HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-12, Page 8r,
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WNCHA ADvAilo-Tiivfps
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.n -..met Dress Mat.erials
5OC to $zoo per •
Raibrites—In the new soft open weaves, sand, grey'and with contrasting
Ni color of broken checks, per yard ...... , ................. , .......$1.50
•6111SUk tnd Wo 1 Crepes—Ideal costume cloth for either best or sport
wear, shades of sand, honeydew, orchid, etc., per yard ... 2.00
Voiles — A large range of pattern's in the wanted shades, plain cloths,
beaded effects, new stripes, etc., per yard .. .50e -,to 1.50
111 Dazzling Crepe—A new cloth of fine texture in bright shades, real suni-
ils mery, per yard. .. ............ 1.50
is Sleeveless Sweater, Pleated Sport Shirts, .Summer Dresses, Summer Underwear, i‘
•Silk and Lisle Underwear, Corsets, Etc.
1 • Fathers Day is June 5th
Remember him with a new Tie, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Belts, Arm Bands,
si • Umbrellas, Socks, Shirts, Etc.
A large selection awaits you in our Ready -to -Wear Department.
•n -Ni Children's Play Suits, Socks, Rompers, Overalls;, Boys' Khaki Knickers, Shirts,
Blouses, ,Stockings; Girls' Gingham Dresses, Middies, Hose, Underwear, etc.
1111 SPECIAL -100 pairs Ladies' Silk Gloves, principally white and black, sizes 6 to 7
in qualities reg. from $1 to $2 per pair, Clearing Price per pair 50c.
Summer Vests, sleeveless and Opera styles 25c, 35c, 50c, 60„and 85c
WHITE c gugoi-r
Mr. B. S. Naylor was in Goderich
last week attending County Council.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilson and,
Jimmie spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, Wm. Arbuckle,
Mr. Robert Henderson returned
from Leamington last week.
Rey. W. Stewart of Rockwood prea-
ched anniversary services in Langside
Presbyterian Church. on Sunday.
Mrs, Mary Moore of Lticknow vis
ited friends in the village last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron and
children of Ashfield spent Sunday at
the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Robert
Mrs. John Purdon and fa-
mily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Purdon of St. Helens.
Quite a number from here attend-,
ed the Anniversary Services at Lang -
side on Sunday and spent the day
with old friends there.
Mrs. Gordon Moore of Lucknow
visited with her sister, Mrs. John Mir -
don on Wednesday, prior to leaving
for her new home in Rockwood.
Rev, John Mackay of Winnipeg, a
former Kinloss boy, who was to have
preached Anniversary Services in the
Presbyterian Church here on Sunday,
June 15, was unexpectedly called
home, owing to an accident to his son.
Rev. Mr. Sinclaid of Tiverton former-
ly of Belrnore, has now ben secured
for Anniversary 'Sunday. Don't for-
get the tea meeting to be held on
Monday evening. Tea served from 6
to 8 and a good program is being pre-
pared. Everybody come.
Miss Jean Gillies of Kincardine is
visiting at her home here,
Mr. John Kennedy and'. daughter,
Ruby of Kinloss and Iv& Pete Ken-.
nedy and Jean of Wawanosh, motor-.
ect to Guelph on Saturday and spent
the week -end with relatives there.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson and fami-
ly spent Sunday with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Ferguson of Langside.
1111 Mrs. Murray was renewing old ac -
1111 quaintances in Langside on Sunday.
ini Mrs. Spencer and son, Herbert and
i Miss McMillan and Mr. and Mrs.
1 i week.lyr.
m their cousin, Mrs. Fred Davidson over
m . , ,
im the week -end. Mrs. Spencer is visit-
* ing with Mrs. Davidson over this
Wm Haye of Hamilton Visited with
and Mrs. Henry Godkin and
Gordon and Emma Davidson, viMted
at the hornes of Mrs. McLean and Mr.
andMrs. Rorie of Walkerton on Sun -
ros. Phone 71 Wingh.am
Standard Patterns a -4\p ---D g
ANNamstainsmessommoNNE num laimmanummuismintesiniumutumuum
Mr. and Mrs:" John McCreight of
Atwood visited with Mr. and IVIrs.
Alf. McCreight on Sunday.
Mr..and Mrs, Win. Purdon and. Al-
ain and Mabel visited at , Mr. Jas.
Purdon's, St. Helens, on Tuesday
• ThUrSday, tae. h., x924
ery a est 10- b -floes
We are Showing in our North Window the very
-newest in ,Fine Fibotwea.r for Women •
The Superintendent of the factory that made these shoes has just re'.
turned from the "Style centres 9n the American side and int -
mediately set to work making shoes such as he saw on
• his travels, and those shown are practically
the same as are being Itivoin in the
big A.merican centres.•
Take a look at these beautiful designs in our North Win
dow or better still' "come on in" a.nd inspect
• thei-n closely.
Has been a wonderful success so far
No more need to complain about high prices of footwear as we
•have shoes in -all sizes known to the trade at •
•• below pre-war prices. •
• The LeadingShoe Store of Huron 'County
• Phone 129. •i Wingham,. Ont. •
lvIr. Joe Laidlaw and -Annie and drea visited with relativds in Auburn • The W. M. S. • of the Methodist •
Mary moved to thei? new home on o_n Stinap.Y. Church will meet in Whitechurch on,•
, 9.
Friday. - Mr. and, Mrs. J. D Beecroft and Thursdayance hu A ,good, attend -
Mr . and Mrs. R. T. Philips of Luck- Ernest were in Goderich on Monday requested
now visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. R meeting- her'sisterA
, Mrs. F.'L. Emerson 'ind Lila and
Farrier. on Sunday. • ton and children of Detroit, who came spleexnt
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw and chil- up ori the Greyhound. er's son, Victor of Langside.
mossmonse.„ .,,mminewslionsmemmonsminsisigramosimon,sonsommileminaismommenuminessimmiminsimminimmummimmaniessminsinisminismeriminsmaimmowlimussomisismasini '
a.t, r R ductiort_'s:For Last- 'iThr
t Hanna
I, Ltd Third Arintial Sale
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VI • '
sdayT Friday and
• W‘
Positively the final da.ys of our Great Third Annual Sale. We are offering everi greaterb reductions on
all lines for the Last Three Days. 'One week's business to be done in Three Days.
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Window Sale -Boys Stuts
Alumna] Sale Price $6.00
25 only Boys Bloomer Suits in Tweeds
etc. Governor Fasteners regular $8.5o
and, Sto.00, sizes 24 to 34 6 00
fal Sale
amet.ema. reesalemomm.anr•Orme n+meoesa.
Boys' Oliver Twist and Juvenile Suits, fine
IN Tweeds, straight knickers, age 3 95
'111 3, 4. 3, 6, 7, reg. $6.5o, sale
•.11 Boys' Cotton Jerseys 3g,c
Al Greater reductions on all Coats and
•suits in our Men's Clothing Store.
YOUng Men's Sport Models in fine Donegals
111 Herringbones, sizes 36 to 40, Sale Prices
Iv $15.75, 21.75
al 20o Men's and Young IVIen's Fine Brown
it . ! IlerringbeneS, plain greys, plain blues, fan-
cy worsteds 21. '75 26 75 -
etc, salt ........... - 9 •
• •71,sYOutilris* First Longs, sizes
d' 04,, i36,, 36., on. S e,... , . ....... .......,.....„ , . ,
„!,'„;,,i„,,iii,,;(4,',•,..**!ik,.,,i;ii,6,40,-,4•00a4,!4tioir.i.0 - ,Einlarmii4inon.nehoorirewtvertwiipier4gul*triliil•OolotHroimAliii.oriream0dawikl.riroommiornemmialroraginiweilwr!rieemikitlewcoririraliiolielwilikiere7o: atak ,illi,00rarsolimioofies*Oririer.iiiikkgrikkr!iiirertifiriti4o!kkeimpoiffaimmermiikHensornsiORENNK•iisittolioiniemiieoalitira,lik:fitieeeiviikilpieltiiii!,'040, ! !, !
1 0 00
A few specials at Sx.98
WINDOW SALE OF 0..D -D TROUSERS •vaimmeroomo.woasneetworamismoommenosso
loo pairs of Men's Trousers in Tweeds, light •
hairline stripes 2.95, 3.75
grey homespuns,
Alterations Extra.
Men's Merino Underwear, Shirts Ca
and Drawers, reg, $x.00, sale . ... UV'‘,
Men's Hosiery Sale, Silk and Wool an„,„
Silk Lisle, reg. $i.00 and 75c, sale... Unif%.,
5 dozen Men's Knitted Silk Ties and all
Silk Neckwear, regular $x.00, on 49c
Men's Work Shirt Sale— Kitchen's Shirts
• feature this Sale—Blues, Khaki Greys,
• Chambrays, etc.
98c, 1.19, 1.649, 1.69
All Wool Work Socks -.25C
Carhartt Overalls and Smocks . .
Peabody $2.75 Overalls and rip
Smocks . U
xs dozen Men's New Straw Hats, Browns,
Bleached, Whites 1,69,1.98
ott Sale •
ISfien's Felt Hats( Dark Grey Hor- '269
ton Hats, reg. $4.00, Sale ........ ..,.. •
A good Black Tea, special purchase Annual
Sale, 2 lbs. for . 1 00
• Grape Nuts, 2 for
Fancy Biscuits, all flavors, lb. , –30c
Pearline, large ... . . . . . .......5c
Matches, box .. , ........ .... .1.0c
Sunlight Soap, 3 bars. ... ... .22c
Tomatoes, per can ,.........21e
Corn, Peas, 2 cans
Robinhood Oatmeal, large 24c, small... ,ioe
• Dates, 3 113s .25c
Salmon, per can , .. .15e
Corn Flakes, per pkge.
Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. .........:„ ....25e
Sugar, per 100 lbs.
Cap Sale:—.New Spring and Summer Caps,
Polo, Gaberdine,
98c 1 49
Velours, Sale .. ..... *
Linoleums 86d sq. yard
Oilcloths ...43c sq. yard
Final Clearance of Rugs, Tap- 15 00
estry Rugs . . .. .. . . .. . .....
Wilton, Axminster, Small Mats less 20 p. c.
Ladle's' Navy Blue and Fawn Tricotine and
Fine Poire Coats, Final Clear.- 1 ci 07C
Miceat ..... . . ..... . .. . . ... .. I ...I
•' Regular up -to $35.00.
A Window full bf Ladies' Coats
• reg. tip to $25.oe, sale price
All Dreises, Serges, Cantons, Tricotines at
9,75,,154.00, 21:75
F'ur Chokers less . . . .... . ...... per cent,
Aprons... . .. . ..... . .. . . . .... . , .. .. .
Ladies' Colored Lace Handkerchief Pinks,
Mauves, new shades, regular soc
Sale • k,w4,0 16,
Children's Blacks Sateen Bloomers 39c
' Children's Blue Chambray Rompers A
Clearance at
Corsets, Pink and White $2.49
Clearing Prices on Kayser Glove Silk Hose. •m
regular up $4.00 on 1 69 •
Holeproof, Venus, 81- and g $1.00 pair
Hundreds of Children's Hose 25C, 390, 49C
REMNANTS -- See the many bargains on 121
the remnant counter. •
20 Per Cent Off
Silks, Cottons, Dress Goods, Voiles,
Ratines, Prints Flannelette, Hosiery,
Gloves, Corsets, Underwear, Cip•taittS,
Towellings, Tickings, ShirtingS, Pil.
low Cottons Crepes, Yarns.
a , Limite(I
. ,
4,1,11111.' ",11.111111111, °I,1111 111111.11:!1:°,,,,Ill!II,111,'Il'ai,111”, PH!
, .
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; •,75,.. • „1„,, „, „,, ,, .0:11.5,55 ,t,,•:!•• •15 5,, 5 „555••,, 511.5,„ •,5555,5•••5,55,,...5.,,,,,,,,, , „„ ,,! ;5,4, ,