HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-22, Page 7•
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Thil.r SdaY ) MAY 22? 1$211.
••••“-h,--4-C-1 Tifp WINGYIAIVI, ADVANCE
Every Scot a Fire Fighter..
No Scoutmaster need complain that
there le no' ivie Service Good Tern
for ,the troop to do, while Are •still
beats the Fire Departments to the
tune of efan,y millions annually. Quite
possible fpr' every Scout to have a de-
finite ttuderetancling of his duties as
an individual fire department. Begin-
ning at home he is to repPrt to his
parents every fire hazard he can dis-
cover in the house, out -building, any,.
whereon the property. Scee to it
that ere extittguishing facilities are.
properly placed and kept ready'. Does
itisPart and 'a little more to keep the
premises, (aeon; and prevent accurate
lateen of inflatamable debris. He can
qualify for tbe, Fireman's proficiency
badge, and thus be prepared in case of
Are, Can have members .of his home
trained in their duties in case of fire,
giving the alarm, fighting the fire, sav-
ing furniture and household property,
and so forth. He can offer to extend
sirnalar services to nearest .neighbors,
and gradually build up,a neighborhood.
that. will put; a small dent in annual
fire loss figures. If every. Scout would
do this, there Would be more than a
dent in those disastrous figures—and
every troop would go ,a notch higher
in ,popular" favor.
•Are Seouts Honest in School?
Did you read the article ite tlee,
February issue of Good Housekeeping;
"Shell We Teach Religion in School?"
The article was extensively reviewed
in a later issue of the Literary Digest.,
14'he gist of the article Was that school
children are Oone to petty dishoneri-
ties, not only in school work but mit-
side of school. In the tests made,
groups of Boy Scouts showed the high-
est scores for .honesty. Tellr your
troop "about this: Tell them about the
"Campaign. for Honor and Honesty"
just no* being tried out in a nuinber.
of big High Schools.
This campaign is the result of a
long petiod of experimenting to dis-
cover -the best methods of moral train-
ing :for ehigh, school students, It IS
directed against cheating in school
,wark, etealing, cutting classes,. and
playing truant. A. long tabulation of
reasons for strch immoralities is given.
"Fear" is a large,factor inethe reasons
for; heating.. Envy, idleness and too
little thought abput being honorable
are inentioneee Here comes in Scout
Laws 8, 9 and),. Cutting glasses and
truancy are put down to laziness, care-
/ ss moral sfandarde, temptation to
ave a good ,time, Scout Laws 2, 7
and 8 come into play here.•
This iS a good topic for troop meet-
ing. Straight, frank, .back and forth'
talk with the troop. What about petty
dishonesties in school and out? Per-.
sonal honesty is fundamental to good
character and to good citizenship-
- and to goad Scouting. If public school
authorities are concerned about the
extent of dishenesty among school
pupils, now is the time for the Boy
Scout Code of Conduct to prove itself,
and perhaps obtain recognition
throughout the public school world as
the answer to the problem, "What is
the best method of moral training for
high school students?"
Over 50,000, Scouts in Canada Now.
During 1923 the Boy Scouts Associa-
tion membehhip in Canada passed the
60,000 mark and went right on up to
,51,204. This includes all Boy Scones,
Wolf Cubs and Boy Scout and Wolf
Cub officers in the Dominion and re-
presents a healthy increase over the
year before. The in.embership is ac-
tual as at a given' ciate—it does not in:
clude the number of different boys
who were connected with Scouting for
only short periods, duaing the year.
The Dominion Medal Board 'e report
for the year shows the awarding of 29
medals for gallantry and notable ser-
vice, Including 2 bronze Creases and 1
Cornwell Scout badge, One posthum-
ous award was made to the parents of,
Patrol Leader, Ward Finch of Medi-
cine Hat, Alta.; whollost his life•while
endeavoring to . rescue two Canadian
girls in training at. Elltwater Lake, ,Al-
Juvenile Lese- Majesty.
4 --King Alfonso of Spain had the ex-
traordinary experience of being a king
from the very moment of his birth.
There are of course some interesting
stories about .his kingly childhood; in
the Argonaut we find this one:
One day in the courtyard of the pal-
ace the young 'king was playing his
favorite game of stildier with the small
soli of the Collet of Casa Valencia,
who was his most intimate compani-
on. Suddenly the little count Spoke
up, saying:, "There are never any good
borse rates here, "I'm going to see
some fine one, and You're not."
"How is that?" demanded the YOuth-
NI kills.
"Ole I'm going to Louclon," was the
reply. "My Uncle Antoeie has been
appointed antbaSsador there anti—"
At that point his eompation cried:
"And Fray tell me, how. le it that r,
the kills, have not been inlerfilod ef
\ntl the tiny bat majeatic figure, in
full posseseloa and understandieg
'lie role, walked pompously aereee the
irt yard.
if you are e laW youreelf, yourre
tuiSance fe othere,
1Roaoted and packed same
da,y in airtight cans
Mothers should constantly be on
.guard to keep baby'a bowels working
freely and, hie stomach sweet, for
nine-tenthe of the ailments from which
little ones suffer are caused by de,,
rangements of the stomach and
bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are a
splendid laxative for, the baby. They
are- mild .but thorough; contain neith-
er opiates nor narcotics, and are ab-
solutely gintrepteed to be safe and
efficientafor either the newborn 'babe
or -the growing child. By their* action
on the bowels and stomach they drive
Out constipation and indigestion;
break ;up. colds, and simple Payers' and
make the dreaded teething period
easy. The Tablets are fiord by medi-
cine dealers or by meirat 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Meclicine
Co., 13rockville, Onto.
Tree l)oom.
To ,draw sweet sustenance from tbe
Without devouring meat that's
With casing bark to fit one's girth
And stand unhoused in wind, sun,
To have waved leaves instead of hair
And a green color for a face;
Never to move through, life elsewhere,
But root forever in one place,
0, what a strange life there must be
In a broad, earth -rooted tree!
And yet, men say, when. stricken sore,
Trees shiver a spade just as they're
felled; •
A sentinence eweeps their inmost core
That by their downward rush is
As if, from base to crown, they tried
To walk but once before they died.
—Harry Kemp.
Keep Kinard'* Liniment in the house,
Mother's prescription
JOHNNY is taking a prescription. His careful mother
—the„ family health doctor --ordered it. Her daily
ounce of prevention—Lifebuoy Soap—works wonders -
in combating disease. - , , • -
Every day your children touch dirty objects and cover
themselves with germ -laden dirt. Give them Lifebuoy
—the health soap.
Lifebtspy. protects. .
The rich creamy lather of Lifebuoy carries a wonderful health
element deep down into every pore. The skin is completely,
purified, and cleansed --delightfully. stimulated.
Ilii: ,.
More than Soap - a Health Habit
The odour vanishes after use,
• but the protection • remains.
Can Be, Avoided Jr tCeeping the
Blood Rich and Pure.
The anaemia of young girls may, be
inherited, or it may e caused by bad
air, unsuitable ,food, haety and irre-
gular eating,, insufficient outdoor ei-
ercise and not enough rest and sleep.
It comes en gradually, begineleg with
languor, indisposition to exertion and
a feeling of fatigue. Later comes pal-
pitation of the heart and headeches,
In the majority of cases constipation
fe present, and the complexion takes
on a gregaigh-yellow pallor.The treat -
'meet is quite easy and simple: Dr.
Williams' Pink Sills are just the Sonic
te remedy this wretched state of
health. They act directly upOn the
blopd,•and as it become a rich and pure
strength and activity reterns,.. the
glow of health comes. to .tie cheeka,
and soon the trouble will disappear
and good health follow. Miss Pearl
Parks, _Rel. No. 1, Reaboro, Ont., has
proved the value of this medicine, and
her statement will ',point the way to
health toall other weak girls. She
says:—"I was very ill with anaemia;
1 could not sleep. at 'night; my appe-
tite was poor,, my face and lips were
very pale and my eyes .dull, I sot so
weak that reould not.go upstairs with-
out resting. I tookadizzy and fainting
spells, had no ambition whatever, and
did not care to ge about. 1 was -in
this , condition for nearly a, year. I
had treatment from two 'doctors; but
did not regain my strength, so my
mother, who was very. 'uneasy about
me, decided I should try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. After using the pills for
a while I felt somewhat better, and
continued taking them untilal had
used about a dozen boxes, when I was
again well and strong. I can strongly
recommend pr.- 'Williams' Pink Pills
for the treatment of any suffering
from anaemia."
You can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Brings your friends, close to you
Pir HE isolation and loneliness of the farm •
I have gone. Friends miles apart are now
neighbors. Cities Once the mecca for holidays
and market days only, are now only a few
minutes away.
On the other hind, the country places, the
beauty spots of nature and the friends in the
country are now within. easy reach of the
city folks'.
And in bringing this service to Canadians,
Chevrolet has gone beyond any other car
built. Chevrotet offers quality, depend-
bility coMfort and full equipment at a. price
unapproached by any .other quality car in
the world.
Moreover by Its low prices and easy payment
plan, gelid -plot has further enlarged the
group �f,those who can afford to own this
fine,quality car, and brilig to them the enjoy -
merits of motoring to a still greater degree.
Before you buy a car at any price, see Chev-
rolet. EXarnine its fine quality thoroughly. •
Ask for a demonstration. 0.516
Ask About The ag.A.c. Deferred Payment Plan
'CM ECOnomiciti li,ansportstion,
Chevrolet Motor CorriPanY
of Canada Limited
Oshawa, Ontario
Dealers and Service Station*
Overheard ,in An Orchard.
Said the robin to the sparrow;
I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so.
Said the sparrow to the robin:
Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no Heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me. .
—Elizabeth Chenley.
Thb sate way to send money:1)y mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
It costs more to support one bad
habit than to support two good ones.
Ask for alinard'a and take no other.
Cave Which Sings.
Most people have healei of the Willa.,
pering 00017 which rrounds the
dome pf St, Paul'm CethedrtalA Lendon.
But few living beyond the bordere of
the Black Country of England know
that there Is a Singing Cave in the
groundof Dudley Castle. The cave
does not snag, any more than the' fa
mous gilded gallery whiepers; but by
some accident in its eonetruction, the
sounds of voices ring round its cal,-
ernoue walls and become poseessed of
each sweetness and power as to make
the cave a place of enchantment.
The tomb of the wife ot Suite in the
Ittaan, Qampagria, will repeat a line
of poetry which takes two and a half
seconds to utter.
la 0, cave in the Pantheon ; t Rome
the visitor, by only fleet/Mg his eoat,
can create an echo like the report of
a big gun; while in the famous Lean
ing Tower of Pisa the Bound of musi-
cal notes, either sung or played on an
instrument, are so repeatedand ampli-
fied that it almost seems as though an
organ were playing. '
Tennyson wrote his famous lyric,
"The Splendour Falls," after hearing
the famous bugle -echo at Killarney.
A bugle blast is echoed and re-echoed
from the hills till it sounds as though
a hundred bugles were blowing.
If the famo'us Menai Suspension
Bridge is taken down, as is possible,
to be replaced by sernething more sub-
stantial, not Only will a bridge be 'des-
troyed, but also a famous echo. The
sound of a hammer is repeated from
each supporting crossbeam in the
bridge, and finally from the opposite
pier 676 feet away. .
Lift. Off • No...-:P4int
Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, in-
stantly that corn stops hurting, then
ShOntly you lift it right off with lingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for ra, few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the toot
calluses, without soreness or irritation.
Five in One Family Are
Helped—Mother and Father
Give Details.
,The value of Tanlac as a family
Medicine and tonic is again very force-
fully demonstrated. This time in the
home. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. B.
Kaake, 2436 Kirby Ave. West, Detroit,
Mich., where father and mother and
every member of the family have been
benefited by the wholesome and help-
ful ingredientof the famous prepare.-
. tion.
Recently, in speaking for h.erself
and children, Mrs. Kaake said: "For
more than a year our three little ones
—John, age 6; Elwyn, 4; and i\ rgar-
ite, 2,—had been so peaked and life-
less that we were seriously worried
about them. Their stomachs were up-
set, appetites poor, the color had left
their cheeks, their nights were rest-
less, and during the .day they would
jut mope around,taking no interest
in play or, anything else. .
"They began to eat and sleep better
almost from the first dose of Tanlac,
and have picked up now until you
couldn't' find three healthier or more
active children In all Detroit. • They
eat ravenoasly, the color -of health has
returned to their cheeks, and they
just want to be on the go all the time.
I have also taken Tanlac to build me
up, and it never seems to 2 ail."
"As to my personal experience with
Tanlac," said Mr. Kaake, "I simply
can't express in words the 'great help
it gave me. About a year ago I was
a victim of boils,.actually having fifty-
one on nae, and was so played out that
I couldn't do a bit of work for weeks.
My suffering was almost unbearable.
I cared little for food, suffered with
severe headaches and stomach pains,
and got so weak and nervous that I
felt discouraged.
"Tanlac corrected my stomach
disorder% woke up my appetite,
cleansed my blood and toned up my
system so that the boils went away,
and nothing of the kind has bothered
me since. I have gained 28 lbs,, and
I eat, sleep and feel like a brand-new
man. We have given Tanlac a fair
trial and found it wonderful, and if
anyone doubts our statement they can
write personally. We wouldn't think
of being without Tanlac."
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-
gists. Accept no, substitute: Over
40 Million bottles sold.
Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for consti-
pa.tion, made and recommended by the
Manufacturers of TANLAC.
The Tobacco of
4.7 1,
Seal Pachage,
(which keeps the tobacco ,
. in its original conditbn
i 1 i
. aso an /2.
Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Compaoy of Canada LiMited
Let Me. Grow. Lovely
Growing Old.:
"Let me grow lovely growing old—
So many fine things do;
Laces, and ivory, and gold
And silks need not be new; •
"And there is heating in old trees
Old streets .a glamour hold;
Why may not I, as well as thee,
Grow lovely, growing old?"
--Karle Wilson Boker.
It's good to prove, in yourself, that
not all the good die young.
Fortune is like glass—the brighter
the glitter the more easily broken.
Capital punishment has been. abol-
ished in. Austria, Holland, Norway,
Portugal, Italy, Rumania and Sweden.
Self -love is a mote in every man's
Classified, Advertisements
][3, URE, BEAUTIFULLY FLUFFY, carded wool; sample, enough light
comforter; one dollar. Woollen Mille,
Georgetown, Ont.
. 7
. FRIEND" mailed in plain en-
velope, free. Casier 2423, Montreal.
Say Bayer Aspirin"
INSIST! Unless you see the
"Bayer Cross" on tablets you
are not getting the genuine
Bayer Aspirin proved safe by
millions and prescribed by phy-
sicians for 24 years.
Accept only a
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletal
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in
Canada) 0 Bayer Manufacture of Mono.
aceticacidester o Balicylicaeld
oid Pe ple
. •
Bitro-Phosphate feeds the nerves
and old people need it to make them
feel and look younger. It's the one
best nerve builder for weak, nerve -ex-
hausted men and women and that is
why druggists guarantee it. Price
$1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25
Front St East, Toronto, Ont.
NIGHT te. •
teura BOR EYE CAM 15001..• C2.011CMIII.C14' ,
Cuticura Soap is ideal for children
because it le so pure and cleansing,
and so soothing when the skin is
hot, irritated or rashy. Cuticu.ra Tal-
cum also is excellent for children.
ease. stab /Ws by Addreis Cannattig
De_pot: Outtenza., P. 0.11y= 5616, bientesal.
iiet,Soap 2.5e. Oita:ale:42o and50e. Tiqel=2Se.,
Try our raw Shavinr.Sbok.
WATCH Mrs. Mc flow She
TEST Found Relief by Taking Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
- .
Can You Hear? .
4, Piece watch to ear then draw
/56arnact.m.Y15.10teneicrlinhgLar tickziy at
1 F k; %
1 earn prevent your proper hearing? i
relieve. both Head Noisee and Der& I
lit : "i 4,.n. I I ejFrilt e:iternnrsn:aobulapet iortinEl limn.: wP: :I:el:see:T.75 6 n a 1 I
1, Interesting descriptive folder ,
1.. A. 0..LtoNAnn, lac, e
11\..... 70 Sth Ave. ro,
....e.., ea, .... -
...... N e w Vork.....,,
inard'S applied four times tt week
removes dandruff and stops hair
from telling out,
MendrY, tilon,„Agent, Santa re BY.
Free ProM
Pres ese battort, Meat.
Paseo': Brain see/
Chatham Ont.—"I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound for a
run-down condition after the birth of
my baby boy. I had terrible pains and
backache, and was tired and weak, not;
fit to do my-avork and care for my three
little children. One day I receivedyour
little bolt and road it, and gave up tak-
ing the medicine I had and began taking
the Vegetable Conapound. I feel much
better now and am not ashamed to tell
what it has done for me. 1 recommend
it to any Woman J. think feels as Ido."
,L R. IVIOMAHON, 153 Harvey
St, Chatham, Ont.
Lydia E. Pinkhaires Vegetable Com-
pound, made from roots and herbs,has
fornearly fi f tyyears been restoring sick,
ailing women to health and strength. It
relieves the troubles which cause such
symptoms as backache, painful periods,
irregularities, tired, worn-out feelings
andnervousness. This is shown agaitiand
again by such letters as Mrs. Mai -abort
writes as Well as by one woman tefling
another. These women know, and ate
willing to tell ethers, what it did for
them; therefore, it is surely worth
your trial, '
Women who slitter should Write to the
Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,Cobour
Ontario, for a free copy of L,vdia
rinkham's PriVate Tekt.Book open
',Ailments ?eeuliat to 'Women."' 6