HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-22, Page 1Secure your Tickets
Single Copies, Five Cen't4.
Flowers While We ,„Live
The following paragraph is an ex-
tract of letter from M.' H. Harrison,
To :Secy. of Re -Union of S. S. No.
x3 Wawanoeh—"I like the form of the
invitation very much, The sentiment
style and Workmanship, would I think
be very hard to improve on, 11 it
chanees to be the product of the Ad-
vance -Times. I will say the city
printing firms haven't anything on the
home town office."
Mr. Peter W. Scott received this
letter and kindly passed this para-
graph on for us.
-Former Warden Dies
A former well known resident of
Fordwich for trimly years, MI the per-
-son of ex -Reeve B. S. Cook, passed
,away at his home, Toronto Tuesday
night of last week. Casket was
'bretight to Fordwich and burial was
made last Friday onarrival of the
noon trani. The 0,range _Order took
•-charge of the interment. Rev. Messrs
Pring and Barnard condudted the
service. Deceasedcarried on a
vate hank in Fordwich for years and
4:lid a general agency bnsiness, and
-was well and favorably -known. Mr.
-Cook was Warden of Huron in the
•.year 3899.
West Huron Teachers
The Ontario Government has sent
out notice to each inspectorate that
nn excursion.wilI be taken to Nor-
• thern Ontario, during the month of
August, as in 1921 and 1922. The
following are the conditions of the
a. Each inspectorate is entitled to
send two delegateseither male or
female. ". •
2. The round trip will cost Fifty-
five dollars ($55.no.) This will pro-
vide for thc ticket, meals, taxi fares
for side trips etc.,—tips excepted.
3, Delegates must send (as soon
.as appointed) a deposit of Twenty-
five dollars to the Secretary. Mr.
Chas, G. Fraser, 10 Sylvan Ave,
Toronto. This will be returned if
•the delegate later finds it impossible
to go. ,
4. Delegates are supposed to take
notes by the way ancl give a report of
the trip at theanext meeting of, the
• convention.. ' •
Those desiring to go on the trip,
should notify the local Secretary,
Mr. G. S. Howard, Exeter, who, with
the\ Executive Committee of the As-
sociation, will consider the applica-
tions atid notify those appointed.
-$25..00 PER TON—We now have re-
cleaned screening ground fine. To
sell at $25.00 per ton. Lenard's
Mill. is
raa ,
ow for the Three Act Comedy, The Jones Entertain, Opera House Wing
Palmerston tax rate is 55 mills.
Sale of Men's English Gaberdine
Waterproof Coats at cut prices. See
them at Isard's,
Pine Apple Week,—Pine Apples
are at then best. Out pi ices ai e
right. j, H, McKay,
Wingham'stores and offices will be
closed on Saturday all day, May 24th,
but will remain open late on Friday
Watch Fallon in the "and act get
handed out the cleanest bosh in the
eye a fellow ever got—but soon woocs
aAaillMeeting of the Junior .Fa.rmers
and junior Women's Institute will be
held in Wingliant town hall on Wed-
nesday., May 28th at 8 p.in
A meeting of the I3owlers-will be
held in the Council Chamber on
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Come
and boost the bowling club.
Cadet Inspection at Wingham High
School Carnpus on Wednesday, May
28th, at 2 p. m. The public arere-
spectfully invited to attend. ,
Watch for Posters in store windows
the first form pupils of High School
• •
are preparing for the big comedy
'.The JonesEntertain" prizes will be
given for the best three.
The Whyte Packing .Co., wish to
tell their patrons that they will not
have their warehouse open on Satur
urda.y, May 24th,, but will be open on
Friday evening till 10 o'clock.
The family of the late Chas. Elliott
desire to sincerely thank all -friends
for the many kind expressions of sym-
pathy received by them in their long
sickness and recent bereavement.
Special meetings continued at thc
Baptist Church this week. Rev. W.
J. Brown a nottd bible teacher from
Toronto will speak. Rev. A. Schultz
a returned missionary from Africa
will- preach on Sunday.
-24th of May Bargains in Boys New
Spring Suits at Isard's. A Wingham
Sport Cap given with every suit.
Prospectrve June brides should be
interested in the window display at
Miss Rush's ,Millinery Parlors. After
viewing it walk across the street and
look through The Advance's stock of
nifty wedding' stationery and cake box -
We do long distance, trucking: . Get
our Pi-iees, before shipping. Mune
clys'-Wingliam, Phone 82.
Furniture at W. G. Patterson's ov-
er feirelery Store, at 3 o'clock 'on
Friday May 23rd. -
FOR SALE—Set of new side curtains
for late model Fordcar, also.
' new collapsible T handle Jack for
sale cheap. Apply at The Advance.
FOR SA.LE—Frame house on Jose-
phine St., property of late Robt.
Leggatt. Apply to R. Vanstone,
FOR SALE—Second hand rubber tire
• buggy wood wheels, hard rubber
tires in good condition. Apply to
R. E. Ja.ckson, Massey -Harris
Agent •
morning 18e per lb •:' J. Nortrop.
'FOUND—On the 3rd of May a sum
oE Money in I-Iannas Store. Own-
er to pay 250 for this Advt.
TOR S4LE—Heint7man Piano, squ-
' a.re grand, suitable for Sunday
School or other school, Apply at
once to Box 557 Wingham. •
TOR SALE --Rock Eggs that Latch
5oc for 15 eggs, Apply Box 157
Winghain, •
Land for sale, situated in Bluevale,
good frame house, hen. house and
stable bard anti soft water. Splen-
did, for -retired person wishing to
Iceep a cow, hens or pigs. Apply
to Thos, Stewart .
Mrs; C. Griffin has returned to
town and is visiting with her sisters,
Mrs. Paddock ,and Miss Coventry. on
Patrick St. She has just returned
from a tour of Egypt and among eth-
er paints of 'interest visited, were
ro, Tuts' Tomb and Jerusalem.
.The May Meeting of. the Women's
Missionary _ Society of St.' Andrew's
Church,will be held on .Thursday,
May 22nd at 3 o'cleck. The topic
being "The New Era in ,North For-
mosa" -which will be taken by Mrs,
Wirt.' Reid. ..A.• largeattendance of
the ladies is 'eXpected,
See what a, lovely :couple Mildred
and, Wallace :make although they do
have the little family quarrels in "The
Jones' 'Entertain'? • . -
A good Play entitled "The Young
Village LaWyer". is to be presented by
the Young People . of BrowntoWn
Ceintrrittnity in the Foreaters', Hall,
Blnevale, On Saturday evening May
24,th„ at 8 (Attack ander the auspices
of Bluevale Methodist Church Every-
body conie. Admission. 250, children
Just to remind, you ,I inake- Men's
.Suits in the latest styles and to lit
comfortable and -lodk well for Ten
Dollars. Trimmings supplied Inc five
dollars. Cloth ..in any, of the newest
shades and patterns at the lowest
cost. A; W. .Webster Tailor, up
stairs Over The Wingham Advance -
Times Office. .
The regular monthly Meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held ili. the
Colleen ,Chamber :on Thursday; May
zOth. at. 3 'O'clock. The district presi-
dent; Mrs,. Wightman of Blyth, will be
preSent and give an address. As the
election .6,1, officers for the ,ensuing
Year will be .held,, all members are re-,
quested..ttO be present,
The WoMen's:Auxihary to the Gen-
eral Hospital- will hold a sale ofHA.P-
rons and Home-inade Baking , in the
couecil Chamber on Saturday after-
noona . May 31, cornnienciiag.. at 3
0'elOck, Afternoon tea will also. be
served, -any, donations Of baking, will
be gratefully received aftd may be left
at the Coaneit Chamber,
New Set of Officers ,Should Make
Things Hum
The Chamber of Commerce held a
re-erganization meeting in Wingham
town hall on Friday evening. The
attendance was the best for' a long
time and considerable enthusiasm was
shown. The election of• officers re-
sulted as follows:
. I -Ion. Pres.—W. F. VanStoae.
President—T. C. King.
1st. Viee---T. J. McLean.
and. W. Hanna.
3rd, Vice ---N. L. Fry.
Secretary—Abner Cogens.
Treasurer—C. P. Smith.
Councillors '
Ward T—W, H. Rintoul, W, H:
Gurney and A. E. Lloyd.
Ward 2—Wro, Stewart, T. R. Ben-
nett and J. M. Graham,
' Ward 3—L. C. Young, A. 'Fipling
and J. A. McLean.
Ward 4—Dr. A. j. Irwin, H. E. Is-
ard and T, H. Gibson.
Ward. 5—Robt, Allen„ A. Bell, aed
W. C. Armstrong. ‘.
The Chamber of Commerce will
meet regularly in the Council Chant-
ber on the second Tuesday of every
—your car try Lepard's new filling
.NOTICE --The United Farmers Co
Operative Company will not do
business on Saturday, May ' 241h.,
but the plant Will remain open. on
Friday evenirig of May 23rd. United,
Farmers Co -Operative Co„ Ltd.
TO PENT—A part of reaidence, cor-
ner John. and William St. Apply
to The Advance.
In quantities of 5 barrels or ov-
. or our price is
„$2.60 Per Barrel
It Lir
Abner Cosens
Who was the unanimous choice for
the office of secretary for the new
Winghain Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Antos Tipling• made a business
trip to Toronto this week.
Mrs, W. j. Haines has returned
from spending- the winter in Toronto
with her son
Councillor C. R. Wilkinson and Mr,
R A. Spotton were in Toronto
business this week.
Mrs, j. Peterman of Belt -Imre is vis-
iting with her son and family, Eldon
Peterman, Josephine St.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham of
Myth, spent the week end with Mr,
and Mrs. Harvey Nivins.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm,. Adair of Kihcar-
dine, spent Sunday at the hoine of the
latter's parents in Morris.
Mr, Matt. Sproule of Leamington
spent a few days last week with Mrs.
Wm, Henderson, Water St
Mrs, D. J. Boyd has returned home
from visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
T. E. Manning in London.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lloyd and fa-
mily left on Monday for Port Stan-
ley where they intend spending a
week ,or two.
Miss Mary Coultes of Toronto, is
spending a few days at the home of
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Deans, Shuter St.
Ex Mayor E S. Little of the firm
of Robinson, Little & Co. of London,
made a pleasant half hour visit with
Mr. John Galbraith. He was accom-
panied by Mr. E: N. Hannah, past
,,president of the Commerical Travel-
Iers Association, who represents their
house. • '
Attended Hydro Meeting
Messrs. Guiney, Wm. Holm-
es, Reeve .McKibbon and Supt. Herb.
Campbell were delegates from. Wing -
ham Hydro Commission to the con-
vention held in Owen Sound, on Men -
day of this section of the municipali-
ties of the Ontario Hydro `Electric
Power Commission. Mr. Wt.n. Holm-
es was elected to the executive. Sir
Adam Beck was in attendance at the
meeting. The Wingham Council, Hy-
dro Commission and Chamber of Com-
merce extended an invitation for the
next annual convention to be held. at
Wingham and their invitation was ac-
cepted. This meeting will be held
next May.
Died. in Prtvosta Alta.
There passed aWay in Provost, Al-
berta, a highly esteemed. lady who was
for many years a resident of Wing -
ham, viz: Martha Kerr beloved wife
of Mr. David Grigg. Gangerine set in
her toe over a year agtO and she had
it amputated but despite all that med-
ical aid could do the disease worked
up to her heart. Two brothers of the
deceased, George and. Jos. Kerr owned
the planing mill in Wingham some
years ago.
Mrs Eli Jacques of 'Whitechurch,
was a great friend of the late Mrs.
Grigg and visited at her home on dif-
ferent occasions and spent many a
pleasant hour talking of old times and
acquaintances in Ontario,
Sunday School Anniversary
Judge Lewis Was Ill
Division court was slated for 9
o'clock Saturday with a large docket
of cases to be tried. Severalcases
from London and others from a dis-
tance were entered. When the time
carne Inc court to open a message...was
received that Judge Lewis of Gode-
rich, was ill. The clerk of the court
made an adjournment until Monday,
May,6, at 9 a. m.
North Huron. Liberals
The annual meeting of the Federal
and Provineial Liberal Associations
for North Htiron will be held Jointly
at Wingharn. on Tuesday, .May 27th,
commencing at 1.30 o'clock.
The meeting- will be addressed' by
Mr. Duncan Marshall, the Liberal
organizer for Ontario, and it is •ex-
pected that a member of the House of
Connmons also will be present. It is
hoped there will be a large represen-
tation frorn all parts of the riding,
and a' special invitation is extended
to the ladies. Everybody interested
in good government for Ontario and
for Canada will be welcome.
There won't be any sad Post Mor-
tem if you take advantage and secure
your tickets early Inc the big play
"The Jones' Entertain."
• —
Broke', itto Garage
Some young lads entered Robert-
son's garage late on ThursdaY night
and helped themselves liberally to the
fruit on Chas. Bondi's truck which
was loaded for an early start aticl
parked Inc the night in the garage,
It is not good business boys and if
you are not caught thanle ,your stars
bet leave that kind of work atone in
Telephone Officials Here
The 261lowing Bell Telephone Com-
pany officials were itt town on Tues-
day: Mr, R. Burrows, Division Alan -
ager anti Mr. .A. W. Robinson, Divis-
ion Plant Supt. of .London, also Mr,
j. J. Griffin, District Manager and
Mr. N. L. Kilpatrick Plant Supt. of
The interior of the 'local office has
been brightened up cOasiderably and
newly decorated throughout, some im-
provements have, been made in the
equipment and this office is now one
of the most itp-to•clate Bell Tele-
phone offices in Western Ontario.,
Financial Statement of Wing -
ham Methodist Church
The year just ended May tst has
been one of the most successful years
in the history of the Wingham Meth-
odist Church. A summary of the re-
ceipts and expenditures follows:
Weekly Offering
Pew Rent 462 50
Loose Collections 651 24
Evangelistic Services 193 59
Interest from Bank ... 12 00
Th, Off Newton. fortes,206 77
Anniversary 1107 95
Benevolence Fund IZO 75
Church Improv. Fund-- 249 75
Wingham Hospital Aux142 05
Missions 820 00
Huron Co. Soc. Ser 32 15
4 9 t p8
Bal. of cashfrom last yea
$ 8090 93
244 35
$ 8335 28
Pator's salary 2000 03
Choir Leader 340 cid
Organist •. zoo 00
Janitor 513 4
Clerical zoo oo
Taxes 54900
Printing .„,........ .... . . ...„ .. .,. .. „ ...... „..., 102 50
Fuel 512 oI
Light and Water . 102 ,22
Other expenses 391 46
To various funds • - 3257 46
$ 7767 97
Bal. in treasury for next year 567 35
Oddfellows Appoint Delegates •
Maitland Lodge 1.6.0.F. has appoint-
ed Councillor Wm. Haney and J. W.
Dodd. as delegates to attend the dis-
trict meeting at Clinton on May 215t.
They will also be the delegates‘to at-
tend the provincial convention to be
held in Guelph on June toth., zoth,
and zast. •
Pleasant Evening With Lions
Mr. George Spotton was the speak-
er at the Lions luncheon on Friday
evening and dealt capably with the to-
pic of "Friendship". Miss Sarah Mac-
Lean sang a solo in splendid voice and
was accompanied on the piano by Miss
Bessie Abell. Mr. Dudley Holmes
was goodfellowship chairman:
Miss Mary Campbell Deceased
A former- respected ' resident of
Wingham passed away in London on
Thurdday May 15th., in the person of
Miss Mary Campbell,. She was a
daughter .of the late Mr. and Mrs. Da-
vid Campbell and the family resided
on Minnie St., for many years. The
remains were brought to Wingham,
and buried - in Wingham Cemetery on
Saturday afternoon. Two brothers and
five sisters survive viz: David, bank
messenger of Toronto; James of Mi-
les City, Montana.; Mrs. E. A. Hod-
gins of London; Mrs. J. Dunbrook of
Cleveland; Mrs. T. C. Allisoa of Lon-
don; Mrs. J. Thomas of Cleveland
and Mrs. Davia of Windsor. The
funeral services were conducted by
Rev. Dr. Perrie at the home of Mrs.
Margaret Harrison, Edward St.
The Sunday' School Anniversary ser-
vicesin the Methodist thurch on Sun-
day and 'Monday last were the most
successful in the history of the church.
'The special preacher was the Rev, W.
A. Hunnisett of Fred. Victor Mission,
Toronto, assisted by Master George
Granville reader. Master Jas. Arnott
soloist, and a Hawaiian quartet, com-
posed of Messrs. Silby, Smith, Clem-
ens and Flatlet. '
The church was beautifully decorat-
ed by cut flowers kiedly donated by
Mr, Milne of Whitechurch. It the
morning the music was l'ed by a chor-
us of 40 boys, alt 54 arta under, while
at night by young man 15 atid over.
While all services were most inspiting
the evening service will long live in
the memory of the congregation. The
church was packed, while the address
of Mr. Hanaisett on Wm. Wilberforce,
was a masterpiece,
On Monday evening a concert was
put on by the company from Toronto,
The program from beginning to end
was unique and. most interesting. It
was divided, into three distinet sections
a solo by Jas., Arnott, a reading by
George Granville, selections by the
quartet and a brief address by Mr.
3-Itinnisett, These three 'addresses by
Mr, Iltinnisett were ,Illastrated of a
recent trip he took around the world,
"Fetal proceeds from 'Concert alotie
were $175.0o. A vote of thanks pre-
sented, by Mr. F, W, Vrench. •and IDr,
R. C. Redmond., was niosi heartily ap-
plauded, indicating the, entlittsiaSin and
interest of the people.
The Jones' Entertain
This laughable three act comedy,
will be presented in the Opera House
Wingham, under the auspices of the
Westminster Guild of St. Andrew'
Presbyterian' Church on Tuesday ev-
ening, May 27th. Cast of characters:
Wallace Jones, a young Architectural
Genius who has not yet „arrived, Mr.
Tom Currie; Mildred Jones, his wife,
Miss Sarah MeLean; Miss Hulda
Jones, his devoted aunt, Mrs': W. j.
Henderson; Tucked Whipple, his new
friend and brightest hope, Mr. Gor-
don McLean; Charles Falloha Col-
lege Graduate„ waiting to find him-
self, Mr. W. T. Booth; Fallon sr. a
worker of miracles, Mr. A. L. Pos-
tiff ; William Taanp, an inlpressionable
expressman, Mr. R. A. Currie; Bet-
tina, Blandish, of internation screen
fame, Miss Elizabeth Gilchrist; Phy-
llis Stotertboucher, of the famous old
Knickerbocker Stotenboucher,Miss
Lettie Fox; Christophene, an emo-
tional house maid, Miss Bertha Mc-
Kay; Mrs. Babbidge, the proud pos-
sessor of an invalid husband, Mrs,
Alfred Carr.
Did you ever see a pretty girl shed
tear—well you will if you get your
tickets reserved in time and.see Chri-
stophene the If you want to
learn how to handle a real crook --
keep your eye on the Expressman,
Mary Pickford has nothing on "Bet-
tina?' as. a Movie Actress, although
her contract has run put with the
"Notorious Players." You just must
see "Mr. Whipple" the man with 'the
Master Mind who always hitches the
wagon to a star.
Come and sloe how millionaires en-
tertain without money, Two hours
of sighs, latig,hter and 'mirth, "Every
day in every way things are getting
better and better." Not a doll mo-
ment niusic 'preteading the play and
specialities between acts, including so-
los by Mrs. A. EL Wilford and Mr.
Gordon Buchanan, also Scotch Dauc-
14w , by Miss Anna McGillivray and
IVfisats Peggy and Betty Taylor„
Ciirtala tises 8,/5., Admission, reser-
ved Seats 5,ac; Rush 35c, Plan of
hall at McKibbon's Drag Store, opens
Thursday, May ..1zid,
smansummilarnsm The
Moved to Windsor •
Mr. Chas. Pattison who has been itt
the employ of the Dominion Bank -at,
Wingham Inc. the past year received
notice of his promotion to the branch
at lArindsor and left for his new du-
ties on Wednesday morning. Char-
lie is a son of Mr. Irwin Pattison and
was born. in Wiragham. He was well
liked by 'all who knew him and, his
straight forward manly bearing will,
we are sure, make friends for him
wherever he goes. -
Wedded in Kincardine
Continuously fresh supplies of the
Smiles Cuc
2,on per
Will he received here direct from their Sura-l...it
60c Per Lb,
Old Style "Globe Chocolates Mello Vanilla
Cream in Pure Chocolate
6oc Value for .... _
II Maple Walnut Chocolates — Made with
real Maple Sugar
I/I 'Special for Saturday Only
, Willard's Chocolates, per Ha
McKibbon's Dr g
N Winghara, Ont.
111E1111111E11111311 MI14111E11 111111111E1111211RE111 111E111 II II Ill
33 c
Phone 53
81IialIIa tIllIlal1lifII
They All Like Tim k
Miss -Annie C. Meiklejohn writing
from her home in Hazelton B. C., and
renewing her subscription to The
Advance -Times says in part. "We
so like to get the good old town pa-
per weekly, it so keeps me in touchl
with the doings of the old county id
which I was bornand lived so many
years that I dont want to miss it.
read Tim's letter he is just a jolly old
soul and full of de'ep -humor. I am
moving.to Victoria this week."
Blow on Head May Be Fatal
On Wednesday, May i4th., at the
home of Mr. Oran Westell, Huron
Terrace St., Kincardine was the scene
of a quiet wedding. The contracting
parties were Omar Westell„ Kincar-
dine,and Mrs, Margaret A. Campbell.
of the ist line of Morris. The mar-
riage was performed by Rev. F. C.
Overend B. A. Mr. and Mrs. Westin
will reside in Kincardine. Their
many friends join in wishing them
every happiness.
Goderich.Fire Briga:de Quits
The Goderich volunteer fire brigade
has handed in its resignation to the
Town Council to take effect June 5.
The Cottncil and brigade which con-
sists of 14 rnen and a Fire Warden
have been dickering over the question
of allowance for the ,past four months.
The brigade is allowed $435 Per ann-
um which, is divided tip among the 54
men in . accordance with ,arrange-
ments made among themselves. The
in.en, asked for a roe per cent. in-
crease, the Council compromised
with 20 and later raised it to 30 per
cent. The brigade has refused this,
and tendered its resignation, which,
it is uttd.erstood, will be accepted.
Sairiuel Peddle Dead
George Bell, an employee of the
Goderich Elevator and Transit Com-
pany, was probably fatally injured in
Goderich last Friday afternoon while
braking some cars into position for
loading at the elevator.
One of the cars jumped from the
tracks and a large clab, which Bell
was using in the brake wheel, was
jerked from his hand and struck his
head with such force that little hope
is held for his recovery. Immediate-
ly after the accident he was rushed
to ,the Marine Hospital, where every
effort is being made to save -his life.
The dailies of Tuesday report the
death of „Mr. Bell.
There passed away at his home in
Whitechurch on Sunday, Ma.y 11, a
much respected inan in the person of
Mr. Samuel Peddle, He was born in
High -Wycombe, Eng. 73 years ago
aud came to this country at the age
of twenty-five years with his wife
Sarah Chalfont who predeceased him
nineteen years ago. He lived inLon-
don for seven years where he worked
in the London. Furniture factory. and
ran for parliament as a Labor Candi-
dtate against Sir William Meredith in
He had been ailing for over three
years but fell from an apple tree
last fall and never recovered, He
was a. staunch Liberal arid belonged
to the Methodist Church. He leaves
to mourn him five children, Mrs. J.
G. Gillespie and Wm. Peddle of
Whitechurch, Mrs, Fut bur and Mrs.
Neighbour of Tisdale Sask., and Miss
Edythe Peddle teaching at Munsey.
One soft Harry .pre -deceased him a
number of years ago. One brother
Jim Peddle lives at Sault Ste Marie
arid one George lives in Australia, al-
so two sisters and three brothers still
live at High-V'ycombe Eng.
1 -Te was. buried in Wingham. Ceme-
tery last Tuesday afternoon, Rev,
Mr, Osterhout of Lucknow and Rev.
Jas. Scobie taking the services at the
house and g,rave. The community
wish to extend sympathy to the be-'
reaved family.
Ire Saw The Taint
An editor once needed $1oo; he
looked over his subsCription list, and
noted •that some subscribers were in
arrears for two years, a few, three
years and one or two five years, in all
amounting to five hundredpdollars.
He sent out some duns and,one man
received the missive with indignaton.
He Went to raise a row with the edi-
tor who showed him duns he had re-
ceived himself, one for paper one for
type, one for ink and severaal others.
"Now," said the patient editor, "I did
not get mad when these came, I
know I owed for them, and I relied
on you and others who owed,me to
pay for them. You see we all depend
on somebody." The mad subscriber
saw the force of the argument and
said he was sorry he had let the bill
run so long. He'paid.
Organizer C. Q. F. Dead
Mr. J. B. Campbell, well known and
respected organizer of the Canadian
Foresters died suddenly on Wednes-
day last at his home in Chesley. The
floral contributions from the High
Court of Foresters and others were
beautiful. Several mouths ago he
was badly beaten up and assaulted
while at his work in Kincardine by a
fellow who thought he had a. grudge
against him, •
Basket Ball Enthusiast
Miss Mary L Currie daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Currie of East a
Wawanosh, a few years ago was one
oE the, .\V. II. S. clever" students and a
sport, one year she won the Silver
Medal as Senior/ Champion. W. H,
S. Field Day Sports continue to be
clever taking high standing in studies
in Hospital work and nurse in train-
ing Basket Ball team. Persons wish-
ing to see the picture of HarPer's
Hospital nurse in training also the
opponents and Harper Hospital Bulle-
tin call at H. B. Elliott's Book Store,
Kincardine Boy Drowned
Eddie Ryan, six-year-old sort of Mr.
and Mrs. T. Ryan, of Kincardine was
drowned at the mouth of the river
Thursday afternoon. The body was
found by the father close to the light-
house after a two-hour search by
neig-hbors, who joined the anxious
pa.ients when the lad could not be
The little chap had been playing -
about his home, whichl is close to the
river, and was not missed until Mr.
Ryan, an employee of the Watson
Furniture Company, returned home
from work. A search was instituted
when he failed to respond to calls,
and for two hours searchers sought
the little lad, hoping that he had but
wandered away.
It is believed that the child was
playing close to the piling near the
month of the river and fell into the
stream. Evidently no one saw the
accident, nor was there any sound to
!indicate the tragedy,
hit dy
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