HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-19, Page 2k lir rid osr, {tt�;aa* x ti x„ 3:92ej.
'Most... Have ,v
Some people are lucky --they don't have to save. Most of us
do, however, That's why a Million and more people trade each
week at DOMINION STORES, where the savings are steady.
at tri sacrifice'to quality,
20 Bars (P.8r.
G.,,Pearl. and Comfort, Castile) 1•U
4 l. tin -
lib. jar ..-
BEANS, small, 2 for -5c
BEANS, medium -19c
24 -lb. Bag WHITE ..84c
1-1b. Tin D. S. L.
'PRUNES, 2 lbs. -
(35 -ox), Sour ..40c
Mixed or Chow -
No, 3 TinLARD- -49cc
SALMON, 1.1b
SALMON, /z -
Ib, -
SARDINES, 4 tins =2
SYRUP, 1-1.b. tin
5-1b, tin -
4-1b. Jar RASP. tele,.
. s J,,nket — 2 for 25c
(in powder or tablet) Lemonade, Orangeade, Powders
COFFEE, 1 -lb. tin -��� Machine Sliced, lb. 4s
COFFEE, 1/2-1b. tin -33c lb. - - - - .23c -
POWDER " (Star
and Handy), 3 for
(Sliced):, lb. - -
12 -oz. tin -
16 -oz. Bottle LUNCH c
Nothing is more disappointing or less excusable than
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teas and invite comparison with the best in the country.
Either iced or served piping hot, it is delightful.
Let us help you plan your vacation so that there will be no
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X1401-IAit4 ADVANCE-rtlY,t.:;
qn.�xw.M-w!'I.wii^'rl.w'.uN°"ipa+ M'ww!wwwmWl'4w�MMM)MM+' M'!^M'!M. vv.^.'t'Mwwiw•w. I.M-r,"!=“..tr,...-^4......„..
t, in that direction was taken in $1,208.75 'anti lea
' wing $zalf}3 of repairs R;re,xxeaessasy, and some IU1
andel step of fita
and the deficits very anaterially re deficit to catry £�az^wsird, East 1Vatva chases will have to be made to take.:
d 1,V find. that whereas 9 nosh a one mill rate for five tears care of ordinary wear and gear and
IIyM+•wW�M wY!YwvWww""w,ni^�rW'�!N!4tM
duce e rn that c . " -
inuuteloalitles had surpluses under the raising $8,024 and leavinga deficit general upkeep,
previous equalization there are 17 of $2,065.35 to carry forward, Brits- Re Children's Shelter, we recpm-
under the past three years equaliza sell, one 411 each for two years, leav- mend that one bed;oofnt pe repaperec
tion leaving deficits, and . these sur- ing $1,160,93 to carry forward as a
that the floors of two loon
pluses have been employed men- deficit; Exeter one mill for three t d and
tinned are not sufficient to justify any years" to raise $51,614,60, leaving $1,-
other course in the case of 11 of them 213.20 to carry forward as a deficit;
than to; resort to special levies, if the Wroxeter, one mill for each of five
same treatment is to be meter out to years leaving a balance of $1,479.25
those in arrears as was done in the of a' deficit to'carry forward.
previous equalization. All surpluses must be carried for
�, case in point is Ashfield, By the ward as well as deficits.
former equalization . that township A'large proportion of the increased
had still to pay 2 4-10, mills in spec- expenditures in most municipalities
cial assessments 1924, 25 and 26. By in arrears has been caused by con-
arrangement of crediting former i
surpluses Ashfield is releived of half tenanstructiceon, costso will be
the higherfuture andnlaiuof-
a 1)u11 next year and. the 4-10 mill iii ford these municipalities an oppor-
1926, or a reduction of 9-zo of a mill; ttinity to restore equilibrium between
giving that township a deficit • 0f expenditures and receipts, and as
$993.62 to be carried forward to a .,of
soon as this is done or approximately
tore adjustment. reached special levies should cease.
Taking the six years' term of equa- Beyond the special allowances
lization into consideration the maul- - in former "' ---
cipalities having surpluses to their --
the difficulty in arriving' at a fair es -
credit are as follows': Hullett, $99.- timate of special considerations as to
44; McKillop, $572.48; Stanley, $r,- mileage, county machinery, etc., your
655.39; Stephen, $924.42; committee did not deem it wise to
seaforth, make any recommendations.
Goclerich Town, $6704,05;
$4,967.90; Hensel., $1,836.86. The house of refuge committee re-
ported, as follows;
Those municipalities having d'eficiti we met at the County Home on the
t ..' --. -' 2nd, audited the quarterly accounts
are as follows: Ashfield $e. 801 8°'
Colborne, $4,287•16; Goderich town -
and. found them correct and according
• to vouchers produced. '
, everything in good order, and consid-
We inspected the Home and found
borne, $2,351,75; East Wawanose,
er that the new manager and matron
$10,091,35s West Wawanosh, $737.32;
tes n no complaints ' all being
doing favorably, considering the back -
Of those two groups those having ward spring. It was found. that they
Hay, W. Wawanosh, Wingharn, Bay- could not plant sugar beets as antend-
which seem to be doing well.
Re motion of Messrs. McNaughton
so have good acreage of onions,
surpluses will expect these to be car-
ried forward to their credit, while in ed,
the second group, Goderich township,
field and Blyth, the arrears are not and Naylor, re furnishing clothes, we
levies, but that these deficits will be recommend the same be adopted if
large enough to be subject to special
carried forward as the other men- not already provided for by bylaw.
tioned and dealt with under future mate be accepted without sufficient
This was to the effect that no in -
1 equalization. settlements. All rates clothing being provided.
mentioned in this report to be levied Re pay sheets amounting‘to $e9 de -
as special rates to be levied fOr two layed in payment on fhe septic tank
or three years, until such „time as ancount, we recommend the same
these municipalities now in arrears be paid.
to be relieved from further levies. Re the matte -r of the 'tile account
may be justified by favorable result
The committee has not taken into ac- there being a dispute as to the num-
acrcen.t any interest charge or allow-
ber of tile, we recommend this'be re-
ferred to Engineer Patterson" for ad. -
The special levies recorninended We recommend if any Government
were as follows: Ashfield one mill this grants are paid in. future, that this
year and a half mill in 5925, raising be credited to the House _of Refuge
$3,895.2o and leaving a deficit of account,
$998.62 to carry forward; Colborne, a The auditors reported an overdraft
mill a year for two years, leaving $1,- of $2,812.49 and the following ele'ben-
243.16 or a deficit to carry forward; ture liabilities: To pay in 1925, $22, -
Exeter, $2,827.80; Wroxeter, $2,230.s
1 an,
the hallupstairs be repainted, Re motion of IVl:.essrs. 'Backer and
that a new single Mattress be pur- Hanley giving; a grant of $zoo tc(the
chased for one 'of the boys' beds.. Salvation Arrny, we recommend, that
R ,, Registry Office, we recornn1end a'grant of $xoo^be made.
sp gin;
1,1,01ds, the Ootario Legislature and Meeting with reference to highWay,s,
effect that sbe had not resiRnQd. cis 'Mo d b Ipr seconded by'
iligr°11 111, 040-, Mr. Beattie, that Messr5. Robertson,. .
. Rol the, request Qf ,the Canadian Na- ileeb,,Saunders' and f-fanleY be ,coni-
grant., we recomrnend rio action, Agricultural Enquiry Cenrimissio
Clinton on the 12111.
that the floor in the wash room be. re- Re motion oMessrs, Middleton
paired, and that the fence ,at the back and. 13uchanan requesting an increase
of the office be put into proper shape,
That the wooden window frames be
repainted and that the iron shutters
(fer the windows) which are becoming
corroded with rust, be painted with a
good substantial iron paint; and that
some new oil cloth be purchased for
the front' office.
Re jail, we recommend, that suffi-
cient paint be purchased to repaint
the fences, enclosing the jail yards
at the north and south sides of the
Re Court House, we recommend
that 32 sectional book cases, With
tops and bases, be purchased to take
care of the valuable law books, whieb
at preserte are 'Unprotected; that some
necessary changes be made in the
lighting in'the law library and the
janitor's wash room that the location
of the steps on stairs leading into the
basement be attended to as the pre-
sent stairs are dangerous and liable to
cause a serious accident.
We also recommend that prices be
obtained for the installing of a lava-
tory and sanitary conveniences on the
lower floor or baseinent of the Court
House as the present lavatories are
soon going to require considerable re-
pairs and alterations and their pre-
sent location does not give the neces-
sary convenience which the Court
Grey mill a year for 3 years, rais- 00o, 1926, $23,500; 1927, $44,500; 1928,
ing $8,572.50 and leaving a deficit of $39,500; 1929, $20,000; 1933, $18,5oo;
$1,245-99 to`tarry forward; flowick, a total debentures, $168,00o; total lia.-
mill for ,one year and half a mill for bilities, $170,812.49. Of the deben-
another, raising $5,072.85 and leav- tures $148,000 -are patriotic debentures
ing $962.78, of a deficit to carry for and $2o,000 bridge debentures.
wa.rd; Morris, half a mill this year, - On examining the treasurer's vault
raising $1,245.90 and leaving a deficit sye find it full of obsolete 'orders,
to carry forward of $1,319.56; T1.1.111- NstuOlgtgChesettStoa ntdh eo 1 dc opuanpeenr st ha antd awt sevaosut da.
berry; one mill this year, leaving a
deficit of $I,56446 to carry forward; part of this be destroyed to make
Usborne, half a 'mill this Year, rais- room for important papers. '
We are of the opinion, as has been
expressed in former audits, that an
audit of the treasurer's books should.
be made quarferly. This itself would
not only •be of great assistance to.
your :treasurer and auditors,•but the
information obtained would be of
great benefit to your council at their
June and December ineetings.
Your auditors consider that ent are
entitled to more information than we
receive, regarding the receipts of the
Huron County' Horne.
We audited the books of the Chil-
dren's Shelter and the schoohaccounts
and found them correct.
The treasurer's books were in good
shape and we found. the bank balan-
ces correct. '
The finance committee reported on
a number of accounts.
With refereece to an accottnt of Mr.
C. A. Reid, for $256 for clerical assiet:
ance, the committee recommended
that this be not paid, as these ac-
counts are paid in accOrdince with
In connection with the account of
W. Brydone of $43.07 re ejectment
proceedings we recommend that more
precautions should be taken by com-
mittees before iticuring such expens
House requires.
The executive committee reported
as follows:
Re communication from MrseE. M.
Griffin, we recommend that this coun-
Those Signboards
A 'that dealt in marmalade had
tried fOr years to get my trade; their
to abide by the January decision of asis me why in heck I, didn't btiy., at
times, a peck of sterling goods . they
this county' coutmil.
Re motion of Messrs. Hubbard and placed'on deck, and sold prices low.
McCuteheort giving a grant of $1000 'Your marmalade," 1 made reply, "is
to the Iittron Plowmen's ASSociation, •surely pleasing to the' eye, anti I would
we recommend that-, no grant ' purchase a supply, but for your bone -
made. . I head play, you advertise it on a si"n
In dealing with this report in coin- ithat,,desecrates a, landscape fine, and
ruittee it was decided to snake an in- shuts off from these eyes of mine the
crease of 825o to each of the hospi- 'view of moor, and bay, There are a
tals and to pay the $loo to the Plow- million other men who'd like to gaze
men's Association. onswood and fen, on spinney, dingle,
*follows: sore; and they won't buy the sterling
Re motion of Messrs. J. L. Mac- g°°(.13 wh'se names aye blaznnad in
the woods and over all thc neigill) '-
Ewen and vweit ueiger that we tne
members of the Huron County Coun-
cil, memorialize the Ontario Legisla-
ture that grant to the House of
Refuge be continued in the future as
in the past, we recommend that the
same be adopted. •
Re cominunication from Weetwortli
County Council regarding discontin-
uing grant to the House of Rehlge,
we recommend that we ask our mem-
Joynt, to be our representative on this
deputation to wait on the Provincial
secretary and on receipt of their re-
ply, that the County Clerk of Went-
worth, be notified.
The committee reports -with the ex-
ception of the clauses noted as not
carried were all passed,
Moved by, Messrs. Geiger and Saun-
ders that the Good Roads Commis-
ty council take no action. ts sion, the Warden and the County En -
should be dealt with by Sheriff Rey- gineer attend the advisory board
Experience Certainly Tells i Making Tires
You cannot go astray in your tire purchases
if you buy thi;s kind of experience:—
[§1 WEE 1894-1924
Many a man is driving
a motor today who was
not born when Dunlop
Tires first appeared on
the highways of Canada.
Thirty years is a long
time in the Tire business.
It is the very laeginning
of the industry. 1888
saw the world's first
'pneumatic tire; 1894 saw
the industry.taking hold
in Canada.
Doesn't it stand to rea-
son, in view of the above
facts, that we must be
'better equipped and bet-
ter qualified to serve the
exacting demands of Tire
users ?
Knovring the past of the
Tire Industry so well, we
must have pretty good
intuition regarding not
only the needs of the
present, but the possibili-
ties of the future.
tmlop Tire Rubber Goods Co.
30 Y ears in Canada
Money cannot uy More—Usage cannot
Demand More—than what you get with
present-day Dunlop Tires.
There's a Dunlop Tire for eve
—For Ev,ery type of Rim --
-For Every Pocketbook.
.Dunlop Dealers Everywhe Ready
to Serve You
Also Makers of Dun-
lop Rubber Rating,
ECose, Packing, etc.
Dunlop Rubber Tile
Flooring, Dunlop Rub-
Office and Factories: TORONTO
oldies in the Leading Cities
ditures, as we deem. it sufficient to re-
fer such matters to our county solici-
We have examined the auditors' re-
port and approve of the same. In
connection with the recommenclatioli
of the auditors re the _auditing of
House of Refuge accounts, we shottld
suggest that the auditors be given the
privilege of doing so and also recom-
mend that the auditors' report be
'printed in the minutes,
Re suggestion of' auditors of hav-
ing local treasurers send two checks
ht. remitting taxes to the comity we
recommend that this be done and that
local treasurers be asked to comply
otie cheque. be sent for Good
Roads levies and the other for gener-
al ptirposes,
We strongly urge that in future no
orders be issued without the signature
of the warden so as to eliminate a re-
currence of what took place in the
past year.
Re comment on Patrolman James
Cotutolly's hill for $50 extra stamps
for cheques and interest, we Strongly
object to this procedure and request
that no such procedure be counten-
anced in futttre, as we believe that if
the pay sheete are put to proper use
and pateelinen are hist -rutted to get
the signatere of their workmeti on pay
sheet as acknOwledgmeet of receipts
of amounts dite them, this will be suf-
We recommend tnat a rate Int 3,2
mills be levied fer comity purpOsee
and 5.5 mills for highway purposes
for the preseet year arid that a bylaw
be passed confirming the same,
The county property. committee re-
ported as followe:
We have visited and examined the
couuty preperty at the jail, the re-
gistry offiee, the ' Children's Shelter
aed the Court House, aed we find
that everythitig is iti good order and
condition at all of the buildings,
We fittd, however, that some minor
hoods where. beauty should endu
And- now, behold, those people s y
they're taking all their signs .awaYl
and I shall chase myself to -day to
buy their marmalade; I'll buy in kegs
their standard jarn, and spread it over
bread and ham, and eat it with my
scallaped yam, yea, eat it with a
spade. And all the delegates I know
are wending townward in a row their
hard-earned sesterces to blow for that
world-famous brand; the signs that.
used to make them swear, that jarred
the landscape everywhere and drove
sane people to despair, hav-e -vanished
from the land.—Walt Mason.
Strong—In 1-lowick, on Friday, June
6th: 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Welles-
ley Strong, a daughter (still -born).„,
Made by Ames Holden Tire & Rubber Co. Limited
Will give you more miles for each
dollar of cost—Orove it—test them
with any other tire and
Wingharn. Tire & Vulcanizing Depot
n Flag on Globe, Encircling Tour
Uoner loft, l'a, Mahal, Agra, ladle, one ot IttO moot DottOttlui .4:11to on Lite "kanyttoot ' c,ruisk,.
neon, "Canada" paesougers on tete of the elephants that took them front sktper to the old City of Anther, inaia.
horror left, .Laran urteata in the markot square at Darieelinp-Indla. Right, the Conadiao Pacific S. S.. "Entorese 0
Canada," reputes towelled front world cruite. '
back with there a lost of smilenits and impressions
T would be hard to find a happier, healthier and
1 mare satisfied lot of people than the passengers
aboard the palatial Canadian Patifie liner "Em-
press of Canada" when she docked in Vancouver
heatour on May 24th at the eloee of her epoch -
marking cruise around the world.
Since leaving New York on January 30th, these
fortunate folk had sailed for four' months in the
wake of Drake, Magellan and Mateo Polo, seeing
all stud more than all that theeke adventurers saw,
with none a their distotnierts. They htta viewed
the froWning, gun-fleeked reek of Gibraltar, the
hallowed ports of Greece and Rome, .611 the blue
Meditatraaean, had ridden camels in the s:hadow
the •Sphinx, threaded the Suez Canal, Wined dthe
eparkling °teats walked the teething streets
of Indian cities, the getelene of the gletiOtte TO' Mahal
and the remparts of the grim fort of Agra. Ceylon,
the ravishingly beautiful, palm-trey/MA tbe
hoery antiquities of ,Chinis, the dazzling lovilliness
of the Pacific—A these ,had passed before the);
eyes in St gorgeous lottgeettt ,of eighteen Cesentriee
and fifty tade3,, They eaw idols, niettkert,
,palaces, mosques, teMPles gelibae) 14401*
to be treasured all thett lives and es?' 17
wOrld at large 'Go 'thou and do likewise."
Every port called at. was thrown open to the
cruisers, and the reception afforded them at Vico
toria, 13, 0, on their rettsrn was no lees cordial,
Thoutands lined the wharf an' the arrival of,' the
cruise ship, and 'Union Jacks mingled with' Old
Glory in the enthusiastic ettiviitg of , flags which
Victoria extended to the returning travellers',
National airs andmierehea played by .the Naval Brigs
ade •band were eeshoed on shipboard in the strains a
Interviewed in Vanceuver aa to the emcees; of the
erulae President E: W, Beaty eel& R11010 ta
rangemente Made and oarried sat' 847108 tbe day she
left Vancorrer almost five months else. That is
good enough for Me. it is ample nemanstratios
cruises in competition with any organitation the
world and maintain tlaat Oompany,a standing as a
credit to Clat4te,f° r
dlag flag en e galebe-elSelrelbts teat .1