HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-22, Page 6tt • ".i ti 011101..DVANC w' 1)1 Puieleibed4t; ?'ingharn, Orttorto Every Therndae MarrtU 0 G. SMzr1'z . Edltee end: Ptolarlater. AeSeeiate 12diter Sabuorilttipa rates» •- Oleo yeee, $LO0 *ix months, ;LSO 1p adVieuene Ade -et -tieing, rater on apltlicotlon. Advertisement* wltl1ta'ut specirle t. LIons will be Inserted unto forbid *ad chared aceardlaSI r vwrttrsa Change for contract ad meats be in the office by noon. i :Ct�ftf. BUSINESS CARDS Wellington M.ut E Insurance Co. • Established. 1840 PfesDd Ofiioe. Betelpta zlislts taken on all classes of Maur•' ants at reasonable rates. ABNER COSENS* Agent. wfnghalf4 J. W. ,DODD,. Of.ice. in Chisholm Stock FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE B.O. Box S66 .Phone 1:98 WING}IIAM - ONTARIO DUDLEY . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Victory and Other Sonde', Bought sad Sold. Office --Mayor Block, Wineten R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. WINGHAM., J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Etc. Wingham Ontario DR. G. . ROSS Praduate Roya' College of Dental aureenea Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD'S STORE ( W. DULY L. R. , tii'141 V4'11V.xIAIGI .x,11 VANC 11-Tilvi l S. T Hr.•...n+w+ni.� «then !.carts Coinrna!1U''t By ELIZABETH YO'R'K MILLER '"Y ds as lituirte aomtntsnd, `From rf !hide EhN •scipest: "counselINit's "dspart." • CHAPTER XVII.-(Cont'd,) don't know what you mean," he said. ho ed thatthevast relief "Yes; you do, Yoe told her that Ardeyne p o f cant well by her Economical! he ex a •fenced did not show in his you were 'true •sh n xcitoust pH d been,d d advice You thanked hex for it: And face. a ha Wondering an she said she scarcely expected you to thepossible sudden appearance in the company of "- - tor�Carrie Egan mightputchis take it, i ram awfully sorry, Philip, , Hugo Smarle. P butlhead. ..+4 ..r "My dear child" RICKRACK BRAID. All of -s. A Women are funny folks. them have an inborn pride in their homes. Most of them want pretty things for their houses. Yet often they seem afraid to trust to their own judgment and sense of beauty by n into service, especially for pressing i le thin that everyday use, the. simple and that would make the hand n are at• home attractive. rickrack braid, fox instance. Take Who would ever think that rickrack. braid had an artistic and even very el soul? Who would think it.could lovely rise to an occasion?' - Recently a little rickrack sleuthing brought to light some uses of adver- sity that were just too sweet for any- thing. One woman with a troop of small n onlybe ,matched by strategic thought I, was faithless.to you that children and an- ardent desire for can on the part of the house -.time -that I • deliberately flouted you dainty beds in the daytime, but who e• It cannot be beaten but it. may for Jack. Well, it wasn't true. I cared wife. I was b e in- things you too much, and g i for one •andsY afford the h not be outwitted. that, I she wanted, just bought a lot of After paring onions wash the hands Ping to forget a le.lesson heavy plain white Indian Head cot in cold water. Hot water acts like an ought to have learned.only too' well. ton and plenty of heavy two-inch rick- Dont marry that .girl) Phil. " Surely. rack braid.. She joined nine=inch ally to the odor • of'onions and seems she must have a little common sense. to wash st in rather than off.the She must know'that she ought never. stri , of the cotton with braid' and ds. If the knife which` has' been to marry .anybody. A convent"' 'is the chair, ' would nod and. gulp at this around the edge as uan is even for'her-is she isn't. strong h , s break down;"then' a put a double row used in preparation of. onions g only place poinb;-perhap a. finish. When she got through. she cold -water scrubbing, the =kilt enough to live in the''world without ;little :later, :when the 'door ,had closed had plenty of counterpanes and pillow s ill capitulate with much less teminpting'lnnodent men—" behind her the doctor would tell :has smell will P shams of real beauty. Yet they were struggle than if hot suds are used. " `Innocent Bien! Ardeyne laugh- aesistant to ring up such and.such :an"' so stout and practical they could be gg ed harshly. establishment to'arrange for a mental The odor ,that clings ;,to., pans m ""I mean what I say Tres -innocent tubbed every week, if need be, with-. onions have be bePhil ou of .all nurse for young Mr. X, and for the whichWhy P y PSP moment the incident was closed. B.Sc., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of W®me'neend Children, ' having takes postgraduate work in -Surgery; Bac- teriology :and Scientific 'Medicine. Office h, the Kerr' Residence, between the Queen's Hotel end the Baptist Church. LB business given r arefal attention. Phone 54.. P.O. Sox 113 Dr. Robt. C.. r nc all -if not Wholly -he had,worried on:Alice's ac- coiint, 13ut it seemed that 1 rs:; Ffgan assumed there to be no 'great secret. She was merely annoyed because he hadn't chosen to take her' into his con- fidence, not dreaming that lie was quite as suriirised'and •discomfited as things they had to say, and to the one she the unexpected appearance of who can remember the most, I shall ",i s• imply feel that I must put the give a little prize. Won't that be fun? -world between Smarle and'myself," ' ? u e of t,impertinence ierti n • nth im o"The n wshewent o . 0 f game,P kind be a It will lis- him daringto Teak. to me! Birt, of Now listen carefully, because by tening you can'learn lots you `do not ;course, he's ma . If'anybody nybo taking know.,, - (that, you ought to. A youg course• the prize will ba some-, rather a risk in xnarrying the (laugh - Or tel.,';Or don't you believe in heredity?" thin the children can share. Thisa a'certain••, extent I believe` in it, g I method', has double value," I've found.I of course," Ardeyne replied reluctant- tours re. He thought of other women them to be listeners and to YAl' i' It teachesto whom. he had b listen for the most interesting things. ORION. N Alice r 00 � news, t discuss "Oh, please don't;call me a' child! Hacl it something to do •• with me? Philip, I -want" to know." Ardeyne •drew a long breath and expelled it, with a lie. ' "I haven't .the faintest' idea what you are talking about," he .said. "Then I shall ask mumsey. I'll have it out of her. There's soi�ie mys- tery about-about ystery.about-about us, and I mean to find out what it -is." confusion. Ardeyne walked in utter Was "•this the right moment in which to tell her? • CHAPTER XVIII. Of course .lee did not tell °her. • When it came right up to it he had not the rttel • He.. could no P. token c with a stranger. ;_ s from women whose lives a few word "•Phil—"_the,; woman's voice held him had "'lard as waste'as the desert, E an :earnest note that gave'it an un- 'and he wondered now how he' could UTWITTcom TH 0 11• our common vegetables, the usual. quality. "Phil --don' t ...marry hive>done it.'He thought of them with eOfrs a t saying -this because Lm ' e of remorse those•pallid'ghosts personality of the onion is not only her. I'm .noa ting ,• , powerful but also themost fond of you in -in the way I'ni afraid of • memory, which still` haunted his the- most persistent. It asserts its presence in such a way that everyone knows it is around. 'Even after it is gone"its odor The persistence of the onion lingers. I am „fond. It's for your' own.,; good. `beautifully furnished "consulting -room Phil, dear, heredity's a dreadful thing in Harley `Street: , -a ghastly thing! It'll creep back "Yes, Mrs. X, I'm afraid there's no on you when you least expect it and ;doubt. These 'symptoms• in your -I m in ways you'd never dream of.' You:aro-inherited...: No, Mrs. 'X, n afraid he"will not get ;any better. For the present we --my colleagues and I --advise rest and quiet -in the country. I should engage a male burse if, I like I' will find you were you. f you I a thoroughly dependable young man.. " • _ Poor .Mrs. X, sitting very straight, very white faced on the edge of her often -escapes; 'they were the rule rather 'than, the exception. Ardestine felt that : she was , safe enough. But •hex children• his and hers? For them he .could not predict, and therefore there ought never to be any children. • " 1 -evaded heir direct 'questions, but Ght a fly, so that art unpleasant , im- preesiort was confirmed, and ehe be, lieved he had been discussing her with lt'trs., Egan, and that there was a mys- tery conncted with "Uncle John" which Philip knew about and was in a conspiracy to: keep from her. (To be continued.) One of the axioms that are not true is "No one can perform the `impos- sible." We can tell just what strain an iron bar'can stand, and,we can gauge precisely the,force of steam; but when we come to the human being we find a paradox -a creature that does the impossible. --Frank Crane. . WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint • Worn, Faded Things New for 15 Cents. Don't wonder,, whether you scan dye or.tint'suocessfnily because' perfect with "Dia- mond cin is guaranteed home dyeing Dyes" even if you'have never f re. Druggists have ; all col - dyed before. ors. Directions in each package... Leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting momenta ' Some. of the ,things offered, .farmers by -oily tongued- salesmen are misnom- ers. They.are swindles, not invest- ments, encooked•can 1e,. out breaking anybody's'back or 'removed byputting fn wood ashes and ought to know. that' some of us poor ` , but -ie general example of I, pocketbook For the sake of variety Fo aThis was g P water, letting the pan stay. on the fire human beings are born ,Rarity: The what made Up Phial) ; Ardeyne's ordi- she used pink and blue rickrack with till it has boiled briskly. After the taint is ` of the blood. "Born in the ,nary life. • Incident after incident,. es - the white cloth in some of the rooms, - ashed'with soap<and water very shadow of guilt. Your Alice Car- sentially the same, always with hears- boli h I thought the plain: +stliite ones and is you willgbe leased;to+find nay is one of thein—" heart - though g and rinsed, P break for soriiebndy.;.Uritil now he had most a ed. What she said• r regarded`-theossibilit of such the handsomest and. much the, Y Ghat the .persistent and unwelcome ` -Ardeyne shit' x neveinto himself P radical: The dresser scarfs she made smell` has been conquered. was true enough, according to, his own a �thing•having shy icier o to match were real triumphs.. Onions are as persistent in breaths stern creed. or affecting his own. happiness. He 1 $he, lifted her arms. in •a ;hopeless' had :always • been the • impersonal • Another woman made a wonderful as in pans and on hands. Iiut evesi to a flashed her smile at him; thdii h perfunctorily .sympathetic set of dining -room curtains by whip here we may put the telltale -fi tittle Res r , g P in two rows `of inch -wide riekra then waving an adieu, physician. His x y P ping rance to rout P Y down the steps to the car. never been engag :�S1. �°G.HT'LY USED and new guar- anteed Bloyelo; at very low Paco,, $t2 lit/- Wards. - Wards.' Write for ' catalogue. SS BICYCLE' WORKS PEERLE •196 `Dundas St. W. Toronto rag- a ran cal s m ethics had ck .. bysimply chewing aa ed. Those people, l "Good-bye, Phil. Whatever hap- he said, were better out of the way. i pens, I wish you • the best of luck, 1 Inehis younger and more cold-hearted shall be back in London again some days he>•:would have •prescribed . the time in June. Look me up if it curs lethal chamber had it been in his I, to you.". �' power to- do sot Ardeyne, his hat in hand, followed. But now it ,:had become a , part of "Good-bye,. Carrie--and"you; his ewelife, the thing which had been very much. I'm sure you mean well, his life's study. 1 by your r advice"' he said soberly. i With, what ' ;stern carelessness - he - "But, vou• don't intend to take it! had said: "In -Ifo circumstances what g�together and using that as insertion spoonful of fresh -ground coffee. We ! in sheer marquisette. The edge was a P -M.R.C.S. (Eng). (Lo>tld). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOta (Dr. • Chisholm's old s tandl double row of rickrack sewed on like any flat lace edge. They were lovely when ironed out flat. ' This same woman also gave real tone to her kitchen, which she had had painted bust, 'by putting up little overdra es and valances of small-; DR.R.LS P Graduate 01 University of TorontiA. Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate -o_ the Ontario College of Physiciaut sled Surgeons. Office Entrance: OFFICE IN CHISHOLM BLOCK JOSEPHINE STREET. PHONE 22 arm Margaret C. Wider General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto. .Faculty ,of Medicine.. Office-3osephine St,two• doom saatla of Brunswick Hotel. 'Telephones -Office 281, Resideucs 131. Osteophatic Physician DR. E. A. PARKER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Ail Diseases Treated, ` Office adjoining residence next 'Anglican Church on Centre Street. Open . every day except Monday and Wednesday .afternoons. Osteopathy Etectriclty Phone 272 checked yellow-aitd-white gingham, edged with narrow, black rickrack braid. You can't imagine what a. dif- ference that one little rich touch of bieck made in a room that might otherwise have looked abit bilious. Another woman who loved a spick; pretty table all the time used rickrack and Indian Head for her more ordi- nary tablecloth and luncheon squares. She used linen -finish cotton and both wide and narrow braid. Some she di- vided into . squares, putting rickrack between the squares': and around the edges. Some she left plain in the centre and put several rows of narrow rickrack around the narrow hem. She even made doily sets, showing an amazing ingenuity. in contriving various ways to aebieve a really' hand some effect with the simple materials. On some of these she called in the aid of her crochet hook, uting the rick- rack as a basis for little crocheted motifs to be inserted and to make glorified' edges and insertions by a few simple stitches. A particularly at- tractive luncheon cloth she made was of whirr with three circles grouped to- ' A PRACTICAL UNDER GARMENT 4714. This" style may be finished with' shaped shoulders or a camisole Oh, I sdarcelyexpected that." She leaned out to reward'' the hopes of the concierge. "Good bye;'Phil." - ever .must you., dream- of marrying.' It - would be a .crime." Now he ''had= to say it to himself, and it was "impossible. Leaving • his The big car started with a: furious own feelings out of the q uestion, was -Mrs. Egan, at -the wheel, -waved- his hand to deal this blow. to the girl roar. •he loved._ Ardeyne began to argue that -docs tors are not infallible; heredity is an uncertain thing, even at its worst; Hugo Srnarie, was`a simple, harmless Ardeyned •b k to -see Alice lunatic, despite the fact='that he:had once -killed a pian. The histery of the. Srnarle:••family? Well, _there was 'Christopher Smarle, ;an .esteemed and ° able London solicitor" • with a, large family, not •one of. which had yet' shown a trace of . the° -taint.. Unless one excepted Mr. Christopher Smarle a hand; Ardeyne waved his' hat, the concierge smirked and. the, manager bowed. . There was'something like mockery in the loud note, of the Klaxon horn as the silver car disappeared around the sharp bend:.. • turned ac standing. in the. doorway, a strange - looking Alice, her white • cheeks -paint- ed with round -red splashes. • His con- science con- science'stabbed him fiercely. What• had she heard? "Alice, my dear, have you finished at last?" himself. People •spoke of his as being "Yes --they- will send the•trunks a little eccentric, but tha"t•was all. Bes'i'des -why not," far once; take into consideration the safer side of the family?, Why tisstime that'Alice must: inherit�'from`her father? Physically She, did not :resemble him in the least: down: to, the, villa. Is Mrs. Egan leav- ing Bordighera?" "Yes, she is,"he replied. "You, didn't care , very much for her, did vou dear?" (bh, `what •had Alice heard?) "Not `a great;deal." The girl 'came She was'. such' `a•••sensible, :sweet child, close' to' him. `It "seemed almost as. and one could always tell by the eyes. g" Alice's etc; danger of ..in- to and straight or knacker leg pot thou h he heard -the -swift beat of her where even • a. rein' Pa unhappy -.heart. , ' I wanted to bice her, sanity lurked l s `eyes were calm tions. Muslin, cambric, crepe, sateen, your account. But I was- and sane -neither clouded rior yet too Philip--ony eI tte of cre a de chine may be jealous of °her. I'm glad she's bright.. Yes, doubtless she would DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS fl P i Used for tlu flannelette getherin each corner; of pink, blue and lavender gingham. _One circle was •s model. gone. There! It's out. I can't help escape: In a large family there were is cut in 7 Sizes: 4, 6 . being glad.'' CHIROPRACTIO vas The Pattern , 14 and 16 ears: A• 12=year "lIy dear little girl!"'he tpf th t it GERMAN MONEY' for solo:^ 100,one DR. _ _�__- d these h 8, FOX 10, 12, �' s lad hsmself that st GERM Lha;"' 500,00 marks., -901; one higher than -the others end they overlapped. Around. she put narrow rickrack braid, held in place by a long, heavy black stitch in every FulTy Quatilled Graduate.. rick and rack It was lovely: D,t'aagl.ess Practiee being in 'absolute e or eecei t he smiled into her pitifully the vers' best results the,, may be ob- I h t d the follows 1 with Taronta: Allow two 'weeks f P tective as accord with the Laaws 'of Nature gives size requires 2% yards of 36 -inch hand,• arid wa g , was•no worse than this.' She was jeal=million marks $1:25; ten. Million receipt of 15c in silver, by the W - Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St., tender towards her,: most loyally pro,. COMPANY MANNERS.•. material usc°•• Siich`a rare admission for a wo= marls, $6,50: Specialty Import .Co:, Pattern mailed to any address on ° k to h r to er Perhaps it (Dept 3 w) 3 W Dundas St Toronto ilson man to'ma e e v . ' flattered him a little, but he felt most ng P.an have .tie of Pattern. anxious face. tabled in any case. trainingmychildren p .' can't like her teat success in"And niamsey do gcin silver for our up -to- A - Send Iop 12 a.m., S anEi 7 • S .in. lzouxs._..Ytl p conversation at!� r on furtive! and 'Phone 19i not to le when there the converse :Mice event , Y the table when there is company: Be -date Spying and Summer x524' Book either,"uw A. T eDh 1`m of Fashio s. ashamed. r"t1s' fore the guests arrive I say something ashairred. "`it's something to do with. like this to them: "Mr. and Mrs alines Uncle Johm, I 'suppcise. Do you think R. D. R: �cINNE CHIROPRACTOR Qualified Graduate t CI,Al�lil+iG WALL PAPER, are coining to dinner.- We want them :she really owes ham that menet', or is themselves so'ninch they will Ilene is my recipe f°1". -a 'wall Itaper. it only his -Sort of fancy. to enjoy theist @ i i don't we? 1 which I think ie much li"iter"i I`s fancy X daresay Ardeyne re»• conte age n, i d urehasad at the stares lied hurriedly. Came oii� -s vy 'II. 1 th ,Bees, fl ram Nothitig peen bettor when' properly managed. Send fox atit�``oatattrgue'' of beekeepers' supplies, Expert ad- 'diee freely 'given. Ruddy 'MahUfaeturin'tl Co., Ltd. eel-it/Ord On4 cleaner , . i , "f than e cin p ,9p hall "a RADIO�•N , yfr � All.. "• � •. n so it made: o fora little walk lry outatelves • ismuchnscaptr and easily g " its -'tier r. `! R"rUNITY FOB BOYS, ' f flour and a half cif -i _ des, I d love ttr ; . fill!. e nthere e Gflst l4T 'OPPORTUNITY O Mian one cup a cup -I h'n -about '[ neve Iohn that A,Nfe GIRLS fu of co water a a. smooth' '' • " ue�r . I mean urs- L lt.re 'brS lit troy Add two to espaon n s o gelt, leasantly queer.' and fyit•is:tui; introoiteonew high -clavas tablespisoiriuls of Vinegar and:Duel p Axdegnewished she would not look toilet spoeialty. of kerosene. Boil' on the m lik that, He his! ° delis on' ili',ght-"i''o, jenee, MbTTS l t, tablespoonful up at hi � { stove unt-d itthickeiis, stirring all the vent soul was being;searche and SIS 014.-Cus KrrYleres In every time. I,et it cool, knoad well with the' "Oh, yes---ga1tte qqueero r be replied home hands and .nee the same as the. put- lightly. "A telnk little city�r, really. e R lRr wti, rl VOIJ l nr av , nib *eat aft' for ca'e .• .. ' Oaunt. I rather envy thein their exW o, first' In ycttir ;llistrict;' fin, irl111 skillful memories• l u belo'tl4' to. l! r81 �G't l�1 0114 A smooth sea never made a sl.i cit,ng(,a ,pert,... ,E r g6. Jamos' I'hihpttutt igh't what l 'rrsean. T1Vi�t1klFtt1R 1Ca%1C'X l , mariner. �''oulxe a doctor --a brain doctor. -You S'ti'i?et SaYltlz, Tlrltkliltats Clnt: Acljustnlents given for ,diseases of "To -morrow I ant going to ask e" ch In Of 0 •children° Lady attendant. Night calla • responded. to. Otlice on Scott St., Winglimmn,.Ont. (Yu house of the labs Jas 'Weaker); Phone 150. AU kinds, specialize i dealing with " you to tell me the most interesting Phones, Office: 106. li:esidences 2t4, ' A. J. WALKER IP URiv l'1't zt7E .i)E i LETt and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Motor m gtit.pMent; tt T "C�Ii,Ari ONTARIO' ag4�L .Lr ...., �r.: IJ keile da W EtalAV A SEL'ECT STOCK of U { ati'rings, 'Sedates, Coupes and eueks AU Mechanterltly Souriii arta Many NtVviy Painted, Specially Priced 'ler' Quick Sate. Cash or on `I'imb. Riverdale Garage, Ltd. 765 v 76a Dinfarth Ave, "f stento. Phone Merl and 2504 •• ?605 asM,.minl.m,wnux...,...r.'L..,m�.,;m.,,,..1inMr�au.•fMwl..wln.dw'. ISSUE iV0'. 20-'24. u6 ' 1 Id t t paten,' I a1 ' i g Wanted everyw e , l5 s bl f 1 f 't taro'strikes vou e rT chased d kind --all D kI He see- . to have a i W i N `H'E ' e I O PRIZE If e been n- slid Mrs. Agan love vara at 1VCesopatamia,' ,. - n . to do with me?" bone I silt• ancicsing ai', cents, in. t • bo the oldest thn dsn.r ought to know what, I mean, k'lease enroll, rnP. iu. yeas RADIO Believed e world, to g that u do know, ghat advice t4 d send the Pall ADIO 1 hasb u v r tt . tel1 it its the world, n npIl ad at' Ur, in cometh g stamps, far "31111I°'. dates back to. 6,O0b �,C. • Ardeyne was batt human. He fell S•Tanie) bAclt, L1pOl1 a man's9UbtG�i"�'i2ge. ( .• ' ' ` .. r earth wbicl o ..ornpe on; 'An ens Composed' of `Pure Para'Rub- ber, Highly Porous. Rides `Easy as Ali.. Doubles Mileage of "Casings. Aero Cushion Inner Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. Wingham Ont. Thursday, May 22, 1 . ft er every licca m pleLatlsaQ IstId atpreeable aureet end a benefit act well, - Good tIo), 'teeth. .rataee2R '•met diefeeletilse ori Mattes the =>alestt.:.elgaar taste better., • R24 The lion has little endurance, ite. lungs being remarkably weak: It-cau run faster dee a man and keep pace with a •speedy horse, but only for a short time. r Dandruff. Dardru f and s Llnlrrtdnf,for Nin heap point is better,from the h p It of view, to be on the stout side than on the thin, up to the age of<sixty,' said a well known doctor recently, opportunity ~greatest Professional Opp Y Study Ohirractc Toronto College of Chiropractic 3'Charles 'St.` West Toronto M-inaCtrit Liniment HoMs. Cuts. `.'What ar'e you talking about? .)°,"( (Address) „. •v I.wweu�unlltmNf�Ip0sA1!iyJ�� �•r Government Municipal l� Industrial . Let us send you circular 7 Per Cent,' Plus, Safety -places you under .no 'obligation what, ever... Write for it. to -day. DomniniOn'Bioker'age Co., - 821. FEDERAL- BUILDING TORONTO - ONTARIO ''NaNvonder SatarihXowersare' so popular! They out so essyt► ante with suds ledge "pees]'". Malek a/ond Wonkmanship GucMcn fe cn - AT;EVERY HARDWARE 570nri JAMES--SMARI' PLANT aRCcKVIIIt our Send he 'Coupon NOW '11 W, AT IS YOOR E INSTRUMENT'? Our.- E catalog, ' of Musicale instrument, outfits. illustrates "and :describes a11: of :' the most poptilar home instruments. " e ` if you are interested in music ,of any s 'kind we will gladly send you a copy of .this catalog FRE. It will• tell you all 'about our free trial and: ,easy'-psymont plan, Send This Coupon To -dad' rrhe 1L.S.Williazris & Sons,Go.:;Lttl, 145 'rouge SL, Toronto Send mea copy of your Nusichl, xnStrI1hmetit Catalog. Rare° .. .. d .. , ,&cldress , • • . . I@ yeti have a Phonograph or it • l'int'el' k'irdna, ask ,for nor latest li,fe dt:Recoil!' acid i'leyez'Itolls. r 1�li�il"tM'F1'� 1454, tr r T. TORONTO ems- -a. 4- .:r., f,. s e' w:a5 I e3: i. .:c•- %. i ,tr3). ''NaNvonder SatarihXowersare' so popular! They out so essyt► ante with suds ledge "pees]'". Malek a/ond Wonkmanship GucMcn fe cn - AT;EVERY HARDWARE 570nri JAMES--SMARI' PLANT aRCcKVIIIt our Send he 'Coupon NOW '11 W, AT IS YOOR E INSTRUMENT'? Our.- E catalog, ' of Musicale instrument, outfits. illustrates "and :describes a11: of :' the most poptilar home instruments. " e ` if you are interested in music ,of any s 'kind we will gladly send you a copy of .this catalog FRE. It will• tell you all 'about our free trial and: ,easy'-psymont plan, Send This Coupon To -dad' rrhe 1L.S.Williazris & Sons,Go.:;Lttl, 145 'rouge SL, Toronto Send mea copy of your Nusichl, xnStrI1hmetit Catalog. Rare° .. .. d .. , ,&cldress , • • . . I@ yeti have a Phonograph or it • l'int'el' k'irdna, ask ,for nor latest li,fe dt:Recoil!' acid i'leyez'Itolls. r 1�li�il"tM'F1'� 1454, tr r T. TORONTO