HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-05, Page 8r
iFrp !� r i, Www,.,
I 15I
Fway 'v
'■ Ba s'.' Knickers in Greyand
)3rovvn, wool, tweeds r
. ■ a,11 'sizes � m
Burs .
Men's Suits of good wearing
cloth in navyand brown,' new
styles and welll fin-
fished at
Other excellent: valises at $x3.95,
r$,5o and 23.50.
Men's Shirts
Broken lines from regular
i e pat-
•and s
in plain check p P
terns, regularly priced
to .7 to, clear. -
Tweed Top Coats
New styles, all wool Top Coats,
new spring shades,
specially specially prised..___.
Roller Towelling
Full bleached Pure Linen weft
greatly reduced. Spec-
ial 2 yds for .......:<.:.:.....�..
Porous Combination
tor Men
1Vlade of fine: Egyptian Cotton,
with short sleeves are very com
€ortable, all sizes great-
reduced ._..: __. _ _ 610
House Dresses Hi-
Hi -
'novas, •tas Etc.
lines and samples,,
priced to $6.5o ark
each,to clear ..."............._.. w
Cotton 11 ' se
Cotton Hose of
Ladies Black
fine quality spliced heels .
and toes, per pair
Curtain Marquisette
Fine even quality Marquisette in
white, cream and beige 'shades,
makes excellent curtains
Pe Y
Window Shades
Genuine blinds of standard .
e oil
size, colors green and
cream ......
White Reed Curtain Ro'ds._=.x9c
Grass Rugs
8 only rugs of large sizes suit-
able for bedrooms, living rooms,
or summer cottages
greatly reduced _._r..... .,
2 only Union Rugs 3x:, 3regu
lar $26.00, to 'clear
All British and Canadian makes,
good patterns of`. fast colors at
24c; 35c, and 5oc yard
;1' ing Bros
Two weeks ago Winglaaan was in-
vited to link up ,with .a tmtnnber of
other, towns desirious 'oi forrtt,ing a
Baseball League to be known as the
Huron County League. Tltis invi-
tation was discussed in . all its bear-
hags and finally ,accepted. On ` the
■ 2xst of May two representatives of
the Wingham ECard and Soft ball.
league journeyed to Clinton where
the Clans fore athared. These am-
with i d'ci us
5 ei • in g a t a o
a sadrs v t t
b, o weighing 9
6 g
care the arguments for and against
affiliation with the proposed, Huron
League persuaded themselves that.
the right thing to do was to recom-
mend Wingham linking up,
In this new:league there are two
classes "A" and "B't and Wingltam
takes its ::place' in the'"A" class. The
other teams conipriseddin "A" class
are Clutton Goderich, Bayfield and
Wingham's first game in the leagte
will be played at' Wingham oil Wed-
nesday June the '4th., �t,nd their op-
ponents on that occasion will be,
Goderich. We:look for a record gate'
then,, and should not be' disappointed
if the weather :• remains good.
The Huron League, willin no wise
interfere with the Town. League en-
gagements, but will suppliment them.
It will •be the means of demonstrat-
ing"whither or not the players in our
e Samples
>r1 l.. s
�ax^p _ � Jp � lir
so ,only Wilton Carpet samples ■
27x54, suitable as . mates or if ■
sewn togeether as run- ■
ners,, bargain prices ale
Bath Towelssome are _
53 only Ba h �
white others with color-
ed borders, one price ■
Just what You need; for a good
summer dress at a low price, ■
regular 85c and L,00, ■
clearing per.yard ... ��
Ratlines and Voileg
Ladies' (Coats and IN
Raincoats • ■ Hardball circuit are profiting by;the
■ practice which:. the local games -are of
Clearing lines of serviceable gar- ■ an arms t a giiage as to the-
menu in all wool and rainproof ■ de ree of erfectionplayers are at
g p P Y
'materials, 'half price and less, ■ "taining. :If the public • support' our
at .........-......----------$4.95 to x1.75 ■ team in their County engagements as
they are supporti'ng the various- town
■All the
teams all should be well. h
rues la ed .to date between our
� rWeaP a Y
lin e g �,
■been ell worth
town rivals have , w .
Vests- DrawersBloomers, Corn- III, ) ■. witnessing.
' binations, .Step -Ins, Slips, Night The standing of.the teams in the
Gowns, etc. all at reduced' prices. ill■ two circuits are given below..
" White Voiles ■ Team pl. won lost
■ Factories - 3 2 ®
2 . x
"''Independents I." x
ularl priced $.00' to Foundries
z.go, clearing price yard ■ Clerks
■ Clerics
ThurStlay, June 5th., 1924.
Excellent .quality -of white voiles,
in check and stripe' design, reg
■ Foundries
Rea.r -- epartment ® Fry-Gunn-olas
Voile Dresses, patine Dresses, Broadcloth Cloth Dresses, Lin- ®Lloyds and Gurneys 2
en Dresses, Coats, Wraps, Suits
Phone 71
Boy in Auto Struck
• �1Vl;AfTLAND 'FRFSBY'.l'E`1 1C M
The' tenth aiiiitua1" nte'eting of. Sait.-
land Presbyterial Society of the W.
M.S, was, held in Walton on Tuesday
May'2ptla;. x87 delegates representing
27 Av siliaries .and a • large no' c visi-
tors were welcomed by Mrs. Chand.,
`ler and members of the W. M. S.
Boys who think it smart to throw
stones at passing autos should remem-
ber that they are liable to a pretty
heavy fine. small chap, hurled a
fair sized bctulder at a car on Centre
St. on Sunday afternoon and it struck
a little lad. in the auto quite a blow,. A
warning should be sufficieat,
Meeting was presided aver by,the
President, Mrs. Hartness and opened
by praisefrom Psalm 58, Members.
from Ethel Auxiliary conducted de-
votional, exercises. Minutes of last
Mrs. Carr
meeting read by l�ecrSeay., M s.
followed by excellent: reports from all
the: department secretaries. Messen-
ger Secy., reported 788 subscriptions,
g Y, P
ail •increase on whole over' last year
of 78 requests. Auxiliary Mess. Secy.
to have subscriptions'in to her by
the last"of "October if possible, Y. W.
Aux. -Secy., gave her 3rd annual re-
port, showing some encouraging fea-
tures and contributions to $s87.95. Re-
ports from Press"'and Strangers and.
Social Service Secretaries followed.
Mis ion Band '.Secy., reports 4" new
bands Port Albert,, Ashfield, Calvin,
Dungannon. 25 bands in all.: Mem-
bership '.481- decrease of:65, 'average
attendance 467. Contributions $1046.-
00, decrease of $7o.35, Ashfield reports
memberships. Suggestions Freeman of Listowel and Harold' and
2. junior P gg
for Christmas gifts, spools, needles, one ..daughter, Mrs. ;J. W. Joynt' of
lies no 0 0
i t
eful supplies, w
tl er t s
scissors and o pP ,
the untiring efforts of� our. 1?resldent,
who' addressed; l 'Attiiliat�ies, Mrs.'.
Gollan .2, Mts,.Overend 6, Mrs, Me -
'Callum Miss.'.McGregor visited x'?'
points and, o.r. ganized r new Auxiliary.
Appreciation of the' splendid .services
rendered by.Mrs. Conan in. her Miss-
ion Band work. Her 'efforts is aan
aid and inspiration to W.M.S, merit.
The other day the Goderich Jttst�ice
112i41 Paid a vito' Winghanl
handed out a, iewsit 'seatea�ees to offend
,ers, Among other eases was that of
a young man"' the sort of one of
9 e s Treasurer report total contra Wtnghanl's, most respected citizens,
butions $7,467.75 increase over ,or who was fined for speeding. The
linary'givings over last year, $583.00. purpose of this letter' is not to de -
Gift. 'fz'om a 'friend in Lucicnow of fend speeding but rather to call at -
$500.00, total increase $1,083.00 ,a re teutlon to the circumstances and the
oof finances- foryear :1 and ,aneaps .by which. the conviction was'
port9z scciired.
' t r
5923 was:given in detail Dedre o y of i. rla€tit
t er Win 4
ara er was:offered by Mrs.Tate;_ of A . number ,6 g
i t e le and t mn 649closed. morn-: School boys were on' their way to play
n reva 1 Y
'rt session. 'ball with the 1Cincardine_kT S. team.
t g Princi ial 13raekenbur- with' mert?bers
(Continued next' weep.) t Y
of the teatn had gone on almead; fol
LUCKNOW lowed some minutes later by. a second
A gloom has been cast over the vil- car .driven by the young man above
few:da s bythe death referred to. When about Zetland this
tape the pasty e t -
t two of our well.. known.- residents; car overtook. a car striven by Inspect-
nsp c
of i Freeman having ` to, or' Peilow, driving the •boys state,
Ma. h'. F. F l passed.about miles per hour and later slae
that home -whence no traveller returns, 35
on Fridayafternoon, the funeral which kening his 'speed to i5 Writesper hour,
was conducted by the T. O. O. F. of When he noticed the boys bcluncl him,
which the deceased was a neinher, ta- Although they repeatedly sounded ttte
king face to: Greenhill ,cemetery on horn indicating their desire to faits.,
Sunda at 2.30 p, at, Re leaves to the boys state tlie, inspector contanu-
m urn hist oss his wife, fwo sons, Dr." ed to hold the road and on one oc-
scrap. books. Autograph quilt, knit- ! " Again on Sabbath morning, June t,
ted, yarn quilts. A request to Miss., at 5.3o the Grim Reaper called at the
Band secretaries is for prompt re- home of Ur. J. G. Anderson andsum-
ports accompanied by a letter telling
of your years work. Rallies.'to be
held in 1924 at .Whitechurch,"Wroxe-
ter and Molesworth. New set of
lantern „slides on school; homes- are
available. Supply, seep. Mrs,"Murdie,
Lucknow, reported Bale and caash to
value of $517.95 sent to Portage La
Prairie, I. 13. S;'supplies required for
1924, outfits for 3 boys, Alberril and
a3 boys, Taejon Schools, also sheeting,
pillow cases. Christmas gift. Par-
cels to be weighed, and weight, invoice`
no. of boy, name of Auxiliary and
sender to be placed on outside of par-
cel as well as in officiaal invoice.
3o dollars in cash in addition to sup-
plies, Home Helpers secy. reported on
the growth -of the department and the
awakened interest, suggesting to
to divide their district and have a
member visit Home Helper and also
the children in Miss. Band interest
distribute envelopes and mite boxes,
moved his ,beloved wife, who
her bereft partner laves one son, Wil- once they did finally get . room to
fred, to mourn a loving wife and mo- pass. Being-' an officer. of the law
ther. Mrs, Anderson will be ',greatly may entitle the inspector to break the
missed in the community being always
willing to help in'any' good cause be-
ing•possessed of- a beautiful voice, her
service§ were always in demand and
she always cheerfully responded.- De-
ceased was a' member of the Metho-
casion turned m front of them when
they :attempted to pass. Naturally
this rovoctition^ riled the boys co
'sidering that they wished to overtake
their 'school 'principal before he ar-
rived at Lueknow and who can blame
them that they showed ',seine speed
same law the young man was fined
for breaking, but it does not entitle
him to block the highway as all six of
the boys are prepared to swear he did
for about one half *ale.
In police court the young man, ov-
'l •erawed bythe presence of, the: high
dist. :choir,. where;she-will be very �
mtich missed, and also in the activities and mighty Goderich Justice Mill,: de -
of the .church. ' clined to tell his story and pleaded
The "sympathy bf all goes out to guilty and paid tlie'fire. .In the pre -
these two families in their great ber- sense of a more sympathetic or famili-
eavement. ar court the result might have been
We are sorry to report that Mr:
George S. Robertson'is not making as
rnttclt ':progress towards recovery as
liis friends would wish. •
Mrs. Robert Carrick who. was very
low last, week is somewhat better.
Mrs. (Rev..) McCallum was in Mon-
t eek atteiidin the jubilee
a week will enable" H. H. depart of the general W. M. S. of the Pres -
meat to reach their objec.ive. Total- byterian Church in Canada.
No. of members 283, total contrtbu-'
tions $362.08. Corresponding Secy: 'A Correction
treat las w g
report was very encour'aging, that We regret an error in last week's
there is aan increase in sympathetic report of the death of tae late ,Mrs.
understanding. Greater devotion to Jas. Porter. We have since learned
the work, greater interest through that Mrs. Porter successfully under -
mission study. Increased finances. went an operation and survived two
Our aim in /924 is double our efforts days but unfortunately passed away
through missionary education , and the , owing to atiaelnia of the brain. The
study book. New Auxiliaries organ- case is not only 'the first of its kind
ized at Bervie arid Lorne, 30 Auxil- to lia-Ve occurred in this vicinity but
iaries in all and associate auxiliary. the first known. to Medical Science as.
Success in the work is due greatly to far as we can learn.
that there would have been two persons
fined instead of one. But. there is4a.n
old fable about an adder that trio 'to.
bite a file, the moral of •which might
apply in this case.
—A few who are interested
Presentation at Eastern Star
At the last meeting of the local
chapter of the Eastern Star, Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Patterson were presented
with a pair of travelling slippers and
Eastern Star pin respectivela, prier to
their departure for Detroit. The ad-
dress was read by,the Worthy Patron
W. J. Boyce and. the presentations
were made by Worthy Mistress Mrs.
Oliver Thompson. I3o'th Mr, and Mrs.
Patterson made appropriate replies af-
ter which the gathering sang "Auld
Wroxeter, was the pianist.
1 Greater Bargains than ever previously offered -- Entire stock on sale of Ready -to -Wear, Suits, Coats,
Dresses, Rugs, Men's Furnishings and Dry Goods Save Money.
Of anna & Co.,
Just Nine 'Vlore Days at Wingham s Busy
mi 1.98 Window Special
Read This List
NI Anderson Pattern Gingham Dresses, regu-
11111 Flannel Dresses, Greens and •Taia, regular
MI ▪ Flannel Sport Coat, reg. $1o.00,I•sale _1/.98
an Girls' Flatmel Middies, Fawns, Blues and
ai Ladies' Pullover Sweaters, 'clearing values
jig Underskirts, Broadcloths, Stripes, Blacks,
Plain shades, regillar $4.5o, sale .... ..
White Cotton Bedspreads, regular $3,5o, our
Children's 'Flannel and Serge Dresses, the
shool style, reg. up tO 45.004 sale
Sleeveless Sweaters, White, fancy trpriming,
DRESSES -- Cantora Crepes, Tricolettes,
Summer Frocks, Blouses less 2a per 'cent.
Navyttid Black Coats, fine quality aricotine
braideddand plain styles, full silk line'd
SUITS—Fine tricotines, navys and blacks,
fawns, boyish and strictly tailored suits, full
REMNANTS-1Vlany new choice yen -II -tants
from the Thrid Annual Sale _a -Half Price
Cretonne Remnants for pillow tops, etc on
sale 35c each
'Turkish Towelling, red and blue stripe on
Cottons, white bleached heavy weight good
quality at 2oc yard
Raw Silk, fine even shantung 69c yard
Peabody Overalls and Smocks $2.x9
BOYS' S'UIT SALE ---Boys' Bloomer Suits
in•new Norfolk belted models 6.95, 8.75, 9.75
Carhartt's Celebrated Overalls and Smocks,
A good Black Tea, special purchase Annual
Grape Nuts, 2 for .
Fancy Biscuits, all flavors, lb. . ,30e
Pearline, large
Matches, box
Sunlight Soap, 3 bars..
Tomatoes, per can
Robinhood Oatmeal, large 24c, small. . . .10e
Corn Flakes, per pkge.
Red Path Sugar, per 100.. .9.10
Men's and Young Men's Summer Suits in
tweeds,' herringbones, lovats, dortegals, and
homespuns -$13.75, 5945, 2445
Special Navy Blue Serge, Men's and Young
Men's models $24,75
Men's Shirt Sale, Arrow Forsyth makes,
regula.r up to $2.50, sale
Men's New Straw Sailor Hats
Men's Silk and WOol Hose
Men's Coatless Suspenders
Soft Collars, all sizes, for . 35c
Men's Merino 'Underwear 89c
Men's and Boys' New 'Spring Caps g8c
New Straws, saw edges, Brown Straws and
Sermetts, regular sale $1.98, 1.69
HOSIERY SALE—Children's Hose, blacks,
Ladies' and Misaes' Silk Hose in all 'the
All Silk Hose, white, browns, fawns, regu-
Yarns, per ball roc
Cotton Crepes, new spring shades, regular
,75c, on sale at 59c
New Normandy Dress Voiles less 20 p. c.
Ginghams, checks and stripes , 19c
Prints, dark and light shades,' guaranteed,
on sale at ., asc yard
Large assortment of Ladies' Silk Scarfs,
Canton Crepe's, new spring shades, guaran-
teed quality, sale Sa.40
Serges, Tricotines, Summer Dress Goods
on sale less 20 per cent.
Curtain Scrims.. , ..16c yard
Curtains by the pair Half Nate
Oilcloths 43c sq. yErd
Entire stack of small arid larEte Rugs, Brtis-
sels, Tapestry, Wilton. less 20 per cent.