HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-22, Page 8titt e'r " '47 '3 117' •.. • •.. •,,, • ; ;;•,;;;;;'.,;,•• VC/1110HA14 ADVANQE-TINIES 4 To every 'boy i Vingfiam who wants to join A town team and ,got.in tho game , :and play Lacrosse We will give a Lally Boys' Lacrosse Stick $4$o ...... with a purchase in our Men's 'Store of Men's Wear and Men's and BoYs'. Clothing of over $1.5.00 at regular prices. Only a limited quantityoffered. Boy§! :Bop8t :Lacrosse and get out and practice, 1 11 tit 1•••••••ffinisrleirisisamia•• arimiummor LOCAL • BALL SPORT • , - ass= There was a certain young man in Simpletown who became possessed -Of a very earnest longing to be in - •eluded among them that are chosen to "Ump", His parents assiduously endeavoured to persuade him of the unwisdom of 'adopting this calling; a calling at once dissgreeable and dan- gerous. But the youth, believing that the •ivisdom.he had acquired by right of conquest was greater than the cQm- binecl -wisdom of his 'parents, paid :heed neither to their persuasions nor their warnings. So he joined the Simpletown Base- ball team and was ,rapidly made per- fect as a player; even through suffer- ing was he made perfect. Now, a part of this suffering was on his own head as well as on diverse other parts of his systeni. But the sufferfn,g of hisdevoted parents was confined to the heart, which is a very susceRtible organ and. they suffered sorely from the intensfied beatings thereof .Now, when the young man had be- come perfect as a player he was elect- ed an Umpire, and his prospective do - :minion. seemed au ' eXceeding good ,u•a•sw••••m•••••••.o..a.c.••••••••••• There's I a "Hot T e" • thing: unto . . „I -le was forthwith '.;111211111111111111111111611141111111111111111111111111411INIIIIR appointed to "urnp" a "game on the . ' 23th-of August; an unlucky date, yet •;'• dantly resolved that on, -this day he'll' ris les an August inonth, - He was -- would' establish an example --t-hat all • • other "tulips"' might follbw with ex - Ili 3 tioned, diidiculed .g Stationery 1 ceedp ing rofit. lie was determined — to depart from the d custom of making decisions that could be ques- strusted _or rand. ;17--= 13' was to deliver himself of such tonly as il would be wholly acceptable altogeth-,E3 ec,runj::.„tand. trud. of circumstance. Hheld steadfastly to his high re - e solve and "tunped" the game ,beauti- ft fully.; even. as one in a trance did he ig Then when by .the beneficial eflux- ..! ion of time the posterior sectidn of 52' the ninth innings had homeward plod ,..,--7.-, its weary way, had knelled the de- at parture of his brief and blissful gov- ernance and bad automaticaally ef- fected his entrancing, he strained his 1,-.7,.... ears to catch the plaudits of the i 1 crowd and was greatly,- disappointed, and much disquieted ...because these 1= came not forth. , Yea:, he .was as- 111-.., tounded that instead of these came '.._ . ,— ' III _ forth groan's, Jibes and jeers and di-, =-e_ A VISIT . - .----_, verse' other noises that 'words cannot i -Y. gll.• • Bargain 24' Double Sheets • WRITING PAPER • 25,Envelopes Also made of Best Qualit3r Linen! EXTRA QUALITY LINEN 49 Pieces all for 19c dos only a few to sell Ohl Dutch•Ware Cuspi- 29c ," • ••al' -"; Thursday, May nd., 19e4 BLUEVALB Mr. Edward Underwood returned' ; 'lino to Saskatoon on..1'uesday after, spending the past few •weeks with his parents here. NEr, Lenord Rattan has purchased. a building ,site fitorn Mrs. Brooks south of the Methodist Cherch and is' moving his hoese onto it this week. Miss Martha .Fraser )las purchased the house and tot owned by' the late Mrs. Hendersonand has moved into it. IV,Lr, Robt. Masters of Toronto spent the week -end with. relatives here, Mr. Richard. Johnston shipped 'a car of hogs' on. Saturday, Mr, Jos Underwood one load. of cattle and Mr. 1-e'lein )81acl< two loads of export Mr IVIllvert. Sellers is at present visiting -friends at 'Toronto. Mrs. "'Jos • Ctirtis has returned home after 'spending • the past ' few' weeks with her daughter at Toronto,'' Mr: and Mrs. John Ane and two soils' of Fergus spentthe week -end With the latter's parents -Mr. and Mrs. .A, McGee. • - Mr. and. Mrs,- -Wm. Gallaher spent Simday 'ate the home of Wm. Thorn- ton.. , Mr. Harvey •Garniss ' of Detroit was home fbr a feW. days, to see his mo- ther who has been very- poorly of Tate. ,• portray. And he was moved and /A to our store will pay you.. It wept bitterly, •=- El matters not whether it is. to = The story.l have related is an abso- lutely true one, for the every circum- stance and peradventure Of which I solemnly vouch. The moral of ray' story' lies in its application and its application germain to our games in Wingham. A few men have been chosen to "ump" our games. Each cirie of,...them is as anxious to decide righteously as was the young man of Simpletown. The integrity of each is absolutely 'unassailable, yet we have heard • these same men, all of them ruthlessly maligned. For the sakeof our games for the sake of our town Cornu g these we pray that sinister minded de- tractors now operating, may see the error of their ways and speak no more •the Words that hurt. We are deter- • mined to have clean sport in Wing - ham, clean players, clean umpires and - clean minded spectators We • un- doubtedly have the two former and we are going to take measures to -des- troy the leavening germ of vile mind- edness which has already infected the onlookers. Niiff said. • • •• • The only Hard Ballgame playing during the week was the one in which the Lions and • Independents tried, but failed to- reach a 'decision,. The. Absolutely clear, doesn't turn game ended in. a draw amd will on that account have to be replayed. It pattern dirty yellow, dries quick - was one of the most exciting games ly with "Rich Gloss". Seen in Wingham for a long time. Phone 3o --• Both teams:played good ball. John- ston the Independent pitcher is shap- Thompson-Buchanan ing veil and with a little more prac- tice lshould be as g-ood as any, of the best, Bra.ckenbury's pitching too was HARDWARE of a high or.der and extremely fast, /••••••••••••••••••••=mtwoneo••••••••••••tmaloo The Independents .had the game al - See our stock of Screen Doors and Windows, large variety of ° styles .to choose frOm. Be pre - Pared for the Hot Weather. . SAVE THE LINOLEUM BY USING LOWE. BROS. "Neptunits" Varnish UMMI•embJp,IXIM,' ••••••••••••••••••••••-•-•••. e Coal y instaiiing the '12-t PIPELESS OA; WARN.A1/1 ACs Steel -Bibbed rirepot of this trioclernheating, system triples the radiating capacity-8aves one day's coal in seven. Another saving comes because the heat ascends directly through one register, • 1\Tattral law cir- culates' this heat into every room -- without waste. A guaranteedheating system. IIttrickeds have been in- stalled. Patented, Ifused loints pre- vent leaks of gas or dust, The warm air is made healthful by' the large Circular Viraterpan„ We can tiotait ing system in one no rnose—no talisto dui up, Lel as give you an e.stima10. • ft.. R. MIC)()NEY Agent at Wingham for Pipe or Pipcless rarnacea. pm:chase Groceries a.nd Prov1s- ions or other Sundries you will find our • Prices Rock Bottom P. ' — 111•IIIIS11111111511110111111111111111111[1111111111111111111 most won, when they made a trio of bad overthrows and threw the game away. Apart from these their gener- al fielding 'Was ,extremely cute. , •pne of the two Soft Ball games played that between the Clerks and Lloyds and Gurneys was much the better. The Clerks were indeed lucky to win this, game as the Lloyds and Gurneys were in the lead right up to the last inning. Both teams were itt good. form and their play was well worth watching. The other game Clerks vs Lions was of the nature of d -slaughter the Clerks doing the killing, The score was 23-13 ..in• faVor, of • the Clerks who inight have made 50 ,runs had. they been less compassionate, • Games for', reit week will. be'ean- . neunced Onthe ustial bulletins: • ,•• (Webster) , ,•. ITEC • Mrs: Kerr of Goderieh moved into her new home here last .Week • Mrs, George Cottle visited with her ., daughter..Mrs. Ed. Browning of Kin- cardine last Week, • ' Master Robert Lott 'was Operated - on in Wingham General Hospitalfor • Several hundred cattle have been changing hands 'during the past, week or two. • , Very heavy frosts Sunday „and Mon- day nights, did considerable damage to: clover e• and other tender plants, there was about quarter an inch of ice. Anew son arrived at the Bottle of' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Breckenridge. con- gratulation,s. 'Mr. Arthur Shaw treasurer for the. Township of Morris, .has treated him- self to a new. Ford Sedan.. • • Mrs. Wesley 'Leggatt4 is able to be about again after a severe case. of quinsy. • Mrs •Afilvert Sellers is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Miss Sara McLennan spent the week -end with her sister. in London.. Rev. T. C. Wilkinson attended the District meeting in Wingham on Tuesday. Mr. 'Willie Orr underwent a suc- cessful operation in the Wingham Hospital last week. We hope he will soon be able to be around again. Mrs, Wilkirisonsis 'yisifing with her sister Mrs. Victor Haines Of Morris for a few days. Miss Janet "Mowbray of Wingham Hospital is holidaying here. • . • MAPLE- GROVE CORNER Sunday Service in Zion Church Was in charge of rite Fathers being obser- ved as Father's Day, The male choir being eomposed of the Fathers of the Chtirch, sang a coil* of selee- tions very nicely and the' Rev, 00 -n - seas gave a very able sermon on the duties of the Palters in their liomes. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Havens and family of Lucknow, called on friends on our 'line last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphrey of S. HelenS visited with Mr, Jacob Hun- ter on Sfinday afferueon- Mrs: A. E, Gardner Mrs. M. L, Gardner Miss Lizzie Helm and Miss Essie Ritchie attended the W. M.' S. meeting held at the home of Mrs. Walter Alton of Hacketts last Thurs- day afternoon. • Mr. C.' E. McDonagh has been at- tending the Good Roads Convention held in Walkerton the last few days and reports a tat of ditching and grad- ing and gravelling needed badly on some of the Bruce roads, Mr, Henry Gardner and Mr. Jacob Hunter each lost a valuable cow last week, ,both were jest freshened. Miss Menary of Lucknow is visit- ing with 'Mrs, Will Hunter of 'Zion for a few days. Miss Saunders of Wingham. is spending' a few days with Mrs. W. T. 'Gardner, • • Miss S. Gaunt tof .St. Helens is at present visiting with Mrs. Sam -Reid' Maple Groye. . • ; . The Blake's Dramatic Co., pre- sented their play "'The Old Fashion- ed Mother" in Zion Orange Hall last Tuesday, evening. The play was well rendered and full of humor and wit. They deserve praise for a green bunch of /amateurs .for doing so: well. The. .crowd was very small owing to the wet weather but those who came were well pleased 'they were present to hear it, ' • Mr. Mose-Cbanapion and son Harry of Fordyce .cslied. on •Mrs. Mark; Gar- dner one• day last week. - L. .0. L. •to'44. meets Friday, May ASHPIELD Mr. and Mrs. Will McLean and family of Saltford and Miss Mary. Cunningham of Port Albert spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Al- ton loth con. The W. M. S. of the Ashfield Cir- cuit Was • held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter Alton To con,"theie was a good attendance , Miss Mary Vint, spent Thursday at ..he home of her uncle Mr. Thomas •Taylor, near St. Helens. •Miss Johnson, teacher of Belfast School who was called home to Owen Sound on account of her mother's, serious illness expects to return Mon day. Mrs. George Lane, of Lanes, a former teacher .there has been teach- ing this week. • Word WM' received Friday, of the death of Mrs. Wm. Kick -ley which, oc- curred Thursday May .,8th., at her son John • of Fort Apelle where she had been living for over a year. She was buried out there •May loth. Previously she lived on a farm on,the 8th con. Her, husband predeceased her thirteen years ago the 6th of this month. • . appendicitis last We Ore pleased to report that he is getting along nicely. - Mr. George McQuoid visited friends in. Ashfield for a few days last week. A number from here attended the U -.F. 0, dance the home of Mr: and Airs., Jack CaSslick. of eiross Thursday last.• Thursday • ; Mr. ReidWright. • and son ,Albert , spent the week -end with friends. • The annual meeting of Women's In- stitute for elections of officers and other business was held on T mrsda . the following names comprise the el- ecutivet—President Mrs. Armstrong; Vice President Mrs. • Richmond; Sec. Treas. Mrs. Colclough. Mrs, George Powell is visiting her neices in London for a couple of weeks. . Mr. John Youngblutt who ously disappearect.from his home in Auburn Friday last was found on Sun- day 'morning in .Mr.' John Gloucher's woods, two miles east Of his home., He was in a very weak condition mentally and physically suffering from exposure. The Choral Society will present the Sacred- Cantata, ")3elshaggar" at Kip - pen on Monday night. :11-0TICE' TO CREDITORS. IVIrs, !Stranghan of Auburn spent last week with her daughter Mfg:Jas. Laidlaw. ' - ' Messrs. Daniels nand Rogers from the States and Mr, Warden of Wing - ham visited at the home of Mr» JaS, Corneltits one day last week, - • Mr. Wm. Hawthorne of Brainford 'is visiting with his sister, MI.'S.' Joe Holines. ' ,; t • • • . , Rev. Mr, Ternin of Hamilton who has been p,reaching in Wreexeter took the work here ia the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. • The Young People • of the • Guild' held a surprise party at the horne of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Garton of Luck - now on. Monday. and presented Mrs. Garton with a sum of money as a •I token of grateful recognition of help rendered lit connection with their many church' meetings. Mrd. Herbert Laidlaw and Luella and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Ernest spent a couple of days laat week with Mr. arid MrS. Andrew Kirk of Sea- f°11cil'illt:s. Robert Hogg and daughter of • Tharnesford are visiting with the for- , InM.,t.':'brother lir'John)tilrdonspeinCtl,tibcbou. pie of days last week with her sister Mrs, ' Rittloul of BrussOls. Miss 'Bowes of Wikrapteter Public School staff' spent last Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. W. A. Cathers. Miss Bowman who teaches school near Harriston called on friends here last Sunday. The S. S. has re -opened for the sum- mer months. Mr. Wm, -Mitchell traded horses with Mr. Jack Wylie of the' 25th of Howick. Miss Marie Copeland gave a birth- day party last Saturday to a number of her •girl friends. Mr. Edwin. Bennett had a success- ful wood bee one. day last week. Mr. W. A," Catliers used his tractor and. saw. A pleasant time was speait at Sa- gent Church at the chngregational banquet—one evening recently; The ladies served a bountiful supper after which a social hour was spent. Mr. W. A. Mines was toast master and the usual splendid toasts were proposed ancl responded. to in most eloquent style. Music between the short ad- dresses was much enjoyed. One of the special features our business is . , • .. • .1..;:'4;%',"•"„,5:; ',-• -"4.4 .„1„.,,,..‘q BELGRAVE • Anyone wishing to donate anything to the Belgrave School Fair 'should. see Mr. John Wightmaii the secretary this week. ,49..177 ITT1 NG" And LONG EXPERIENCE in the Shoe selling makes us qualified for this part of 'the .business. • An tilliitting shoe may cost the wearer Hundreds of ,Dollars itt remedies .fpr corns and bunions besides DAYS AND YEARS, OF • ' ALWAYS BEST td "TRY ON SHOES" ancl'we are al-' ...ways glad to -assist our customers in every way .to geta proper fit, "1='ROPER PITTING SHOES" are one of the best investments for few 'things are so tiresome as • ACHING FEET-CMISED BY ILL FITTING SHOES • Weare "SPECIALISTS" in SHOE FITTING let us prove it to you. The Leading Shoe Store Phone 129. 4 f Huron County Wingham, Ont. • iill•M•111116.11010.011111M11.13, ill•M•1•0••• • MORRIS The rainy weather has kept many of the farmers feom getting their root erbp inas soon as they wished, Mr. Victor. Campbell of--Detroit‘a spent a few days at his hoine. Mr. Alex Ross had a quantity of hay presSed last week. • Mrs. Thos. Congram and son Wil- ford spent a day with Mr. and 1VIrs.; Iglah Congrarn of •Lucknow. Mr, and Airs. Coiling and Miss Mar- garet Black of Ripley -visited Mrs. Victor Haines last 'week. We are sorry to have to report that IVIrs. Thos. Abram 'has been on the sick list. We hope she will soon be well again. Miss Edna Campbell visited with her aunt Mrs. Pope of Wroxeter for a few days last week. During the high wind last Sataur- day Mr.' Robt. Hetherington's house caught fare but with the timely aid of a few of -the near neighbors suc- ceeded in getting the fire under way. During the exciternent MTS. Hether- ington slipped and twisted the liga- nents of her ankle thus placing her tinder the doctor's care. She is at present staying in. town with her daughter Mrs. Alex Coutts. • Mr and Mrs, Will Robertson and family of Belgrave visited with Mrs. Robertson's parents . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Abram one clay last week. 'V We are glad to report that Meiss Lizzie Hunter is improving after suf- fering from a severe attack of pneu- monia 'VII-. Alf Green of town. is a,L present helping Mr. C. G. Campbell. Mr. Frank 13eninger of Bluevale Road sent,Sunday with his brother Mr. Barney Beninger of Wingham. Miss Ruby Forsythe of town spent the week -end • with her sister Mrs. Andrew Casemore. Einsiminowasmoinow angsliminnimmismi in the estate of Robert Bygot Gar- iiiss deceased, • Notice is hereby given pursuant to, the provisions of the 'Trustee Act,. that all persons having any claim or- delhand against Robert Bygot Garniss late of MorniS Township, in Huron County and Province of Ontario, far- mer, who died on o,r, about the 28th, day' of March, , 2924 'are required toy send by post prepaidor deliver to I., A. 'Morton at Wingham, Ontario, so- licitor for the executor of the said de - eased, on or before the loth day ofi June 1924, -flteir name,s and addressei. with full particulars in 'writing o1. their claims and the- nature of the se- curities, • if any, held by them, and verified by a statutory declaration. And take notice that after the said last mentioned date, the said exdotttOr will distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then lia•ve had notice, and that the said C.X(..CCII.,- t0T will not be liable for the said assets or 'arty part thereof to any per- son of whose clain he shall hot then bave received notice. Dated at Winglia,m;,Ont., this 26t11,' day of 11:fay /924. 5, A, Morton, Solicitor for the said executor, 0 1 ENII91111116111111111111111111111 11 King Bros. pecials il For This WeekswEnt Sleeveless Sweaters Ladies Sleeveless. Sweaters in the newest styles and colors all sizes,-' Prices $3oo to $7.50 • ' • Pure Lirten ling, . • Fully ,bleached, fine even • thread, colored borders, reg 25c • specially priced 18c la Madras Curtaining Colored Silk •Madras. for side, hangings, all colons width soin, reg 2.50 to 3.do sale $1.85 yd, 36 in. Cotton Madras reg ry5c sale 55Cyd M Ladies' Silk Hose in Ladies Silk Hose of Holeproof • NI Kayser and Penman's make, col-. MI ors Brown, Black and White reg 2.50, 3.00, 3.5o special $2.95 IN• Pongee Silk • ' Extra Quality.Nattral Pong6e .4 for Shirts, Blondes, Children's LI Dresses Bloomers etc,, 33 in. wide 78C d • Naincheck Pi• ▪ Pine Quality White. Nain-1 MI check for 'Underwear etc. width. 36 in. special 23c per yd, ,Wash Goods Section - Fancy Voiles,, Check Ratines, Silk Ratines, Broadcloth, Silk,• Scotch Ginglains, Percale •prints etc. Prices 2'4c to $1.5o yd Organdies and Dot- I ted Swiss am Finest Quality Organdies and Dotted Swiss • in all colors reg to 2.50 yd to clear oc per yd - Wilton Carpet. IN Samples 5o only Wilton Samples Size II 27x54, these make the best of • IN mats, bargain price $3.95 ; - • Window Shades • Genuine Oil Shades iii Green or Cream colors standard size 111 this vveek-end /9c - 11111 • " • Hower Cleaner 1 4.111,0110014.11/04111ii.411.04101.4.10104111. • 4ing', Grocery • Department . , .2 lbs for 25c Pea'cheS Prunes • 2 lbs• for 250 Bl • ack- ,Tea per • jelly 25c ' Sockeye Salmon Matches 3 . • . . CornSp3rirlcAP Ili, poll ,37720 ib 40c Peanut Butter tin. pails 25c 061(01.1/011,11.11,4i).4.0 '41:1117.11/1111.11.111111,11011. One 'Only Hoover special, reg price thisweek-end t59.o o Its a dandy act quick ' a • Remnants • erAy dt aebplear t flel loe n t, f everynicit from pieee e v at - a bargain. Pick 'em out! , 1 Iti „ Phone 71, Wingham I '1 „ • 1,1 14 r ; 1 • ' t ,fJ• di . 4, 4114