs. Vn H. Marshall
visited a day last week at "the home
• of Mr. Hugh Edgar of liowicle,
• Mr. Dan 'Murchison of Lucknow
has been visiting at the home of Mrs.
Murchison on the ipth.
Miss Elva Metcalfe spent the week-
end with her sister Edithe, in Wing-
ilaar. and Mrs. William PeterMan,
and two children have been visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omar
Mrs, Chester Dunkin and little son,
Walter are visiting with Mrs. Dunk-
in's father, Mr. Armstrong at Owen
• Mr, and Mrs."Fred Wilton, of Walk-
erton visited a day last week at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Wit -
Mr, Spencer of Hamilton visited re-
cently at Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kit-
chell's. ,
Miss 'Mabel Stokes visited on Fi
day with her friend Miss. Jean Wilton.
Miss Josephine Johnston, and Mr.
, .11
u 50 Children's Dresses,. 'made from Gingharns, Piques, I
u I
Dnils,1Ciiambra3rs, etc. in sizes '2 to 14 years,and i
. m , priced'regularly. to 3.50, at one price98c.
41. 1..
3 1....................................' ...-,......2...................:„.........................,..............,—.1
3 King Br
• WHITECHURCH • IScobie. is spending her holidays at her home
. . Mr. Jack Wylie visited Wingharn
Mrs, Hanna of Wingham with Miss here. Miss Annie Kennedy of
( Tena Laidlaw, ,loss returned to the hospital in Gode-
Whitechurch Presbyterian Church(
-vices here on SundaY. Rev. Mr. Sin -1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchell of "rich! after spending her holidays at
'held very successful anniversary ser-
clair of Tiverton preached splendid' TurnherrY with Mr. and Mrs. Lance ' her home here,
Dr. MA, Mrs, Gordon Shied, end.'
daughter of Listewel visitedgat the
'home Of his father; Mr. John Shiell
on Sunday.
• Mr. Lewis Bone of London spent
the week -end at his home here.
Miss Jessie Stothers •of Ashfield,
spent the week -end at the home of
Alr, and Mrs. \Arm. Robinson.
Mr. Willie Ray Q f Wroxeter ,spent
the; week -end with Mr. Melville Bee-
Mr, Gmalon McBurney of Teeswatcr
anent Sunday -with his aunt, Mr,.
John McGee,
Miss ageKenzie teacher on the'9th.,
spent the week -end at her home in
Kinc!ardi n e,
Beydges of Belgrave were re -
Ni cent visitors at the home of Mr. and
N Mrs. Reuben Appleby.
Ni Mrs. W. J. Pattersonrn
of Wingha,
N visited a few days with her friend
Of Miss Bertha Marshall. -;
g Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haines, and
IN two children, also Miss Robinson and
NI her brother Mr, Howard Robinson,
of Holyrood spent Sunday at the
horfie of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes.
Sill Miss Mary 'Eadie is staying with her
• little niece Evelyn Cathers of Howlett
' who has been very sick with pneu-
Mr. Clieve' Stafford Went •to Buf-
falo Saturday, to attend the bed -side
of his sister, who is sick,
Mr. Brown of Harriston, is engag-
ed. with Mr. John Wright gravelling
this week, ••
We are sorry • to report that Mr.
John Finlay is not doing as well
would, like to see him.
Mr. Dick Bennett loaded a car of
:maple lumber this week.
Mr. and "Mrs. Lesley Earl and fa-
milyof Ethel were ,yisiting Mrs.
Earl's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dick
Clegg. 1' •
Mr. Wilford Brown spent Sunday,
With his 'grandparents in Mildmay.
Mr. and- Mrs. Joe Bennett were in
Guelph last week, at the 0. A. C.
Mr. and Mrs. George Baker enter-
tained their friends to a fishing party
Saturday. ' ' • ,
' Mr. and. Mrs. 'Oliver Stokes, also
IV Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Weir motored
N I to 'Moorefield and spent a day with
"'friends there.
s. Phone 71 ingam • •
e Wm. H. Dane and little Mil-
dred r are at present spending a few
serinons both morning and evening. Grain.
, I • Mr, and Mrs. Fred Love and cidl-
• "The collection amounted to over $5oo. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker 'and ' dren and Mr. John Sproule of Gocle•
-- • t rs were.— Howard with her aunt, Mrs. Aildrevirich
Mrs. Amos Gornelius on Sunday.
visited with the formers sister,
, P el n ' land Freda. of Ashfield -with'Mr. and.
- is spending his holiaays ' •
his, teachers. Please receive this ,as an
Mr. and Mrs. Falcorter and son grandparents, Ms. and Mrs. George invitation if you have not already Ernest at at his uncles Mr. John Fal- ' ceived one. •
"caner s.
Dr. and IVIrs. Simpson and: family of nedy. ,
Kintail at his brother Mr, Robert Mr. and Mrs. Alec. Ferguson and
. Sinapson, Mr. Walter Ferguson:and Mrs. Wnt.
Miss Kathleen Smith and Mr. and Norman and Jack of Langside, also
Mrs. Frank Vainer and Carl of Mrs. Wilson and Francis of Wingham
Wingham at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cor- with 1V1 -c. and Mrs, Jas, Wilson.
on Monday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. James Bell visited
their ,daughter neaa- Lakelet on Mon-
• Preparations are being made for the
OId Boys and Girls Re -union to he
held at S. S. No. 1, Howick, July 3,
5924. The section cordially invite
ell who at any time attended that
Rev. and Mrs.' McKenzie attended.
the Presbytery meeting at Owen
Sourid Monday afternoon. •, .
Mrs. George Herd visited friends at,
Owen Sound and Lion Head last
week, returning Sunday, accompanied
by her brother. •
The annual meeting of the Wo-
men's 'Institute held Monday, after-
noon at the home of tIVIgs. Metcalfe
was well attended, almost 40 being
pi esent. The district ' speaker, .Miss
Reek, being present and addressed the
meeting, alter which a very dainty
lunch provided by, ladies was sm.-
•"cl.ren of E. Wawanosh at Mr. and Mrs. 1,11r and. Mrs Albert NicQuoid. Mr. Ernest Spalding of Kincardine school or liv'e'd in our seetion, also
• , Mr. gid Mrs. John Mason"and chil- Fox. -
Miss McQuoid. ,
now with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ken- Mr. and Mrs. George Garton and very fast. But we hope for a speedy
Mrs. 'John Taylor is noir improving
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanley of Luck- Cott e. ,
,viiiage, recovery as she is at present under a
fanailY were Sunday visitors. in the
Sorry to• , hear that Mr. Chas. Rin- nurses care.
toul has been seriously ill for the past S. Johnston and Mr. andIMrs. R. A.
Mr. and IVIrs. W. Lowish and Miss
nelms. forth and Mrs. F. L. Creighton and TdaayyleovreiNivinegreininthWe iinnteirelent oofnthSeatR"er--
• Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of -Sea. -
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bruce and with Miss Nettie Lott. children of Detroit spent Thursday, union on July 3, at No. 1 1-lowick.
children of Luckriow, Miss Lizzie Mr. and Mrs. Grant, and children of with. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mrs. Ortman's Sale, on the boundry
Purvis of St Helens and Mr. Wm. Teeswater with Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. Robert McClenaghan attended was' quite • a sliccess. Mr, Stewart
Bolt of Marnbek at the home of Mr. Mowbray. . the Methodist Conference in Windsor Finley brought home a fine Jersey
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Martin .and last week and visited. with his broth- Cow from'it.• '
er Mr. Will McClenaghan. Cleveland. • tr.. Butler of Clfford is at present
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dobie an ot attending Mrs. J. A. ' Taylor.
don and Ma.ry of Wingham 'visited illness of little Evelyn Cathers.
We are sorry to report the serious
with Mr. and Mrs. George inIcClena- Mrs. Thos. Nickel spent a fevv days
ghan on Sunday. last week visiting friends in Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie. i . Miss Edith Gaunt of Lucknow '
A bee will be held, Thursday after-
noon, for the purpose of cleaning the
McIntosh grave yard, lunch will be
provided by the ladies. '
The Sabbath School convention will
be held in Eadies Church, Tuesday,
June 24th. .
• Miss Eleanor Jeffra.y visited at Mrs.
Robt. Nichols Sunday evening.
The horse and buggybeing a thing
of the past one of our young ladies
has taken a fancy to...the motor cycle.
Miss Maurice Jeffray visited the
-week-end at Robt Jeffrey's of the
Mr. and Mrs. Elden Peterman and
little daughter of Wingharn, were in
the village on Sunday. '
Mr,, and Mrs. Albert Dustow and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wylie,
were Sunday visitors at R. J. Douglas.
Mies Gladys Garton: of Lacknow
and Mrs. John .
Mr, a.nd Mrs. Albert Cameron and 13ruce of•Lucknow with Mr. and Mrs.
"family of Ashfield at the home of Mr. Eli Jacques,
,and Mrs. Thos. Henderson. - . 1• Quite a number from here attended
Mrs. MeGavin of Whighava and Mr. Ithe IVIa,scithic Service heltitin Winghani
and Mrs. .Sturdy. of Belgrave with ,Methodist Church on Sunday last.
• • and Mrs.Wm. Purdon Aldin
ichildren of Bluevale with Mr. and and Isabel, visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barbour and El- Bowling g Club - ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggatt and. and. Mabel and Mrs. Frank Coulter spent Sunday a• t her home here.
Mrs. T. H. Moore, 1Mr, and Mrs. Chaliners of Moncton, 1 wood of Fordyce and Mrs. Ben Mc- Enjoy the summer months at Lawn
Mr. arid Mrs. Allan Turner of Luck-lalso with Mrs. Rintoul of Brussels. Clenaglian and Irwin visited one day , Bowling Green. Everybody is wel..-
'now and Miss Maggie and Mr. Hory• Messrs. Thos. • Rowlcliffe, Amos last, week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. !come to become a ineinber plentY of
•Ross of Langside with Mrs. Jolm Cori -wilts and Jack PlilliPs spent last Irvvin of Huron Township. I Bowie.
W dnesday in Kincardine. 1V1r. anid Mrs. Robert .Purdon and! Membership tickets $5.00, get your -
Minutes of meeting held in Town-
ship Hall, Morris, on Monday, May
26, 5924. qouncil were all present,.
Reeve presiding. Minutes of last
meeting were approved. '
. The "'Court of R.evision on Assess-
ment Roll was then,opened. The as-
Sessment on ad Well's Farm was
reduced $5oo.00. Ne,
In connection vVith the appeal on
Assessment of Lot 4, Con. 6, the mat-
ter ayes left over.
On lot S. E. Con. 8 the assess-
ment was fixed at .$9oo.qo and. lot N.
W. of .2o, Con. 8, was reduced to
Thursday, June. X9tha T924
eVery Latest in
• Shoes for Women
• We are..showing in our North IVirftdow the
very newest in Fine Footwear
for Women
The Superintendent of the factory that made these shoes
Dhas just returned from the Style Centres on the Ara-
eiican side and luannediately set to work mak-
ing shoes such as he saw on his travels,
and those shown are practically
the same; as are being worn
• in the big American
Take a look at these beautiful designs in our
North Window or better still Co"me on
in" and inspect them closely.
Our Surplus Stock Shoe Sale
• Has been a wonderful success so far
• No more need to complain about' high prices of footwear as
we have shoes in all sizes known to the trade
at below pre-war prices. •
The Leading Shoe Store -of Huron County
Phone 129. • '. Winghafn, Ont.
• Rev. Mr. McMullen preached in the' "Bahful Mr. 'BobbS" will be ziyert
Presbyterian Church cast Sunday. • I\hy the 1)raniatie Club of S. S. No 7,
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. 'Brown of tlic I East Wawanosh in Langside Hall
Methodist Church. returned from Con- ,L on Friday June 2oth,
ference on- Friday to resume his du -1 Katherine Henderson, a young wife.
ties for the • second year. We ' Lena Charimey; Frederick Henderson,
come ,them back. t 'her husband, Atilt)/ Ernee; Mrs. Wig-
• Alr. J. Mahony of Mildniay called gins, the' landlady, Mrs. R. Bruce;
;on friends in town on Sunday. Obadiat Stump, a fresh country pro -
Mr. Chas. 'Wendt and. family • of duct, C. Chanineyt Frances WhiLak-
Mildniay spent Sunday with his broth-' er, an athletic girl', V. jansieson; Ro-
er J. R. Wendt. sali Otis, a society bud, E. CunVntins;
Mr. and. Mrs. Chappel of Hamilton, Mr. R.obt. -,Bobbs, bashfidl one,
are visiting friends in and around Jno. Boyle; Jean Graham, a Delaware
town: . Peach, AeRobinson; Marston Bobbs,
Mrs.' MunfOrd of Palmerston is at anything but bashful, C, Chaninceo "r=
present. visiting her cousin, Mrs. Neil Cele,sta Vanderpool, of the "Movice'
White. • • II. • McLaughlin; Jurie," French Md, „rir
The many friend§ of Miss Jeanette ..M. Cunnington.
Ritchie are sorry to hear she is still 1 This play has been put on three •rj
very poorly at the home of her sister, 'times with great -success. S,
$5700.00. . •
In case of Freeman. Hackwells' lot
in Walton, the matter was left over
urftil next meeting.,
• J. •Beninger -was entered as tenant
on lots 7 and 8 in Con. I. The Court
of Revision. on the Assessment Roll
pas then adjourned till the next meet -
*lug On June 3oth, •
A By -Law iinpowering the Council
to borrow 'money for the erection of
a school house at Walton was „passed,
A By -Law to prohibit livestock
from running' at large, on the public
highway was read and passed.
• The •reports on the Nichol Cocker
line ; Mustard and the ' Cole Drains
were read and provisionally adopted.
Following accounts were paid:
R., Nichol work. on, road con. 6,
$41.,,ao; Jas. Peacoek, equalizing school
sections, $16.00; Express 450; 13alance
of salary $to.00; Alex, Riissell, gravel-
ling $2.00; Win. Gray, shovelling $2.00
L. E. Cardiff, fixing grader 81,5o;
Wm. Smith, plough handle S7.5o;
Win. Sellers, work on road, $3.70;
Wm. Craig, 21 hrs work., $9,45; Jaa,
Richmond Is hrs' work $5.4o; W. C.
I.,aidlavv, balance salary, and postage,
• Mr. and Mrs, David Scobie and son I Miss Agnes Kennedy nurse in children of Ashfield visited -with Mi. ticket rorn
. . J.
• in or T.
of Lucknow with Rev. Jas. and Mrs. training in Goderich Marine Hospital and *Mrs. Albert Cameron last Tues- VV, Fianna,
• mmilussamONNON suilinummmumnsuniumauumis:
One must not
only be cool, but
0 0
C al
—the summer look,
r—th6r,turrOor to4d/
• —sunatner-weight fab-
. „
ric in a dastmetty new
color note112Ve should
charge more for
.1z4Carit n
Come in. Vry it on.
Yti will
ped it
retUY It now/ Why
wait till midsuxn-
• mer? If you. do, you will
miss half a season's en,:
joyment of your suit.
Let us slip the Sydney
on you. You can't imag-
ine anything more com-
in Toronto and hope for a speedy
recovery. • - sr • r •
Mr.• Ashton Morrison "spent the
week -end 'at his home here. • • -t
• $29.00; Oliver Campbell work wih
grader $18.6o; Jas. McGee, work on
miroad $2.25; Victor Haines, filling• at
brige, $95.35; J. Beverley logging,
$12:bo A, Skelton, shovelling I-Irillett
boundary, $18,75; L. Burns, dragging,
• $7,5o; A. MacEwen, draiiis, Wilson
m drain, fees and bY-laws $3o.o0; Smith
Drain, by-laws, $.3o,00; Walton Diain,
by-laws and fees, $50.00; W. H. Kerr
as printing by-laws, Smith -Drain $3o:oo;
fig Walton Drairi, $2o,00; W. 'Forrest,
• work on road $t8o; S. Proctor drag-
ging, $2,1o; j, Ineteli,, dragging $6.go;
R. Nicholson, ,drawing tile $4.00;
• a M. Facigearg Hullett Bouticlary $29.75;
II Geo. MeArtete 1-1tillett, ' tonnidary,
• 111111 $38.5o; Geo. Kirkby,' Hullett Bound-
.' ary, $34,75; W. Searle, Hullett ound-
ary $2i-. J. Peacock, work on road,
Mr. Bob White spent a few days*
Admission 35c and 20C.
Dr. Elred Tate wife and family of
o.ronto ,are spendnagaa few days wither
under the parental roof.
his parents at then$e. 14.„,
BY-LAW NO. x3, sg24 .; Mr. Robt. Shaw is attending the
0. F, F. convention ' at, Montreal th •cif
Township of, Morris • . week.
Whereas complaint has been made Mr. L. W. Ruttan had a ben one
to the Council that livestock running day last week and. got his house ntiov-
at la.rge on the Public Highway has ed clown to lot besicle'the Methodist
becoine a nuisance, therefore the Church and erected on its new loan -
Council enacts that after the passing dation.•
of this By -Law no livestock will ,he Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and
allowed to runat large' on the Ronds daughter, of St. Marys are spgeenng •
of the Municipality. Read' and pass- a cotmle of weeks with -relatives
ed this 26th., day of May 5924.. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Leggett spent n.
R. H. Shortreed, A. MacEwen Sunday with relatives at Whitecharch
• Reeve Clerk, • On Sunday night an auto and buggy
had, a collision on the boundary near
• Miss Tillie Sherwood is spending a
ASHFIELD P,rocters, fortunately no one •:r-
age was done to both vehicles,
was hurt although considerable dam-
week in Detroit with her brotners, a few days with her parents here.
Mrs. Jas. Clarke of Sunshine spent .
Mivesisisrss. jmimargaanidetChGarieliieln,
• is hmile We are pleased to sedher about again
from Detroit, for a few weeks visiting after her recent severe illness, •,17
The Oliv,er Inipmber Co, shipped
with her father, Mr. Thomas Glenna,.
'Wednesday May 28th., to Mr. and
Mrs.. l'homas Hall, a daughter. Con- Mee,
carload of lumber to Battle Creelin • ,
Sanderson of Toronto, is up
• The regular monthly meeting of the
Ashfield. Circuit, W. M. S. was, held
on Friday, x3th., at the home of Mrs.
Jas, • Edwards, Mi -s. ,t Samuel 'Sher-
wood gave an excellent report of the
to Tier summer once , .
Quite a nunaber from here attended.
the W. M. S. af, Milton Smiths on •
Tuesday, '
Br2tniceliwm$37ttiinieg TinoSot„.FThoinarearisi.
Of Vinalgnaabnile,iPartohpeecrtoyuinntythoef Tc of
were in Lucknow last Sunday at the
decoration services held there, W1,712..ShUAN'Tt to the Power of ;ale
Mr. ancl Mrs. John Huchinson, a ' ,, , ,
which will be produced at the time
conta.nee in a cer.tain • Mortgage
former Ashfield boy, spent'Siiturday
of sale, there willgbe offered for Sale.
at the home of Messrs. Herb and
George ,Drennan, y public auction on Saturday, the
ham, spent Saturday with Mrs. Sam "";"1 day of July, A, D. 59,24., at a
Mrs. Clarence Shackleton of Wing-
. Queen's T-Iotel ie. the 'Ton of Wing-
col're'lloeklit the afternoon at the
Woods and Mrs: John Mullin.
Thompson, Misses Jennie and Tillie
ha by it Inas Bennett, Auctioneer,
Mr , and lesre. jarnes Ritchie, spent the following, valuable, vtoperty, na-
week ire wainarville and Detroit.
Lot number seven on the cast side • "
and Mrs, Gilbert Vint arid family at- .„
' Mr, ancl 'Mrs, Wm, • Baldwin, Mr, rile13”
tend,ecl the funeral - of Mrs. 5°0'n Additional Survey in the said Town
i of Josephine Street in Goveinnaent
Campbell" at Bel,grave, an SattirdaY, • ,,,,, Jennbilhgilsriaipur.eneity is situate a•
party of the Tallies Aid of the Ash- with ,
ul:,'''ovvve. garage dwelling rows
Don't forget the annual Golden frame
TERMS OF SALE --Ten per cent:
$3.00 A. ShaW, worlt on road $5•0o; field Cirenit, parsonage in
Village • of Belgrave, return of sia- Lticicriont, Thursday. June x9th,
tine' labor finds, $X78.04; T. Ritchie, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Shackletoii
fixing grader $4.25, • is spending a week with the, former s
Connell meets Monday June 30th,, brother, Mr. Norman Shackleton,
1924, M_. 5. 1,, Mullin, sold a valuable
Take tiotice that a By -Law for gala-
ing $5o,00000 unclee the provisions' of
ilie Drainage Act will be taken
into consideration by the Mtmicipal
C'oencil of the Towaship Of Motria,
2.1 1 Ile. TOWnS TA All 101.1 111t01)(lan
2Ist day" oi 'tOZI, at ,the hour
esiafiatheanpdurtcillas arriloblinteey inoiithtliattydadyayosf
thereafter', Possession. will be .given
young work mre, to MAWs," Joynt, bit completion of purchase,• Tim pro-
Weat WaWanosh on Saturdy. Perty will be offered subjeet to a re- •••
Borri 'ro Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Cmp- serve price.
.near Lanes, on Wednesday, :Further terina and conditiong of
1)011, j. June 5i, a (taught& Corigratulations, Sale will be anade known at the time
Miss Tillie Hackette returned home of sale or May be had on apPlication
ort Friday after spending a few ----
1 to the inderigned.
11 Hanna & Company, d, ham
tile 1,a, ,I)itted this twelfth. day of A. .'•",e
• line 5r,, sreet Seines D. 5924..
• ' • ,
It It,0toett inn the. aftet noott. daMY fieiehed, -VV'inglirtn't• (DAL
" 1 I Solicitor fort tile Vendor. • ".•""I":
1.411/41/1"1" . Shortreed A. Maeleiv
en a well tet
his we, for Mn rinir 1-
111111011100111101111111111111111111111011101110.0**11/001101/1111111/*11 ' , • ' Thomas Bennett Eaq. AtictiOneer.
. •
1'11'41 ''lt4 ''f • rj1,4 ','"r'1r4
•.• -4 . 4.41,4• .4 , ••41" ; '0
.. ' • 0 Jig • •?• .Ir I • • 'I ''t• • .• • • , t • . • • ;pi" •,• ,• '
,;:••;; •" ev 1
iae,.!er eis
, , „, , , r, „ eio e t;e, 4111.1111h: ,11"1i;a4.1. '41C:(1,t rr,14114111h;.1114,i Oc;31,1!ili!ii114
.• ,