HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-12, Page 4Ractp.7a111‘111ETIIIII!,41471, „.„, a \Vended Hall, the famous red - Ever music maker of the - qa1;17 BaiterY CoMPanY, was nio.rried NOW YOrk last week. The wed- eerempnies were broadcasted. 'through stitOon WF EAas well as tiiree other stations. Mr. Hail was , the originator of the song, "It ain't ,aon' to rain no Mol" His offerings eertainly dispelled any gloom which InXiglit be lingering in his listeners' minds. , , To wipe out sont.e of its war indebt- cdnees to the 1Jnited: States, Germany .agreed to deliver one of the largest •:Zeppelins ever 'built. This airship is now completed and is named the ZR- • ;3, Delivery to the United States will be direct throttgli the air and the trip , of some 4.500 miles will take place , the next few weeks. A power- ful radiophone will be installed on the airship and communication will be catried on continuously on the joar- neiy, It is expected that amateurs Neill be able to hear the corrversations os the ship approaches this side of the ' • • . , • ` • • , • , , I WINOHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 19 1 TburSday, June 52t1a, x924 tenor "Te o Fierral' Raymond Graf1111111W1111811,1111111*110111110111 11111111W11161111101111 -i • COMMENTS BY TIM To the Edltur ay the Advance-Tolme,s fin, basso, 9.45 P. 111. --Arlington tinie signals. Weather forecast, Baseball scores. Tiallr$daYi Jane xeth 5 P. rn,-13aseha11 scores: 5.50 P. na-Dinner concert by the KDK,A Little Symphony Orchestra, Victor Saudelc, conductor, 6 p, m. -Baseball scores. Dinner concert continued. 6.30 p...m.-"The Sleeping Beauty," for the radio ,children, 6,45 p, m, -"The Flag and the Schools," Honorable William. a 'Ste-, venson, chairman schoole eommittee, American Flag Da.y Association, "Y •Atlantic. The watte-length used will beX400 meters. By means of its ia- olio equipment it is expected the ZR- ture 'Theatre, Pittsburgh. , 3 will be able to avoid running into 6 p. m.--T3aselnall scores. Dinner a.ny storms as it will be kept inrormedlconcert continued, in advance. The trip is expected to 6.30 p. m. -"Peter, Peter Pumpkin require 96 hours.• Eater," for the radio children, Station WCAP at Washington has1 6.45 p. na-Feature. been heard successfully in Vienna, 7 p. na-Baseball scores, Austria This is one of the latest -re- no T.. m. --"National Stockman and the daily press Marconi athile experi- p• m. -Concert by Westinghouse • • menting in England. was successful 'Band, T. J. Vastine, conductor, assist - 311 being heard in Australia. This ed by Mrs. Hiram I-Iall, soprano, and. RADIO I Tlie DE FOREST Set I ▪ Is the last word in receiving fa, ..._ i equipment. It does noe require 7- '''---,-a- aerial or ground wires; Using TA -"I only a loop which is collapsible m- ill makes it easy to niove from = We = place to place. ` W Ra a, Demonstrations Daily ar, l.g Deer Sur,- • Wid yer permishon 1 wi& loike to make a few commuits wid resPickt to the Grit Convinshun, an account ay which ye wus afther givin lasht wake. In the fursht place I musht slmake me inoind as to whether it is roight arr not fer ye to print shtuff loike that but bein as all koinds av payple do be talon yer paper now, inebby ye rousht put in someting to plaze ivirybudtly, but I wudden't go too shtrovg • on thrayin to plzeze ,the Grits, if I was you, fer, share, they are the harrudest payple in the wurruld to 7 P. m. -Baseball scores. our satisfy, barrin the U. F. 0.'s, L Garden," radio garden editor,. I notice theer are shtill enough Grits 7.15 p, m.---Fa'rm program, arrang- left to fill all the awfices, an 1 musht ed by the "Natioual, •Stockman and say theer are a few good min among •Farmer," including' market reports. thim, an a lot av betther wimmin. 8 p. m. -Concert by the KDKA Lit- 'Tis the wimmin I am mosht afraid tie Symphony Orchestra, Victor San- av, fer, share whin, ye git thim goin dek, conductor, •asSisted by Anna Lan- shtrong theer is no shtoppin av thim. ra Cree, soprano, rendering a pro- 'Twas the wimmin that wits the back - gram of operatic arias, oratorios and bone ay the U. F. 0, lodges, an, be modern. songs, 'Earl Mitchell at the the sante token, it is thim who do be piano.1 kaypin the min frum gittin back into 9.55 p. na-Arlington time signals. theer proper,places in the ould par - Weather forecast. Baseball scores. thies. As I tould ye befoor I wus •••••lo p. m. -Concert 'by the Queen Ci- not in favor av givin thim the vote, at ty Orchestra, "Will' Peffer, director, all, at all. (I am takin chances that Friday,- June isth •the missus will net rade this letther.) Wid regard to the spaich ay Mishter 5 p. m. -Baseball scores. Marshall, I wud say fursht av all, that 5.30 p. in. -Organ recital by Paul bin the Grit organizer, he is liable to t1 db from the Cameo .Motion Pic- make same shtatemints that won't hould wather. He said that the coun- thray had all gone to the dogs 'until the Grits got into power in 1896, whin a boom sirtartecl, all at Wance, an iv- irybudcly had plinty av money to shpind in town lots,' tin moiles frum the- incl av the wurruld, in the Wesh- tern prawvinces, an be inc faith if it , , , wus a permanint invishtmint they wus lookin fer mosht av them got it. :FLANIGAN'S •it ti Music Store • ii111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111.01111 1111111111111113111 dammarilou uoilidadionalliolliollO : ' riesties; C irid , , . ..,,„ ' Tea Pots. 1 ...., ,. ., a - :-.,- iii _......- =-- Wea.ther forecast. Baseball scores. Station WGY-380 meters General Electric •Company • Schenectady, N. Y. Thursday, June szth 5,30 p. m. -Organ ',recital by Step- hen E. Boisclair, organist, from Proc- tor's ilarmanus Bleecker Hall. 7.45 P. na-alA Few Moments with New Books," William JaCOb,_librarian General 'Electric Company. 8 p. m.-1VIusical program, by pupils of Rensselaer, N. Y: High school, pi- ano solo, "Rustle of Spring"Sinding, Frank J. ,MaeDonougha Chorus selec- tions: "Holy Is His Name" Largo, .Handel; "Venetian Boat Song",Blu- menthal, Girls' Glee Club; Violin solo, "Adagio from the Concerto G" de' Beriot; Clayton. Shufelt, Travelogue, "A. Trip to Hawaii" John B. McGor: • 'Cords for transmission. According to Farmer" market reports. alistance would he considera.bly up- • -wards of ro,000 miles, Many of the principal broadcasting . stations have some distinguishing fea- • ture which is generally used when ,starting their program or closing • down. Station CKCI-I of -the Cana- ,diau National Railways, located at Ot- tawa., has just adopted a genuine lo- • comotive bell which has been silver .1p1ated and mounted near the micro- •' phone. The bell is rung at the pro- per times and is certainly a very Silk - •:able feature. •, Station KDKA-326 meters Westinghouse Electric Pittsburgh, Pa. Wednesday, June Ix •5 p. na,---Basehall scores. 5.30 p. m. -Dinner concert by the • Pittsburgh Athletic Association Or- • chestra, Gregorio Scalzo, director. 6 p, m. --Baseball scores. Dinner Mr. F. L. Raup, baritone. 9.55 p. na-Arlington time signals, 'Weather forecast. Baseball scores. • Saturday, June 14th 5 p. in. -Baseball scores. 5.30 p. na-Dinner concert. 6 p. in. -Baseball scores. Dinner concert continued. 6.3o p. m. -"Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son,: will pipe for the radio children. 6.45 p. in. --•Last minute helps to teachers of adult and secondary class- es, Carman Cover jcilinsona teacher of the Men's Bible class of the United Brethren Church Wilkinsburg, Pa. 7 p. m. -Baseball scores. Sport re- view by James- J. Long, sport writer of the Pittsburgh Sun. 7.30 p. na-Banquet of the Ameri- can Flag Day Association, held at McCreery's dining room, Pittsburgh, concluding "Patriots' Week" celebra- tion, William T. Kerr, president of the -association preSicling. Music by the 'concert continued. Pennsylvania Orchestra and the Ca1• - 6.3o p. ni.-"Two Little Pla,ys for vary Methodist Episeopztl Male Quar- Little Girls and Boys," courtesy Dra- tet, consisting of Glenn W. Neely, ana Leag ie of Pittsburgh. first tenor; Frank A. Potter, second 6.45 p- m ---News bulletins. tenor; Richard Knotts, director and 7p. m. -Baseball scores. " baritone; Gordon K. Morris, bass; 7.o5 p. m. --Program arranged by Robert D. 'Yoimg, .,accompanist. the League of American Pen Women Speakers: Honorable M. Clyde Kel- presented by Mrs. Jeanne Oldfield ly, Representative in Congress; Hon- • Potter. orable James A. Wakefield past presi- 140 p. In. -"National Stockman and dent of the association; Horiora.ble Farmer" market reports. Albert Johnston, representative State S p, iii. --Opera, "The Violin. Maker of Wa.dhiiagtoaa and Chairman of con - of Cremona," under the direction of gressional committee on immigration the composer, Matthew Frey. Cast of and naturalization, and Rev. J. Robert " - ' ' ," Sara Logan Carleton Clark, D. D., Chaplain All - ,characters. contralto; "Filippo," T. Reid Kenney, 'American Alliance. "Melodie", Massenet; orchestra. Act baritone; "Sandro," Argar Sprague, 9.55 p. ma -Arlington time signals. •II, Mr. Regan's Library, the jvening lick; Chorus selections:' "The Moon Mebby he tinks it was the Grit Gov - and Her Children" Abt; "Murmuring ernmint that shud hey the ,credit fer Zephyrs" jensen, Girls' Glee Club; the good tbitnes that prevailed all ov- Reading, "Thor's Ride" 'Jennings; Be- er the wurruld thim days. Anoth- atrice Riordan; .solos: "Air on er ling he said, accordin to the paper, the G String" Bach; "Minuet" Bocch- wus that the racint changes in the erini, Alice Cooper; Piano solo, "Ma- tariff wud •save iviry farrunier fram gic Fire Scene" ,from "Die Walkyrie" a75.00 to $tho.00 per year. in the fur - Wagner, Frank J. Mao•Donough; sht place I don't belave it, an 'in the Chorus selection,' "Moonlit Meadows" nixt place, if they had that mile' ixtrv Czilbtilka, Girls' Glee Club. , money, the byes wud only shpind it Friday, June sgth Bain. tip the car, arr fer gasoline. 6 p. 'Sunday Thin -he shpoke av the cosht av the school lesson. War; vyell, av coorse it was an ixpin- ,7.35 ;p. m. -Health 'talk, New York sive bizinees, but I shucl loike to know state department of health. ; whobad a bether roight than the Tor - 740 P. m. -Baseball results. • ies to -shpind the money. 7.45 p. m. --,-Drama, "The 'Boss," by Wid regard to thirn wonderful Edward Sheldon, presented by WGY spaiches he said that Mishter Mac- nilayers. -Selection . "Reverie Hahn; Kenzie King made in England, -"I hae WGY Orchestra; Drama, "The Boss" me .doots," as me frind, Sandy Banks, Edward Sheldon, WGY pluersa The wud say., Mishter Marshall shtated cast:James D. Griswold, of Griswold that .Mishter.King had the shtandshtill and .Company, contractors, Maurice whin 'he got up to slipake. What G. Randall; Donald Grisw.old, his wud ye tink ay that now? Cud ye son, Edward E. St. Louis; Emily Gris- bate it'? As me bye that wus in wOld, his .daughter, Rosaline Greene; France wad say. Ay Coorse thim, A Butler, Harold .Sunde; Lawrence English papers wus afther given him Duncan, 'John Loftus; .Midinel R. Re- a lot av praise, but, share thim Eng- gan, of Regan and Company, con- lishmin are not shlow as they look, an tractors, lEdwaricl.H-. Smith; Davis, his Irishmin are not the only lads who private secretary, Jerome Lovenheim; hev had a lick at the blarney,shtone. Mrs, Clyier, Lola Sommers; Porky Shure, 'tis good .pOlishy, wid thim ould McCoy, Regan1s representative in Countliry pollytishuns to shtand in wid Fourth Ward, Charles. S, Baumes.; Canada, an 'they are the byes that Scanlan, Burton Anthony; Apchbishop know how to .do D'ye mOind how Sullivan, Frank Oliver; Lieutenant of they used. to taffy up Sir Jdhn A? Police, 'Horace Roberts; A. Maid, Mebby ye •dont, fer ye wud. be too Gemma Votties;lplace one of the eas- young in thim days, but annyway he tern 'Lake Ports, time i9r1: • Act I got roight in wid the .shwells, an th.ey Mr. 'Griewald's•drawing ro.orn,"the af- sint him home wid a Slistring 'let- ternoon •of Kratober 28. Selection: thers befoor an afther his name, an ,a pair av rid britches on his legs, Thin whin Sir John Thompson doid in England, they .did him the honor to Sind his body, back to Canada in a 'battleship. Sir Wilfred wus praised fer cOortly manners an silver ton; gue to no ind. Sir kadbert •B6r,den- wus •"Canada's shtrong ,silent -son" Mishter Meighen yeas a clear thinker an a ,cridit to the Impire, an now Mishter Ring is the shmartest young We've just imported a big as- sortrnerit of Tea Pots from En- gland, "The Greatest 'Yea Pot If. Exporting Nation" in the world. Ez-, There are # -4=-- 15 13ecortit-1 w lye Styles 11 111 111181112111111111/111111311111111 rio Your T. hyte Packin 11111111B11 •• 111 111 Il1 1111111110111111111 111/11111WW WI = 118 11-1_ i ian music; selection, Italian Royal = -Ivlarch" Gabetti, WGY orchestra 'Ten- 1 man that rvir carne down the pike, rli orsolo, "0 Sole Mio" di 'Capita; An- awhich is another av thim ixprissive ki tonic> Caruso; selection "Minuet" Pu- spaiches ; lamed frum me -bye that . 2 ciniaorthestra;itenor.solo, "Santa Lu- wus in France. 'Ye mustn't take too Pi cia Lantana", Maria Antonio Carusaa much shtock :in what thim English - tt, i Clarinet •solo, "Air from Massenillo" min say. about our public min, far d'Attber, tPeter Schmidt; selection, share, ain't they afther wantin tariff • 1 ,...- Angel's Serenade" Braga; A.merican prifirinces in triimes av pace, an min i „ ' . 1 Trio; Tenor solo, "Maria, Mar!" (No,- an money 'in ithime ay war? oimlitan) Polk Song; Antonia Caruso I hope thimould bifiruds in the Sin - Violin solo, ' Ta.rantella" ae, Crescen- ate won't mess up thigs wid our Ca- , , zo, Edward Rice; Tenor solo, "Mani- nadian National Railway Sislitith. ma Mie, Che Vo' Sape" CNeopolitan- The 4ity ay Montreal isn't runnin this Nutle; selection "Garabakli March? counthry. Whin Mishter Meighen Costa orchestra.. talc over thim railways 'twas the besht Saturday, June P4th of April 29, selection, "Religieuse" Faure, orchestra; Act III, the same.; the 16110 -Wing morning, selection "Chatite" Faure, orchestra. Act IV Itispector7s room at the Pollee 'Sta- 'tion, -three ,days later, selection, 'Ro- mance Calenti, Orehestra, aLate pro- gram,.5030 p..m.-aPrograrn Of nal - One of the oldest ond most ireliablelfirms Canada. Ill •Dealers in farm produce for over sixty years. We will give you the very best service and prices possible. , Branch at 11,11,gharn, Ontariol illitii1111111S1111111111111111191111811111111111111111111111101111111111111110numnallmi 1111111$1111X111141111111111111/1111111116111111111MENIVEsinsmonnsigni ... THE FIYDRO2S VP •m mi cs a • - 1Nre 9 , II - in O .. im 11 McCieurys Electric Ranges , ot at .1. Moffatt Electric 'anges in to at , * Hydro Lamps , Hotpoint Appliances ottr' Prices are Right. Otor Work is the Best. We Guarantee Everything VitreaSell. r ting that cud hey been done undher the circumshtances, an I wus in favor 8.30 p. an.-1Dance music by crches- av tra of Hotel Een Eyck, Albany, it thin an in favor av it yit, but, av N. . coorse, it is too big a ja.wb fer thim ' Y. Grits- to handle, avert wid all the U. lind thim a hand. Yours till nixt wake': Timothy Hay. E/111,ST VAWANOSH Mr, and grs. John McKague Turnberry Visited with Mr. and ;Mae. R, J. Scott on :Sunday. Mr. aaad Mrs. -WM. 13urehel1 :and children of Turriberry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Thompson of Ponnybrook on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson and .children spent Sunday with Mr. and WS. JOE Thompson of Seaforth. i NOTICE Applications for the position of As- sessor for the Town of Wingham for the ;year 1924 will be received by the undersigned up to 4 p. tn. on Wed- nesday, June s8th. , /924. W. A. Galbraith, Town. Cleflo Mss Laura Robinson and Dr. Har- old Robinson of Toronto, returned to their home on. the 9th on Saturday. al5S WiiniajObIlStOt1 Of Wingham, Rings and Marriage Li - and each ,decoration combined pi with pottery shape is both selec- tive and distinct. There are 4 different sizes Li ' We cordially invite your •.1! DONNYBROOK Mr. John A. Thompson and Miss Rebecca Thompson and Miss Netty Ringler, motored to Wingliam on Friday evening last, . Messrs. Frank and Win, Devereaux Qf Detroit, are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Daverea,tts, • Mr, /Ernest Thompson and little daughter visited friends at St. Augus- tine on Friday evening last, and Mrs, ,Ernest Thompson spent last Friday everting with Mr. George Wallace, Miss Della Ploughman visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nixon on Sunday last. Mrs. S. Thompson has returned home after spending a few days with her daughter Ida in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Nixon and •Miss 'Ethel Johnston visited at Miss Marwood on Sunday last, Mrs, James Johnston of Seaforth, 'aisited her brother, Mr. Wallace on Monday last. t' 25 tlina've Sept t: i • , Sept', 25-26- Winghana , , , ..... .. .. -Sept, 29-30, I-Iensall ... . ... . . ... ..... .. . . .. . . . ,.„ Oct. 5. Crediton 00t, Wirehelsea Oct, 3 _ _ ' TOWN OE WINCrliAllii Province Of Qntario Tenders '�r1Water Works Reservoir Sealed Tenders will be received by the Secretary of the ‘1.1tilities Com- mission until 8 p, m. on ondaY, June 30th. 5924, for the construction of a Reinforced Concrete Reservoir. , Specification, Plan, General Condi- tion& and 13,00d at office of Secretary, ' Whtgllarn and at Engin- eer's Office, Mail Building, Toronto, Copies ef Plan and' Specification will not be given. oat to Contractors. Tse lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted, _ W Gummi; Eq., Chairman„ Utilities Commission. W. A, G•albraith Esti Secretary, , 7E7 SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 5924. Utilities Commission" W.iugham. Chipsrian Power,' Engineers; Tor-, , onto, Ont. • , Ashfield inSPPetiOn- IA St. I-Ieleris w131ur.oevxaelicer „ PRICES' 45c each up to $2.00 The. Quality Food Store . imjultiain We awish Dr. Robinson the greatest Wedding Ring, Diamond success in his chosen life work. spent Sunday at the home of her cence Information ' aunt, Mrs. Sam McBurney. Ed. Irwin was well enough to be ta- W. R. Harnitton's, Jeweler We are pleased to report that Mrs; -,---- to the holm of her parents, Mr. a.nd Mrs, Elisha Walker on IVIonday. Say It With • FIOWers • Bedding Plants, Funeral and Wedding Flowers „ MRS. WIVI. SN EATH Box 42. Tel. 142. 41012.•111.0.0151.0•1•. ASHFIELD Mrs. Fred Smallie, of Detroit is visiting this week with her brcrther Mr. Will Baldwin. ." Quite. a number, of men from the so 'and 52 con. were over at Gorden Irwin's Wednesday afternoon helping to raise a shed. Mrs. Thomas Fergusort and Mrs. John IvIttllin, attended the a'nnual' dis- trict meeting of the Womea's Insti- tute whish was held in Dungannon, Friday afternoon, June 6. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. Smallie and Mrs.' G. --Vint, spent last Friday in Wingham and Marnock, with their relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. John "Parrish and. Miss Dela, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parrish of Coarey's Corners, attend- ed the V.F.A. and V. F. W. P. annual Conventibn held in Wingham Friday. Messrs. Jim and Charlie Sherwood of -Detroit are spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shirwood. • TORY CORNERS Mr. Thos.' Nickel spent the week end it his home. We are, sorry to report the illness of Mr. ,John Finlay and Sterling. Mrs. Jenkins and son of Michigan is visiting the former's sister Mrs. Incr. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Taylor and Miss Edna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Grainger of Jamestown, Mr. Frank Doyle of Teswater passed through our burg last week taking orders for Herba.ger. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harkness and children of Carrick visited at R. A. 'Taylor's on Wednesday last. Miss Doris Baker is home from high school owing to ill 'health. ' Mr. V7m. Hays is 'enjoying a new Ford. car this summer. Mrs. Jno. Taylor is not improving from her illness as fast as her many friends would wish her. Mr. Jno. Johnston of Whitechurch, -spent a few days last week with his 'sister, Mrs. I-1. Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. Gray of Londesboro , visited with A,.xt„ Arigi Mrs, ii•sha 111111111111111111101N11111111111111111111111111N1111111111111111111111111S • ker on Sttriday. Mr.Alex. Porterfield retterned on . Saturday fitim Brandon where he la was attending the funeral of his bro-' ther. " 11111 BELGRAV E • The regular meeting of the W rtistitute will be held at tile . • ... ▪ 'home Of Mrs.. TX G44040t 04 1.1,44e4ey., atimilitot Li Fine Residenee r or Sate I RI• A two storey brick dwelling, well situated and with modern conveniences will be *old at a E W reasonable pritc. Thi* is a bar-, tIL" afttri0Otly 113.11d /7t1l,, at 2 clock, I gait, . "Tilt Relation of tile Tiome to the '101 Mrs. J. Clegg gtve a paper on Cornmttnity." All ladies tordially Abitter Cosens • vitcd td be present. 141.r. and Mre. E. nay bi to,,ciozt In,t4utatitt &Ad' Real "Al tea - r 01 •••„.. • • 144W0ii,' Gorrie Clinton Zurich' Varna Dashwood Grand Bend. , Porters' Hill Colborne Sept. 9' Sept. ,ro Sept, • I I EAST WAWANOSH Mr, and Mrs. Gershon -1 JOhnstOta, ' Sept. 12 visitedawith Mr. and Mrs. Elliott near Sept.. 15 Belmore last week.. . Sept. sd a Mr. and. Mrs. Gershorn johnston Sept. 57 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johixi. • Sept. 58 Johnston, Whittchttrch • , • Sept. 59 Mr: Alex. Leaver, East Wawartosha, . • ' S0Pt.• 20 spent Sunday with a friend in Dun - Sept. 22 galMOO, it's a long way to drive Alm • 12 CON.. HOVIICK Mr. and Mrs. Torn Vittie are tin 9 og it were, touches the .forest. And all those, ..• • The.Toy CanOe ta"zieli* • THE TOYMAKER AN R19 CARVING IS OP VILLAGE, GROWTH. vx7 hen at Chaistnias thne we turn into' toy store OT in a large de-- partrnent store toward the toy counter, we.are apt to see hi our- ' minds' eye only the toy and the child. Some of Us see and feel, Our- selves. And in spirit go back to the days when toys were to us, as. they are to children, the embodiment of :the imagination. The tangible. form of (par dreams! Sight of/the toys, the touch of them, is a magic - wand restoring our lost childhood. , And so we really end in buying 'the thing that we like, the thing that takes OUT fancy. That is, if we . have a choice, and are not forced by eireuiristanees of limited etock or limited means to take what we can get. But the toy reaches further back than this, Behind eaeli is the toy- • maker. The man or woman whose deft fingers shape the thing of art and life out of unpromising and wholly isnsuggestive raw. materiaL Thus Canada has .men art -craftsmen who see in the forest -leg latent figures of saints, windmills, weather -vanes, miniature canoes, legends of Mother 11111abard. • .1 a..av Take the part -French, part -Indian, maker of the toy -canoe that so) delights the hearts of little boys even when for lack of lake, river or' sea in their neighborhood they are forced to sail it in the bath -tub, or: Just carry it to bed clasped in chubby arms, at night, as a sort of gal-, leon whereon to sail away to the land of dreams, is there not in ther canoe, a spirit of race? The French traii of sculpteur, as the wood- carver calls himself down in Quelbec, aq the elemental knowledge an association of the canoe that in the Indian reaches back to prehistoric days in this great stmtell of eountiy that Otpsedq, It would .he difficult to say which side cf ln:rn aids the other mor but it is true th_g_t watitt.pitign, be li-ssreetthing mere of an artist than-th4, Tiniled States ar Mexico ti5 the lOath, wit out such combination,/ can boast. A born toy -maker. Someone who gets into the toy that pre-. scient something which is of the spirit and of life. and which makes it; art -,products rather than a mere thing of wood. So fine in its lined1 that it .is no mere substitute but a miniature of the larger canoe . • . the' boat of a race. No less than the Viking ship or the gondola is the boat; of a- race and a people. - Did we see the artistry and human inthrest, not to •speak of the' „ nationality, the true Canadianism in such toys, we would select thena and put them more .in the hands of children than we do. Even int giving the purely mechanical toy to the child the youngster not having 4• arrived at the age of mechanics proceeds to see the suggestion, the' romance, the story, the association, As to wit" the "chu-che train, rather than the mechanism, the parts, which are far too small to interest, the mind at that stage. " • . And when you happen upon the canoe -carver at work out-of-doors in) one of those many quaint and historic villages along the St Lawranee• • between Montreal and Quebec, his own child seated on the logs, one of' ' the rough canoes it his little hand, how envious it Makes you feel fair' the city child! For the toes ymaker and his carving is a plant of village. w e " 1still. London this week attending a funeral ' of a relative. , . A number from the btirg atteridecl the services at McIntosh Church last Mi Lettie 'Rush of Drew is visit- ing her aunt Mrs, Wood. • Mrs. Robert 'Brown visited:. her sis- ter in Kitchener last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Gemmel, Mr. and Mrs. Laughly Ashton of Gordo visited at Lorne Laird's on Vilednes- daMy 8Jto' lin Finlay is laid' up with a severe attack of La Grippe, 'NOTICE All tax statements for the year 1924 have been completed and mailed, Any ratepayers not receiving a statement should report same at once to this of- fice. • Ott taxes paid ott before jurte r5th.,'-the discount will be 3 per t Pt ayntent on taxes Will be accepted and 'discount allowed. Spec- ial slIps for part pairtent 'may be otst, taiued T wit ' ' G416±4'lleller/t1 „ , •,, •, . •,'' aa, Inv, too,. are in the tiny canoe ever which the mind of childhood 1- - orearns..-Aleterlailayward. mismnsmassommomennummussaminsemminksayi 11 -LYCEUM THEAT N• Wednesday and ThursdaY) bin rt. Africa"' WIlit Artirrials Comedy -Bill RegerS iti "Just Paesiiii Through." Friday and Saturday IVIotz., Tues., Wed. lune 111 „. 6inanning passion, . • 16, 17, 18 ,• WESLEY BARRY 4'TheCtoitiktry h 1 .A ri lag tote p ay -feat, x tiring Irene •Pich and Monte `', 1111• All Comedy reels, Also Cotned • "Comedy "Vor Guests Only", Prices xs and, 3's cents. al ▪ COMX111.littie to, 20, ax, LLOV.b. in °Safety W ' I IMON*10111111011.10NIMIIIIMISPOIMM*01111110011111111100111 i';