HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-29, Page 311'
HEN any means of saving
money has been perfected, is
it wise to continue the wasteful
McClary's. Electric Range saves
money'n the
li savingcurrent o
stored heat" principle.
You. can bake for hours in, Mc-
Clary's' Electric. Oven after the -cur-
rent is turned : "off"—because the
oven has double insulatio,,,n.
You can do practically all your
boiling 'or frying on "low" because
"T I o", `'° Et" Protected Elements
retain heat:. •
See these exclusive McClary's
s -
or sal
Mr. arid Mrs. Will Humphrey . and
children ' of St. Helens visited with
lir. and Mrs. ' George Walker on
;Messrs Charlie Robinson and Clar-
ence:Chaamney spent the 24th in Clin-
Dark the futtu e; lett Thy light
Guide us, blight and morning Star;
Fierce our foes, and hard the fight;
' Arm us, Saviour for the war.
In our weakness and distress,
Roel of strength, be Thou our stay
In the pathless wilderness,
Be our true and loving way,
0 most dear and tender Father,
our Defender and Nourisher; : endue
us with Thy grace, but we may cast
off tt
blindness ofour minds
the greati s
and carefulness of worldly things and
may ptit .our whole study apd care in
keeping of Thy holy law; and that
we may labor and travail for our ne-
cessities in this life, like the birds of
the 'air and the ` lilies of the field,
without care. For 'Thou hast prom-
ised to be careful for us; and hast
coin inanded that upon Thee we should
east our care who livest and reignest
world 'without end. Amen.
JUNE xst. 1924 __
Lesson Title -The Babylonian ;Ex-
ile of Judah. '
Lesson Passage -2 Chron. 36:r1.'21
Golden Text—Prov. I
old 4 34•
Babylonia, also called the land of
Chaldaea, was a province of Middle
Asia, bounded on the north by Meso-
potamia, on the east by the Tigris, on
the 'south by the Persian Gulf and on
the west by the Arabian . Desert. It
was founded by Nimrod, the great
grandson of Noali. At the time of
today's lesson the kingdom had be-
come one of the three great empires
of the^ East. Its king, Nebuchadnez-
zar, was its most successful monarch,
It was he who made Babylon such a
large • and magnificent city. Its
walls, its canals its palace with its
hanging gardens considered to be one
of the wonders of. the world were all.
attributed to • his genius and passion
for building. In the Scriptures Baby-
lon is
abylon•is spoken of as "the glory of
kingdoms, the lady of kingdoms the
beauty of the Chaldee .excellency,"
All this indicates the power of the
enemy against which the people of
Judah had to contend and into whose
hands they eventually fell, and by
whom. Jerusalem was utterly destroy-
ed. There were several invasions
and upon one of these the vessels of
the house of the Lord were, carried
off and put in the idol -temple at Ba-
bylon. Many people, among. them
such choice young men as Daniel and
his three companions; were made cap-
tives and the whole country laid un-
der tribute. For three years King
Mr. and Mrs. George Naylor and
Gordon spent Saturday with her sis-
ter, Mrs, John Mills of Auburn..
Miss 'Kathleen Kerr of Goderich
Hospital. staff is recuperating at her
home here after her recent operation.
Miss Isabel Geddes of Morris is
visiting with Mrs. Allan attison.
e ,Yu se
ssity t
HONG the greatest and
1` 4f mbst practicalof man's
inventions, one of the racist
vital instruments in modern
business and one of the most
useful...and beneficial influ-
ences in family life is the
modern automobile.
4 1 r'" 4
Dependable, comfortable,
speedy, unconfined in scope,
unlimited in endurance and.
eminently practical in the
economy of its operation,
the automobile has contrl-
buted more to man's Barri=
ing power and to his enjoy-
ment and health than any
other single factor:
• 1
And unique among automo-
biles, Chevrolet provides
everythingany car can af-
ford ata cost. that is unap-
proached by another fully
equipped quality: car in the
world: Chevrolet has the
power '-to go , any place Rand
do anythin that is possible
for . aiiy of er car, and at
the same time -'it holds the
world's record for low run-
ing cost and economy of
upkeep. `
Make a personal inspection
of 'Chevrolet. ' Examine it
thoroughly. • Ask us for a
Ask us about the G.M.A.C. DeferredPayment Plan .
Or Economical Trartsporta'i'ion.+,.
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�-`�'�"""T" R It r --I 1 aLL� WP•
• . !4:
C -28Q
ov'eir itll
ub,. Ajeu* at Winggha
"Froth-fives"�.fpati herfromyea>r ofpain
The Fru Alreatment seems to be
the only way of completely lidding
the system of the cause of Headaches,
IV.I'issAnnie Ward, of 112 Hazen St.
St.. John, N.B., says; "I was a great
sofferer for many years from Nervous
Headaches and Constipation, I tried
nothing Seemed d to
help me until 1 tried "Fruit•a-tives".
After takingseveral boxes, I was
completely reieved and have been
web ever since",
Practically all Headaches come
from poisoned blood—that is, the
blood is laden with impurities which
should be carried from the body by
the kidneys and bowels.
'Fruit.a-tives'l made from the
juices of oranges,apples, figs and
primes --regulate the ital organs of
theunody-insure a pt re blood supply
—ancompletely relieve Headachs.
26c. and 50e. a boat.. -at druggists
or Fruit -a -tines Limited, Ottawa.
I I I mil I illi illm Illlifl
�IIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllilllll fHllllllhifllfill IU I Illu OIUI IllitUUUI1IQ I I I!t
I '+
o add
new accounts
Don't ' overlook the vil-
lagee stores off the line
of railways.
A salesman we know be-
gan; by calling on some
of them in a car to snake
the necessary '.arrange-
ments." He hasn't seen
his new customers since.
At an appointed day and
hour 'he regularly 'calls.
up each . by Long Dis-
tance from: a list he
prepared, and gets -their,
If he is away, someone
else carries out the sche•
dule for him.
His customers like to
deal with headquarters.
He added over 100 new ac-
counts in a few months —
says the business bulks large
at the end of the year.
Every Bell Teleph ne i$ a
Long Distance Stu,tzon
9,1 k f.
('Dent. �3o;1-5)., 1 Kings 8:46-53).
Moharhmedan intolerance
;Chat there are many;lvfosleins who
would readily accept Christianity if
religious liberty were granted them is
positively known, They are only
prevented'. from an.. open profession
by the :,certain Persecution which
would follow; Mohammedan fanati
eisni is so desperate that men will
compass the death of their own bro-
thers, rather than see them become
Christians. What Wright not be ex-
pected if this • superior people were
delivered from the thraldom of a
mere form of religion andled into the
living faith and •the glorious liberty
of the pure gospel?ela
A meeting of • the merchants, of
Wingham, 41 be held in the Coun-
cil Chamber on Monday evening next
i.o consider the advisibility of forming
a Merchants Association,
Mr, .Jas. Broadway last week sold
his hotel property and business to Mr.
Thos. Hill of Londesboro. Mr.
Broadway iias been in the business
here for three years. He has not yet
decided on his plans for the future
Mr. Hill has had several years experi-
ence in the hotel business and recent-
,ly sold his property at Londesboro to
Mr. R. D, Bruce, of Belgrave.
The local rent of the Knights of the
Maccabees and visiting brethren from
'1' sons
'T e d W n
Brussels, switer a Teeswater
Corners, to the number of fifty, or
more, attended divine service in the
Baptist Church on Sunday morning
last, when the pastor, Rev, J, N. Mc-
Lean, B. A. delivered a very appro-
priate and practical discourse. The
speaker gave a concise account of the
founding of the order, and dealt mil the
principles for which the members
were banded together. The duty of
protecting the home and the necess-
ity of making preparation for the life
beyond were impressed -upon those
present,: Mr. Frank Hill rendered a
solo "Rock of Ages" in good voice.
In another column will be found an
,advt. asking for tenders for the new
post office building in Wingham. The
plans and specifications are now in
Mr. Wm, Nicholson's. From the
plans we would judge that Wingham
is going- to Have a very fine building
and one thatwill be in keeping with
our progressive town. The building
will be placed in the centre.of the lot
purchased for that purpose, and on the
first floor will be the post office and
customs - office, and the second and
third floors will be the living rooms
for the Postmaster. The work of
building will be commenced as soon
as the• contract is award. We under-
stand that two or three Winghan'tites
will tender.
The enquiry from Mr. R. Clegg, of
Walker & Clegg at Monday night's
meeting of the Town Council re the
supplying of the electric" power for
motors brought up by a matter that
should be looked into by our town
fathers. Messrs. Walker & Clegg
would use an average of so horse
power per day, and no, doubt many
other pjaees=an town would use two
hoot' power and upwards. In same
towns the Electric Light Companies
have so arranged their plants that one
dynamo would run during the day
time to furinsh the required power for
parties using electric motors, and no
doubt the same order of things could
be arranged in the. Wingham power
house, The fuel question is now one
of great importance and no doubt a
large number now using steam power
would use the . electric power if it
could be had. We hope this matter
will be taken up at once. Three elec-
tric motors are now in use in Wing -
ham and they are giving splendid :sat
isfaction, but having only; ;31ight pow-
'er, makes thein .use yeryinconvenient-.
The first home game of baseball
for the season will be played on the
Town Park on . Friday afternoon of
this week, The old. rival's, Cargill and
Wingham, will' face each other, and
this in itself should be a. guarantee of
a good game,
The first home game of lacrosse
this season was played on the park
on Friday evening last, Listowel be-
ing the visiting team. The players
lined up about 7 o'clock before Re-
feree W. Allin of Lucknow.
The Wingham Court bf Revision
held its meeting on Wednesday even-
ing of last week, with Messrs. Wm.
Holmes, W. J. Greer, Thos. .Arm-
strong and D. 13e11, members of the
Board present. Mr. Peter McLaren
and Mrs, McInnes complained that
their residential property, was assess-
ed too high, Both appeals were dis-
missed, Messrs. John Wilson and
David Robertson . complained that
their property on Josephine street was
assessed too high but 'both appeals
were dismissed by the Court,
Jehoiakim paid this •tribute;' ;but he
Seized the opportunity to thro v' off
the Chaldaean yoke when Neb tchact '
nezzar •was engaged in war with the
king. of Egypt. Jeremiah, the pro-
phet, warned him against this step,
but in vain. After a time the land
was again invaded, and Jerusalem
had to surrender and the king was
slain,' For a few months his son
reigned as vassal but lie was carried
off to Babylonand his brother, Zede-
kiali, appointed king over Judah and.
Verses .=r-r6—King Zedekiali
As a vassal of the king of Babylon,
he had to take an oath of allegiance
to him, but at the same time he
watched for a chance to free his
country from the foreign yoke. Like
so many of his predecessors, his
heart was not right with God so .he
gave heed to false prophets and turn-
ed a deaf ear' to the warnings- of°Jere
miah, who faithfully .delivered the
word of the Lo.rd,,though mockedand
despised and imprisoned for so doing.
Then it was that the anger of the
Lord burst forth upon this wicked
king and his councillors who by their
folly brought the kingdom to the
brink of ruin.
Verses 17-2I—The Final Invasion
Instead of looking to Jehovah for
help when the Chaldaean came into
the land and laid seige to Jerusalem
Zedekiali sought help from the king
of Egypt. The siege was begun on
the tenth day of the tenth month in
the ninth year and a half; but when
famine prevailed in, the city and there
was notybread for the people of the
land, the city fell and+the king and his
army fled by night; but were over-
taken on the road to Jericho. The
king's sons were slain before his
eyes, and then he himself was depriv-
ed of his sight and .sent in chains to
Babylon, where, he died in .prison.
Jerusalem" was coinpletely destroyed
at the time. The castle of David, the
temple of Solomon and the entire city
lay in ruins and, to all appearances,
there was an end of the people as well
as of the holy city. Thus was the
word of the Lord as spoken. by Jere-
tniah fulfilled: Thus too was fulfilled
the prophesy by Moses that Jerusa-
lem would be smitten by calamity if
the people would not keep the com-
mandments of the Lord but broke his
covenant (Lev, 26). But God, with
whom a thousand years are as one,
day, gave this afflicted people a vision
of h.ope, The same prophets who
foretold the destruction of Jerttsaleln
predictedtheir return front .captivity
irda 1.
;Just "' bat You'veArum ST ,EYHOUN
1i e n Tai
andbatt kn.
J el
Goderich dub ski
14 h r$ u°471t11k� trip
tin ti Fo,
one wa;
This is an event that comes but -once a year - don't miss It 1 Take this
restful, balmy lake ride to Detroit—visit the aniusemeuts, the great indus-
trial factories, and you can shop there, too. There'll
Il be music,
and appetizing meals aboard, Be on deck with all the home folk,
eol 441
,p rlrlull Mt
tiPl rid
Qn ' 1 uesday,.Juno 10, the Steamer
f i Greyhound will leave Ooderich h at,
9;30 a, ., stoppir?e at i'ort1.1oron
1139 p. to, and errzvzne Detroit at
$:30 p. kn. Remain in Detroit over
Wednesday and returning, lea+re for
Goderich Thursday, June 12th.,
ip,m. '
See Ty Coble
and Babe Ruth
The New York Yankees and De.
troit Tigers will battle fpr sane, ball
honors at Navin Field, Detroit,' an
Wednesday, June 11. This is your
opportunity to see the two greatest
stars of baseball in action—Ty
Cobb and Sabe Ruth.
V,11.11..111: ,Im1?
pp��1 .f 11'11Q '$
Last trip to Detroit leaves Goderith
Friday, Jane 13, 9;30-a. n,
!' I�
out otiGoderlch
ModaVi,z.� l �
{ �1
8:30 p. o:,
Adults SOc Children 2Sc
Enjoy this delightful tli'tee' hour
sail on beautiful Lake 'Huron.
Rimers dance orchestra aboard.
Nits. George Orvis of Lower Wing-
ham is spending -a few days with her
parents. Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Camp-
Master Carman Coutts spent the
24th with his grandparents Mr, and
Mrs. Robt. Hetherington.
Mr, Victor Campbell has returned
to Detroit after spending a fecal, days
with Morris friends. •
Mr. Sydney Budwell who has; been
working for Mr. Robt, Golley fcir the
last few years left last Friday'. for
England where he intends spentl'ng a
few months with his parents.
Master. Baden Powell of Exeter is
spending a week or two with hi& un-
cle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. John Coch-
A petition to have the Iron Bridge
on the 2nd line near the 'Stone school
moved to its proper place on; the side -
road, was circulated among rate pay-
ers of the northern part of the tow'ne
ship and was signed by a very large
majority, This petition will be pre-
sented to the Morris Council this
Mrs, Peter McIntosh of Kincardine
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Well, I'll swear, cried the man as
he faced the judge.
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Note Paper, Writing Pads
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Our stock is always complete.
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Hotel. `Ticket Agency Caxadi,