HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-29, Page 8V NC7(liA . , A*%VANC -,TIME.',rS.
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nd with it comes
Saturday, May 314 to June 14th . Inclusive
Lastcar's Annual Sale was such a success that we have planned for weeks for our Third Annual
all previous expectations.
Sale to'be�� an even - greater store wide event; surpassing p
t will pay . you to come miles to this sale.
Ire $65,00
Men's a ,:d Boys' Suits, Hats, Coats,,Furnishings, Work Goods, Shirts, Underwear, Ladies' Ready -to -Wear, Coats,
S u its, Dresses, Dry Goods, Silks, Staples, Cottons, Prints, Shirtings, Galateas, Flannelettes, Linens, Corsets, Hos-
iery, ,Underwear �
Underwear, Linoleurns Con oleums, Tapestry Rugs,' ' Wiltonp Y g ' ; Rugs, Groceries. Shop Early and Save_1 Money.
Everything on Sale - - 20 to 30 Per Cent. Off
k Y: cin t. 4 ,.t 83
Store Closed all day. Friday, May 3Oth, to prepare for Sale
A food Black Tea, special purchase Annual
Sale, 2 lbs. for 1.00
Grape Nuts, 2 for 35c
Fancy Biscuits, all flavors, lb. 30c
Pearline, large ... ...5c
Matches, box .10c
Sunlight Soap, 3 bars.......... .22c
Tomatoes, per can .... .......21c
Corn,' Peas, 2 cans• .29e
Robinhood Oatmeal., large 24c, small. 10c
Dates, 3 lbs . .......... 25c
Salmon, per can ..... 15c
Corn Flakes, per pkge. 10c
Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. .:. , .. 25c
Men's Dark Suitings for men's suits, ladies' skirts,
boys' suits or bloomers, reg. 4.50, sale ... ....1.69
Bleached Cotton worth 25c, sal . ...19e
Unbleached Cotton 36. in, wide....15c, 18e, 25c, 30e
Bleached and!Unbleached Sheeting . GOc per yd.
Listowel Yarns for sweaters and stockings, all the
new shades .... .. . 48c skein
.iwovio.oarecworo bugU
Openiiig Day Bargains
1000 pairs of Women's and Children's
Stockings, Children's Socks, up to $1
on sale in our window - : 25c
Maderia Centres, Doilies, Ovals, very
fine pieces, on sale ..:.Half price.
Home. Sewing Bleach Cotton, reg. 30c
on sale ,at ................. 20c.
Curtains by the pair, Marquisettes,'
Scrims, deep inset of lace, all pat-
terns and colors, half price Saturday
20 P.C.
Lathes' Coats, Suits, Dresses,
Dry Goods, Silks, Linens, Cot-
tons-, Staples, Flannelettes,
Galateas, Prints, Chllnizs,
Gingbams, Hosiery, Gloves,
Underwear, Corsets, l ,imou-
as, Umbrellas, Parasols, Pur-
ses, Leather Goods, etc., etc.
Marquisette Curtains, beautiful col-
ors and patterns for side drapes, reg.
50c and 65c, sale price special' ... .29c
Yarn on sale ..1Oc a ball
Men's White Handkerchiefs,'doz. 1.19`
Blue Stripe Bib Overalls ..1.50
Men's Silk Neckwear, . half price ....49c •
Men's Fine Shirt's • .1.00
ravel /in,g
300 yards of Turkish Towel-
ling goes on sale May 31st at
19e per yard. Be here' Early.
500 yards of all LinenTourel-
ling goeS on sale at'W...20cy_d.
All Towellings on sale.
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Smart Pattern Gingham Dresses $2.19
Genpine Anderson Gingham Dresses in smart fresh patterns...
Canton Crepe Dresses
l Canton Crepe Dresses, '� 1�ites, browns, navys, alis. new
�fJlur en stock o
Spring Styles, best quality'f"re■ch Canton, $15.00 19.00, 24.75e
stool ililioiflmmommomii1Ol1i1111rfril■i1on
Velchine" Silk Dresses in Whites, navys, blues and blacks. New smart
styles, three quarter sleeves.
All Silk Shantung
One of the big specials for our
Third Annual Store Wide
Event, no dressing,no
--Pilling, beautiful
natural color
and lustre
69c Per Yard
Navy Serge Suits _.
125 Men s and . Young Meu's botany wool
serge suits, best quality, lit and style
$19.75,' 24.75 and 31.75.
p '
Work . Goods
Peabodywoven denim Overalls and f:.
Smocks, special 2.25
Carbartt Overalls, Smocks, Trousers,
black, stripe and blue at ..2.49
Work Shirts, regular 1.25 on sale......80c
Boys' Carhartt Overalls
Silk Dresses $9.75
Poire, Velour a.nd -Trientine Coats
Poires, Tricotine Coats, fawns, navys, in the finest qualities.
$32.50, on sale at $19.75.
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