HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-19, Page 4III. a r 011 s , 4 t thlt .414.4411 t eye ' t•• • 'Te leading feature of the radio • Programs for this week, is the trave- togue to be given from "WGY" an. Friday evening. Details are given a t4,1 WINOHAM ADVANCEeT4ME$ •• Thursday, june •191,11, x924 Om* 111 111 11151111111111111011111111111N1M11113 Thie feast was folloVed hi eoleme l'clear whiskey, doehnors' Perecripshariet 9.3o •a. Din,aer" and i111101110111111111111101111111111111111.allailllEill1E111111111111111E I ''aesiegraemeasiirasrareeleeeeereareeetea'airereareeseur 11141111411111111101 11; Pli •.,, special talk by the Woman s Editor. Pi • 9.45 a. in. -Public Health Service - SUNDAY AFTERNOON (11P • 2 The DE FOREST Set DI bulletins and talks 'on subjeets of gen- eral interest. xo.25 aan.--Official weather forecaet 11.55 a, m. -Arlington time relayed ,• reerreeeeteeereareeeeeserereatemear•ireeerataseeere , Jerusalem as a city is : a. Compactly built together; The tribes of Gocl thither. by the Western Union. , 'Unto that place. the tribes go up, Xs the la.st word. in receiving Ts p. The Detroit Orchestra 11 7'7' feet duriag which the. Levitee made 'en beetleggere, en iviry watt ev, the - S Elle people, end a ccarenant avas entered now it, sanleS loikely we are to have , , a confession of sins oil, behalf Q f the sitarnes has failed to some ixtint, an B -a into that .the seed of Israel eliould!a vote • on goverrimint s,ale. As 1- , , • , • ':: :.•:• • .• • iIr = God and Nis judginents, and His sta- re • ti el e hon all strange MOE BLAC TEA the connnancimente oftheLeuOldrdcl°0aulri eral agreement to .o , t ere. This covenant begap with a gen- , , , Concert band broadcast from Belle Pray that Jerusalem may have er ib. -65e -Per lb. til- tutes. In particular they ,bound Isle Park Peace arid felicity. , ;a-. t --t themselves -tot to give their delight- ers to the people el the land, 3.e5 p. m. -Market reports and base- Let them that love t'heetand thy peace Ft This is a. blend of Tea that F- nor 1,0 ball scores. Have still prosperity, in•the program which fo ows. ' 5 P. in......1.3aSeball scores. p. m. ---Concert by Schmeman's raa quipment. It does noe require aerial or grouted wires. Using 111 lag, only a. loop which i$ collapsible ja- i makes it easy to move from place to place. Demonstrations Daily Fe_ Lest week the Republican Conven-i, 8.3o p. in.--Coacert by Sehmenan s session n Cleveland, arid Concert band broadcast frem Belle tion was ie i Isle Park. 9.30 p. ne-The Detroit, News Or- chestra, • •all the Proceeding were broadcaste • Stations WTAA1 and WJAX of Cleve- land alternated with each other and at times as many as ten other sta- tions were connected it •by private 're so that they: too could broad. - cast this event. Stations from New York City to St. Louis participated. Detroit Y, M. C, A. Every detail coald be easily heard and 9,30 a. m.--"Tcutight's Dinner" and the whisperings of different men seat- a special talk by the Woman's Editor. ed on the platfOrni were very intelli- 9.45 a. m. ---Public Health Service gible, John Philip Sousa and • his bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- fameus band were present and offered eral interest. many Inc selections. io.25 aan.-Official weather forecast Almost every radio listener is ac- 11.55 a. m. ---Arlington time relayed quainted with the bad effect of care- by the Western Union. lessly operated •receivers. One of 12 p. in. -The Detroit Orchestra the terms applied to this type of dis- 3 p. in. -Concert by Schmeman's turbance, describes it as the "Wail of Concert band broadcast from Belle a lost Soul." It is certainly very dis- Isle Park ' agreeable when enjoying a good pro- 3.55 p. m. -Market reports and base - grain to have it suddenly ruined. De- ball scores.- Saturday, June exst 8 a. m.--Setting-up exercises by R. J. Horton, physicial director of the Lector bulbs should be kept burning es low as • possible consistent witbt good audibility, Even King George's new radfo set is rendered useless at times due to the interference experi- enced from amateurs near Windsor Castle. Many changes have taken place in t Chicago radio circles and it is now officially announced that station WD-' 5 p. ne-Baseball scores. te 8.3o p. m. -Concert by Schmenan's Concert band broadcast from Belle Isle Park. 'Station WGY-380 Meters n Geeral Electric Company Schenectady, N. Y. Thursday, June x9th AP will disappear from the air and its 5.30 p. m, -Organ. recital by Ste - place will be taken by station 'WGN phen E. Boisclair, organist, from operating on 370 inetets. The old Proctor's 1-larmanus Bleecker hall. call letters, "WJAZ" will be retained745 P. m, -A Few Moments with by the lenieth Company and they will 'New Books, L. L. Hopkins, assistant commence work at once on a new librarian; General Electric Company. 8 p. m,-Drama,"The House Next Door," by WGY players. Selection station which will, it is claimed, be the most power ful in Chicago. Chi- cago holds a very prominent position In relation to radio. Probably few comedy, 'The House Next Door, "At Little Trianon," WGY orchestra; American cities can boast of better Friday, June 2 oth .quality and variety programs. All the leading hotels seem to co-operate with the broadcasters, Station WW,j--51-7 Meters department of health. The Detroit New 7.40 P. m. -Baseball results. Detroit, IVIich.7.45 p. tn.-Mediterranean Travelo- gue, . by Jaanes A Leary Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Selection, "Mama", WGY orehestra; Yediterranean Tra- velogue Part I The Island of Maderia. Spain and Bull -fighting, Algrers and WGY players. 6 p. m. -International Sunday School lesson. • 7 35 p. m. -Health talk, N. Y. state Wednesday, June x8th 8 a. m. -Setting -up, exercises by R. T. Horton, physicial director of the Detroit Y. M. C. A. 9. -- 3 0 a.m." Tonight's dinner" and a special talk by the Women's -to editor. ts Rugs, James A. Leary; tenor sot - "When My Ships Came Sailing 9-45 a. m. -Public health service Hrome," T. Reed Vreelant; selection, bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- "Valse", orchestra; Mediterranean eral interest. Travelogue -Part II, Tunis and Sur - 10.25 a.m.-Official weather forecast rounding Country (/) -The Dancing 11.55 a. ne-aaArlington time relayed Dervishes Constantinople, Jerusalem, tarli E- FL NIGAN'Si FL- Music Store till 111 111E111 111 r oilman 111 11 Mrs. Jack Sprat will drop ail at the ra- dio studio and have some fun witb,the children. 6.45 p. nn. -News bulletins. 7 p. m. -Baseball scores. 7.30 p. m. -Safety addresses, by F. H. Babcock, safety agent of the Pitts- burgh and Lake Erie, R. R. 7.40 P. m. -National Stockman and Farmer market reports. 8 p. m. -Sacred aoncert by the Wese tinghouse band, T. J. Vastine, conduc- tor. 9.55 p. m. -Arlington time signals, Weather forecast. Baseball scores. by the Western Union. 12 p. m, -The Detroit News Or- chestra. 3 p. ma -Concert by Schmeman's concert band broadcast from Belle Isle park. , 3.eo pen. ---Official weather forcast. Cairo and the Great Pyramids, Janees A. Leary; tenor solos, "Roses D'Azur' "L'Heure Exqpise", "Le Reve" from from "Manon," T. Reed Vreeland; Mediterranean Travelogue -Part III, Luxor and the Valley of the Kings; Naples; (-) Vesuvius and Little Ves- 3.55 p. ma -Market reports and wits, James A. Leary; selection, baseball scores. "Extase," orchestra; tenor solo, "La 5 a. m. -Baseball scores. Serenata" T, Reed Vreeland, selection, 8.30 p. in. -Concert by Schmeman's from Belle "Arioso," orchestra. concert band broadcast Isle Park. 10.30 9, m.----Progeam by Paramount 9.30 ee ria -The Detroit News, iota c?-nicert orchestra. Selectson, "Some-. o hestr •. - . beay Stole My Gal", Paramount Con- cert orchestra; Katherine Shackford, , - Thursday, June Igtla piano; Lucy Millhouse, violin; Terry s - 8 a. m. -Setting -up e..,,xercises by R. Jonas, banjo; John Keel,' E -flat alto J. Horton, physical director of the saxophone; .Chester Millhouse, drums; Detroit Y. M, C. A. • selection, "Never Again," orchestra; 9.30 a. mr--"Tonight's dinner" and tenor solo, "Heartbroken Rose" Leo a special talk- by the Woman's editor. Pearlman; selection," Struttin' Round" 9•45 a. m. -Public health service orchestra; selection, "From One Till bulletin and talks on subjects ee gen_ Two", orchestra; selection, "Stop eral interest. Teasin* " oechestra; tenor solo, "The 10.25 aare-Official weather forecast 11.55 a. m. -Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 12 p.m. -The Detroit News Orches- tra. 3 p. m. --Concert by Schmeman's concert band broadcast from Belle Park.Isia 3.50 p. m. -Official weather forecast. 3 in. -Market reports and some Little China Doll," orchestra. Thursday, June xgth $ p. m. --Baseball seores. 5.30 p. ne-Dinner concert by the KDKA Little Symphony orchestra, Victor Sandek, conductor. 6 p. m. -Baseball scores; dinner concert continued. 6.3o p. ne-The children's period - "The Man, the Alligator, and the Cun- ning Mr. Rabbit." 6.45 p, m. -News bulletins. 7 p. m. -Baseball scores. "Your Garden this Summer," prepared by the Radio Garden editor, Newrak, N'. Y. 7.15 p. m. --Program arranged by the National Stockman and farmer, including the market reports. • 8 p. m. -Concert of Civil War and other old time xnelodies, presented by the KDKA Little Symphony, orches - era, Victor Saudek, conductor;' Irma Carpenter, soprano; Mabel King, con- tralto; Roy Strayer, tenor; Ethel Whittlesly,elearp. Broadcast from Car- negie Lecture hall, Pittsburgh. , 9.55 p. ma -Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Baseball scores. 10 p. m.. -Concert. :161 r1t for 65c per pound, caret ee. marry the Caeaarnitish women them- • Fe beat. it is - selves; and secondly they determined rt, • PRAYER that Sabbaths and, holy clays should We glare, Thee the thanks for all men GOOD TEA be strictly kept, and that no foreign traders should be allowed on such and women who have F. days to • offer wares or victuals for in their day and = generation been raised up by Thee to7RESH EGGS sale. This covenant was witted and bring about referms to purify the life signed by Nehemiah, the priests, Le - Friday, June zoth 5 p. m. -Baseball scores. 6 „p.m. -Baseball scores, dinner con-, cert contineed. 5.30p. m. -The Children's period -- when Farmer John will discuss his "Four Musicians." 6.45 p. m. -"Quaint Quebec" and "Bermuda This Summer" by' Grayee Drpitt Latus, travel editor of The Pittsburgh Post. 7 m. -Baseball scores. 7.30 p. m. -Address by the Uritted States bureau of mines, 7.40 P. m. -.--National Stockman and. Partner market reports. 8 p. m.:=Popular concert by the K.DKA. serenaders, Victor Saudek, conductor. 9.55 p. m. -Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Baseball scores. Saturday, June asst 5 p. m. -Baseball scores. 5.30 p. m. -Dinner concera 6 p.m.--13aseball scores, dinner con- cert continued. 6.30 p. m. -The children's period - "How Isabell won the Princes with Song." 6.45 p. m. -List Minute Helps to Teachers of Adult and Secondary of the nation and of the individual. . . lutes and princes. TAKEN IN TRADE Grant that we may each in his and her own place do -with diligence the work assigned to us that Thy king - PULLING DIFFERENT WAYS dom. may come and. Thy will be done , . OVIrHind Gam "1 lift to d.epind on, barrin the- ta „ _ To the Edit= av the AdYnnee-Toirnee fig- • multiplicashuu table. • , on earth as it is in, heaven. Through = said inrwan av me fermer latbere, I don't know av,a betther man than me- silf to run wan av thin diepinsharies,, if the payple decoidc to have thine, but tink Mishter Ferghoon an the other byes at 'Toronto. do be :match). a big mislitake 'to shtir tip the mat:herr at all, at all. Shure lis" total prohi- bishun an' the sit -topping av tbe inanu- faeture importashttn av the slituff, that all the shtrong timperence pay-, pie do be wantin, thim is matthetse for the Dominiori Parlyraint, so evley can't Wishter Ferguson lave well enough alpne, so to shpake, an pass. the buck to thim Grit an Progress-, ive lads down Ottawa? Which goes -to sbow that even mimbers eer theTory parthy don't always agree, an will]) this is the case we heven't Deer Sur, -- • r • = er 1 ' , linotl tay, SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR y Yours 'till nixt wake, Jesus Christ our Lord. Ainen. .-65e-Per 1 often wondher, so I do, how T* this ould wurruld manages to kape No where- do we think it pos- rnovin \ at all at all wid sit manny , JUNE zznd, 1924 11 - grind it fresh ifor each :custom- diffrunt ways. Ye kin harrudly foind - er. Drink a cpp of .rt, freshly its-tir two fellahs to sa3r the same ting, an, One of those events which come'tos Golden Text--1Vfal. 3:7. - you'll never drink a.ny other salyeinthldsoannelegittina;ntywoevicaen, the lot of, very few was celebrated: on Monday by Mr. arid Mrs, Adam Lesson Passage-Neht. Sa-3, 8-1z. it ground and fleshly (made, and n inliladnadetoye a• sible to obtain finer coffee. We min, an 'wimmin' too, 411 BELGRAVE Lesson Title -Reforms Undei Ezra • • , . . and Nehemiah. = The Jews say that Ezra., who was a E Fee WI. The Quality Food Store ,IT'S ALL COFFEE sayin. the same ting all the toirne for 60 Halliday naeaely a Diamond Wedding. - barrin a Choinaman, an he is mebby ready scribe in the la* of Moees, col- years ago the 15th of June Mr. lected, all the copies of the law he H llida and Miss Robertsoii were - could find with all the prophetical, historical and poetical writings that .had been -given by divine irispiraton and, with the addition of the pro- phecies and histories of his own time, formed the Old Testament. He stud-• ied not only to know the law himself but to do it and to teach it to others, 1 Some years after the temple was fin- ished he was sent by Artaxerxes, the king of Persia to inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem whether the temple was built, the priesthood es- tablished and the sacrifices offered in aacorclance with the law of Moses, and, if things were not according to divine appomtment, he was to set in order the things that ewere wanting. He was intrusted with silver and gold freely given be; the king and his coun- sellors and collected from his sub- jects that there might be no lack of money with which to provide offer- ings for the altar..., The king instruct- ed him further that "whatsoever more shall be needful for the house of thy God, which thou shalt have oc- casion to bestow, bestow it out of the king's treasure -house." -The king al- so instructed him that ,it should not be lawful to impose toll, tribute or custom upon any one connected with the temple service. He was also to appoint magistrates and judges from amongst the Jews who would see that the laws of God were duly enforced and taught to those who were ignor- ant of them, Thus a heathen king did reverence to the God of -heaven Ezra set to work to gather out. of Israel chief men to go up to Jerusa- lem with him and he wrote of this un- dertaking thus: "I was strengthen- ed to undertake the services as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me to direct' and support me." .Ezra and his company were broug:ht in safety to their journey's end and "they delivered the king's commission unto the king's lieutenants, and to the governors, on this side the river; and they furthered the people, and the house of God," Ezra saw toth- ing amiss in the life of the people, but very soon information was brought to hint that many of the people had been disobedient to the command of God that they should not make mar- riages with the heathen nations round about them. Ezra felt this to be a great dishonor clone to God and he showed his grief by rending his gar- ments and tearing his hair, but after- wards he rose up and went to the One I Love," Leo Pearlman; selec- Classes, by Carma.n Cover Johnson, house of God, fell upon his knees and tion, "Sunshine of Mine," orchestra; teacher of the Men's Bible Class, prayed, confessing the kin ..pf the peo- selection, "Paradise Lost", orchestra; First United Brethren Churcleo Wilk- ple. He then called a general assem- selection, "Back in Hacksacla New insburg, Pa. bly of the people and laid the charge Jersey," orchestra;' tenor solo, "Pal _ 7 P., m. -Baseball scores "Sporting before them. of My Dreams," Leo Pearlman; se- -KaTie-11" by Jarhea Long sport They admitted the truth of the lection, "Nine O'clock Sal", orchestra; writer of The Pittsburgh Sun. charge and said: "As thou bast eaid selection, "Don't Waste Your Tears 8 p. ma -Concert by the Allen Trio, so much we do." He and certain Over Me," orchestra; selection "Lone- all ye kin undershtand UT S talk. If ye git e. shtrang-e praicher yer Church he will loikely conthradick sonietieg the regulag , man has been married at Lot 38 con. 9 We. an $h , w o . They have seven of a family Mrs,. Dave Dunbar, Wawanosh, Mrs. Ste- 111E111E111 11 111E111 111 11 11 11 11 111 111 romp4440.6464400saio4m.0466. , (74, baseball scores. p. m. -Baseball scores. 8 p. m. -Concert by Schniemants -concert band broadcast from Belle Isle park. 9.30 p. Detroit News Or- chestra. eo p. m.-Daace music by Jean Go- idltette's orchestra broadcast from the Graystone ballroom. ' ix p. m. -The Detroit News Orches- tra. • Friday, June 2oth 8 a. m. -Setting -up exercises by R. j. 'Horton, physicial director of the Detroit Y. M. C. A. RS 4,11, 1re Saturday, June 2xst 8.30 p. in. -Dance music by orches- tra of Hotel Ten Eyck, Albany, N.Y. Station 'KDKA-326 Meters Westinghouse Electric Pittsburgh, Pa. Wednesday, June x8th. • 5 p. rn,-Baseball scores. 5.30 p. m. -Dinner concert by the Pittsburgh Athletic Association or- chestra, Gregorio Scalzo, director, 6 la in. -Baseball scores; dinner concert continued, 6.3o p. children's period - 1-1 811 ' 440 . THE HYiR0 SIT 811 'P11 13 9 0 0 - We Sel caarys Electric Ra Moffatt Electric Hydro La otp ges a.nges Ps t Appliances '1 m14, of violin, cello and piano. 9.55 p. tn.-Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Baseball scores. TOWN OF WINGHAM Province of Ontario Tenders For',Water Works Reservoir Sealed Tenders will be received by the Secretary of the Utilities Com- mission until 8 p. m. IYIondaY, June 3oth., 1924, for the construction of a Reinforced Concrete Reservoir, chiefs of the. fathers 'were apaointed to hear and try each case and judge., according to the evidefice and many strange wives were sent back to then own people and thus was the national life purged and ungodliness turned away from the lives of the people through the influence and work of Ez- ra, the man of great piety and holy zeal. A period of thirteen years inter- vened in the history of Ezra and the Jewish people when Nehemiah ap- Specification, Plan General Condi- , peered on the scene. The wall o the ,tions, and Bond at office of Secretary, Towe Hall, Wingham, and at Engin- eer's Office, Mail Building, Toronto. Copies of Plan and Specgication will not be given out to Contractors, The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. W. H. Gurney, Esq Chairman Utilities Commission. W. A. Galbraith, Esq.,- Secretary, Utilities Commission, 'Wingliam, Chipman & Power, Engineers, Tor- onto, Ont. • MI Our Prices are Right. - Our Work is the gest. ,611 We kAuarautee Everything Weamen. ligharki Crawford Block. Exhume Body A Secoad Time Decision to again exhume the body. of William Hone, Elute Township cattle man, found dead at his home on May 28 with a bullet wound. in his head was reached following the ar- rival in 'Toronto yesterday of Inspec- tor McCaffery of Kitchener, who has taken charge of the case for the Pro- vincial Police, Mai the bddy is exhumed again a skilled pathologist with Special 'knoveledge of bullet wounds will con- duct the autopsy. Otte of Chief Cor- oner Graham's experte in this city will likely be thosee. for the Special post inortem. IN 'T'llere was a post mortem held on No Wednesday attended by three doe- = . , NI tors from the vicinity of Listowel, but itil tolaventellOcti will be told at a - ., . . ,, . , „.. Tlii , , mi 1 • 6 0 - ‘11 .1, is tiOW tOt opinion ex earo'ven of- IT-ri reasonable pride. Tins is 4 Dar. m ti ities MI ficers that there should be ariother = ihAtin, IR autopsy with a, skilled PathOlOgiSt in ifil "' --- ' t-- ,, 41, e.harge. ' city was still utbuilt and the people ett•,• It '" ilia Flowers Bedding Plants, Funeral and Wedding Flowers MRS. WM. SNEATH Box 42. Tel. 142. 8 poundm into ye fer wakes, an if ye wart, near Bayfield, Mrs. Wa ter, are a rounder loike mesilf, attind Brussels, Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. G. the diffrunt churches, purtty soon:ye Proctor, Adam and Donald of the, , don't know what to belave, an ye dee West. Mr. Hailiday is in his erste coide to pertind yet lumbago is wurse yeati and both are.hale and hearty for• an to tell the missus ye cati't shtand their years. May they be spared to sittin in the harrud sates (which is no loya only she can't see the point) an to let her go to Church be her lone. After she has gotie ye lock up the house an put the kay undher the mat ,an go aff fer a walk in the bush an sit down ott a shtump an tink tirks out fer yersilf. Fourteen min, say that the Minish- ter av I..abor oil not be blamed fer Nehemiah told the king that he want- ed to go to Judaea to build the wall of Jerusalem. He was granted permis- sion to go and also appointed. govern- or of Judaea which position he filled for twelve years. When he reached Jerusalem he -went quietly to work to investigate the conditioie of the city and in order to do this without arous- ing suspicion hedid it at night.. Hav- ing fully satisfied himself that the walls could be repaired he told the rulers and the people why he had comeeand then added, "Come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem," and they answered, "Let us rise up and build." • As was the caie when the temple was being built the ene- mies of the Jews left no stone un- turned, no way untried to hinder the work. But under the direction of Ne- hemiah it was prosecuted with such courage and diligence that in fifty- two days it was completed. "The people had a mind to work" and con- sequently the fall was finished before the enemies thought it was well be- gun. Having built the wall for pro- tection he next appointed men •to guard the gates • and watchmen at stated distances .upon the walls as sentinels to give notice of approach- ing enemies. His next undertaking was to take a censueof the people. Verses 1-3:8-12-A Great Assembly. On the day of the Feast of Trum- pets, spoken of in Deut.: "In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath, a me- morial of blowing of trumpetsanalioly convocation; the Jews were called to- gether from the various towns and villages of the -country, and assembled in the court in front of the water - gate." Ezra, the scribe, appeared upon the scene again. He took his stand by the side of Nereiniah and, from a wooden pulpit erected for the occasion, read to the assembled p,eo- ple Out of "the book of the law of IVIOses." •• Six, priests stood on his right, and seven on his left, while thir- teen Levntes, stationed at different places in the crowd, explained what was read to the people, When Ezra opened the book the people all stood up and gave good heed to what was read. atIl the people treept. when the3r heard the words of the law Ibr the were in "great affliction and re- proach." • Nehemiah -was aa 1 important official at the Court of King Artaxerxes and it happened one day that a visitor from Judaea appeared in his presence and told of the condition of their fel- low -countrymen. This preyed on his mind so that the king noticed he was in trouble and inquired the cause. ,..................r_..... Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings and Marriage Li- cence InfOrmation - at W. R. Hamilton's, Jeweler mmmam mom fflmmtunamaimmulOP PL1 Fine Residence Fa3r Sale celebrate a few more anmverearies is - the wish of their many friends. Mr. Findley Anderson is the only ohe liv- ing now who attended their wedding 6o years ago, he is in his 85th year. West to attend the Diamond Wedding- Mr. Dan Halliday is home frorn the -- of his parents Mr. and Mrs: Adam „ Halliday. Miss 'Dorothy Bridgeshas gone on as, dhrawin his money out av the Home viait with friends in Detroit. Bank whin he lamed it wus -goin to Mr. E. Wightman of Broderick, bust, an sivin min an wan warnman Sask., is renewilig old acquaintances. say diffrunt. The Judge says that the Another old resident of this vicini- Home Bank shud hey been invishtiga- ty in the person of Mrs. John Camp - ted in 1916, an mebby closed up thin, bell was laid away in the Brandon but Mishter Thomas Whoite says Cemetery on Saturday last. She -- that, be rayson av not knowin tall the leaves to motirn her loss two daugh- circumshtances, ay the case, the Judge ters, Mrs. Sims of Blyth and Miss - has no roight to deceide wan way Minnie, of Chilton.; Hugh and Joe,....- arr nother; but only to give his proi- near Brandon Man., Robt. a vate opinyun. Agent and Harry on the old home, Mebby ye will tink that this con- The family were all home for the- thradicts what I said at the furst. av funeral. ' this letther, but slime, it only proves Mr. • and Mrs. John Stewart rejoice - it, fer didn't I tell ye that •Itarrutily over the arrival of a young son. Con--- anny man- cud say the same ting gratulations. twoice. An besoicles that if Mishter Fielding shud be brought up befoor the same payple tomorry they wud reverse the verdict, arr mebby reverse the charge, arr sind collect. Ye will see if I say the same ting tvvoice it pooves I am betther than rnosht min; an the hecipshun that proaes the rule, an if I conthradict rriesilf it prove, PI tvit storey brick dwelling) well situated and with incident BLUEVALE The Woman's Institute met Thurg- day, June iz, at the home of Mrs. j.. W. King, aftee the regulate business. tV,:•,•` Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge gave a -paper etre "Farm Life and its Enviroments.a Dr. • Calder of Wingliana gave an excelle that ine fursht sheatemirtt wus correct. ,ent talk on "Small Pox", Which was a, If ye alt sick wan dochtor• will ad- e ox special interest owing to the re- voise ye to take panty ay, ixercoise. an another wall:tell ye thee ye nade complete resht; wan will tell ye to ate plinty av good wholesome fud. an angther will tell ye to fasht, wan will give ye a tonick, an another will twist yer neck The only thing Ye kin de - Float 1St Abner ols • • They are talkitil; of ,vvriting Shine R t ttlopoitmototastoolontitscotlionatticl hatiranee =it ea , a .0. - :new command.rnattis. Wouldn't it be 0,00111.**O*11e$11111111010liiiilli011itlilill111160,101$0111100110!illii,01 better ,to try the did tett ftrsti , •,.• . „ • • , , „ „ pind on is that tbey will pull yer leg, as nee bye that wus in France Mas. Duff is not improving int wud say. health as rapidly as her many friends If ye go into the Council Chamber on Coort day, ye will hear wan lawyer, on Coorr day, ye will wan, lawyer, prove that the prisoner is guilty av poisonen his nayber's dog, ars ,gettin ee„ drenk on shwarnp whiskey, an the "---• Quite a number from this vicinity "" other lawyer prove he is immeint. cent epidemic at Windsor. The musi- cal program consisted of a piano so- lo by Mrs, Gibson, a reading "The Or- gan Builder" by Mrs. Will Henderson and a vocal solo by Miss Margaret Grarniss. Roll Call was interesting - and instructive answered by telling "Something Worth Knowing." would • like. . Mr. Jno. Davidson and . Mis$ Mae, - Davidson Wroxeter, spent Sunday at the home of 'Walter S. and Mrs. pa- • attended the Mesonic Service held in Methodist Church Wingham, on Sun- lefebby twinty witnesses are heard, a.n day evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss and Olive and Mr, ad Mrs. F. B, Scott,. spent Sunday With relatives at Sea- orth, - Mr. Jas. Ntchol is erecting a new wood shed the judge wroites down all they say, an then reserves his decision till he has toirne to weigh the ividence, on his office scales, anrgives his verdict aCcordingly. Av coarse if it isn't a serious case he simply counts the wit- nesses on aitch sdide an decoides in favor "ay the -greater number. Wid regard to the liquor quistion, we hey troied chape whiskey, almoet as free as wather in the mild days, thin we had. licensed bars, local option And yet -it is hard to believe that the Lord intended a woman to spend all her life with a grouch of as hus.- b d Scott Act, two per ant beer, 0. T. . 111111111111MUNIESEMORNMEIMINIIIMULIIIISIMIIIIIIIIM NI11 Thur., Fri., Sat., June xg,e2o, ,and 2x •1 • Harold Lloyd in Safety Last W You'll explode with laughter! Risk a rib! 'Smiles, giggles, 011 MI shakes and .rdars positively assured until you hit the heights of hi- Et larity then funcontrolled laughter is absolutely guaranteed 1w aert"" El ALSO COMEDY "POST NO NO BILLS" Prices 360 and zoc ' • N ' Mon. and "Ttiee., June.23 and. 24, a In saw themselves gtulty before o . "'YOUR FRIEND AND NIINEI' bade' them to afnia their souls thus NI of the Modern people of today. • Those in charge of the assembly'for-111 Featuring Willard Mack and Enid Bennett. a society drama g ALSO COMEDY "LE'T'S BUILD" it fOr the day was a holy day, and there- a fore they must put on. the garirrents eat , of praise, instead of the spitit, of ' • . heaviness. They -were to be glad and iMENNMMINEMMENIIMMENNIMINOMMilliMMilliMMOSS Nehemiah commanded them to show • , %81C11 54'"" gladness by feasting instead of fasting, He also enjoined upon them to be not utuniadful of other less It is worth vvhile to deliver cream favored than themselves, and send r earn direct to Creamery. Xf 300 to 500 portions unto them fot whott nothing per can interests YOU as a produc- is prepared "The joy of the Lord is your etreitgth." It wes itot to be beeeeee,,,,,eereademeeekeeeeeeee--,,,-....-. -ear- • trierely naaterial feast but a recog- Get ottr prices before iriarket ing elsewhere. tiition that God's bountiful dealings -were intended to incline theta to .)e H. ,. , . . like-rnindecl. They followed the dir- g g a Igo ections given them, their, weeping was .....„„--.......,:-.444,........,,,.......,,,,,,,,,,......,_ because they had the fat to eat and. stifled and they made great mirth and • , 4 ,,,. th pays to look after eggs and sell the sweet to urinlc, but because ey that were . we grade thein, . , , • ... had ttuderstood the words declared unto them, Wheti.they first ' . . „ We are newt; having hat Weather, At this tithe of .year eggs aettrt. ate 'very quickly. We are paying highest price for quality eggs, it on graded basis. Bring your ..eggs 'heard they wept but when they tinder- Ti , stood they rejoiced, le United Farmers Co -Op. C Ltd Zach day portiotts of the law were Oft 6 rtad, by Ezra, Such 0, celebration. of 114/Inghaln " Oat ar the feast had not been ktiowit aee the days' of Joshua •the son of :Nkut." Am6twinist1.11lietnikimeedzleiivii4attolik*110.64001,4**iirim-n-sleinkrtmieligi.6.0•140.1iiivoitesoiniiiitlommetEiiiviititmilirneofh*,./iiik.014,4orokk. - , t, --------------------- ' ' • , ,• , •••••• „ , , it,„„ tt,t, t 4 - •