HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-29, Page 5`;:°t'..
Thnr:eday, May,
, 1914
H. E. IS t:RD : Co.
_ 11
Bring Your' Creati Eggs
he Whyte:PackingW.hyt•ePackiugCo1
One of the oldest and most!reliable,firnis in Canada.
:Dealers, in farm .produce for over sixty years,
We will give you the very best
service nd prices possible.
.:� p
ranch at
• li1®lilMllIt IMIImmti11®11IMII t II®IIIMIII
i.ngbam, Ontario
Mr. Tlzos Hehri of Detroit Mich.
and Mr: Beattie Gibson of Windsor,
spent a few days lately at their homes
here. Mrs. Beattie Gibson and
George : Gibson jr. ,returning with
them where Mr. and Mrs, Gibson in=
tend ` making .their future home in
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Andrew and
babe of` Clinton and Mrl and Mrs.
Jack Andrew and babe of London:
spent the week -end_ with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Andrew of Zion
Mrs. Fred. Ritchie of MatPle Grove
spent a few `dayslast week with her
mother•}Mrs. Smith of Dungannon.': •
"Mrs. M. 'L. Gardner visited her
aunt M. Peter Lever. of • Maitland
Flats on Thursday of last week,
Mrs. Alex McCarroll of Lucknow
spent Sunday. with. Mrs. W. T. Gard-
ner of Zion:
Miss Bell Anderson of London
spent the week -end -with Miss Jessie
Andrew of Purple Grove
Miss Ada Helm, Crewe teacher
spent the week -end with her parents
in the Grove.
We extend congratulations to Mr,
,and Mrs. Sam Reid on the arrival of
baby girl on . Friday last.
Mr. C. W. Ritchi shad the misfor-
tune to lose a• colt .last week due to
weakness of the heart.
Mr. Jim Culberts hay pressing
gang were along our line •last week
pressing hay for the farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie of Zion
East spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
`~.Mark Gardiner in the Grove.
The service .on Sunday morning in
Zion Church was '.Ladies day service
The choir coznpos'ed of Zion ladies
sang a Coitpie of beautiful .selections.
The pastor ' Rev. De Witt Cosens
gave an excellent serrnon on "Mary
the Ideal Mother" •Service next Sun-
day will be young men's "day when a
choir of male voices will rendear rxtus-
ic to suit the occasion.
Mr. Wellington Nixon of St. Augus-
tine spent Monday cailing:on friends
in the Grove. •
Miss Lizzie Helm of Lucknow spent
the week -end with her parents at
Mr. John Cook of Alliston, Mrs,
Fred Topp . of Toronto and Mrs. Jas,
Cook of Belfast spent last` Monday
with Mr, and Mrs, C. E. • McDonagh
gf...Maple Grove.
Ano'ther old pioneer passed, away
friday xitorziing at the Koine of his
daughter, Mrs, Gannett, Bluevale
the person of Mr. Wm. Mundell sr.
in „his 87th. year. Mr. Mundell was
highly esteemed and a staunch Pres-
byterian, havii been -elder ' for a
number of years. The funeral was
held Monday afternoon - to Wing -
ham cemetery and was largely attend-
nMrs. MCKenzie, Rev. and M Z , Mrs.
Campbell, Riversdale, Mrs. Mulvey
and Mrs, :Gowdy attended the Pres-
byterial meeting .at Walton, Tuesday
Dr. Taylor of India, lectured in
Knox Church Friday evening,' on ac-
count of the rain, the attendance was
not so large.
Dr. McTavish, Toronto and Mr.
Nichol Linger, London, will hold re-.
vival meetings in McIntosh Church,
for two weeks: The opening meet-
ing being Sunday evening, May 26th.
TIte W,F.M.S. will meet at Mrs.
John Gowdy's Salem, Friday after-
noon.- A .cordial invitation is extend-
ed to all.-.
•Mr. James Nichol;`e4Hamilton, spent
the holiday with his mother Mrs.
Robt. Nichol, Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel
Marshall, jr. at Mr. Wm. Abram's, al-
so Mrs. Marshall's mother and fath-
er. •
Jackie Herd and Jean are on the
sick list this week, "
'Those who attended the play Tues-
day. evening put ono bq the Gorrie
young people, were highly pleased. It
beittg humorous and free from slang
The music was much enjoyed almost
$5o was, raised. :•
Miss Eleanor Jeffrey is a visitor at
John , Har=ris's, I-Iuhtingfield, • this
IVIr.' and Mrs. Charles Aitken and
'children spent Sunday at Mr. John
Mr, and Mrs, 'Jas, Young motored
to Exeter on Friday and spent a cou-
ple of dabs :with Mr. and Mrs. Thos:
We aresorry to learn of the severe
illness of Mrs. Edwin Irwin, She was
taken to Wingham Hospital on Mon-
day. . . •
Wm, Wightman .and
Mr: .Wn. Wg
spent Saturday 'at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Rome of Teeswatet
Miss Annie Nesbittspent the wveek-
•end at her home Alder Palmerstotl,
Mr: 'William Wellings was in Luck-
now one day last week.
wf • AP' half CE,T 'i I
dwEi Sotil'ni` '..;
The intense `interest: taken in the
developeznent of the Eugenia system
of the Hydro -Electric ' Power Coin-
mission- of Ontario was demonstrated
on Monday at the annual! meeting of
the Eugenia Hydro -Electric Associa
tioe,' herd in Owen Sound, There was
a splendid attendance of the repro
selitatives of the municipalities rep-
resented, over sixty being present
during the course of the afternoon,
and mush valuable information was
obtained;..: Previous to the meeting
the visitors to the meeting were en-
tertained at the Y.M.C.A. to 'dinner
by the Public Utilities Commission of
Owen Sound, after which they found
their way -to the City Hall.
There was not a great deal of busi-
ness to be transacted, but the great-
er portion of the time -of the meeting
was given over to Mr. T. C. James,
Hydro District Engineer of the Eug-
enia system, who was present for tate
purpose of, impartinginformation to
straighten out some of the knotty
problems which had come before the
Commissions during the yea, and.
advise them for. the future.. Mr:
James put in a busy couple of hours
for he was called upon man} tintes
to make 'explanations for the reasons
for this, that and ' the other . thing,
and some of the questions asked
were quite complicated and not easy
to explain in a manner which would
be understandable to anyone except.
those who are thoroughly familiar
with electrical matters and '.terms.
He was very patient:- however, and
did his very best to please everybody,
and the result was that the repre-
sentatives of the municipalities went
home pretty well satisfied with , the
manner. in which the system had.
been operated during the year.
The election of officers for the.
coming year was then proceeded with,
resulting as follows:—` •'
Hon. ,Pres. -John Legate, Owen
Sound. ..
'President Dr Roy Hacking, Tara.
Vice -Pres. --John Taylor, Han
over .
nd Vice Pres,—H, Hurdon, Kin-
Secretary-Treasurer—C. C, Elyidge,.
Executive Committee—Messrs. Dr.
Fowler, . Teeswater; C. J. Halliday,
Chesley; John Parker, Owen ;Sound;
'5. Lucas, Markdale; Andrew Filshie,
Mount Forest; J. A. Richardson,
Grand Valley; and W. Holmes, Wing-
(Extract From Ottawa Journal)
Final bouts in boxing and wrestling
were staged in the "gymnasium of the ,
Glebe Collegiate 1 t k b fAnd any time you can leave em
Friernds. A' party leader is a man
who can' take a popular delusion and
convert it into:a plank.
— o
A -'sausage is as strong as its strong-
est link.'
You can't tell whether it was mur-
der or self-defense, unless you know
how rich he is.
It isn,t the. weakness I care about,
said Samson, but it's such an 'atroci-
ous hick-tovan'haircut.
The next number on the program,
Ladies and Gentleman, will be a Lul-
laby in Asia Minor entitled "If I were
only a., little boulder I would knock
thein all dead.", .
A young man .ee11 out of a
window of a sky -scraper upon a wo-
man. We wonder if he made much
of an impression.
The heart is the treasury of the
tongue. Women must need. have a
big heart;
— o—
There is said to be a girl in. Wing -
ham who is so duxirb that she thinks a
timetable has Legs.
How I lost the $40,000,000 Heiress
By One Punch O'Goofty
I'says to her, says I, "Sweetie, how
about how about it, huh?"
And she comes back with, "To
whom are you speaking, sir, • to.
Well, no strong of jade is going to
"To 'whom" me and get away with it,
so I gives her a swell rear view of my
manly shoulders and flatwheels'out
into the cool evening breeze, leaving
her • cold and speechless.
One of the Best Wearing Hose
!M made of Pure Silk reinforced
with art silk giving extra weight
Mand wear, Brown,. Black. Beige
▪ Dove, Grey , and Crusader size
Me gz to xo Special per
▪ pair
I' Something new for 'Blouses a
• fine
Quality Patterned Voile in.
IM Grey and White Sand and
Brown, White and Black, Mauve
IM and White Maize and Blue Tan-
* gerine and Blue Blouse.1 ID rzni
, length x yds special _ 7d
l®�®® st ®® ;WIN
40 in Cotton Crepe in a ' very
fine quality for Ladies and Chile'
dren's Wear White, Pink, Light
Blue, Rose and Mauve
Special a yd.. e.D
A Pure Silk Crepe with a soft
pile finish in Brown & di'
Henna g6, in wide spec :04
The seasons newest Shades and
colorings of Dress Voiles in
Spot, Spray and Fancy Designs'
Prices per yd
.-. 50c 75c, 1 0
A wonderful wearing Quality of
Silk and :Linen in a Crepe weave
for Dresses• Blouses end,Sii oeks
Brown. Sand, White and Tanger-
irie, 4:0 inches wide
special ....•_•., eez
Ladies fine Quality Satinette
Bloomers, elastic at knee and
waist in Mauve, Gold, Paddy
Pink, Copen and Navy q
a pair .........:......_ e s
Made of extra Quality Satinette
hemstitched on yoke, top and
strapping, Paddy Blue eZ
Gold & Pink special /b'
!M� d
BY-LAW NO. 14, 1924
A By-Law,to Raise$so,000 to Aid' in
The Construction of Tile, Stone
Or Timber Drains
The Council of the Muncipality of
Morris, pursuant to the provisions of
The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as fol-
lows: '
x. That the Reeve may from. time
to time, subject to the provisions
of this by-law, bbrrow on the
credit of the corporation of the said
Municipality, such sum not exceeding
in the whole $50,000, as may be de-
termined by the Council, and may, in
manner hereinafter • provided, issue
debentures of the said corporation
in sures of'$loo each for tare amount
so borrowed, with coupons attached
as provided in section 5 of the said
2. That when the Council shall be
of opinion that theaapplication of any.
person to barrow money for the:.pur-
pose of constructing a tile, stone or
timber' drain should be granted in
whole or in part, the Council may
by ' resolution, direct the Reeve
to issuedebentures as aforesaid,
e e as wee before a ,nd to borrow a sum not ex-
large crowd of teachers and students. speechless you'vg done' omethirzg po-
i seeding, the amount applied for, and
Spike Donaldson and Arnold Wri5ht ble, even if you. lion t score. may lend the same to the applicant on
gate the fans an he 15stzitg session in girl re rhes an age. the completion of the drainage works.
the contest for the 158 pound deeis- Almost -every g a g
ion, when she developes pimples and the 3. A special annual rate shall be
in/posed, levied and collected over and
conviction that her parents don't un -
erstan er,
Yee Round—Donalctsdli Wiled the' above all other rates upon the land in
Y'quni� 'With a heavy i5titieli. .to the jaw d h respect of which the said money shall
be borrowed, sufficient for the pay-
ment of -the principal and interest as
provided by the Act
Passed the 26 day of May 1924,
R. H. Shortreed, Reeve
A. MacEwen, Clerk
M nici it of the o£
u al
P Y Township
ich stopped . his te}iponents enthusi-
'a4in for a brief beriod.' Wright stag-
gered a;little and came back with a
series of jabs about the ribs that ev-
ened tte, the score fairly well. Don-
aldson slugged with right and left in
'gitick succession and had Wright on
the defensive for a .while. The man
frons 2 L, was by no means daunted
by his opponent's punches and came
back hard, swift and :often. Both men
ran through 3 minutes of fast fighting
in the first' period.
2nd, . Round -Wright opened the
next round by driving' Donaldson to
cover under a vigorous onslaught in
which he featured a succession of
short jabs about the body, Donald-
son was a Little surprised and played
a steady but sure game from then on;
His good defenseand speedy foot-
worl; wore his opponent's energy to,
aThoint whgre he could finish the
round` successfully.
3rd. Round—The .third round, was
Donaldson's from the start. Wright.
seemed quite played out but stood up
wonderfully well under the fire re-
ceived from the helfty slugger of the
Fourth. Judges gave Donaldson. the
It may, be mentioned that Donald-
sonwas unfortunate in injuring his
thuinb in the first round but displac-
ed great` fortitude' in continuing the
fight to the end, when it was discov-
ered that the. thumb had been broken
Cups will be ctonated•to the winners,
Iylr. R. Johnston slipped a.; Car of
hogs on Saturday, .price $7.5o.•'
Mr. and Mrs. 5, W. 'Leggatt spent
Sunday with relatives at Whitechurch.
Mrs. Ida Wilson of Toronto, spent
a few days with relatives here:
Miss Olive Scott, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Garniss and family spent the
week -end with relatives at West
Mrs. Jos, Wright of Guelph spent
a few days with Mrs. Hobt. Aitche-
A large number from around here
attended .the funeral of the late Geo.
Haney at Walighani on Wednesday.
Mr. Haney was . well and favorably
known by a very large number as lie
was a resident here for almost fifty
There .was a good turn out to the'
play on Saturday. night. The actors
all done their part exceptionally well.
Mr. and' Mrs: Jos. Robb of Steat-
ford spent the week -end with friends.
and relatives in and around the vill-
We are pleased` to see Mrs. Garniss
sr., able to be up again after her re-
cent severe illness,
Miss Lorna Campbell who has been
employed with the Molsons Bank
has been given six niooths leaveof
absence owing to illness.
Many friends of Mrs. Geo, Ander-
son will be sorry to learn f her seri-
ous illness:
Miss Dent Geddes of Mt, Forest,.
'spent the holiday at her bottle stere,
Woe unto the west! the drys have a
• Samson grip!
Enough to shame the devil or sink
his war ship. •
Woe, woe! This .bootleg rum is found
wherever hid,
Lo, and then ' made ready for its
rough coffin lid.
Wets ask of us: Do whiskers grow Morris
upon the moon? Take notice that: the above is a true
No, no, that phrase was used by a copy of a By -Law passed by the Mu-
brawling loon. nicipal Council of the Township ' of
Stop and look! Statistics all galore Morris on the 26. day. of May, 1924,
we "can show! and all persons are required to take
notice that any who desires to apply
This; Dialogue of is all yPi Y
the wets know to have such By -Law or any part
On these vital questions, which one thereof- quashed mast serve notice of
will you try? • his application upon the Head or
"The The spanked baby is wet, the old Clerk of this muncipality within t
en -
cow is dry." ty days after the date of the last pub-
-o— lication of this notice, andmust snake
• Ivieighen is one man who never gets his application to the High Court of
speechless with rage. Justice within one month after the
—o-- said date. This notice was first pub-
I m using a new brank of lipstick", lished on the 2gth day of May 1g24 and
said Ethel to Marie. . the last publication will be on the x2ti
"Yes, I. know, Harry told me the day of June; 1924,
other. night." A. MacEwen, Clerk.
The trouble with laying something
aside for a rainy day, is that there's
always a little due.
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Stanley of .,uck
now, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dun -
cane Kenaledy
un-cane•Ke.nntiedy on Sunday,
• Rev. Mr. Taylor', a returned miss-
ionary from India, lectured in the
Presbyterian Church Tuesday' even-
ing, giving an account of his 25 years
of labor in that country.
Inthe estate of. Robert Bygot Gar -
piss deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to*
the provisions of the Trustee Act,
that .all persons having any, claim or
demand against Robert Bygot Garniss
late of Morris Township, in Iuron
County and Province of Cfntario, far-
mer, who died on or about the 28th
day of March "1924 are required to
send by pos,t prepaid, or deliver to J.
A. leforton at Wingham,' Ontario so-
licitor for the executor of the said de-
ceased, on or before the xoth day of
June 1924, their names and addresses
with full particulars in writing of-
ftheir claims, and the nature of the se
etirities, if any, held by them, and
verified. by a statutory declaration.
And take notice that after . the said
last mentioned date, the said executor
will distribute the assets of the said
deceased' among the persons` entitled
thereto, having, regard osily to the
claims of which he shall then have
had notice, and that the said execu-
tor will not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to any per-
son of whose claim' he shall not then
have received notice.,
Dated at Winghain, Ont:, this 16th.,
day of May xps4.
J. A. Morton, Solicitor 'for the said
Mr. Norman Stonehouse of London
spent the 24th with his parents.
Mr, Con r of Mount Forest spent
the week -en with . Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs. Wade of Fordwich spent a day
with the latter's son and daughter,
Mr. and Miss Wade.
Mrs. T. Proctor and Miss Hattie
spent -the week -end with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur •,Brooks and
daughters spent Sunday with Mrs, P.
Scandrett. -
Mr. Carter and family of Toronto•
visited with Mrs. Carter over Sunday.
Rev. Cragg of Wingham will preach
to the Orangemen on -Sunday even-
Mr. John Geddes, Mr. Laidlaw,
Writ. Kelly and Norman Geddes have
all got new cars,
East Wawanosh Council met on
Tuesday as Court of Revision on as;
sessme.nt °roll.
'We are sorry to report that Mr,
John Gamble is again under the Dr's
care and also Mrs. John Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos: Nichol were in
the burg this weelc.
Mrs, G. Barton of the x7th is not
improving' as well as her .,friends
Would like.
The Dickett • Brothers of Lakelet
passed through the burg looking up a
horse trade.
Mr, and 111.s. William Taylor and
Miss Romelda Taylor of Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carson, Mrs, Ia:
C. Taylor, Mr. George Greer and Miss
Alba Carson of Gorrie spent Monday
at Mr. and Mee. R, A Taylor's.
Belgrave L.,.0.. L. No, 462 will at-
tend Divine service in the Methodist:
wooD-- c IN
Ibr Furnit --Floor 'bo or
`Mite $o Has4 °Mee° Moa l* ibr° freeBoiler$
church on Sunday evening, June est, create good will for your business -
at 7 p. zn. Rev: Bro. Cragg of Wing- throughout your trading area and
ham will preach. thereby increase the volume cef your •
annual turn -over.
What Is Advertising
more or
than ,salesmanship. By advertising
you sell to several hundred people at
One tittle instead of to the single in-
dividual. Advertising does not be-
long to the realm of ma,, 1t is
ability to talk of the productgicln•plain,
honest and straightforward terms that
appeal to the reason and desires of
the people whose trade is sought.
How do you advertise? There are
no end of ways in which you may ad-
vertise; there is the billboard, the cir-
cular, the poster, the window display,
the circular letter, the personal let-
ter, by word of mouth, and the h news-
paper, the best method od of- them all.
What does advertising do for you?
All advertising is intended to create
good will for the product or service
advertised. Your advertising should
The Wingham Advance -Times, Hu-
ron's Po
u-ron's.Poular Paper.
iF + ryv+`ui li'kiil �
u k ii 111 �M .1141,��.f;lry; .ekiri , r hill 1, : tv�'1�' til. °- "!`fl�ili I itt
uolus S
n ;Sale
We are making a general "clean
up.' of our stock and offer
• Exceptional Bargains in
Kinds s of Footwear
In fact we are selling many lines
atrices far belowre
� OWp
war prices.
We repair Auto Sides and Curtail
The adin 'S
Phone 29m
Store :rlI H Il. ron C .
,'I� c,o On