HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-08, Page 2••••
••• ' •
.0;111111117111717.'7" .1 !:,!'..!%7111111.7.
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1' W011;:k 11q,lay Vat; 011.k!!
Of the reeent speakers from ta tiou
Q0,1 t,t1t Metupitit,
ovder to tortke the radio dran
OJT t131 R t ion WO V haS a
'Panther t.)f. stunts which arc cal -moot ly
Used, Whenever the effect of 11111
PO kill rt.' att3slAr0 \''ed 11'Y'' rolling
dry pea's through a paper tube, ;For• -
est fires are imitated by nseing
plumber's' blow torch and the offeet
• Itroakingand burning limbs is pro -
%faced by trashilw paper awl break.
• ling matches near the microphone, An
ordinary' door is set in n. frame and
• kept near the mierophone and this
linori )sod at the proper , 1,1111*,
‘,70111.0, wry DI'AVS kW(' bC broaa,0
100.!;q I by \vv,
seforalsts have, succeeded 141
transforming the very \\*.t.uk rays of
from distant stars into audible
,souna by ro,QA,As delitlate radio op -
paratus, Seen)i tubes wore used it coure of the , program an adddress
tots wok, was delivered in Esperanto, and this
A, regular Prograln hraadeast bY was heardanduaderstood PerfectlY
station WOR at Newark, New jesey, lapan, 'When the concert was reiv
was heard ht Ittpan by no of tho for., .ed in japan. it was 5 o'clock in the
most ap:mese radio exerts, In the morning; and in Newark it was s
I.O''''60eti: in the afte•rnoon of the previ-
us day.
One •of the qualifications of the ef-
• Relent janitor will soon be that he he
• a radio expert. in many a the lag-
er apartment houses there are [minr,'
ous rati3.0 reteiVers which require
more or loss ttention Some apart-
u.sualtlr 40'nt stkol0Ping with their wives. But you
sit DOMINION not a grouchy one in
4 Million, 'Vttlay? Easier on the pay envelope and better
mtt1S, thts why,
NO, Ie tin Pint Bottle 4404-
Quart Bottle * •w‘" (Cke)
SOAP < & G.,• ST, CHARLES or
Gold, Comfort, San- CARNATION 1
tight Surprise, Wei fin MILK, Bahn, a tins
e0,1:110m 20 'Ears 4.14t*I'M•ST. CHARLES or
tRASAPlatt /MU" itt,„ CARNATION tze,
in tumblers ••.• MLR, Iio. 3 tins ^0•41,".^^
MARMALADE,• glom, CON)) MNS1:33) I es
• 4-14,•tin MILR, tin .44 -1.‘"'
1-1b.. tin• -44'114- COCOA, lbs,
Btatttilul Box of Assorted chocootes 49c•
COCOANUT, (it oil), 4 tins -
20 -lb.
1. b, Bulk
tlf ENT of•CANDY
( 17 Boons, Xisses,
Creams,' CheotolateS)
• ••
'T., •
5A. 5e
..STrg,e1X16 )11.1±Nri
• ig
-11,1„. tin
ELOtikl-Z4,4,1), bag
POWIEMR,S,' 3 tor -44'4,"‘"
Brava Maucts art the &at. Th t totreaza
ihraa-aa ler 'Them it Ptviti Pustlivt of Their Quality.
',1,c1-1,Mt14,4t, TEA rgia,. tz,,tcatiAlm,to •
•tzx cwrist, z)
• itcluetnorao••
•• slalliEla HOME SUPPLIES•
la .r,yia At* going to Your summer home, lot us SM. r .
wrocerits eaelt telt,. \TA will pay ftetett on all * ers
•SZ.),00 or over (exteept fagot"),•
4.. '
mem owners will 1101: permit the er-
etion of many 'arials on their build -
ins but they will instal one aerial
and receiver and have all the aparti
ments wired with outlets witere
phones may be plugged in to listen to
radio concerts. The difficulty with
this method is that no two Persons rialtos Orchestra, new Kenmore Ho
Proram; Overture, "Barber of Se -
Rossini; serenade, "A 'roi" (To
y00), Czib ul Ita ; ballet "Egyptian,"
Luigini; serenade, nValther's Tram-
Cayillini; suite, "Esangiole La Ferie"
Laconic; waltz, "Golden Showers,"
Waldtenfel; excerpts from fairy op-
era, 'Hansel and Gretcl," Humper-
9,55 p, m. --Arlington time signals..
Weather forecast, Baseball stores.
Station WGY-38o meters
General Rlectric Company
Schenectady-, N. Y.
Wednesday, May 7th
Silent Night ,
Thursday, May 8th
3.30 p, m.—Dinner music by .t\ -o -
Meat R. Hopkins, city
manager. Violin solo, Walberg- Brown
violinist, Cello solo, Frank Grant, cell-
ist. "Dun," "Give a Alan a Horse 1 --le
Can Ride," Dr, Carl S. Emmert, ten-
or. "Spray of Roses," "forning," Es
tiler 13. Samuel soprano. Cleveland In-
stitute of Music, Senior String Quar-
tet. "Sextet from Lucia," Esther B.
Samuel, bass; Dr Carl S Emtnert Mr. Harold Weir, our efficient
spent Friday at the home of IVEr. and
Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge, • Bluevalc,
1\fr, Alex. Baird, who spent some-
time at his home here, has returned to
Flint Michigan, where he will resume
his work.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Patterson of
Wingham were recent visitors at the
home of Mr. David Marshall.
tenon Piano solo, Mary Williams, school teacher is sporting a new Ford
pinist. Cleveland Institute of Music, Coupe.
Senior String Quartet.
Station WJAX-400 meters
self iincl sec. These out-of-twn
houses do not know you—do not care
to know you—are not interested in
you in any way—only in the inot.„„.4
you send them. Spend your molly
with our own townsmen, who know
you for what you really are, •who ap
preciate your worth, your business,
your assistance in building up home
int,;rreostlisi-bith14 .thus
is a good deal like curing a drunk -
from legally
having in their possessiob firearnis
A PLAIN TRUTH ard by passing a probition act. It
Union Trust Co. A man may liatronize the mail or -
Cleveland der houses for years—may send them,
Thnrsday, May 8th in that time„ hundreds of dollars—and
wi8npgailiten—raTdiiioe listeners
ruanstoCppoonguanniy: at the sanie' time they wouldn't ac-
cornodate him for a two cent stamp,
ty to hear some of the numbers which This is the plain, unvarnished truth,
e If you think otherwise try it for your -
will he snug s.t the concert Of th
Singers Club the following wek.
will enjoy the same cOracert and if the tai v N
jamtor ts the operator of the single 7,40 cj,. 111,..._,Dasehau results. • This will be followed by a prograni!
receiver he will expe.rience some chfti- •,: .\I -- i A by J. 0, Liddictiat's Banjo Club of
45 p. ni—.... us: (,, a prOt-, rata
cxiity in pkasiag all Ilia temats, Few tonneatis With New 130„5ks,. L. ten,, interspersed with soprano selec-
tams by Lyndell Decker Darnell.
troit The iwtruetio„s ;Ind accoin_ v,ons sop rano solos ,asi,a, sin„, Bird not 'Kill the Soul" the Siners' Club;
German Lydia Ste- Salutation; "Ave Maria," They Can A number of radio fans in tOW1.1' do L. Hopkin, assistant librarian, Gen -
The program in detail is as follows:
their ''.'physical jerks" every morning eral Electric Company. Piano solo,
\rith:the help ot iitation \\, NVJ at De-
' panying muic. no through fine and "Cnntrv Dance,"
on co L. the wing:' .1,;:e sin:11g. Din's songs (selected) William' Belt tenor;
clear, Thi,s is featured et m
er:,, ornng' ,,,,,ii., • • • "This is the Moon of Roses" ``Little
„. \ a, aims vtoin so -,
(Ii.ih reel) Sioux. Indian," "!fEvening Serenade,"
"Molly on the Shore'
, , ..,, . , Song," i- , .
The Cavalier s Stugers Club
Janet I.,inday Stvens; piano solo,
NVestinghouse Electric Maior" (The Rin- songs (selected), Edgerton Williams,
Station IIA -3 meters : 'Prelude in D Flat
.d.i.0,, Prelude), Lydia steyet,s; so, baritone; "The Dirge of Kisses"
Pittsburgh, Paprano soo, 'With Verdure
Wednesday, May 7th. from "The Creation", Mrs. Leo I§.l..
5.30 p. ni.—Dinnor concert, by the Haines.; N'ritilin : Solo, "Poemmarch, Drovasy DempseyBanjoe Legen- chth,;,
"s" s
Pittsburgh Athletic Assodation or- dire Janet Lindsay Steven; address. NarcissuCurtiGarvin,
ts, i) in_33tt,ieb.au: stores_ Concert ".Acticitis of the Travele.rs' Aiti So- ban°, O.\.e7encidi!vgatax,anoant,,,itari, D a"r1(kieens-,
• chestra Brei.,,orio Scala°, conductor,
riety" Rev, Ernest Caltlecatt; Piano tpurcek,,L,;, Banio ,c10, ,,Littie Bauchi
• continued, s.olo, Valse in NoPoslay Ls,i ii,n Ste- :,, Bc.Lizar _..es,,,...,„„ ,....,,AD .4.3 ,..,..n._tahvesta,.nt-til
6,so . nt--"Robin Hood."
in, --News, bulletms, -*'..,'1:::::nzgas°,.".,\7: Tlothse,r1"titn; '-4111:. \-ire: t.?:'ey"teD;rec'Ts't7..,:,id,,De'numi)ealleil,ecinsopt)aroo; over_
z p, m --Baseball scores, Dinner of Leo R. Haines; violin soos, arrane-,
gineers, Pittsburgh Post, Colonel Sweet Bessie" "The Campbells Are
two Se:etch songs; "Bonnie tr; gin‘"`. Rse:' .Mnnet," banjo,l
::arawattnsaOt fstnelli'',81tit.:- t;T:i
.0 ...-.1.,,,10, of American Military Etk,-• meats of
Gorge E. A.. Pakten president pre-; Comial" Janet Lntily. SigAreri.S...
slaill3..t broatic,,,t itb.n.4 the. :En:gni:AL.,. priAiay, may 9.th braltm Ymite, 'Loin Dia Bal " march,
pni.. Entry of the Gladiators: banjo man -
room, of the ort itot
FPt Hel, !PitIA- ' !;,-;. V) .. --Children's
• burgh, Chief peaker, Major 'Generl' 7.35 p, in..—blalth .talk,r NgleaetnIS:ork '-°1111 4nd gilitai quinette; '''.jnst a Lit-
james "G... Harboarii, president of the state &Daryl:tent of helth, lItarleait111,,c"-1,s'et '-'noevje,:: 'L‘-'4.3,1,1tede°311,dpeRcke:I.
Radio Corporation of America, tor,. 7.4o p; m,—Baseball• results. ,„„.
merly thief of staff, 'N. Ea 1.,...,„ -acd. of 748 p. an. --Radio cOmedv, selection "al -nen, saian,„0-
S. t.). .S. He will be introduced by "-.8„&arebe (les 7nn,,,es,” ioArc"G-0A.,....lie.,„...: 16.30 p. UL—rrograrn by the Red
President E. M. Hra- of the \Vesting- 11* comedy, -"Dangerous peopl,- by, AP..nie Club et Detroit.
house Electriand l'Atanufaetnring Oliver •White, presented by Special ar-
C. 011IV.111.Y. '.,1t1lSit: will be directed by i-angetnent with the producer, 1 :1, H. %7 -"LE GROVE cOENER
Frederick Newman, Etiarl Mitchell at Frazee, and the author, Oliver 'White,: The fanners in our locality have
• the piano. •WG''.\:' players, Cast: Ethel Dndworth, near all finished seeding, and the re -
5 p. n, --Concert, by the ,?.\trtdelss- Resaline Greene; Nanine • Bertratria cent rain isbrin,.,,-zing the meadows
x.ilin choir, I...lrilest Lunt, director from Lola Somme*, David Brram, Ett-, along nkely.
Carnegie Musk- Ball, singing 'The ward E. St. Luis; Jim Teasdale„:: Mr, aad Mrs. Mark Gardner spent
: Cross of •Firet. , ' F» -'n 0Iiver;Paul Dadwortia„ Ed- -2SundM
aY "Path r. and W
Mrs. . M..
0 p., 111.--.-,0011<vxt,'-koto. the sehbol of ward Ha S,Utith. Act i, Bertram'1 rim:II:Pion ai Forilyte
fine arts, Carnegie Instate,Pitts-,, apartment. Haiern, New York, A Ift., and t,,,,,„ 1.1... Reid spent a few
burh, Pa. • • Noember afternoon. -zelection, In -a35 lasl 'week with friends at Loth-
' 0.55 p, at.—Arlington taut asigna.:truiezzo," orchestra, t
act II A Bun- • tam-
Weather foiecast. BaSeball ScOtes. 7 oalow in the SaiSkilis. Sante eyening.] Mr, Harry Champion of :Fordyce is
Thursday May gth l Selection "Romance" orchestra. sPentbng a leVi days with friends at
5.80 p. zin.ontert, by the R.IDA Act In same as Aet II. A j'eNV Mitt- L'1".A are,,,s0T4 to jaear oi. the acci,:.
Littie Symphdity otrehetro, •Victor: ates later. Seleetiba, '11Y1Preinr-nr'
• sand& tolninetr„ .• !i:o-orItestra. , dent recently to Mr, Wellington Nix-
• 1 Eastern Stutdard Time .,.., ,,,:L.,,,aola''' .,.,„14 ca, 11., ,foo.. ,t1 ...,
: 6 p. m--an.sninsli scores% Contettl <Late riozraltql ' (1,,,,,,„11-0,,.-o haaasttbseirtarotlarrtowh,hilevelia-
6so p. zu--"Kini„! Midas' i to.so p. utonl program e.,.e, ' .. '''' - ' ''' I, 'ae' o'' 'Be
n,,..,..Ntw.....,: tiole,t1„,,,„ :a,etit,,,,„, ,..,Quinta in 4. to oral , teeth running hato his toe whieli is
• p m —BaStehall scores, •Iniovernent) the W,G-y- qttil.;..e'. t.. Eii" vltryzsornrdes.pottute'n\\:m_tl„ ‘vho- carrled
know. lb
11.71,113; :i1: n.,.."...- ;1;7011, , ,..? rs' gl.:ac 0., '',1,41. a, ral rt7ng: i ,...,4„17tail.,,,,.k,21;17,.._a$7.:rletc:3,;;;;.„,,, 1-cllty4K1,At7; etilalel mailononwiRtohuft;iiteinrovaLa.seL,.6. ,,,'-'i
•-ac-n--tia‘,. cln:net . •k.gat ‘.,,t,.. xtutt,-c„,^ - ' - ' -
c •.-, ..,.,,-.\,,D 1.7. .....,0 , 4 ,,, "" 'l •4 ' 11,,, ream ""
t • ,...., . 0 •,e4 .... •.,.e .cheras con- puno. Soprano so; of, 'Elegte" n '1-12-17rk'flw'' gathell. 'c'''''ad. eggs
11 f.sert, defected by. Harvey • B. Gaul, :the Time of Roi.-! In Byntone ''t;4/71a41o. and th'Imer-11Dm bc'und-
,, ,,,,„\,.,,,, ,,,,,_,. . „...„, ,.., „,„ , , ..,a, ,,. •- ra-,•v Charlie tizas well Eked ''''' -- 1
...‘...... t..n.,,,,,,t..?t.:10 Nit11.14.. .ala,...1, Days ado Mae Paul, Jose -oh G. Ot- ' ' ' - 'r-4'
.,, , ......C. ,-,1 , s.,•,* ••• 4, ' it- . tabli '''' rnati r -s 1 n. and
.. . ,
! , ,,..4,,.. „.,.. . ,-4.,c, 1.).:,,. C„,tnegate rt.„.1., .a.compainaa; prs.io solos, '':' ,-• :"-,,t., ,..„--1, ,n.,e ,'" mat! an- 1s
.5.,Iteel si; z..n.',\al,i,. ehoraaz, from Soltenley `Fl-zt lltirt Prelude." "s0 Plat Wat?" in' '" ''''''"' "'"e''' ''''"' '''''e ''''In Ir'n''l
High Shoel, Ix',,,,,tsbtr,,-It.. • "4...4-hars1 -,diror \Voltz," 3seult-- GI 4t,,,,,zzPeti'21.37,z'"v1t1 itte -"acli.ka'a.i.irt.,...... t.
,--•‘• .kra,t1,,a0 ai„na, isagnial. Derraelt seaort, „ Viz:at:et tra. ."%.)z. '''''',,, ''',X 'erPtt.' "`n‘'.'Io,." '-'`m" ne'x'ti
• Weather forecast, Baseban asores. ;•Cazonetta (send. raoremezatil; Adaj "' lia25'. u'rillg 4vialer's 414v the/
,,,1•' ar,,,,:koi75;;,?:bc,at,"rte..teirt:sittllbsi;:raleirrisfra ,r11:ea.) Irtko:,,,•s•nytzotfuierost;(;11,,lirdivraLio•rsoToenil, 317,,,,1112.F._n.Azi'd14tarreewlifts'14:61-tnsent.-1
,..ii,,a421,, Itrazi, ..gtb :-...,60,.,z,,,,t1,1, .,:as ,,,,1 Do'-, ,a,..-„. ..F. , .1 earl to take oar Poisteis tlace at t_el
from „..-.", -eter, r!,•.,, ' la
m.•--Or,,..„-:-,an rcita,1 br Paul 'Ida Mae an Piano solw NZ:Mz6r- -mif,.•12P-P`).„ LAIX11,3, el.' conMat9t.ohjir'es4C4ot)niTe'l.,
--- Fizeget frz.ltn the Cameo moion, Pc-ialz Staite, '1' the RitilIV SUM," ''''A '"'''''„t,'''',,,_''',,f,,.'-'''''',';,A''''t„eT'-
. Vara:" Thea!ire, :Plutslivrea, Pa. ' 1..,.41.t.„..ta levil,,' '-',F•ctte Serai,,,-,- ""Ta • '''''''"N ',„',It..."'''''` It 4e.110,,,It'a' , „,„.„
?"1,4:11 .5.,'"0.T.I1,i.-..' t"....0t,t;Z:tt. Stlini.".;" Jt•=....a 1 Derykrk- ss•z, -in-\ ' ..."''''''''''-'r 'G'' '1):}3.'s ^droll' t. -"e '`-''rovel
- - t - -,t, .‘,,` v, , , ,,,rz -'1: „„`41..' vere into 'town to see Ltre.know..Dra.
.,('•°•••=11.,t,'-, "., ''..- -.,•,° - -4. -..- -'• - .-, mat= Co. present 31)andriy Long last
-,,---•'‘'; ,f, Red Wtding "'Fom t.ne 1,ad-4 t....,,e„S'irs,,- Blue Ika- 1,,,,Iav eytni,a4.4. •I
.7.S4i..„.5 =4.P...11,.,,,,---tizbeat,..,„Is ,pct.;t P„he ),-,.,o, Litt,121,07falz,'P'Pll'',;;,..sa4:6:^ilic':"Trelm,"r ;l'entt,,,I4C11-11ki:m.cl‘P'.:t'GG:i:'''' The WnlennBs liistitRBute win b:heiki,
• : . ,6. --, .., --ce ,, ... -
Zin. ',NI:a:ger Of .24:Aritia" a ernit•4-sei cip.-- ,,,Initztet. ,
arrimge,d Its- Matthew Prey, ', ' s !. .1,1•ttUy,,, may aat:;ta : o,,ottar•ay taernoon iu the, t,'",muteoutty
Hall 7Wite',n tile r=„,•trouatne for
,,..,.p ",,,,,.. n't.-.-..'-';;;;:f.-.1i.r.,.•tall S.:.or........,,,,,, .,„,,, , "-c-- •,-m--:,... 'fi•-?;'. R•rt,,t•Ila211 --
• :Patin:net"' rnarkzt ,..,,''. 4 4:S„ nn-oos 0:efiestra, liei• .1.,...emer-e '.11- ' (-'''''2111.1an "Thnl'eai'or win
-- -,-- •.1) arraT -ed • • .
, .
sounds well but fatIS' to work.out"—
Toronto Saturday Night. •
.• The Judge—Madam, do you -under-
stand the nature of an oath?
The witness—You seem to forget
yout honor, that I've been married
for more than 0 years.
at ‚q°clock.
'V VII& qi[I' py 4!.,.,,iut
!P, • Pt.,‘4 •1 A„1 p•• 01 •
by the Lad3e,' Patel 44'..1\z•nv N. ng
szittT.4., Stifiaa V'Alt-.-o tatters 1711el•IA'a'r'nbs7:%•`••Nt'l;111°1” ib
Ga.$.1e,13 Yest eq; :S:01=tatk- -StOaagt 1344:try• ttt, . 41'S returned hme.
er Ro="itte tl..".se11, so- I Clevel=td, 0_ • 14;1%. 7.n&I'vroe5 from the West
vyratzl; w.'21etz.:mg, 4.111VV; Mat-- Weenesagy„.101:a7 tvai •331„„da.tolnsin :Xtr4
illta B Steekel, rboder4 ,Dattneym' ittn- ayaetszg agh,
RusseAl„. Clzicland Ntaller" ;radio ' tklet -)\illat were.
AVTAltit. ifflitveland linsiihnie IlattE, V-11zt ,,-.541t,a,e11,. Miss
.Weolltzt foterost Br,seiball Sexior Sting •IDnartet, 'M'al!((M
Slativitira,ti, Via" toth lob for the 'Bator,'" Brit anpwtood' Campbell •:;orta
Look for the
Zabei in the
ilnside /locket.
The suit for the man
•of conservative taste
For the ell dressed man who *antS
• a suit easy to wear—nothing, common-
• place nothing etreme—we offer the
Societ3r Brand Lincoln or Monarch.
They're alike in their comfortable cut,
the Monarch somewhat fuller. We
have them in unfinished 's,iro t
• neat stripes and plain shades -of blue
• an grey, hand tdlord, in all -wool
British and Dorriestic fabrics.,
There is a Society Brand model to fit
all builds and 'patterns to please all
7y. t"..t:--1Ntnter u47,i1VAII by fite 173 the Clexelam.1 aoeTstaale 1.1td Mkt
plendid Selectiom
boa, 1.14,1.411,0f
amottpattist. Onartet fr"
om ,'4,tata:It'ag;:fy'T'2,111'0,\'111,„„.y%.1(4,skt`
.16s76 lattaler -4,az16,:z4)0S14t1141 MT. visited 'het sister at
$30 to $42.50
Yt f
ettsrecs '''k4riea" nn .1,""c•"orMs
Ittrote Ititzg. to 'into, Ikutitottet Yrouresro tAttlout Iladting eemutted
'&04 Rret,....Nva'7411;1:1Arl'A "r1Varri 11...4ttItt .tth Vazgic
teacher Iiett's •CT inaa'The Ilialirdinpler Pony,,"
$11t.q, !Ctatql4T1 Cgt*at VerASO:M,, ':aottor,:dsL Ro,^b... 'to ,•aane 11Z1liSt' 'wall a. severe atta.e'k ,at
6. tor Gtalzliirax&V
, .„"ents .AgimiTirkaiat't.1rs Ifiloolm of 'Gat itt*, hoeu
*et Orlt
: it),Lkat 1,41t.attid
vetz•tg tho We:stern ornottftisa. ,A"Sarts,,, J4.aZ1V0i,bt!! .1krit.„1:1;Atixtva41,
,o.nvt,OTitia mot6,11
4,• 1.`„, •
4i4 10,iv,r,6104 .tPP •-•;?..ott.4,g ,
et„ 4[41 .4-.4044*(1 Vrattos-Oo t).eLare, orte‘mcvarrilat„..:.taid "Mrs. Tripptt,
:4AI-ft-at( Attl Ittigq'.1611110 giaa=lettltitt
^""fal Lave. 5,''••Zt Ota at Rtpitotm,
^,Agaitt:" lltatathien, barltaitta "COrtgratalalittS.
••••!•„:1!.,;,:ya: 7, 1oV11, IV4t01:,1111,
, •,„ ,1[,!„„:4 „,„,4,„,,,1[41.4:01..4,4,,,44,'4,44411:11'4W,1:1!st144";4111. I,,„„r ,,,'1,..•44v1,44'41*,,1;441'414144I,11,44,4,1114,414:471,44',,,'414 , „,, „