HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-29, Page 7Ihi�i; T1ltl *day, May 29, 1924.. Getting Ready for Camps. "Camp" ie the big things which is occupying the Blinds of Boy Scouts just now, and almost every troop throughout the province isalready at work making plans forits' big. sum Hier outin;; ' on, some- Bike, sone stream or "up in,the..woeds "• ' The bigr�; gest Scout camp' this ,year wi11 prob:` ably be "Camp ..Teetonkah . tmeaning' big lodge) of the Hamilton..Assoeie- tion. At the present time a fine new, dining hall and recreation building is being built at Camp 'Peetonkas,.which' its near Port Maitland, on Lake Erie, It is to be 50 feet by. 30 feet and will; have a fine stone fire -place. The flew hall : is to be a memorial to the late Sir John Idendrie, whowas an 'active Worker and supporter. of Hamilton Scouting for many years and at one time was Patron of the Ontario Pro- vincial Council, Loyalty Parade Fine Spectacle. Boy; Scouts and Wolf Cubs of Chat- ham participated on May Day in one of the finest spectacles ever staged in the Maple City. Over 1,000 boys, all. over the age of nine years,. took part in a loyalty demonstration, marched the principal streets of the 'city In a monster parade, and listened to ad- dresses of a patriotic and highly edu- cational nature by men thoroughly in- terested in' th©• welfare of the grow- ing youth of the land. The Scouts had a splendid float in. the parade, besides a one hundred per eeut. attendance of their members. Toronto Scouts increase. Scouting .in Toronto continues to grow apace. The annual reports sub- mitted to the local association recent-'' lyshow that the number of troops •in the, Queen City has climbed to 83 and Cub Packs to 46. The totalmember- ship is now in excess : of 5,400.. A pleasing feature of the annual meet- ing was the presentation by Provin- cial Commissioner H. A, Laurence -sof the Boy Scout Gilt Cross to' King's Scout- Ernest King of the 50th Toren: to Troop for saving a. boy from drown- ing in "the- Don River last summer Ernie King is `a fine type of older Scout, nearing his . eighteenth :birth- day, at which time he is to become an Assistant Scoutmaster in his troop. Scouts in U.E.L. Celebration. The Boy Scouts of Belleville are to play' a fig part in the United Empire Loyalist celebrations 'to be held in Belleville next month. pp • 9, he oRANeR PEKOE QUALITY makes n 11 litea and .more °flit r -a A T ' W w Lee • Tills How It Restored Strength ' and Overcame Stomach Trouble. • "If I, should live to be 100 years old I will always praise .Tanlac for the splendid health it has brought me," is the grateful statement of William Lee, 218 _St, Andrew St., ;Ottawa; Ont., a well kneown employee of the Public Works Dept., of this city.•, "Nine years of . stomach trouble brought me down to only- 103 lbs., a mere skeleton of myself. I suffered about all the miseries that go with indigestion and got so nervous ,that Trenton Loses Scoutmaster. Through the, death of Mr. C. A.Gal- loway recently Scoutsof the 1st Tren-', .-; ton Troop lost their Scoutmaster. Mr. Galloway had been ill for well over a year, ` and was undergoing treat- ments which: he expected would keep him out of the most active parts of the Scout programme for another year or two, -but no one realized that. his condition w,as as bad as it really was. I-Iis death therefore came most unexpectedly. Assistant' Scoutmaster Weeding was out of town at the time, but on returning onthe day of the funeral found that the Patrol Leaders and-Scones'had made all arrangements for a Boy Scout funeral for their late leader.: Rev. Mr.' Cranston, Chaplain of the Troop, conducted the services. Simcoe $Gouts' Help the Birds. The Boy'Scouts of Simcoe's three troops have undertaken the construc- tion and•erection of bird houses in Lyn- wood ynwood. Park, under'the,direction of the local parks board. The board is hope- ful that bird life may be fostered in' this way and also that children of the community will learn something of bird life and more of the love of na- ture. 'TILS is an activity which could well be followed by Scouts of other oornmunities. Their Safeguard. A speaker at a farmers rally told this story in the course of a lively and „.forceful adcliess 011 Organization: "A negro down South, noted for his remarkable handling of the whip, was, out driving one day with his Bose. See- ing a beautiful rose in bloom along the roadside, Sam-cracked..his -whip and cut off the rose, which he gave to his boss. " 'Thank you, Sam,' the latter said. Presently :a cottontail rabbit jump ed out of a thicket near by. Sam' again cracked his whip high, snapped up the rabbit into the rig and also pre entecl 'it to' lids boss; "A little further along they saw a hornet's nestonau overhanging limb of u'tree. The boss, fearing Sant might try.. his skill on it, exclaimed, `Sam,, 34n'.0 tohch that, nest' -*' 'Don't you.ali worry, boss, I ain't etar,y; 'v,as tree htiicit and emphatic re - 913e "Them relicts le organized,' A Real Detective. ' Sherlock herlock and his faithful 'V,Tatson wore strolling °down Piccadilly. "Photo's a woman - in very short skirts hist behind 08, my dear doctor," niurnr'ui'ed the great detective. "Marvr,ious's" enthused ,Watson, af- ter he had corrobdre,ted the statement by a glance ,behind. "How in the world riid you ever know without turn, ing your head?" `Purely elemeeth,ry, dear old felioW; I itacsrely observedthe pboiito who era Walking to nt'd5 uc," ;foal,,„usy May be horn with love, bait it does ful; ialwe;7ri die with it. many nights I paced the floor and longed. for morning to cone.' "Teniae helped me from the very start and 7 bottles brought back my health, and strength. and ran my weight up 17 -lbs. besides, In fact, I feel as strong and well now as if 1 had neve] been sick• a day. 1 will gladly praise Tanlac, to anyone wanting to know more` about it from me." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Acceptkno substitute; Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for consti pation, made and recommended by the manufacturers of TANLAC. 1 ' h?;&�" ;. AA*. "�?,6 yam,: �..z .,•.ala, Mustard neutralizes the richness 'of 1 at foods niakes thein easier, to, fat and i digest. Mustard `enables' you enjoy, and mate food.�ltieh otherwise would burden. the digestive organs. would Gs 232 k "34,�,`"X�yr,VniiU.?F' ese 0 000 ISLAND. D RO TE GEORGIAN BAY: DISTRICT Folder and 'Time Table showing list of Resorts, Boating, Fishing, Camping, etc. When planning. your 1924 Vacation write Box. 862, Midland, Ont. 1NSO is ideal for any washday method you use. You do not have 'to change .any of your usual • steps—just use Rinso where you used to uae ordinary' soap, cot. boil your' white c If you like' to l tons,' Rinso will give you just the. safe cleansing suds you need in the boiler, if you 'use a washing machine, follow the advice of the big washing machine manufacturers — use. 12ins,;:, Mast soAkin-va ' ith this new kind of soap looseiris all the dirt until a single rinsing ' leaves the clothes clean and spotless. l oWever you do your wash, make it easy by using Rinse. /limo is sold by all grocers and department stores If you use a Washing Machine, soak your clothes in the Rinso' suds as usual. bathe , rnorrling"''' add more Rinne solution and . work the machine. Thera rinse and dry ---- you will have a clean sweet snow - white wash,. LEVER' BROTHERS iLIMI"I'ED TORONTO Il pi?t?w,Y0114117 YVAN011 .w,r,www„w•w rax•!!-.r^..n^ '�.n»r�„�� r«,ary� The 'first Speet*clesa. Altlitingt double eyeglasses did' riot', become :9o) liar In Britain rtn.ti�tt1 94, tlri3 giggle ,glass or^ reading -81ais was in dornnion iuse long before there. In the fourteenth' century spectacles, though fairy common, were articles Ot,eo ie •cost, and frequently formed the subject of bequests in, wills. They were manufactured largely on the' Continent—in Italy, Holland, gid va.ria•—and from the bery'1 sometimes used lit place .of glass the Gernano de- rived: their word "brille.” A Polish novelist, §oinitiewiez, gives, It on authority that: the 'Emperor Nero was in the habit of:eyeglasses, and. in the flint, "Quo Yadis," Nero Is seen using hie glass es a lorgnette. There seems AO dekinitely';establish- ed fart to,prove Whether this glass was a monocle or a double glees mounted on a long decorative handle, 1100 MANY. 1 CARES One Reason Why. So Many Wo- men Are Weak and :Run -Down. The world of the woman in the home makes greater demands on her vitali- ty than hien realize, and there is al ways something effete to do. 14o won- der women's 'backs ache, and their nerves are wore out. No wonder why they get depressed and irritable, suf- fer from headaches, and always feel out of. sorts. But of, course all women are not like that 'What is the differ- . A woman with plenty of healthy red blood in her veins finds work in the home easy; her vitality is at par. This points the way to health in women who feel run down and depressed. Make new rich blood. You can do it with: Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills have the' marvellous property of building up the blood and toning up the nerves. That is proved by the case -of Mrs. 11. Eppinger, Scott Street, Vancouver, B.C., who says:—"Dr. Wil: limns' Pink Pills brought back my health and strength and. restored' my nerves to normal condition after other medicines had failed. It was af- ter the birth ,of my second phild that I became so anaemic` and nervous that I thought I' would lose my mind as well as my strength. t tried several,, medicines, but got no relief until I was advised; to try Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills. After' using a few boxes of, these I could see a change. , I: felt stronger; nay appetite was better, I slept better,and my' nerves - were stronger. 1 continued the use of the pillsfor some time, and again : found myself a well woman, and I can sin- cerely say that my health has since been the -best. I can cheerfully re- commend the pills to all -weak, run • down women." You can ,get these pills from your druggist, or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 'Spanning the Golden Gate. A gigantic bridge has been planned 'to cross the famous Golden Gate at the. entrance to San Francisco harbor, a distance of over a mile and a .half. In order that liners and other vessels may pass 'underneath, the centre span will be 200 ft. above the water, whilst at either end will ,be, steel towers.ris- ing to a height- of 950 ft. Over this huge structure will run a 4ouble street railway track, a wide motor road, and two pavements for pedestrians. At the top of the great steei. towers it is proposed to build platforms from which visitors will be able to obtain a marvellous view of San Francisco and the ]nighty Adam - 'tic. .. .w WHEN BABY IS .ILL When the baby is 111; when he cries a great deal and no amount of 'atten- tion or petting makes him happy, Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets are• a mild but thorough laxative which re- gulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. They are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates and narcotics and can be given to even the new-born babe with perfect safety and always with beneficial results. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a . box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. All the Comforts' of Home. "Good grief!" exclaimed Farmer May -meadow, "what's 'all the noise over to Corntossels'?" "Why, that's Sid runin' the truck up and down under the bedroom win- dows," explained the hired man, "and Bill poundin' some sheet iron, and the kids • ringin' the dinuerbell and hol- - lerin'." "What're they doin' that for?" "So's the new city boarder can get some sleep." hlis Safe Plan. "It is a wonderful opportunity, Mr. Pester, simply wonderful!" chirped the oil -stock salesman. "You can make your fortune in six months,. and "I never invest Inoney in anybody oleo's enthusiasm,"ooldly interrupted old restate Pester. Qualified In One Respect. Smith ---"Mrs. Skinflint gave only fifty cents , `for the orphan's benefit. You said she was the biggest contri- butor to charity in towel. Brown--- "S0 she is. She weighs more than 250 poundii. Sh.11dw{4, 1' Oldest English Conple Rounds Hundred Years. Chelsfield, a little town in the south- ern county, of Kent, came into the limelight recently when it became. known that Mr, and: Mrs. John Edward Taylor, the oldest married ,':couple in England, were living in a cottage in Greenstreet Green. John Taylor, who Is a cockney by birth, celebrated his 100th birthday recently, and his wife, "My : Sonny,; a Suffock woman from Thurston," geaehes kit.'• centenary in August. They are a healthy, happy couple, with no fade, though, John is rather more energetic than:Sophy. He is fond of a good losig walk, smoking,. and, to use his • own words, is "not afraid of a glass of good ale." John Taylor, .,who spent the first forty years of his life in London (he did not marry until he was nearly. forty), has some interesting things to say of the London of his boyhood. He left school before he was;'twelve, go- ing to work as a greengrocisr's boy. Incidentally, the green grocer sold oysters, as well as vegetables, large ones, at four cents for three! The London of 1830-40 was lit by smoky, smelly old lempa, the police- men, "peelers," as they were then called, after -Sir Robert Peel, wore top hats and white trousers, and watch- men stil cried' the time of night and the state of the weather. "At Camberwell (on. the outskirts of London) I've seen men in the stocks," Taylor said, "and jeered ,and hooted. with the rest. When King George's mother, then Princess Alexandra, came to ingland as a bride I walked' across London Bridge to see the 'pro- cession, and the lamps on both sides were burning sweet-smelling incense." Dancing and the theatre were Tay- lor's two great, joys in his youth. "I always was a rare one for dancing," he says, "and when .I was 'prenticed to the carpentering` trade all my spare money went on the play. The play has made me happier than anything else in life." This centenarian has seen every one of Shakespeare's plays, bu t he likes EASY ]-low Old Are 'You? This Is an easy' method of dis- covering ie covering ,the age of a friend. For this stunt, however, it Is necessary that your 'friend be older than, you. When you understand the trick you. will see that a few changes may be made in the method for use if your friend is younger than you. Subtract your own age from 99. Give thio number to your friend and ask him to add his ages to it. Ask him to take away tbe first figure of the total and' to add that figure to what remains and to give You the result. Immediately you will tell him his age. Alt that you have to do is to 'add your age to the number he gives you. For example: If you are 17 years old, subtract 17 from 99. That will give you 82. Your friend, who, is 20, adds 82 to 20. That will give him 102. Taking /away the first ' figure leaves 02. Adding 1 to that gives 03 or 3. This number he gives you. Add your age to it, 17 plus 3, and you will have 20. (C14p this. out and paste ft, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) Only Rare Babies Born With Teeth. M. Bolard, a surgeon of Bordeaux, France, recently reported to the local medical society a case _of twin boys,. one of whom was born with all his teeth and the other having cut a tooth "The Comedy of Errors" best of all. twelve days after birth. 'lord!' how I laughed!" he added. e the . These were the days when. ,e ches p seats at the theatre were really cheap, 12 cents. -upward. GREEN TEA IMPORTS LARGER. Statistics from Ottawa show that in 1923 553,977 pounds more. Green Tea were brought into Canada than in 1921, and 906,728 pounds more than in 19.22.. The reason given :is that the fine quality Green Teas of India and Ceylon have displaced the inferior "This is a very rare occurrence, of t which only about fifty cases have been recorded in medical literature," a Lon- don physician told a Daily Mail repre- sentative. "It used to be regarded as a por- tent that the child would grow up with exceptional strength ormental ability. King Richard III., Louis XIV., the great philosopher Bigot, and Boyd the poet; were born with teeth; Louis XIV. had two teeth at birth." The ,real leader in industry to -day. is not the man who substitutes his God's - Gsarden. In a garden fair and beautiful, Daffodils with violets grew, With the drooping scarlet fuchsia On the roses fell the misty dew. Up from the groused with the rain, Opening buds .sweetly spring, The naked world is green' again; On the sprays sweet birds sing, All is so perfect in beauty, Transplanted again by His care, And we ponder the mysteries of na- ture .&s we walk in God's garden fair. Barbara DeAndia,. Simpiified Anatomy. Mary had been spanked by her mother. She was crying in the hall- way when the minister entered, "Well, well, . what's the matter with my little girl to -day?" be ;'inquired.. "It hurts," she sobbed. "What hurts, my dear?" "The back of nay lap." Good taste springs more fro nudx � g -a ment than from intellect. Classified Advertisements uxtbl, 1$EAUTIFULLY FLUFFY, cardedwool; sample. enough light comforter; one dollar, Woollen Mills, Georgetown„ Ont. LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN j and light sewing at home;, whole or spare time; good pay. Work sent? any distance. Charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. Japan and China Greens which, due own will and his own brain for the to their low price, were . imported will and intelligence of the crowd, but heavily some years ago. Salada Tea the one, who releases , .the energies Company is the largest importer of within the crowd so that the will of-' India and Ceylon Green Teas. Hello! 0, don't you think it's fine to know A lot of folks who say "Hello!" I don't mean on the telephone- , I mean the kind you've always known. \How fine it is you can't quite know Till you're where no one says "Hello! And asks you all about your folks Or tries: to -swap a couple jokes. So when I walk the Heav'nly street; I hope the saints I chance to meet. Won't merely nod, but say "Hello!" Just like my nefgltobrs did below. k" —Alice Crowell Hoffman. Betty's Enviable Father. Three little girls, Mary, Louise and Betty, were playing dolls one day when Mary, whose father was a noted minister, proudly remarked, "My fath- er always has D.D. after his name." Louise, who was a physician's daughter, boastfully replied, "My fath- er always has M.D. after his." Thereupon little Betty, not to be outdone, quickly declared, "Well, that's nothin' my father always has C.O.D. after his name!" t kli0earin i HRestored. Hearing The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, Leonard, which is a .miniature Megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring . the hearing of hundreds of people In New York ,city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness. and head noises, and it does thiis s0 successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf" man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated or Wholip destroyed natural drums. A _request for information, to A. O. 'Leonard, Sults 487, 70 Fifth avenue, New York city, will be given prompt reply. tart In general, we only praise heartily those who ,admire us. Ask ford.Minnisitat aalld rata tie ot41 the crowd can be expressed. -Charles M. Schwab. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. tes Avoid Toss when stending money by mail—Use Dominion Express Money Orders -the safe, convenient, inexpen- sive way. Say "Bayer"- Insist! For Pain Headacle Neuralgia: Rheunlatisrri Lumbago Colds Accept only s. eammam mamma Bayer package which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" bosee of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 -'Druggists Aspirin is the trade tuarlr (regtstered in Canada) o; Buyer atannOaeture of Korw- neeticaoidestrr ods Ba icy sem. y,.n,,-.,1, CHAPPED HANDS Niinard's is excellent for chapped bands and all skin diseases. J FOR YOUR EYES Refreshes Tired Eyes Write Murine Co., Chlcu go,forEye CateBo ole ry6f4gljtt•ctsis- tint PF/PLES SPREAD O' R FQREHEAD Inflamed and tched Badly, Cuticura Healed, " My trouble began•with a break- ing out of pimples at the edge of my -hair which soon spread to my fore- head. At first the pimples were very small but became larger and were in- flamed. They itched badly for a while and were -so embarrassing that 'I hated to go out. My hair fell out. ` " Tread an advertisement for Cu ticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I purchased more,and in two or three weeks I' was healed." (Signed) Miss Geor- gia McMillan, 1913 Summit Blvd., Spokane, Wash., July 10, 1923. Use Cuticurafor all toilet purposes. liampte Saab. Pres by Mall. •Address Canadian Depot:"Catsup, P. 0. 'sox 2628, Montreal" Prlce So25e. Ointment 25 Tnlcum26o. Try our now Shoving Slick. • Vanished After Using lydi,; E. Pinkh ac's Vegetable Compound "Branchton Ont.—"When 1 wrote? to you for help my action was mostly. prompted by curios- ay. I wondered if. I, too, would benefit by your medicine. It was the most profit- able action 1 have ever taken, I hearts fly assure you, for .. through its results I am relieved of . most of my suiierings. I have takensix boxes: --se's • of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a bottle of Lydia. P - an i can E. Pinkham s Blood .Medicine, d honestly say :l have never been so well before. I had suffered from paints and Other troubles since I was fifteen years old, and during the 'Great War! period I worked on munitions for two years, and, in the heavy lifting which my work called for, I strained myself, usin pelvic inflammation from whimg ch 1';haVe suffered, untold agony, and I often bad to give up and go to bed. I, hail doctored for several years without getting ler. Ynanent relief, when I started to take your medicines. Mrs, GoLnwlu Mrs 1LN1u12, Branchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. ?inkhorn Medi - dine Co.,Cobourg G`�ttario,for'a free copy, of Lydia 1 . Pin'khani'sT'xi'bate "Text- oois u,posa A4111044 os wiyok 4 „n, 1SSUS! Nor 21—':4. 1