HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-08, Page 1tl
I 'r,
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Single Copioa, Five Cents.
AUCTION, SALE—Household Ef-
fects, the estate of the late John S.
Spence and Margaret Henderson at
Bluevale, on Tuesday, May i3th.
R. H. McKinnon, Executor, T. R.
Bennettt, Auctioneer,
We do long distance trucking, Get
our prices, before shipping, Mun-
dys Wingham, Phone. 82,
ALL PREMISES—Must be cleaned
up not 'later than thex5th of May,
By order of the Board of Health.
Records for sale cheap. Informa-
tion at The Advance.
FOR RENT—Garage on Centre' St,
Apply to Advance
-FOR SALE—A number of young
calves, Phone' 7-6ot, • Wroxeter.
Alex, Casemore,
FOR SALE—Foz°d Truck oneton ca-'
pacity, overhauled and new tires.
Cheap. Also one Chevrolet Tour-
ing, Apply Robertson's Garage.
FOR SALE—Three Burner Coal Oil
Stove, also twenty , gallon coal oil
tank with: pump in good condition,
Bargain for quick sale, Thompson.
& Buchanan. Hardware,.
;FOR SALE—Buggy in first class
shape, cart and set of single har-
ness. For further particulars apply
Wingham W. J.
to Miller Procter, J
Procter; Brussels or H. Wheeler,
46 acres of choice land, 2 miles
south east of St. Helens. Two barns •,
good foundation, good stabling,
good frame dwelling, seeded down
and well watered, spring creek, will
rent fat pasture or sell. Apply to W.
J. Todd, Lucknow.'
;FOR SALE --Comfortable House and
Lot in the village of Belgrave. Ap-
ply for further particulars to Rev.
Austin L. Budge, 39 Cliffe Ave.
TOR SALE -2 Burner Electric Stove,
Apply to 'Miss P. Hanna:
LOST—Grey Collie with white breast.
Information thankfully received by
John F. McCallum,. Belgrave.
'TO RENT—Seven roomed house at
$8 per month, nearly two acres of
good land, good stable,. hen pen and
fruit. Francis D Mooney.
TO RENT—About 40 acres of rough
land for pasture, suitable for young
cattle. Apply '.Mrs. D. W. Cainp- ..
bell, 1st line Morris.
WANTED—Life Company with FIead
Office at Waterloo contemplates
openings an agency at Wingham.
One representative wanted for till§
locality. .. Good opportunities for
right man, with District Office su-
pervision and assistance, Write P.
Q. Box 175, Waterloo, Ont ;
WANTED -Daily work of washing
and cleaning. Apply to Mrs. A.
Vannet•, care of Frank Yawner Jose- .
phine St. Phone 158nr...:.
WANTED—Rags, Rags, Rags, Pick
up all 'your rags, rubbers, irons,
•copper, brass and all the old junk i
you have to sell We will give you
a personal call and pay full market
value for same. Orders ..prompt- ,
• ly attended to. We have nobody
gathering; for us, so be sure and
hold your junk until we call. H.
Brown & Sons. Pheine: 204. •
Take notice that the Court of Rev-
isiroll of the
t, ion of 'the assess i n
Township of Turnberry will be held in
the Township Hall, in the' village of
Bluevale on the 29th of May, 1924,. at
3 p. m. Parties interested should take
-notice and governthemselves accord
W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk.
Eoyle—Ira Lower •Winghain, on Tues-
day, April 29th.,: to Mr, and IVIrs.
W. 0: Boyle, a son.
? r
j. i
' 1
Under the auspices of the Wo-
men's Institute will present
forour` approval the
Noble Out Ca_
4 Acts Comedy's prata
— in the -•-
---cm -
Thurs.. May 8th
Specialties Between Acts
No Waits
Special Scenery
Reserves 5oc, Rush 35e
Children 250.
.Proceeds for Charitable Purpose
Plan at lifoXibbott's Dintg r Store
.4011S on Saturday, May 3rd.
etteseeeesesseesessatetMNOIIF'�WrtplANldlG.. ;,.. • •
, 9
The Grim Reaper Visits Three
How truly do the words . "Iii the
midst of life we are in death ring to
the three- families whose dear par-
ents were called from this world dur-
ing the last few days.
Mrs, William H. Bell
If everyone was as ready to meet
their God as was Mrs: Bell the hur-
ried summons would not be dreaded
so much. Since' moving to Wingham
a few years ago Mrs. Bell has'- been
art enthusiastic member of Wingham
Methodist Church and was respected.
by all who knew her. Her maiden
name was Anna Maria Edgar and she
was in her 56th year at the time 'of
her death. She had been; about as
usual on Saturday • and . during the
night she got up to put' an extra,com-
foster on her son's bed when she 'died
almost instantly. The family have
the sympathy of a large circle of
friends. Impressive funeral services
were held at the Wingham Methodist
Church on Tuesday afternoon, Inter-
ment tookplace in Wingham Ceme-
Arthur Simpson
On Monday, ' May 5th., at his
home on ,Con, 6, Culeoss, Mr, Arthur
Simpson a prominent and much re;
spected resident passed to the great
beyond. For the past few years de-
ceased had been in poor health, but
up to . a short time before his death
was able to be around and to attend
tohis business affairs.
Mr. Simpson had livedpractically
all his life in 'Culross township.
About forty years ago he was unit-
ed in matrimony to Miss Jane Hardie
also of Culross. The young couple
took up their residence ori Con. 7, and:
by energy and industry succeeded in
having oiie of the finest homes in the
For seven years. Mr..Sirhpson was
an efficient Director of the Culross
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
In 'addition tot his bereaved widow,
five children —all residents of Cul-
ross—survive, William, Hardy, Fred,
Lizzie and Annie. Alex Simpson
Wingham and W. J. Simpson, Chi-
cago, brothers, Mrs. A. H. Musgrove
Mrd. Frank Henry, . Miss Isabella
Chicago and Miss Anne,. Bassano,
Alta., sisters.
Mr. Simpson was formany years a
member of the Presbyterian Church,
at Langside, and was a man of sterl-
ing honesty and integrity, and was
mnett 'respected by all in the com-
inunity. Mr. Simpson had just pass
ed his ,68th birthday.
Interment will be in the Wingham
Cemetery this afternoon.
James H. Powell
Although he had not enjoyed the
est of :.health for the past year the
news of the passing away of James
Powell came as a shoc.k to everyone
when the news spread on Monday
norning that he had peacefully slept
away .during the night. Deceased was
an his 7xst year and waas a pioneer
-esident of Turnberry, He is survived
)y his wife and two 'daughters, Misses
nme and Hazel. Ex -Reeve Tom K.
Powell of Turnberry is : a brother of
he deceased:
The funeral.. is being held from his
ate residence, Lot 14, Con, 7,' Turn-
)erry on'' Wednesday afternoon to
Wingham Cemetery.
our of Inspection
A welcome visitor to Wingham was
�2r. Jas. D. McKinley, son of Mrs.
D. McKinley Patrick St. Jim is one
f the Wingham boys who has made
ood in the West, He makes his
iorne in Winnipeg and is on a tour
�f inspection. of Railway systems. He
ill spend a few days in Montreal
View York, Chicago, S
t. Louis and
thee large centres. e
is one of the
host respected employees of the C.
V, R as is evidenced by the import-
ant mission ori; which he has been
ent. .
subscription Will Not Raise
Some 'person or persons are con -
liming to circulate a rumor. that the
ttbscription price of the Advance -
rimes will raise in the very near fu-
ure to $2.5o or $3,00 per year. Such
s not the case. The subscription
rice of this paper will remain. as at
present viz. $2.00 per year when paid
n advance and $2.5o per year when in
arrears. Job printing willnot. be in-
reased in price. The only increase
s in advertising rates and now that
ve have the largest subscriptiou of
any weekly paper in this part of Wes
ern Ontario why should we not. get
ilmost as much as other publishers,
tt only a few cases are we charging
advertising t g as
s inttch ger litchi fon a dvei i
I g
he rest of the papers,
rs. Gordon Wright Coming-
On Friday evening of this ' week
'Irs, Gordon Wright of London is to
leliver an address in the . Methodist
hurch. Mrs. Wright is corning un-
ler the auspices of the Women's' Or-
anizations of town. She is a woman
,cry widely and favorably known.
he is President of the Dominion W.
T, U., President of the London
and leader of ranch; of the'W. M. S.
ocial reform in London and Western
Ontario, Mrs. Wright has` recently
eturned from an extended visit to the
�Id Country, where she was the guest
f the W. C. T. U. of Great Britain.
ihe, addressed, large and enthusiastic,
'atlierings in practically all the lead -
ng centres of Scotland. Let there be
large attendance on friday 08.7C10114,A
collection will be received to de -
ray expenses,
THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1924
Subscriptions $2.0
War Mexrwrial Will Be Rushed
And New Fire Hose Purchased
The regular meeting of Wingham one fined if teamsters and others per-
Council was held on Monday evening, sist ;in dumping rubbish on any street
Mayer :Willis presided and. all the or vacant corner where they choose.
Councillors were oji the job,
Dr. Irwin, Dr, 'Redmond and Mr:
Abner Cosens were present and adedLOCAL. AND UC
the council to take some steps to have
the streets oiled, Theis speakers pointed. , P a 1 oil Mrs: Beckwith spent Sunday in
out that the dust an the side streets London,
was almost unbearable in the summer. IVIeeting of Chamber of Commerce
Friday evening the ninth inst.
Mrs, Henry Hopper and daughter,
Lillian spent Sunday in Exeter,
The "Noble Outcast" Wingham
Opera House, Thursday May 8th.
Mr,' J. W. Smith shipped a car of
cattle and hogs to Toronto on Satur-
_lie Mayor assured the gentlemen that
the council would look thoroughly in-
to the cost of oiling. It may be ra-
ther costly and it is probable that oil-
ing may be done on streets petition-
ing for same and the cost levied' at so
much per foot frontage. Councillor
Fells, Chairman of the Street Commit-
tee is experimenting with Salt to re-
place oil. The cost would be consid
ably less.
Mr, Hugh Angus of Elmira was
visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. I, J. Wright and Mr. C. G. Cam Frank Angus.
Abell were a delegationfrom the Ag- Mr. Walter Pocock and Miss Felten
riculturai Sociy asking for an in-
spent Sunday with. Mr. -and.. Mrs.
crease itt the town grant this year. Elliott, Bluevale Road.
Mr. Wright pointed out that the coun-
ty council had cut their grant in two Mrs: Carson, who has been visit -
and that the town could pay a 'little.
more and, yet not be any worse off
than other years as the countyasses-
ment would not be so high. The mat-
ter was left over.
A letter was read from Mr. John.
Taylor, clerk of Hanover, asking the
council to memoralize the Ontario
Government owing to the unfair div
ision of school grants to urban centres.
The Municipal Electrical Associat-
ion wrote asking the council to pro-
sed and, ordered paid on motion of
development of St. Lawrence power,
should not be allowed to pass into the
hands of private concerns.:
The council approved of both let- NIr, and Mrs. D. Pocock and Mr.
ing in Durham and Toronto has 're- .
turned to her home here. announcing hymns, reading the scrip-
ture boys lessons etc. The choir was full
g y of young ladies and the women mem-
bers of our choir. Mrs. Beattie sang
most sweetly, "Sometime We'll Un-
derstand", while Misses Jean and Net-
tie Christie sang most impressively,
"The King of Love My Shepherd Is"
their voices blending almost perfect-
ly. A very large congregation was
Last Sunday was the beginning of
Mr. Cragg's fourth year and the out-
look is most hopeful.
Large Reception in the Methodist
Church on Sunday Last
The services in the Methodist
Church on Sunday] last, were of spec-
ial interest. The morning service
was the quarterly communion service
and reception of members, seventy
three, were ' received as members of
the church, eleven by letter and sixty-
two on profession of faith, This makes
So received during the present Con-
ference year and 226 during the pre-
sent pastorate. At the close of the
'reception' service the sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was administered to
357, the largest number of communi-
cants in the history of the church.
This service was probably the.outcome
of the special evangelistic services
held in the church during the month
of March.
At the evening service the pastor
spoke - specially tothe'_ young ladies of
the congregation.
A speeial young ladies service was
held in the evening. Young ladies
ushered both in the auditorium and
in the gallery and received the offer-
ing. Six young ladies were upon'tfie
platform and assisted the pastor by
spent last week with her parents,. Mr.
and Mrs. Fenn at Parkhill.
Fromone to three inches of snow
greeted Muskoka on May 1st. Jack
Frost being the Queen of the May.
Miss Edna Musgrove o
K gston
University is visiting with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Musgrove.
Mrs. W. R. Hambly returned ' last
week from a trip to Washington,
Philadelphia, Atlantic City and New
tees and their requests were granted. Schaefer of Fordwich visited with the
Mr. E. J. Pattison asked for to be
permitted to takeout a plumber's li-
cence. His request was granted. Mrs: Wm. Adair and Mrs, Wm. Mc
Mr, C. R. Wilkinson, chairman of Gill of 'Turnberry attended the funer
the Fire Committee had examined the al of their uncle Mr. Wm. Wright of
fire hose and found that 35o feet of Thedford on' Thursday.
new hose was needed. This hose will
cost about $1.70 per foot. It was de-
cided to buy this hose on motion of
C. R. Wilkinson and Thos. Fells. The
purchase of this hose will in"'all prob-
ability mean that there will be an ov-
erdraft at the end of the year as the
estimates have been struck, .but it was
unanimously felt -that the hose was
absolutely: necessary.
A petition was also presented asking
for a,sidewalk to be placed from the
end of the present walk on the right
former's daughter Mrs, Leonard El-
liott, Bluevale Road.
Miss Mary Chandler returned to
her home here after visiting a cou-
ple of weeks with her sister, Mrs.`
Harvey Niergarth, Kitchener.
The Junior Women's Institute will
hold their annual meeting in the town
hall, Wingham, on Wednesday even-
ing, May 14th. The Junior Farmer's
will meet at the sante time and place.
New Patterns in Suitings, made to
measure in up-to-date style, at mod-
erate prices and a good fit guaran-
side of John Street. going toward the teed by A. W. Webster, up stairs ov
C. P. . tracks, This petition was
eer the Wingham Advance -Times Of-
signed by Mr. R. J. McKillop, super-
intendent of the C. P. R. It was due
to the effort of Reeve McKibbon that
this waspresented, and he is . to . be
complimented on the scheme. It will
mean . the doing away with the dan-
gerous old wooden walk from Johii, Hardware.
St, to the C P. R. and will mean the Mrs. Sainsbury and little son of
extension of the C. P. R. platform to ;Toronto; spent a week with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. V. R. VanNorman.
Mrs. Stanley- McLaughlin of -•Toron-
to is visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Walker Leopold St.
Rev. Chas. Schutt of Toronto, Supt,
Home Missions will speak at both
services in the Baptist Church on
Sunday, May nth. Baptism in even-
ing. Two weeks special meetings
will be held starting May i'2th. Pas-
tor Halliday will speak the first
week. You are invited.
Don't fail to secure your tickets at
McKibbon's Drug Store for the four
act cornedy under the auspices of the
Women's Institute "The Noble Out-
cast" in the town hall, Wingham, on
Thursday evening, May 8th. Pro-
ceeds for charitable purposes.
See our stock of Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools, Poultry Netting, Screen
Doors and Windows,large assortmentortment
to choose
from. Our Aim "Quality &
Service" Thompson & Buchanan
John St., to meet the new sidewalk.
Altogether it will be a great improve-
ment. both forappearance and, safety,
Mr.' Thos. . Fells, chairman of the
Street Committee, reported the sewer
on Catherine, St. between John and
Victoria Sts. was blocked: and had
been blocked for 'about three years.
He felt that something would have to
be done with it et once. The council.
were behind him that it would be a
necessity and might save further trou-
ble and probably disease to have it at-
tended to even. if •a new sewer had to
be laid. Mr. ''Fells also reported find-
ing some of the man holes and sewer
Pines almost plugged with large pieces
of cement, evidently pushed in them
to get rid of the trimmings when the
roads were being finished off.
Reeve McKibbon and Coun. Smith
rinovcdthat rile Brennan Co. he asked
to fix the road at the north .:ide of
McKenzie bridge. At present the
bump coming off the cement on to the
bridge is liable to make a motorist
lose control of his wheel and : land
th••ougli the ridge to the water.
'1'fie usual gist of accounts were pas-
sed and ordered paid- on motion of
A. f,, Smith, Chairman of the Finance
Coirixnittee and Reeve McKibbon,
Coni,.. Smith pointed out the need of
a few trees on both sides of Diagonal
Road from Victoria St. to Josephine.
It was decided to give the required
grant of 25 cents each to the .Horti-
cultural Society to plant cane,
Moved by Loan. Haney eted Bells.
that we charge rent to the extent of
$5o to the party using the. town mach -
limey hall and the grader last summer.
Council decided that itt future the
Street Committee should control the
road machinery instead. of the prop-
erty committee and Street Committee
both as at present.
• thnbers from the
matter of old
The matt in
skatiiag rink blocking David St. at the
southern entrance to the town; was dis-
cussed and it was moved by Coun.:
Smith and Reeve McKibbon that the
Chief see to it at once that the party
who put them there be 'made to ,re-
move them. -Carried.
Chairman Wilkinson ofthe War Me-
morial Committee called his committee
to meet with the council at the site for
the. War Memorial at 9 a. in. on Tues-
day. After viewing the place the com-
intttee was reduced to Count. Wilkin-
son, Mr. Coseiis and Coun. Bennett,
and they let the job of building' the
foundation to Mr. R. A. Spotton, who.
also has the contract for the erection
of the Memorial. Work will bepus.h-
•sent• fs ex -
cd rtblit along. The �tndSnut
pected to arrive iti 'Wingham in a very
few days.
The matter of dumping grounds is
P g
causing the Street Committee consid-
erable anxiety. , Triere relay be some
Receives His M. A.
Mr,G. L. CongratulationsBrack-
enbury, principal of the Wingham
Higli 'School, who has received his
M. A. degree.
Wingham Hydro Surplus
The statement of Hydro Electric
Systems of the Municipalities operat-
ing under contract with the Hydro
Electric Power Commission for the 12
months ending, Dec. 31st., '923,
shows Wingham to be in excellent
financial condition. Wingham pur-
chased $18,498.64 worth of power.
The cost of operations maintenance.
and administration is $5,143.81. De-
preciation is estimated at $1.,698, and
the net surplus for the year is $2,004,-
04. The Teeswater system had a de-
ficit of $825.56 for the same period,
while Lucknow $686.92 ahead. Ripley
shows a deficit of $66o•59 and Kin-
cardine shows a gain of $904.10 on the
years operation.
Organize For Lacrosse
At a well attended ineeti tg held d in
the town clerk's office on Tuesday
evening, it was definitely decided to
enter a team in the Intermediate ser-
ies and the prospects are very promis-
ing that Wingham will be represented
by a fast team. The officers for the
coming season were elected as fol-
Hon. Pres.—Mayor Willis,
Hon. Vice -Pres, --'Reeve McKibbon.
Pres.—J. W. Hating.
est Vice-Pres.—W. Bt•awley.
end Vice-Pres—J, H. McKay,
Secy, W, B McCol.
Treas.—Alf, Loekridge;
IVlanager—W,..1-1 Guiney.
Entertainment Committee—W.
Wyck, A,M. Forbes, Hyde Prker,
George Fryfogle, Roy Manuel,
,Vingliarn has been gemmed with
some of their old rivals,, being in group
No. 5, comprising Seaforth, Mitchell,..
Stratford, Chilton and Wingham,
H. B. Elliott
Ex -Mayor of Wingham, who has
been appointed Second High Court
Auditor of the Canadian Foresters,
Wedded in Toronto
The. Globe has the following to say
of a 'wedding of interest to many :of.
our readers which took place in Tor-
onto on Wednesday, April 23rd.
"The marriage took place Wednes-
day in Deer Park Presbyterian church
of Agnes- H., only daughter of Mr.
William Sproat of Kippen, and John
A. Allen, son( of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Allen of Winghaam. Only immediate
relataives and a few intimate friends
attended the :ceremony, which was
conducted by Rev. Dr, Henry. The
bride, who was given away by her
brother, Mr. W. C. Sproat of London,
wore a 'smart tailored costume, with
bat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Allen
i trainfor
let on
the even ng v
Nei at
Boost Your Town
Tell us not in mournful 'numbers,
that this town's on the bum; rouse
up from your peaceful slumbers; get
out and make things hum. If we go
to work in earnest we can make things
hit on high; "dust thou are, to elitist
returnest, is a song of by and by.
All the past is. done forever you can't
call one moment back and the future
may come never, this is true, so help
me Mack. Now's the time to do your
boosting, do not wait tomorrow's
dawn, int the grave you inay he roost-
ing, all your boosting chances gone.
Lay aside your little hammer, grab a
horn and toot a few; squelch the kick-
er's dadblamed hawser with a joy-
ful blast or two, This old town ie sure
a pippin', and we ought to boost it
big, when we hear some growder yip-
in', we should smite him on. the wig.
Mighty oaks that grow and
carne from acorns plain and small;
with your boosting you inay nourish
something that may help us all; somite -
thing that may prove a blessing to the
toiling sons of men—that's the point
that I ani stressing—boost and boost,
then boost again. People love the
smiling booster, and foe him they
loudly cheer, but tticy hate the knock-
ing rooster, long to pelt hint is the
ear, Boost your country and your
business, boost the people in your
town, they will dub you wise and wit-
ty and you'll gain a wide renown,
Wawa nosh on
Tuesday, May 6th., to Mr. and Mrs.
Gersham Johnston, a son.
Thompson—In East Wawanosh, on
Saturday, May 3rd., to Mr. and Mrs.
jos, Thompson, a son,
EllIE111111111111111111111111111111111 )$ ,g,, eg III )Ill lll[t 111E111
1 1� -e-2 Fire Cent Le :d
Two Five Cent Lead Pencils with two regular ten
cent Scribblers.
Free—A 15c ee a,kab rr w all"
A x5c Soft Rubber Balt and a Child's 2 e Tooth
Brush. FOR ..
Encourage the children to help preserve their teeth' by helping
them to enjoy themselves,
—A 15c Pack.. ge Linen EveL•'s.pes
A 35c "Princess" Writing Pad and a
15c Package of Envelopes FOR watt a
The same big500 Value as before. Do not `ani o
ss yours, only.
200 at this pricer
Winra°raani, Ont.
111111 MEM ll1E11
's Drug re
mar seem
Phone.53 ' _!
,: a
1019�111ot9111E19 11E111 III frIII 11E111 llitllEla .•.,1h1111819R11,
Excitement Restores Speech
Melville Mathers 13 year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mathers Morris,
had his speech return after being sore-
ly afflicted by loss of speech for sev-
eral months. He was working in the
field when the horses ran away and in
the excitement he tried to shout
"whoa," He can now talk as well as
Largely Attended Banquet
District Deputy Grand Master.
Samuel Wilton of Brussels paid his
official visit to Wingham Masonic
Lodge on Tuesday evening. The first
degree was put on in an excellent
manner by W. M,, J. L. Stewart and
his officers. Almost 200 members of
the craft were present including bre-
thren from Teeswater, Blyth • and
Brussels. After the work of the ev-
ening a banquet was given by the la-
dies of the Institute in the Parish
Hall, where a splendid dinner was
partaken of.
Methodist Church Notes
Sunday May 11th,, 1924
to a. m.—The prayer and praise
service. Both in attendance and spir-
it of these services have been a source
of great inspiration and blessing.
11 a. m, and 7 p. in.—Public Wor-
ship. As next Sunday is Mother s
Day, the sermons and music will be.
appropriate for the day. At the ev-
enin service the music will be led
v1 by
a mother's choir.
P. S. -Don't forget the Sunday
School Anniversary Services on. Sun-
day, May 18th and xgth, The Rev.
Mr. Hunnisett of Toronto will be the
special speaker. He will be assisted
both Sunday and Monday by Mr.
George Granville "the boy wonder."
who so delighted the Wingham people
a few months ago and a boy soloist,
as outstanding as a soloist as Master
George is as a reader. We .are' look-
ing for a time of great blessing and
Play at Donnybrook
A play entitled "Miss Topsy Tur-
vey will be given in Donnybrook
School on Friday evening, May 9th.
The cast will be: -Miss Topsy Tur
vey. Miss Olive Jefferson; Miss
Spriggs, Miss Nettie Ringler; Mrs.
Clarendon, Mrs. Craig; May Golden,
Miss Stella James; Frank Golden,.
Telford Nixon; Lloyd Clarendon,
Charles Robinson Deacon Jones,
John Thompson; Ned, Charles Jef-
ferson. Music between acts, Ad-
mission 35 cents and 20 cents.
Passes With High Honors
The following from the Grand Ra-
pid Press of Wednesday, April 23,
has reference to a neice of Mrs. Robt,
W. James of East Wawanosh.
"Scottville, April 23—Helen M.
Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Cox, has been named valedictorian of
the Senior Class of Scotville High
School. She has an all A average for
four' years work. She is vice presi-
dent of thenslass, a member of the -.de
bating team and completed the work
of three years in two, graduating at
the age of 16. She never has been
tardy during her whole school life"
Mass Meeting in Methodist Church
A Mass Meeting of all .citizens of
Wingham and district, will be held in
the Methodist Church, on Friday ev-
ening, May 9th, at 8 p. m,, under the
auspices of the Women's Organiza-
tion of town, to be addressed by Mrs.
Gordon Wright of London Ontario.
Mrs. Wright is one of the outstand-
ing women in Canada, she is presi-
dent of the Dominion W. C T. U.,
and alsoP resident of the London
Branch of the 1V. M. S. Quite re
cently she spent several months ad-
dressing Mass meetings in Scotland
and England, principably in Scotland
She ought to have a most interesting
story to tell. It is a ram privelege to
have such a womanaddress a rneeting
in town, and we sincerely hope a
large crowd niay be present' to hear
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Men Oxfords
ices $500, . 6.00 tO
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