The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-01, Page 8b`r
wiNO xAM DvArst -Ti MEs
Thursday; 'May' 1st., x94
I l NpiI11NWl l t�tll i I �I Ml�i HMiI II III119�11I1tlI I IlN 1 1 IptU li�l l I�
IBmtrirUllIUIYCIiigImI111110N1 611 ieumlllma111
.ursday, Friday and Saturday
'Come.,:ut and look over our Upstair Ba,rgams. Every
thing on' Sale. Shop Early for best choice
75 Ladies' New Spring Suits
Fawns, ,Navys. Sizes 16 to 46, boyish
Sults, Tailored Suitselted Style n
Thurs.,:•Prn. ;:.,;nal Sat... 20% to 40% OH
Ldies' Silk Glove S ..+, le, reg.:.
1.50 and 2.00-75 pair size 6,
50 pair siz 61, 50 pair size
7, 25 pair .size 7i, 25 air size
8, Navys, ,.:,.,lacks, Greys, ., t
one s•rice ..........75c
Corsets $L95 '-buys- ,:r: pair
of Cronnptons re . 3.50 Cor-
sets :,.n• Thursd.., y, Friday,
Solaar,i. ,: y 40 airs on sale.
rassiere sale..,,25c and 60c
roadcloth and Sill, Under-
skirts, reg. 5.00, for . these
three 41 ays . • 2.95
Coag t lenm :i, us - We :.}re
givig a speci,;. l discount of
5 per cent. E n Cgoleum
• and .Linoleum Rugs, e
Ilio mllleurd1n11mmlif~twan f I11CAlIIFiillhlllsllle
Silk and Lisle Hose
1' awns, i;,rowns, Beavers,
Whites and •.;lac s, K _, yser
Silk, Glove Silk, •striped :Kr
pi in, reg. 4.00, Thurs., Free
and Sat., Sale ...2.39
2.50 Silk Hose, w eaver, Fawn
Brown, Black, bite; 'wen
100 Canton, Crepe, Velvet -and ..:
Cloth Dresses ,
Poiret Twill, Tricotines, 9 cotlnes Cantons colors
h a
grey, white? ite,bl�l k, navy and d sanci,,1�1
on sale at . ... . .$15.00 Each --
us, lepro r 1, etc. 1.39
75c nd 1.0011 se sal,......49c NO APPROVALS - NO RETURNS
1.00, 1.25, 1.50 se 69c :. n
Flannel Dresses, reg. 10.00'`
aid 12.00; ' li "e w to clear
at ... 5.00 each,
4 Ladies' Cloth Coats;...8.75
Fur Chokers less -.20%. .
Skirt Sale - E v e ry ladies'
skirt on sale, pleated crepes
and tweeds at 4.98
A few C hi'ldren's Pleated
Skirts at .. . 2.95
Chlldrens Flannel and Serge
Dresses, sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
on sale at . .2.99
100 Ladies' .'Voile and Sum-
mer Dresses, voiles, linens,
ginghams, every. dress on
sale, 2 prices only. 2.69, 5.98
Blouses, S i lk Underwear,
Silk Sweaters, every gar-7-
ment to be clean d in 3 days
a real sale 25% ori
iii mmifieitl eme llslnsli em l nimilummemiuml
Spring. Wraps .& Coats
Our entire stock of • Spring
Wraps and Coats, big choice
of poirete, tricotgnes, velour
Marvella Coats, black, navy.
Dig Reductions in p r ices.
Elie • West: Wawatosh Municipal
Council held its regular meeting on
April 7t11., 1924. _
'The minutes of last inceting' and the
'Treasurer's Statement were read and
:accepted. The clerk was' instructed
•:to notify certain com-
plete last year's work or the value of
the work would be collected. A 13y -
Law appointingT. R. Patterson en-
gineer for the municipality was pass-
ed .Two By -Laws one appointing
W. J. Thompson. as Road Superinten-
dent and one providing for • expendi-
ture on roads, were .passed.
The following named.pesons were
appointed. Pathmasters, Poundkeepers
and Feneeviewers for 1924:
1, 24 R,Taylor; 3, Jas. Nivirts; 6, T.
McPhee; 7, Wm. Dobie; 8, W. Corey;
9 11, W. J. Stewart; lo, Jerry Taylor;
13, D. McNee; 14, 12, 24 H. Ivers;.
15, 16, 17 H. Wilson; 18, 28, 3o R.
Plunkett; 19, D. Hamilton; 20, H.
Reid; 21; 3. Mills;' 23, 24, 25, 26, Wm.
by insts+ll.F
TH Steel -Ribbed Pirepot' of this
modern heating system triples the
radiating capacity --saves one ,
days coal in seven. 'Another saving
comes beecrusethe heat ,ascends etirealy
through ane register. Natural law sir-
cutaaes this beat into ,every room --
without waste. A guaranteed heating die pan I� ,„ti�ns" Cliffs da a -
n are stcrrn
system. Hundreds have been in- a '
no ritr�)--w nd: stx+alls to'
Stalled. Patented Fused Joints pre -.1,11 l.�et ur, 1uo'you
vent leaks of gas or dust. The warm es9arriade«
air is made healthful by the ,large
Circular Waterpaa.
Agent at .Win.gliari'i' for Pipe or P peless furnaces:. -
Nevins; 34, 35, 23 H. Alton; 37, Wm.
Ferguson; 26, 27, 28, 16 R. Finnigan;
:28, 29, 30, W. R. Andrews; 38, J. Cain-
eron; 39, M. McAllister; A0; A. John-
ston; •41, J. Redmond; 43, 44, 32, 33,
C, Jefferson; 42, Jas. Craig; 34, 45, 46,
R. Henry; 22, 30,' 31, 32, Jas.' Teddy;,
45 56, 57, 47 3. Durnin; 48, A. Mc-
Donald; 49, G. Stewart; 50, 3. C. Pur-
donA,z, W. J. Foran; 52, J. I,inahan;
S3, T. Cummings; 54., Jas. Boyle; 57,
W. Rutherford; 58, 3.,.Pritchard; 59,
C, McDonald; . 6o, F. Todd; 6r, W.
Woods; 62, A. • Aitcheson; 63, E.
Woods; 64, C. Taylor; 6s, 66, 55 J.
Patterson; 67, 68, A. Gammie; 6g, M.
Greer; 7o, J. Lyons; 75, J. Anderson;
72, Walter Webb; 73, 8o, 8x, F. Webb;
74, R. McGee;.75, Si, 82, T. Inglis; 76,
77, 66, H. Laidlaw; 79, 8o, 8x, J, Pur -
,vis. Dunganuon, D, Sproul, D. Glenn
:St. Helens, J. R. Webster.
I Poundkeepers-Ross Taylor, H.
Reid, Jas. Nicholson, D. Glenn, .. J.
Walsh, J. Kinahan, M. Humphrey, M.
A. Miller, D; Alton,
Fen:cev iewers-Jas, Elliott, S. John-
ston, H. King, J. Durnin (con. 6)
Wm. Armstrong, W. E. McPherson,
G. A, Greer.
The council adjourned to meet May
27th., -at xo a. in. as a court of Revis-
ion on the assessment roll, •
Durnin Phillips, Clerk,
With the appearance of the autos
again the accidents are starting. A
small accident occured on Saturday
on. Clinton street when a local garage
mechanic turning out to avoid a col -
lisiou bumped into the concrete curb
and Smocked 'a wheel off his car. On
E'riday when Rev, Mr. Snell was corn-
ing to Teeswater for special Easter
services, hisdaughter who was driv-
ing, in turning out to Sass another car
got over too far and the car turned
over.. Fortunately • no one was hurt,
A local garagelnan went to their as-
sistance and soon put things_ to rights.
The grounds between the 'Vendome
hotel and the town hall are being lev-
lledup and: when put in shape will be
turned over to the t-lorticulturalSo-
ciely to 'beautify.' It is expected that
a landscape 'gardener from the Uni-
versity at Toronto will be here in: the
hear 'future" and will offer suggestions
as to the best „method of laying out
the.grounds to the best advantage. • •
The, matter of fixing up these
grounds has been left in abeyance
for .some trine and 'the present 'atten-
tion will,uudoubtedly meet with the'ap-
proval of the citizens in general.
Mr. Damon Crittenden is moving.
his family to,,St. Thomas this week
where they will reside. '
The Choral Society presented,
"Belshaggar", in ` Seaforth' Friday
night, -•
Mr. Patterson. of Chicago attendes1
the funeral of his sister Mrs Wesley
Searle on Wednesday, -
The annual meeting of the Lawn
Bowling Club was held and the fol-
lowing officers elected: -Hon. Pres,,
Dr. Milne; Pres, A. 13. Robinson; :ist
Vice -fres., Fred Somers 2nd Vice
Pres C. McClelland; Sec.-Treas. M.
W. Telfer; Ground; Coni, A. Robinson
0, Garniss, J. Denholm;, Membership
Coln. M . W.'-Te1£er'„ J. Armstrong; T+.,
D. Stalker' ' H Wheeler.
July 9tltwvas sO for the annual rink
Mrs. John Dingwell, tisas stricken in
with a.paralytic stroke a few days ago ■
and never rallled,'on Sunday she pass- ■
ed peacefully' away, she is survived by ■
her. husband. Deceased was 48 years ■
of age. Funeral service will be held ■
at her late home on 'Tuesday followed ■::
by interment in Union Cemetery; ■
Mr Willie Kew, , of W ingliain, spent
his ,l aster' ho^ladays with his grand -
patents, Mr. and •Mrs Giro Cottle„
he social evening he1dh,in the I?res-
byterlart Churchherd last Wednesday
was quite :>;,a success. • Misses Jean
:l ',9nn.edy and Annie Armstrong; e0. -
ed sides for the Geography match,
Miss I ennecly's side won and Mr. An-
gus Mael:ay stood up the longest.
Miss Edythe Peddle her
school in Muncey on Saturday,
Miss Lula Conit who has been in
Torontofor the past• few months re-
turned, to her home on•,Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon and
children. spent Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Anderson of St.
Iieleats. .-
Mr. Ernest Spading returned to his
home' in Kincardine on Friday.
Miss Isabel Fox nurse -in -training in
Galt Hospital is spending her holidays
at her home here,;''
Miss Annie Kennedy, nurse train-
ing in Goderich' Marine Hospital
spent Sunday at her home here.
Miss Mildred Scobie spent.her Eas
ter holidays with her uncle and' aunt
M. and Mrs. David Scobie of Lucici
now.,.: ,
,Miss Nettie Lott visited last week
with her,grapdinother in:Eruss.els.
'Mrsherguson.of Culross spent'1ast
week . with her •, daughter, Mrs.. Jas.
Wilson, ..
amiss Flossie. IVlclnnes of Lucknow,,
visited with Miss Jean'Egleston over
the week -end:
, , .Mrs, •' Murray has purchased a new
:'Ford Coupe. • r
Mr. and, Mrs. .Rad i�ord.,are moving
into Mr. Thos. Hend$ this
,week, Mr-. Thos.. He, •derson is. niov
ing;•into his other liaise.-
Mis`s Lillian <h.on'gman • returned' to.
Winds or- .o n. Saturday. =:i ;
Miss Waltetst of •Winghant»visited
with her aunt Mrs. John Campbell for
a few days ,last •week;
• Miss Olive Terriff spent •a .few days
lastweek, with- her aunt, Mrs.- Jack
Henderson of Paramount. •
Mr. Elgin Purdon left for Leaming-
ton on Wednesday. •
Mr. Dan. M'aitia; who has been in
Toronto returned -'--to his home last
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Reid and family
of Ashfield visited with Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Farrier on. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Laidla* and.Lu-
ella visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wrn.
Purdon on Sunday. -
Mr Victor Emerson -of Langside,
spent' Sundae at his hoiiie here: • '
Four little folk, Tom Wilson, .Teddy
McClenaghan, Russel Ross and Janet
Craig, started,.off`to school on lvIon-
day for 'the first. time.. ', •
Mrs' Allan MacTavish ..and Camer-
on and Harold of Wroxeter are visit-
ing with her brother, Mr. Gordon Ell-
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steele. of Dun-
gannan a.nd their son, IVIr, Jim Steele
of Goderich and: Mr. McConnell of i
iris' �nd�hyldren's
5�mmex Shoes
Brio on Slippers with two straps, sizes 11,
12, 13, 1 and 2 for $1,95 per pair.
Colonial Slippers with one strap in Patent
leather, ,sizes 11, 12,13 and 1
for $1.95 per pain.
Child's .Wane Slippers with black trimming,
good broad toes, sizes 8, 9,`10 and 10i
for $1.35 per', pair.
Smaller Child's White Slippers with black
trimming, sizes. 5, 6, 7 and 7
for $1.15 per pair.
'he-ubove;are lour bargains of real merit
an t quantity is limited.
New stocks of `-`Sandals" have'been placed,in stock in all
•sizes for Women and Girls and prices ,are very .,reasonable
The Leading Shoe Store of Hur
Phone 129.
n C.o unly
ingham, Ont.
Goderich visited with the former's
sister Mrs. Jas :Cornelius on Sunday.
Mr. Thos. Rowlcliff of Exeter who
has been visiting in Niagara. Falls, has
hired with Mr. Gibson.. Gilliespiefor
the summer.
Misses Greta and Lettie Fox " of
Wingham spent. Sunday at their home
I Mr. Robert Mowbray is only.,cltopp--
Ling on Mondays; now. •
Mrs.. Jas. Morrison of Belgrave re
newed "old acquaintances in :White-
church this week.
Mr. J: D. Beecroft is planting 2000
Scotch, red and white pine trees on
the hill. These should he a valuable
cro in a . pew
f years time.
8®■■1111111■11111■E1111111111181111111.1111111111i114111g111■■i11 1111 114.1111. 111111■■11■1111l1111ffiti it
MO 00■
1In the new Boyish fa aria Styles, a. ndQin
•1 the favored materials of PorietTwill
® and Tricotines, :: colors are Navy,
In Our Ready -to Wear Departments
Smart Suits
® Sand, Black andTweed Effects
ar- i
urnberry, on Tuesday,
April x5th., 1924, John A, Millar,
aged 81 years, rr months, 15 days.
Appleby -In Wingham General I-los-
pital on Monday, April 28th,, to
Mr. and Mi ..Reuben Appleby, a
'tiie real prosperotts commrinity- ■
is the onethat 1e'ts thecarpenters
do all the knecicing, 11111110.1111111110111110110111
12 only of the newest suits we have, some are regu-
lar stock and some from broken sizes. All are
tlyhigh'�rade garmentsand regularly priced up to
$38,00, special to clear this week -end . ... $25.00
,e;iu a "4-''s',..i m;A 'azrzrat;alV .. = k'u"�r svxsua r¢e errt
Up - to - the - Minute Suits
Fresh; Crisp Models just:arrived.
Hair Line Stripe, Novelty Tweeds, double and
single breasted models all at popular prices.
Boys' Special Grey Tweed Suits, 2 bloomers,
newest styles, beat trimmings and Makes, all- �.
sues at . . ... .$10.50
House ; Furnishings
Curtains, Curtain Nets, Madras, Poplins, Chintz
Cretones, 'Sateen,, Window Shades, Curtain
Rods, Wilton' Rugs, Linoleums, Con-
goleuiiarcns, Etc., Etc.
Coral 'oleulxxn Week, May 8 to 17 -Big Reductions
Phone 7 l .
11111■1N1NI1 00011001111,011 0■11■■111111111111■11111■■11