HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-22, Page 41?4,
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14, • • ,4.4
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Thursday, ,MaY 224(144 1924
monlaciaoltionnaimmlitimmlumomailamoiltimilmitiptioffiltollotimmowitoitoolimmIiimoloctioliiiiimilloittoRttiononomoliti itocuotilla 1
Millinery Opening
Wed.., Thurs., Fri.,
May 2,1st, 2,2nd and 23rd. '
Chic Hats for,'
Sunny Sur/ringer Days
You are cordially invited to visit our
Millinery Parlors
Iiiimmnimminsinsm ffimm mEmAmmilm
111E111 1111111111611111111111111311111111112111131118111E111111111v11101111111
RH..1A6 4,1,1,1 • 4: 1.J4P. 144, 4,114141L
asnada, a
that of !the
w the wr.otimieretal re ,14
• vi also
• 1.11k4at it S gra adost iSMOW as higher than
cord tires? Ca o eadrieh ,kealer
t we new
eft int
"Best in the Long Run"
ta, S.W41.4i1. t
Sold by GE
Th.ere was an old geezer
And he had a lot of sense,
He started up a,business
On a, dollar eighty .cents.
The dollar for stock,
And the eighty for an ad.
Brought him three lovely dollars
• In a day, by dad
Well, he bought more goorls,
And a little more space,
And he played thatsystem
With a smile on his face.
;The customers flocked
To his two-by-four
Aad soon he had to hustle
For a regular store.
*Up on the. square
Where the people, pass ,
He gobbled up a corner
That was all plate glass.
He fixed up the windows
With the best that he had,
And told them all about it
In a half page ad.
He soon had 'exn coming
And he never, never quit,
And he wouldn't cut down
On his ads. one jit,
And he's kept things humping
In the town ever since,
And everybody calls him
The Merchant Prince,
Some say it's luCk
But that's all bunk—
Why, he was doing business
When times were punk.
People have to purchase
- We Sell —
os 4 4 4o 4. 41! 4 4 ! 4 4,44 P.,i'44,,4•147.1•0.44 4.4 4.0 Si4 411* Ma !Po 1!!! o 4` 4 ! 4.4 to.,WR 41. • 4 • 14 4,•,‘
From Near and. Far, Ontside Our Owp Community,. condensed
To Make Clear, Concise and Quick Reading Possible,
A date in the latte.. part of June merit was madebecause of an appeal,
is named unofficially 'as the dayon 'which will have to go before the Fri -
which the electors. of Ontario will vy Council,
cast their votes for, or against the x x
Ontario Temperance Act. That the Eighteen months old Johnnie Scott
question of Government", Control.
of 24' Sword St.twas instantly kill-
will be the issue is generally ac„cep_by being erushed beneath a street
car, when he ran across in front of a
fast approaching car, in Toronto, on
The Alberta Liquoi: Act went into May 5111, The fath J, Scott, lost his
force last Saturday in Alberta, wife only five weeks before.
There were two vendors' stores open- _ x
ed; one in Edmonton and one in Cal-
gary, Permits to purchase liqur Michael Campbell, 17 years old,
cost $2., and for beer $t,, Mail orders liad his right hand severed atathe
will also ibe filled. wrist, in c
utting machine in a fac-
tat 0 e Sound, last Friday'
tory W n • ,
• x x x
x x x •
The Church Union controversey
has given the Private Bills Commit-
Daylight Saving was defeated in
tee of the Dominion Parliament a Iroquois Falls last Friday.
temporary importance far beyond any- x x x
thing it ever enjoyed before. ''After having confessed to his
144„, And the geezer was wise-
-For he knew the way to get 'em
Was to advertise,
Meeting of Huron County Council
The Ccitincil of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in the
Council Chamber, at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon of Tuesday, the 3rd day of
June 1924. All accounts against the
County must be in the hands of the
Clerk not later than Monday 'preced-
ing the meeting of Council.- Gpderich
May 15th.., 1924, Geo. W. Holman
County Clerk.
Grows His Own Furniture
The cornmentav upon the benefits
of tree -planting is furnished by the
fact that Mr. Isaac Salkeld, of town,
• has at his home a mantel, table and
1111111111111 one or two other articles made from
IN a walnut tree which he himself as a
young boy helpecl to plant at the#Sal-
- k.eld homestead on the Bayfield road
N I about fifty-five years ago. The tree
WI made over one hundred feet of lulu-
ber, some of the boards being seven -
in teen inches wide. Think what a
El walnut plantation might be worth
• al fifty years from nowl—Goderich Star
MCC1 rYS, Electric Ranges vvitighain Boys at Ottawa
m3 The following extract was taken
M Moffatt Electric Ranges from the account in the Ottawa u
NI nal of the funeral at the Ca.pital of
et the late Mayor Walters;
NI "The Collegiate Institute Cadets
• R had a band of muffled drums which
enabled them to keep excellent step
in the. slow march to the cemetery.
Three Coliegiatet buglers, C. Meag-
her, A. Swan and X, Donaldsoft
sotinded the signals for the cortege to
halt ,or proceed from time to time as
delays occurred.
"It was ten initiates to four when
the cortege formed. and got under
way 'for Beechwood cemetery. It
took twenty-five ininnEeS to pass a gi-
ven ptiarit.
"This band consisting of fiftyebt!8'
lets and twenty druitmers is consid-
ered one of the best in the Dominion.
Keith and Charles Donaldson are
members of this band and also of the
Governor-Geaerars Foot Guard's
'Wheat fat* inches high, seeded in
April on summer fallow and iip-root-
-ed on May 3, was shown in Calgary,
last week, by 0. Schapin whose farm
is south of Granum, Al,
• , •
liotp int Appliances
Hydro LI,' .
Our PHces are Riglit. Our Work is the Bi:.
Qu araritee EverythirIg We Se11.
ttioeit. Phone 150,
The village of St. Augustirie, Que.
which has already seen two houses
destroyed, the convent in flames and
the church/ threatened by fire,- is since becoming Minister of Educa-
Prone to entire destruction, if help is tionl and he intends, by all signs, to,
not obtained from Quebec city. The effect still more but he does not want
supply of water available was exhaust- to forget "many great minds" were
ed on the first fire. made in those "little olcl red. school
x x x houses"as they were run in our
Making the income tax return grand -dad's time.
more simple is a good idea; now if x x
they will only simplify the method of
getting the income.
Strong requests have been made at
Ottawa during the past few weeks for
the release from - prison ofJno Dough-
. William Southam, son of the owner ty who went to in connection
crime, William Camfield, was hang-
ed in Welland jail last Thursday for
the murder of Albert Morningstar,
farmer, last Christmas Day.. This
is the first execution in Welland
county'for 38 years. '4
Premier Ferguson has wrought a
few mighty useful changes in On-
tario schools, ,both urban and rural
and publisher of the Ottawa Citizen,
is in the Oshawa General Hospital in
a critical condition as a result of a
motor accident.
The Presbyterian General Assem-
bly will be held in Owen Sound in
June, and the present outlook is that
the hills of Grey will echo to such a
debate as was never heard before.
How much is a baby worth? Win.
C. Greatrex, of Toronto, who lost his
Orilw child in a, strange mixup of ba-
bies in a Detroit hospital last Sep-
tember says $200,000. Mrs. Great -
rex died in the Hospital after a baby
with the Small case. The Depart-
ment of Justice have considered the
petitions at length, but from- present
indications to action will be faken
along the lines requested.
.x. x x
Cooley,• b,obbed , hair girl
ba.firlit and. her-, husband, Edward,
were sentenced in New • York; on
May 6, by 'Justice Martin' to, "from
ten. to twentyyears in prison." They
pleaded guilty to» a charge of assult
and, robbery. The ,Judge didn't bob
her sentence.
The annual report of one of the
had been born. When her 'husband leading departmental tores in Tor -
returned to the hospital to get his a. -
by, after burying Mrs. Greatrex 151
Toronto, nurses told him the baby
had been given to'a foreigner in mis-
take. The foreigner a Belgian, Vlem-
minck by name, says he gave the ba-
by to some "people in Pennsylvania",
and Mr. Greatrex has now entered
suit against the Evangelical Deacon-
ess Hospital, of Detroit, for $2.00,-
000. The baby as never been found.
x x
• Canada will put on a cowbOy con-
test at the Ernpire Exhibition; and
many, Canadians who never saw one
will be keen to go over to this one.
The Seamen -Kent Co. makers of
hardwood. flooring/ opened .a large,
new factor3r 1 Renfre-w, Ont., re-
cently, employing about 75 work-
x x x
Little 5 year-old 'Raymond Darcy,
son of Mr. and Mrs. T. R, Darcy, of
La.kefield. -vvhile wandering through a
I canoe factory there, was caught by
his clothing in revolving pulley, and
instantly killed.
x x x
Iceland is carrying the protection-
ist theory to the limit, by 'banning
everything in the way of impOrts—
so that people -may return to the
simple living of their ancestors.
x x x
Not tintil next October—fourteen
months from the date the Home
Bank closed its doors—will the im-
peached executives and officials
come up for trial. The postpone-
..eroomo• i e o • o forma.wasoRreemoaffoolfmllmor
• 31c per lb.
Butterfat for No. I cream, de-'
livered at 'die Creamery. Bring
along your can
The' United Farmers -
Co -Op. Co., Ltd.,101M00.111.0,00.111M0
Wedding Rings, Diamond
Rings and .Marriage Li-
cence Information
LV. R. Hamilton's, Jeweler.
onto shows a net profit, after paying
allexpenses, of $1,54.7,753 compared
with $766,858 in' 1921..' Just another
reason why citizens of the small
towns shouldl buy' at home. and: ke-r..'p •
their money in their own home town.
The St. Augustine branch of the
Women's Institute held their Annual
Inisiness meeting in Donnybrook
Church basemeat on May 7th with 12
members present.
The officers elected for the coming
year area—
President—Mrs. Dave Chamney,
Xst Vice—Mrs. Craig.
and Arice—Miss B. McAllister.
Secretary—Miss Olive Finnigan.
Assist. Secy.—Miss Annie Robieson
Dist Director—Miss E. Chainney.
Organist—Miss Lena- Chamney.
Assist Organist --Mrs, Woods.
Directors— Mrs, John Redmond,
Miss Tilly Alexander, Mrs. Gus Ken-
nehan, Mrs. Mark Armstrong.
• ,Delegates, .go to Con-
vention—Mrs, Nark Armstrong, An-
nie Robinson, Olive Finnigan; Mrs.
Dave Chamney.
Miss Selina Foran then kindly in-
vited the Institute to her home en
May 28E1E.
Fine Residence
For Sale
I A two storey brick dwellings -6R.•
• well situated and with ttiodetn
conveniences will be sold at a
reasonable price« This it a bar- -I"-
: gal"'
• ^40 •
Abner COsents
N Ifisttrance and Real Eatitte.
• • •••ea:',••••4,4,,, •,4•-•••••
• ,
. „
The White, Star, Line announces
the big annual low fare excursion on
the Str. Greyhound from Goderich to
Detroit and return, The Greyhound
will leave Goderich Tuesday, June
loth, at 9.30 a, in. (E. T.). arriving
Detroit 5.00 p. in.
A full day and a half will be given
all excursionists -.in Detroit, the re-
turn departure being, as usual,
Thursday at Loci p. m.
The trip to Detroit is a most de-'
lightful one, across Lake Htiron,
down the bdautiftil St, Clair River,
through St. Clair Flats, the "Venice
of America" to Lake St. Clair and the
great Detroit river.
The fare is, so low and accommo
dations of the Greyhound so good.
arid comfortable, that everyone who
can arrange to do so, should enjoy
this annual opportanity to visit De-
troit, the fourth city of the United
States, and one of the world's great-
est industrials centers.
A" moonlight will be .rtni out of
Goderich at 8.30 Moriday evening,
with good music Eor dancing on the
upper deck, . and there will be other
entertainment in the ship's main cab-
• It will be good news /or baseball
fans to learnt that the New York
Yanks will be playing the Detroit
Tigers at Navin Field, Detroit, on
Wednesday, June nth. This will be
a great chance to sec Babe Ruth of
the New York team and Ty Cobb, of
the Tigers, besides other famous
players on both clubs.
The members of L. 0. L. No. 462
held a past master's night on Friday
evening when initataion was put on.
County' Master Rev.- H. W. Snell, De-
rMty County Master A. G. Smith and
County Secretary J. V. Haines were
present from Wingham and gave ad-
dresses as did also Past County Mas-
ter W. 3. Greer. of Winghaam and
County Chaplain Rev, J. R Peters of
Dtmgannon. Others present from
Wingham were: Messrs, A. Han-
nah, 0. V. Hayden, W. T. M,iller,' j,
A. Johnston, Henry Hawthorne. Se-
Jections 'on -the .violin were ably ren-
dered by Messrs Alex Bruce, Athol
Bruce and Wm, Elliott.d
The granhonors of the order were
given in honor of .two old. veterans
who were unable to be present on ac-
count of sickness viz; Bro. John Wat
son and Bro. Robert McMurray.
Wallace—In Turnberry on Tuesday,
May /3th., to Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Wallace, a son --Donald Crawford
Breckenridge—In Turnberry on Sun-
day, May 18th., to Mr. and. Mrs,
Lee Breckenridge, a son,
Noble—At Streetsville, on Tuesday,
May 6th., to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Noble, (nee May Passmore of
Wingham) a son. -:-Frederick Glenn.
The Dramatic Club of S. S. No. 7
East Wawanosh will give their play
"Bashful Mr. Bobbs" in St. Helens
Memorial. Hall, under the. auspices of
the St. Augustine Women's Institute
on Friday evening May 3oth.
Thousands of people owe Um- -
splendid Fruit Medicine—Fruit-a-
tives"--a lasting debt of' gratitude,
which they gladly pay by testifying
to its merits.
Mrs, Laura Alford of 28 Florence
St., Ottawa, says: For years, I was aa
martyr to Constipation and Dyspep-
sia. I have tried cathartics, salts and:
so-called -vegetable laxatives but alli
were unpleasant and gave no per:-
• manent relief. Finally, I decided to
try "Fruit-a-tives'2. I have beene
using "Fruit -a -fives" now for ,sven,
years; never have Constipation or-
Sfonaaeh Trouble; and have beenino
the best of health ever since. My -
husband and children use "Fruit-
a-tives" regularly".
f • _
-a-tives contain intensified..
• fruit juices combined with tonics,
and 50e a box-- at dealers.,
or Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa.
• Don't forget that a Cainp Fire Ex-
tinguished is Duty Well Done. You:.
-ina.y be forgiven for an unintention-
al breach of the above rules but you,.
will never forgive yourself if, through.
your carelessness a forest is destroy-
ed—a single snatch not. extinguished.
when thrown aside may cost a tre-
mendous property loss and lives.
A single tree -will make a million
matches—a match may destroy a
million trees. ,
The forests of Canada are owned
by the people to the extent of 85 -per
cent., while in the --United States' 75,
per cent. of the forest area is private-
ly owned.
In • prixtecting Canada's forest
wealth we are protecting our own
property—let's co-operate.
Corredtly Fitted,
Eit.12 NIMES
Thur., Fri. and Sat., May 22, 23 and 24
IN —
444 .4
1" -
A mad merry whirl of laughter, Love and Thrills, A Right
, Royal Feast -far the Fun Loving. Seven reels of Joy, Romance and •
'Stunts that will chill your Spinal Column •
, -..
Prices: Children 200, Adults 35c.
. u
Mon. and Tues. May 26 and 27
With All Star Cast
Z „
a The most thrilling and heart gripping stOry of the theatre af-
ter a sensational New York triumph has come to the screen. To t
IN miss it is to miss a great experience .
Barred Rocks S. C. White L ghorns
We own and operate one of the most up-to-date Poultr3r Plants
in ganada. This is not a Hatchery but a real Poultry Plant, the eggs
we set are collected from our own, hens on our own place.
For the' -past ten years we have Made a careful 4tudy of the Poul-
try business, more particularly mating and. breeding along larger egg
production lines. In( the present Canadian Egg Laying Contest being
conducted at the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, under (+Oven -in -lent
supervision, where there are 83 pen. entered frbin ,the best 'poultry
breeders,in Canada and the United States (Contest started Nov. 1st.
1923.4 and ends Oct. 315st. 1924), our pen of I'S, C. Leghorns, No.
4o, is in second place (a pen, from the United States holding first posi-
tion,) Our,pen has not been loWer than 4th place since the first week
of the Contest, Chicks, we are hatching for our customers are from
the mothers and sisters of, this pen.
In the latter part of May and the mouth of Jute we will have
xs,000 Chicksl-Rocks x8c and Leghorns raC each. Last year we had
to refuse orders for thousands a Chicks as parties wanting them were
too late in placing their orders. Right now is the time 'to Order Chicks
for delivery the latter ,part of May or for the month of june.
Have you been keeping Hena? or have"ahe Hens been keeping
you? Start now and get the kitid that will keep You. There is a big
difference in the returns you get from in amount Of food, donsurnedi
Why not get chicks that have the breeding batk of them to give you
big profits, The Chicks we send out atre properly incubated, there-
fore easily raised.
8O 34 IlttUSSELS* ONT.