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Single Copies, Five Cents.
Wingham H. S. Cadets Capture
Laura Secord Cup
0n Wednesday, May 28th,, the
Wingham High School Cadets were
. inspected by Col. Gillespie, accosts-
soanied by Geri, King, C M. D,
No, 1, The boys gave an exhibition
lasting an hour and a half and con-
sisting of Ceremoniel, Conipany Drill,
Platoon and Squad Drill, Guard
'Mounting, Signalling and Ambulance
Work, after which they Were address -
,ed by' General King who compliment-
ed them on their fine werk and on
-the wonderful score 99$ out of a pos-
-sible I009 which they made in wian-
the'Laura Second Challenge Cnp,
Colonel Gillespie in his talk also
complimented the boys, praised the
efficiency of their officers and the
.care shown. in their training by the
Cadet Instructor Mr. F. T. Schooley.
He also held out strong hopes to the
' boys that they would be successful
'in their efforts to win. the highly
prized Challenge Shield for the most
effielient Cadet Corps in M. D. NO. 1.
This is quite an achievement when it
is taken into 'Consideration that they
have to compete with much larger
schools such as Windsor, Stratford,
St, Thomas, etc. Mayor -Willis on be-
-het of the Council and the citizens
mede a short ad.dress in .which: he
welcomed General King and Colonel
Gillespie and expressed,the pride and
interest of the 'citizens in the Cadets:
Mr. W. F Vanstone, chairrrian of the
'11. S. Board gave. the boys a short
talk in which he spoke of the inter-
est of the Board in the Cadets and in
the school in, general.
By special request the girls then
gave an exhibition of their work in
Physical Culttne which reflected
greatly to their credit and to the ef-
sficiency of their teacher Miss Horan.
The interest shown by the attend.-
ance of a large number of the citizens,
by the Town Council and by the High
School Board was very gratifying to
the school as a' whole and will en-
courage the students to•try and make
an even better showing in the years.
FQR SALE -High class, second hand
Pcrtable fire grate. Snap for quick
TOR SALE -Three Burner Oil Stove
in good condition, several empty
packing boxes and oil barrels. at
Thompson & guchanan Hardware.
' good moasure try the new pUmp
TOR SALE -De Laval Cream Seper-
ator small size, H. E. Isard.
eight room brick and, frame cot-
tage, lights, water and furnace ,Ap-
-ply for further particulars to J.
FOR SALE -Economy Range, coal
or wood grates. Apply to R. S.
ursday, June 12th., open for the Garden Party on St Andrews Pr sbyterian Church
Read Isard's everyday bargaie list
on page fouls
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs,
Jos. Wellwood who celebrated their
Golden Wedding last week.
The Junior Farmer's Improveinent
Association and Junior Womea's Ia-
stitute will hold their meeting Julie
sith at the Town Hall at 8 o'clock.
Mr. V. R. VanNorman's inare, Vic-
toria Hal made a good shoWing at the
Paisley Races on the 2nd. She came
in second in a field of seven.
All those interested in boosting for
sport in,,Wingham should be present
at a rneeting in the Council Chamber
at 8 o'clock on ThUrsday night,
thank the friends and neighbors for
the kind expressions shown during the
illness and death of their father Geo.
Friends ot Mr. Hugh Miller, s for-
mer clerk in McKibbon's Drug Store,
will be pleased to learn that he pass-
ed his first year tests in Pharmacy
with honors. •
Scribblers and Exercise Books, 4
ten cent or 7 five cent for 25c. Take
advantage of this bargain. Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday. G. Mason
& Son.
Mrs. Thomas Proctor wishes to an-
nounce the engagement of her young-
est daughter, Harritt (Hattie) Bell to
Mr. Wilbert Byers of Detroit, Mich.,
the marriage to take place the latter
part of June.
The engagement is announced of
Sydney Elwood, only daughter of
Dudley Holmes, Esq., and Mrs. Hol -
Moore Kelly, Montreal, son of C. B
Kelly Esq., and Mrs. Kelly, Hunting-
don, Que., the marriage to take place
in June.
Mr. Win. Moore of London has ta-
ken position' as fireman on the Lon-
don Passenger train „out -of here with
Engineer H. Carson Mr.. Moore
formerly lived here before some few
years ago and is well-known also in.
society being an Oddfellove and A. F.
8s'A. M,1 member of the town here:
New styles of Summer Tweeds and
_Worsteds jiist to -hand at reduced
price. Making Tweed Suits,
ten dollars, Worsteds, twelve to fif-
teen dollars. Trimmings, five to se-
ven dollars. A. W. Webster, up stairs
over the Advance -Times Office:
The regillar monthly meeting of the
VsTomen's Institute will be held in the
Council Chamber on Tuesday, June
Ioth. at 3 p, m. The summer dele-
gate, Mrs. Patterson of Godshill will
be present and. give an address. Mrs,
J. J. Elliott and Miss M. Anderson
will have 'the meeting in charge. A
full attendance of the members "is re-,
The Women's Atixialiary to the Ge-
neral Hospital held a very successful
sale of aprons and baking on Satur-
day afternoon thelproceeds amounting
to $141.5e. • The auxiliary wishes to -
thank all who assisted in any way to-.
wards the success of the sale.
Thursday, 'Friday and Saturday.
To make room for new stock we of-
fer 4 ten cent or 7 five cent scribblers
, _FOR SALE -Good four burner coal .
,oll•stove and oven, $25 takes it. Mrs, Died in Brandon, Man,
• . Mr, Alex_ Porterfield, clerk of East
Saturday afternoon, after learning t'hat
his brother George Porterfield, deputy
Post Master of Brandon, had passed
away. I-te is a son of the late Peter
Porterfield. of East Wawanosh and a
most highly respected citizen of 13ran-
clon. About twenty-five years ago
he clerked in the late D. M. Gordon's
store in Winghain. Mrs. Ernest Ged-
des of Belgrave and Mrs. j. L. Ged-
des of Waterloo are sisters of the de -
A Criminal Offence
dirty and worn out oil you have in
your car have it drained out we do
it free of charge while you wait,
only charge you for the riesv oil.
. Lepard's Filling Station.
Land...for sale, situated in Bluevale,
good frame house, hen house and
•stable hard and soft water. Splen-
-.did for retired person wishing to
Ikeep a cow, hens "Or pigs. .Apply
$23.00 CASH -Will buy a ton of fine
ground Government Standard re-
cleaned screenings while this car
lasts at Lepard's Mill.
PAINTING- Paper hanging and
graining. Orders attended.. to.proin-
'WANTED-3 • men to represent the
. Fuller Brush Co., in ,Huron County
swith cars.. Must be 'reliable. Ap-
,ply Caen L. Wismeh, 3o Daly Ave,
Stratford: •
- Will not, crack, warp or shrink under
any Condition. Lime also on hand.
--arid. Curtains. We also supply new
tops complete. Micas put in while
you wait, Willis' Shoe Store, Wing -
Applications for the position of As-
sessor for the Town of Wiegham for
the year 1924 will be received by the,
undersigned up to 4 p. m, on Wed -
W. A. Galbraith,
Town. Cierk.
Mailed sealed tenders addressed to
the undersigned will be received up
till the z8th of June for men to rim
the sixth line Syndicate 1Vlachine, 1st
a 711 all and team to go with the ma-
chine; and. a separator man; ard, an
engineer. The lowest Or any tender
slot necessarily accepted.,
Cyrus W. Scott, Belgrave,
Phone rx on 624., Wingliam.
Sehedule Drawn up a,nd xo Clubs En-
ter Huron Co. League With
Two Groups
The Huron County League got
away to a successful start when on
Wednesday evening, the Maitland
League decided to join the new Her-
on County League and the Assoeia-
tion was able to meke two groups of
5 teams each.
The groups are: -"A" Group, Clin-
"13" Groep, Brussels, Blyth, Au-
bUrn, Dungannon and Goderieh Twin
The Season open with the Clinton
team going to Seaforth on June 3. In
Group "A" only the first half of the
schedule was drawn up.
The road between Winghatn. and
Whitechurch was strewn. with broken
glass' and tacks for -a distance Of about
six feet, A few autos were held up
and one of the motorists took pains
to sweep the road so tha.at others
naight pass in safety. Probably the
person who put this stuff on the road
is not aware that if caught he would
be likely to spend a couple of weeks.
in the pen at Goderieln•
'Old Lady Passes Away
One of Huron County's oldest resi-
dents passed to her eternal reward in
the person of Mrs. Jane Donoghue -
Gagen, who died June 2nd., at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Aitche-
son in Winghani, Deceased was born
in. Aberdeenshire, Scotland; July 31,
1831, coming to this country with her
parents one year later, remaining a
short time it the east before coming
to Huron County, settling in Goderich
Township, later removing to Emmet,
St, Clair Co., where she remained for
a period of ten years, returning again
to Huron Co., where the balance of
her life -was spent, in all about' 8x
years. She is survived by one broth-
er Chas, IVIcIntosh of Hullett Town-
ship, also six children, Michael Deno-
-ghee of Philadelphia. Pa., Capt Joseph
of Buffalo, Thos. of Bay City, Mich,
Win, and Mrs. McLennan of Detroit,
IVIich., and. Mrs. E, Aitcheson of
Wingliarn. She was a devoted mem-
ber of the Roma.n Catholic Church.
Deceased endured the Itaxdships of
pioneer life bearing her burdens with
a cheerful lovable disposition, Her
many friends will regret to leatst of
her demise The 'funeral will take
place Wednesday, June 3rd., witb;.ser-
vices at p o`cloek at Sacred Heart
Church; in Winghani. Teter -meat in,
St, Patriek's Cemetery at Goderieb,
Mr, TP6. Murch has accepted a pos-
ition. as elerk in the Post Office, 0
Mr. Will Fry of Detroit, spent a
few days with relatives in town.
Mrs. j. D. McEwen spent Sundtiy,
with her sister Mrs. M. Kreuter at
'Dr. Jim MacDonald tind his mother,
Mrs, Peter MacDonald were London
visitors in, Wingham last week.
Mrs. W. Bayliffe ef London, spent
a few clays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. MacLeae, Alfred St
Mr. John and Henry Aitcheson of
Sarnia, are home to attend the fun-
eral of their grandmotber, Mrs. Jard
Mr. Geo. M. Robertson of Ypsilanti,
Mich,, is spending a week with rela-
.Teants are given to June s5th to tives Winghain and East Wawa -
sign players, which must reside in nosh
the County, and play with the nearest Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer,-1VIr. and
team. - . Mrs. A. H. Musgrove and Miss Edna
Following is the schedules that motored to Niagara Falls and Buffalo
last week. •
were drawn
Clinton at Seaforth, June 3.
Goderich at Wifigham, June 4.
Bayfield at Clinton, June 9.
Seaforth at Clinton June 13.
Wingharn at Bayfield, June 14. '
Wingham at Clinton,' June 16.
Seaforth at Goderich, June 18.
Bayfield at Wingham,' Pine 18.
Goderich at Bayfield, June 20.
Clinton at Goderich, June 23.
Goderich at Seaforth, June 26.
Bayfield at Goderich, June 27.
Seaforth VVingliam, July 4 -
Clinton at Bayfield, July 5.
Bayfield at Seaforth, July 7.
Clinton at Wingha.m, July 16.
Mrs. Holland and Mrs, Crummer of
Toronto, sisters of the -late George
Haney, were here attending the funer-
al last week. '
lyn,'are visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W,'A. Currie, Catherine St
, Mrs. Charles Skelding and daugh-
ter Norma of Toronto, visited at the
home of Mrs. j. A. Skelding, Frances
St., over the week -end.
Mr. H. G. Haney and wife of Brant-
ford, Mr, D. Fell and wife of Seaforth,
attended the funeral of the late Geo.
Haney last Wednesday.
Mr. Rich. Stone of Kincardine, ac-
companied bandmaster Badin to
Wingham on Sunday and took his ac-
customed place in the Band.
Mrs. 'Wm. Graham and. her two
sons and Miss Lorna Artkenhea.d 'of
Goderich Twp., at Auburn, June,_2. Stratford visited at the home of Mr.
Brussels at Blyth, June 5. Geo, Cunningham on Sunday.
Mr. Frank Logan of London, speet
the 24th at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Dawson, Shuter St. He was ac-
companied by his son: Mr. Harold Lo-
gan. and his wife.
Gedericii Tp. at Brussels, June 26, Mr. Thos. Donoghue of Bay City,
Auburn at Dungannon, June 6.
Auburn at Blyth, June so.
Brussels at Goderich rp. June 13.
Blyth` at Dungannon, Jane 13.
Dungannon at Auburn, June 23.
Auburn at Goderich Tp. June 3o. Mich., and Mrs. M. Lannarr of De -
Dungannon at Goderich Tp. July 4' troit, •11/fich., are in ,Wingham 'to at -
Blyth at Auburn, July 4. , tend the funeral of their mother, Mrs.
Auburn at iirtissels, July 9. Jane Gegen.
Goderich Tp. at Dungannon, July so. Mr. Chas. S.- V.anNorrnan has' re-
turned from Quebec. Mt Van.''Nor-
man reports that weather conditions
have been. just as disagreeable as in
Ontario except it is a little "wetter"
in Quebec.
Dungannon at Blyth, July 5,4.
Blyth at Brussels, July 17.
Blyth at Goderich, Tp. July 21.
Brussels at Auburn, July 25.
Brussels at Dungannon, July 29.
Miss Annie Wilson who has ,been
Miss Maud Seli, of Detroit, is visit- connected with social service work
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. with Chalmeri Church, Montreal, is
Frals, Sell, home on four months leave. She is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. S.
Annual Meeting
Wilson, Edward St.
The annual meeting of the North
Heron United Farmers Political As-
sociation will -be held in the Council
Chamber, Wingham, on Friday after-
noon, June 6th., at 2.30 o'clock.
Oddfellows Decorate Graves '
'The Othlfellows .decoration service
on Sunday afternoon drew. a large
crowd of people to the Wingharn
cemetery. Many visiting brethren
were present from neighbor rug towns
and many others would likely have
been here but for the funeral of the
late 13ro. F. F. Freeman at Lucknow
at the same time. The Winghain
Band marched ahead of the procession
and played several selections on the
march and at the cemetery. D. D. G.
Clarke Of Brussels and Bro. B.
Elliott assisted in the service at the
cemetery and Bro. Walter VanWyck
marshalled the ,parade. Time and • •
Note of Appreciation
space will not permit us to mention.
The officers and members of St.
the names of the deceased brethren,
Andrew's 'Westminster Guild wish to
whose graves Were decOrated,
publicly thank all those who so kind -
Morden Is Alright ly assisted in producing the comedy
The St. Thomas _Tit -nes -Journal "The Jones Entertain' We much
comes out on Monday -with big head- appreciate the vocal selections of Mrs,
ings and great praise tot...their pitch- A. H. Wilford and Mn G Buchanan,
er, who is none other than our old also the Scotch Dancing of Miss
friend, Win. Mordee. They have evi- Anea, McGillivray and the Misses Peg
ing to the Flower City. On Satin- Our thanks are also due Mrs. R.
day, May 3ist,, the St. Thomas team Clegg for her untiring efforts in the
defeated Stratford 8 to n They have assistance alto rendered to rnake the
the following to say to Morden: entertainment suah a decided succeif,
"Legg° Morclen didn't evert exert. To the public we are deeply indebt-
himself to win on Saturd.ay. He had ed for patronizing the performance
a deceptive drop which Stratford and the cordial manner in which they
couldn't fathom. The two hits which reeeived the efforts of the players.
the'33ards got were rather weak."
And in another place in the Paper Lions Elect Officers
they say:
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gregory of
Toronto, are spending a few weeks
with Mrs. Gregory's mother, Mrs. F.
Buchanan before sailing for England
on July nth, where Mr. Gregory will
take up his duties as the European
manager of the Roman Meal Co. Ltd.,
large Cereal corporation operating in
Canada and the 'United States.
Red Deer, Alta, spent a few days at
the home of,the Misses Fisher at the
Post Office. Mr. Galbraith is the edi-
tor of the paper at Red. Deer, and he
and Mrs. Galbraith are on their way
to Canada Weekly Press Association
Convention and from their join the ed-
itors and their wives on the trip to
England. He paid the editor of The
Advance -Times a pleasant visit on
Annual Statement (of Receipts
and :Expenditures
The annual meeting of the Wing -
hem Branch of the W. I. was held iu
the Council Clumber on Thursday,
May 29th Secretary and Treasurer
reports showed that the Institute had
a veiy prosperous year financially.
The election of officers was held and
iesultecl follows: --President, Miss
Anderson; xs't, Vice -Pres., Mrs, For-
bes; znd, Vice Pres.., Mrs. Wright;
Secretary, Mrs, Elliott; Treasurer,
Mrs, Bowers, Directors, Mrs. McGre-
gor, ivlrs. Angus, 'Mrs, Hill, Mrs.
Wellings, Mrs. Deans, District Re-
presentative, Mrs. Williamson, Rep.
to District Antual Meeting, Mrs. Mc-
Gregor, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. McGill, Mrs.
Cruikshank; Flower Committee, Mrs.
Swanson, and Mrs*. Young, Pianist
ly- and Mrs, Hill. • The District Presi-
dent, Mrs. Whiteman. of Blyth, was
present and gave a very fine address
on Institute svork, showing what great
good was being accomplished by. the
different Institutes.
Expenses for 1923-24
Printing and advertisipg .... Is 70
Summer delegates expenses 2 50
Serving dinner, 12th of July__ 3so 65
Prizes & draying for picnic 4 0°
Donation to Lions Cl 2 00
Tuning piano 15 oo
Agricultural Society s share 8o to
Navy League 20 oct
Delegates ex. to London Com 7 5o
Christmas sheer boxes , 20 15
An invalid friend at Xmas and
during the year 35 00
Wm. Murray on his goth birth-
day and at Xmas 3o oo
Blind Institute, Toronto 36 oo
Pres. of Agricultural Soc. zoo oo
Can. Home Journal for Hos 2 oo
To flower committee 4 os
Table ter use in our metings5
Baequet for -Agricultural Soc51
Quilts for Armenian home at
Miss McAllister, Dis. Sec. _ 5
Cleaning rest room, broom, 'fix-
ing chair 15
The Lions Club held their annual
"There were some fans around•this creation of offiters On Friday eVening
Missourian Metropolis who doubted
1\torden's pitching ability, but to hold
the Bards down the way lie did on
Saturday. was certainly an achieve-
ment for Legge,"
Ride Bicycles 13oo Miles
The following interesting clipping
from the Toronto Daily Star refers te
Mr. Claude Gregory, a son-in-law of
Mts. F. Buchanan of Wingham.
"As the result of a challeng•e be-
tween frieeds, Dr, Robert G. Jackson'
of io8 Vine avenue and C J. Gregory
last night .completed 1,3oo mite bi-
cyele tour, which took them to Que-
bec city, Mottreal, south to New
Yorlc city and west to Toronto, the
entire trip consuming only 18 days.
Di'. Jackson, who is 65 years of age
and his young friend, Mr. Gregory,
left Toronto, May 14, pedalieg the en-
tire distance, sleeping out nights and
cookitig their own; meals. Their pack
weighed 50 pounds aad et no time,
said Dr. Jackson to-ctay, did the ac-
cept a "life on the road.
Dr, Jackson iS president of the 'Ro-
man Meal Co. "Ltd., and Mr. Orcgoty
is eoeneeted with the firm,
immediately after their fortnightly
luncheon, The following are the new -
elected officers:
snd Vice -C. R. Wilkinson.
3rd Vice -Josh Hirst.
Secy. -I. W. McKibbon,
Treas,-J, A. Wallace.
Lion Tamer -A. Tipring
Music Cominittet.--T, H. Gibson,
At the luncheon Chief T. C. King
briefly addressed W. G. Patterson and
Rev. 1-1, W, Snell presented him with
an ever -sharp pencil as a rememb-
rance from the Lions prior to his de-
"parture for Detroit. those who were
not present misSed the treat of the
season, the singing of the sextette,
Messrs. AMos Tiplirig, W.. A. Gal-
braith, A. Walker, t, III-at/toy
were also rendered by Messrs. H. L,
Miscellaneous ex. for teas
Secretary fees 00,
Tr CaS fees oo
Banquet for Masons . 25
Concert in hall 28
Dramatic Club, Walkerton __'78 so
.Stationery, Postage, stamps on
cheques ' 2 00
Caili on hand '''39 02
$ 1908 46
Cash reeeived For 1923-24 •
May 3sst, cash in bank 34 77
Membership fees 29 25
35 o8
Collections at teas
57 00
Christmas cheer collection.
Ghristmas cheer tea - 33 -1.5
12 25
Rent of dishes
Serving dinner 12th July ._-__ 682 15
Serving dinner at' fall fair and •
Front Town Coen. tuning piano 5 oo
51 44
Sale of wash cloths
Dr. Vinning's lecture r5
Ban. of Masons & eatables sold 193 90
Concert in Town Hall "The
IVIernorial Fund 244 76
$ 1908 46
The Anneal district meeting of the
Druggists of district No. 12, Huron,
Grey and Bruce was held in Port El-
gin on Wednesday, May 28th. Mr.
J. Walton McKibbon, reeve of Wing -
ham, was again honored by being.re-
elected President of the district.
Reeve J. W. McKibbon
avatti alma* at al
ht Here I.
Mr. MeKibbon was accompanied to
Port Elgin by Mr. John Quirk who
renewed acquaintances in Port Elgin
and Southampton- Mr. Qiiirk has
the dittthetieti of being conductor on
the first train which ran into the lat-
ter village.
Along conies holidaY
Do not forget you0(odale
You can have many snaps that will give great pleasure arid re-
new the summer ,!Ind holiday time when they are gone,
A 50c ox of Jonteel Combination Cream "Free"
with every purchas% of a box of Jonteel Cold
Cream Face Powder at 50c.
That is $1.00 Value for 50c.
"Our every day Cut Prices save you money"
Wine -ham, Ont.
Plane S3
11W121111111111 111111111S111211111111111111111i111191111111
Masons Elect Officers
The following officers were elected
at the Tuesday night meeting in, Wing-
Cha.plain-H, F. McGee
Treas.-J. W.. McKibbon
Sec'y-R. A. Coutts
Mr. J., L. Stewart of Belgrave, has
just "wound up a successful year as the
Master' of the lodge.
Graduate as Doctors
Misses Annie and Laura Robinson
are in Toronto this week attending the
graduation exercises at Toronto Uni-
versity where thier brother, Mr. Har-
old Robinson has passed with honors
his final medical ea. -ams.
Two Wingham bbys graduated as
Doctors of Medicine at Western Uni-
versity viz: Mr. J. Hardy Geddes, son
of Mrs. J. L. Geddes of Waterloo, and
Smith, manager of the Bank of Com-
merce at Wingham.
Methodist Church Notes
Sunclay, June 8th., 1924
TO nt-Prayer and Praise Service.
ix a. m. -Morning -Worship. Ser-
vice conducted by Mr. F. W. French,
M. A. assisted by Dr. Stewart.
2.30 p. m. -Sunday School.
7 p. in. -Service in charge of the
Young People. Two brief addresses:
"What the Young People Expect of
the Church and Duties of Church to
Her Young People," by Mr. Gordon
Buchanan. "What .the Church Ex-
pects of Her Young People; or the
Duties of the Young People to the
P.,. S. -Next Sunday, June isth.
Sunday School will commence at so
Bright Young Lady
Congratulations are due Miss _
freda B. Dorothy French who receiv-
ed the prize for the highest general
standing, teaching in Schools of Nur-
sing The prizes were awarded. at the
Capitod Theatre, Montreal, on May
3xst. It will be remembered that Miss
French won a scholarship at McGill
last yean She is,fhe brilliant daught-
Entertainment And Meeting
A meeting in the interests of Prd-
testantism will be held. under the aus-
pices of Wingham Orange Lodge,
No. -794 in the town hall on Tuesday
evening, June loth at 8 o'clock. Hon.
the speaker and his subject will be
"Orangeism and Canadian Citizen-
ship." There will also be bagpipe se-
lections by Sergt. Major Alex. Mac-
donald Hannah apd scotch dancing- by
Miss Penny Hannah and solos by
Mayor W. R Willis, Mr. Gordon Bu-
chanan and others. The public are
cordially invited. Silver collection to
help defray expenses.
•Celebrate xst of July
A number of citizens met on Mon-
day evening in the clerk's office and
decided to organize an Amateur Ath-
letic ASsociation. The elected the fol-
lowing officers:
Pres. -G. L. Braekenbury
and Vice --Frank MacLean
Secretary -Dr. G. W, Howson
Treas.-H. B. Elliott
Executive Committee - T. J. Mc-
Lean, W. B. McCool, W. H. Gurney,
Alf. Lockeridge, T. H. Gibson,
Canva.ss Committee -Herb. Camp -
This committee purpose taking over
the canvas and plank: of the Dominion
Daay Sports Committee also assuming
their note at the Bank for $3oo anti
carrying on. They are making arran-
gements to put on a Dominion Day
Celebration in Winghani this year.
For Children
shoes for Sport Wear
We are showing many original and exclusive de-
signs in Children's Footwear,
Sporting Oxfords, Dainty Strap Slippers, Airy
13arefoot Sandals and Fleet Foot Outing Shoes
Best Quality, Moderate Prices.
Come Here for Children's Footwear,