HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-19, Page 6[
wiNGILIN Aftyier ti .. ' e Delicious avor
. - tir-,,w3r* -frOm the lealres of
rablatted at
Wghun OlatIn10
Thad4vt V1011081
A. G, SMITH0Jdtor and Proprieter,
1-1. B. Elliott, AeSeeiate Editor
Ounsoriptlee ' rates: -- 940 realfo
six monib3, 41,00 in savant"
Advertising rates en ainIlloatlIgIA
, Advertisements without ISPeolile al•
reotloaa will be inserted witil forbid
end charged accordingly,
Changes fer contract advertis1a.
ments be in the calico by neon. rea-
Wellington IViuttokl Fire
Establiehed 1848
I lead OfIlce, Onelph
Risks taken on all elaas0st inSur-
a.nce at reaeonable rates.
11,111‘1111It COSENS, Agent,
017gc.e in Chisholm Block
Pu.. Box 866 - Phone 198
Victory and Other Bands Bought and
• Sold.
Office—Mayor Block, WIncharn
Money to Loan at Lowest Rate&
Winghain - Ontario
DR. G. H. RO
Eradtate Roya' College, of Dentni
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
BSc., C.M.
El:metal attention paid to diseases a
Women and Children, having taken
prAtgraduate work in Surgery, Bao
• teriologY Screntific Medicine.
Office In the Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hotel .cn.sd the Baptist
All business given careful attention.
Phone 64. •P.O. Box 113
Dr. Robt.
- .• • . „ ,e1460
bas won 'itit 0.91111i ns ott Userso Sold
by' 11 gr Buy a package today.,
tiett s " '
W1:NGHAM ADV.ANC11-TIMES. 1.11.11rOdiki, 3.0,11. 19, 19/(4.
• . e or...t.rrok.-tsssr,rew
44,40.4«Fis,44tpiem,04.44. . , 14111091alaivaosssowsmermvp.F.m
C14I s
*elfh-eis hearts eoutreenel,
Pro, itt& the magot
est cowellittga aepert."
r[fIrb, [71[4.f
guytmellgammytonktignamg 4•4:4,0"T's11,..
CHAPTER XXI. down, my deer, Would you like myshe wee quite ready to etart for the We get so muddy on the terraces in
Jean was lucky, foe shortly beFor-ecoat? It' e not very clean, I'm afraid,
Jean declined the coat settled
from calinarket. lie had a few herself on a tOeVenient boulder under
farm Carlo drew Up at the gate in the the ear• lY mornings"
FREE SAMPLE of GREER TEA UPON REQUEST, "SALAIIA," TORONTO two -wheeled cart on his way back
ter, and Jean readily availed herself "Here's a letter for you, Hugo. It
• .1.
- things to leave on behalf a bis mas- an inky splash of shade.
of the opportunity for a Het came this morning and I thought it
There was a «aUed road to the miligluitg.obeiraeObeerdtanetu•t" eagerly and
farm, but it was a long way reined,
at -
much too far for her to attempt bytthaeckedhvieseysee-vgeltaesspeusnlgatibni,s givingtime
foot, •and she had been dreading the ma very
steep mule -path. Alice would have tho7gielltl,se.noIwe—ettyiedsh, evoef tecioduyrosuelevenT
undertaken the mission of delivering
Hugcould have been sent up by o's mysterious -looking letter, or before I saw it. •1-1'nein, yes, yes!"
PAYING •PARTIES. with them, The rest of the evenin
may be devoted to games.
People in the country frequently
are taxed for the building of not only
the church of their own particular •
choice but for those of other denom- It is a fact that pure linen seems ding, and this was a good excuse for
inations lleighbOrS arid friends too expensive to use for common table taking
times a difficult one to solve. Mane; much -advised table oilcloth does not pace. Carlo's idea of travel being to
The cart rocked from side to side,
moving in a fine cloud of white dust,
and Jean held on for dear life, her
head bent against the wind to keep
her hat from blowing off. She had
no breath to spare to scold Carlo. But
on the up -grade the little horse set-
tled into a more sedate pace, Carlo
leaned back with an idle whip and,
slack reins, and presently they mere-
ly crawled. And now they were en-
veloped in a black cloud, a- cloud of
gnats and horse -flies, infinitely
troublesome. Jean fought them;
Carlo and the little horse Were indif-
ferent. It was very hot, the hottest
time of day, with the southern spring
much to the fore. e
Jean wished that she were going to
a pea_ The murmuring went on as he tore
g sant or farmer's boy going that way,
but Jean was too curious about it to
delegate the errand to anyone else.
Besides, she was longing for a brief
escape from the wilderness of stitch-
ing through which she had been plod -
are interested in. The Problem is at wear, but it is also a fact that the The- cart started off at a smart
of us have willing heart e but lean always prove to be a satisfactory sub- make the little horse gallop madly.
' •
purses, so we must sharpen up our statute for
wits in order to find means to do our A farm woman, whose dining table
part. always looks inviting, says that un -
Entertainments of various sorts bleached cotton solves her problem.
offer a solution, for they bring the She buysthe ixt three-inch width,
people together in a social way. The and uses it square, as her family is
old-fashioned pound party, apron and small. It can be used in greater
necktie party, strawberry festival and width, and longer too. For trimming,
oyster supper stood the test for many a two-inch band of fast -color checked
years and helped to build many gingham is used in place of hems.
churches, but there are newer ideas Such cloths are durable, easily
taking their place. One is a poverty made and laundered, and 'much more
party, where each guest is taxed a attractive than oilcloth.
modest sum for every bit of luxurious —
apparel or jewelry that they happen LINOLEUM FOR THE STAIRS.
to be wearing. This creates a lot of There was no stair carpet and the
fun and the judges report on the cases stairs were painted white. The ten- Lucerne on a. honeymoon, and that s le
and collect just dues before a modern ant wondered how she could keep had finished her interminable sewing,
pancake and coffee feast is served at those stairs looldng presentable, for land that she had a little more moneY•
a small sum per plate. she could not afford to buy a carpet In intervals of fighting the gnats and
The initial party is perhaps newer to fit them, which would, perhaps, horse -flies she did sums in mental
still and may not have been tried in prove totally unfitted to the next arithmetic—her greatest accomplish -
your particular neighborhood. Each farmhouse into which she might rnove. ment—and came tothe conclusion
that it would be necessary to wire
guest has to pay an admission fee For a dollar she found a remnant - . _
Christopher Smarle for a small sum,
upon arrival, gauged by the numberlof linoleum in a neat tile pattern After all, it could be paid back out of
of letters in his name; five cents for which she cut into pieces the width Alice's little savings -bank hoard.
capitals and a penny apiece for'7' the of the stair steps and about half their Weddings are not everyday affairs.
small letters. No middle names are length. One of these pieces was fas- Close-fisted Christopher ought to real -
allowed to be overlooked. There is tened in the centre of each step,- and ize that. Of course he did not know
usually a punch howl of lepeona.de or the effect is very neat and pleasing. yet that there was to be a -wedding.
fruit punch, a table of home.made The linoleum softens the sound, is Perhaps he would 13e annoyed that
candy at modest prices, awl if dancing easy to clean and looks much better they hadn't troubled to write to him,
even though he couldn't come. Some
is indulged in ten cents a dance is than a cheap carpet.
asked. This yields quite a -tidy little 1
sum and does not make an eveningi
Ond that is unduly expensive.
In one small town there were three
M.R.C.S. (Eng). churches going to be built and in
'L.R.C.P., (Land).
order to be fair the heads got to- 1.256a
PHYSICIAN .AND SURGgether and arranged their entertain-
meats so that they did not clash, and
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
each pledged to- attend them all ini-
PTpartially, and it made the greatest
harmony among the workers.
Graduate at University of Tercets. There is another point in church
Fae,uity of Medicine: Licentiate of the work that these same people cleared
Ontario College of Physicians and up and their findings are worth pass-
rg'c' ing along. At each entertainment the
Office ntrance:
women were asked to furnish food,
OFFICE IN CHISHOLM BLOCK cakes, pies, cold meats, and so on.
Usually all such.things that are not
sold or eaten are wasted, so the wo-
Dr. Margaret C.
men decided that the donator should
take home anything of hers that was
General Practitioner left.
Graduate University of Toronto. Another iden was to have a food
Faculty of Medici"' sale by each of the different groups
Office—Josephine St., two doors souof Brunswick Hotel. on three Saturdays of the month.
Telephones—Mace 281, Residence 151 leaving the fourth Saturday free for
all. At the sales home-made bread,
biscuits, cakes, pies, mayonnaise, Jel-
lies, fancy desserts, baked beans, "tieper" age. This design provides
pickles, candies and other good things a convenient closing at the inner
were offered at fair prices, and here seam, which is very practical for
again the donators took back the children below 2 years of age. The
things of theirs not sold. The sales garment may also be made with this
osteaphatic Physician
DR. F. A. P
All Diseases Tread,
Office adjoining residence next
"Anglican Church on Centre Street. -
Open every day except Monday and
Wednesday afternoons.
Osteopathy Electricity
' Phone 272
Puny Qualified Graduate.
Dregles8 Practice being in absolute
accord with the Laws of Nature gives
the very best results that may be ob.
tabled in any case.
flours -10 •• 12 a.m, 8 - 5 and 7 - 8 pen.
'Phene 191. .
DR. D. It .l-eINNES
Qualified Graduate
AulUsinients gb'an' for diseases of
all kinds, specialize in dealing With
Children. Lady attendant. Night Calle
ros pond od to.
.0meo on Scott St., WInghana, Ont.
on house of the late ;tee Walker).
Phone 150,
4568. Here d style that will
appeal to the busy mother of little
children, esPecially those of the
Pboi:SE, OMCEI: 106.
Re:Odor:6:: 224.
were wonderfully popular and profit-
An indoor picnic is a jolly affair
and has one money -making feature.
Bach worker, matron or maid, ar-
ranges a picnic luncheon basket for
seam closed, for the back is in drop
The Pattern is cut in 8 Sizes: 6
months, 1 and 2 years. A 6 months
size requires 1% yards of 36 -inch
peqple are so easily annoyed,
By the time the exhausted little
horse crawled them 'up the last steep
lap to the fair smiling plateau at the
top, Jean was in a pink perspiration
between the arithmetic. and the gnats,
open the envolep and read its con-
tents, while Hector Gaunt and Jean
waited to share in his news.
At last Sean's patience wore thin.
"Hugo, who is it from? Do stop
that silly mumbling."
Hugo looked up mightily pleased.
'/You can read it if yob. like. Only
a communication from Mrs. Egan's
solicitor. You see,'I was right. She
did owe me that money, and she did
communicate with her solicitor as she
promised she would. I was right,
wasn't I? I knew she'd pay it when
I -mentioned the matter. -It probably
slipped her mind. Ladies are so for-
getful. But of course' she's honest.
I never doubted it for a moment. So
you see I was rig,ht, wasn't I?"
He babbled on while Jean bent her
astonished gaze upon the typew-eitten
sheet. When she had finished, she
handed it to Gaunt without -Comment,
it being taken fer granted that Hugo
had no objection to his private affairs
being bandied about.
Mrs. Egan's solicitor had written to
say that acting upon her instructions
he 'had realized securities in cash to
the sum of 25,000, and placed this
amount together with, bonds to the
value of a15,000 to the credit of Mr.
Hugo Smarle, otherwise known as Mr.
John Baliss, in the Fleet -street branch
of Mercer's Bank; whose receipt, he
held,. and who doubtless would coin-
municate with Mr. Snsarle. If Mr.
Smarle required funds for immediate
use, a wire to Mr. Herbert Dowling,
manager of this particular branch of
Mercer's, would result- in a transfer
of the sum mentioned to the Boedi-
ghera branch of the Italian State
It was almost as though Hugo held
gs,00p in his hand.
Jean gazed in silent awe upon the
How had he managed ir Why had
he been so sure of getting such a -huge
sum from Tony Egan's widow? And
here it was—here but for the asking,
alb matter of ,a telegram or two. '
"You see !” said Hugo, immensely
and inclined to regard the world as puffed.
Yes, they saw, and they wondered.
saphheorte, and excessiVely troublesome
Gaunt began to question
The little farm lay grilling, -bran- "I suppose this is a genuine letter?"
quilly under
the *shiminellng sun at his tiresome eye -glasses.
Hugo laughed and lunged recklessly
waves, not a soul,,not .a sound.
d " 'Bowers'—read the name, Hector.
Jean, teeing left at the kitchen door
Most important firm of eolicitors in
entered and surprised a contente
London. 'Pon my soul, Hector, one
group of hens making a meal off -the
untidyremains of breakfast. Men's
would think that you'd lost touch with
muddy,bopts stood about with an air shee wa
s Sfraid to believe too readily1-----
of some time expecting to be cleaned.
She was afraid eo believe too readily
Other articles 'of more intimate attire f f
of future di a ointment
is a- true health soap. its
copious creamy lather
contains a wonderful health
ingredient, •NYliich' goes
deep dvv
on into every pore
and purifies your skin—,,
• The whoi.66.. hooth Q dour
of Lifebuoy vanishes a few '
seconds after usin6--but the
protection remains.
140- '4,1444r44.i.,4ati;,
, 4 41,rititOS
Lb -440 .
1 1
challenge him, now; too late for any-
thing that might make life worth
whwileith. a site
very beginning. It was too late to
ug Hector led his guests
to the omelet, the rabbit, and the
After lunch, while the little horse
was being harnessed again, Hugo
cleaned himself tp, changed his
clethes, ankpacked his bag. .
Gaunt' and Jean waited for him on
the shady verandah and discussed in
low tones the possible reason for Car-
rie Egan's remarkeble action.
Insidiously there had crept into
Jean's mind an unpleasant word. Did
blackmail lay behind the acquisition
of, that huge windfall? -
(To be continued.)
Tis not a joy that's born of wealth;
The poor man may possess it,
'Tis not alone the prize of health;
No sickness can repress, it.'
'Tia not the end of mortal strife,
The sunset of the day of life,
Or but the old. should find it:
It is the bond twixt God and man,
The touch divine. in all we plan,
And has the soul behind it.
And so thts, toast to happiness
The seed of:which we all possess.
. —Edgar A. Guest.
had been hung to dry before a fire or ear s pp ,
which had ceased to exist. Why had "And now for that telegram." Hugo
they not been spread in the sun? And got 111) and brushed himself free of
where was Maria? pine needles. He was business -like
Jean called, and presently tahedeoaldd at,:ed iihmepuogrhtta.netf. this
onvireenveeyr elleuetntleerdintge.
woman came hobbling in with a bas- his mind might be on other matters,,
ket of newly -dug potatoes and
rabbit. She did not seem any too give it a wonderful sense. of balance. '
pleased to • see company. Obviously
this was a man's house, and feminine went on. "Because rny poor wife is I
was not encouraged to pay
visits. • worried me. But, of course, after 1
society had to be prepared for and frightfully hard up, Hetor. You may
invromptu notsaNv hmavres. k
"Just in the very nick of time," he,
Egan Iit,kibletiwt Iitdwida,saloliclilyit'as''
Maria said that she thought the
matter of a few days when I'd get;
signori were in the fir grove taking a
that poor Alice might have no dowry. It's
siesta. , this news. Dear me, I was afraid
Jean went out to the fir grove,
with its humiliating for a girl to start married
delightful little plantation
odd bits of rook and floor of dry pine life with no money of her own, "and 1
disliked the idea of my daughter be -
needles, which. seemed from this lofty
eminence to survey the whole world, ing in such a position."
and found Hector Gaunt and Hugo •A flame of anger swept Hector
regularly enjoying themselves. With
Gaunt's face, found a burning centre
ill WS the in his.eYes, where it rested for
two, making it as dainty and attrac- Pattern mailed to any address on
tive as possible; then at the appointed receipt of 15c in silver, by„the Wilson
time they are sold at auction to the, Publishing Co., 78 West Adelaide St.,
highest bidders, who invite their' Toronto. Allow two weeks,for receipt
especial girls to enjoy the contents of Pattern,.
en d 15c in silver for our up-to-
eseseeeseeteemeeerg==remzeeeeereseemettee date Spring and Seamier 1924 Book
of Fashions.
ter' everys.meay
A plianSanil `' •
and agreembRe
sweet e nd, •
b el
Goad: to*
teethr; breettls
ante( ellitgestittete.'
Atteitle0S' itbe.
leieeet eldee't
taste' better. ,-
184 UB •e-,' '
• , [
el`t[IttlitilEINP,[00141%,410,1[0[I,Iin.W.$4+10[0[I-I.•[`1,[[[., .
'Keep a box of stickers in your china
closet. You will be surprised at hoW
'many times they will come in handy.
For instate, when you want to put
eerily jelly or preset:vet you call write
the variety on the sticker arid be sure
it won't :come off. .Allother use for
them is to paste ()nee the holes in
salt and pepper shakers, usually
closed with a cork
We want to leave the pg.ritry win-
their coats rolledup for p o y
rock, invt, they faded away.
layeyes s isdhe
eibae dal fdieemo n the
slgaliartrienghy eid , surd little man!" Gaunt said to him-
Actually I am jealous of this ab-
a pair of pipes and a
self. 'What does it matter if he thinks
half -emptied flask of Chianti and
"ejaunset.. otrfelAnelii:clotie asslyh,18:though Hugo's cool
as she approached their pleasant
waterinte(ii el ti beareting themram per, PthaDo 1137 gs II t Jean' Yet in a way it did seem to matter
tuary. ' assumption of parenthood simplified
neaten. lingo, like the man of the
Aloud shc said: •"So this is how you
.worke. , world which he most decidedly was
not, had swept away all awkward bale
Instantly the lazy flow of their con -
leers by the easy procees ignoring
venation ceased, they raised them -
dispose fax all time, of that old and
selves on theie elbows, and blinked them. Wasn't it 'wiser?' "Didn't it
sweet relationship which
smilingly at her.
had once existed betWeen "Hal -lo!" Gaunt eried. "Here's Jean. PainfullY
•ani toe Augustus Gaunt—and tide per -
Well, this is a surprise."
Hugo lookedto be in
tuebed little woman now knOwn
and spirits. Already lie was consid-
Highest and Lowest.
The greatest height above .sea level
Is not so great as the greatest depth'
that has bean probed below it. The
summit of Mount Everest is 29,002ft.
high, and the ocean betl between Guam
and Midway, in the Pacific, is ' 31,614
ft down. Thus, from the very top to
the very bottom is 60;616 ft. ..
• Trees' Limits.
The reason pine -trees are so often
associated with mountain scenery is
because they axso'among the few trees
that can glow at a 'very high altitude.
Pine- trees ,can grow at 6,200 feet, fins
at 6,700 feet; -but you will rarely And
an -ash above 4,800 feet, or an oak
above 3;350 feet.
Minard's Liniment *for Headache.
A man wrapped up in himself has
a shabby cloak. ,
Govexiameht• i
..„,,,...,..... .
Industria.1 " : •
• • .„,; J'',1t ' • ,
Let us send Yoe, circular ''1"-
7 Per Cent. Thee ,, Safety -se -places,
you under no obligation , what-
ever. Write for it to -day.
Dominion Brokerage Co. :
. .
... . , ,
GoimpOsed of Pure Rub-
ber, Iiighly POrou,
Rides EasY Air. Doubles
Mileage of Casings.
. . ,
Aero Cushion Inner Tire &
Rubber Co., Ltd.
%Vinghani - Ora,
Carnay? had,donathe thing '—**=-------
erably tanned and appeared to have VIrs.
• -
He jabbed at his oye-glesse.s and biS
gaze was misty and 'fat 11Way as he
added his greeting to Gaunt's.
"Wo,wete talking about the Seven
Seas," he said, "aed once wheie We
were lost and couldn't ot our bear -
lost every veetige of his bad cold.
decently and thZrotighly from the
irigs for three weeks. That was long,
befere you came to Bordiuhera with
PARTS and-svivica
Auto, Startet: Generator, Repel r
dow open „when the hot days come, Madeline Donate. Why, Hector was Coniparly.
but the duet d01118',5' in theough ehe qtiite theft, . 13tikr sit 559A Yorage St. - Toronto
ecreen, About the best things to do,
then, it to fasters a piece of white eireeeeemeee.,...e.
cheesecloth neatly over the screen on
the inside. This allows a free sir -
dilation of ale, and the frequent need
of laundering proves how mush dust
the cloth keeps out.
'rako from mail Hope and Sleep,
and you make hilt the most wretched
being on eerth.
Mieerd's Lltilment for Aohee and Paine
.‘ 0
rio wonder Smarts Me -were eeee.
so PoPeshiii They cat az
and with web little
Jeeeetieeeed wetiAleeeseee Geteie'et-ef
.e.e EVERY 11A:it/WARE EV0Fa.
, •
I . •
-0! J . ..., . 1 ' , . !e ,
iN less than one minute after
.;6::: itelo ttp,mmetacotitil,didvtiVoikartikleit4r0;::;414:o11:::tids iv. _
put into a liotrieint Pereolitor, -
percolation tenainencep. Shortly the
• . lin ii making te,,gtt,but Of oniti, ,
:4;:ett,e/eAlii:.'1;:ii:IG:,;141414161111:111.451;1010,.c.:*6:,itit' di', , , ,i.:
all'A.,rbilrt;t1,1hs4::tci4:;''."ft4rtlltklt:ilir;P;°;I:JO":iObtrf:*rt:aA'°' 11-4
• i
Hotpoint t.iivpla, of :
itiiiieiiiT,410Pitt it, , , 11' `V'ti ,fht, t , , ,14 t,tt , , „