HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-06-05, Page 4• ! 414 t1,40 tiff caremade by the P ER Preeent GoVerrinient'would;aniCeint to 'from $7.i.e.,'$too for 'every farmer e ,NOr • P . the eanutry, and with inereased pur chasing Power the farm:era 'Would bnY at ern • mere manufactured goods and the naannfacturers Would share in the en- ; ' The annual t g o North 1) r1 ' - suing pros e 't , Mr. Marshal/ said the manufactur- itiron'Liberel Association was held, in ers were not as nanch Interested in the „ 11 W1 town hall on Tuesday tariff as the politicians were. Tlx • last week and was attended by Lib - Canadian Manufacturers' Association rale from almost every part of the itung. The meeting was called jointly _was pretty much. an adjunct of tito or Ow Federal and Provincial A.' .1.0rY party, but the manufacturers . . , a" I'd t 11 belong to it, Some of the e'ations, but owing toz) -other duties cl a° a manufaeturers •had already announced the day of meeting, the seeretary of reductiens in the prices of their pro- Provirielal Associatwas unable ion I ducts as the result of the tariff o he present and the business Was enfined. to Federal affairs. t cbanges- Marshall charged that the Con - Most of last year's officers were re-; ...1,,, ,,,;„„, Government had °added to elected; but it was decided to have ''''''''''''' •the public 'debt the entire cost of the for each municipality two cliairmen,i-le , war, the cost of demobilization, and, •ne Of them to be a woman, in order that proper attention might be. given ` $171,0oo,ocio in addition. The l3ritish ;Government had taxed. war profiteers •to the orinn il ganization of the woevot- heavy while they had the money and •'Qrs. The list of officorn-erS for tbe co- - so was able to pay off a large part • Ingpx?r,eesniareinst,aws 2,O1HIOwRs'obertson, onde,..; of its war debt. The Conservative x.i.th;. 15t vien_president, John Gil...! Government of Canada bad not fol - ;lowed this course and it was im- lesPie, Whitechurch; 2nd. vice-presi- dnt, •Joseph P. Dalton, Ashfield; possible at this date to tax the war- etime profits, for many of those who rd vice-president, Nelson Hill, Au- inade money during the war did not 'burnt Secretary, Jas. McMurchie, Blyth; treasurer, -k. B. Carr, Blyth; Possess it n°wi having' spent it or lust And the auditor, Wm, Isbister, wiagkam. it in unwise speculations. worst of it was that the boys who • .Cliairmthe for e various municipal -won i the war and had come back ties: to Canada found that thy had to bend A.stifield—Chas. Stewart, Mrs. Mor - gall zialtom i their backs to help Pay the taxes ctaborue......Gordoa youtia.„, Mrs. I. wartithat should have been collected in Hetherington. "' i_me from those who stayed at Grey—John MeNab, Mrs. Andrew -"°111e. •Lamont. The speaker, who for some years Howick—Thos, McClement, Mrs. Alex McKercher. Morris—Wm,•Elston Mrs R. Rich- Tuenberry—Peter S. McEwen, Mrs. Joseph Lave. East NArawanosh—Chas. Campbell, Mrs. Alex. Porterfield. West Wawanosh—Win. Watson •"Miss Betsy McAllister, Brussels--WM. GillesPie„ Mrs -Pet- • er Seott, • Blyth—C. lic(..-ellancl, Mrs. S. A• . Poplestone. • Goderich—C. A. Nairn, Mrs. Wesley Wineiram—Atiner Cosens Miss Po- , -sten. (la Hazelwood. ' . inent position. which the Canadian Hon. Duncan Marshall, Federal Prime Minister took upon all occas- ions in connectiorr with that gather - liberal organizer, addreesed the meet - The Hon. MacKenzie King was • ing and gave an interesting sketch of „ing. as it e..sists better equipped than any other man •the politieal situation and on every occasion it was ad - in the Dominion. He pointed out there, ad - hat the King Government ha,d taken mitted that the best speech was made by the Canadian Premier, Be - indebtedness huge . /eft behind by the for- fore many years had gone by, Mr. mer Conservative Goverment and a Marshall said, the Liberal party be as proud of Mr. King .as 'change to, Prosperous conditions would • would take tun'. e, Before rile change they were of that peeless statesman of Government in r9•>i the country' Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Several of the local Liberals made was in much the same `stagliant con- b,rief remarks after„.Mr. Marshall's ad- dition as in the '90's. ' The advent of' a Liberal Government in i8g6 bad uress, and a hearty vote of thanks, and ' moved by Mr. John J. Robertson of brought ProsueritY in a few years, Colborne and seconded by Mr. A. similarly gotia results would before' of Wingham, was tendered to long follow"the change made in ren-LICusens Mr. Marshall recalled some of thei the visiting speaker.—Signal. „ • things the Laurier Government ha.di done to produce prosperity, sAggest-• Glad Yon Like It Wroxeter—John Douglas, Miss El- was Minister of Agriculture for the Province of Alberta and is intimately acquainted with ag.ricultural condi- tions throughout the Dominion, spoke at some length on the subject of far- mers' markets, which he considered the important factor in the success of farmine- in Canada. Great Britain, and the United States were the only two- great cattle markets in the world. rnentation Quickly sets up * The British Government had been in- paunch with serious gas distention.. dnced to remove its embargo on Can- Puncture B,uesee eesse the virocar. adian cattle and in time. Mr; Marsh.- , In urgent cases speedy relief Marsh - alt predicted, • the King Government I very essential to the continued would secure entry for Canadian cat- of the animal. The quickest re tle to the United States market. Mr. Marshall, who was in Britain may be given ' by punetur g tees Hamilton. rumen usinga trocar if sue IA at x x x at the time of the last Iinurial Con- — ' - • haild, or a clean, sha,r knife On Renew your subscription today. ference spoke with pride of the ern- CAT TO 00 FOR BLOAT Remedies for tioven and Chroalc Tympanitis In Cattle. Canses of Bloat Described—Use of Trocar to Puncture the Rumen Re‘ eolumended, for /Oven—Interned. Remedies Also Suggested --Tuber culosis in Da:lining. (Con t,r1011 teci ey Ontario Department of eineteulture, ToContal , Nearly every Cattle stable is the scene of a few experiences with bloat- ing cattle during the winter and spring seasons. Bloating is charac- terized by swelling et the left fiank. in severe eases the distention may be such as to cause great discomfort, and when' tapped with the fingers will emit a sound. The animal, has a dis- tressed expeession. and wives Uncom- fortably, breathing becomes more ficult as the gas distention of the 1;A AN g.TINIE I CRISP ,COMMENT ON THE WORLD'S CURRENT EVENTS From Near and Far, Outside Oar Own Community. Condensed To Make Clear, Concise and Quick Reading -Possible, CRISP COMNIENTS Win* Steadman,. Toronto slayer of Oshawa and Napanee will hold ail Herbert McClure, who was adjudged Old Boys' Re -union this year, .and insane by a jury before being put n trial has been admitted to the Belleville will hold a United Enipire o Loyalist Celebration in june, psychiatric ward at the Ontario Re- x x x, inmates at the Guelph "farm," formatory, There age at present 97 "Turn Trash Into Cash," Insert x x a classified ad. in the Advance -"rimes Sixty thousand Canadians are now and sell that article you do not want in process of invading Europe. Some • x x ten years ago, another Canadian in - There are no prisoners in Milton vasion of t e old country began— jail at present, but then, the pro- gress of justice is generally Halton. Raymond Sillies lies dead, and his parents, who live near • Tillsonburg, are serously ill, as the result of eat- ing mushrooms which proved to be deadly poisin. x x x Be right, or be left. x x x paunch progresses. If the gas is net liberated, or its formation °beaked, wa The coming bye -election in South terloo .will be between W. C. in time, rupture of the stomach Ot Shaw Conservative, and K. Homuth a eath by suffocation may happen. Hoven or Bloat. The causes of bloat, or hoven, be attributed to any kind of feed_ will produce indigestion if eV% unreasonable quantity. HasV fee,- ing by greedy animals frequently re- sults in discomfort for the apirne, and trouble for the stableNspeS. Frozen roots, mouldy feeds, &ter - feeding with middlings, barley corn meal, cold, wet feeds, potat eebbage, large quantities of green ea frosted green feeds are Qom causes of this trouble. The 41g process being interfered wit, Progressive -Labor, the Liberal party deciding against entering a man. x, x x David Miller , and. brother, lured Jack O'Neill, of Toronto, into a taxi cab, poked a .15c toy pistol into his ribs, and finally accompanied hirn to a minister's residence on the King- ston road, and made him marry their sister, Marion Miller. The marriage stands as legal, as O'Neill did not protest during the ceremony when he had plenty of opportunity, to. x x Cabinet ministers at Ottawa. receive _eg larger salaries than ministers in the sr, U. S. A. Govt. with a population 12 ` times as great. We might save smon- ey by firing a few ministers. 1111 Damage of $7o,000 was done by e fire last week to the building and con - 1 tents of the McGregor •Shirt Co., ing that the present Government wasl, The editor is pleased. to receive the shaping its- policy with the same idea, z'folloiving note from i m Mr Richard as irldcated by only inoderate in the -week he was re -arrested on; in - 'namely, that the way to make Cr rt f will, do. Select a Pain eginaltY tent from hi p bone to last rib w is usually the point of eates visible distention. In raakin the incision direct the knife or tie:n*1'point x x x Walter Walster, ir-years-old, was dnowned in Norman Lake, at Coch- rane, while saving the life of his corn- eanion, who fell off of a raft 'on downward, Inward and a little for- which they had been playing. ward. The sheath of the trocar x x x should remain in the .opening to piss- Napoleon Champagne was elected ride exit for the gas. When no ',No- inayor of Ottawa by acclamation to ear is at hand and a knife is used succeed the late Mayor Watters. to puiactere the paunch, the opening may be kept open by a large wing feather from turkey or goose. The feather is prepared by makingan 11 x x Home Bank depositors have no le- gal right to compensation but they have a naoral, so say the counsel. They opening at each end of the qu Rini would be more apt to see something then dipping in boiling water, a, 17, for their lost money if it were just carbolic ointment and insert. W 0 the other way around, the tube or cannula is in position 4 . x x x _ should be held by an attendant =tit sufficient gas has passed out to per- Gamekeeper WM/ Crossen, of Co- bourg, was arrested last week on a mit the flank to return to noriaal charge of wounding by shooting, condition. It can then be remo.ved. Edward Rowe, Coboure- and Byron Internal Re,medies May Relieve. . AlcCrodan, Toront94 who were poach , When the bloating is not severe, ing and later admitted. to bail. Later „ a erb ormer y at Cidross, but ing at the flank, the trouble ean heel sfructions frona the Attorney-Gener- • ers of Canada prosperous. That was*, please find S2.00 for one year's sula- internal imecileines. Aromatic spirits chargecl -ivith attempting to commit what tire Laurier Government did and ,seription. Enjoying- your paper very of ammonia given every half hour, murder, and will be held without bail, • that was what the King Government:much. It is much better since- the two ounces to one quart of water for ,until the outsome of the injuries to -ems endeavoring to do. The saving amalgamat' an animal two years or over. After the town men is ascertained. Accord- . •bloating is over give one pound of ing to law a gamekeeper has no au- , glauber salts in,not lees than one and thority to shoot for trespass, and 1111111111111111011111N11111111 a half quarts of water. Repeat the shooting is unjustifiable. He can sue NI physic if necessary. for damages but he cannot shoot or .jure any trespassers. Ise prosperous was to make the farm- now at Hanna, Alberta, "Enclosed be relieved by the administration 0 s Department, Toronto. He is now joinmemfamenigsomousiommzsommormimemmogiese ill1111IIIII11111111/ Ist 111111lN11111111E111111131121111111111)1111111118111111l11111 P— 11. Chronic Tyanpemitis. Ur re m EggS maTiahlBer tsAnatoerpirc; tor? sofbibel:aturis during tontrig 0 iTytitnep emir:4;r t of tIlli,aen C a 0 .. ...,.. winter period when tattle are stand - l5 II ing in. ,Soine animals maybe affected OW11 referee. Another proof of Yankee "„sportsenanship." — X X X — To The Whyte Packing Co. Ltd. One of the oldest and most reliable:firms in Canada. in Dealers in farm produce for over sixty years. • We will give you the very best I • service and prices possible. .Bri.0 a: gham, 'Ontario FropsulaposIgnittEmssinamannamcsainitniaingriallainpinutle II f1 by this forra of digestive trouble, x x *tine others Jiving under identical conditions are not. The affected ani- Dandelions must be ;getting won- derful roots these days. Ina/ bloats up after feeding, but gen- re x x . erally not to an extent to nequirit _ June Halsey, syeah-old daugh- puncture and relief by trocar an i „ ter of A. E. Halsey, Toronto, died as otainnia• -rk Purgative will generauY a result of swallowing a peartet, give relief, provided the chronic wflich got imbedded in a. lung. bloating has been ea.used by indiges- n .x tion, and not by tubereulosis of the Sympathy is extended to the law - Pulmonary lymp-hatic glands. _ , 3 ers of Harry Thaw. They have lost a good cash customer. Best Doses for Chronic Bloat. Tile following dosage has been found weary effective in relieving thia form of bloat; one pound of IiiPsOM se.its; one half mmee of powdered Barbados aloes; one ounce of pow- dered gingen; and one pint of mo - •lasses. Prepare by 'stirring the Dpsom salts and aloes into two quarts of wenn water, then add the ginger end reolasse.s. Stir all for five min- ates and give as a drench. Alter the operation. of the purgative, see that the feed is ,sufacieiatly succulent to favor easy digestion. Roots, silage end clover are most useful In keep- Ang the eihnentare tra.et in good con - tion. The use of linseed m.eal Bad 11111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Caliber salts h-•rieed with the feed THE HYDRO SHOP — We Sell — Clarys Electric Ranges Moffatt Electric Ranges Hydro Lamps %Co Morning anti night — handful of each --Is -good practice should ther • he any indication that the genera •IN feeding is not laxative enough. Potase Slum bi-carbotate, powdered .g.inger • , and powderer/ gentian are very Lisette/ 1 as a tonie to tone tp the digestive • sYstere and thereby- aid in the Pre - vention of elarteale bloat or *repent - ▪ itis, tree eenal parts of each, Mix 1111 well and, give one ounce at elle begin- • 'Mug of the feed tlet.ee times a tier. •Should chronie bloating conthatin a after treatment the tuberculin test • shciu d be Pplied to the animal.— * Staveriema, Dept. of Extensiem a O. en, College, Guelph. Hotpoint Appliances I Right Our Work is the test. a ,ete Everythin ri 1 rri Utilities 0 f P ,, 'iniberetilosis and Dairyieg. The teonoinic Importance of tuber- . 111/— attlosIS in the dairy industry is shown, ,,, II br nguras on the length of time colitis 1?----ni 11**iiin in the milking herd. • LUMF4 prepared by the innited States ' 11. A tWo storey brick. dwelling, Depa,rtreent of Agrieniture, sbest sir west iltuated arid .i„,.,ith Inedtrit ,..., thetit.the• average ow remains In. the = . , c, Milking herd, 4.2 Year& liloweVen, Pi '41:tteni,"_ees will _P56'Pld •1 islieli the toWs removed on, &enema Cif • i reasonable priee. ThiS is a bar ttiberculesfs are hot Considered, it lit1-_-.7-5 gailt, IT iteund that the turnover is not ncarlY !! ,• • stii great, the u!efu.) life Of the pet, i' 'ffl ,• — A date in the latter part of June is named unocicia113- as the day on. which the electors of Ontario will cast their votes for, or against the Ontario Temperance Act, It is not yet known lust what form the issue Trill tate but the 'majority think it iII be a vote on the sale of been and wine. xxxl Mr. Coal Dealer: "A penny, your thoughts?' X X X , United States have only DOW de- cided to give its veterans a bonus. Canada, infinitely lese rich, gave its veterans a cash bonus immediately they came home. It was a credi- table chapter in bumf- history in the war. or 1 Z Wedding Rings, DiamOnd 5 Rings and Marriage .Li- cence information if. R.Hamilton's, 4Te2f!!?:j • .iustratatEminitiminiamiriarrimuncialti I Fine Residence For Sale a larger ane than this. This one is Peaceful; an invasion of tourists. It is the greatest movement of tour- ists in the history of the country. Twenty-six first class steamers will take this number over and return in some three months. Of course large numbers will have to go via New York, but the xnajority are travelling by Canadian -owned- boats, The draw- ing card is the Wembley Exhibition. The average cost for a couple will airiount to around '$1,5000; therefore, sixty -thousand • Canadians will take out of the country this surnmer some $48,000,000. x x x "Constant dropping wears away a stone." Constant advertising brings results. The srnall cost of Advance - Times want ads. permits you to use them every week throughout the year. The Toronto Globe reports One of its readers cdught a speckled trout of useful size in a tin bucket. It is not stated whether the reporter, the reader or the trout had been x x x Time of difficulty and times of stagnation are not proper times for tariff tinkering—J. L. Stamen, E. Elgin, Censervative. x XX In the good old days the man. who spent Victoria Day pushing a lawn mower was thought guilty of high treason. Now he's only judged guilty of annoying the neighbors. x x x Some chaps feel like regular he- men, and some are required to go shopping with their wives. x x x Canadian farm products' shipped to the United States during- the sev- en months ended April totalled $43- oeo,000 as against $32,000,000 dur- ing the corresponding seven months two years ago. The power of geo- graphy is more compelling than the power of tariffs. . Gordon Jarvis, three-year-old son of Wm. Jarvis, of London Ont, was saved frone drowning in the Thames river by twb women who held on to a rope and rescued him. Two boys were sentenced at Har- wich, Ont., to a bath- and haircut when they came up for stealing eggs. A Montreal lawyer declares that the ideal jury is composed. of nine men and three women. Mrs. Penk- burst asserts that the nine men are not really necessary. x x x Making the income tax return more simple is a goad idea; now if theynill only simplfy the method. of getting the income. A Toronto -owned racing: pigeon flew 7e miles in 77 minutes, last week St. Marys to Toronto. SALEM Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mitchell and daughter, Miss Laura of Wingham called 011 Mr. and Mrs. Those Mc- Michael last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer and Miss Edith Weir Visited friends at Brussels one slay last week. Mr. Stocks of Wroxeter very ably occupied the pulpit here last Sunday in the absence of the pastor. A large number from this communi- ty attended tbe re -opening services in the Wroxeter Presbyterian Chunefa last Sunday. Mrs. Alex Casemore and two chil- dren of Petrolea visited friends around here lately. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning 'have the sympathy of the neighborhood it their recent bereavement haeing lot their little baby. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Morrison Sharpin last Friday. Rinky-Dinks Win ii.gain The Rinky Dinks of the local S. P. I C., defeated the Teeswater Con- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r tinuation School in an exhibition ' I 'if .F., 7/. ' Thursday, 11.lne 5th, x904- The Jones Entertain We regret that in our brief account of the play put on Tuesday evening of last week by the young people of St. Andrews church that we overlooked mentioning the excellent Scotch dan- cing by little Miss Anna McGillivray The town papers were in the post of- fice when we noticed the ommission and corrected it, The comedy drama "The Jones Ent- ertain was one of the biggest success- es yet staged by local talent. It weuld be unfair to say that any particular person starred as they all were excell. mit, For the benefit of our readers at _a distance and those who were unable to attend the.play we repeat the cast of characters: Wallace Jones a young architectural genius who has not yet arrived, Toni Currie;; Mildred Jones, his bride, Miss Serail MacLean; Miss Hulda. Jones, his devoted aunt, Mrs. W. J. Henderson; Tucker Whipple, his new friend and brightest hope, Gordon MacLean; Charles Fallon, a college graduate, W. T. Booth; Fallon sr., a worker of miracles, A. L. Pos- liff; William. Tamp, an impressionable expressman R. A. Currie; Bettina Blandish of international screen i fame, Miss Elizabeth Gilchrist; Phyllis Sto- tenboucher of the famous old Knicker- bocker StOtenbouchers, Miss Letty Fox; Christophene an emotional house maid Miss Bertha MacKay; Mrs. Bab- bidge, the proud possessor of an in- valid husband, Mrs. Alfred Carr. The accompanists were Miss Marion Mitchell and Miss Alice Williamson. When a steam -crane on the T. and N. 0. turned over near Cobalt, two men, Robt. Kennedy, engineer, and Thomas .Clark,, fireman, were so badly scalded that both have since died. They were trapped in the closed' in part of the crane. 1' • KINLOSS May Report of S. S. No, io, Kinloss. No. enrolled during the month 49, average attendance 44.e; per centage of attendance 95.2. The school was in session during 22 days. • Thirty- five scholars were not absent during the month. Two families moved to Lucknow during the early part of the month. The names are in order of merit: Sr. 4th, class over 75 p. c.—Annie Moor; Jean Scobie, Nettie Lott, Wal- lace Conn, Scott Paterson, Edna Mor- rison, Dawson Craig, David Hender- son, Russel Gaunt. Between 60 and 75 p. c.—Laura Conn, Clara Purdon, Edward Wadel. Below 6o p. c.—Isabel Purdah, Grace Richardson. Sr. 3rd.—Russel Moore, Eliza Wa- del, Robt. Henderson, Clarence Mc- Clenaghan, Roy McGregor, Agnes Wilson, Chas. ,Henderson. Jr. 3rd.—Donald Ross, Ella Wadel, Athol _Pardon, George Ross, Fred Lott, James Richardson. Second—Edna Wadel, Milian Moore Mildred Scobie, James Henderson, fftith Moore, John Morrison. First—hferle Gaunt, Lorna Mc- Clenaghan. Pr. Sr.—Stanley MoOre, Norma Morrison, Edward McClenaghan, Jack Gillespie, Hector Purdore Pr, Jr.—Velma Scott, Thomas Wil- son, Janet Craig, Russel Ross. P. Gowans, Teacher. WRO XETER (To late for last week) The Presbyterian Church -here has been undergoing repairs and has been newly decorated, re -opening services will be held next Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Scott of Holstein in charge, followed, Monday evening with an old time tea meeting. Rev. Dr. Brown and Mrs. Brown, of the Methodist Church will leave Friday morning for Windsor where they will visit friends for a few days before attending Conference. Mr. John Muir of Stratford visited spending a few weeks with Mrs. John attended to. over the week -end with his brother in town. Mrs. Gilder of Arthur is at present TTinehheeto2C11-othItro: 01: May yevision of the As - passed very quiet- lysessment Roll of the village of Wrox- eter was held here Monday enenine. Mr. Ashton 'Morrison spent tlie week -end with his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Weirdt spent Sunday with friends at Mildmay. Mr. Harry Chamberlain our Green House man. delivered a load of toma- to plants in Brussels Monday. momommwomammmomommomommwor 111 Cut CilaSS or • if risties S p e PI' We are offering this weelt one 111 GLASS at vey ATTRACTXVE M or two tones of FINE CUT PRICES, The cut design: on each piece 15 decidedly chaste in 11 character and will appeal to the ITN . , most artistic. • Butter Tubs. .59c E1/4 • filarnialacie Jars 59e a Creams anti Sugars, `• per set , . . .78c 7 Piece Water Set < Only . .. ......2.49 iLarge size Pitcher • 11, 111-' The Quality Food Store N IHNIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111011111110111111111111P . Say It Wit Flowers Bedding Plants, Funeral - and Wedding Flowers 1 _ MRS. W1VI. SNEATH Box 42. Tel. 142. BLUEVALE The Bluevale Institute will be hent on Thursday, June 5th., at the home of Mrs. J. W. King. A good pro- gram is being prepared. Everybody welcome. The Council Meeting Nothing of any great '• importance transpired at the June meeting of"the Wingham Council on Monday night- Sevetal miner jobs were cleaned up,. The large sCraper was sold to Mr. T. J. McLean, for $5o. The ceraetery committee decided to make a conple- of test cases where people continueta. disregard notices to pay for the care of cemetery lots. The fire committee. have received the 35o feet of new hoes. Grass in the park was ordered; to be cut and a few other minor jobs; Is It Good Business? - The Advance -Times has during the past two weeks refused over one full' page of advertisements from mer- chants in other towns where news- papers are published. To some of our readers this may sound like very un- wise business and we can hardly say whether it is or not, The merchants. in Wingham probably appreciate it,. and probably they don't care a cent. Sometimes we believe they do, but what do we think whea a printer's. salesman comes to town (and they come every month) and carry away Our Mission Band held A quilting orders for hundreds of dollars worth bee in the basement of the Methodist of printing from some of these very. Church last Wednesday aftertmon, same business men whom we seek to. four quilts being quilted and bound. protect. game to -day by a score of 6 to 5. leer* - •. ee Both pitchers, Field for -WMghain .•1 i LYCEUM THEATRE II arid Blair for Teeswater, held thei inj und good manner. Wingliarn .., NU brought in one run in the third, two • 12 in the fourth and one in each of the) °a• E' drove in one in the first, one in the 2. fifth, seventh and ninth. Teeswater '''. Thur., Fri, Sat., June 5 6 and 7• Ill third, but were held down until the 2 'The Son of Kissing Cup" I.' s:::..tb. In the last three innings, ' tliey-steceeded in bringing in tlaree ri 1111, Teeswater:—Passmore,. c; Blair p; in A. girl her battles with the-trooks. A horse of the turf. For Trenth ist b; Stratters 2nd b; Coop- is the love of her husband and his horse .Avitit Papyrut, Englancrs a er 3rd in Green s -s-; ThQmPsun r'f-; a Master Horse as "Kissing Cup II". McDonald c.f.; Ireland 1.f. i it Wingham:--Scott c; Field p.; Mc- in •COMEDY "KILL OR CURE" •1111 Kibbon it b; liftFacIdeaan 2nct h; . The /923 Derby at Epsom. Downs IN . Teeswater xor000tri--5 a Lediet 3rd b; Williams s. s.; Young m <I; Messer c.f.; Browne Lf. a PRICES ac and 23c'' 1111„, II,' 1, a ,The return game will be played in El liVingliani Ocit2itotor-61111 Batteries— Blair and Passmore, is Field and Scott. ' 1 a . and Tues., June e And ee 1. E.' Teeswatvr on Monday, June 9th. **6 to* Yearti. e The eridt-• ..-17"' A tiett.1rogo..otttelgoue...vo1 . • • .• 1 NOTICE All tax statements for the year x,92.4 have been coinpleted and mailed. Any ratepayers riot retehing a Statement should report same at once to this of- fice. On taxes paid -ori. Or 'before wse r5thi.,, the discount will be 3.per . Part parttierit �g taxeS 'will be ceepted and •discount allovVed. Spen- t COSeE Ofis for ,Part PaYrrient rnaY be ob- ict l*ed :fri* TOWS Clerk. Vir. A. 'Galbraith fEll t I • • SPECIAL • Main Street 'Warner Bros.'.I: • • 11""11111 111101110 MINININO With Florence Vidor and Monte Blue ernAerilliPtteteeeta from atillistvedielu rLewiils'itNieevsoelt,a'„Pte8,entS a' et seetk)n • ALSO CpVtEDY "iItVCriAt MOW MAI C&,kik.‘..t.:!Pe.'3,i1;2.1',.til,,,,eldil ,11Z1111. lar.tr. „TOW