HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-22, Page 5f rrhurfiltlay, May and e24 WINGTIAM, .Pr-D)TANCETIMES 1011111101i0011 11011110111.11010111 111111001011111111111111110011111111 ,r,fi'.14E GOOD WORK CiC/ES91.`',1 :NOTDS AN/Ji cpivrAlEcrs‘, ' , . ,a,V 1.11c: ,A(.117,V1A- wk p' tIttlt a news )ee paper is not oxiar the :necessity of At• the. lastit elickshun• we got leaving out Certain items that are, • inosbt av the Tory byes baelc frena handed in too late for publication, frind jawn joynt, 1.mt some av thirn tributors arc ' surprised • and often ur :t00 slittthborn come at. that, "littrt,l' If the$e items were handed 'um tonne an sonic av thim we advoised in early and not delayed until an' irj to s lit' ay, jist, to kape the Grit 13. hour or so :before publication, disap- 1 OY fturn shlippinlbaelt Ol'ad pointment would be •.9.,Yei-tv:(1, Patthy, We• w.utr,tiked` the slrne • —o— f he Grits, as usual, butt no'w'wid no Weekly: business wi I be found lined well, so we did, ,an, .Put wansve.r. the 01)ixdPil Qi ot onto tai N elickshtm in soight, we want .iviry. ,up almost solidly on the side of pro - 42 Irian. who ivir wus .a Tory, •or -who hibition in the impending plebiscite wudloilce to be wan, to show tlie,col- on the Ontario Tempefance Act. The m ors, an-hilp to defate the .Grits at Ot- bankers, the automobile industry, the 1111 the IT; 0. carhp 'to vpte fer me When the items are left out the con - 00 1.111pr1101.11,11.....IME1. N MI MI ‘0-1/ In all, Lines of House Furnishings and", FloQr CoVeririgs. See ,Our New Patterns and riColorings • in Linoleum and CongoleumRUO, Tapestry, Brus- • sels, Velvet, Wilton and Axminster Rugs in all sizes. Floor;Pildoth in alliwidths Stair Carpets and Lstair. El. I Oilcloth in choice design. Window Shades i ----n all 114- '• grades and sizes, Window' ()les and Brass Rods, . Lace and Nett *Curtains in paan irs d'al.sd tcy the 111 tawa the fursht toime we, git a confectionet'S, the people who provide • chance.MoSht av the byes under, arausernent, the grocers and the *mer- • slitandtilis, an since the rayeint chants generally, all realize that. the vistigashuns at Toronto,' ye kin liar- expenditure of the money' fOririerly • ruclly foind wan: Tory to sf,y wasted in liquor means much to them. IN finds to vote U. F. 0: ni•xtloime. Ay In past contests, "the trade" has been M .coorse theer is awlways a few, lough a formidable factor -in providing funds ould birructs who' talk that way sbtill an nade to be .11Aurned. into shape. nivir conclescind to'.4,argy Wict thim lads,: fer, shure theer kin .be no ar- gymint whin theer is only wari wide to a quistion, but I sometoimes tell thiin Wheer they git off at, as"rne.bye: that wtis in France wild say. I met a fellah av 'that koind on. the' sbtratC wan •day lasht wake wak ari taught it me dooty to give him a few ,wurrtids av adVoieeso to spake. • I asked hini What he' ixp'icted to gain be rayson ay.;:goin •into: partnership wid the Grits., He 'said it wus •partnership .at all, at all, but only 'a .wittrukin ar- raagernint. „wurrukin arraiige7 mint, is it?" 1 sez hey'wan ay. the same wid ,the robins •in me .garden/' sez 1, do.awrthe dig-, gin' ani they 'pick up awl:the wurrtuns"" a great head ye hey fer parisons, Tim" sez he "but ye needn't •tink we •are doing ,anny diggin fer the Grits, fer . we hey the bulge on thim lads alliright." • ' ' "Indade ye sez I, ' the same, way that Algy had: the ,bulee ion the. bear. • Did ye. ivir • hear ,the shtory? Algy inet •a bear. t wus bulgy;• -the bulgehe wus Igy.. Ari - bear. . another little rhyme. ye' mpight con- sidher ,in yer shpa're moments" sez. A lady who lived on the•Niger, Whit out fer roide on' a tiger, They .came back' faun. the roideW.id the lady insoide. • An, a shuffle on the face ay the.tiger Shure 'tis nothin but a pollytickle jay walker yer;are,- an the fursht ting yp know a Grit auto . will' knock ye over, an that will be, the ind ••ye,, art shpoil ye 'fer the sayson-laist, D'ye reminiber nianny years,ago whin .a lot av us lads wint to Wingliam on circus day widoutanny moneyn .aaf- ther. carryin wather aWl,'forenoon in the hot sup,,. fer ''the illyfunts, didn't git- tickets fer the big show aftherenoughawi. awl. wus bad enough fer a lot av ,poor innocent counthry -byes. to -git chayted, but a Man av veer age Mind know betther, but is sallies ye hey no moore rinse yit.., I give. Ye 'fair Warn - in that the,. Grit illyfunt dhrinks Ibt -wather, an ye U. F: 0. fellahs. kin :t-vntruk yersilves sick carryin it fer him, an that's awl • the.' tanks- ye •will git. Indade, wud tink that this whole IL. F. 0. an Progressive bizi- ness •.wus.„nothin but a. skame av the' Grits. frtuii. shtart to finish only .thati I don't belave thim 'are- shritart entiff rto' 'tink out .'aimyting av the koincl.. •'f"him' Grits do 'be gittin the. shtart av s, shure, they hev•mosht av the .byes at Ottawa wid thinik,:an for - bye that they hev the beslit polishy, to fool the payple wid,-un,the Tories .ae, re in a bad fix b,rayson av not ta- kin the advoice Mishter ,Meighen. I am. in. favOr av .riVintte tariff mesilf,. fer if theer is, annyiing. this .cointhry nades it .is rivinue, an the. moose av it the betther, if we only had the Tories in.power to slipind' the money.• Ye see, me bye,. that if. ye slatick-wid 'dile F. O's 'ye only be hilpin, td kape :the 'Grits in power, wid not a chance fer 'a Tory to be a returnin awficer, 0,rr• .aven a poll- clerk. What. differ does it make about the polishy av a..par- thy Whin t -m he in are. not av the toight• shttoipe.? .back. into the ,ouldirarthy agin,,me bye, roiglit away an thin ye will fale hoine." "I tank ye, Tim, Ter yer good ad-: voice," sez hei "an 1 will tink it over". We can count on this. man fer the nixt -elickshun, wid his bye, an hoired man,,an• the Winimin it manes six vateS, an- so the good wtt rruk g.oeg. TakeLook Our Prices VVill Interest You N CONGOLEUIVIS-a Rugs New if Patterns and all sizes at Reduc- ed l'rices LINOLEUM-- Rugs in all sizes and best colorings at cut prices • • WILTON RUGS—We have the 111 .Brinton Rugs, they are tuisur- , la passed for quality, coloring and design, we stock these Rugs in • all sizes prices reasonable Rubber Stair Treads standard 44) •mi sizes guaranteed oar M aprice per d9z ... riLao # 2.9 41q -VELVET RUGS— Something m new in coloring and patterns, a range of sizes, prices.' starting at a LINOLEU1V1S-4n late,st pat- LE terns 3 and 4 yds wide prices down CURTAIN MATERIALS --- In Madras, Cream_ White IR Nett, Shadow. Lace, 'Bungalow M! Nett and Marquesette, Big Va• - lu.e at 35c, 45c,..50c,'65c and 75c • 111 Curtains in pairs -"new 0 pat- terns White 'or. Ecru g". ••• 0al $pecial at' $2.00; $2.25 • rem 31.1 re ss===.....aiart.=-Iitnetseagav 3 • Service •That S Our battery service means more than testing your. bat- tery, filling it with pure water, • cleaning, greasing andtighten- Mg the terminals and hold- downs. It .includes expert, • advice always, and ;repairing your battery cvheia it is. an economy to you. Make use of our service --,-it will be a real economy. twit i',KLEy's GAltAGE k AM ONTO . •.• 4 mumpaummimmamilemmumumm inifilainxii innocuous nu uptliamoipietn IP i m,.,, w -AI The yt g o . itig. _. ii One of the oldest and 'most reliable' lirras in Canada.. -_--,- Dealers in farm produce for.oyer sixty years'. • .... Te w.1.l give you the service and prices pdssible. ° Branch at ' iogha� Ootario EE • , ; • EAST WAWAXOSH Messrs, Sandy and Doni,ld Young • have rented a garago at Grand Bend forstlie summer and intend, to' start work there this weele--"'" 7,"` 'A/1i% .and ..Mrs. 1-leuson 'Irwin and family spent Sunday at the Itorne of his parents Mr, mid •Mrs. Richard. It - win of Wingliarn. Mt,• and Mrs, Nohnati Thonipson• and fandly of Donnybrook visited with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Thompson, MPS. Cia.ytOti Martin and •brother, Mr.Joe Thompson of Seaforth and Mr.,Clayton Robinson of Clinton and Mr, and Mrs. Win Thompson of Au- burn visited .with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Robinson on. Sunday. • Mr. Carl Lott of Kincardine spent Saturday at his home hero. and organizations for the wet for- ces-,, but in the Coming vote its influ- ence will be smalls 1)eside the tremend- ous weight ,Of the business intercats,, and their, employees, ‘,.Vhich is likely to be thrown into the scale on the side cifthe, continuance of the Ontario Temperance Act. • FORGET SPRING FEVER Are you slowing up because the day is warmer and 'you have "Spring fever"? Are you proving to your em1 ployers that ythu are like time major- iitY of persons Working fore'thern• so g,.overried. 'by personal comfort or 'dis- comfort that you cannot giV`e an honest 'day's' labor' unless you 'feel lige it? Sure you are uncomfortable, ,hilt why complabi:about it. As every spring has just the same effect on everybody, why comment 0n it and exaggerate the ennui that,:everyone feels? Get .more interested in your work and then you will forget your- self. It can be done, and you can do it if your will: If; you could shut up shop and "go -a. -fishing" you would not complain. Why? • Because you would be' vitally interested in that sport. The reason you let yourself voice sb ' much discomfiture is be-. cause you *are not really thinkingof what you are doing or of what you should do next. Fretting, about con- ditions •does not change them. Why make yourself unhappy?'..., There are plenty of tin/avoidable reasons for an- noyance -without allowing:the weath- er .or. the, season to upset your sys- tem. YourS till nixt wake; • , Elmothy Hay ' Attended Presbyterial Among those from, Winghain who were presentat thc PreSbyterial meeting at Walton on Tueiday were: Rv. Dr, and Mrs.' Perrie,, Mr, and Mrs. JI. P. McGee, Mrs, Geo.' Olver, Mrs, Williamson, Mr, and Mrs. RObt. Mc- Gce and son jack,' Miss B9rtha •Itc- Gee, AliVs riinel McLean Mrs, E. T. Mitchell .aud daughter ilarions; Mrs. Carr and Miss Lewis. • One. Way Out 'An 'Englishwoman Member of Parliament, Mrs, Wintrhigham, tells a story 'concerning a man 'at; a Coali- tion meeting who applaude4 ' heartily the speaker of the evening or the better partof an hour, 'Then slid.- deftly he •started interrupting, 'What dia,Mr. Asquith say in. 10/o?" " he dernanded .strident ' tones. "'Shut up! Chuck Min' out!" cried the audi- ence, angrily. But' the interrupted, nothing 'daunted,' continued tei ask loudly, over and °Yet agaim, what t. Asquith had sald•in. tveri- ttially two 'italwat,:t. stewards remoye'd, the offender. The following inorn. 1.1:1g 'two fellow ,toaitisnien, 'friends of., :his, sought him out and asked for an explanation of his strange bc- havior. "We • thought you 'were a CoalitiOnist." -"Se I amt" he replied, "Then what on.' earth 'Made you in- terrupt a Coalitionist meeting?" ask- ed one of his "f0ends., "Well," came the "I'd a terrific thirt n me and I was so wedged in that coUld, n't move, and as it was getting se dangerously close to closing time, / had to jolly well get thrown out or go without a drink,' The Difference • • • : • - • • - • grAii 10 irtr.•1 14,4•1, erie"1,:t. imitoussixamossmisam solingeilipisimostwOmotrismommitssissostionomatio! • tar 3vIng ansi IN IM .• ununcr IN One of the Best Wearing I -lose MI , • made of Pure Silk reinfor'ced Pal with art silk giving extra weight IM MI and wear, Brown, Black Beige DOVe' 'Grey and Crusader size SeP. er • .... 1*° MI • • , Something new for Blouges 'a, filael Quality Patterned Voile in • Ot4; • and White Sand 'ind. Brown, White and BlaCk, Mauve • and White Maize and Blue Tan - 40 in' Cotton Crepe in a very fine quality for Ladies and Chil- dren's Wear White, Pink,.Light Blue, Rose and Mauve .„„ special a yd • ZO, VEVELLA CREPE A Pure Silk Crepe with a soft pile finish in Brown .(k. Henna 36 in wide sped t./e • The seasong'newest Shades and colorings of Dress. Voiles in Spot, Spray ,and Fancy Designs Prices perlyd gerine and Blue Blouse]. ' 50e, 75 c, 1.00 1111 lengt1 xi, yds special MI ' • 'tia, A. MILLS Phone • 89 tmaiiimessimilmminigniummemPummEmmumgramm A wonderful wearing Quality of Silk and X:inen. in a Crepe'weave for Dresses Blouses and Srecreirs :Brown Sand, White and Tanger- ine, 4o inches wide 90 9 special . .„... Ladies fine Quality $atinette Bloomers, elastic at knee and waist in Mauve, Gold, Paddy Pink, Copen and Navy .1 mit a pair.... ill."1-Pu PRINCESS SLIPS Made of extra Quality Satinette hemstitched on yoke, top and strapping, Paddy Blue eao Gold & Pink special fae tor A negro met a.i acquaintance,also a negro, on -the street one day and was surprised to see that; his friend had on a new suit, new hat, new shoes and other evidences of pros- perity.- "Hey, boyr he said, "how come yop dressed up that way? Is yon got ob ?" "I'se got something liter than a job," he replied. "I'se got a pro fession.", `What is it?" "I'se an orator." "Wi"Do t •you know?" replied the re- lls an orator?" splenden't one in. surprise. "Well' I'll tell you what an orator is. If you was to walk up to an ordinary nigger and ask him how much was two and two, he'd say lour7but if you was to ask one of us orators how much two , and two wak,he'cl say, 'When „in kale cou'se of human events it becomes necessary to take the numeral of 'de second denomination and adtb, to it the figger two I say unto yott and I says it, without fear. of successful tra- dition, that,,da result will inyialbly be four.' Dat's an orator." Mr,- R. D. Cameron, of Lucknow, was one of the twenty representatives to the general council -of the proposed United Church of .Canada appointed. by the Synod of Hamilton and Lon- don at Woodstock recently, , Mri, D. MacLeod" of Lucknow, and her brother, Mr. Robert Keith, of Teeswater,,,have left for Oalf Lake, Manitoba, to Visit a sister,. Mrs. John- ston who is seriously' ill. • BORN Jewett -77 -In Morris Township on May x5th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Jew- ett a daughter.—Nora'Helen. OU o1 eV REVI8ION • Take notice that the Court of Re - Vision of the Assessment roll of the Township of Eat Wawanosh will be held in the Forester's Flail, 33elgrai'Ve, on' Tuesdan May 27th., 5924 at 3 p. m, Parties interested should take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. iiniimilinwAsiosin 'ut 'rtrices on 7 °Seasonable m- Goods ,Lalwn Mowers $xo.5o for $9o0 Ie 25 only -2 gal. tins .m‘ paint reg $2.5o for $x.o I 5o ptjap5alec__ Varnish_.....Stili reg 6cfor._40c 40 pt. tins Floorlac Varnieh Stain 'reg 65c o pt Varnish Stain I Brighten. ttri:01?,51?egio5rcriT .•.. Re -nu -al Polish large reg°r---c = 50c E*7- Re-nu-al Polisfi-sTiiar;.----35c Lawn Rubber Hose extr5ac -si)xeScc, one6 lY 51h. pail Alabestine rute 5l(tt c'f°r .5°G M Cl second band Cook Stoves :AJ. ROSSI ING 11 The •difference between a night gown and an' evening dress is two wards in favor of 'the night gown. Everything has its place except your overcoat at a, movie. This old town is sure a pippin', and we ought to boost it big, when we hear somegrowler 3rippin, we' should unite him ore -the wig. Migh- ty oaks 'that grow and flourish came from acorns plain and small; with your boosting you may nourish some- thing that May prove a blessing to the toiling sons of men—that's the point that I am stressing—boost and boost, then boost again. -People" love the smiling booster and ,for him they loudly • cheer, but • they hate the knocking'rooster, long 'to pelt him in the ear. li pays to use' 14 ,* f gliMp frIANBLE-ITEFLO FI IS Arothins,' Jae it for Ikrdwoad Floors ft wears like Iron Write to ,Head OfTtee,'Mooirecil For Free POOklet. HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY RAE THOMPSON Wingham The Passing of Goal * reals,..........sn6.1¢1102ll1111=4= A 1,415 so the World goes on. 01d5 ;191 as far as human knowledge goes, yet ever changing, ever new, There are still some among us", grey haired men they are, who remember the clipper ships which years ago forced the galleon from the sea, and • the great four -masted barques that • are now seen only in island trade on • southern seas, but these men ate •the privileged few. Except for a few schooners which ply the fishing banks, the sailing vessels have gone 'the way of all things, and in their place we see the steam driven ves- sels, gigantic, palatial, and so dif- ferent in almost alltheir aspects from the wind propelled Vessels as to almost belie their origin, There came coal. Coal revolutionized the shipping inchistry. As the marine engine was improved upon and de- veloped, this eonnnodity became • more and More in •demand until it ,became a necessity. Larger ships were designed and operated than ever before; they beeame more spa- cious, commodious and faster than ever befere. Cabins were improved upon, the sleeping bunks could be so arranged as to ensure privacy for the occupant; the state room was evolve( And so the shipping world goes on. Oil is now doming into its own, The navies of the world are con- verting their older war ships into . oil burning vessels and designing' many of the additions to fleets for the u8o of oil; and fox' some years • past, the steamship companies of all nations have been turning thoir at- tention to oil as well as to coal sup. plies end malteds. The Canadian Pacific Stettinshicf Company early appreCiated the Vantages Welted by oil, arid tiler MnitIKIMPEIVIIIP,M111•1=1.V.11 TOP LEVT—A COST PRIVATE SITTING -ROOM •ON THE "EMPRESS Or PiatecU." raMIT--A CultriM os' THE ROVAL SUITE ABOARD TIM VESSEL, mum 3 $EEDI ABOVE BEING ASSISTED INTO EE BERTH Arr GIMBEC. RIOVI'D-A CONVERTED CABIN. the Company is that of the EinpresS of.France. This great liner has for some time held the record for the lastest voyage between the St. Law- rence, and Great, 13ritain, and it is anticipated that the time made on the record trip will be beaten by the Ximpress after her recondition. Another important change is the replacement of all sleeping bunks on the ship by regular bedsteads and mattresses aisd the conversion of the cabins into rooms similar to those one finds in up-to-date lizetels. Rooms which were formerly Ibur-berth tabuis are now equiped with two latesVc uvereiou to be tutu u ted lut 1>kaus btasteAdo, $441fl bine that had tWo berths are now room with a single bed. Many of the rooms, that are equipped with the bedsteads,. have also an ingeniously arranged; berth which folds into concea1ment0 on the wall, thus affording accom. •modation for an extra member the family party when sd desired This ship, the Empress of Vrane has been ehosen to cruise around the -world in 1925 under the Canat. diari Pacifie, rnartageMent It will sail eastward from Ilew V'ork Tannery 27th and during its fivo, Enenths itineraryv will bb the only objeet in many an ancient port trtk exemplify the last word in modern-